#Trev and Pamela's house
beachypeasysandy · 2 years
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Trev and Pamela’s House # 3: Second Floor/Basement - Sims 4 Version
Was needing reference pics for Trev and Pamela’s house, and as I was searching the archives for those pictures, I remembered that I built their house in Sims 4 while my Sims 3 game was out of service.
I love this version so much more than the original Sims 3 house. And while I don’t think I can recreate this in the Sims 3 {I don’t think it can process the lot size and amount of items), I’m going to be using the Sims 4 house for inspiration going forward.
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beachypeasysandy · 2 years
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Trev and Pamela’s House # 1: Outside/Floor Plan - Sims 4 Version
Was needing reference pics for Trev and Pamela’s house, and as I was searching the archives for those pictures, I remembered that I built their house in Sims 4 while my Sims 3 game was out of service. 
I love this version so much more than the original Sims 3 house. And while I don’t think I can recreate this in the Sims 3 {I don’t think it can process the lot size and amount of items), I’m going to be using the Sims 4 house for inspiration going forward.
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beachypeasysandy · 2 years
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Trev and Pamela’s House # 2: First Floor - Sims 4 Version
Was needing reference pics for Trev and Pamela’s house, and as I was searching the archives for those pictures, I remembered that I built their house in Sims 4 while my Sims 3 game was out of service.
I love this version so much more than the original Sims 3 house. And while I don’t think I can recreate this in the Sims 3 {I don’t think it can process the lot size and amount of items), I’m going to be using the Sims 4 house for inspiration going forward.
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beachypeasysandy · 5 years
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Trev and Pamela’s ASU House - Pam’s Office (Part 4 of 7)
House Credit: @sandybeachgirl2
Decorating Credit: @sandybeachgirl2​
(Link to original house)
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beachypeasysandy · 5 years
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Trev and Pamela’s ASU House - Master Bed and Bath (Part 6 of 7)
House Credit: @sandybeachgirl2
Decorating Credit: @sandybeachgirl2​
(Link to original house)
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beachypeasysandy · 5 years
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Trev and Pamela’s ASU House - Living/Kitchen/Dining (Part 3 of 7)
House Credit: @sandybeachgirl2
Decorating Credit: @sandybeachgirl2​
(Link to original house)
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beachypeasysandy · 5 years
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“You too.” I admitted with surprising calm that reassured me that I’d somehow covered my tracks. 
It was bullshit. Deep down I knew it, but I continued trying to deceive myself that I had complete control over anything having to do with meeting Stan Yeger, and continued to even as a house tour was suggested and the two single guys naturally got grouped together behind everyone else.
There was a split second of hesitation as Trev and Pamela started to lead the group, with both of us motioning and smiling to the other to go first. If I’d had more of my wits about me I might’ve put up a bigger fight for the back, since it would’ve given me an unobserved chance to try to collect myself or admire the view. 
But I didn’t, and gave in, setting into motion a pattern of whenever we left a room and headed into a hallway that I would go before him.
If it hadn’t been for the smell of his woodsy cologne tickling my nose, the sound of his shoes rhythmically clicking on the floor behind me or the overwhelming sense, imagined or not, that a pair of eyes were boring into my backside, I could’ve kept my attention on our hosts who pointed out various paintings and knick-knacks in hallways.
My success wasn’t much better in the rooms we visited either. His presence permeated each room we entered, making it impossible to ignore him and it was in Trev’s office, when I knew he was looking at a metal stallion sculpture, that I gave in and snuck a look at him.
It was then that I stopped trying to convince myself that I wasn’t interested. I’d have to be a complete idiot to keep fooling myself. But admitting it didn’t make things any easier because then I had a decision to make: did I want to keep admiring him from a distance or, if by some miracle he hadn’t caught on, did I want to start throwing hints his way that I was interested, knowing that more than likely he would let me know that he wasn’t.
What swayed me to test the waters was what I learned from a conversation that Wes started during dessert.
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beachypeasysandy · 5 years
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“You don’t have to ring the bell.” I got scolded when the door opened and chuckled as I looked down into the smiling face of my greeter.
If anyone ever asked Trev how he managed to convince one of the smartest, most beautiful women to date and then agree to marry him, he’d say, “Hell if I know.” But somehow he had, and I was more than a little relieved.
Pamela had surprisingly been one of his biggest supporters during his recovery. It was surprising because up until a year before, they’d had a passionate dislike for each other. That changed when Trev tried to repair relationships that had been damaged or gone to the wayside from his drinking.
I didn’t know all the details about what happened between them; only catching bits and pieces from Trev. But somewhere along the way they finally admitted what everyone already knew: their dislike was really attraction, and almost a year after him being discharged from rehab they had bought a house together, gotten engaged and were two of the most ridiculously happy people I knew.
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beachypeasysandy · 5 years
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An hour and a half later, we were all dressed and on our way to his brother, George’s apartment. The plan was for us to take two cars. that way Will and his family could return to Trev’s apartment to stay one more night, and Trev and I could leave there for ASU. The greeting that started as Will and his family walked through the thick foyer glass doors was somewhat dizzying to watch and gave me a new appreciation of what visitors to my parents’ house endured. We were the last of the family to arrive, and the noise level of everyone talking at once was something that I wouldn’t have been used to if I didn’t have a decent sized family too.   “I wondered if Pamela was your mystery guest…”  The distantly familiar voice of his mom’s cut through all others, instantaneously quieting them and she quickly emerged from the large group, first smiling at Trev and then me.   “It’s like we’re getting to reunite with an old friend.” She continued as her arms wrapped around me, which somewhat took me by surprise since I figured she’d hug Trev first. But it didn’t take me long to get over my shock and hug her back. Ever the subtle one, Trev loudly cleared his throat, reminding everyone that he’d been forgotten about for too long. It wouldn’t have taken a rocket scientist to know what expression awaited Bridge and me as we ended our hug and simultaneously turned our heads to stare at him. Just as I expected, he was looking down at us with his usual cheeky grin. Bridge laughed and lunged towards him, wrapping her arms around him and squeezing with all of her might.  “I started to think that you forgot I was here.” Trev squeezed her back with just as much enthusiasm but she somehow escaped his powerful arms and smacked one for his smartass remark. “Of course I didn’t forget you!” She mockingly scolded him. “But I am glad that it’s her.” The words she emphasized and the way her eyes twinkled as they bounced between the two of us snatched my attention and I tried to hide my suspicions about them by smiling back at her. Did he…? I turned to look at him before the complete question could from in my mind, and asked him with my eyes. He didn’t say anything, but sheepishly smiled, wrapping his hand around mine and avoided the unspoken question by starting the introductions.
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beachypeasysandy · 6 years
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“You’ve changed your clothes and makeup.” Her hand gestured towards me when I opened my mouth to protest. “You always look great, but lately you’ve put an extra effort in looking your best. And to someone else, it may look like you’re just trying something new. but I know you.” Her Cheshire grin reminded me of a cat who had cornered their pray and I instinctively felt the need to run away. But it was too late. “So the question is, why are you having lunch with me instead of him?” She made it sound so easy, but in my mind it wasn’t. “It’s complicated.” “What’s complicated about it? You have feelings for him, he only has eyes for you. . .” She let out a scoff when I shook my head and then shook hers. “Really, Pamela? How can you sit there and honestly think he doesn’t have feelings for you?” She took another breath to continue her persuading but I interrupted her. “It’s not that.” I blurted out. “Then what is it? The fact that he’s a recovering alcoholic?” I shook my head and looked her square in the eyes. “No. I’ve done some research on what’s involved in recovery, because I did have concerns when he first showed up at the ASU house. There was so much that Dad couldn’t and wouldn’t tell me and I stressed and worried that the stress that Trev could be under was too much and that he’d relapse.” 
“So I started researching. I’d be lying if I didn’t have concerns, but most of them are about jeopardizing his recovery. It’s an ongoing struggle for him and I know that; and he’s only been sober for seven months. . .but the determination, the drive, and the hard work he’s put into both his career and recovery is obvious to everyone.”
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beachypeasysandy · 6 years
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I had known that Pam would be at ASU that weekend; we had talked several times during the week and she had mentioned being at the house with Ryan and me. So her entrance into the family room hadn't surprised me; what did was her appearance and for a moment, I forgot that she was Pamela Haines, Coach’s daughter, and the last person on earth that I could ever imagine myself with.
For a brief moment, I saw her without the bias of our interactions over the past nine almost ten years, and I let my eyes move slowly up and down her body and appreciated how the black, short dress she wore clung perfectly to her curves and toned muscles. "I thought I heard Mom's excited voice; I figured it had to be you two arriving." She said and I realized that I had been thinking those thoughts and staring at her. She smiled at the both of us and I let out a small sigh of relief, satisfied that she hadn’t caught me staring at her. "Wow! You didn't have to get all dressed up for us." Ryan joked with her as he stood up and Coach and I followed. "Well, I could let you think that, but the truth is that one of my old friends happens to be in town and I'm going out to dinner." I felt a strange sensation in my stomach, a little knot forming inside it but tried to ignore it and blame it on the fact that I was hungry. "Who's the lucky guy?" Ryan wondered and I was glad that he was able to ask the question that I didn’t dare to. She smiled and shook her head. "Not he. . .she; she's an old friend from college." She turned to face me and smiled even more. "Actually, Trev knows her too."
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beachypeasysandy · 6 years
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“Nick had to run down at the stadium but should be home soon. Let’s get your bags and head upstairs.”
I normally would’ve done as she commanded, not being one to argue with Mrs. H. but I wasn’t sure if staying there was the smart thing to do. Not when it was clear that not everyone there thought of me as a welcomed guest. “Are you sure it’s okay I stay here, Mrs. H?”
She stopped walking toward the stairs and gave me a look that only a mother could.  “You’re not staying in a hotel, not when we have more than enough room for you to stay here. Plus, what kind of a hostess would I be to let you go stay somewhere else. You’ve done your obligated offer to stay elsewhere, and I don’t want to hear anymore about it. You’re staying here and it’s settled.” She scolded me and I held my hands up, showing her my surrender.
“Alright.” I chuckled. “You’ve convinced me.”
“Good. You look like you’re in need of a good home cooked meal, anyway. You’re way too skinny.” She’d told me the same thing every time I walked in that house. One time I’d even asked Coach if she was serious but we could never tell for sure.
“Wait! He’s staying here?!” Pam finally found her voice and there was no way to miss her surprise between the way it shrilled and her eyes almost popped out of her head.
“Yes, Pamela honey. Try to keep up with what’s going on.” Mrs. H. joked but Pam didn’t even try to smile.  “You coming, Trev?”
I nodded and smiled at her as I picked up my bags and followed her upstairs, feeling fireballs directed at by backside the whole way up.
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beachypeasysandy · 6 years
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****Pamela’s POV****
As if it wasn’t embarrassing enough to see your sister barge into the house with her hair tossed in every direction after her tennis lesson “ran late,” I then had to sit there and watch her flaunt herself to the guy who would more than likely have no problem admiring her lack of modesty.  At least that’s what I thought he would do.
I’d seen him do it on countless occasions in college and heard about his exploits in Bridgeport, so I had a lot of evidence to back up my assumption. Which was why I was stunned when I saw him quickly look away and over at Mom to thank her again for making lunch.
I didn’t know why he was there and honestly, didn’t care. As far as I was concerned, he’d had his chance to be the appreciative player and remain friends with Dad. But he didn’t.  I’d seen the way that Dad’s face fell whenever he saw Trev on TV or when someone mentioned him and it added flame to the fire every time.
His lack of caring about Dad had been the last straw for me in a long line of offenses and I would’ve been happy if we’d never seen each other again. It was a twist of bad fate that had brought us to the same city, with part of my job being to report on him and the Bucks. 
That in and of itself was bad enough, but to have him sitting across from me at my parents’ house…It was a little too much for me to stomach, even if he was acting like he’d gotten his act together.
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beachypeasysandy · 6 years
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An hour and a half later, we were all dressed and on our way to his brother, George’s apartment. The plan was for us to take two cars. that way Will and his family could return to Trev’s apartment to stay one more night, and Trev and I could leave there for ASU. The greeting that started as Will and his family walked through the thick foyer glass doors was somewhat dizzying to watch and gave me a new appreciation of what visitors to my parents’ house endured. We were the last of the family to arrive, and the noise level of everyone talking at once was something that I wouldn’t have been used to if I didn’t have a decent sized family too.   “I wondered if Pamela was your mystery guest. . .”  The distantly familiar voice of his mom’s cut through all others, instantaneously quieting them and she quickly emerged from the large group, first smiling at Trev and then me.   “It’s like we’re getting to reunite with an old friend.” She continued as her arms wrapped around me, which somewhat took me by surprise since I figured she’d hug Trev first. But it didn’t take me long to get over my shock and hug her back. Ever the subtle one, Trev loudly cleared his throat, reminding everyone that he’d been forgotten about for too long. It wouldn’t have taken a rocket scientist to know what expression awaited Bridge and me as we ended our hug and simultaneously turned our heads to stare at him. Just as I expected, he was looking down at us with his usual cheeky grin. Bridge laughed and lunged towards him, wrapping her arms around him and squeezing with all of her might.  “I started to think that you forgot I was here.” Trev squeezed her back with just as much enthusiasm but she somehow escaped his powerful arms and smacked one for his smartass remark. “Of course I didn’t forget you!” She mockingly scolded him. “But I am glad that it’s her.” The words she emphasized and the way her eyes twinkled as they bounced between the two of us snatched my attention and I tried to hide my suspicions about them by smiling back at her. Did he. . .? I turned to look at him before the complete question could from in my mind, and asked him with my eyes. He didn’t say anything, but sheepishly smiled, wrapping his hand around mine and avoided the unspoken question by starting the introductions.
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beachypeasysandy · 8 years
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Modern Mansion Part Seven
Master Bathroom
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beachypeasysandy · 8 years
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Modern Mansion: Part Six
Master Bedroom
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