#This is the 3rd time I've returned to this series with a new style
eluvianarts · 1 year
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Vinti’s Daily Rounds - Harding, Sera, Iron Bull, Solas, Leliana
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sparkykadachi · 6 months
A 5th Gen Hunter's Experience with Old Gen Monster Hunter
Ok, I want to preface this with my experience with the Monster Hunter series. While I consider myself a 5th generation hunter, I technically started at 3rd gen. I always had a passing interest in the Monster Hunter series, but was too preoccupied with other PS2 games like Kingdom Hearts, Ratchet and Clank, and Jak and Daxter (man remember Jak? I miss Jak...). But when Monster Hunter Tri came out on the Wii, I finally decided to try it. I went down to my local Hollywood Video (remember those?) and rented a copy...and then returned it three days later. I hated it. Movement felt clunky and stiff and stopping to do these long animations when using a consumable is STILL something I despise and I will DIE ON THIS HILL--
I would try again with the demo for Monster Hunter Generations on the 3DS, but it had all the same exact qualities I didn't enjoy. I had given up on Monster Hunter at this point, until Monster Hunter World was announced. It looked like it was changing everything I had a problem with. So I decided to give it one last try when the beta came out...and I was hooked. Cut to me today and I have put well over 3000 hours in World alone and my entire online brand is Monster Hunter. I didn't start with the 5th gen, but it's the one that finally turned me into a fan.
At this point, I've put a few hundred hours into Monster Hunter Rise as well and while I wouldn't say I enjoyed it as much as World, it was still a great time. But I've seen and done pretty much all I want to do in these two games. I wanted... something more. Something new to experience. And it was around the time I was feeling this that I just so happened to notice Generations Ultimate was on sale for $10 on the Switch. The last "old gen" style game before World came out. I was hesitant, but maybe after all my time with the two newest ones, maybe I could finally enjoy an old gen one for what it was. Nothing could possibly go wrong, right?
I decided to stick with something familiar and played Guild Style Sword and Shield. I mained SnS for a while in World and Rise, so I figured this would be a good way to ease myself into this one. As time went on, I branched out and tried other weapons and styles eventually settling on Valor Charge Blade and Adept Great Sword. Hunter Styles and Hunter Arts are a ton of fun! It was a good time. But then...old gen problems came back up. While I was able to adapt to the more stiff movement, it was frustrating having to come to a full stop and be stuck in animations when using consumables, certain monster attacks being un-telegraphed and hard to react to, some constantly running around making it hard to actually fight them, and some I would just follow to a new zone, they would immediately leave to another, I'd go there, and they'd LEAVE AGAIN!!! AAAAAAAAAAA--
So yeah...my experience with the game itself is a mixed bag, but I was having at least some fun so I was willing to put up with the things I didn't like. Sure it was frustrating at times, but it's all a learning experience, so I wasn't giving up just yet. But then came...the community...
Do you think it's reasonable to say a game's community can absolutely ruin any fun you've been having? Because I sure as hell do! I don't like referring to a community as being "toxic" or "elitist" and will usually just ignore the bad apples. But most of my experience with anyone in the GU community has not been pleasant. Very early on when I started playing GU, I was streaming it (I stream btw check me out I'm SparkyKadachi on Twitch I'm a VTuber hi) and some random chat members popped in. I wanted to have a pleasant experience with the community and explained that I came from playing World and Rise. They started to act weirdly aggressive about expressing their...opinions. Saying that World and Rise are bad games and they're glad to see someone like me play a "good" Monster Hunter game now. As if the new games ruined the series. But, to each their own. They have their opinions, and I have mine. I still prefer World and Rise over GU, but that's just me. I wouldn't actively go around shitting on the things people like for no reason, but it's whatever.
Pretty early on though, a friend of mine who had joined me in World and Rise noticed me playing GU and wanted to hop on with me. I enjoy playing with my friends, so I gladly joined him for some hunts. My friend has been playing this series for many years prior to us even meeting, so it was in this moment that I realized...he was also someone who was weirdly aggressive about expressing his opinions on the new games. As time went on, I would play GU with him and members of my small community who would say things like how GU was more "pure" and that the quality of life in the new games have "spoiled" someone like me. The term "skill issue" was thrown around a few times, which...fair. I am kinda bad at GU, but does that warrant absolutely shitting on me for not really enjoying GU as much as World or Rise?
To this day, I have not heard a single compelling argument for why Monster Hunter World is a "bad" game. People I've interacted with or watched who prefer the older games have definitely tried to explain it, but it has all been entirely subjective. People can prefer the old games over the new ones, but to say the new ones are "bad" games is just flat out wrong. I don't like old gen, but I still acknowledge the good in GU and I'm sure there are great qualities of the older titles. None of them are bad games. But I just have my own preference for the new ones.
As time has gone on, I wanted to hunt with my friends and enjoy the game for what it was, but hunting sessions would always devolve into praising GU for mundane things and shitting on the new games for no good reason. So...I think I'm done. I'm tired of hearing this endless complaining about the "purity" of the series and how the games I like and the reason I became a fan of Monster Hunter...are the ones that ruined the series. So I think I'll shelf GU at least for now and stick with World and Rise.
I hope we all are happy with Monster Hunter Wilds when that comes out. In the meantime, happy hunting, everyone!
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waveridden · 5 months
@shootingst4rpress replied: how DO you think memories work in the life series… i wanna know
short answer: depends on what i think is most interesting
medium answer: as someone who's pretty new to mcyt and has trouble keeping back of the big servers, i tend to gravitate away from anything that's like "everyone remembers everything all the time," not to mention i just think that's less interesting than some fuckery going on
long answer:
first of all obligatory disclaimer i'm only up through double life second of all i've looked into hcs and fics and stuff and this is my thought but it's kind of blended with other things i've seen (and also in classic waveridden style some of it is in spite of other things i've seen)
specifically within the context of the life series, i think that there's some continuity, but it is absolutely not a normal "everyone remembers everything" kind of thing. like they all have some basic awareness (recognize each other, know that they're in this server voluntarily) but it's not, like, oh X and i were in hermitcraft together and we did these things and we are friends
so as a general rule people gravitate together because they've spent time together before, but they don't remember it - that's why you get people coming together in different seasons, like for example the cleo-scott dynamic coming up in last life and double life
BUT also i think that sometimes people do remember. it's not specific; sometimes it's little things (ren naming the double life group the "red army" after having the red army in 3rd life) and sometimes it's huge things, and that can lead to some conflict
my biggest thought regarding this: double life pearl remembers last life. which is why she keeps going "we're not a team this time? :( we're not gaslight gatekeep girlboss?? :(" and cleo and scott, who maybe vaguely know that they've teamed up before but don't remember the trio, keep going ......no??????
sort of similarly, if you go for a "people exist across multiple servers" thing (which like personally i have a difficult time with because i think it gets hard to do without getting into rpf-y territory but i digress) i tend to prefer people not perfectly remembering everything; i like the idea of the life games as a voluntary no-consequences zone where sometimes there are consequences anyways but they're never what anyone expects
THAT BEING SAID i would never want to dismiss the classic genre of "dudes working through trauma" and every now and again i think about this fic randomly dropping "yeah sometimes ren and martyn drop into the king/hand routine without meaning to and it takes work to get them to stop" and things like that
i just think that as someone who is not connected to the broader community, things like "people return to hermits/empires and have to deal with the death games" do not hit as hard for me because i do not know the hermits/empires as well. and i like the idea of deja vu that you can't completely place.
another touchstone for this is tender and fourteen from f@tt twilight mirage; if you're not familiar the tl;dr is that fourteen is an assassin with a degenerative memory condition who was sent to kill tender, but their memory decayed and the only thing they remember is "tender is important" and they became devoted to protecting her. that's the kind of energy i want to bring.
this post got so long so really quickly here are my last two thoughts:
i like the idea of memory being nonlinear in this series. not necessarily in the "remember things from future seasons" way, but in the way of like... sometimes you remember s1 and sometimes you don't. sometimes it's cumulative and sometimes it's not.
i have been kicking around the idea, with the knowledge that i will never be able to do it as well as i want to do it, of an "all stars" season where everyone is from their isolated seasons' continuity. like, throwing mean gills martyn and red king ren into an arena together. that kind of a thing.
thank you for asking. i hope you enjoyed this.
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dreaming-as-we-run · 7 years
Dates ; Part One
J-Hope x Reader
Genre: Fluff / Angst 
Series: Dates
Author: Ki
Word count: 2,831
A/N: So, I originally started this one-shot in March of 2016. Yet, as time passed I struggled to figure out a correct plot line until March of 2017. I was going to post it all in one part but considering the first half I have written so long,in fact it is the longest thing I've written in awhile. I hope you all enjoy and look forward to the next and final part, which will be out soon.
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March 10th - 3 Years Ago
“Miss y/n, please pick any seat you wish.” Your new advisory teacher instructed from her desk, where she shuffled papers of various colors. Skimming the classroom, you spotted an empty seat near the back and quickly rushed over to it, avoiding the stares of your new classmates. You slowly slid down into the seat, attempting to become comfortable in the rock hard chair.
It was your first day attending this school after your recent move, and you weren’t exactly thrilled with the idea. Switching schools one year away from graduating wasn’t quite the ideal situation for you, no matter how much your parents tried to convince you otherwise.
“Hey,” Someone’s voice rang besides you, accompanied by a poke to the arm. You turned your head to see a young male smiling at you. “do you have a pencil I can borrow?” He asked, his eyes lingering over to the clock at the front of the room. There was still a few minutes before the first class officially started. You nodded and leaned down to the bag you had placed on the floor, unzipping the compartment where you had placed your pens and pencils.
After finding a sharpened one, you zipped the bag back up and handed it to the male. He graciously took the writing utensil and placed it on his desk, but turned to face you once again.
“Thanks. Are you new? I’ve never seen you before.”
“Yeah, today’s my first day.” You replied quite timidly.
“Oh, cool. What’s your next class?” He suddenly asked, causing you to take out your schedule and handing it to him. The young male seemed to look it over for a few minutes before handing it back to you. “My next class is next to yours, want me to walk you there when this period is over?” You felt a piece of your shell chip off, thanks to his radiating smile.
“Are you sure? Isn’t it like...taboo to be seen with the new kid or something?” The boy only seemed to laugh, shaking his head slightly.
“I think I’ll take my chances with that one.”
May 3rd - 3 Years Ago
“Hoseok, will you please hurry up?” You called, stopping abruptly before spinning on your heel to see him trying to type on his phone and walk at the same time.
“Y/n, I’m not as young as you. You have that youthful energy and speed.” Your eyes instantly rolled at his comment.
“You’re barely a year older than me and get that phone out of your face before you fall!” The male only held a finger out, trying to communicate that he needed one more minute.
“Let me just finish this level.” A low groan of frustration escaped your lips as you turned around and kept walking. Hoseok must have noticed, because he quickly stuffed the phone into his back pocket and jogged up to your side. There was a short pause before he spoke up once again.
“So, I was thinking...do you want to hang out this weekend?” The two of you had only known each other for a few months, but you already considered Hoseok a close friend. Ever since he had offered to help you out around school, the two of you had been inseparable. Shortly after meeting him, you realized that you both lived in the same neighborhood and he turned into your walking partner for both going to school and returning home. This only made you bond more with the older male, allowing you to open up more and be your true self around him. Despite all of this, you still have not done anything together besides school related things.
“Hm, let me think.” You hummed, delaying your answer in order to provide payback for his annoyingness earlier.
“It’s not like you’ll be doing anything this weekend, anyway.”
“Just for that, nope. Sorry, I can’t.”
“I was kidding, y/n.” He pouted.
“Alright, alright. Yeah, we can hang out this weekend.”
July 21st - 3 Years Ago
You lowered your pencil onto the paper in front of you, jotting down some notes. You were just about to flip to the next page of the textbook when your phone suddenly went off, playing your favorite song. You quickly picked up the ringing phone, not bothering to check the caller ID before pressing it to your ear.
“Hey, know what we should do tonight? Go out. Be ready in ten minutes.” Hoseok’s voice hummed.
“Sorry to burst you bubble, but I probably shouldn’t.” You awaited his response for a few seconds, yet received none. “Hoseok?” Your eyebrows scrunched together as you lowered the phone down and checked the screen, only to find Hoseok already ended the call. You immediately threw your head back and let a sigh escape your lips.
  You stood up from your bed, walking over to your closet and picking out an outfit to wear for this surprise outing. Normally, you would at least try to convince Hoseok to let you stay home and work, but him not letting you even speak inclined that the boy was determined and would bring you out of your apartment one way or another, even if that meant physically picking you up to do so.
A few minutes passed by after you got dressed when the doorbell of your apartment rung. Usually, by the time you could even get down the hall, your mother would allow Hoseok inside and you would find him lounging on your couch when you entered the family room but today, your parents were not home and thus, leaving you to answer the door. You slipped on your favorite pair of sneakers before jogging over to the entrance way, opening to door to reveal Hoseok standing there with his hands jammed into his pockets.
“Ready?” He asked, a smile slipping onto his face. You nodded and stepped out of the doorway, making sure it was locked before the two of you headed towards the stairs of the apartment building.
“My plans for today were to study until I drop, but I guess this works too.”
“Studying? Isn’t it, oh I don’t know...break?” You rolled your eyes at Hoseok’s comment as the two of you began walking down the steps.
“My parents enlisted me into a cram school.”
“Yeah, tell me about it.” There was a pause for a few moments, the only thing that could be heard was the sound of Hoseok’s feet, along with yours, squeaking the wooden steps underneath of you.
“How long have you been studying before I called?” You took a second to think before answering.
“About three to four hours.”
“Well, it’s good that I bugged you. Now, you get to get your blood flowing after sitting down for so long.”
“Riiight.” You laughed, making it to the base of the steps and pushing open the heavy door, exiting into the outside world.
Three hours later, Hoseok and you stumbled upon a small clothing shop. The faint smell of vanilla drifted through the air and the sound of a bell could be heard as you pushed open the door.
    “Oh, cool. Bomber jackets!” Hoseok mused, making his way to the rack which contained jackets in a large array of colors.
     As Hoseok gawked over an army green embroidered bomber jacket with entertaining dragons, you moved towards the back of the shop.
One thing that happened to catch your eye was a (favorite color) hat with a pattern that suited your style. You walked over and casually picked up the hat, flipping it over and checking the tag. If you would have brought money with you, you would be able to afford the hat easily.
“What are you looking at?” The sound of Hoseok’s voice made you jump slightly, but the older male only laughed at your reaction.
“Just this hat.” You replied after calming yourself down. He took the hat from your hands and seemed to study it momentarily. Wordlessly, he took the hat and set it onto your head.
“It looks cute on you.” Your body instantly turned to him, wondering why he would say that. It was rare in your relationship to compliment each other. Hoseok either didn’t see the expression on your face or chose to simply ignore it, since he continued on with conversation. “Are you going to buy it?” You reached up and pulled the object off your head, rubbing circles into the soft bill of the snapback.
“I would, but I didn’t break money with me.”
“Well, looks like I’m buying it for you.” He chuckled, snatching the hat from your hand and holding it with the bomber jacket he planned to get. By the time you had processed his words, he was already halfway towards the counter. You rushed up next to him, the top of your ears starting to conduct heat.
“Oppa, you don’t have to do that for me.” You words came out flustered and jumbled, but Hoseok managed to understand what you had said.
“Don’t worry about it.” He smiled before a chuckle escaped his lips. “Did you just call me oppa?” After he said this, the heat on your ears only spreaded to the rest of your face. You didn’t have time to deny it, because this is when the two of you reached the front desk.
“How can I help you?” The elderly lady behind the cash register smiled sweetly after you did the proper greetings. Hoseok smiled back and placed the two items on the desk.
“I would like to buy this jacket and hat, please.” The woman, whose nametag read Park Nami, nodded and began to ring up the items. While she was doing this, her dark brown eyes caught your (eye color) ones and managed to catch your blushing face.
“Ah, is this a present for you girlfriend?” She asked, her attention flickering to Hoseok. You wanted to protest against the concept, but Hoseok nodded before you could.
“Oh, how much I enjoy young love.” Park Nani chuckled, bagging up the two items before telling Hoseok the price. Hoseok paid the correct amount of money and said his goodbyes to the elderly lady, slipping the hand that wasn’t holding the bag into your hand and leading you out of the store. His hand was larger than yours and fit comfortable in your own.
Once the chilly Gwangju air hit your skin, Hoseok let go of your hand. Your stomach lurched at this action, the ghost of his touch still lingering.
“What was that about?” You asked, trying to stabilize your voice so he couldn’t tell how much those small actions affected you.
“I thought it would be easier to act like we were dating than explaining to the woman we weren’t dating. You know if we said we weren’t dating, we would be there for forever trying to explain why we weren’t dating.” Hoseok hummed.
“I am so done with you, Jung Hoseok.” You sighed, trying to fight the sudden pang of pain that coursed through your chest. When Hoseok’s hand took ahold of yours in the shop, you could practically feel the sparks ignite under your skin. Half of you were relieved this one of Hoseok’s stupid little schemes, but the other half wished his hand grazed yours with the soul intention of never letting go.
“Wha? Is this how you’re going to treat your boyfriend?” He placed a hand over his heart and pouted in your direction.
“You’re not my boyfriend.” But I wish you were.
“Did we just break up?” He dramatically gasped.
“We can’t break up if we were never together, pabo.”
September 18th - 3 Years Ago  
After the incident in the small shop, your stomach filled with butterflies whenever you saw Hoseok. Which, was basically every day. You found yourself taking in more of his features when he talked to you and every time he smiled, you felt like your heart had exploded. Today was no different.
It was calm Saturday evening and you had met Hoseok in one of your favorite ice cream parlors. For the first time in weeks, you weren’t paying attention to a single thing Hoseok was saying and were lost in your thoughts.
“Hello? Earth to y/n.” You jumped when he waved his hand frantically in front of your face.
“Hm?” You snapped out of your trance like state and looked at him in a sheepish manner.
“Are you okay?” He asked, worry etched into his features. A shaky breath escaped your lips as you pondered whether or not to finally confront him about your feelings. It was eating you alive and you honestly could not take it for much longer. You had to get this off of your chest.
“Can we talk about something?” The playful glint that usually rested in his eye disappeared and he folded his hands together.
“What’s up?” Well, too late to back out now.
“Remember a few months ago when you brought me away from my studies to walk around town?” You picked up the spoon residing in your ice cream bowl and swished around the (favorite flavour) ice cream that it contained.
“Yeah, we ended up going to that small shop near the museum.” Hoseok recalled, causing multiple images of that night to reply in your mind.
“You took my hand and escorted me out of the store after convincing the lady that we were a couple. Something kind of sparked in me that day, and I honestly haven’t been able to look at you the same way. I need to say this before anything else happens.” You dropped your eyes to the table, not being able to look Hoseok in the eye. “I really like you, Hoseok.” A moment of silence crossed between the two of you before you heard Hoseok’s voice.
      “Y/n-ah, look at me.” You hesitantly raised your head to see him with a small smile on his face. “I really like you too.” You sat there, confusion evident on your face. “I was going to ask you out that night but panicked and made up that stupid lie about how the lady would question us. After that, I just put on a goofy smile and prayed you didn't notice what I was doing.” You sat there for a few seconds, mouth agape and attempting to piece together the information he was giving you. Eventually, a smile crossed your features.
“I’m just going to quit while I’m ahead.”
“Good idea.”
April 14th - 2 Years Ago
Things had been going pretty well in your relationship with Jung Hoseok. While you were continuing your studies and preparing for college, Hoseok had decided to pursue a career in dancing and rapping. He had done the two things previously as a hobby, but he decided to take it to the next step.
    Currently, the two of you were in Hoseok’s makeshift dance studio, his elder sister's old room, as he practiced for his BigHit Entertainment audition. While he danced, you formed a crescent of books before you to study.
    You were two pages of vocabulary notes into your anatomy studies when you heard Hoseok frustratedly groan and pause the music. You looked up to see him raking his hands through his hair, walking in small circles.
     “I think we should booth take a break.” You announced, clearing enough room for your boyfriend to join you on the floor. Hoseok seemed to ponder the proposition for a moment before plopping onto the ground, placing his head into your lap and laying down.
      “Nothing i'm doing seems right. I'm so not going to get in.” The young boy heavily sighed. You rubbed your thumb gently over his forehead before playing with his hair.
       “If you keep thinking like that you won't. Babe, listen to me, you are the best dancer I know. You're going to get accepted.”
       “Well, what if I don't.” Your (eye color) eyes met his brown one, lingering for a second and found a hint of sadness resided there.
     “Then BigHit made a big mistake.” You responded, a smile coming onto your face. Hoseok looked up at you, staring for a few seconds before nodding with determination. You leaned down and pressed your lips to his, giving him a soft peck. After leaning back up, his attention turned to one of the many textbooks scattered across the floor.
    “How can you even understand this stuff?” His eyebrows scrunched upon reading the many terms listed on the page. You chuckled, gesturing to the notebook sitting next to the resource material.
“Notes. Lots and lots of personal notes.”
    “Nerd.” A smile slipped onto his face once he said this, looking at you with something that only could be described as pure love.
 “I take offense to that, y’know.” You chuckled.
“But you’re my nerd.” Hoseok quickly added, wrapping his arms around you in a hug and kissing the top of your head.
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