#They're the kdrama I would watch 100%
hymnoire · 5 months
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wolfiesmoon · 6 months
The wrong guy
teacher!Nanami x teacher!reader
so i started watching the kdrama "a good day to be a dog" recently and the ml makes me think of nanami so much it's not even funny. this fic is based on the plot!!
Warnings: drinking (but its wholesome dw), gojo
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It's been about 5 months since your last breakup. You didn't really care for that ex, if you're honest. He immediately dumped you after you told him that kissing is off the table.
You could say that you are a bit unlucky when it comes to relationships and that's mostly because of that dastardly curse.
For as long as you can remember, your mom has been warning you to never ever let someone kiss you and to never kiss anyone, ever.
Otherwise you would end up like your cousin, doomed to live as a dog for the rest of his now shortened life.
It's his fault he got drunk and kissed a random girl, couldn't track her down in 100 days and didn't break the curse. But it was a pretty scary reminder of your family's curse.
Life moves on without waiting for you and there's no time to worry about your unfortunate love life in this society.
Today is another completely normal day at work. You walk to the school, greeting students along the way. The kids look awfully excited to go to school when it isn't exam season.
Youth must be fun. Especially sneaking around with your high school sweetheart.
While walking to your classroom, you run into your favourite co-worker, Gojo Satoru.
"Good morning!" He greets you smoothly, flashing you that perfect smile of his. You greet him back, always excited to see him.
"Are you free tonight? Because me and some other teachers are going drinking. Wanna come?" He asked you, and you nodded immediately. Of course you're going drinking with Gojo (and company). You could never refuse!
"Great! I'll send you the adress!" He waved you bye with a cheeky smile, going in his classroom to do homeroom.
Oh, right, you should probably be getting to that too. You can't set a bad example for your class by being late to homeroom.
You walk past the classroom where Nanami teaches and you have no idea why, but you stopped in your tracks to look at him a little.
You're not sure why, but he doesn't seem to like you at all. He always seems a bit distant and uncomfortable around you.
It kind of makes you sad. And it doesn't help at all that you constantly have to read notes about how hot he is after you confiscate them from your students.
What is up with this school and attractive teachers, anyways? Your students just barely got over Gojo and now they're thirsting over Nanami. Not that you can blame them.
You continue on, opening the door to your classroom. "Good morning!"
"Good morning, teacher!" The students shout back.
When you get to the meeting spot, Shoko is already waiting there. She greets you calmly.
"Hi. Uhhh..." you don't know where to go from here. It's kind of awkward just standing around and waiting for the others to arrive.
"You like Satoru, don't you?" Shoko asks suddenly, smiling at you.
"Huh?! How did you know?!"
"It's... obvious. But today's your chance. He's in a good mood when he gets drunk, you could attempt something." Shoko raised her brows.
Well, there isn't much to attempt if you can't kiss. Will a kiss-less confession work?
"Hello~" Gojo interrupted you just as you were about to answer Shoko and you jumped a little in surprise.
Nanami was standing next to him. Oh, so he invited him, too... You have a feeling this is going to get a little awkward.
While the lot of you headed to the bar, Shoko walked next to Gojo, talking to him about various things you didn't really care about.
That meant you were walking next to Nanami... in painfully awkward silence. Yikes.
"How was your day?" You asked with a painfully forced smile.
"It was fine." He answered simply, not even trying to continue the conversation. Right, you should just be quiet.
There's no use in getting buddy buddy with Nanami.
"Let's dig in!" Gojo grabbed the meat happily while Shoko and Nanami both immediately grabbed the bottle.
Eager to drink, aren't they...
Shoko nudged you gently. "Just wait till he gets drunk and then go in for the kiss. He likes them bold." She whispered.
You smiled and nodded awkwardly, unable to tell her why that's impossible for you.
You had loads of fun from there on out and all of you got atleast a little drunk. Turns out Shoko is more of a party animal than she lets on. Maybe you were wrong, this little get-together isn't awkward at all!
"I need some air, excuse me." Nanami bowed slightly, getting up and walking outside. Still as monotone and polite as ever when drunk, you suppose.
After about 10 minutes, Gojo's phone rang and he drunkenly excused himself to answer the call. If you weren't drunk as hell too, you would be worried about how the call will go. I mean, I doubt a professional call can go well when the other person keeps giggling and talking nonsense.
"Just goooo for itttt~" Shoko encouraged you after Gojo left your fields of vision, drunk out of her mind. To be fair, you weren't any less drunk right now, so you weren't thinking straight at all. You got up and ran off after Gojo. Who cares about a stupid phone call, you've got a man to kiss!
And there he is, on the corner behind the bar! You'd recognise that greyish blue jacket from a mile away! You cling onto him, giggling happily and he seems to call out to you.
"I love youuuu...." you slurred out, squinting your eyes at his face. Man, it's hard to see his face in the dark and with blurry vision to boot. No matter, you still know the general area of the lips.
"I wanna date youuuu.... and you should be my boyfriendddd..." you grabbed his cheeks and faintly heard his voice again. You can't make out anything he's saying right now. It's like a weird trance that your drunken determination put you in.
You pressed your lips to his, sighing. It's a weird feeling for sure, but not all that bad! Ahhh, this all feels like a dream! After a long long time, you finally got to kiss someone. And it's Gojo Satoru no less!
"What the f.... Nanamin?!"
A shiver ran all the way from your toes to the top of your head. You looked at the direction of the voice. It's.... Gojo?! That's definitely Gojo, standing to your right and looking really surprised. But, then...
You looked back at the person who's cheeks you're currently holding to find... brown eyes staring at you. No way.
Now that you think about it, both Gojo and Nanami are wearing a greyish blue jacket. Oh no... Oh no no no no.
You sobered up almost instantly which was an out of body experience, one that you've never experienced before. Not only did you kiss the wrong guy in your drunken state, the curse also completely slipped your mind. Is it almost midnight already?! How are you going to explain this tommorow?! Why did it have to be Nanami?!
There's no time to panic, you have to get OUT OF HERE. STAT.
"I am so so so sorry!" you gently push Nanami away, running off and accidentally pushing Gojo slightly which made him stumble.
"Wait, why are you leaving already?!" Gojo called out after you but you ignored him. You have to get home to your family. Then you're safe. All you have to do is make it there before midnight or you'll turn into a dog.
Oh jeez... this innocent night which was supposed to go your way ended up becoming a nightmare.
Now you have to get Nanami of all people to kiss you while you're a freaking dog.
Still, kissing him didn't feel all that bad...
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aysekira · 10 months
Being a cdrama fan is frankly exhausting, you can't just enjoy the creativity and stories bc there are a 100 behind the scenes considerations and changes happening all the time. I know most industries don't respect writers but chinese dramas take the cake, they're the least respected when their work is the most important, it's why so many dramas end up being horrible. And these new regulations are so frustrating because some shows need 50 or 60 or 70 episodes, nirvana in fire joy of life ming lan, already a lot of shows are cutting their episodes so they air at the same time instead of waiting 12 months, how the hell are you going to tell a 60 or 55 episode story in 40 or less episodes? They keep adding these insane rules as if they're trying to kill the industry outright, you can't make harem shows, you can't make queer shows even if they're sanitized to high heaven, lord forbid couples have sex or sometimes even kiss like normal people, you can't have reincarnation which is why we end up with so many shitty rushed xianxia endings they can't give us more. Sometimes you find something so great it makes all the mess worth it but the way they're going they're not going to leave room for even the tiny tiny slivers, the 0.01% of dramas that are great that somehow manage to make it through the cracks despite their best efforts. It's clear their is something very wrong with the industry when they make 400 dramas a year yet not even 40 of them are good, it's truly the wild west out there bc most of these dramas you'd watch them and think they're money laundering schemes bc no way this actually got made. They need to stop caring about pretty faces and paying them insane amounts of money and start hiring good writers but I'm not going to hold my breath... Sorry for the rant I just had to let this out lmao
let it all out anon: this is a safe space :) i wholly agree with everything you said since i'm a firm believer in that while you could aim for a very tight, cohesive&coherent writings (which i assume would be the aim of this rule); there's only so much you could tell before that compression ceiling hits& all hell broke loose in terms of story telling.
to add more to your examples, i cackled in imagining just how absurd it would be if NEF, rebel princess, secret advisors, three kingdoms cut down to those limits at it might result in qi heng being non existent (minglan), advisors being a singular advisor instead& more. and those, like your examples are the kind of dramas that (similar to the examples mentioned) needed the length to fully flesh out their dimensions.
i do not know what to say to make you feel better about it but my personal approach (esp recently) is just to have no hope about it, zero expectations-- then if it turns out to be good; it'll be a very nice surprise (personal example: currently airing LYF. i expected nothing&even side eyeing it a bit before it airs because well uh the casts&promos shown didn't tickle my fancy one bit back then-- and now it's practically my current obsession)& if it's not then it'll be just a passerby of a show and no investment (time/interest) was made whatsoever :)
or may i suggest venturing more to kdramaland as they have all sorts of good ones recently/currently airing (19th life, my dearest& lovely liar to name a few)& i heard from a very trusted source (@dangermousie) they have quite the stack waiting in line to air some of which you could see from the poll here: https://www.tumblr.com/dangermousie/725177465537003520/the-sageukcostume-kdrama-you-are-most-looking?source=share
you have a good day now anon :)
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kdramaxoxo · 11 months
Don't they know how to make kdramas anymore? I'm watching" King The Land" and although it's really pleasant, way better than almost of recent romcoms, it's not fairytale-ish anymore. Older kdramas had a spark. For example," you've fallen for me" didn't depict any chaebols , but had something. Or "Cinderella and the four Knights " .
Ok this is a long rambling answer anon :P
I have a lot of conflicting thoughts about King the Land but as you mentioned, it has a lot to offer in the way of cuteness and fluff. My brain knows it lacks key features that could really make it an amazing drama but it's definitely not BAD. Maybe when I organize my thoughts I can describe what exactly isn't working for me in this drama (it's definitely NOT junho in a suit ok?).
I know what you're saying about more recent rom coms lacking the "spark" the older dramas had but THINK about what we've gained!
Chaebols who recognize imbalances of power (thank You Why Secretary Kim and well...King The Land!), Ladies who are actually CAPABLE of 100% more than the men they fall for and well, the kisses are so much better than the older dramas too!
In some ways you really can't have dramas like Boys Over Flowers or King 2 Hearts now because the "romance" would hit differently. And there's a definite slump in straight up fluff rom coms with the rich guy set up. But in a lot of ways, the newer set ups show growth I think.
Also more recently we have The Business Proposal (2022), (2021), Her Private Life, (2021), Touch Your Heart (2021) etc that are all solid rom coms imo.
In the meantime if you want a rom com from 2022 2023, I recommend Semantic error and Our Dating Sim! They're bls, but they really follow a lot of cute fluffy traditional rom com vibes you might like??
Sorry for this long answer that didn't really have a cohesive train of thought. Yes, there's a rom com fluff slump for sure but I've seen so many great romance dramas in the past few years so... I'm confused now lol.
Does anyone else know what I'm trying to say??
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alloveydovey · 6 months
Dramas I watched this past month!
Overprotected Kahoko (jdrama) 8
I'm on a quest to find good jdramas because when they're bad, they're crazy bad, but when they're good, they become instant comfort. The vibes in this one are 100% there. Overprotected by her mother, a 22-year-old meets her complete opposite, and in the midst of falling in love, she decides she wants to become a real adult… all this around her messy (yet charming) relatives. It was a small cute, and heartwarming family drama. I don’t really have much to say other than that I love Kahoko, she’s the cutest.
Queen of the Ring (kdrama) 7?
FL puts on a ring that has the ability to make her crush see her as a beautiful girl. I watched this one because I loved Kim Seul Gi in Splash Splash Love and Ahn Hyo Seop was enough excuse to check it out. I kinda hated it but enjoyed it at the same time? It makes me mad to see how they judged everything by looks (especially both ML and FL) but let’s be honest, It was realistic. It was a bit hard to believe, though, because I didn’t think the FL was ugly at all. What didn’t convince me about this one was that most of the love story happens while she’s wearing the ring and so it kinda ruins it for me.
Jitenshaya-san no Takahashi-kun (jdrama) ?
Kinda good girl x bad boy trope? Except the bad boy isn't really a bad boy, he just looks like one.
I can’t really rate by number because it was too short and, to be honest, I got what I expected. Soft and simple. He fixes bikes and fixes her, they later begin to hang out and get closer. No serious drama, just two people starting a relationship.
Touch Your Heart (kdrama) 7.5
A rom-com drama with Lee Dong Wook and Yoo In Na’s amazing chemistry from Goblin sounds so good on paper. I feel like I should have watched this one right after I watched Goblin, but I never did.
Even though the chemistry between them was still there and strong, the show and both characters felt a bit stiff? They could have used them a lot better but were given a kind of meh storyline that bored me a little too much by episode 12. Still, they had their moments, and… it’s them 🥹 it’s impossible not to like (despite everything else).
D.P. Season 1 (kdrama) 10
I’ve been putting it off because, even though I knew it was going to be good, in drama world, I go to romance lol.
I 100% watched this because of Jung Hae In (and I was low-key curious about Koo Kyo Hwan after watching him in that episode of Attorney Woo.) Neither of them disappointed. In fact, they gave more than what I was expecting. Their dynamic and acting was impeccable. I really have nothing to say about this one because, yeah, it's a 10/10.
W: Two Worlds (kdrama) 8.5
Nothing beats a 2016 kdrama lol. I started obsessed with this one (even though I remember never adding it to my watchlist because I thought it wouldn't be my cup of tea, silly me). The storyline was extremely entertaining, although all in all, I'm not 100% sure it made sense.
I literally feel like I've lived so much watching it. I was on episode seven, and so many things had happened that I had no idea how they would continue it, and yet things KEPT HAPPENING, and plots kept getting twisted. Perhaps that's the reason why I binged the 12 eps of the drama, but it took me a while to finish the three last episodes. At some point, things started to lose sense, and I couldn't understand what was really going on, which resulted in me getting bored. All in all, it was a worth-it drama though. The romance was 11/10 (kept me on my knees) and the soundtrack 10/10 (old dramas have such bangers man)
Perfect Marriage Revenge (kdrama) 7.5/8
I usually don't like watching these types of drama because sinister family members who do shit just to hurt the leads make my blood boil. Like there's no way someone is THAT evil. I did enjoy this one, though. It was nothing out of the ordinary, but I really liked the love story, the ML's family, and the evil people getting what they deserve.
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worshiphoseok · 10 months
nancy drew s4 spoilers
first of all, i'm happy that we got the last season & it wasn't cancelled like other shows, however i am so disappointed with it.
i really thought that nancy & ace will get together cause its the last season right? WRONG 🤬 like it's so dumb!!!!! what's the point of the angst and pining when they're not gonna end up together?
literally one of the biggest reasons why i don't watch much american shows its cause of this bullshit! like in a kdrama she would 100% end up with ace cause they met first.
obviously i'll finish it but i'm not gonna be happy about it
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convenientalias · 4 months
Which is my favorite Kdrama network?
When I'm bored I like to list and categorize things. Today I've decided to discover, statistically, which Korean drama network is my favorite based on shows I've watched.
Including both shows I've completed and shows I've dropped bc in this case, the shows I don't like are relevant.
Using my ratings from MyDramaList :) which means however I felt the first time I finished watching a show, basically. Not including networks where I've only watched one show (e.g., Disney+, Wavve, Channel A).
Beyond Evil--6
Itaewon Class--Dropped
My Country the New Age--10
Private Lives--Dropped
Reflection of You--Dropped
Sisyphus: The Myth--Dropped
I can't believe this network produced My Country the New Age when everything else I've watched by them has been a flop for me. Beyond Evil came the closest to breaking the curse but even then. Itaewon Class is one of my least favorite shows I've ever tried to watch; I've forgotten most of the details now but a bad taste lingers.
White Christmas--10
Mad Dog--8
The King's Affection--10
River Where the Moon Rises--Dropped
Should I have given River Where the Moon Rises more of a chance? Bc apparently this network only makes bangers.
Extraordinary You--7
Rookie Historian Goo Hae-ryung--9
The Veil--7
Idk what to say about this one. RHGH is pretty damn good but I think I would probs like it less watching it now than I did in 2019, newish to kdramas and ready to love anything. But it's a fave regardless, and Extraordinary You and The Veil are both fairly watchable. A serviceable network.
Perfect Marriage Revenge--Dropped
A network to watch a few episodes with the desire to see dogblood plots, and then leave.
My Holo Love--Dropped
Gyeongseong Creature--Dropped
Song of Bandits--8
The Silent Sea--7
It's Netflix. I don't know that they're ever going to make a real favorite for me but they're fairly competent.
Save Me--8
A Superior Day--Dropped
Apparently it takes Seo Ye-ji and Woo Do-hwan's powers combined to make me finish a show by this network. You'd think it would be easier bc they seem to enjoy angst and whump, but I think they pour it on a little too thick.
Doctor Stranger--Dropped
Lovers of the Red Sky--8
The King: Eternal Monarch--7
The Killing Vote--Dropped
Remember: War of the Son--Dropped
Honestly I might come back to at least one of these dropped shows. Their track record on plots is okay, but their actors are really good.
100 Days My Prince--Dropped
Alchemy of Souls--9
Bad and Crazy--Dropped
Circle: Two Worlds Connected--9
Devil Judge--9
Flower of Evil--10
Hotel del Luna--Dropped
It's Okay to Not Be Okay--8
Mr. Sunshine--8
Our Blooming Youth--Dropped
Pandora: Beneath the Paradise--Dropped
Psychopath Diary--9
Tale of the Nine-Tailed--Dropped
Clearly I just start the most show by them. Do they make the most shows? I don't know. Good concepts and good cinematic quality on most of these shows, with just a few exceptions. Pretty solid network.
Color Rush--8
I Picked Up a Star On the Road--6
Where Your Eyes Linger--8
You Make Me Dance--6
Mixed bag.
The takeaways:
I should probably watch more KBS. On my to-watch list, that translates to Youth of May, the Bridal Mask, Hwarang, the Bloody Heart, and Orange Marmalade. So mostly historical dramas, which is a pity bc apparently I also like their thrillers.
Really, though, my to-watch list at this point has a ton of SBS and MBC on it for some reason, at least with shows that have already come out. According to my stats so far, my odds are pretty mixed on liking them or not.
Somehow, one feels, I will actually end up watching more TVN instead... but that has yet to materialize. (except the one kdrama I'm currently watching is a TVN drama. so.)
Did I really learn anything? No. and on that note, good night.
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frostfire-17 · 2 years
KinnPorsche: The Recap, episode 3
EPOSODE 3, HERE WE GOOOOO. Episode 2 is such a drag, I almost forgot how much I actually enjoy this show, but I LOVE episode 3. Get ready for porn, hilarity, dancing, many feelings, and KISSING WOOOOOOO! (Also maybe a funnier recap? But not a shorter one! That is not how we do things here.)
Master post!
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[Arm always has that bear when they watch TV, which makes me hope and pray that it's just his bear, nothing to do with Tankhun's whims at all.]
They are watching a kdrama. Tankhun is engrossed, and Arm and Pol are perforce engrossed as well. Porsche is very, very not. I bet Porsche is one of those people who're like, "I don't read fiction, I don't understand why you'd care about something that isn't real," and you try to explain but they just don't get it. Tankhun does not care for this: he wants Porsche to PARTICIPATE. Pay attention! Does he think this character's going to die? (Guys, I think I'm Tankhun.) Porsche does not want this. Over Arm and Pol's panicked protests, he says that the drama is too boring, but he knows another TV series that's THRILLING and EXCITING. Is Tankhun up for it?
Tankhun is, and of course it is porn. (Straight porn. As far as I can tell, at this stage Porsche identifies as 100% straight.) And - you know, normally I wish this show would let its comedy aspirations go and focus on the serious feelings, but this bit IS FUCKING GREAT. Pol is entranced, Arm is scandalized, Porsche is HYSTERICAL, and Tong delivers an absolute masterwork of a performance as Tankhun is completely transported; my favorite thing is that you actually cannot tell if he likes it or not.
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[yes, he is jerking off that stuffed animal's tentacle.]
My other favorite thing is that Kinn comes in in the middle of all this - I want to know if he wanders in to check on Tankhun's drama consumption at all hours normally, or if this is Porsche-motivated - and is briefly angry: what is all this! Who showed this to my brother! Arm and Porsche both immediately leap over the back of the couch and hide from his wrath, but Tankhun's response is: IT'S PORN, DUMBASS, SURELY YOU'VE SEEN PORN BEFORE, LITERALLY EVERYONE HAS SEEN PORN. And Kinn eventually has to accept that that is so and leave. It's fantastic.
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[Okay, ONE more, just for Arm biting his bear's little ear in the background.]
So Porsche decides that, for his own sanity, he must convince Tankhun to leave the compound and do something fun. Tankhun takes some convincing - he does not trust the Outside! He's been kidnapped before, remember? Porsche assures him that he and the other bodyguards will keep him safe. Tankhun correctly points out that Porsche's track record at bodyguarding so far is not excellent. Porsche says, "That was a long time ago," which is rich because it is AT MOST a few days, but also says, "We need to give each other a chance," which I think is kind of sweet. Even though it is a blatantly self-interested attempt at conning Tankhun into doing something other than watching kdramas. Then they do the thing where they go back and forth - "You're going!" "I'm not going!" - and cut straight from Tankhun's most intense denial to Yok's bar as they all enter. This is a good and classic comedy bit, but it is also a cheap way to avoid doing character work, and in these situations I always want to see how the person was actually persuaded more than I want the laugh. How did Porsche do it? Alas, we will never know.
Anyway, Tankhun takes some persuading, but with some alcohol and the correct music, he becomes the absolute life of the party, a role to which he is EXTREMELY well suited. Arm and Pol are nervous at first, which is very cute, but end up having a fantastic time also - which does make me wonder who is doing the promised guarding of Tankhun's previously-kidnapped body, exactly. None of the three bodyguards gets smashed or anything, but they're not, like, watching the exits.
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["Is this what dancing is? Are we allowed to dance?]
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So then we cut to Arm, Pol, and Porsche bodily carrying a loudly hammered Tankhun back into the compound. Kinn comes out wearing an untied silk bathrobe and sleep pants, because he's in a CLASSY porn I guess, to once again demand to know what's going on. Tankhun's all, "Porsche took me to see the world!!" Porsche is sure that he's in the shit, but Kinn says, "You got my brother to leave the house?" Porsche, surprised, says, "Yes, aren't I just great?" - not even sarcastically, just like, you're only noticing this now? I love it. Kinn says, "You, come with me," and Porsche is once again sure he's in the shit. He follows Kinn into the house; Arm whispers, "Call me anytime!" which I am only just now realizing sounds - in English, at least - like he's asking for a date. The delivery is much more Nerd Realizes He Might Have A Cool Friend.
It turns out that what Kinn wants is to snark back and forth with Porsche for a couple of minutes and then tell him to drop his friend off at home. Porsche absolutely fails his Intelligence roll here: despite obviously thinking something is weird, he does not twig to the fact that the beautiful waif flirtatiously saying his goodbyes is definitely Kinn's escort. It is SO blatantly obvious that this is a post-sex dropoff that I wonder if this is Kinn's attempt to demonstrate to Porsche that he's totally fucking someone else, and definitely not into Porsche at all. Particularly since it comes on the heels of Porsche doing something that impressed him.
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[Two friends parting ways after hanging out like friends do! NAKEDLY.]
Moving on! Bar reprieve aside, Porsche eventually has to come to terms with the fact that he is not temperamentally suited to working for Tankhun: he does not enjoy bingeing dramas, playing games, or dying his hair for fun, and he is not a person who can pretend to enjoy it so hard that it becomes real, as perhaps Arm and definitely Pol are totally capable of doing. Nor is he a person who handles boredom easily. It is truly a shame that Porsche cannot appreciate Tankhun's absolute fabulousness as some of us do - or the frankly INTOXICATING idea of a life that is all about bingeing TV, playing games, and dying your hair fun colors; maybe I AM Tankhun? - but everything else aside, after the mermaid incident I cannot really blame him. Also, I suppose doing all that stuff at the whims of a capricious and absolute master is less fun than just doing it yourself.
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[The master in question. The greatest thing about this shot is that the music behind it is this fabulous string arpeggio stinger, like you'd hear as you cut to a much-anticipated fancy ball in a British period drama. The second greatest thing is that Tankhun's plans for the day are indeed dying his hair and nothing else: dressing up like this is its own pleasure.]
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[…okay, ONE more, because Pol trying to play Jenga with his mouth will never not be funny.]
So Porsche's only option is to actually commit to being a Good Bodyguard, in the hopes that he'll be allowed to do less boring bodyguard things. This means we get a training montage, which I always enjoy! This one is fairly brief, because it's not like Porsche actually has that far to go; I think more than anything the challenge is demonstrating that he cares enough to try to do well. But also part of it is that he and Pete are friends now, and Arm and Pol's loyalties were absolutely cemented by the fact that he got them a fun night out on the town, so it's also showing them encouraging him and stuff. Part 2 of "fish out of water at the new job" narrative is achieved! Big and Ken still loathe him, and his relationship with Kinn is still kind of fraught, but he's got friends, he can show he's competent, and the worst thing his boss is currently doing is snapping at him because his push-ups are impeding the kdrama viewing experience. Chan even gives him a grudging, "You're all right," after he beats Ken in the "untie yourself underwater" timed bodyguard contest.
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[These guys must really hate Ken.]
So okay, ultimately the training montage pays off, and Porsche gets to go out on a real bodyguarding mission once more. Yay! Or - perhaps not yay. Because the mission is Porsche, Pete, and Ken accompanying Kinn to collect on some debts from a dude who owes them money. And - okay, this dude is living in essentially a palace, and has apparently also embezzled and sold secrets, so it's not like they're shaking down a local small business owner, BUT Porsche is still intensely uncomfortable. Even more so when Kinn has Pete and Ken beat the guy up. Porsche cannot watch it, and is having honest-to-God flashbacks to the shady landlord beating up his no-good uncle in episode 1. Kinn notices him looking away, and ASTONISHINGLY, his reaction is not to yell or punish, but rather to get Pete to take Porsche outside. (He does this by saying Pete's name and nodding towards Porsche, which is enough for Pete to know what to do; I get that this is economy of timing for the show, but it totally makes it look like Kinn and Pete had some kind of prearranged signal for What To Do If Porsche Needs A Minute.)
Pete and Porsche have a cigarette together and talk about their feelings, yay! Pete says, "You're thinking you made a wrong decision in coming here?" Porsche says, "He must really have no way out. That's why he's acting stupid." Long pause. "Is he going to die?" Pete shakes his head. "This is just a lesson. We're teaching him a lesson." Porsche says that he knows that having no way out can really make you do anything, because his family used to borrow from loan sharks. "If we delayed payments, they'd come teach us a lesson. They taught us more often than my teachers did." He laughs, but it is not funny. "I freaking hate them. I never thought that I'd be like one of them today." (This is extremely poignant, but would be more effective if they were not standing in this dude's manicured courtyard with ACTUAL COLUMNS in the background; I really wonder at the choice of location for this scene, because it's hard to feel bad for the owner of this house. Sell your mansion if you need money, my dude!) Pete's perspective on this is that there are no heroes or villains in this world - very practical, as is typical of Pete, but not likely to work super well on Porsche.
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[Maybe he rents?]
(This overall issue, by the way, is a conflict that is IN NO WAY addressed or solved by the show, and in fact it could be argued that it is rather GREATLY EXACERBATED. It is one of the many troubling things that I came away with after watching, and if they ever do a season 2 I really want them to remember that this is a genuine problem they have set up: Porsche is in the mafia, and the mafia beat people up for not paying their debts, and Porsche hates people who beat people up for not paying their debts.)
Inside, Kinn eventually looks up from petting the guy's taxidermied badger (that is not a joke, that is what he is doing; I HAVE to assume he is commenting on the ridiculousness of it all, although he looks weirdly sincere) to call Ken off and tell the guy he's got three days to come up with the money. He walks out…and the guy comes running after him with a gun! Oh no! Ken, Pete, and Porsche all come to the ready with their guns - but then Porsche puts his down, comes forward all, "Put the gun down, let's talk about this." The guy intimates that someone else is giving him orders. Porsche wants him to tell them who, and then no one will do anything to him, which is definitely not a promise he has the authority to make, but okay. It almost works…and then it doesn't work, of course, and the guy fires at Porsche. Kinn, seeing him raise the gun, darts over and yanks Porsche out of the way, and Porsche just gets clipped in the arm, which is NOT how the bodyguard/protectee relationship is usually supposed to work; meanwhile Porsche, Pete, and Ken are all firing at once, and the guy is very dead very fast.
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[Kinn, the bodyguard goes between danger and YOU, not the other way around!]
Back at the compound! Kinn is in a bubble bath, complete with scented candle, thinking about the events of the afternoon. It honestly reminds me of a sadder version of the Coffee Table Book scene from ep 2 - he's putting all of the pieces into place for Relaxation, in a magical thinking kind of way, but he can't actually flip the switch and relax. His escort even comes in, all, "rough day, baby? lemme just help you out with that--" but Kinn fends him off (getting bubbles in the poor guy's hair in the process) and sends him away. Meanwhile, Porsche is patching HIS OWN GUNSHOT WOUND up despite living in a compound that supposedly has 24/7 MEDICAL CARE - why is he not - why didn't he earlier - AUGH, okay, I gotta go take some deep breaths.
OKAY, BACK, and ready to appreciate the approach of Kinn in his silk bathrobe, which is at least belted this time. Porsche sees him, and says, "Hey. What are you doing here?" I fucking love that Porsche just never ever addresses Kinn like you'd address your boss. (Admittedly this is not unique to Kinn; also Porsche's only previous boss that we've seen onscreen is Yok, who is, shall we say, atypical.) Kinn says, not particularly seriously, "This place belongs to me. Do I have to tell you everywhere I go, huh?" Porsche does an exaggerated politeness bit, but Kinn is too distracted by his arm wound to pay attention. Porsche, however, says, "It'll heal. Just a scratch." Porsche, you may fill out your Manly Hero Bingo Card's "just a scratch" square! Kinn wants a look anyway. Porsche shies away, but Kinn makes him sit, gets the disinfectant. Porsche says, "Be gentle!" Porsche, you may fill out your BL Drama Bingo Card's square for Dialogue That Sounds Like Sex But Isn't! Kinn starts dabbing away and says, "I heard that you've been training so hard." Porsche says, "I just want to make someone regret," and looks up flirtatiously through his lashes.
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[Okay, what do YOU think he's doing?]
Kinn: "Regret? Regret for…? This place belongs to me." A beat. "So every single thing belongs to me." Kinn, I think you're trying to be cute, but that's an asshole thing to say! Porsche laughs, though, and then they make Meaningful Eye Contact; I don't know what Porsche is thinking, but Kinn definitely realizes it's getting too hot to handle and pulls back abruptly: "There, you're fine." He turns to go, and Porsche says, "Wait," then hesitates a LONG time in a way that is a real tease for any viewer who might hypothetically be wanting someone to talk about their feelings. Instead, though, he says, "Today, Mes said someone hired him to kill you." Oh, THAT'S his name. Was his name. "Can you guess who it might be?" Kinn turns around squarely to look at him and says quietly, "I've told you. Everyone wants me dead." Porsche takes a second to contemplate the extreme shittiness of this situation, and then says, "But if he or she knows your whereabouts and schedule…it couldn't just be anyone." Kinn: "Are you telling me that it's an insider?" Porsche looks uncomfortable. Kinn says, lifting a finger, "Then whom I'll be suspecting the most is…" He grins.
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[My personal Kinn Is Secretly A Brat agenda begins with this screencap, but it does NOT end with this screencap.]
Porsche, annoyed: "Look what I've just been through! And you still think it's me?" Kinn lets his laugh go, and then says, very serious, "If you've ever been in my situation - you suspect everyone." He turns and goes, leaving Porsche to look after him and - I think - have some real sympathetic feelings for Kinn for the very first time.
We cut to someplace new. Big approaches a fancy apartment; turns out it belongs to Mr. Kim, the mysterious third son! Kim stands silhouetted on a VERY big and beautiful balcony, shadowy and indistinct, while Big reports in. Kim is all, "Are you in the wrong place?" Big explains the situation, leaning on how weird and crazy it is that Kinn's safety now depends on this totally new, untested bodyguard whose background they know nothing about. Kim is suspicious of this also. Big says that Porsche is now on Tankhun's detail, though, and Kim says, "That's bad." Big objects - surely it's good that this unreliable guard isn't protecting Kinn anymore? Kim says, "I mean bad for you. Everyone wants to steal Kinn away for themselves. Do you want a heartbroken song?" From which we learn that, 1) it is not only to the viewer that it is blindingly obvious that Big is super in love with Kinn, 2) Kim pays closer attention to the workings of the family than the gossip about him suggests, and 3) Kim is a total jerk.
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[What an asshole!]
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[OKAY ONE MORE, just because I don't think we've gotten to truly appreciate Big's beauty yet. Look at him! Kinn is a FOOL.]
Okay! We are at Yok's bar. Tankhun is taking Porsche out to celebrate him for being so brave and getting wounded in the line of duty. As they're about to go in, a car pulls up: it's Kinn, Time, and Tay! Kinn's all, oh, Porsche told me what a great time you guys had here, I thought I'd join you. This could be a total dick move, but Tankhun is happy to go with it, and after a second or two, so is Porsche: they're going to show everyone a great time! They high-five; it's adorable. Being in close quarters for so long has inexplicably really improved their relationship.
There follows a truly epic PARTY MONTAGE. It involves: Yok doing a slo-mo rocker pose with a fan held to make her hair billow dramatically; Tankhun dancing his actual ass off; Time hitting on one of Porsche's college friends, who does not seem mad about it; Arm stripping his shirt off and pouring two (2) beers over his naked chest; EVERYONE getting smashed and NO ONE doing any bodyguarding even a little bit; and Kinn starting out kind of - "oh, this is charming, I'll politely enjoy it" and ending up in the center of a dance circle wearing Tankhun's orange sunglasses. He is the dorkiest dancer there ever was, which is EXCELLENT. The thing that makes it kind of extra-hilarious is that they were filming under moderate COVID protocols, so - I assume this is why - the party is ONLY NAMED CAST, no bar patrons - no girls - just the Theerapanyakun crowd, Yok, and Porsche's old buddies, and that is it! Maybe they shut the place down for a private party, I don't know.
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[Turns out glasses aren't the only thing you can take off to show you were hot all long.]
So then we reach the point where everyone is passed out - except our heroes, who are off to have a romantic tete-a-tete. They are both VERY drunk (Porsche more so), and Porsche tugs Kinn by the hand down to a floating dock on the river and immediately sprawls out on it full-length, and then, when Kinn is kind of fastidious about doing the same, does an adorable thing like one-quarter of a snow angel and is like, "See, I cleaned it." Kinn gives in and sits, and when he looks askance at his palms, Porsche grabs one and blows on it like he's getting the dust off, and then laughs at him. IT'S TOO CUTE, I CAN'T HANDLE HOW CUTE IT IS.
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[Kinn's expression is the best. SO OFFENDED.]
Kinn finally relaxes and smiles, and it's an interesting contrast to the other times he has been performatively Relaxed so far in canon - it is very clear that Kinn is one of those people who mostly just cannot relax at all, and he's enjoying it.
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So they end up sitting there and talking - Kinn is staring at the water, and Porsche says, "What are you thinking?" which, like, Porsche, I know that you don't realize you're in a flirtation just yet, but HOW CAN YOU NOT REALIZE AFTER ASKING THAT QUESTION. Kinn, who DOES realize and IS drunk, says, "Has anyone ever told you that when you're drunk, you're so…" Porsche laughs and drops his head to Kinn's shoulder. "So…what?" ABORT ABORT, TOO FAR; Kinn says he's annoying and initiates a very mild slap fight. Porsche is laughing at him again, and Kinn says, "When's the last time you were this happy?" This is a very telling question, both of their relationship so far (this is the first time Kinn has seen Porsche looking happy even a little bit - and clearly it is SLAYING him) and Kinn himself (Kinn, who is almost never happy, is feeling pretty happy right now). Porsche looks at him and says, "Seconds ago," and starts to laugh again, and Kinn has laugh too.
Porsche quiets down, and it's Kinn's turn to ask, "What are you thinking?" Porsche says, "I'm thinking about…" and trails off. Kinn waits for a second, and then leans in: "Thinking about…" THIS is also very telling, because Kinn really genuinely wants to know, just because he likes Porsche, he likes this moment, and he's curious and wants to share in whatever experience Porsche is having. (Okay, obviously I'm reading some stuff into this, but there IS a very interesting contrast between how Kinn is talking to Porsche here vs. how he's spoken to him for the entire show so far. There's no authority or suggestion of distance; he's not demanding, he's asking; he's talking to him like an equal. And mayyyyyybe that's really a bare minimum thing for someone you're romantically interested in, but for Kinn IT FEELS REALLY SWEET, OKAY, SHUT UP.)
Anyway, Porsche says, "Thinking about my mom and dad," and ends up telling Kinn all about his history as an orphan dealing with debt collectors! Which really makes it clear that they're actually not on the same emotional page here - Porsche finishes with, "I'm just sad. I'm sad that I've done everything I hate today." And it's not just the debt collecting - he shot that dude, and he's never killed anyone before; and that dude is a father, so he did to some kid what was done to him. It is a REALLY sad moment, both because Porsche is so despairing about his past and what he's had to do, and because Kinn is having to fold himself up and put himself painfully back into his regular unhappy self as he listens.
Some progress has still been made between them, though, because Kinn's definitely back inside his big defensive emotional fort, but he's not walling himself up completely. He says, "You've walked this path for just one month, but you feel so much about it. Now think. I've lived in this world my whole life." Which is not the most sympathetic thing to say to poor Porsche, but it's clearly all he can manage - like living with chronic pain, there's not a lot of room in him to feel bad for something acute, I don't think, but at least he can share his own experience. Porsche asks, "How can you handle it?" Kinn: "Do I have a choice? Huh?" Which is a) a TOTAL chronic pain answer, but also b) a surprising thing to admit to Porsche--he basically just told him that he hates being in the mafia. Which is a WILD thing for someone like Kinn to say to anybody, let alone someone he's struggled with as much as he has with Porsche - it suggests that he's right on the edge of breaking, I think, which fortunately does seem to be supported by BASICALLY EVERYTHING ELSE ABOUT HIM in these early episodes. (I mean, it could also suggest that they have an inexplicable and special connection that's promoting unprecented honesty and vulnerability, and/or that Kinn does not usually let himself get this drunk because it leads to this kind of feelingsdump, but I like my thing better.) This scene also really cements, for me, that a true happy ending for these dudes does NOT involve the mafia in any way. Too bad they're stuck in this show!
So anyway, then Porsche says, "Thank you. For saving my life. And," he starts to laugh, "for not letting me fight against that family," which I THINK is referring to Kinn choking Porsche out so the minor family wouldn't kill him in episode 2, unless I am totally blanking on something else it could be. "Thank you." He lets his laugh trail off into a smile, and is just sitting there in kind of a drunk reverie, while Kinn is slowly MELTING as he looks at him. Finally, Kinn leans in, slow - slow - and kisses him, very gently. And after a second, Porsche kisses back. THE END.
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Anyway, I fucking love this episode. I love Tankhun's outfits! I love Arm and Pol the adorable comedy duo! I love Porsche beginning to fit in! I love Kinn starting to soften and open up! I love that they kiss! It's just wall-to-wall enjoyable stuff, which after the last episode is a welcome relief. (Also NEXT episode is - well, we'll get to it. And I will warn for it.) The Porsche in the Mafia Problem is a tangled one, but I'm not sorry they introduced it; it would be weird if he didn't have a hangup like this, considering his history and personality.
I also really like that this episode demonstrates what a miserable guy Kinn is. In past episodes, when he's mean to Porsche, you can read it as him just being a sadistic rich guy if you want (which obviously I don't, but you CAN, and you would absolutely be forgiven for doing so), but now you can kind of see how Porsche has been an extra thing to worry about in a life that is already 100% Things To Worry About. Which makes me think about how Porsche, before coming here, was likewise living a life full of worries, but he was worried about things he liked: his brother, his home, his job. Kinn lives a life mostly devoid of things he likes. He keeps his friends at arm's length; he has sex with escorts and doesn't allow any real emotional connection; he seems to love his immediate family, but not in a way where he ever looks happy to be around them; he lives in a palace, but it's all very sterile - he has a coffee table book TITLED "COFFEE," for God's sake. None of it is personal. It's really no wonder Porsche hits him like a ton of bricks.
It also strikes me that one of the ways he's a dick to Porsche in this episode is saying that this is his house and everything in it belongs to him. When he's saying it, he's denying Porsche agency, but the greater implication of it really reinforces the above: his whole life is things that belong to him, and as they demonstrate with the gun scene, he does want to take care of the things that belong to him. (Too bad for everyone that Kinn didn't just fall for Big, who would've loved this.) Porsche, of course, did not consent to this kind of relationship, which is going to continue to cause trouble between them, but you need it, Kinn! This is a shitty way to live your life!
Anyway, that is episode 3! Stay tuned for episode 4, which has a lot more gay stuff but it DOES come served with a lot more problematic stuff, so brace yourselves. Until then!
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feuqueerfire · 1 year
Bloodhounds Live Blogging
I've mostly been watching non-BL kdramas from 2019-2022, so I thought I'd give something recent a try! The whole series dropped yesterday and it's apparently action filmed + good bromance, so this'll be my weekend binge for now
Ep 1 (Jun 10)
Dec 2020
I can't remember having watched many boxing shows/movies before, maybe the Shark: The Movie with Wi Hajoon but I can't even remember if that was boxing or something else
oh yeah fuck I was so focused on the other aspects of the show, I forgot that the main characters have debt apparently agh it's so
ew Suju Siwon
damn, this loan shark really lending them 100 billion won for this hotel, that's wild
the loanshark mans has a scar on his face that he hides with makeup
boxer name: Kim Gunwoo (more like Geonwoo tbh)
oh lol that win was Hong Woojin's imagination? and then he calls Geonwoo a name and gets knocked down as his plan backfires pls
fun Woojin vs Geonwoo fight
ohhh I checked MDL and the main duo is Geonwoo and Woojin?
heh Geonwoo is so endearing with his calm and no-nonsense, serious answers
plsss the way their dynamic is switching when we figure out Geonwoo is 2 years younger than Woojin and then changing again when Geonwoo served the marines earlier? or higher status in some way. a sunbae
pls earnest, honest Geonwoo keeps falling for Woojin's lies every 3 minutes T.T
ahhh these loanshark fuckers going around offering to every store owner - anyway, I know Geonwoo's mother missed reading something in the fine print bc it was mentioned on a reddit on-air thread commend
oh? who's the woman with the tazer and the man who was "a fake" being chased?
ah, so this old man does interest-free loans and tazer girl works for him
these loan shark fuckers are sooooo >:(((( die die die
ohhh that scar on their face is like a gang tattoo?
I love how earnest Geonwoo is while still being serious and a bit naive and optimistic and just cute :> Though he's gonna have to change now that he's been pulled into such violence.
Ep 2 (Jun 11)
these loanshark fucks
D: Woojin trying to get a loan for Geonwoo T.T plsss
oh they have to work as bloodhounds? meaning they're also gonna be loanshark types? - oh they left but why's the title bloodhounds then, will they have to come back?
ohh Woojin taking the disrespect at the beginning of the meeting but being intimidating and giving a same slap back at the end ah
is this an Apple ad lol
ah so that's how Geonwoo and the woman's story connect - the guy who she's chasing is getting loans using homeless people and giving the money to Smile Capital glasses guy
Dream On Capital guy - is he familiar to us or no?
ohh is Chairman Bang the dude with the wheelchair? or is that Mr. Choi? anyway, are they gonna be the bodyguards that the man was looking for?
ah sucks so bad that when searching for loans, they keep being offered loan collector positions
ah security job
so indeed the man is Mr Choi
dang, interesting that Geonwoo is telling his mother he got all the money and how because I feel like a different character would hide it and pay it off in secret. he might've done the same thing if he was working as a debt collector or something instead of security though
Siwon's character from earlier who is apparently a well-connect chaebol with his cop cousin + the loan shark hm what's gonna happen - what's up with getting the loan shark drunk lol
ohh I don't remember this loanshark man calling himself Chairman Bang but I guess he did so in ep 1? so he's masquerading. also I wonder if Mr. Choi himself is just Chairman Bang lol like only Mr. Choi knows who Chairman Bang is + he looks around 60 which is supposed to be his age
ah Siwon's character's name is Beom
plssss Woojin lying in front of Mr. Choi, he has become an actor
damn, another interview step
broooooo just insane amounts of money but also don't pull it all out
ah, they have found the common enemy (Smile Capital)
ofc Geonwoo wouldn't be able to stay still while an old homeless man is beaten up
Ep 3 (Jun 11)
cruel or heatless or cold woman vs upstanding empathetic man ah - although I wish I liked her acting better? the character doesn't feel natural for her idk
plss their excitement at getting rehired T.T
her calling them oppa surprised e fr
Mr. Choi definitely knows the Chairman Bang poser who has the cut on the side of his face - oh mans name is Kim Myeong-gil
ah trio friends now
ohh the loan sharks investing in that hotel are gonna make illegal gambling take place in the casino at the top of the hotel -> send evidence to police -> hotel in ruins -> loan sharks will take over hotel
damn they're beating up Siwon's character just to scare him or what? oh nvm Smile Capital ppl here
damn I wasn't expecting such brutal torture scenes
and now blackmail material by making him strip down?
oh, seems like some of the people in Smile Capital (including CEO) actually worked for Mr. Choi back when he was a loan shark
goddamn so that's how Kim Myeong-gil got the scar on his face and Mr. Choi became disabled
just straight-up bars of gold lol
Myeong-gil is being real or tricking Beom with this trust and sweet talk about him being his donsaeng?
goddamn this crowd of people
I saw a gif where Geonwoo was waiting for some operation to be successful on Woojin or something, will that be due to this fight?
Ep 4 (Jun 11)
oh nooo he's going to Geonwoo's mother
wait, who is this who's stopping them from taking the mother? someone Mr. Choi called right but like who?
oh actually the boss called this man who went to where the fight happened but who was the one who rescued the mother?
oh sashimi knife - that sushi restaurant from before - he's the one who saved Geonwoo's mom
ah the 5 knifers - when those 2 talked about avenging their boys, they mean the 3 knifers the Kim Myeon-gil managed to kill - Lee Du-yeong and Hwang Yang-jung
they ate all the fucking rolled omelets without leaving any for the others? die fuckers
who's spying on the trio going to transfer money? it's probably the smile capital driver dude but somehow it also looks a bit like the knife to me oof
oh noooo yeah it's the driver dude and he got her while the big Beom dude is going to the duo
ah fuck they're sending so many people to capture the trio
damn bruh not a car chase but fucking car crashes
no Geonwoo don't get outtttttt
beat them with bars of gold lesgo lmao
pls their slow jogging with the gold bags T.T
Ep 5 (Jun 11)
okay at least they dropped the gold bag and several boxes bc indeed their lives are worth more + they got most of the money
the big plans of Myeong-gil and his men vs Mr. Choi and his knifers are fun, moreso than the trio because the trio often involves just fighting and some bickering whereas the big players have planning and intrigue and history
ah Mr. Choi offering him an out
lol the knifers and trio convo is so cute and endearing
lol yknow I did think that Hyunju and the biker knifer looked kinda similar so for them to also say it was like lol
wait, why'd Beom just fuck up those people? why mad?
he declined his wife's call? bro are you gonna fucking die? we first saw him while he was in bed with his wife too so
oh he for real slayed Junmin's throat - ngl I didn't fully get what their next step was, like, did they kill him just because he was the one going around intimidating people and stuff?
oh so they're killing Junmin and capturing Im Jangdo driver mans? I remember they said something about getting them to point to dead bodies or something
omg torture scenes D: sanding someone's thing and then using saltwater
Mr Choi got Jangdo to talk
are phones trackable or not? they're keeping Jangdo's phone but can they be found out through that
oh damn Jangdo also saying Myeong-gil and In-Beom are like brothers, they've saved each other's lives before
Ep 6 (Jun 11)
Today's plan was to actually watch eps 2-5 but people say the show is soooo good until ep 6 and it's one of the better eps before ep 7-8 seem different (?), so I think I'll just watch this one too
damn they're using Siwon's dumbass character to track the knifers
D: boil body, grind them up and pour them into the ocean that's so disgusting
who's seung-duk
the way the knifers know of myeong-gil's preliminary plans with the casino but still don't know the extent of how terrible it is
Mr Choi is making vacation plans? dreams of going to Italy? bruh he's not gonna make it out alive, is he
not this happy times where everybody's chatting and drinking and feeling good, we're boutta see serious shit go down huh?
as expected, he's also gonna be a dad, ah my guy i can forsee your death so clearly
okay this young kid isn't Hyunju, right? because the story doesn't fit with her history
oh nvm it is indeed Hyunju
huh? Geonwoo's mother didn't take Mr. Choi's loans though, so
teary-eyed grateful Geonwoo ahh
pls Mr. Choi keeps having parallels with youth like learning what flex is from Hyunju and thanking Geonwoo for teaching him what youth is
ah fuck they've got Mr. Choi's address, it's starting. bro people are drunk and shit now, right?
oh wait they're found the biker knifer Duhyeong's address actually? is that where they tortured Jangdo?
naurrr this Dayoung and his wife scene T.T
let's go knife throwing
damn so fucking bloody
ah rip Duyeong having to sell out the other knifer
bro wtf do you mean someone might have seen the car? take a diff mean of transport then let's go public transit where they can't just pick you off
ah fuck sushi restaurant
oh noooo his apprentice is fucking dead in the room
this sense of foreboding is so
noooooooo Myeong-gil killed Duyeong and his wife after he got the info? D: nooo. I was like dang, it would've been good if Duyeong called Yungjung to warn him but alas he is dead
another hand-to-hand knife fight
ah fuck I can't believe Yungjung is also gonna dye so soon before the fight even reaches Mr. Choi
the knifers didn't get to avenge their 3 brother knifers T.T this is actually so fucking sad man
it's interesting that this whole show is so focused on the fight scenes and intensity but in this episode, we focus so much on the softness of everybody together and the leadup fights and deaths are also so quiet and mostly solitary, this is so fucked
like bruh Woojin's just chilling and having breakfast
these scenarios remind me so much of my recurring childhood nightmare of home invasion by gunda (thugs) and having to figure out how to escape and then being chased while you attempt ah fuck
ah at least Mr. Choi has overcome the hesitancy to shoot though the fact that his safe and everything is wide open is a lot
okay I know he doesn't die because there's some surgery thing later on that's at least successful or something
ah fuck this Beom motherfucker
it's actually crazy that these evil people are straight up just defeating them 75% in like not just "oh they're being cornered but will easily win" but like people are fucking dead like straight up the experienced, big players from this side are just gone
as is the money and the house is aflame
bro fuck Hyunju and Geonwoo coming home to see all this
oh my god I did not expect to get teary-eyed at Geonwoo begging to donate one more bag of blood for Woojin
Fave Ep of the show and just genuinely suchhhh a good episode in general. The humanity and serenity of it drove me to madness.
Ep 7 (Jun 12)
I watched less than 3 minutes of this during lunch and then went to take a little nap and now I'll finish this ep and then go to sleep. I'm just a sleepy guy
and she's gone, the result of Kim Sae Ron's DUI
ah, time-skipped to a healed Woojin
the young girl assigning who's gonna take the top bunk after taking a look at them is so T.T funny
fuckass Junmin lives but the knifers and Mr. Choi are dead how is that fairrrrrrr
I'd be more empathetic toward this man's heartbreak at Mr. Choi's death if he wasn't sleezy toward the woman earlier like yeah fucker, get scammed
I'd be more empathetic toward this character if it wasn't played by fuckass Siwon
won't yall get alcohol poisoning
idk if I'm supposed to be suspecting people of double-crossing or not like people give up info when interrogated but what if it's like Minbeom's brother in law is actually working for Myeong-gil or something, y'know?
Myeong-gil could just use data but sure yep, wifi
did he actually delete some instances of the video or no?
damn, they really did manage to destroy the hard drive just like that? would there not be backups?
are we supposed to know who Myeong-gil called at the end at the serious crimes division? somebody surprising?
I know what people mean by it's a different tone because this is less action-based and more like the shows I usually watch with the planning and secretly attacking rather than fights.
Ep 8 (Jun 13)
bruh ofc the first cop that the brother-in-law would tell about getting the list of victims would be in Myeong-gil's palm
oh fuck they found the place Mr. Choi's friend lived where Geonwoo and Woojin also lived for a bit?
fucking dark ass fight, can't see shit
bruh bad cop good a good view
oh my god they got the whole detective trio?
bro so the 2 male cops survived and my poor girl just straight up got ran over and died rip
oh i see she's in a coma
so we just won't know how they caught the sell-out cop? or we're just supposed to assume they got some info from the fish farm lol
why the fuck did you yell Myeong-gil's name, are you dumb
and then also dropped the knife? you dumb?
and Woojin had also dropped the taser? fr?
you're literally trying to just fuck up the man who killed and ruined hundreds and thousands of people, fuck your "I've become a bloodhound" i need you to straight up kill Myeong-gil or call the cops right now at least tf
well at least keep a couple gold bars for yourself too because you're the poor people who are supposed to be helped too btw lol
siwon playing a fuckass sympathetic kind character is so agh ew also why give him all the money to improve their company image or whatever agh rich ppl like why would you trust a cocky chaebol kid?
well at least they do get 2 gold bars = 1B won = ~1M USD each
Good enough, especially the heart of episode 6 but not something I'll be thinking about at all. The characters didn't resonate a whole lot, this focused a lot on just fighting scenes (more than like strategizing, being clever, etc, which is usually what I'm a fan of), the defeat of the villains wasn't really satisfying at all - especially with how cruel episode 6 went down. Also, I don’t ship Geonwoo and Woojin, sadly.
Rating: 6.5/10
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khaotunqs · 2 years
I mean... If you're enabling me to talk to you, I'll do it :)
So BE was my first ever K-Drama, so I'm not too sure what fascinates me about it is bc the storytelling is influenced by a culture I don't understand and what is specific to BE.
One of those things is that my ear isn't used to the language, so I'm very sure I'm missing a lot of the subtleties that can't be conveied in translation and it's driving me crazy. I have come to understand through Tumblr posts the name suffix -ah is apparently very important.
Joo Won is my favorite especially in all his sniffling, screaming, crying glory and I was shocked to find out the actor is actually younger than the character. Like he's not what I would call mature in the series, but at the same time I 100% thought the actor could be even older. Dong Sik is so good too, when he smiles and laughs I'm just as lovestruck as Joo Won, but i didn't miss whole passages of dialogue looking at him like I did with Joo Won, I was gasping and telling my Laptop 'he's so pretty, beautiful, oh my god' multiple times.
I usually don't like crime series, it's just never interested me, so I avoid them, but i never had that feeling with BE. Like it wasn't about the crime if that makes sense. I felt like it was about the relationships, how each character would shape the happenings, who valued what and broke their secrets when. The scene where Dong Sik is like 'does it even matter who killed them' replays in my mind on an endless loop. Because it doesn't. It feels utterly irrelevant and that is fantastic!
Also honorable mention to the scene where Joo Won first grabs Dong Sik by his collar. I think my squeak at that was way too loud. He forgot his aversion for touch and reached out aaaaaah I'm still so giddy when I think about it
Okay I think I'm done ... For now. Though I have told my friend she should liveblog to me while she watches so maybe I'll return screaming if she tells me smth I can't comment on to her bc it'd be spoilers.
*kicking my feet and twirling my hair*
unintelligible rambling under the cut. no thoughts, just vibes.
i'd watched a few kdramas before BE, and i've enjoyed them to varying degrees but this one has me in a chokehold. i'm not super familiar with sk culture, and i'm veeerrrrry slooooowly learning the language, so i'm sure i'm missing a lot of the nuances but i think the story is told in such a way that it's kind of universal.
(i've been told that the -ah [or -ya] suffix is reserved for people one considers good friends, but i could have that wrong. i took dong sik calling him 'joo won-ah' to mean that he's important to him, and that he cares about him. growth.)
i adore joo won and all his issues, my poor little meow meow. and he's so SO PRETTY (i recommend watching more stuff with yeo jin goo--he's honestly one of the best actors i've ever seen, and he's only 24.) and dong sik.........he. fuck. i love dong sik so much (maybe too much but so be it). he's funny and flirty and everyone loves him, but he's also solitary and sad and haunted by his demons. i don't know if i kin any characters, but i feel super connected to lee dong sik. he's burdened with so much, and he wears his bright smile and sense of humor like armor. *shakes fist* i love him. and of course, he is really really REALLY hot.
i love crime series; i usually prefer them to series with overtly romantic themes, so BE was right up my street. and yeah, i totally agree--the crime part is important, but it's secondary to the characters, the way they're developed, and relationships that are happening throughout the series. i love when women write and direct characters.
and jwds. JWDS has changed my life, full stop.
that scene you mentioned when joo won grabs his collar is so!!!
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the intense hold, the way joo won's eyes quickly flick down dong sik's face, how close they are to each other. *vibrates* hnnngh it's so delicious. had me flailing on the couch the first time i watched it.
and The Scene at han ki hwan's house after the climax of the show (YOU KNOW THE ONE) fucking UNMADE me. stripped me down to my essence. changed the trajectory of my life. ugh. the tears! the tenderness! these men are in love with each other, your honor!
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! i hope your friend screams her thoughts at you as she watches it. it's so fun to get other people's views and takeaways.
i didn't have any points to make or anything intelligent (or intelligible) to say. i just enjoy flailing with other people about this show that's changed my life.
i'm so happy you've watched it and enjoyed it! 💕
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hanlimz · 1 year
happy jay day <3
and in light of the moonbin news, i hope you're holding up well
i love you so much cass <3
hi nyx :) happy (late) jay day <3
and, thank you, love <3 although my grief is incomparable with what i imagine his family and close friends are experiencing, it's been quite difficult. astro was actually the very first group i stanned; i knew them before i even knew who bts was. i found them through a kdrama called "to be continued" where they introduced a predebut ep called 'spring up' !! that was in 2015-2016, and i would've 100% called myself an aroha up until about 2018 (rise up era) .. so astro was a huge part of my "kpop journey" if you will, haha .. they brought me so much joy, and they were a group that i kept up with regularly until skz's debut.
i unfortunately can't take time to grieve wholly because of school obligations and life, but i've definitely been reminiscing. i stanned astro at such a happy time in my life, so going through their albums and listening to their songs has been really cathartic. their first three eps (and the rest of their albums) are beautifully done, and i would encourage anyone and everyone to take a listen both if they're mourning or if they just want good music recommendations. "to be continued" is also a wonderfully cute drama; it's very refreshing, and honestly one of the only kdramas i've been able to binge watch. knowing that he's still here in a way is comforting, i guess.
and, the cynic in myself tells me that it seems a bit silly to feel so much for a person i never met. but, moonbin was so bright and so kind. he was funny and he was gentle and his light was so undeniably strong; i can still see it in photos and videos, i can still hear it in songs, i can still feel it in the 12 year old girl that loved him with all of her heart. and, i'm so, so sorry that his death is already being sensationalized; i despise the fact that his memory is being bastardized by people who only want to exploit it—be it for fame, for recognition, or to comment on the industry itself. moonbin deserves none of it. no one ever does. all i can hope for is peace and healing—for his parents, for moon sua, for his friends, for aroha, and for him.
with all of this being said, i’m remembering him through his smile and all the happiness he brought me. i'm taking life one day at a time. i hope you're doing the same, my love. stay healthy <3
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mintchochipkookie · 1 year
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#bts - 11,885 posts
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#taehyung - 2,678 posts
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Longest Tag: 140 characters
#but fr tho where is he :( he was the only one missing the day they were photobombing jin too i saw some fan pics on insta tae was there too!
My Top Posts in 2022:
19 & 29 for the one ask game pls 🤌🏻
19. the veggie you dislike the most?
hmmmmmmmmmmm honestly I like most veggies, they're just. so yummy. There's a common vegetable in India called karela aka bitter gourd which, as the name suggests, is bitter. I actually don't think I've ever had it, or maybe I just tried it once and that's it cuz I don't like bitter stuff.
a more specific answer is baingan bharta. it's a particular way of cooking baingan aka eggplant (or brinjal as we call it) which quite frankly, is gross. i love eggplant - i like it pan fried or roasted or baked or whatever - just not baingan bharta.
i also just googled it and um. eggplant is a fruit?????? get outta here
29. preferred pasta noodle?
i was hoping you would see this post just for this quastion 🤌 hate to be boring but spaghetti. shit slaps
Send me a weirdly specific ask
7 notes - Posted June 3, 2022
literally so embarrassing watching indians make reverential posts for the british monarchy on instagram. have some self respect
10 notes - Posted September 9, 2022
Hello hi yes, the final chapter of my Dhamaka fic is finally up. Thanks to anyone who stuck around for the whole thing, it was a good time! 😄
Also, shout out to @twinkle-toph for helping proofread this thing and giving her inputs, even though she didn’t have to. 
10 notes - Posted February 7, 2022
Chapter 4 of my Dhamaka fic is up.
You can check out @risemaclay‘s piece from this chapter here!
10 notes - Posted January 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
anyway what’s a cute silly light hearted kdrama i can watch next? because that 2521 ending was bullshit lmao
and not in a ‘wow that was so heartbreaking’ kind of way, in a ‘wow that was some garbage writing in an attempt to manipulate my emotions and it didn’t work because it literally makes no sense for any of the characters’ !!!!!!
24 notes - Posted April 28, 2022
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 2 years
Do you think BTS are just metrosexual?
😭😭😭 you made me laugh in an endearing way. I don't think I've heard anyone using the word metrosexual since 2010.
I would like to say first that I don't exactly believe in the label "metrosexual", metrosexual men are just men who take care of their appearance in the way a woman is expected to. Women aren't called metrosexual because there's nothing different or out of the box about a woman looking nice and clean. I know tho that it's still a thing, that many people use this word so I will use it now even tho I don't really believe it's a label that is necessary.
I guess all idols would be considered metrosexual. They all dress nice, and wear makeup and their hairs look perfect and they show up shaved from head to toes. It's definitely a thing in the korean entertainment industry, I don't know if you watch kdramas but there aren't young male leads that have a mustache or beard or facial hair at all. It's a thing in the korean society as a whole, too. I know people get their ID photos photoshopped, airbrushed, color correction etc, so they look the best they can. I've heard some clubs don't let in people that might look a bit unkept. Looking good is very important for them.
In terms of their profession, yes I guess they could be called metrosexual. But they don't look the same when they're at home, or when they're hanging out with friends. They don't look as clean and pretty, they don't really shave when they don't have schedules either. I don't know if they would put the same importance on appareance and looks if they weren't idols. They're kpop idols, so they have to do all that, but who knows what would they look like if / when they're just regular people. I personally think BTS don't care that much about this stuff when they're not working, so outside of their profession, I wouldn't say they're metrosexual.
This doesn't have anything to do with sexuality, tho. Historically, women have been expected to look 100 at all times, while men just had to be... men. Later on, men also started caring about how they look and for many that's a "gay" thing. It's like women get pretty to attract men -> men get pretty -> that means they also want to attract men. Why would men get pretty for a woman??? They couldn't believe that. A more confusing concept, why would men want to look good for themselves??? But metrosexual men were also straight men, so they had to name it metrosexual because they weren't HOMOsexual 😆 but there was something not entirely heterosexual about them, all because they wanted to look clean and like they smelled nice.
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venusdear · 10 months
yes it is! heres an issue of it:
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when i looked it up to get this pic, i found out it stopped printing in winter 2016 :( I also used to read American Girl magazine and Discovery Girls magazine. All out of print now (the brand american girl is very much active, just the magazine stopped printing).
anyways, about wakeone. they are trash. the only difference between wakeone and a trash bin is the bin. i hate wakeone. the boys of highlight have their own company called around us entertainment and now im wondering can they take in to1? hmmm
literally tho lol. "junhyung is jake from enhypen now" NAWT JAKE FROM ENHYPEN LMAO. staff at belift, dragging junhyung in: okay meet ur 8th member guys! the enhypen boys: o_o /j
me, upon seeing literally any guy: hes cute lol.
the k in kpop does not stand for korean. it can stand for either kim jeyou, kim minsu, kyungho, kobayashi daigo, or kikwang. now everyone stand up for our national anthem u can pick from either sugar shock or predator lol.
i watched the suit dance for predator and my god i was not okay after that for several hours. it was beautiful. the dance was beautiful the song was beautiful the suit was beautiful he was beautiful my god if u look up "beautiful" a picture of gikwang should show up there.
how the hell does the staff work with someone so beautiful and are still able to go back home to their partner or spouse if i were them id be like sry we're breaking up i saw lee gikwang in person and realized i deserve someone better.
my god.
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LOOK AT HIM. hes never defeating the disney prince allegations and i love that.
yes i promise i love all 4 members, its just when i have a bias i talk about them like 300 times more than the others.
my god i just wanted to see yoseob and now im neck deep in this damn fandom. highlight's fandom is called lights and lights who bias gikwang are called aces :D likewise, to1's fandom is called TOgethers or gethers for short and gethers who bias kyungho (ex. ME!) are called gaengdans.
also about junhyung. if u think about it "yong junhyung" is such a badass name. aND ON TOP OF THAT HES A RAPPER. AND HES TALENTED. AND PRETTY. AND HAS HIS OWN LABEL. AND HES MOST LIKELY SUPER RICH. AND HIS SURNAME MEANS "DRAGON." god truly does have favorites, my friend.
SO THAT'S WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE :O super sparkly AWEEE why don't they print it anymore? i would have loved to read it :"D
LOLOLOL SOMETIMES I DO THAT TOO you are so relatable
SCREW WAKEONE ke1per deserves better to1 deserves a comeback IS IT BECAUSE THEY'RE OLDER THEREFORE NOT AS POPULAR????
the enhypen boys replacing jake with junhyung: 😈😈
a cute boy IS a cute boy (please tell me you get the reference)
omg there are so many ppl with the last name kim like kpop could become KIM POP kim everything WE ALL LIVE IN THE KIM LIFE
AWEEE ACES THAT'S SO CUTE you guys are aces because he's such an ace
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baekhvuns · 1 year
Dude i had no interest in Hollywood or pop music until 5th or 6th grade 😭 bcz before tht i used to be all abt bollywood. Then my father built my interest, he used to watch so many Hollywood movies, sometimes dubbed. Then one of my frnds was like "yo hv u heard tht song lean on' AND THTS HOW I STUMBLED INTO POP MUSIC!
I used to be a huge fan of Taylor Swift, Katy Perry and Ariana Grande. U could say i was picky so the only boyband i ever liked was one direction 🥲
Then around 2021 i became obsessed with kpop. So u see i was basically a kid 😭😭😭 but no i want to explore the spheres i missed out on.
Also i watched crash landing on you AND DUDE- i think it hits diff bcz they're married and hv a kid together but it was so beautiful 🤧. I hate the kdrama writers tho, i would do anything to provide justice for the second leads bcz they either don't get the girl or if they do they die. Ahhhhh-
Also, i found out tht this bollywood song "pehli Nazar mei" is legit a copy of the korean song "sarangheyo" ....idk the artist's but guess who stars in the mv??
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every time i read ur ask im always shocked or appalled dbwndhwkjckc THAT’S REASONABLE omg??? lean on was pretty recent ANON UR LATE BUT HERE FOR THE PARTY 🫡🫡
no bc one direction was like the only big big band at that teenage stage so i get it completely, zayn is the only hot one it sorry not sorry actually,,, STOPP the katy perry era,, esp the roar one >>>
AAAA ur right they actually lived an au, two famous actors coming together for a drama and ultimately falling in love??? sign me tf up AND I HAVEEE sampling goes a lot of ways but i def 100% prefer the atif one >>
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bigyikes97 · 1 year
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#yuzuru hanyu - 52 posts
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Longest Tag: 139 characters
#he was so passively going along with everything while also seeming to have an unreasonable grudge against yo han that i couldn't understand
My Top Posts in 2022:
I would re-watch Strangers from Hell because now that I live in a tiny apartment filled with strange people I understand how things progressed the way they did
how easy it is to go crazy when craziness is all you know, how the people who surround you become your world and standard of normalcy, how people can get under your skin and draw out the worst in you while your focus is so hyperfixated on the stew of psychopathic behavior that you can't even see what's wrong anymore, especially when that person seems, at first, to care for and understand you...it's given me food for thought and a hefty impetus towards introspection. I'll definitely be thinking about this show a lot in the future. Bad company truly does corrupt good morals.
I ALSO got physically ill at that (human? question mark?) BBQ table scene when the lights were flashing and THIS man was like
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It was truly ADVANCED DARKNESS and I got such awful heebie-jeebies i had to drop it then and there. maybe I'll finish it later...or maybe not!!! I think the lesson was great but it was a bit much for me
10 notes - Posted November 17, 2022
wait i figured it out
If eyes are like OuO it is my favorite
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15 notes - Posted November 30, 2022
Just started Devil Judge because I heard it referenced alongside "The Merciless"
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Looove the concept and I think there's a lot that can be said about it, as for the plot, idk what's going on yet but THIS GUY ^^^ is GORGEOUS ^^^ so I'll keep watching~ hehe~ i had a crush on him like 10 years ago from Protect the Boss and holy guacamole he looks the SAME but now EVIL??? Or...NOT??? NOT SURE?? (I drew awful fan art of him as a young kpop teenager before that was a thing!!! It was TVXQ! era in a small town, someone looked at my sketchbook and asked 'why'd you draw an angry Hawai'ian man' and I answered "actually this is Ji Sung he's a Korean actor" and then they're like 'why'd you draw an angry Korean man' I've remembered this interaction for 10 years) First ep was a lil confusing but as per Kdrama rules you must give it at least two eps before drawing a conclusion.
Also everyone keeps saying things like "Lawful husbands" and from the amount of trespassed space bubbles and mysterious stares in the first episode I'm expecting some bromance or maybe ANTI bromance?? bro-loathing?? I guess there will also be a point where I'll say "oh, that's what they meant", we'll see!
20 notes - Posted November 17, 2022
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24 notes - Posted November 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
If the idea of Goncharov's *story* appeals to y'all (like, outside of the meme, if you were like, 'oh, I would watch that movie if it existed'), "The Merciless" should probably be on your watchlist
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It's a complicated angsty relationship gangster tension plot-twisting ride of a tragic violent shoot-em-up heartbreak-fest and I have so many feelings about it hhffsdfghhghghhhhhh
(and it got like an 8 minute standing ovation at Cannes if that is convincing to anyone)
ALSO in the running for "existent gangster movies that are literally earth shaking in scope and layers of analyses" is my all-time favorite "A Bittersweet Life"
(100% on Rotten Tomatoes btw)
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51 notes - Posted November 22, 2022
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