#The actual main couple of seven were the two village kids who were neighbors and childhoods friends
moonilit · 3 months
something I really appreciate about seven is its constant subversion of expectations, it lay down the fundamentals of a well known trope then flip it at its head. Its really incredibly simple story telling that keep the player engaged, simple trick but effective lol
Cloud is this well trained will hounded Ex- SOLDIER, old best buddy with Sephiroth the war hero- Except he is not
Aerith is the last living Cetra, steward of the planet- except she knows nothing about being one and more concerned about her love life and fun
Cloud and Aerith fit the knight and princess trope to be the game romance- Except they are not
The Cetra are the stewards of the planet, they made materia and can talk with the planet itself, they must been benevolent and wise- Except the were intolerant and selfish, they had their ears everywhere
Heck even Sephiroth and us fall into one of these twists, JENOVA is sephiroth mother, she tells him so, she is an Cetra too- Except she is not
and so one like its really a simple trick, tell you/ show you something they know you will assume things out of then twist it and its like fun little trick while writing, fitting for a story that targets teens too
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tempist-flower · 4 years
Second Chances ch 3- Where We Are
At this point in my life, I hit the seven month mark. How did I know? My new parents had something planned for when I hit seven months. what it was I didn't know, but I don't think it was anything big. Other then the fact that I could crawl now, nothing eventful has happened at all. I still had no idea what time I was in, and I was still considered a bit of a fussy baby. I yearned for the day I could start being independent again. It seemed like such a far off dream at this point. One that would eventually come true, it was just taking a long ass time.
Currently it was early in the morning and I was being dressed for the day. Both my parents were wearing aprons and had thick pairs of gloves, the kind that you usually garden with. I think my new mom was finally going back to work part time again. One thing I did learn is that some of the plants grown here were collected and traded with other villages. Some of them were even used as the main ingredients in potions. Yes, potions. I actually thought they wouldn't really exist in this world but they do. I wonder if that means things like elixers and phoenix downs existed here too. I guess I would find out as I got older.
While my mom was dressing me, my dad was packing a diaper bag. Xander has already left for school, he probably left before I even got up. As soon as I was dressed both parents double and triple checked the diaper bag before picking me up.
"Are you sure you have everything?"my mom asked. "We don't want to leave them without enough to take care of her."
"Yes, I checked the bag. I think there's enough in this bag to last a week." my dad said. "You act like this is our first child all over again. Most become pros after the first kid you know."
"Oh hush you, there's nothing wrong with being prepared."
I toned out the rest of their conversation as they headed towards the door. If I had to guess, it sounded like I was going to a daycare or something similar. Hey that was something interesting I guess. So far my only trips outside have been to the neighbors, or to the small garden behind the house. As they walked I tried to take in more details. The village looked pretty simple, and much bigger then I thought. Several houses and streets stretched out a lot father then I could see. This place looked more like a small town then a tiny little village. We passed several houses and shops. Items, weapons, clothing, furniture, and several other things you would see back in my own world. The only difference was that some of the shops were built right into people's homes. Most of the houses we passed were small and only had one story. The shops were more obvious by having at least two stories.
As they walked I took in more and more of the surrounding around me. Many people were out working or just walking around shopping. There were few children walking around, some on their way to school it seemed. I wonder what that would be like? There were a handful of teenagers scattered here and there lazing about and enjoying the weather it seemed. It was a warm day out, I assume it's always warm here, or maybe I was born during winter and I just didn't know it. Does it snow here or is it warm year round? Judging by how most of the people here had some sort of tan I could assume it was the latter.
As fun as people watching was I could feel myself dozing off a bit as my parents walked. I lost track of how long or how far they've been walking but I assume it was at least a few blocks. Fighting to stay awake was becoming more and more of a struggle and I knew I would completely fall asleep soon. I hadn't even been awake a full two hours yet and here I was getting sleepy again.
At some point I believe they finally reached their destination as felt their steps finally stop. That was followed by knocking, and then I heard another voice talking to my parents. However I was too tired to properly pay attention to whoever my parents were passing me off to. Vaguely I remembered my mom kissing my forehead and my dad bidding me goodbye as I finally dozed off. I just hope they weren't abandoning me...
I'm assuming a few hours had passed before I next woke up to a new place. I knew this wasn't my house but it was decorated similarly. Maybe all the furniture was made the same. The only real difference I took notice of was the crib I was in. The sheets and toys in it were blue, as was most of the other things in the room. So wherever I was they had a baby boy somewhere. That baby definitely wasn't in the crib with me, I would have noticed another child in here. I didn't have much time to take in all my surroundings, mostly because they were so similar to mine at home, before I heard footsteps on the other side of the door.
A woman walked into the room and gave me a friendly smile when she saw I was awake. She looked to be no older then her late 20's, but she could have passed as younger. She had long black hair tied in a braid to her waist and blue eyes. She was wearing a simple dress shirt and a plain skirt with a half apron tied around her waist. In her hand was was a bag, I think it was my baby bag. She must be my baby sitter. Coming over to the crib she scooped me up and carried me over to what looked to be a changing table, cooing to me in that infuriating baby talk. I toned her out. She was nice don't get me wrong, but I've grown incredibly tired of hearing that baby talk. If my ears could bleed from it I'm sure they would. At least she didn't drown on like some others.
I tried not to pay attention as she changed my diaper, and ignored the taste of that disgusting mush she fed me. I wish they could make baby food taste better. I knew tit was the best I was going to get for a while, and once again dreamed for the day I could eat real food again. As soon as both embarrassing deeds were done, she picked me up again and carried me out of the room. As she walked I saw glances of photos in the hallway. Pictures of her and several other people, but the one that stood out was of a man who I could only believe to be her husband. She walked too fast for me to get a get a good look look at his picture, but since it looked like a wedding photo I think it was safe to say he was her husband.
We came out into what could only be the living room, and I immediately noticed the baby in the room. Well besides me of course.
They were playing on a large hand knit baby blanket on the floor. There were plenty of teething rings, and stuffed animals surrounding them. Currently they were playing with a stuffed chocobo and drooling all over it. I couldn't see his face because he faced away from me, but I knew this had to this lady's kid. Or maybe she was just babysitting him too. I could tell he had black hair that was sticking all over the place, and was wearing a blue onesie that had little chocobos all over it. I admit that was pretty cute. If I had a kid before I died, I'd definitely buy that for them.
The mystery lady walked over to the large blanket and gently set me down on it a few feet from the little boy. He was too focused on his current toy to notice me, and I didn't bother to make myself noticed. I had no idea how I was supposed to act in this situation. I was fine with just observing him for the time being, and did so for a few minutes. The baby finally left his current toy in search for something else, and that's when he rolled over and noticed I was also on his blanket. looked at me and I noticed he had the same blue eyes as the Mystery Lady. Maybe this was his mom after all. Up close he looked to be the same age as me, maybe give or take a couple of months. He almost looked confused to see me, like he's never seen another baby before. He probably never has.
I continued to stare at him as he stared at me, before he finally cracked a toothless smile and made a happy noise while crawling over to me. I didn't do anything as he tried to crawl towards me, I didn't know what to do. I could have been in this situation before but hell if I knew how a baby is supposed to react to certain things. The closer he got the more anxious I started to get and let out some type of noise. It must have been a bad noise because Mystery Lady sat down next to the two of us. She picked me up and pulled me into her lap away from the little boy's grabby, saliva covered hands.
As soon as I was in her lap he stopped in his advances towards me. Good, but now I had another problem. I didn't really like being held in general. I had gotten used to my new parents, but not with anyone else. I tried to struggle in her lap as much as a baby could struggle to be let go. As I struggled in her lap I started to cry which seemed to have a effect on the other baby in the room. After watching me struggle and hearing me cry he started to cry to. Expertly she rocked me in one arm to calm me down, and scooped up the little boy in her other arm. Mystery Lady rocked us both in her arms humming softly and soon enough she got us both to stop crying.
I had stopped crying sooner then he did, but he calmed down soon enough. Damn was she good. Gently she set us both down on the blanket with a smile on her face. Mystery Lady gently patted both of our heads before finally settling her gaze on the little boy.
"Oh Zack, don't worry sweetie, she's just a little scared." She said gently as he started heading towards me again."You'll be a good boy and be nice to Thorne won't you?"
That kid was really interested in me and I didn't like it. Why can't he-
Wait... did she say Zack?
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livefuntravelposts · 3 years
Top Places to Visit in Finland
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The last time Kati and I were in Finland, we were standing in 5 feet of snow looking for the Northern Lights.  It was a cold, bitter winter night and the only thing that got us through was eating reindeer stew along the road.  It warmed us up and kept us going.  But Finland is a lot more than just the Northern Lights.  Finland is a land of incredible lush green sights, long lakes, and vast seas. The country is home to a record 179,584 Islands and 188,000 lakes. The four main archipelagos in Finland are; Helsinki, Kotka, the Archipelago Sea, and the Kvarken archipelago - a UNESCO Heritage site. Finland is also famed for its robust health care system and highly efficient education system. But that's not all that this beautiful Nordic country has to offer. The country is a favourite destination with most folks living in Europe . Fondly  known as "The home of a thousand lakes" Finland is a magical treasure box filled with stunning and fascinating attractions! From the Northern lights to the magical winter and irresistible summers, it is undoubtedly a hidden gem waiting to be explored by both the young and old alike.     Why Visit Finland? Snuggled perfectly between Sweden to the west and Russia to the east, Finland shares certain traits with its Scandinavian neighbors. The breathtaking scenery, magnificent rugged coastline, snow-packed ski fields, and the winter Northern Lights. You can enjoy exhilarating activities such as dog sledding, chasing the Northern Lights, and swimming  across the Arctic when you visit Lapland during winter. In addition to the outdoor adventures, this Nordic country also has other enjoyable experiences in store for you! Think steamy and relaxing saunas, delicious cuisines, and trendy, stylish Nordic cafes. We have compiled a list of some of the most irresistible places you must see on your Finland tour.   
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Finland is incredible during the winter, but this country has so much to offer year round.  
11 Must-See Attractions In Finland
  1. Meet the Real Santa Claus in Rovaniemi
  Do you have any idea where Santa Claus lives? Don't let anybody fool you that Santa Claus doesn't exist – yes, he does, in  Rovaniemi, Finland!  Doubling as Lapland's official capital and the secret entry point to the Arctic, Rovaniemi is undoubtedly one of the  most iconic tourist destinations. It's without a doubt the best place to launch and end your Christmas visit to Lapland. A must-visit attraction site is Santa Claus Village. This charming theme park encased in the snowy mountains of Lapland is Finland's alternative to Disneyland. You will have a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and most importantly, you will have the opportunity to meet the jolly man himself – Santa Claus! After chatting with Father Christmas, you can stop by Santa's post office and post a postcard to your loved ones back home. Then visit Santa Park, a magical place where kids can discover Father Christmas's Cave.  Experience the Ice Gallery, admire a series of incredible ice sculptures, and even take a tour inside Santa's toy factory. Other outdoor adventures include enjoying a reindeer sleigh ride, ice fishing, making snow sculptures, and exploring the surrounding nature riding a snowmobile. As evening approaches, spend your night at the Arctic Snow Hotel. While there, don't forget to sample out the Lap cuisines, and conclude your night relaxing in one of the incredible ice spas!  
2. Visit the Polar Bears at the Ranua Wildlife Park
Nestled between the magical mires and wild but quaint forest lies Rauna Wildlife Park, an enclave of unruffled experiences mixed with the Arctic wilderness. The Ranua Wildlife Park offers enchanting experiences with Arctic wildlife, and the surrounding nature will take you to the fairytale world Of Snow-White And The Seven Dwarfs. From Rovaniemi, you can start your day driving down to Ranua Wildlife Park, about an hour's drive away. While here, check out the Ranua Zoo; this northernmost zoo pays homage to nearly 50 endangered Arctic animal species. However, the real draw is its polar bears. Be sure to say hi and take photos with Venus and Manse, the two beautiful polar bears living as a couple. Once done with polar bears, experience  a magical excursion in a coach drawn by horses through the whistling forest or a giggly reindeer sleigh ride. While enjoying the tour,  stop by the ecological wolfdog rescue center for a campfire lunch. Other notable activities include a snowmobile ride through the deep crystalline woodlands, or hike through a frozen and barren bog wearing your snowshoes.  
3. Chase down the Northern Lights
Regarded as one of the world's natural wonders, visitors from all over the world flock to Finland every year in the hopes of snapping a photo of these awe-inspiring Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis). The best area to witness the Northern Lights is near Kilpisjarvi. When the sky is bright at that latitude, the chances of seeing an Aurora are 80% percent. So three nights out of four! Those odds must be encouraging. During the winter seasons, the sun appears for a few hours, and the nights are usually very long. The Finns typically call this season "Kaamos." With these conditions, particularly in places like Kilpisjarvi, you can enjoy yourself joining the cross-country skying. Picture yourself skiing during the night while chasing after the Northern lights. It truly is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and a fantastic way to witness this magnificent phenomenon. If you are not a fan of skiing, don't worry, you can enjoy watching this magnificent wonder at the comfort of your bed inside a glass igloo. Nothing is thrilling, like relaxing under the stars and staying up all night watching as the Northern Lights dance in the sky above you!  
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Seeing the Northern Lights is always a highlight. There are many websites which will tell you the best places and nights to go out chasing them.  
4. Lighthouse Island
Finland's coastline has the largest archipelago globally. Naturally, you expect to see lighthouses by the hundreds all over the country's shoreline. The lighthouses have become a magnet for tourists, some with unique features to accommodate visitors willing to spend nights in them. The Bengtskär lighthouse is the tallest in the entire Nord region. It is a pretty magnificent sight to behold. Located on a spectacular Island, you can get to the island by boat, with the best possible season to visit between June - August. Make your bookings early in advance to secure your night stay. Bengtskär lighthouse has six rooms to stay in.  Söderskär lighthouse in Helsinki is a must-see. The journey to Söderskär is more accessible by boat, and it takes an hour to get there and about two hours touring the lighthouse. Activities include; climbing the lighthouse; you get to see the entire landscape from an aerial view. It's quite spectacular. While there, you can have a cup of coffee at the keeper's cottage adjacent to it.  
5. Finnish Saunas and Lakes 
  Kati and I love to take a sauna.  We actually have two saunas.  One at home and we built one in the woods in western North Carolina.  There is nothing better and we actually give the sauna credit for keeping us healthy.  If you think thousands of Finland Islands are enough for one tiny country, there are over 3 million saunas and nearly 190 000 lakes in Finland. Locals enjoy saunas and have made it a favorite pastime. Finns go to enjoy saunas at least once a week. So when you visit, indulge as excessively as time allows you to have a relaxing dip in one of the great saunas.  Finnish Lakeland has the most summer cottages and saunas too. Experience swimming in winter and rolling in the snow around your holiday cottage.  
6. Suomenlinna UNESCO Site
Finland has a record six cultural UNESCO World Heritage sites and one natural UNESCO World Heritage site. The Suomenlinna Fortress Island in Helsinki is a favorite tour destination in Finland. Added to the UNESCO Heritage List in 1991, Suomenlinna is an exceptional military architecture monument. The seven islands of Suomenlinna are comprised of old dungeons and fortresses in an inhabited district in Helsinki. To get to Suomenlinna, take a fifteen minutes ferry ride from the Kauppatori central market square.  
7. Archipelago National Park
Archipelago National Park - a seascape filled with hundreds of islands! It is only 59kilometers away from Turku city. A convenient route to get to the park is through Kimito and Pargas. Positioned directly south of the city, The Archipelago National Park has a lot to give, from Viking settlements to fortified islands. Using Turku as your launching base, you can explore the park by either canoeing or cycling between the quaint towns, with breathtaking landscapes around every corner. You can cycle along the Archipelago trail to Pargas and Nagu islands, which offer an authentic archipelago life experience and a wide range of accommodation. While in Pargas, don't forget to pass by Art Bank for some fine art, then hop onto a boat and head out to Berghain, a fantastic comping site. If you don’t enjoy cycling, go for the Riverine route. You can opt for a kayaking adventure, or if you feel it's too much work, hop into one of the ferries available for a peaceful sightseeing day around the Archipelago Park. Notable areas not to miss include the Rosala Viking Village, the Military island of Oro, The isle of Bengtskar, and finally, the peaceful island community of Uto.  
8. Bear Watching in Suomussalmi
For those who love bears, the best place to watch them is in Suomussalmi, a small region in Finland near the Russian border. There are approximately 1000 brown bears in Finland, but you are unlikely to meet with one while leisurely strolling through the forest. These brown beasts can smell you from afar, and they usually flee before your paths cross. For the best bear-watching experience, hire a local guide. The guides are familiar with the forest and know where to find these beasts.   
9. Try Out Finnish Cuisine
Whether it's in the summer or winter, it doesn't matter which season; sampling out the authentic Finnish delicacy is a must-do activity for anybody visiting Finland. Finnish delicacies combine traditional and chic cuisine, with beef, pork, seafood, and reindeer as the primary ingredients. While strolling through Helsinki Old Market Area, you can start with quick bites, like Finnish Squeaky Cheese, Karelian Pie, and Rye Bread. Try lip-licking typical Finnish sauces with pancakes, Lapland bread cheese, or Riispurro (Rice Porridge) for a more severe breakfast. For lunch and dinner, you are full of choices. You can try out authentic Finnish meals like Pastry Macaroni With Beef Meatballs Smeared with Jam mixed with Mash Potatoes, Roasted Herring, and many other dishes. Lastly, beer lovers can try out local favorites such as Glogg Akvavit, Finnish beers, Finnish Vodka and Sima.
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Helsinki is worth exploring and checking out some world class restaurants.
  10. Oulanaka National Park
Oulanka National Park is widely regarded as one of the best national parks in Finland, and with good reason. There are a series of spectacular creeks that run through the Kiutakongas Falls canyon. It's a quick one kilometer  stroll from the parking lot, so you can have a swell  time hiking with your spouse or your loved ones.  Just below the waterfalls, several beautiful rope swing bridges spanning over the canyon. Outdoor adventures are the thing here, and even if you are not athletic, you will have a good time.  
11. Finnish Glass Igloo
Finland is a land of extremes in terms of season contrasts. During summer, the sun stays up all day, and all night, in Northern Finland . This phenomenon  is known as  "The Land of the Midnight Sun." During winter, the opposite happens:  darkness fills the land, giving way to beautiful moonlighting, bright stars  and a romantic setting for a cozy night under warm fires. This time is known as  "kaamos."  During kaamos, it is not entirely dark,  the skies glow from the brisk  the moon, and the stars, reflecting an amazing view from the backdrop of the bright snow across the landscapes. The Northern Lights project  enchanting backdrops from the seashores. An exciting approach to  experience the Midnight sun and Kaamos is to sleep in a a glass igloo, out in the open skies. It’s a magical experience!   Our Final Word Finland is more than just a stunning European destination; it is mystical heaven on Earth that brings the human imagination to life. From the breathtaking sightseeing sites to the enchanted wonderland of snow and fascinating natural phenomena. Finland appeals to a wide range of tourists, including history lovers, nature-buffs, food lovers, and thrill-seekers. There really isn't a best time to see Finland.  Both summer and winter offers travelers an incredible amount of activities. Head to Finland and discover why it is rated as the happiest country on earth.
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facondevie · 7 years
Three survivors from the Nanjing Massacre remember their experiences very vividly; all three have memories of brutal deaths. Wen Sunshi was raped by a Japanese soldier and would have been killed otherwise. After that she was released and went into hiding in a cellar for several months, then returned to live with her parents. She remembers seeing many people murdered by the troops. Chen Jiashou escaped to a refugee camp after the Japanese invasion, but eventually was taken by the soldiers. As they started to shoot everyone she faked dead to survive, and then later on was captured again by the soldiers and had to work in a Japanese factory. She also witnessed several deaths during the massacre. Chen Deshou recalls seeing bombs and fires and witnessed his aunt being stabbed to death after fighting with a soldier so she wouldn’t be raped. He refers to the soldiers as “Japanese devils”.
“Testimony of Wen Sunshi
My name is Wen Sunshi, this year I turn 82 years old. My house was originally in the Xiaguan district of Nanjing. I was married in 1936 of the Chinese lunar calendar. My husband’s original surname was Guo, but because my family had arranged the marriage, he changed his name to Wen—my surname.
When the Japanese entered the city on the December of 1937, many retreating Chinese Nationalist troops attempted to cross  the river to escape, with some even coming to my house to board. When the sky was getting dark, my entire family took refuge at the nearby [Hutchinson International].
The refugees at the [Hutchinson International] were many. One day, six or seven Japanese troops arrived, all of them armed with guns, knives hanging by their waists. They took six or seven maidens from the crowd of refugees. I was among those taken. There was also a maiden I recognized, her name was Little Qiaozi. One Japanese soldier forced me into an empty room. I can remember him being chubby, with a beard. Once we were both in the room, he used a knife to force me to take off my pants—I would be killed if I didn’t. I was thus raped in this manner.
After the rape, the Japanese soldier turned to me and said ‘opened path, opened path’ and I was released. In order to avoid the Japanese soldiers coming again to hurt us, that night, the manager of the [Hutchinson International] ferried us—about eighteen maidens—to the cellar of the Egg Beating room. Those among us also included several maidens who had escaped from the Suzhou prefecture of Jiangsu. I hid in that cellar for several months, with the owners secretly sending me food. Only after the situation was deemed ‘peaceful’ did I return to live with my mother and father. I had lived in the [Hutchinson International] for more than a year before I had returned home.
My husband knows that I was raped by a Japanese soldier, but empathizes with me. He passed away a couple of years ago. In my home, I can’t bear to tell my sons and daughters, and I’m worried that other people will find out and look down upon me.
At that time, my cousin was only eighteen-years-old. He was taken away by the Japanese troops and never returned. I personally watched as the Japanese troops massacred many people. We had a neighbor, elderly Ms. Zhen, who was about eighty-years-old. She thought that because she was old, she could remain at home and be fine. In actuality, she was brutally murdered by the Japanese, with her stomach slashed open. There was also a tea specialist, who couldn’t bear leaving his home. He was also murdered by the Japanese.
Testimony of Chen Jiashou
My name is Chen Jiashou. I was born on September 16, 1918. When the Imperial Japanese Army invaded Nanjing in 1937, I was living in a small Nanjing district with my Uncle, Mother and Father, my two brothers and my sister. At that time, I was only 19 years old. I was an apprentice. After the Japanese invasion, I, along with several other people, collectively escaped to a refugee camp by Shanghai Road. At that time, since the refugee camp had run out of food, I ventured out to replenish the supply. But because of some casual remarks I made while lining up, I was taken by some nearby Japanese soldiers and brought to a pond adjacent to Shanghai Road. Having not stood there for more than two minutes, I watched as a group of armed Japanese soldiers hustled several lines of about two hundred Chinese troops toward the edge of the pond, surrounding them with weapons to prevent them from escaping.
At that time, I was also ordered to stand among the front line of Chinese soldiers. I was only 19 years old, and terribly frightened.
Thus, the instant the Japanese soldiers opened fire on us all, I immediately fell toward the ground, faking my death. Struck by the flying bullets, my Chinese comrades all piled up on my body. Right up till it got dark and the Japanese soldiers had all left, I lay under the dead bodies, not daring to move. Only then did I climb out from under the pile of bodies. It was thus how I became a fortunate survivor of the Nanjing massacre.
I was captured again by the Japanese near Sanhe Village, and sent to work at a Japanese-occupied silk factory near nowadays’ Nanjing medicine factory. It was at this time that I witnessed more Japanese atrocities first-hand. One time, after I finished transporting ten barrels of gasoline to the Japanese military depot near the train station, Japanese soldiers brought me to a basement. Aside from large wooden boxes, the basement also contained a bed. The two Japanese soldiers ripped off the bedsheet covers and indiscriminately opened fire upon it. On the bed lay four women, all dead.
Another time, as I came back from transporting provisions, I walked near the main hall of the Nanjing medicine factory. I saw a few hundred ordinary citizens collapsed on the road. Driving a truck, the Japanese troops evidently saw them as well, but simply paid no attention and pretended not to see them. They drove directly over the people, transforming the place into a bloodbath.
I will never forget a memory like this:
One day after work, I walked to the entrance of Changshan Park. A man surnamed Tse heard the sound of a Japanese truck, so stuck his head out to take a look. Coincidentally, he caught the eyes of the Japanese troops, who immediately disembarked and tied Old Tse up, forcing him to kneel on the ground. One of them took out a bayonet, and violently hacked at Old Tse’s head. Unfortunately, though the back of Old Tse’s neck was sliced through, his head hung on by the remaining front part of his neck—he was still breathing  and alive, collapsed on the floor. Seeing this, the Japanese soldiers then raised their leather boots, mercilessly kicking him around the Changshan Park’s grounds. It was only then, with his head severed and his body trashed, that Old Tse passed away.
I will never forget the violence, the atrocities and the aggression that the Imperial Japanese soldiers enacted during the Nanjing Massacre.
Testimony of Mr. Chen Deshou. 
Interviewed by Yanming Lu. 
Chen: My last name is Chen, spelled with the ‘ear’ and ‘east’, De is the ‘de’ from virtue, and Shou is the ‘shou’ from longevity. My name is Chen De Shou.
Lu: What year were you born?
Chen: 1932
Lu: You were born here in Nanjing?
Chen: Yes, in Nanjing.
Lu: What type of work did your parents do?
Chen: My mother was a housewife, my father was in clothing, he owned a clothing store.
Lu: What did your grandparents do?
Chen: My grandfather was a tailor, he also made clothes.
Chen: My grandmother too.
Lu: So your family ran a tailoring shop?
Chen: No, a clothing shop, a clothing store.
Lu: Do you remember what it was like in your family store at the time?
Chen: Yes.
Lu: Can you talk a little about it?
Chen: Life in our household was a full one. There was my paternal grandfather, my paternal grandmother, my parents and a younger brother. My mother was pregnant. My father’s sister also lived with us, and she had two kids who came to live with us. Life was very hard. In 1937, at that time, Japan, the Japanese troops . . . they were setting off bombs, throwing bombs, see at that time, they wanted to . . . to . . . hiding from the planes. Around December of 1937, there were so many people, they fled to escape the troubles. Why didn’t our family go? Because our family was in the clothing ordering business, and my father got a contract to make uniforms for the soldiers, uniforms that were for the local army. This money though, was stuck, so there was no cash, and without the money, you couldn’t escape, right? So we didn’t leave, we lived in this house. Where was our house? It was near Nanjing’s Sanshan Rd, in what is now the street just behind the Gan Family Courtyard. My house was #4. . . .
Life was pretty happy and full. Now on December 13, there came change that turned our world upside down. At that time, at the end of the alley, at the end of the alley we lived in, it was called Tian Qing St. The Japs started a fire, they started a fire at the end of the alley, and the blaze was fierce. My father, being a warm hearted man, he went out to put out the fire. And he never came back. From the moment he left that day, he never came back, he was gone. So only my grandparents, my mother, my aunt, the young and the old, were left at home. On the morning of that day, a Japanese devil took a bayonet, a rifle, and with the bayonet he came in. When he came in, we thought everything was as usual, my grandfather even brought out candies for him, telling him to eat, and treating him as a guest. He said he didn’t want that, he said one sentence: “I want a woman.” My mother was pregnant, with a big belly, so he didn’t want her. He dragged my aunt, and at the time she was nursing my little girl cousin. The house we lived in had 3 rooms, each behind the other, we were in the third, in the third room. He took my aunt, and dragged her from the third room to the second room, he was going to humiliate her, he was about to rape her.
My aunt was an educated woman, she would rather die than submit, so she struggled, she struggled with that Japanese devil. Then the devil picked up a knife, and stabbed my aunt, piercing her 6 times, in her thigh as well, she was bleeding there as well as from her chest. At the time when he dragged her to the front, my grandmother, and I was an obedient little boy, she brought me forward, so I witnessed my aunt’s death with my own eyes. I was 6 at the time, only 6, but I was old enough to remember things. My aunt handed my little cousin over to my grandmother, and said, ‘Mother, my heart aches, please give me some sweetened water.’
So my aunt, my grandmother, my grandmother carried my little cousin to the back, and poured a bowl of sweetened water, from the third room to the second and back to the front. When she got there, my aunt had already stopped breathing, she didn’t get to taste the bowl of sweetened water her mother brought. So, just like that, my aunt died. And then that very night, my mother, she gave birth to her child, at that time she gave birth. Giving birth at that time, when there was no one there to help, was extremely difficult. So we stayed at home.
At this time, we kept my aunt’s body in the second room, within that room’s entry we put down a door, and her on it, she lay there close to 3 days, we had no other choice, grandfather was old, around 70, he was an old man. We had no one in the house who could work, we couldn’t get a coffin, right. The child my mother bore didn’t have anything to eat, in a few days our household  food ran out. The Japanese devils, were really hateful to the extreme, see, he could kill without batting an eyelid. He could rape and kill without batting an eyelid. And then, on the third day, a Japanese soldier arrived—this was a soldier, not a Japanese devil. He had a short gun on him, a short gun. And then he also spoke Chinese, he could understand my grandfather, and he could talk so my grandfather understood. He said that back in Japan he was a shop keeper, not a soldier, he was conscripted, he didn’t have a choice, he was conscripted here, and from the looks of him he wasn’t a soldier, he was a petty official. He took my grandfather out to the streets, found a couple of youths, and then found a  few able bodies and went with them to a coffin shop and brought back a coffin to our second room, that is the room before ours, and put my aunt in the coffin. We couldn’t bury her, so we had to put her on the ground open to the sky, like that. And then he took my grandfather, and went out, to a rice shop and a soy sauce shop and found some food, then put it in a bag and carried it back to us, and so we survived this hardest of hard times, see.
Now the Japanese devils, they wouldn’t let a single woman off the hook, right. After my mother gave birth, she put the bloodied paper on the floor. When they came they’d want to see it, and after they saw it, they knew she’d had a baby, they didn’t want her and they’d leave. This harassment went on everyday, there was nothing we could do.”
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