#The Monkey King: True and False Monkey King
the-monkey-ruler · 4 months
The Monkey King: True and False Monkey King (2024) 齐天大圣之真假美猴王
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Screenwriter: Gu Zhiyin Starring: Liu Xiaolingtong / Ma Dehua Genre: Animation / Fantasy Country/Region of Production: Mainland China Language: Mandarin Chinese Date: 2024 (Mainland China) Also known as: Monkey King: The True and False Sun Wukong Type: Retelling
The Great Sage protects Monk Tang so he can study in the West. After many hardships, this time he encounters a Sun Wukong who is exactly like himself. What is even more incredible is that this monkey demon has great supernatural powers and aims to replace Sun Wukong. The real and fake Monkey King fought so hard that no one could tell the difference. Who is this fake Wukong? He doesn't want to eat Tang Monk, but wants to learn the scriptures? Sun Wukong and Little White Dragon investigate to find out the truth together. There are many doubts about whether it is the evil side that Wukong himself has transformed into or is Wukong's schizophrenia... Sun Wukong encounters unprecedented crises and huge challenges.
When all doubts are solved, but can Wukong face the truth of the matter and himself. Who I am? Am I me?
To Wukong's surprise, the monkey monster that challenged him was not an ordinary monster, but the Six-Eared Macaque, a little brother who shared hardships in Flower Fruit Mountain. Their brotherly love was deep and the little Six-Eared Macaque worshiped Wukong and helped Wukong's situation and Flower Fruit Mountain. Indignant about Wukong’s situation and Flower Fruit Mountain that in his process of extremely worshiping and imitating Wukong, he fell deeper and deeper insane. In the end, he became possessed and lost himself. Trying to replace the powerless Wukong in front of him, and vowed to become a Buddha by himself. Faced with the life-and-death choice between brotherly love and the righteousness of seeking scriptures, where will he go...
Source: https://movie.douban.com/subject/26873015/
Link Trailor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o24Q_WyRuqs
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sketching-shark · 11 months
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I guess he did.
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reginleif-valkyrie · 8 months
True and False Monkey King
I feel bad for these women. Their sole purpose is to die so Wukong can come to some epiphany. Or is it Wukong? 🤷 The plot is all the demons want Sanzang’s staff because if he takes it to X place all the demons are reborn and if a demon takes it to X place they take over? Also we have Six Ears pretending to be Wukong. The movie makes you question which one is which because when you think you know the answer, you’re wrong. Or are you? Wukong may not be monkey man, but he looks more so than the others. Bajie is only a pig man for like a scene and why did the villagers give the Buddhist monks meat? Pig meat to boot. 🐷 why was the big baddy a giant version of Gorro?
It’s an entertaining enough movie on IQIYI.
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We need more Sanzang hiding behind Wukong.
I have to give the writers props. The woman talks about Six Ears lovingly and Wukong immediately says ‘like the relationship between my master and me’ they really did just slip that line comparing their relationship to the Het ship you’re rooting for.
I will say this. The ending pissed me off. I can’t believe it ended like that. They set it up perfectly and then don’t give you the ending you expected.
I’ll leave you with this cute dog thing I want.
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Is Six Ears an Aspect of Sun Wukong?
I've seen some people claim that Six Ears is not an aspect of Sun Wukong's mind. They either ignore the references to "one mind" and "two Minds" (and the Buddhist philosophy behind them), or they just say it's allegory and nothing more. Well, there are actually internal story details from chapter 58 that support the close connection between the Monkey King and his doppelganger.
1) The Bodhisattva Guanyin and her “eyes of wisdom” (huiyan, 慧眼) can’t tell them apart:
The various deities and the Bodhisattva stared at the two for a long time, but none could tell them apart (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 3, p. 106). 眾諸天與菩薩都看良久,莫想能認。 [And later:] Pressing his palms together, our Buddha said, “Guanyin, the Honored One, can you tell which is the true Pilgrim and which is the false one?” “They came to your disciple’s humble region the other day,” replied the Bodhisattva, “but I truly could not distinguish between them …” (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 3, p. 114). 我佛合掌道:「觀音尊者,你看那兩個行者,誰是真假?」菩薩道:「前日在弟子荒境,委不能辨 …
2) The tight-fillet spell works on both Monkeys:
Asking Moksa and Goodly Wealth [a.k.a. Red Boy] to approach her, the Bodhisattva whispered to them this instruction: “Each of you take hold of one of them firmly, and let me start reciting in secret the Tight-Fillet Spell. The one whose head hurts is the real monkey; the one who has no pain is specious.” Indeed, the two disciples took hold of the two Pilgrims as the Bodhisattva recited in silence the magic words. At once the two of them gripped their heads and rolled on the ground, both screaming, “Don’t recite! Don’t recite!” The Bodhisattva stopped her recital … (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 3, p. 106). 菩薩喚木叉與善財上前,悄悄吩咐:「你一個幫住一個,等我暗念緊箍兒咒,看那個害疼的便是真,不疼的便是假。」他二人果各幫一個。菩薩暗念真言,兩個一齊喊疼,都抱著頭,地下打滾,只叫:「莫念,莫念。」菩薩不念 …
(If someone disagrees with this one, they need to show where it says Six Ears is faking the pain.)
3) Both the Jade Emperor and the imp-reflecting mirror can’t tell them apart:
Issuing a decree at once to summon Devariija Li, the Pagoda-Bearer, the Jade Emperor commanded: “Let us look at those two fellows through the imp-reflecting mirror, so that the false may perish and the true endure.” The devaraja took out the mirror immediately and asked the Jade Emperor to watch with the various celestial deities. What appeared in the mirror were two reflections of Sun Wukong: there was not the slightest difference between their golden fillets, their clothing, and even their hair. Since the Jade Emperor found it impossible to distinguish them, he ordered them chased out of the hall (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 3, pp. 107-108). 玉帝即傳旨宣托塔李天王,教:「把照妖鏡來照這廝誰真誰假,教他假滅真存。」天王即取鏡照住,請玉帝同眾神觀看。鏡中乃是兩個孫悟空的影子,金箍、衣服,毫髮不差。玉帝亦辨不出,趕出殿外。
4) Only omniscient beings like Investigative Hearing (Ksitigargbha's mount) and the Buddha can tell the two apart:
[T]he Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha said, “Wait a moment! Wait a moment! Let me ask Investigative Hearing to listen for you.” That Investigative Hearing, you see, happens to be a beast that usually lies beneath the desk of Ksitigarbha. When he crouches on the ground, he can in an instant perceive the true and the false, the virtuous and the wicked among all short-haired creatures, scaly creatures, hairy creatures, winged creatures, and crawling creatures, and among all the celestial immortals, the earthly immortals, the divine immortals, the human immortals, and the spirit immortals resident in all the cave Heavens and blessed lands in the various shrines, rivers, and mountains of the Four Great Continents. In obedience, therefore, to the command of Ksitigarbha, the beast prostrated himself in the courtyard of the Hall of Darkness, and in a little while, he raised his head to say to his master, “I have the name of the fiend …” (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 3, p. 112) …地藏王菩薩道:「且住,且住。等我著諦聽與你聽個真假。」原來那諦聽是地藏菩薩經案下伏的一個獸名。他若伏在地下,一霎時,將四大部洲山川社稷,洞天福地之間,蠃蟲、鱗蟲、毛蟲、羽蟲、昆蟲、天仙、地仙、神仙、人仙、鬼仙,可以照鑒善惡,察聽賢愚。那獸奉地藏鈞旨,就於森羅庭院之中,俯伏在地。須臾,擡起頭來,對地藏道:「怪名雖有…」。 [...] Smiling, Tathagata said, “Though all of you [Guanyin] possess vast dharma power and are able to observe the events of the whole universe, you cannot know all the things therein, nor do you have the knowledge of all the species” (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 3, p. 114). 如來笑道:「汝等法力廣大,只能普閱周天之事,不能遍識周天之物,亦不能廣會周天之種類也。」 […] [After the Buddha explains the ten categories of life and the four types of celestial primates (see the introduction here), he says:] As I see the matter, that specious Wukong must be a six-eared macaque … (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 3, p. 115). 我觀假悟空乃六耳獼猴也 …
In short, the twin monkeys are so hard to tell apart simply because they are representations of the true and illusionary minds (refer back to the article) within the same person.
So what does this say about Shadowpeach? I know LMK is a separate entity from the novel, but applying canon to this ship would make it more self-love, right? I'm sure those with creatively perverted minds know what I'm taking about.
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jedineedlove · 6 months
LMK VS Ledgend
Lady Bone Demon:
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Lady Bone Demon had a recurring vision in which she saw herself destroying the Mortal Realm, a dream whose significance she could not understand at the time. To end the suffering of the Mortal Realm and its inhabitants because of its imperfections, Lady Bone Demon took on the guise of a human advisor named Ivory Lady and guided a mortal Emperor to become a better person for the world and his people.
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However, as she observed the ruler and his advisors neglecting the plight of the innocent, Lady Bone Demon became disappointed with the mortal realm's ability to effect change. Ultimately, she made the choice to obliterate the Mortal Realm, replacing it with a brand new one, as she deemed the existing realm's flaws to be irredeemable. The presence of Lady Bone Demon in the Emperor's court had a profound impact, causing the Chief of War to succumb to her influence. In a gesture of her immense power, she bestowed upon him a portion of her own abilities.
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It says on her wiki page that there have been misconceptions about Lady Bone Demon serving the Celestial Realm but there are several implications of this being false some being: The Mayor mentioned that Lady Bone Demon's plan was limited to the Mortal Realm prior to her confinement, corroborating her account in the flashback sequence in "Time to Be Warriors". Lady Bone Demon did not harbor any animosity towards the Celestial Realm. Her objective to remake it as well was to prevent immortal entities from obstructing her plans for the Mortal Realm, which would enable her to rectify her error, as she had not anticipated the intervention of celestial beings during her first attempt.
Although her original plan to recreate the world only involved the mortal realm, Lady Bone Demon was met with opposition from immortal beings since she had ill will toward them. Monkey King was able to defeat her, and while he intended to destroy her, Tang Sanzang insisted that Lady Bone Demon should be locked up until she could learn the error of her ways. 
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Baigujing / White Bone Spirit / White Bone Demoness, Lady Baigujing A Demonic Skeleton and Ruler of the White Bone Mountain
She is presumed to have once been a human turned into a demon after death which if is true, would make her unique among the Journey to the West demons, whose original self is either a magical animal or an ordinal animal or occasionally a deity or at least a servant of deities.
She disguised herself as a village girl and offered him and his disciples poisonous fruits. Baigujing appeared as a beautiful woman with a voloptuous body, pale skin, and long pure-white hair that reached her heels. She had no eyes and in her hollow eye sockets were ghostly white flames, which extinguished upon her death  and her lower face was hidden by a veil, behind it was the lower jaw of a human skull. She wore very VERY revealing clothes. Having survived the attack from Wukong, she dug underground to recover. She returned a second time disguised as an elderly woman. She lied to the group, causing them to believe that the village girl from earlier was her daughter. She returns a third time as an elderly man who lies about having a daughter and wife. She taunts Sun Wukong, provoking him, and engaging him into attacking her by using his powers, and only he can hear her. he finally beats her with his staff and kills the demon, revealing that she was just a skeleton spirit. Tang Sanzang, who initially believes Wukong, but Zhu Bajie convinces Tang Sanzang that Sun Wukong transformed the corpse into a skeleton to evade the Band-tightening spell. He cuts his ties with Sun Wukong and sends him away. 
Her early years are described as being like any other Alpha Daemon created by the original demons since antediluvian times and pent her youth in the underworld making mayhem and becoming acting least of the gashadokuto. Some say she was older than the planet in the Solar system over 4 billion years old.
Gashadokuro literally "rattling skeleton", also known as Odokuro are mythical creatures in modern Japanese mythology.
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She left the underworld like other demons to earth but due to the gods she and the rest of the gashadokuro first resided in Japan and adapted as youkai there she abandoned her army and moved back to China by herself so she could leave her responsibility. It says that after her death by Wukong, she went to Diyu and seduced Yanluo Wang and became his secret concubine. She basically took control over him and ruled the underworld herslef.
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She was a master manipulator whose demonic charisma allowed her to wrap others around her fingers like marionettes, with centuries of experience in planning, which allowed her to always be several steps ahead of her opponents. She had no problems surrendering or even dying if it meant she could avenge herself in the future or destroy her enemies alongside her.  She was a sadistic trickster who enjoyed taunting her victims before killing them, tormenting them with mind tricks she truly believed herself to be greater than the rest of them, with no exceptions. Her true form was that of a giant skeletal daemon much like other gashadokuro and was as high as, if not even higher, than the Shanghai Tower
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With spirits of ghostly white flames hovering by her side and acting as her minions in combat. Dripping from her eye sockets and jaw was viscous black blood that disintegrated anything it touched, as well as transforming any human into new gashadokuro.
Fun Facts:
In the Movie, The Monkey King Conquers the Demon, Baigujing is the main antagonist and there were some changes to the novel. One major one I wanted to share was that LBD was the daughter of the Nine-Tailed Vixen aka making her related to Jin and Yin.
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She is also the main antagonist from my favorite Monkey King movie: The Monkey King 2
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There was a scean in LMK that interested me.
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In the image, we see of course in the center LBD herself, and on either side is a young beautiful woman and an older woman most likely meant to represent her old lay and young women design we see in the novel. But the two all the way in the back could be disguises but they do look like her minions from the Monkey King 2 Movie.
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I am not saying this is true this is just an observation.
Also maybe her mega mech might be a representation of her full tower-sized skeleton form from her legends and we see in Monkey King 2
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Also with her connection to the Kings of Death in the Underworld and season 5's antagonist who knows she may make a comeback in away.
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Hope you all Enjoyed: :)
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chubbyheadquarters · 2 years
TYSM FOR RESPONDING AJSHUDUD ♡♡♡,, i usually don't interact in tumblr so as you may notice i am very much excited !! <3<3<3
aNYWAYS, may i request headcanons for a mermaid!reader x sun wukong, mk and macaque? (separate!) of course, it's okay if you don't want to !! ♡♡♡, i hope you're having a great day / night 💞
It's all good! I'm always open to talk in asks! I hope you have a great day yourself! 💞💞
Genre: Romantic
Pronouns: Gender-Neutral
TW/CW: None
Characters: Sun Wukong-Monkey King, Macaque-Liu Er Mihou and MK
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My boy was starstruck when he first saw you. All the miscellaneous accessories that adorned you and the pieces of cloth that hugged your voluptuous figure. The way your hair framed your round face, those beautiful, curious eyes. Literally has you on his mind everyday/all day.
He definitely tells you about his adventures, always going into detail and will absolutely exaggerate things- But he can't help it! The cute expressions you make when he does makes his heart burst with joy. And in turn, he listens to all the adventures you've had, and is surprised with a lot of them.
If you ever wish to see something from the city, then he'll take you and show you at night when he knows that no one's around. He doesn't want others to see your beauty. It sounds selfish, but he thinks you're too beautiful for the world to see. A simp, if you will.
You definitely teach him how to swim. It's a bit rough at first, but he eventually loosens up. He trusts you not to do anything mean, and though he still doesn't vibe with water, at least he knows how to swim.
His monkey friends absolutely love you. You bring little gifts for them and you're always nice! They always get sad when you have to leave. You're their mermaid mom! They don't mind getting wet if it means getting hugs!
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He's so fucking stoked! He's asking all sorts of questions, like if aquamarine came from mermaid tears? Do you live forever? Can a kiss give him gills? Does your tail color change according to your mood? You explain with great detail about what's false and true, and he's jotting it down in his notes.
He always has swimwear with him should he ever feel the need to jump in the water and be next to you. Which is a lot of times. At a certain point, he just started wearing them underneath his clothes. His friends find it a bit funny, but they're just happy that MK has someone like you in his life.
He's thinks you're an absolute goddess. Literally thinks you're the most beautiful being in the world. He's always thinking about you and what you're doing while he's off doing hero stuff or work. But once he's done, he rushes to your side and you both talk for hours. He's thankful that you're in his life.
He's really thankful when you help him get to FFM with safe yet fast tides. Nowadays, he gets a mini boat and talks with you as you get him there. If you want to watch him train, he'll buy one of those small, foldable bathtubs and take you up the mountain with him.
When you wanna hang out with the others or check something out, he gets the foldable bathtub and carries you around. He wants you to be able to see the world he's experienced and do more things with you. Take you on cute little dates and share his culture with you.
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He's cautious when he first meets you. He's heard things about both mermaids and sirens, and he's yet to see either, only hearing stuff from all sorts of people. So he's on guard, trying to act all cool and stuff. But your curious and kind demeanor has him putty in your hands.
You're absolutely gorgeous to him. Even when he's seen you surface from the water over a hundred times, he's still entranced when he sees the moonlight cascade on you, like it's his first time. And seeing you so happy to see him makes his heart skip a beat everytime.
He's always stealing getting you sea themed accessories, like pearl earring, sea shell necklaces, bracelets, even little headbands and tiaras. Sometimes, he'll even make them himself! Those are the ones you cherish the most and constantly wear it.
He's not gonna lie when he says that he thinks that it's hot when you use your powers and don't even have to lift a finger, especially on your enemies. Seeing the quick change from your kind, happy expression to angry, hate filled makes him happy that he's not your enemy.
Should you ever want to go somewhere new, he'll be happy to take you. He doesn't have a foldable tub for you, so he'll hold you in his arms. Doesn't mind it one bit though, since he'll get to touch you and tease you about it. He definitely considers your little outings as dates.
Sorry for any grammar/spelling errors!
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pompomqt · 9 months
Journey to the West Chapter 5
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I think Sun Wukong might have made a few people mad this chapter of Journey to the West with @journeythroughjourneytothewest
So this chapter, Sun Wukong managed to gain another three levels to his immortality stat with the good old, tried and true method of stealing.
First up, we got the Peaches of Immortality, which the Jade Emperor had put him in charge of in order to give him something to do so he wouldn't get bored. And Sun Wukong took to sending the staff away from the garden so he could nap and eat the peaches unimpeded. I also get to add a slightly new crime to his rap list for this one since this is his place of employment: Employee Theft. We also get a case of False Imprisonment, when Sun Wukong immobilizes the Seven Immortal Maidens who come to collect peaches for the peach festival.
Next up, for his second gained level of immortality we got the Heavenly Wine. Where Sun Wukong gains yet another new crime for his rap sheet, Impersonating a Government Official, when he runs into the Great Immortal Naked Feet, and sends him to the Hall of Perfect Light for a 'rehearsal' so Sun Wukong can take his place. So Sun Wukong makes his way to where the Banquet is being held and his attention is grabbed by the smell of wine. In order to try some, Sun Wukong uses magic to put the wine carriers to sleep.
For his third level of immortality, Sun Wukong realizes that he'll probably get in trouble for stealing the Heavenly Wine and tries to go home, but instead drunkenly wanders into Laozi's lab. Where he spots some pills of immortality. Which he of course immediately eats- which while making him now five times immortal also sobers him up.
Now that he's sobered up, he decides to head home to Flower Fruit Mountain to avoid the consequences. The monsters of Flower Fruit Mountain are ecstatic to see him again, especially since he's been gone for over a century now since he spent a half year in heaven this time. He gladly tells them everything that happen, but finds that he no longer has a taste for regular food after having grown accustomed to divine food and wine. So Sun Wukong sneaks his way back into heaven to steal some more wine to share with everyone. Making some of his monkey's doubly immortal at this point.
Meanwhile, word has gotten back to the Jade Emperor about Sun Wukong's exploits so he sends what seems to be the entire heavenly army out to arrest him. And so the battle between Heaven's army and Sun Wukong and his demon army begins! Sun Wukong manages to personally beat the Nine Luminaries and then sends out his army to help him battle the Four Great Devarajas and Twenty Eight Constellations. Most of his army is captured, his four commanders and monkey troop all manage to escape. Meanwhile Sun Wukong manages to beat back The Four Great Devarajas, Li the Pagoda Bearer, and prince Nezha with some duplicates. Current Sun Wukong Stats: Names/Titles: Monkey, The Stone Monkey, The Handsome Monkey King, Sun Wukong (Monkey awakened to the void), and The Great Sage Equal To Heaven. Immortality: 5 Weapon: The Compliant Golden Hooped Rod Abilities: 72 Transformations, Cloud-Somersault, Ability to transform his individual hairs, super strength, Ability to Summon Wind, Water restriction charm, and the ability to change into a huge war form, ability to duplicate his staff, ability to immobilize others, and the ability to put others to sleep. Demon Kill Count: 1+ Unknown Number of Minions God's Defeated: 17 Crime List: Robbery, Murder, Mass Murder, Arson, Theft, Coercion, Threatening a Government Official, Resisting Arrest, Assault, Forgery, Employee Theft, False Imprisonment, and Impersonating a Government Official. Cry Count: 2
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vynnytypesstuff · 1 year
Hello! Im here for a request if you dont mind, i loved the platonic stuff you wrote for lmk and wanted to request a platonic drabble with Sun Wukong and Macaque. If you don’t do that then can i get some headcanons? Enjoy your vacation!!
꒰୨୧﹒Lego Monkie Kid - Platonic Drabbles for Sun Wukong and Macaque
Ngl I had fun writing this request. I think I favor writing platonic stuff lmao
Thanks for your patience and here you go <33
Warnings: None
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Sun Wukong
(Word Count: 430)
[Name] yawned, stretching their arms outwards as they laid on their back against the firm mattress of Wukong's couch. With the long week they've had to deal with, a lazy Sunday was the exact crowning jewel they needed to kick back and unwind, and what better way to spend them than with one of your closest friends?
Resisting the urge to let their exhaustion coax them into slumber, [Name] turned over onto their side, curious to see what Wukong had been up to during the time they had been staring at the ceiling. The Monkey King had been seated on the floor, surprisingly too focused on whatever task he was trying to complete to respond to [Name]'s movements. Upon closer inspection, in front of him was a piece of paper with art supplies scattered around him.
[Name] blinked, "since when do you draw?"
That seemed to be enough to grab Wukong's attention. "Uh, since always? Didn't I tell you this before?"
"Yeah, but… I kind of figured you were bluffing."
Wukong looked at them with false offense, sputtering in exaggeration, as if he were actually upset by that comment. "Wha- I'm shocked! Offended, even! I have my hidden talents you know. See for yourself!"
Reluctantly, [Name] rolled off the couch to get a look at Wukong's supposed masterpiece. A lingering part of them still expected to see a humorous assortment of scribbles, yet they were completely blown away once they witnessed his scarily realistic and accurate depiction of Flower Fruit Mountain, fully sketched down to it's finest details. It even had Wukong's little monkeys companions, who's sketched counterparts were scurrying around the mountain.
"How is your work not on display in a museum?!" [Name] exclaimed questioningly. They felt a little guilty about underestimating Wukong's artistic talents. They just weren't expecting him to be insanely good.
"Stage fright, or something," Wukong nonchalantly shrugged.
"Or maybe being the Monkey King is just a cover for your true identity as an artist," They mused. "I can't believe you've had a secret identity all this time and you didn't tell me."
He laughed, deciding to play along with the joke. "Caught me red-handed! And if I told you, it wouldn't be a secret."
Their exchange of friendly banter went on for quite some time before [Name] finally decided to abandon their original Sunday plans of having an intense ceiling-staring session, choosing to watch Wukong color his work before grabbing a piece of paper for themself and joining him in his makeshift "art studio." Overall, it was the perfect close to a weekend of relaxation.
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(Word Count: 446)
"'Come hiking with me' you said. 'It'll be worth it' you said," a muttered complaint spilled into the air, courtesy of [Name]. Macaque and [Name] had been hiking the same mountain for a little over an hour. The rugged terrain combined with the narrow twists and turns of the trail wasn't helping with [Name]'s growing exhaustion. "It feels like we've been at this for ages! How much further until we're there?"
Macaque's voice rumbled in a soft, fond chuckle, clearly finding amusement in his friend's whining. "Relax, we're almost there. Besides, I meant what I said. You'll be thanking me once we've reached the top. Would I lie to you?"
[Name] opened their mouth to respond, but Macaque beat them to the punch with a quick "don't answer that."
Thankfully, Macaque had been truthful. A mere ten minutes after that small exchange, they had finally reached their final destination. It was the height of the Spring season, so despite the gentle chill of the flowing breeze hitting their skin, the weather was warm and comfortable. The view itself was breathtaking. The natural assortment of flora below them shone vibrantly against the sunlight, resembling the picturesque nature of a meticulously painted landscape.
The awed look on [Name]'s face didn't escape Macaque's gaze. "Told you it would be worth it." He grinned, finding a spot near the mountain's edge to sit down. "Honestly, even I forgot how beautiful the view was from up here."
"You haven't been here recently?"
Macaque shook his head in answer. "I used to come up here all the time with an old friend, so it just brings up a lot of memories, you know?" Perhaps [Name] was imagining it, but it almost sounded like there was a hint of sadness in his voice. They chose not to question it, instead letting him continue. "I wasn't sure how I'd feel about coming up here again."
'It's part of the reason I invited you,' a sudden thought that went unspoken. That was a little too vulnerable for his tastes.
[Name] walked over to where he was sat and settled next to him. They didn't speak after that, instead choosing to take in the view in comfortable silence. There was nothing awkward about it. Believe it or not, Macaque wasn't always the most talkative, so having someone he could sit with in silence was a pleasant change of pace.
Time passed, with [Name] being the one to break the silence. "Thanks for inviting me, this was actually pretty nice."
"Glad you like it. Does that mean you'll stop bugging me by asking 'are we there yet' every time we climb up here?"
"Don't count on it."
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callmemrskenway · 2 years
(This is my second request of the same ask because i forgot to request it to be headcanons in the first sorry)
So i read your posts on how the LMK characters would react if the reader was in an isekai scenario and i loved it. It did make me wonder how you think the same characters would react if the reader decided they wanted to stay? Maybe the reader feels guilty but this is the first place they’ve been truly happy in a long time and don’t have many people caring about them back at home. Kind of a “What if what should be my home doesn’t sound like home anymore?” Situation. Whether you write about this or not I want you to know I loved your writing :)
OKAY SO I AM OBSESSED WITH THIS REQUEST SO I AM EXCITED BC I DEFINETLY WANTED TO DO A FOLLOW UP WITH THIS REQUEST. However, I sadly kinda lost motivation to write for Spider Queen and Red Son so I might just post theirs separately a little longer down the line!
Qí Xiǎotiān/MK:
MK never broke his promise to you, even after falling in love with you. He was easily distracted but he always came through. No matter how many false leads he followed, no matter how hopeless it was starting to look, he never gave up because it was for you. Even if it meant giving you up, he knew it'd be too selfish of him to not keep his word no matter how badly he wanted to keep you here. Your happiness is was important to him.
So when he found out about a portal that was created by using old and ancient magic back before the days of even Monkey King, he knew he had to get ready to say goodbye. Even now as he stood behind you with teary eyes trying to hide them as you stood in front of the portal that only opened every insane amount of years, it was just hard to accept that this might be the last time he sees you. At least he'd always have the memories you two made.
"No." He hears you say.
MK furrowed his brows and looked at you, puzzled.
"No? What do you mean 'no'?" He frowned, a selfish hope in his heart but it was too good to be true, "(Y/n), we don't know how long that portal is gonna stay open for! This could be your last chance, if you don't go right now, you'll be here forever-"
He was cut off when you ran and hugged him, your arms around his waist and your face in the crook of his neck.
"You mean, I'll be with you, forever." You corrected, your voice sounded like you were also close to tears. MK was stunned for a moment but then melted in your embrace like he always did and hugged you back but his eyes were still on the portal: "...But...this is your only chance for you to go home."
Moving your arms away from his waist, you cupped his face in your hands and stared into his eyes with your (e/c) ones, tears began to firm but not out of sadness. Out of love, pure tender love that made his knees weak and his heart race just as fast when he first realized he was falling for you.
"MK, I'm already home when I'm with you." You confessed, bringing his lips to yours and kissing him.
Kissing you back with nothing short of happiness, he hugged you by the waist and lifted you into the air to spin you, his head resting on your chest and holding onto you as tight as possible. Never wanting to let you go.
- Okay so after you guys get away from the place where the portal was, everyone at Pigsy's was so surprised but but immediately became happy once they saw you.
- Sandy hugged you and nearly started bawling his eyes out. Pigsy acted like he wasn't all that happy but he gives you the dad-est hug ever. Tang claimed that he knew you were gonna come back but, GOD, HE WAS HE SO RELIEVED HE WAS RIGHT AND HE HUGS YOU AND TELLS YOU NEVER TO DO THAT AGAIN. Mei just squeals and joins the group hug happy that her other bestie isn't gonna leave her!
- But no one is more happier than MK, who hasn't let go of you the entire night. His hand always holding yours and if he isn't holding it, he's got a hand around your waist.
- He can't believe that you chose to stay with him but he isn't complaining and is so happy you did and he works twice as hard to make sure you don't EVER regret that choice!
- Even when he wakes up and your cuddled up next to him, he's in happy disbelief and hugs you so hard you wake up startled but soften when you look at MK, who happily exclaims, "YAY! YOU'RE STILL HERE!"
- "Of course I am, MK. Like I said, you ARE my home." You tell him gently as you press a kiss to his forehead.
- He truly is a lucky man. How many people get the powers of the Monkey King and find a love that's so strong that they'd give up going to their world to stay with him?
- The next day he takes you on a date, just to spend a whole day with you and bask in your presence. You giggle as he holds your hand and excitedly gives you a run down of the day.
- You remind him he doesn't have to worry anymore because you're staying with him and he tells you that's exactly WHY he has to spend time with you, because now he's fear from the sudden dread that he might have to let you go at some point.
Monkey King/ Sun Wukong
He can't remember the last time he felt such pain in his heart. Wukong has faced the wrath of many powerful enemies and even felt the betrayal of his own brother but this...this hurt more than the isolation he faced being trapped underneath a mountain for 500 years. He holds you in his arms for what he thinks is the last time. He doesn't want to let you go, he wants to beg and plead for you to stay, he wants to go with you but sadly, the spell he had found was incomplete and unstable. It was safe enough for one person to through, he knew that for sure, but it might just break the realities between both his world and yours if he tried to go with you.
It was almost worth it just to not let you go. Almost.
"I guess...this is goodbye." He finally says, his arms tighten around you, gently. He couldn't stand the thought of hurting you.
You sniffle and look at the portal that he conjured with the spell before slowly looking back at him. He gives you a reassuring smile that he'll be fine and that you can go, only for his heart to break a little once more as you stare at the portal.
"What...what if it isn't?" You finally speak up, "What if I don't go?"
Wukong blinks at your words before frowning again, "(Y/n), please, you-"
"Wukong, there's nothing for me in that world. It doesn't have all this magic, it doesn't have the same wonder, and it doesn't have...it doesn't have you." You explained, smiling at him with a growing blush on your face.
"(Y/n), before I completely freak out, I need to know, are you sure?" He asked, his hands now on your shoulders.
The moment you nod your head yes, he's bringing you into a hug and peppering your face with kisses. Tears are mixed in with every kiss and you can't tell if its yours or his but you don't mind as you laugh and giggle and wrap your arms around his neck as he continues to repeat the phrases: "THANK YOU!", "YOU WON'T REGRET THIS", AND "I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!" between each and every kiss.
"I love you too, silly monkey.~"
- Absolutely is 10x more lazier and wants to spend his days relaxing and having you by his side, and hey, he doesn't have to find you a way home during his downtime because YOU'RE STAYING WITH HIM.
- He does however get a bit more clingy with you because KEEP IN MIND, HE WAS PREPARED TO LOSE YOU FOREVER. Now that he's not gonna lose you forever, you still have to assure him of that by petting him SO LOVE HIM UP.
- He's glad the little guys missed you as much as he did but now he gets pouty because they all try to take up as much of your time as possible and that has him SHOOK because, um, yeah he likes his monkey buddies BUT HE ALSO LIKES HIS TIME WITH YOU SO SCOOT.
- Okay but he is also kinda worried about the fact that you are mortal and is worried you two will get torn apart so he will have to bring up that topic up later but for now, he'll just enjoy the fact you stayed.
- Takes you on little mini-adventures with him, he may be retired but he's also still the Monkey King and a huge reason why you love Wukong is that he never makes the day boring.
- More clingy in his sleep because he sometimes gets bad dreams you might be taken from him but then you turn in your spot to face him and kiss his forehead and his expression goes from "about to cry from a bad dream" to "the cutest most precious sleepy smile ever"
- He's so glad you didn't leave him, even if you're home life back in your home world wasn't that perfect, but he will make sure that you'll have a better life with him. Because that's how he feels when he's with you.
Liu Er Mihou/Macaque:
Macaque laid alone on the lair he once called a home. Of course, it wasn't really a home until you came along. He frowned as he laid on his side and curled into a ball, noticing that it was colder without you there to play with his fur or to kiss him goodnight. He regrets not saying "goodbye" to you, closing his eyes and trying not to imagine you having already walked through that portal back to your own world and seeing he wasn't there. Or maybe you were happy that he wasn't there, he couldn't blame you if you were. He had manipulated you, decieved you, and used you when you were in a vulnerable situation.
He lied about knowing a way back to your world and he lied about wanting to help you. Then he wanted to be selfish, to keep you from going home because you made him feel something other than hatred and vengance, you made him feel loved. Maybe that's why he let you go so easily when Wukong told you that he had found a way to get you back to your world. His ears flinched as he remembered the way Wukong exposed Macaque for the liar he was. The lair you trusted. God, he couldn't get your face out of his head as you stared at him with hurt eyes.
Great, now he was already hearing your voice.
"MACAQUE!" The voice repeated, louder.
The dark furred simian sat up, and when he did, his golden eyes were shocked to see you standing in front of him. Your arms crossed and your expression stoic, but you were there nonetheless.
"...You didn't leave?"
"You didn't say goodbye."
- Obviously you have to talk to him about just LYING to you and he admits to everything but promises no more lies, and then reached out for you. You saved him the time and hugged him.
- You explain that when you left with Wukong, it was more out of anger that perhaps everything you experienced with Macaque was a lie but even as you road on Wukong's cloud, he could sense that you didn't actually want to leave and also, even said that not everything about your relationship with Macaque was a lie.
- This surprised Macaque because: 1. Was he really down bad for you THAT visibly? and 2. Wukong was actually a bit selfless enough to help him out??
- Either way, you get a few things straight. No more lying, no more just leaving you without any explanation, and that its gonna take a while for him to earn your trust. All of which are understandable and that Macaque agrees to as long as you never leave with Wukong like that again because he was scared that his brother had TRULY taken everything away from him.
- Ngl he wants to cry so hard right now like, you chose to stay with him and not leave him alone but it would've really helped if you told HIM THAT YOU WERE GONNA STAY- but then he checks himself when he remembers he didn't tell YOU everything.
- Like Wukong, he definetly gets a bit more clingy with you except he doesn't realize it. Doing things like wrapping his tail around you im your sleep, holding your hand as you walk side by side with each other and such.
- Still can't get over the fact that you chose to stay with him, like, you picked going back to your world just for HIM!?
- It makes him feel that nice feeling of just being wanted and being loved, something he didn't expect to feel again, but it was nice nonetheless.
- Expect to catch him randomly looking at you and with a loving glint in his eyes a soft smile and when you ask him why he's looking at you, he just says: "I just love you, right now."
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the-monkey-ruler · 1 year
Journey to the West True and False Monkey King (2030) 西游记之真假美猴王
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Starring: Liu Xiao Ling Tong / Ma Dehua
Genre: Fantasy
Country/Region of Production: USA / Mainland China
Language: Mandarin Chinese
Duration: 90 minutes
Also known as: The Return of the Monkey King: The True and False Monkey King / 猴王归来之真假美猴王 / Dare to Ask the Way /  敢问路在何方 / 3D Journey to the West / 3D西游记 / Dare to Ask the Way: Apprentice Chapter / 敢问路在何方之收徒篇 / Dare to Ask the Way Part 1 /  敢问路在何方第一部 / Journey To The West
Type: Retelling
Sun Wukong followed the Tang Monk to the west to learn scriptures, and protected him from demons and demons all the way. But the appearance of the Six-Eared Macaque aroused his heart demon that had been dusty for a hundred years. Should he let go of his demon thoughts and travel westward to become a Buddha, or be forced to become a demon by the Six-Eared Macaque? Everyone is waiting for the moment when the Monkey King returns...
Source: https://movie.douban.com/subject/25884685/
Link: N/A
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elirastudio · 1 year
Character study - SUN WUKONG AND MACAQUE
Alright class today we talk about macaque and wukong for not particular reason
Did you know that aside from all the beautiful things we write about macaque and wukong being a super cute couple that eventually divorced, in the jttw canon macaque is just the dark side of wukong
(Yes everyone we are actually in Star Wars)
Killing macaque is like the representation of giving away any dark feelings to finally reach enlightenment
It’s safe to assume that macaque is literally wukong shadow-
What? Sounds familiar?
Yes obviously , cuz that is most likely the interpretation that the Lmk crew gave upon creating macaque character.
The evil part of sun wukong- his shadow
For today class we are going to take as example the lion king
In particular Scar and Mufasa - the reason is that they are , in terms of character design choices, very similar to our beloved monkeys
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Here mufasa, the king , his colors are gold and red, the colors of regality
The same that wukong has
On the other hand Scar is supposed to be the evil side of Mufasa , in a way a sort of shadow
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And so he has the same palette of colors but it’s darker, cuz you know dark side
Same goes with macaque, he almost has the same palette colors of wukong just darker to show that he is his dark side.
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Anyway I could stay all night taking about their colors and outfits
And since I can I will-
I really love one the first interaction that we have with macaque
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The fact that he has his like scarf covering all of him shows us how he is hiding his true intentions, in short a big red flag for us when he showed up the first time.
Also he is all put in a posture to show us how intimidating this sugar is
Then I like to talk about how their colors change under the influence of the lady bone demon.
Macaque :
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In this particular outfit macaque keeps his gold and red, to show us that somehow he is still bounded to his past life, but his colors are the one of sadness and fear- if this two emotions are his or for others to feel I leave to interpretation.
Under the service of the lady bone demon, macaque outfit is more “symmetrical” , it’s a huge change from the past one he had.
A symmetrical character is usually seen as evil and calculating
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See how symmetrical her outfit and pose are, this show us that she’s evil
Now for macaque it could be a representation of him being an actual treat in this season but it could also represent that he is working for a villain.
Wukong :
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Even for wukong his new outfit is more symmetrical. Getting rid of the scarf that created “noises” on his outfit.
The fact is that wukong original outfit is already symmetrical, differently from macaque’s; but in his case it’s done to give us a false sense of perfection in wukong character.
Us like MK always look at this character with admiration, to us wukong is perfect; only when he stop wearing that outfit in favor of the one he has in S3, we actually start to see that this character has many flaws and demons, but we had to get pass this perfect shell.
Wukong color change is the perfect representation of the downfall of a character always depicted as great and strong
Do you know Cersei Lannister from GOT?
Good cuz we are taking her as an example
In the first seasons, when she is depicted as powerful and “happy”, if you know what I mean
She is shows to wear red and gold, royalty colors, and having long hair, having long hair means that that character is free
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Very similar to wukong situation
But when she’s near her downfall , at her worst state, she wears silver, green/ blue, this colors infact represent the downfall of a character and the fact that they lost themselves
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Also she has like short hair here which shows to us that she’s not free anymore
Same goes for wukong, when under the possession on lbd he lost himself and so he wears silver and blue
But when he breaks from LBD control
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His colors has gone back to red and gold, cuz he found himself again, the fact that he also has WHITE in his design , which is a new color in his outfit outline the fact that he is free , “purified” from LBD control
Alright class that was all for today, I hope you enjoyed this little things ✨💕
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sketching-shark · 10 months
I'd like to share some theories I have about lego Erlang shen
First theory: I have seen theories about how from SWK's point of view he was abandoned by the brotherhood in his fight with heaven, but what if it wasn't just from SWK's point of view, what if everyone who was present at the battle, Erlang shen included, thought that in fact the brotherhood escaped and left sun wukong to his fate?
Second theory: Erlang shen kills the six-eared monkey to keep him away from sun wukong permanently not with the intention of harming sun wukong in fact he does so because he does not love him romantically but brotherly Erlang shen sees SWK as his younger brother and thinks he deserves something better than a weak monkey who leaves him to his fate and then tries to steal his identity
Monkie Kid spoilers below:
Could very well be the case @maidenofthecloud! And it definitely would be refreshing to have something from Sun Wukong's past that isn't just him getting yelled at and/or screwing everything up lol. Though given lego's tendency to introduce characters in a set that never actually make it into the cartoon that could very well be what's happening with the little sage...also they'd have to go into why Erlang Shen would even care about The Monkey King in the first place outside of "he's an incredibly strong yaoguai I need to subdue"--especially since lego show Sun Wukong is far less powerful than book Sun Wukong--& I don't know if Flying Bark would want to spend time on that given all the other questions they've raised that STILL haven't been answered, such as what even happened to the other og pilgrims, why did SWK trap the Demon Bull King under a mountain, or why SWK even wanted a tudi in the first place. Of course it could be that Erlang Shen becomes the next character from the og classic who gets thrown under the bus to force Sun Wukong & the Six-Eared Macaque into a closer relationship, which at this point I wouldn't put past Flying Bark lmao. Personally I think it would be the neatest if all of the recent nonsense with SWK's former brotherhood was a scheme that Erlang Shen concocted to A) Take down the Jade Emperor who he sees as a bad ruler (and also to get back at his uncle for having his father and brother killed but good luck getting him to admit that lol) and B) Take heaven's throne for himself through right of succession without having to dirty his hands. In other words, I'd LOVE to see an antagonist Erlang Shen, but of the kind hinted at in Lotus Lantern where he does what he does because thanks to his own trauma and knowledge of the cataclysms heaven and earth have suffered because of the decisions of various deities and yao he developed a very particular way about how he thinks heaven and earth should be run and how deities should interact with yao and mortals, and that anything that falls outside of that needs to be Corrected.
Also I know it's a long shot at this point but I'm personally hoping that they keep closer to the og classic's version of the true and false monkey king arc if for no other reason that it would be very funny to see the fallout of the truth of LEMH's whole murder-replace scheme being revealed. TFW you become so violently obsessed with your bestie that you start running around in a skinsuit that looks like him & saying that you're actually him.
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penn-dragon · 2 months
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks...
This is such a sweet question I would love to!
These are in no particular order because my level of passion for them changes depending on my current hyperfixation, and I’m limiting myself to one character per media but giving honorable mentions because I tend to love two or three characters almost equally
1. Monkey D. Luffy!!! (Honorable mention: Zoro and Sanji)
One Piece holds a special place in my heart. I watched it on 4kids when I was growing up and it was the first anime I watched as a teenager. Luffy is so so so important to me as a character. I got myself through the worst parts of teendom by imagining that if he was real Luffy would love me. He’s such a warm, loving, and joyous character. He’s Joyboy!!! He came into the world without a family and so he made his own and that’s so special, the message that no one in this world is born to be alone and somewhere out there someone or ones will love you and fight for you. And on top of all this he’s an aroace king!!!
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2. Mogami Kyoko -Skip Beat!
Kyoko was my Girl Crush™️ in high school. I remember telling my best friend “yeah if I was gay I’d date Kyoko” LMAO. Beyond that there’s just something so special to me about reading this manga over and over, watching this girl—who only knew how to live to make her existence as palatable to other people as possible—grow into herself and find her own passions and loves as she heals from the abuses she’s dealt with her whole life. (Just looking up images of her made me want to reread the whole manga)
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3. Peter Parker (Honorable mention: Harry Osborn)
Spider-Man is an OG, a forever love. No matter how many years go by I’ll always circle back around to Spider-Man. I love him and his pain and his Anger Issues™️ and his iron-clad morality. The people’s hero, the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. He’s also responsible for coding my brain to always gravitate towards the comic relief characters. I love a jokester who quips through dangerous situations.
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4. Yosuke Hanamura - Persona 4
So I always joke that a majority of my favorite characters fall into one of two categories. 1. Hides their insecurities behind jokes/false bravado, and 2. Internalized homophobia/in love with best friend. And the characters I go FERAL for have both. Yosuke Hanamura is one of the both. I love a comic relief character!!! I love a man that’s hopelessly in love with his best friend but won’t admit it because he’s terrified of the implications!!! When I played this game for the first time, like most people, I was SO MAD THAT I COULDN’T DATE YOSUKE. 90% of the time when I play I don’t end up dating anyone because I refuse to deny the protag his one true love lmao. Yosuke and Yu also have the bonus of being my first ever gay ship. Their love is so powerful it pierced through my own internalized homophobia lol!!
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5. Din Djarin -The Mandalorian (Honorable mention: Luke Skywalker)
I’m out here projecting so much onto this man!!!! He’s autistic, he’s asexual, he’s Traumatized. My other category of favorite characters is “Stoic Dad who learns to love again through a pseudo child figure” so he’s right up that alley. The man responsible for finally getting me into Star Wars after 27 years of having absolutely no interest.
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6. Virgil Hawkins!! - Static Shock (Honorable mention: Richie Foley)
The way I waited with baited breath for every Static Shock episode as a child. It’s still one of my favorite shows, I own all 4 seasons on DvD and cherish them. I love Virgil so much!! He taught me about diversity! He’s such a lovable character and it makes the show an absolute delight to watch no matter how dated some parts of it get. The show does such a wonderful job balancing Virgil’s super heroics as Static with the heroics of every day life and it’s so endearing.
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7. Oliver -Space Boy (Honorable mention: Amy)
Oliver is definitely the most niche character on this list (which is a crying shame please PLEASE read Space Boy on Webtoon it will chemically change your brain.) I’m just so attached to him. I feel so much for him and his story. If I could give him the biggest hug I would in an instant. “Take away his humanity and you can ignore his pain. Define him as a tool and you can justify using him.”
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9. Rex Salazar - Generator Rex
Oh maaaaaan I love this asshole teenager!! I’m soooo obsessed with characters who get dehumanized for the sake of using their abilities like a tool and not a person. Re: the above Space Boy quote. The aesthetic of this show is so cool! (Also hello character who hides their insecurity behind false bravado.)
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8. Aang - Avatar the Last Airbender (Honorable mention: Zuko)
Oh Aang… My sweet boy… my beloved… He imparted so much wisdom to me growing up… and also taught me it’s okay to have fun. I’ll always love him so much. There’s so much to rant about Avatar but it would take three hours.
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10. Yugi Mutou - Yu-Gi-Oh! (Honorable mention: Atem)
I related to Yugi SO MUCH as a kid. He’s just a little weirdo who loves games and craves friendship more than anything. Honestly Yugi might have been the character I most strongly related to when I was young. I remember feeling swells of happiness when people would say nice things about Yugi as a character because it felt like they were saying nice things about me too.
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yen-doodles · 2 years
Another late fic! More shadowpeach because their slowly eating my brain lol
Also small reference to @animemoonprincess 's giggle glow au, I really liked the idea and I kept thinking "what if the glow can be caused by chemicals similar to what is released during laughter?"
It's basically just me self-indulging myself hehe
Karaoke Dream - Shadowpeach fic
Macaque sighed. This was going to be a long night.
The shadow monkey couldn't remember how, but he had somehow been dragged out of his apartment to go out with the gang. Macaque regretted ever taking them to his place with every random or uninvited visit, the most annoying, and totally didn't make his day secretly better, were Wukong's; MK at least texted him some kind of warning.
"C'mon slow poke! I know you're centuries old but that doesn't mean you have to go at a grandma's pace" Mei teased, managing to be the fastest of the bunch even as she walked backwards. 
Macaque rolled his eyes, walking even slower out of spite. With the many super powers and vehicles at the group's disposal, they had chosen to walk instead. The darker monkey had kept to the back of the group to keep some distance and to avoid their insistent chatter.
Though he admits he mayhaps be slowing down the rest of them by his pace, the grandma comment was a little unneeded.
"That was uncalled for y'know" he stated, grumpily glaring at the girl infront of him. 
Mei chuckled, smirking in a way that almost seemed like a challenge, "why? Are you cranky because you need to take a nap grandma?"
"Why you little -" he half grumbled under his breath, his tail swishing across the ground in an agitated manner, before picking up his pace to catch up with her.
The dragon horse girl continued to tease the shadow weaver, throwing a playful insult at the other every so often. The rest of the group stayed out of the twos reaching, watching in amusement as they bickered. They knew it was all in good fun so they weren't worried.
Eventually the two had grown bored of the back and forth, deciding to call a truce. 
Macaque had taken to walking next to Mei once their chasing had subsided, too lazy to slow his walk to reach the back again. "I'm appalled by how horrendous your manners are dragon girl, you should learn to respect your elders" he said, putting on a false expression of seriousness and offense but a playful smile threatening to break through realized his true intent. 
Mei fake gasped, placing a hand on her chest to further convey the message, "how rude! You have truly forsaken me grammy."
The darker monkey rolled his eyes again, this time in a more joking way. "Here I thought 'grandma' was the worst you could've said, I've been corrected" he said, dripping with sarcasm.
Mei snickered, smirking once more. "Would gran-gran suffice better for you then?" She asked, sounding proud of herself.  Macaque winced, his face looking one of disgust "no, just no."
Monkey King, which had spent most of the walk lounging on his floating cloud, had sauntered up to the two with his own smirk on aforementioned cloud. "You're so harsh GG it's almost cruel" the stone monk stated to the other, where upon the other glared at him. Macaque's good eye slightly glowing purple for a split second.
"You are despicable Wukong" the shadow weaver deadpanned but it only caused the others more amusement, Wukong's cheeks radiating a soft golden glow from them as giggled to himself.
MK interrupted any further teasing by making his way to the front, "we're here!" He announced loudly as he pointed towards the sign above them which they peered up at. "Singing Dream" written in big neon pink and blue lights on the sign, making the two monkeys sort of falter.
It has been a long time since Macaque had sung infront of people, he had sparingly sung in his own time but that was the extent of it. He was a performer, sure, but not a singer.
Not to mention he hadn't yet grown accustomed to, well, being on good terms with the heroes. How'd could he know that they wouldn't use this against him somehow? He didn't.
Then there was Sun Wukong. Besides the possibility that he might insult him on his singing, which was wasn't a big worry to him, the darker monkey had noticed the other flinch when realizing it was a karaoke place. Furthermore, he could hear the sage's heart beat beating irrationally against his chest, his tail flipping anxiously against the cloud. Something wasn't right.
Macaque glanced at the other in concern. Before he could will himself to say anything, Wukong spoke up. "What's the hold up guys? Let's go on inside!" He said while nervously chuckling to himself, wincing at how forced his own voice sounded.
Wukong started walking forward into the karaoke place, the other group members following suit. The shadow monkey had raised his hand slightly to reach out for the other monkey but let it drop to his side as went in.
Though he noticed a brief exchanging of glances between Monkey King and MK, which seemed to calm the mentor's nerves. He sighed softly in relief to himself.
The interior inside the building looked nice, being furnished rather well. They were shown to their private karaoke room which was kitted out with a small stage that had different coloured lights and seating area. This seemed to calm the sage more, his heart rate lowering to it's normal pace.
Soon enough the singing began, whoever decided or were volun-told to sing went up on stage while the rest remained seated as they listened to the person–or people–before cheering. The loudest cheering always going to Sun Wukong.
First had been MK and Mei. They had chosen to sing "Wannabe" by the Spice girls, with added dancing. Clearing showing off to the rest of them. 
Next was Red Son, having been volun-told by the two young adults, begrudgingly going up on stage. The two had pick a song when the demon wasn't looking and had to sing "I Wanna Dance with Somebody" by Whitney Houston. Though a little squeaky at points, Red had done an alright job; it wasn't easy to go up against Whitney.
Soon after came Tang and Pigsy, the two had scrolled through the song until they came to one that the scholar seemed particularly happy about. It turned out to be "A Whole New World" from Aladdin. 
Pigsy had briefly debated with Tang to do something less "cutesy" as he chose to put it, though lost massively. 
Tang sang fairly well, sing Jasmine parts while the chef did decently while singing Aladdin's parts. Pigsy remained red for the duration of the song, standing awkwardly next to the scholar as he sang along happily.
The song finished, Tang bowing proudly as the others cheered, and the pair began to make their way off the stage and back to their seats so the next performance could commence. Before they could however, Sandy brought them back onto the platform. Having been captivated by the two's performance, he had wanted to join the fun.
They looked to the others to make sure it was okay to go again after just going, Mei deciding to join them as well, they got the green light and over to the machine to pick a song. The four picked "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen since it had enough parts for everyone and was also just a classic.
Macaque had been content with staying on the large sofa, seating himself in a corner far from the others. Pigsy, Tang, Mei and Sandy sat around the other corner while Red Son, MK and Monkey sat in-between. Sitting closest him being Wukong.
He had been minding his business, for once, fiddling slightly with the ends of his scarf when the two young adults appeared in front of him. 
The shadow monkey glanced up at them confused, raising an eyebrow at their particular-ness, the two's sardonic smiles making him a little uneasy. "Wha-" he started to say but was cut off. 
"It's your turn Macaque" the friends said in unison, having an unusual intimidating aura around them.
The darker monkey promptly shrank a bit under their glaze, feeling as though he'd been sent to the principal's office. "I think I'm good actually, yeah, I'm not all that big on singin' ya see" he stated, hoping it'd make them back down. It didn't, not even in the slightest.
"Don't fight it Mr. Captain of the theater kids, just climb on stage" Mei said, holding out a mic to him.
Red Son scoffed as he glanced over at the shadow weaver, "the two didn't accept me saying no and, rather forcibly I might add, pushed me onto the platform. I'd just play along unless you want the same fate Six-Earred Macaque" the demon deadpanned.
Macaque sighed, grabbing the mic out of the girl's hand, accepting his fate. "Fine" he said to the two friends' joy, standing up to step onto the stage.
He went to the machine to pick a song but found one had already been picked. "Why is one already picked?" He asked the two, knowing they were behind it. They laughed. "We'd thought you might go for an easy song to get it over with, so we picked one for you that makes you actually try" the dragon stated matter-of-factly.
The darker monkey groaned but pressed play on the screen, the robotic voice reading out the title before the actual music started to play.
"Now playing: 'Use Somebody' by King of Leon"
Macaque's eyes held a determined glint in them as he readied himself. If they wanted him to sing then he will, and out show all of them.
Drums and guitar filled the room, back up vocals accompanying them. He took one final breath to steady himself while he wait for his queue to begin singing.
"I've been roaming around, always looking down and all I see" his voice was soft, angelic almost. The group of hero sat in shock before becoming enamored by the shadow monkey's performance. They hadn't suspected him to actually be able to sing, well, except for Sun Wukong. 
The two monkeys were once close friends, as the others knew, they had seen the rise and the fall of one another. 
When they were little, before the idea of greatness or adventures outside of Flower Fruit Mountain filled their minds, Macaque used to sing to Wukong.
Most of the songs were ones they'd heard from the travelers that would make there way up the mountain, others were ones the shadow weaver had made up. His voice was calming and soothing to the ears, it could even be called pretty. 
Even though Macaque had only sung a few notes, Monkey King knew it hasn't changed at all over the centuries.
"Painted faces fill the places I can't reach.." he made sure to put emphasis on certain words as he kept his eyes to the front. He had been semi-familiar with the song, guessing he had heard it on the radio a few years ago.
"You know that I could use some-body" the sound of the drums pounded against Macaque's chest and he feeling of the rush beginning to hit him. Kind he always feels when he performs, when he's going toe to toe with Sun Wukong.
Sun Wukong. He could feel the other monkey's golden eyes on him, as though he was the only thing worth looking at. As Macaque prepared for the next line of the song he had a realization, he wanted Wukong to only have his attention on him. 
It hurt to be near the stone monkey, but gods did he crave it. He felt so whole with the gold eyes on him, free, safe.
He felt his own eyes being drawn to him, his and Wukong's being put in a trance. And Macaque decided that he was going to do due whatever it took to keep the sage's eyes on him, dive deeper into those eyes, indulge himself in the positive attention the other monkey was giving him so freely in this moment. Turn this performance into an exception for them both, then go back to the script once the last note was played. 
"You know that I could use some-body" he kept his eyes on Wukong, noticing how the other's face dusted with a golden blush.
"Someone like you!" He felt his voice become more emotional as the words left his lips. He remembered the times he had needed Wukong the most. When demons had invaded the mountain and burned everything to the ground, when the Great Sage had left him after their first ever fight, after he had been revived...
He resented Monkey King for leaving him, for betraying him, for killing him but he couldn't yearn for the bond and friendship they had. For the love he had and still held for him in spite of everything.
"And all you know and how you speak.." the others had been forgotten, the two monkeys existing in a space that was just for them, "countless lovers.. undercover of the street!"
"You know that I could use somebody! You know that I could use somebody!" The drums started picking up.
"Someone like you!" Macaque belted, his face admitting a soft purple glow as though he was covered in stars.
Music break. The shadow monkey taking a chance to catch is breath.
"Off in the night while you live it up, I'm off to sleep" his voice had become softer, gentler. 
Sun Wukong took notice of how the stage lights illuminated the darker monkey, making him look like an ethereal god from the celestial realm. His eyes seeming to shine.
He felt his successor nudge his arm, probably seeing how mushing the king was looking at the moment, but he chose to ignore it. He could deal with the teasing later.
"Waging wars to shake the po-et and the beat" the shadow monkey knew mayhaps was getting too into it but gods it was cathartic! To know, for a moment, that he was being genuine and real. Not only to himself, with Wukong as well. 
"I hope it's gonna make you no-tice!" it felt like everything in him was reaching out to Sun, to notice him, as cringey as it seemed, screaming for the sage to see him. Reach out to Macaque like it seemed that the he was always doing for the other.
"I hope it's gonna make you no-tice!"
"Someone like me!" Wukong's gaze felt the sun, warm, painful, yet so inviting. It almost seemed he was going to be burned but it was addicting nonetheless, to be what he was seeing, to be all he was caring about. To have be speechless.
"Someone like me!" Macaque repeated, and Monkey King felt dazed. By the lights, the song, how dazzling his old friend looked up on the stage. The shadow monkey's voice lulling him into a place between soberity and drunkenness, so out of it yet he couldn't be more awake.
He felt him wanting to pull Macaque closer, draw the demon nearer to him, as though he was merely a mirage and would slip through his fingertips like sand.
"Someone like me, some-body!" The shadow weaver repeated again.
Another music break, back up vocal chiming in singing "go and let it out."
If Sun Wukong was the sun, Macaque was the moon. Linked. Dependent on one another, two halves of a whole.
"Someone like you, somebody" the song was soon to end, the two monkeys welcoming yet truly dreading the final lines. Because the exception would be drawing a close. The Sun and Moon rotating out of orbit from one another, the eclipse gone.
Two separate beings, two separate paths. Back to routine.
"Someone like you, somebody" he repeated.
"Someone like you, somebody!"
"I've been roaming around," the darker monkey's voice became softer again, yet his eyes didn't leave Sun Wukong's, "always looking down and all I see.."
The exception to the rule was over.
The others say in shocked mixed with amazement as the last notes ring out. Then slowly, Monkey King stood up clapping his hands firmly together before the rest followed suit. His golden eyes still holding onto the performers, unwavering, momentarily flashing pink.
The shadow monkey stood outside the karaoke place, slumped against the wall behind him.
The group were planning to head out soon, as it was getting late. Macaque had taken the opportunity of the others being distracted by doing one finally song to slip outside for some fresh air. 
He sighed for probably the fiftieth time that night. Finally coming down from the rush of him performing.
It all felt like a dream honestly, and from what the monkey expect, that was how it was going to stay. A dream. Wukong would pretend nothing happened in there between them, because nothing is what happened. Or that's what the demon was trying to tell himself, it would be easier to play along with the lie if he believed in it.
Though he couldn't help how his heart pounding at remembering. The heat, the gold eyes, the rush. It felt accelerating. 
But it was an exception, nothing more. Nothing at all.
It definitely isn't messing him up at all, not in the slightest, he's completely normal. He's normal because there's nothing that would be messing him up right now.
He heard soft footsteps being placed against the concrete as them came closer towards him, his ears twitching at the sound, breaking the monkey away from his little dilemma.
"There you are! I suspected you'd sneak off when given the chance" a familiar voice called.
It was, of course, Sun Wukong. The cause of his dilemma in the first place.
Macaque rolled his eyes, attempting to act nonchalant, being riddled with both panick and confusion. "What? How else am I going to scheme otherwise?" He asked jokingly. "Plus it's a nice night tonight, be a shame to waste it" he added, shrugging.
"True" Wukong agreed.
The two proceeded to stand there in silence, staring up at the stars above. 
Which lasted until the darker of the two decided it was getting a tad uncomfortable. "So, did you need to tell me something or... did you just want to awkwardly stare at the night sky together?" His voice was gentle as asked the question, him considering teleporting home before the other had a chance to answer.
The stone monkey chuckled nervously to himself, his face glowing ever so slightly. "Yeah I uh- wanted to tell you that.." Wukong sounded hesitate, his tail swinging around his feet anxiously. He breathed, trying to relax, "I really liked your performance" Monkey King eventually said.
Macaque scoffed softly, of course that was it, how could it be anything else. "That's it? Gods Wukong, you could've said that to me inside!" He stated, sounding unnecessarily agitated, had he wanted him to say something else?
"Was that you wanted to say or is there something-" the demon monkey began to say but got interrupted, Wukong lacing their tails together as he refused to meet his eyes; blushing gold all over.
Macaque felt his heart crawl into his throat as he struggled to say something, blushing just as much as the other. "So... There is something else?" He finally managed to ask, the sage simply nodding. 
Before more could be said, the rest of the group had chosen then to leave out the doors which succeeded in startling both monkeys.
"C'mon lovebirds! I called us a taxi, let's go!" Mei announced as she charged ahead, the others following close after.
"We're not lovebirds!" The two yelled loudly, before joining the rest. Though, as they walked, their tails stayed wrapped together.
The Sun. 
The Moon. 
Linked together into one.
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mythologyfolklore · 5 months
Liù'ěr Míhóu joins the jttw gang, or: How to redeem an all-hearing celestial monkey with a superiority complex and a seriously bad attitude
Chapter Seventeen: Pacifying a Rakshasi
It had been a while, since Liù'ěr Míhóu had last put his negotiation skills to use, so he hoped he still got it.
Miles before he arrived at the Rakshasi's den, he overheard her grumbling about how, if a “certain ape” dared to show his face there again, she'd give him “the fan that makes even more fire, just to get him off my arse!”
Liù'ěr Míhóu snorted – that sounded like something he would do, if he still had beef with the Monkey King. Too bad for the Rakshasi that Liù'ěr Míhóu wasn't the Monkey King. He was the Six-Eared Macaque and he would not fall for such a cheap trick.
When he knocked at the gate, a richly tressed demoness in a red dress emerged, wielding a furious expression and two long swords.
“HAVE YOU STILL NOT ENOUGH?”, shrieked the demoness, making him wince from the volume. “ARE YOU SEEKING DEATH, THAT YOU SHOW YOUR FACE HERE AGAIN?! THAT'S IT! PREPARE FOR-” She paused and blinked. “Oh. You're not Sūn Wùkōng.”
The Macaque feigned offence: “What! How dare you insinuate, that I would be – that I would even resemble that- that flea bag! Is it because I'm a Spiritual Monkey? Or is it because I'm a Buddhist monk?!”
The Rakshasi sheathed her swords. “Apologies. What is your name?”
“I'm the Six-Eared Macaque, Sūn Wùhuàn”, he introduced himself. “And you must be Tiě Shàn Gōngzhŭ. I have heard of you. It's an honour to meet a goddess – even, if you just mistook me for a skinny-ass rock skull.”
She chuckled: “You're funny. Follow me inside, little flower.”
“I'm a male.”
Since the other Pilgrims had accepted his temperament, he had grown more confident about it and more open. He would no longer allow people to assume.
Tiě Shàn gasped: “Oh dear! Another false assumption! My apologies! Allow me to make it up to you! Surely you want some food and tea!”
Liù'ěr Míhóu smiled. “I'm famished.”
“I hope you don't mind, if I just call you Liù'ěr”, said the Rakshasi, as one of her maids served them tea. “Sūn Wùhuàn sounds too much like … ugh.”
“I understand”, the Six-Eared Macaque assured her and took a sip from his cup. “Oh, this tea is most excellent! It's like a dream for my tongue!”
Though to be fair in the past months he'd had nothing but what he'd managed to beg, so of course this tasted like the Heavens.
Princess Iron Fan smiled at the flattery. “Thank you. I grew it myself. So, what brings you here, Liù'ěr?”
“Before I answer that, may I know why you received me with swords?”
“You have to forgive me, but this morning that insolent rhesus macaque Sūn Wùkōng just came in here like an avalanche and asked for my banana palm fan.”
“I know, right? And when I pointed out, that he hurt my son – my little Hóng Hái'er! – he had the audacity to say …” She inhaled sharply and emptied her cup in one gulp. “… He said that my baby boy was better off this way! That it's the highest honour to turn from a Demon Boy King to a monk having to serve a stranger!”
Godsdammit, Wùkōng.
The Six-Eared Macaque frowned. “That's indeed a very tactless way to put it.”
“Tactless is the understatement of the year!”
“I must admit I'm struggling a bit. On one hand I'm a Buddhist monk and have to defend my brethren. On the other hand … I'm a parent too.”
The Rakshasi blinked. “You are?”
“Yes. I couldn't keep my baby, but I miss him every day.”
That was a lie. He had never wanted it, it had been forced upon him and he'd given it away without hesitation.
“So I understand how you feel. I can't help but wonder … how is my baby right now? Is he healthy? Happy? You know, all that.”
That part was true.
“Your son has been hurt and taken away and that hurts your heart. I feel the same kind of pain. But … at least you can still visit each other. I cannot.”
Tiě Shàn Gōngzhŭ frowned. “You cannot?”
Liù'ěr Míhóu put on the saddest face he could muster. “No. I gave my little boy to a foster parent I could trust, but she lives in the west. I have to cross these mountains to get to them, but I can't fly high enough to get past the flames. Do they ever go out?”
The Rakshasi frowned. “I extinguish them, when the peasants in the valley grow their crops, until after the harvest. Can you wait until spring?”
“Spring?! I haven't seen my baby boy in decades! I was hoping … I don't know, when I will have the next chance to …” Liù'ěr Míhóu put on the waterworks. “Forgive me”, he sniffled. “It's unbecoming to be so emotional … in front of my host.”
“Oh, don't worry about it”, Tiě Shàn cooed and gestured for a maid to fetch tissues for her guest. “Is it not a host's duty to lighten their guests' sorrows and see that their wishes are met?”
“And in turn the guest must respect their host, for they are showing you courtesy. As the proverb says, 'If someone shows you kindness once, honour them as your parents for the rest of your life'¹”, the Six-Eared Macaque returned with a watery smile.
“But who is the older one of us, hm?”, the Iron Fan Princess questioned with a grin.
The Macaque chuckled: “Good question. Allow me to listen into the past …”
“You can listen into the past?!”, she exclaimed.
“The past, present and future. I can hear most anything”, he smiled. “By the way, the past tells me you're two Celestial Years² older than I.”
But the Rakshasi hadn't heard the last part.
“You can hear the present and future! That is amazing!” She paused for a moment, before breaking into a radiant smile: “Oh! Let me offer you a bargain!”
Liù'ěr Míhóu tilted his head. “A bargain?”
She nodded eagerly: “Yes, a bargain! You may borrow my fire-extinguishing fan to cross the mountains, if you tell me about my son's present and future.”
“Do I get to take the fan from where you keep it, before I listen in?”, he asked innocently.
For the split of a second, the Rakshasi's smile flickered.
Then she recovered and stood up: “Of course! Follow me!”
“Ten thousand thanks!”, replied Liù'ěr Míhóu, kowtowed and followed after her at a respectful distance.
Turned out the Rakshasi's treasury contained many a magical trinket, among them her armour, swords, spears and of course multiple fans.
“Let's play a little game”, she suggested. “See if you can identify the right fan without my help?”
Well, ain't that convenient!
Liù'ěr Míhóu giggled: “A seeking game! How fun! I love those.”
“You seem in a much better mood now”, remarked Princess Iron Fan.
“But of course!”, laughed Liù'ěr Míhóu. “I could see my baby soon! How would that not cheer me up?”
The sooner I get this stupid fan, the quicker we can continue and the less time I will have to waste protecting slaphead. But she doesn't need to know that.
“Don't count your chickens, before the eggs have been laid. You need to find the right fan first”, she pointed out.
The white monkey gave her the sad puppy eyes (sad infant monkey eyes?).
“But is it wrong to hope? I heard in the future, that if I'm forced to take the long way around the Flaming Mountains, my baby and his foster mother will get seriously hurt. I can't let that happen. Besides, if I don't get the right fan, you won't get the right information. As according to your bargain”, he added, when the Rakshasi's eyes darkened. He gave her a pleasant smile and turned his eyes back to the fans.
To say that Liù'ěr Míhóu was an honest monkey would be a lie, but in this case he was willing to play fair in his own way to get what he wanted.
Hm … that one guy told us that the fire-extinguishing fan is made of a banana palm leaf. But here are five banana palm fans alone. The one on top is a normal fan, the bottom one is too. Hm, this is a little more tricky than I expected … is it this one …?
His hand hovered over the biggest banana palm fan.
But then one of the Rakshasi's attendants giggled in the background and he drew back his hand.
Nope. Too obvious. I guess none of these is the right one. She must have transformed it into something else. Now, what to do, what to do … welp. Time to play dirty.
His six ears twitched, as he listened through time.
“That palm fan is from Mount Kunlun … a magical artifact born of the primordial chaos … finest leaf of the essence of the supreme yin … can extinguish all fires … people fanned by it are blown 84 000 miles away …”
Not quite the information he wanted, but it did explain why Sūn Wùkōng had taken so long to come back earlier. Moving on.
“That's the fire-extinguishing banana leaf fan? But … it's the size of an almond!”
“You just need to need to press your left thumb to the seventh red thread on the fan's handle and say: 'Hui xu he xi, xi chui hu!'³ That way it'll grow to 12ft in size …”
Now he just had to look for a banana palm leaf fan as tiny as an almond.
He had a guess, but there was a problem: the Rakshasi most likely kept it on her person, where no one could take it away. In her pocket? Too obvious. In her undergarments? It could slip out of those (and the last thing Liù'ěr Míhóu wanted was to have to undress anyone).
All of the sudden he had an epiphany; there was a strange lisp to the Rakshasi's speech pattern. Not a natural lisp, more like she had something under her tongue.
He turned back to look at her.
“Is something the matter?”, she asked innocently.
Yep. Definitely under the tongue.
Well, this blows … how do I get her to spit it out?
“And could you please stop swaying your head like that? It's a bit creepy.”
That startled the Macaque. “Huh? Oh, I … sorry, I can't help it. That just happens, when I think.”
Tiě Shàn Gōngzhŭ smiled. “Well, in that case, sway as much as you want. My dear husband always fiddles with the hems on his clothes, when he's lost in thought.”⁴
“That's adorable”, Liù'ěr Míhóu admitted.
“It really is”, the demoness sighed dreamily. “He's so sweet.” Her expression saddened. “But nowadays, he spends more time with his concubine, Yùmiàn Gōngzhŭ. I haven't seen him in a while. My son has been taken from me and my husband is dallying with his mistress at her home. If it wasn't for the jewellery and money he sends me, I would think he has forgotten me.”
“He has not”, the white monkey reassured her. “With my hearing I heard something very interesting earlier.”
Tiě Shàn Gōngzhŭ looked curious, so the Macaque continued: “I heard a certain monkey we both hate ask him for the banana palm leaf fan and your husband sounded really angry, when he accused that rock head of upsetting or deceiving you first. Believe me, if he got so enraged on your and your son's behalf, then he deeply cares for you.”
He had expected the grateful smile he got in response.
What he hadn't expected was for her to spit something out of her mouth that wasn't bigger than an almond.
“Here is the treasure”, she said and handed it to him.
Liù'ěr Míhóu marvelled at the thing. “It's so cute!”, he breathed. “That has to be the tiniest banana palm leaf I've ever seen!”
“I'll show you how to make it bigger”, the Rakshasi offered and instructed him.
The Spiritual Monkey listened to her, as if he hadn't eavesdropped into the past earlier.
So he did as told, pressed his left thumb to the seventh red thread on the fan handle and recited: “Hui xu he xi, xi chui hu!”
Suddenly the fan grew and the startled Macaque was buried under a giant and surprisingly heavy leaf.
He peeked up from under the fan and smiled sheepishly: “Neat! Uhhh, how do I shrink it down again?”
Tiě Shàn Gōngzhŭ laughed heartily.
It was so infectious, that the Six-Eared Macaque couldn't help but laugh along.
1) An actual Chinese proverb 2) 1 Celestial Year = 365 Earthly Years 3) A breathing exercise for Daoist alchemists 4) One of my stimming habits.
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Hey sorry to bother, hope you're having a nice day! I would like to ask you if macaque and Sun wukong are brothers, I've read they may have been sworn brothers in the past but some people are saying they were actually biological brother which I've read nothing about! It would mean the world to me if you could clear this up, thank you so much for making this blog❤️
There is no textual support in Journey to the West for Six Ears and Sun Wukong being actual brothers. They were sworn brothers, though. At that time, Six Ears was known as the “Macaque King” (Mihou wang, 獼猴王). I show in this article that he is actually Monkey’s darker half. There is a concept in Buddhism called “two minds” (erxin, 二心), which entails the battle between the true, natural mind and the false, delusional mind within a person. Sun Wukong represents the former and Six Ears the latter. My article reads:
In Chapter 58, the Buddha gives his congregation a sermon on nonduality (Sk: advaya; Ch: bu’er, 不二), discussing existence and nonexistence, form and formlessness, and emptiness and nonemptiness. Just as the battle between Monkey and his double erupts on Spirit Vulture Mountain (fig. 3), the Buddha tells his congregation, “You are all of one mind, but take a look at two Minds in competition and strife arriving here” (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 3, p. 113). “One mind” (Sk: ekacitta; Ch: yixin, 一心) is a high-level philosophy and core tenet of many Buddhist schools that refers to a tranquil, immovable mind that encompasses nonduality (Buswell & Lopez, 2014, pp. 1031-1032; Huang, 2005, p. 68). “Two minds” (erxin, 二心) refers to the dichotomy of the “true mind” (zhenxin, 眞/真心), “the original, simple, pure, natural mind of all creatures, [or] the Buddha-mind” and the “illusionary mind” (wangxin, 妄心), “which results in complexity and confusion” (Soothill and Hodous, 1937/2006, pp. 24-25). A poem in chapter 58 specifically associates two minds with confusion. The first two lines read: If one has two minds, disasters he’ll breed; / He’ll guess and conjecture both far and near” (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 3, p. 113).
It’s important to remember that Wukong is an embodiment of the “Mind Monkey” (xinyuan, 心猿), a Buddho-Daoist concept denoting the disquieted thoughts that keep man trapped in Samsara. [8] As his double, the Six-Eared Macaque is also a Mind Monkey. Therefore, I suggest the battle between these twin primates is an allegory for the struggle between the true and illusionary minds within our hero. After all, Wukong is the true Monkey, while his double, the fake Monkey, lives under the fantasy that he can take the Great Sage’s place and finish the quest on his own. Furthermore, given chapter 58’s emphasis on nonduality, I argue Monkey killing the Six-Eared Macaque in the end represents the blossoming of one mind/true mind by extinguishing the illusionary mind. This fits with Sun’s (2018) suggestion that the killing “is an action of eliminating the monster in him [Wukong], indicating that he is getting closer to achieving Buddhahood at this point in the journey” (p. 25). [9]
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