#The Frontier Lord Begins with Zero Subjects
ljaesch · 8 months
J-Novel Club Announces Nine Light Novel and Eight Manga Licenses
J-Novel Club has announced the following licenses: Title: The Frontier Lord Begins with Zero Subjects novels Author: Fuurou (story), Kinta (art) Release Date: Parts 1 and 2 of Volume One available now Summary: Dias finally returns home after decades of war. He’s hailed as a hero and promptly rewarded with his own domain… which turns out to be little more than empty plains. Population: zero. Dias,…
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armornick · 3 days
The Frontier Lord Begins with Zero Subjects: Volume 1
Today I finished The Frontier Lord Begins with Zero Subjects: Volume 1.
While this novel started very slowly (and I almost stopped reading it halfway through chapter 2 or something), I'm happy I stuck with it because the novel got more interesting later on. This volume is mostly a romance and slice of life comedy, but the characters are pretty fun and interesting. Not that much intersting really happens in this volume, and it's mostly setup for later volumes.
I thought about continuing with the next volume, but I instead decided to finally go back to my current series.
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paladin-andric · 5 years
Great Strides: Geralthin
Welcome to “Great Strides”! This is a little something I came up with a short while ago and recently decided to undertake. In this, we will take a look at the way nations in Deaco have transformed over time, politically, culturally, religiously and militarily. First up is the beating heart of the continent: The Kingdom of Geralthin, the metropolitan state of prosperity and the home to the human race! Everything’s under the cut.
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Earliest Records/Pre-Imperium
"Where tillage begins, other arts follow. The farmers therefore are the founders of human civilization."
Humanity was dormant for most of their early years. Relegated to small tribes scattered around the wilds, they lived somewhat mobile, hunter-gatherer lives, though settling was not unheard of. After the discovery of farming, the hunter-gatherer lifestyle quickly died and civilization sprung up. A population boom as a result of agricultural pursuits led to the first economic systems, cities and production of goods and services. This led to the foundation of record keeping, an alphabet, and a legal code, which in turn led to a centralization of power for those who held the most resources...humanity had just laid the foundations for their illustrious future.
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The Empire
"True glory consists in doing what deserves to be written, in writing what deserves to be read."
Wars between cities led to a grand master of most known human civilization. This man, Lucian, named himself Emperor of the Deacan Empire, known to historians as the Human Empire. The ultimate meaning behind the empire was the complete mastery of the entire known world, hence their claim to be “Deacan”, as they saw themselves as the heart of Deaco itself. Rapid expansion in technology, military and administration transformed the tribes and city-states of humanity into a highly cultured, advanced society. Art, literature and philosophy burst onto the scene, and soon humanity was living a rich, happy life.
That was not enough. They had the finest warriors and largest army in all the world...and so they laid their claim to their namesake. They would truly become the Deacan Empire by subjugating the rest of Deaco.
The pona were a joke. The koutu were pushovers. The savage berserkers of the dacuni were a true challenge, but the Empire prevailed. After several centuries of expansion and almost unending warfare, the Deacan Empire was in complete control of the known world...aside from the Abinsil, though they were close friends and trading partners of the Empire, and off the mainland on their own sub-continent. The Empire decided they could rule their own little petty kingdom, it wasn’t on the mainland anyway.
At the same time during all of these developments, the Order of God was formed. A new monotheistic faith took the Empire by storm, and soon the Old Gods were all but forgotten under the new faith. A religion that stressed honor, devotion, sacrifice, self-mastery and unity among the faithful spread far and wide. It came to a halt at the non-human frontiers...all except the koutu. They eagerly embraced the new faith, though not unscathed. Several concessions to the old ways and gods left the religion different from the way it entered. The koutu did not discard their old gods, instead weaving them into the new faith as demigods, and champions of the one true God who they served. This syncretic melding of faith left the koutu with those new values of selflessness and discipline, but allowed them to retain their old culture and stories...though altered with the hindsight that the gods weren’t really gods anymore. The fact that those who accepted the new human God could perform miracles helped to cement their new belief.
The Empire lacked tolerance in many things. It didn’t treat non-humans equally, the wolfmen rampantly oppressed as they were seen as barbarians and troublemakers, the pona pushed around and forcefully taken to be doctors for the emperor, though the koutu were treated with some degree of kindness, as their overly friendly and outgoing natures helped to endear humanity to them.
This state led to unrest, which would soon spiral out of control...
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The Fall
“And on the pedestal these words appear: ‘My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!’ Nothing beside remains.”
It was a wondrous age of peace and prosperity that followed the complete unification of Deaco, but it was not to last.
The first signs of trouble were the unrest in the dacuni tribes. Their stubbornness was incredible, and they absolutely refused all attempts at integration. They rejected faith, culture, government, language and mere presence alike.
At the same time, calls for koutu independence were being called for by the koutu...and humans. Apparently, many priests, high and low in the church hierarchy, from both koutu and human orders had received visions that God himself wished for the koutu to be free. Even the emperor had no support for a forced continuation of their status as an imperial province, so the koutu were let go from the empire. This has became a famous legend in the Koutu Kingdom, that the great heroine Sila laid down her weapons and vowed to serve God in exchange for her peoples’ freedom.
Smelling blood in the air, the wolfmen redoubled their efforts to break free, beginning an all-out war of rebellion. The pona too began to resist human presence in their lands, and soon the Empire was submerged in a state of civil war across all their territories.
Then, the dragons attacked.
They had been watching the development of humanity with some bemused interest, and now that they were rich and prosperous, now seemed the perfect time to stop observing and start conquering.
The humans did not yet possess the ability to wield magic or enchant their armaments, and so their weapons would bounce harmlessly off the dragons’ unbreakable scales.
They stood no chance.
There were zero recorded instances of dragons being slain during the “war”. Soon enough, the empire had collapsed entirely, their foreign provinces retaken by the non-humans, and their heartlands conquered. The Deacan Empire was no more.
The remnants of the imperial army evacuated as many cities as they could guiding the civilians to relative safety. Any independent humans were enclaves hiding out in the forests and hills of the deep wilds. The rest of humanity that wasn’t destroyed during the draconic invasion were now at the mercy of the dragons.
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Under Dragonlaw/The Dark Ages
"The root of the evil is not the construction of new, more dreadful weapons. It is the spirit of conquest."
The free humans hid. It was all they could do to keep their freedoms and lives. Life was hard, and lacked the wealth, liberties and luxuries the Empire provided.
The subjugated humans had their lives in the hands of draconic tyrants. Each dragon would claim a free city as their own, and ruled it independently. As a result, the most widespread legal system during this age...was actually the republican system. This was only due to the fact that cities were “free” and thus were ruled by a mayor, who in turn served whichever dragon took the city.
Treatment varied wildly. Each dragon ruled in absolute independence, and so they made their own law.
Some exterminated the cities. Some made humans little more than slaves. Most simply taxed them into poverty, amassing their horde off the backs of human laborers.
Some few were benevolent. They claimed a city and then allowed them to govern themselves, merely there to keep away other dragons that would subject them to a far worse fate. Gira was one such example of this.
This disunited state of affairs caused human culture to slowly drift apart. North, South, East and West began to take on their own customs and their language evolved so that some speech and expressions were like a whole different languange to someone on the other side of Geralthin. Soon enough, they ways of the Imperial Humans were but a distant memory.
After many generations under the heels of the dragons, a lone figure emerged to challenge them: Lord Godfrey. This obscure lord of a city began a series of wars against other human cities with the backing of the dragons, who he lied to through a lengthy series of webweavings that led the dragons to believe they were plotting against one another. As a result, the dragons fought and killed one another while Godfrey amassed power and tested new military theories.
With the discovery of the art of magic, now was the time. Spears, arrows and ballistae were magically enchanted, allowing them to piece the scales of dragons. By the time they realized what was happening, the dragons were already too disunited and weak to crush the uprising.
A decade of war against the dragons and invading armies of non-humans looking to snag a few cities from the dying dragons later, and Geralthin was at last free. Godfrey crowned himself king of the new Kingdom of Geralthin, and the rest, as they say, was history.
This led to feudal law and centralization. The hundreds of different constitutions and legal systems of cities and towns were scrapped for a set of royal laws that would apply to all. The sovereign of Geralthin, the king or queen, ruled all. The nobility under him worked to administrate their slices of land for him, and the nobles below them oversaw small baronies and cities. Soon, the Kingdom was a Feudal Monarchy in both name and deed. There was little restriction or oversight, for the royals and nobles were expected to act in good faith. For the most part, they did.
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Administrative Overhaul/The Early Kingdom
"The bureaucracy is expanding to meet the needs of the expanding bureaucracy."
Over the reign of the first few kings and queens, the royal family worked to refine their administration and improve its capabilities. Gira offered advice from the legal system of the city she ruled over during the dark ages, and while the legal system of a city did not work in a kingdom-wide scale, it did help.
Godfrey drew from old city laws when drafting his own set of laws, so to allow the cities and towns to retain some freedoms and familiar rules to make the transition to a kingdom easier.
Crime and justice were penned into existence. The punishments of the old Empire, such as burning traitors alive, were banned. The free for all, anything goes way of the dark age were swept aside. Executions were reserved for the most dire offensives, and designed to be swift. Hanging, decapitation and poisoning became the standard go-to for those that would commit dark deeds such as murder.
Slavery was officially banned, though it wasn’t truly used by anyone but the dragons since the collapse of the Empire. Thieves, thugs and con-men were jailed or fined, the amount of time or money needed depending on the severity of the time. Small crimes such as fights and stealing of low costing goods like candy could be waved by the victim if they so chose. Public indecency, intoxication or disturbance of the peace allowed perpetrators to spend some time performing community service, such as street-sweeping, muck-cleaning, and road-paving. Such sentencing was viewed as favorable, and didn’t last for long. Repeat offenders would begin to receive harsher sentencing as judges grew tired of having to deal with them.
Trade and diplomacy came back into being as the kingdom recovered from its divided state and crippling war. Bureaus of commerce and international relations were founded to make such things matters of state rather than on-the-fly proceedings. All in all, humanity became closer to one another, more informed about the land they lived, and unified in power and purpose.
Finally, Godfrey’s son, Rufus, amended the succession laws. The standard succession meathod was Primogeniture, meaning the eldest inherits the throne, but Rufus introduced a law that allowed the king or queen to choose any of their children as the heir, for any reason. He hoped this meant that future monarchs would have some degree of responsibility, as drunkards, fools and those without Geralthin in mind would be passed over for better heirs.
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Magic’s Introduction
"The day when two army corps can annihilate each other in one second, all civilized nations, it is to be hoped, will recoil from war and discharge their troops."
Humanity first learned the art of magic during the War of Liberation, but inklings were there beforehand. From the miracles of saints and those possessing indescribable powers, magic had always been in the background, waiting for humanity to learn and master it.
That time came during the lead up to the war.
Godfrey bribed several “allied” dragons a fortune for them to divulge their secrets, but even then they were tight-lipped. As arrogance and blind to humanity’s potential as they were, even they knew humans learning such power would turn out very, very badly for them later down the line.
They were correct, but that didn’t matter. The greedier of the dragons relented and taught humans some of what they knew. Once human magicians knew the basics, how to harness one’s own energy and warp it into magical power, all those secrets stopped mattering.
Humans mastered themselves, and journeyed into the heart of experimentation to invent spells themselves. This blind experimenting of course led to several accidents, mistakes and tragedies, but it was their only chance.
Once they learned how to control necrotic energy, it was over. The sorcerers blasted dragons out of the sky, dooming them to death as the necrosis ate away whatever survived the blast. This in turn, led to the kobolds’ death warding ritual, the precursor to modern restorative magic.
Once the kingdom came into being, the experimenting changed. Now that the dragons were no longer a threat, and stability was blanketing the land, sorcerers began to study magic that would undo the potential damage such terrifying power held. Newly invented spells were heavily defensively oriented, such as dispelling other magics or creating wards that protected against hostile sorcerers.
Since magic takes such a great time to master, the introduction of magicians merely shook things up instead of uprooting the ways or war entirely. They were far too small in number to replace soldiers with, so the sword, spear and bow remained the primary way of combat, and armies were still nearly all infantry and cavalry, though a couple magicians could give an army the edge in battle.
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Divine Magic
"The night is far spent; the day is at hand. Let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light."
The magic of God is far different than the magic of man. It’s always been there, but unable to be harnessed through normal means. As the sorcerers battled the dragons, however, a few priests and soldiers began to think. Those “great works”, those “miracles” of the saints of old...were they tangible? Could they be replicated?
As it turned out, the answer was yes.
Once humans learned how to channel their energy and weave it into magic, they found that when their thoughts and desires turned to the divine...that the process remained unchanged. If one knew what to do and how to do it, they could use magic in the way the saints of old did, and show all those on Deaco the might of God.
There was one small caveat to this line of magic, however...it was tied directly to the Lord, and thus, faith.
Thoughts, desires and deeds must remain pure and true to channel such holy powers. The man or woman using the power of God must not only be unflinching in their conviction of the defense of goodness and holiness, but they must truly BELIEVE. Forsake the tenants of the faith or lose the desire to use such power for good, and you will suddenly find yourself unable to channel your power to these ends.
As soon as men decide that all means are permitted to fight an evil, then their good becomes indistinguishable from the evil that they set out to destroy.
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Early Centralization and Looking Forward
"A multitude of rulers is not a good thing, let there be one ruler, one king."
The Kings and Queens of Geralthin fell into a steady legal battle with their vassals.
While the dukes, duchesses, counts, barons and lords were at first loyal to the king, this obedience and unity was born of mankind’s struggle with dragons. The nobles of the realm unquestioningly followed Godfrey, as he has thrown off the draconic yoke and founded the kingdom.
As soon as he died, things slowly began to change.
The nobles became increasingly petty and demanding of the monarch with each new generation, having grown complacent with their power.
Now, the monarch would struggle to draft new laws with their vassals refusing to back such rulings. It was then that they realized just how little power a king or queen held without politicking in the courts or the loyalty of their vassals.
For generations, the kings and queens battled with the aristocracy, inch by inch weakening them. Every generation of rulers, at least one or two laws would come into fruition that lessened the political power of the nobility in some way.
Monarchs of Geralthin were taught how important it was to be a good ruler. Since childhood, they were told by their parents, tutors and Gira herself that a true monarch serves the people, that they do their duty so that their lands could live in peace and prosperity for future generations.
While not eliminated, the nobility had lost most of their political power by the end of the middle ages, though they retained their possessions. Even their military power began to wane as the first professional armies came into being, trained by and loyal to the kingdom rather than their lieges. While still relying on the feudal levy system for now, the army had a small core of elite soldiers that could always be relied on.
While centralization and chastening of noble privileges continued, time marched on. As Geralthin left the early middle ages, technology improved, magic flourished, and the realm grew wealthy.
The military changed greatly over time, as fully-plated cavalry, heavily armored pikemen and crossbowmen overtook light cavalry, spearmen militias and peasant bowmen. Catapults gave way to trebuchets, and the military in general became better disciplined, trained, experienced and professional.
As for magic, more spells began to be invented, and old ones were improved. The art of magic became more and more refined, as academies for magicians and temples for clerics and priest gave newcomers a thorough drilling on how to properly use magic. It slowly became easier and cheaper to learn, and as a result became more widespread.
Architecture evolved, medicine improved, and quality of life improved for all, from the royal family themselves, to the most destitute of commoners.
As laws against serfdom put an end to “peasants” as an entity, there is now only paid laborers and mercenaries. Farmers became their own men and women, not beholden to laws binding them physically and economically to a noble. City dwellers worked in labor and service industries of their own volition, and society grew increasingly optimistic.
As time marches on, these things will keep improving. More prosperity, more inventions, more magic and more new technology and laws to protect the people from tyrants and robber-barons.
The future is looking bright.
And that’s all for now! There’s the whole renaissance to modern day thing, but this is everything that leads up to Blackheart.
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sleepguruin · 4 years
CBD Oil for Sleep – India Legality, Usage and Buying Guide – 2020
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Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the 113 cannabinoids that are present in cannabis plants. The compound was discovered in 1940 and accounted for nearly 40 percent of extract from the cannabis plant. Research shows that CBD comes in handy in treating the symptoms of insomnia and anxiety. However, in India, Cannabis and its products are illegal to use. Cannabis, even though illegal for recreational use, has a long relationship with the country. Evidence suggests that people have been cultivating the plants in India since 2000 BCE. The plant has been described in the Vedas and is associated with one of the primary Hindu Gods, Lord Shiva. However, Hemp, which can also be used to extract CBD, has another story. It has been legalized in Uttarakhand, and since 2015, the country’s attitude towards CBD is changing. In 2019, CBD oil was made legal in India under the condition that it doesn’t contain THC in significant amounts. Cannabidiol, due to its medicinal value and lack of psychoactivity, has medicinal value, and there are various ways to consume it for that purpose. We have got CBD based aerosol sprays, oils, pills, and even vapes.
CBD Oil and How Is It Made
CBD oil is an oil that has only CBD as its active ingredient. The amount of THC or terpenes present in this oil should be either zero or close to zero. In India, CBD can be obtained in the form of oil along with sprays, and it is also found in specialized food items such as Bhaang, a cannabis-based drink that is legal in India. CBD oil made using cannabis plants is illegal in India as it has a higher chance of being contaminated with THC. There is also a lack of research that shows the effect of consuming THC and CBD together. However, the country allows the manufacturing and use of CBD oil that has been made using Hemp. So, a question arises, how do we get oil from something that looks like wild grass? There are various techniques that can be used to extract and purify the CBD oil present.
Carbon Dioxide Technique
Carbon Dioxide is a compound that can be easily converted from solid form to liquid then to gas pretty easily. This property of the compound comes in handy while extracting CBD oil from the hemp plants. So, how is it done? First of all, a piece of solid CO2 is introduced in a chamber that contains Hemp in a crushed form. Here, the temperature and pressure are kept at such a level that the carbon dioxide stays in liquid form. This liquid carbon dioxide is good at absorbing the CBD oil and its flavor from the crushing plants. In the next step, this mixture of liquid CO2 and plant material is pumped into a chamber where the temperature and pressure allow the carbon dioxide to evaporate and leave the highly pure CBD oil behind.
Oil Infusion
Since the beginning of the hemp harvest thousands of years ago, oil infusion has been a popular technique to extract the oil from the plant. The process is simple and effective, but it has a slight drawback. The first step in the oil infusion process is Decarboxylation of the plant material that is heating up the plant material to a high temperature to activate its ingredients. Once the process is done, olive oil or another plant-based oil is added to the plant material. This carrier oil and plant material is heated up to 100 degrees Celsius for a couple of hours. However, one major drawback of this method is that there is no simple way of getting rid of the carrier oil. So, if you are using CBD oil made by the infusion technique, then the presence of carrier oil would require you to use a higher quantity of oil as compared to using pure CBD oil for a similar effect.
Liquid Extraction
Another popular way to extract CBD oil from Hemp is through liquid extraction. It is quite similar to the oil infusion and CO2 technique. The process involves the use of ethanol, butane, hexane, isopropyl alcohol, and other similar compounds to help with the oil extraction process. However, the presence of impurities such as chlorophyll is a problem, but it can be removed to purify the CBD oil obtained. As we can see, apart from the Carbon Dioxide technique, other methods leave impurities within the oil produced from Hemp. However, there are various methods to get rid of the unwanted component of the and make a purer CBD oil. So, let us see what the methods used to get rid of the impurities are.
Distillation is one of the best methods to get rid of solid impurities. In this process, the oil and solid impurity mixture is boiled in a flask and the resulting vapors of oil are condensed in another flask. Thus, leaving the solid impurity behind. In case the impurity is also a liquid, but the boiling point of CBD oil and that liquid are different, we can still rely on distillation and fractional distillation to get a purer CBD oil.
In winterization, the impure oil is mixed with 200 proof alcohol and put into a freezer for the night. This frozen mixture is then passed through a filter to get rid of solid impurities such as fats and finally, the mixture is boiled to get rid of the alcohol and retrieve the pure CBD oil.
Use of CBD Oil for Insomnia
Cannabidiol, which is abbreviated as CBD, is extracted from Hemp and converted into various consumables. However, in the end, it is the chemical that matters as it reacts with the endocannabinoid system of our bodies to help us achieve homeostasis, i.e., a state of stability as well as balance. Unlike THC, CBD is not psychoactive, and thus, you don’t get high while using CBD. However, it is hard to comment on what happens when you use CBD contaminated with THC as there is not enough research to give conclusive results. Anyway, this property of CBD is helpful in treating certain conditions such as insomnia, body pain, and seizures. A drug called Epidiolex, which is made from CBD, is used for treating patients suffering from certain kinds of epilepsy in the US. This drug has also been given the green light by the FDA. There have been researches that prove that the use of CBD can help you sleep better at night. So, how does this compound provide us better sleep? To find out the reason, we need to understand what causes insomnia. According to Mayo Clinic, insomnia or the inability to sleep at night can be caused by a variety of things that include
Medicines, some patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease are given medicine that contains dopamine agonists, and these medicines disrupt the normal wake-sleep cycle and lead to insomnia in the patients.
Caffeine consumption, especially late at night, is also a leading cause of insomnia in most people.
Sometimes, people who suffer from chronic pain, as well as restless leg syndrome, also find it difficult to sleep at night.
Mental conditions such as anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder are one of the leading causes of insomnia.
At last, environmental factors such as loud noise, bright lights, and an uncomfortable bed could also lead to sleeplessness.
In the majority of cases, if the cause of insomnia can be removed by changing the external factors such as getting a new bed or cutting down caffeine consumption, then there is no need to use CBD based products to get better sleep. However, if the underlying cause of your sleeplessness are conditions such as PTSD or anxiety disorder, then CBD oil is recommended to help you sleep better at night. The evidence suggesting that the use of CBD helps in dealing with anxiety is sparse, but some researches still suggest that the use of CBD lowers anxiety.
One such research conducted in 2019 involved 72 subjects in checking the ability of CBD to counter anxiety and improve the ability to sleep. Out of the 72 subjects, 25 complained that they suffer from insomnia, whereas the remaining 47 said that they suffer from an anxiety disorder. These subjects were given a pill containing 25 milligrams of CBD once a day throughout the test, which lasted a month. After the end of the trial, 75 percent of people who suffered from anxiety said that their anxiety was reduced to a great extent, whereas 66 percent of people who suffered from insomnia mentioned that they were able to sleep properly. In certain cases, pain is the leading cause of insomnia, and a 2018 review in Frontiers of Pharmacology said that there is sufficient evidence that we can conclude that using CBD is beneficial for people who suffer from pain. The authors of that review also concluded that using CBD can also help people who suffer from chronic pain to sleep much easily by greatly reducing the amount of pain that they feel.
One of the major symptoms of insomnia is grogginess, and it is believed that using CBD might help in dealing with that as well. CBD is shown to cause wakefulness in humans and animals, which is not the desired effect. Even though it is hard to pinpoint what effect of CBD is behind this wakefulness, researchers are not worried as this happens only in a small number of cases. Also, research in 2014 studied the impact of CBD on a person’s sleep cycle. The research featured four patients who suffered from Parkinson’s disease. These patients were given CBD, and it was discovered that the use of CBD improved their REM sleep behavior disorder. RBD (REM sleep disorder) is a condition that prevents a person’s body from going into the REM stage of the sleep properly. This condition leads to people acting out in their sleep, and doctors associate RBD with nightmares and poor sleep quality. Even though the evidence is not in ample amounts, it is still possible to say that the use of CBD comes in handy when it comes to getting proper sleep at night. The researchers suggest that CBD helps in improving sleep quality by dealing with the underlying problems such as grogginess and also helps alleviate causes that lead to daytime sleepiness alongside nighttime insomnia.
CBD Oil and Sleep Quality – Benefits
Those who manufacture CBD oil claim that it is effective against anxiety, depression, pain, sleep disorders, inflammation as well as other ailments. The FDA has also approved Epidolex, a CBD product, to treat epilepsy. However, the researchers conducted to show the benefits of CBD oil haven’t been successful in providing sufficient evidence. The only conclusive results came for the treatment of Lennox-Gastaut syndrome and Davet syndrome. Furthermore, most of the research conducted on the benefits of CBD oil is done in the US, where all 50 states have legalized the usage of CBD. The restrictions in the US were lifted in 2015, and the trials for the effect of CBD oil in treating Parkinson’s disease, schizophrenia, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and anxiety are underway. On the other hand, India has recently made it legal to use CBD for medicinal purposes, and we don’t have our own research to show its benefits.
Recommended Dosage of CBD for Better Sleep
Before taking any supplement, it is imperative that we know how it works and what are its side-effects. This is also true in the case of CBD. So, let us understand how it helps us sleep.
Working Of CBD
The few studies that have been mentioned earlier show a sample where CBD helped in dealing with the conditions and helped people sleep better at night. However, the legality when it comes to using CBD makes it difficult to conduct a significant number of studies to find conclusive evidence that points to the working principle of CBD. However, even if we don’t have a conclusive answer, the studies that have been conducted are not a wastage of resources. It has been established that the use of CBD improves our sleep quality by dealing with the conditions that lead to insomnia. Now, as the world is accepting CBD, it is only a matter of time before we decode the mysterious link between CBD and sleep.
Various Forms of CBD Available in India
CBD is available as a consumable not only in the form of oils but also as vapes, cigarettes, pills and capsules, aerosol sprays, and even jellies. Inhaling CBD is one of the most efficient ways to deliver the compound into our system. However, the use of cigarettes is not recommended. Vaping is not as bad as smoking, but it still affects our lungs. So, if possible, look for alternative ways to consume CBD. Eating gummies, putting CBD oil in food, using the aerosol spray, and applying CBD oil in the region that causes pain are some of the better ways to use CBD to get better sleep.
CBD Oil Dosage for Improving Sleep Quality
Now that we know the various forms that CBD is available in, we need to discuss how much CBD is enough. So, just like any other drug, we need to account for the body weight, body chemistry, and the cause of insomnia before recommending a dosage of CBD. It will also help to understand if the patient needs CBD or not. Studies that have been conducted relied on giving patients CBD doses ranging between 25mg and 1500 mg per day. It is often recommended that a person starts with the least amount of CBD and uses it for a week, even though it takes a month to see the results, before increasing the dosage, that too in small increments. Once you get the desired result, you shouldn’t increase the amount of CBD used any further. You should not worry if the results are not appearing in a week as sometimes it takes a month to see the effects of CBD on our sleep. However, before you start taking CBD supplements, it is recommended that you meet a doctor to discuss your insomnia. A doctor can not only tell you what a sufficient amount of CBD would but also tell you what the alternate options that you can opt for are.
How to Use CBD Oil for Improving Sleep Quality?
One of the easiest ways to use CBD oil to take the prescribed amount of oil in a dropper and put it under the tongue. You need to hold the oil under your tongue for a few seconds before swallowing it. It is one of the fastest ways to get CBD oil into your bloodstream. There won’t be any immediate effect. You need to do this for a couple of weeks before you get better sleep at night. In case it doesn’t work, kindly consult a doctor before increasing your dosage. CBD oil is also available in a form that can be used for smoking as well as vaping. These oils come in a container with instructions that tell about the dose. Oil Rigs, which are similar to water pipes, are used for smoking CBD oil. There are a variety of vaporizer pens available in the market that vape CBD oil. Vaping is a better option than smoking as it doesn’t produce any harsh smoke. If your insomnia is due to pain, then there is another way to use the CBD oil. You take the necessary amount of oil and apply it to your skin, where you suffer from pain. Adding CBD oil into your food is also a good option. There are also food items available that already contain CBD oil in them.
Side Effects of CBD Use
CBD is considered to be safe when taken orally. Cases have shown that people were able to take up to 300 mg of CBD orally a day for one month without any side effects. In some cases, people took up to 1500 mg of CBD daily for a month without any problem. In the US, the prescription drug, Epidiolex, to treat certain types of epilepsy is taken in quantities that are determined by body weight, up to 20 mg/kg. Even though there are no serious issues related to the consumption of CBD, it has some side effects such as dry mouth, lowered blood pressure, lightheadedness, and drowsiness. There is also evidence that suggests liver injuries, but the chances of this happening are extremely rare. As for the side effects of CBD oil, not much is known about it. However, CBD should not be used by women who are pregnant or breast-feeding. The product could be contaminated with other substances, which might be harmful to the fetus or the infant. Children who suffer from epilepsy are usually given dosage under 10 mg/kg, and in some severe cases, it might increase to 15 mg/kg. Higher dosage than this might cause adverse effects, and CBD is not to be used on children older than 2 years. People who have some liver-related issues need to be careful while using CBD. They are generally told to take a dosage comparatively lower than the one taken by healthy people. There is also evidence that suggests that in some cases, a high dosage of CBD by people suffering from Parkinson’s disease might make the tremors much worse.
Buying CBD Products in India
In India, CBD products except Bhaang are illegal for use unless it is being used for a medical purpose. However, only CBD made from Hemp is legal for cultivation and use in India, and any product made from this Hemp cannot have more than 0.3% THC component. In India, CBDstore.in is one of the most reliable retailers of CBD oils and tinctures along with other products such as sprays and edibles. There are also a few retailers that sell their products on Amazon and Flipkart. However, before buying a product from anywhere, get to know about its purity, batch and lot number along with expiry date. Ensure that the manufacturer has provided an address or phone contact and consult a doctor before using CBD oil.
CBD Oil for Sleep FAQs
What Is CBD Oil?
Cannabidiol (CBD) is a Phytocannabinoid that was found in 1940. CBD is one of the 113 known cannabinoids found in cannabis plants. An oil with CBD as its only active ingredient is called CBD oil.
Is CBD legal in India?
Recently, CBD obtained from Hemp has been legalized in India. Uttarakhand became the first state in the country to legalize CBD products. However, except for Bhaang, no other CBD product can be used for recreational purposes in India.
What Is the Difference Between CBD and THC?
Unlike THC, CBD is not psychoactive, i.e., you won’t get high after consuming it, and therefore it has medical use.
Is It Okay to Use THC And CBD Together?
We don’t have any proper research data on the effects of using CBD and THC together, so you should refrain from using them together.
Does CBD Help Cure Insomnia?
Research shows that the use of CBD helps in dealing with the conditions that lead to insomnia. So, it can be said that it helps in the case of insomnia but doesn’t treat the condition itself.
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