#The Captor
wayward-persephone · 2 years
What do you think makes each of the werewolf!Characters different from each other? How are their styles (mating, courting, stalking etc) different?
Decided to add the shifters as well! 😉
King Aurvandil War-Raven (Werewolf)
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He would be a very prideful Werewolf. He would have taken an immediate liking to the strange human female taking up residence in his forest, especially when he watched you bathe in a stream time and time again, and decided that you would make a good mate.
He would be traditional about courting you. Leaving the biggest deer at your doorstep while waiting at the bottom of the stairs expectantly (still in his wolf form as is the custom) and is shocked at your loud shriek of fear and the slamming close of your door.
Of course, he just takes that as him needing to try harder to woo you.
He continues to bring large dead deer and other animals that would make other female wolves swoon, but it just leaves you nervously peering through your curtains out at him every single time he drops off his catch. He would also stalk around your home to protect you from other predators or other wolves. Staking his claim on you by howling throughout the night for weeks.
Once he is sure you have accepted him (which was just you tripping over the rather large wild boar he dropped off right at your door) and that night he sneaks through your window finally in his human form. Your scream of fear was as confusing to him as the pillow you tried to attack him with, but your screams soon changed once he mounted you. He would get you on your hands and knees, one hand in your hip and another on the back of your neck to push you into the bed to keep you still, and he would keep you there until he was satisfied.
Russell Millings (Werewolf)
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My headcanon with him is that he's been alone for so long that he doesn't quite realize that you're human.
So, he courts you like an old-fashioned werewolf...one that's very shy. Leaving dead animals on your front porch as he anxiously watches from the trees, stalking around your home at night "protecting" you from predators or other werewolves trying to court you but scampering to the trees the second you flip on your porch light, and leaving interesting looking rocks or flowers he found that he thinks you would like on your porch while he watches at a distance.
He would probably sleep close-by, watching you lovingly as you work in your garden or scrub the blood from your porch while grumbling under your breath, and his heart nearly leaps out of his chest when he sees you display the flowers or rocks he found for you.
In his eyes that means you accepted him.
He was clumsy getting into your home, his human body still awkward to him, and you tackling him with a large stick was something unexpected. He vaguely remembered some female wolves making males work for the right to mate them, so he figured that’s what you were doing, and he gets you on your hands and knees while growling comforting words of nonsense in your ear. He’s afraid that maybe you will reject him after all, but then you grow limp underneath him. Your body getting wet with every brutal snap of his hips against yours and your voice turning soft and he knows that you are his.
Travis Conrad (Vampire/Werewolf Hybrid)
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He definitely stalked you long before he fully decided if you were his next plaything or his mate. Stuck to the background to gather information on you until he decided and then he went about stalking your favorite hangouts and knowing your routine. Then he would start leaving little gifts around you. Little trinkets or a flower or other knickknacks that he thinks you would like. Feeling a surge of pleasure every single time you light up when you spot them. He would probably even send more elaborate gifts as a “secret admirer” just to watch your reaction. Hearing your heartbeat flutter in your chest while his fangs and cock ached to be buried inside you.
Once you are fully smitten and fully woven into his web he would then pounce.
Waiting until you are almost home before slinking from the shadows and ensnaring you with just a look. Leaving you limp in his arms as he finally holds you close, nuzzling his face into your throat with a purr as you quietly gasp and shudder in bleary confusion as he thoroughly scents you, and he drags you into your home with no fuss while you trip over your feet. He continues to scent you, trailing his fangs over your throat and purring as he carefully strips you of your clothes, and you can’t help but to weakly reach for him whenever he pulls away.
He fucks you first with you on your back so he can have complete access to your throat. Biting into your with loud groans as he rocks his hips into you slow and deep, careful not to spill any blood, and you are littered with bites by the time he flips you onto your knees and fucks you like his inner wolf is howling for him to do.
Paul (Canine-Shifter)
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Would be a bit more like Travis. Would stalk you at a distance, slowly learning your schedule and adapting to it, and integrating himself into your life until he's a solid consistent presence that you never realize wasn't there.
He's also more quick than the others. He knew you were his the moment he saw you, but would still take time to court you.
He would bring you small treats and gifts that others would barely give a second glance. Snacks, flowers, a pair of gloves when yours mysteriously goes missing, bringing you lunch, trinkets, etc. And eventually you begin to love and expect his gifts. Looking forward to them happily and even eagerly. Once that happens then Paul knows you have accepted him as your mate.
He would be more mindful about fucking you than the rest, he's less likely to scare you by sneaking in your house, and instead will wait for you to invite him inside your room. Once there he will gladly take over and push you to your hands and knees and mount you from behind.
Everett Lewis (Were-Bear)
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(Definitely appreciate your help with this one 😘)
You told me that bears are known to stalk their potential mates and have an almost obsession with their scents. So with that in mind...
Everett would definitely stalk your home, possibly even your work place if it's somewhere public, and will scent you any chance he gets. Stealing articles of clothes (jackets, scarves, or even breaking into your home to steal your panties) and you would more than likely be intimidated by the gruff man trailing after you everywhere you go. Bears are also aggressive so he would be jealous and handsy and wouldn't really care much about your feelings (at least not at first)
You brought up how bears love having their mouth on their mate's neck so he would absolutely adore biting and licking and sucking and marking your throat and collarbones. Just constantly biting you and having his mouth on you and absolutely hating if you have to cover his marks up for any reason.
He would fuck you rough and hard, leaving you limping and sore the next day while started at you with just a hint of smugness, but he would make it up to you by eating you out until you couldn't remember your own name. Then he would fuck you again.
Lars Nystrom (Fox-Shifter)
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(also couldn't do this one without your help! 🥰)
Foxes are sneaky little fuckers so he would definitely bring you stolen goods. Soft blankets and fluffy pillows so you can build a "nest" for you two, yipping in delight when you take his offering that he left piled on your doorstep, and would definitely bring some of his own blankets so the nest would have some of his scent mingled in.
He would also break into your home and mark everything with his scent. Rubbing against your furniture, burrowing into your bed with wistful sighs, and stealing your panties to jerk off into later. Would probably jerk off in your bed with his face buried in your pillows and stuff the dirty sheet in his bag before re-making up your bed so you wouldn't notice. Before burrowing back into it to mark it again with his scent.
He would leave flowers and small dead animals at your doorstep, puffing up with pride at the knowledge of him "feeding" his mate even though you always get rid of the animal, and he runs circles around your home excitedly most of the time while you try to work.
Once he feels like it's time to be properly mated, he will absolutely break into your house again, and aggressively cuddle you while stripping you. Cooing and nipping at you happily as he settles between your thighs. Nearly vibrating out of his skin with excitement at finally being inside you.
Afterwards, once you are claimed and completely fucked out, he will move you to the nest (after rearranging it to his liking) and cuddle you there while humming to you softly.
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kalorphic · 2 years
I wonder if we would see the kidnapper again preferably after in a relationship stage with his boss
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nimalucius · 2 years
I know everyone is going cuckoo for Ethan Hawke in the newest movie The Black Phone. But how have I not seen anything about him when he played in the movie Stockholm (2018, also called 'The Captor)?! He's so hot in there! And so sweet!!
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melerbytes · 14 days
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turn that 0_0 into a 0u0!
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hamsterdads · 20 days
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my favorite trolls (❁´◡`❁)
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beescake · 9 days
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paint a bunch of heads then struggle to fit them all on one canvas
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indigonite · 2 months
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and so we return with a troll lineup on 2024
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kurkumut · 24 days
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Still friends
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buzzingroyalty · 8 months
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arizuume · 2 months
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Happy birthday, John and Jane!
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wayward-persephone · 2 years
My CNC kink comes out when I think about Lars Nystrom taking you hostage during a bank robbery. He threatens to spread you open on his cock if his demands are not met. Regardless he will still have you bent over the counter railing you.
Did I ghostwrite this cuz... 🥵🔥
This reminds me a little bit of this audio I listened to on Reddit (here's the link for those interested 😉) and honestly it's what I was thinking just about the entire time I was watching the movie 🥴
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I always headcanon Lars as hypersexual so twisting this into something CNC (or even NC 👀) is just perfect.
Him using you as a bargaining chip, threatening to do all sorts of depraved things that leaves you a soaked mess between your thighs despite you trying your best to remain unaffected, and him still bending you over the nearest flat surface the moment you're alone and fucking you until you are a drooling mess.
Him keeping you on his cock practically the entire time he's in the bank. Making you warm him when he's not pumping you full of his come and alternating fucking your throat when you beg him to give your swollen sensitive pussy a break.
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almostfoulhottub · 2 months
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Kanaya Sollux and Aradia
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spunkydash · 2 months
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some arasol stuff !!!!
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animeglitch · 1 month
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weaselmcdiesel · 2 months
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requests for a bunch of ships i did on my spam :3
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beescake · 8 days
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