#That's why I prefer Tailamy instead of Taismo
flingmetothemoon · 6 months
Can we talk about Sonic X TailAmy for a moment?
Disclaimer: if you disagree with me, that's fine. If you prefer Sonamy over Tailamy, go right ahead. But remember this is my opinion based on observations and research. I would appreciate it if Sonamy shippers don't try to convince me why Sonamy is such a beautiful well-written canon ship and why I'm bad for not shipping it. You wouldn't like it if I did that to you would you? Then don't do that to me ok?
So I was rewatching Sonic X for refreshment of what's happening and the context behind it and noticed something interesting in the Chaos arc I never really thought about.
Amy gets captured and becomes prisoner to Eggman just right after Tails received a massive head and arm injury from a plane crash that could easily worsen if he keeps pushing himself. Think about it, Tails could've chosen to stay at home and heal and let Sonic do all the work saving Amy by himself, especially considering Sonic is a more well-known hero than he is, his X Tornado is damaged and the Station Square City is in chaos at this time. But instead, he got into the X Tornado again, got into a dangerous battle with Eggman and LITERALLY PUSHED THROUGH ANOTHER CRASH to help Sonic save Amy all while Amy was emoing over Sonic as usual! Tails was willing to pretty much risk his life for Amy's sake! He risked his life for her so much that Sonic had to assign him to simply fly Amy back home to safety while he finishes dealing with Eggman!
How is this different from those "SonAmy moments" where Sonic saves Amy from danger himself? Because Sonic is a well-known hero with a habit of risking his life to save his friends, so saving Amy makes it not really that special since he helps his other friends in a similar manner. So if Amy is in trouble and Sonic has to help her, we know this is predictable for him for his role. Tails on the other hand is not a regular hero like Sonic and is usually shyer and more unsure of himself while Sonic likes to show himself off. And note that piloting machines is dangerous for someone his age even for a skilled pilot like him. Yet despite all this, Tails was still willing to push through a life-and-death situation to make sure his friend is safe while injured that even Sonic and Chuck worried about him forcing himself.
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Another thing it is different from those "SonAmy moments" is that actions spoke louder than visual effects and feels. They weren't trying to make it romantic and they didn't feel the need to give Amy emotional issues to show she cares for Tails, yet that moment showed that Tails does love Amy enough to put her life above his own even though he is not Amy's romantic pursuit. With Sonamy, Amy was somehow felt the need to be either given obnoxious weepy melodrama or turned into a violent psycho and makes Sonic look like a jerk for not fitting into her ideal mold of how she views him and then they think they can make up for it by putting them in a pretty setting with cheesy romantic 80s anime style music in the background and Sonamy fanatics somehow eat it up, which I find unhealthy and unromantic at the end of the day.
But no, Tails can have Cosmo instead even though she's gonna have to die soon to save the universe. Whether or not their personalities and goals are compatible or the fact that they're in the middle of a space war with Cosmo's dad who's literally trying to destroy the universe doesn't matter. Let's make an episode where Vector takes advantage of Tails' feelings and tries to force them into a relationship they're not ready for simply because he was bored. Then make Tails and Cosmo accidentally fall into Amy's trap for Sonic and fall madly in love and then shortly afterwards, make Tails have to kill her for the sake of the universe and leave him emotionally unstable by the end of the show. Yeah, totally #Truelove and #RelationshipGoals! Why do Anime creators particularly seem to think that being emotionally unstable over crushes is healthy for relationships? Because a country's culture made by imperfect humans says so? When Cosmo's death tragically impacted Tails, who decided to spend time with him and cheer him up? Was it his number 1 BFF Sonic? Nope, it was Cream AND Amy. It's sad when you realize that Tails and Amy make each other more calmer and happier than their own respective crushes do...
This is it for the post today. This post is also on DeviantART if you wanna check it out there. C:
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