#That jerk don’t know you
loveinhawkins · 1 year
thinking about what would’ve happened if there was a clear rift in the basketball team; we already kinda get a taste of it in the show, when one of the boys is arguing against disdainful talk about the trailer park and drug addicts.
Sure, the circumstances don’t exactly paint Eddie Munson in the best light (understatement of the century), but that doesn’t mean they all just get swept along with Jason’s narrative.
And then, as Jason gets more and more entrenched in bigotry, in a dangerous rage, the murmurs of dissent against him get a little louder.
The doubt grows. Someone voices the thought that this feels wrong, that the way the town immediately assumed Eddie was a serial killer feels too close to ‘83, to when Benny Hammond’s death was quickly ruled a suicide, while his loved ones still insist to this day that it simply could not be true.
Ripples of agreement. A couple stories are shared—nothing major, as none of them really know Eddie Munson, save for his theatrical jibes in the cafeteria.
But a kid mentions that he once sat behind Eddie in History, that they’d swapped seats when Eddie appeared to notice how he was squinting at the blackboard.
Another boy quietly mumbles that he’d once arranged to buy weed from him but decided against it at the last minute, and Eddie never once complained, never held it over his head.
Maybe it’s even more scary, how Jason Carver can whip the town hall into a frenzy, even though not everyone’s convinced. Not everyone needs to believe in the Devil, after all, for the fear to be a threat.
But maybe, much later, it could be enough for Eddie Munson to know that the hatred isn’t universal. That there’s people out there who he barely knows, who barely even know him—but they’re still certain that he couldn’t be capable of such evil.
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sleepytownez · 1 month
It feels like a lot of Jax’s behavior is because Kaufmo is gone, idk or at least he cared about him a lot. That’s what I got out of that.
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gusujay · 7 months
Everyday goes a little something like this. I open tumblr and check the pathologic tag to find art because the vibe patho artists capture is exquisite.
I immediately see someone making fun of Daniil for having highly specific special interests that he likes talking about.
I ignore it and scroll further only to see another 5 posts calling him annoying for oh wait give me a second *rereads text posts making fun of Daniil* showing symptoms of autism.
I sigh like a depressed disappointed father. I close tumblr.
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writebackatya · 1 year
Louie: I think I’m going to be a jerk to Huey for no reason on this adventure!
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thereadingmoon · 7 months
when u realize murderbot refers to its company as The Company because that’s what it’d be called in its built-in terms and conditions…
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leclerrari · 3 months
people from twitter will come here and download gifs and pictures to repost them there without giving any credit to the people who edited them as if it didn’t take hours for some of them to look the way they look but if i tell them to go fuck themselves i’ll be the bad guy
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faggotpussy · 26 days
“i think about you a lot” stop im already cumming
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cakeywakeyfakey · 6 months
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I love him so much (I hate him with a burning passion)
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Hey, I wanted to ask-
People with tics/Tourette’s-
Asking because I personally have pretty regular tics, and feel teased/invalidated when people will mimick, mock, or pretend to have my tics
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kayzero · 4 months
Feel free to answer this privately!! But Id feel bad if I didn't point this out so.
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you shut your fuck
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teratocore · 1 year
I love when Bioshock fans are like “Atlas was a real person actually and Frank Fontaine stole his identity like the asshole he is.”
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reshramlove1ob · 8 months
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…What have I done
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shenweilaoshi · 8 months
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Are you done? [south wind knows my mood episode 29]
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190427 · 1 year
if you don’t see a problem w deepfake porn please don’t fucking interact w me. as an afab individual this is a very real thing that can damage a person’s image as badly as nudes being spread. and don’t flood me w shit takes. there are many consenting sex workers, and finding one who looks like someone you know, while creepy, is still miles better than pasting a woman’s face onto a naked body. consent is and always will be key and please check yourself if you even slightly disagree.
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mymelodyisme · 13 days
My sister’s graduation day 😤 let’s go 👏🏽
#gosh it’s gonna be a long day and I’m running on two hours of sleep again#i only get the chance to work at night because I don’t have ✨privacy✨#and I’ve been going to bed late and waking up even more tired than usual and my mom’s been scolding me for it#and now I’ve had to tell her what I’m doing and I feel like I just gave another piece of me away again#everything I am everything I do has to be for other people#im so tired when will I give my last piece away 🥹#this was to make ME proud of ME I was doing it for myself and now I feel like it’s for her#and then she’s going to tell my dad and now it’s for him too#also I can’t even cry about it because she HAS to know why I’m upset#she keeps glancing up at me and talking to me in bits#all I have left is my emotions 🥹#anyhow sorry to start the day off so gloomy and depressing I have literally nothing to be sad about I’m very privileged#sorry you guys see me being a baby constantly 🥺 I really do have a good life and shouldn’t be complaining#here’s to a better day for us all#melifails#now i feel like a jerk subjecting you all to this😭 sorry sorry let’s move on#im gonna be a busy bee hopefully I can squeeze in a time for a nap#😭 I don’t waaaaaannnnnaaa sit for hours in the California heat MAYBE with the sun hitting us in the face#our football field is NOT kind in this way#hopefully my sister gets the shady side but even then the sun will hit us in the face eventually just not as long#im !!! excited!!!! I bought ice cream for today 👏🏽 I originally bought choco chip and minto moose tracks?? my sister loves mint flavor#so I bought mint Oreos too so she can eat them with her ice cream 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽#i assume we’re getting take out of some sort so that; ice cream; and uuuuuuu I don’t remember anything else I bought; my best friend did#bring us snacks yesterday!!! pretzels and cookies!!! so that!!!#okay brain no work no more I gotta get dressed love you muah muah muah
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g-kat423 · 2 months
Ooh I guess guest comments are back on Ao3. Hopefully the spam/porn bots don’t come back. I thankfully never got any, but I think they were targeting bigger fandoms while the lady d fandom is basically its own little niche section of the re fandom
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