#Test muse Sevika
runes-menagerie · 4 months
Reward for Loyalty || Closed
The first thing Sevika heard was the beep of a heart monitor somewhere nearby. Slowly other sounds began to filter in as well as other sensations. There was some other machinery in the room other than the heart monitor which meant she hadn't been taken to one of the shitty little clinics she was familiar with in the Lanes. Heh, probably why she was still alive.
Memories of the events in the Cannery played through her mind. Being chosen to accompany Silco as one of his guards, watching Vander's brats think they were so clever getting in. Vi hadn't been a bad fighter at least. Still rough around the edges but not bad. Then came the explosion. Sevika hadn't had time to think. Her job was to protect Silco so that's what she did, shoving him out of the doorway and putting herself in the line of fire.
After that it was blinding pain and blackness. Sevika assumed that she had been carried out to wherever this was for treatment. Well, at least if she wasn't dead then it meant there was a good chance Silco had survived as well. Heh, and her old man said there was no job security in this kind of work.
Well, she could only stay down so long. She had likely already been out for long enough. She tried to sit up only to realize that only one of her arms was responding. She still managed to sit up before looking over at where her left arm should have been. Instead there was empty space connected to a bit of her upper arm and shoulder. Probably just enough left to attach a decent prosthetic to. Not that she had the money for that sort of thing. She'd have to make due without an arm it seemed. She wouldn't let it stop her from doing her job but it would make things significantly more difficult for the foreseeable future.
She was pulled out of these thoughts and plans by the door to the small room she was in opening to reveal her boss. Silco. Come to visit her it seemed.
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independentzaun · 1 year
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My head being entirely too literal when looking at an ask that says “all muses” (this is entirely on me and my weird head): So is that all main muses for this blog? Or also test muse? Or muses for both blogs? Or all my muses period or...what exactly is all muses?
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shimmerbeasts · 6 months
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Statistical Character Test
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The Joker (The Dark Knight): 88%
Mystique (X-Men): 87%
Bellatrix Lestrange (Harry Potter): 86%
Mazikeen (Lucifer): 85%
Agatha Harkness (WandaVision): 85%
Loki (Marvel Cinematic Universe): 84%
Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith): 84%
Jack Sparrow (Pirates of the Caribbean): 83%
Wanda Maximoff (WandaVision): 83%
Powder (Arcane): 82%
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Dean W. (Supernatural): 91%
Buffy Summers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer): 87%
Eleanor Shellstrop (The Good Place): 87%
Han Solo (Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope): 86%
Vi (Arcane): 85%
Sirius Black (Harry Potter): 84%
Mazikeen (Lucifer): 84%
Flynn Rider (Tangled): 84%
Ygritte (Game of Thrones): 83%
Damon Salvatore (The Vampire Diaries): 83%
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Dr. Hannibal Lecter (The Silence of the Lambs): 82%
Magneto (X-Men): 82%
Silco (Arcane): 81%
Mystique (X-Men): 80%
Hans Gruber (Die Hard): 80%
Maleficent (Maleficent): 80%
Light Yagami (Death Note): 79%
Walter White (Breaking Bad): 78%
Jean Grey (X-Men): 78%
Gamora (Marvel Cinematic Universe): 77%
AN: I took the names based on me at the very least recognising them and the role of the individual. Also yes, I made a point to get the name of each muse somehow in that list.
Tagged by: @ferinehuntress and @elisethetraveller
Tagging: @piltover-sharpshooter, @weavertali, @realmyths (Vi and Caitlyn), @gauntlets-shot (Vi), @the-rogue-dragon, @moxxietude (Meph), @moxxee, @hxathxnss (Sevika and Neeko), @powdied, @jynxd, @demacianhcart, @infinite-xerath, @blackrosesmatron
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runes-menagerie · 4 months
🪢do they have a kink? if so, what is it? - Sevika
Sevika enjoys a variety of kinks from bondage to lingerie. Her most common one when she visits the brothels of Zaun is to lay back and let her partner do the work while she directs them. Another common one is taking more direct control and being as rough as her partner will consent to. It really depends on her mood and whether she's in the mood for something soft or something rough.
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runes-menagerie · 4 months
🏳️‍🌈what’s their sexual orientation? have they ever experimented outside of that [for more binary orientations such as heterosexual/homosexual]? - Sevika
I would say that Sevika is probably Pan or Bi and that she has done a fair amount of experimentation to learn that by visiting the various brothels in Zaun. Places she still frequents.
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runes-menagerie · 4 months
Muse testing: Sevika
Thinking of testing out Sevika. Not completely certain on this but here are some thoughts I have for attempting to RP her.
Strained relationship with her father, him not agreeing with her life choices but still helping her learn to fight so she can defend herself.
Growing up she didn't have the sort of intelligence that it would take to make it to Piltover, nor did she have the sort of looks that did well in a brothel. She could have made a living that way but not as well as she wanted. It also wasn't the life she wanted. She could have also found work in a factory, her father's choice for her due to the job security. She however chose to live as first a mercenary and then as Silco's right hand.
She's not brilliant but she isn't stupid either. Her intelligence is more focused on reading situations in the moment and determining the tactics needed to ensure the situation turns out in her favor.
She's also skilled at reading people and determining if they will be a threat or a useful tool. She dislikes Jinx partially due to not being able to get a consistent read on her.
Sevika's loyal to a fault but she's also not the kind to stick around on a sinking ship. She is loyal to Silco as long as he is able to prove himself worthy of that loyalty. Finn was not worthy of it and she knew that he was likely to betray her before too long if she did side with him whereas with Silco, he wasn't likely to betray her unless she did so first.
She's not addicted to Shimmer and uses it only to enhance herself as needed after the Cannery explosion takes her arm. She does use mild doses for pain management but not a strain that comes with a high. A similar idea to how marijuana can be used for pain management without the high.
Her smoking is for a similar reason although she does have a mild nicotine addiction. She is also an alcoholic although she keeps that under control so it doesn't adversely effect her work with Silco.
There are times were she has phantom pains in her left arm which she finds rather irritating but learns to live with in the years since the Cannery.
She doesn't regret saving Silco at the Cannery since it secured her place at his side ben before she had been just another grunt in his employ.
She's able to do maintenance on her arm herself although for major repairs she will often go to one of the engineers in Silco's employ. This is more for a second set of hands rather than a lack of knowledge or skill on her part.
On a similar notes, she often makes tweaks and upgrades to her arm whenever she notices something that could be better.
She didn't come up with the initial design for her arm but she has since learned all she can about it so that she can be self sufficient with in.
More might be added to this later but there's enough here that I feel I have a good enough grasp of her character to do some test RPs.
If you're interested in working with my Sevika then PM me and we'll plot. For now she will be on request and plotted threads only until I decide what to do with her.
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independentzaun · 1 year
Another for the kink meme because I'm a sinner: Skullfucking to the point of gagging them, both giving and or receiving vuv
Send in Kinks and My muse will rate them. Still Accepting
Skullfucking to the point of gagging
Definitely not | No | Not Really | Its Okay | Kinda | Yes | Fuck yes |There goes my pants |
Oh absolutely yes. If his partner is able to take it Silco’s hands are going to be back on the back of their head, and he will fully...make use of them shall we say. Both because he enjoys pushing them, and seeing how far they will go but also because Silco likes seeing someone try so very hard to please him.
Definitely not | No | Not Really| Its Okay | Kinda | Yes |Fuck yes |There goes my pants |
Once again it’s one of those he almost never bottoms things, but if he does… well he’s certainly not going to refuse to fully apply himself. However I don’t think he truly enjoys it. I think he’d rather take his time, and be able to appreciate his partner. If he bottoms it’s because he chooses to, and there’s certain things that start (in his mind, with him) pushing at that feeling of having chosen to be in the position he’s in and he doesn’t truly enjoy that. In short don’t do it often.
Sevika (under cut cause post length)
Definitely not | No | Not Really | Its Okay | Kinda | Yes | Fuck yes |There goes my pants |
If you think this woman is not 110% willing to strap on a dildo and shove it as deep into someones throat as they can take you are wrong. Gag, tear up, whimper, play with yourself, and then ask for more and she will absolutely love it. With that said there’s a very good chance she will also praise you, and tell you how good of a slut you are for her and be fully appreciative.
Definitely not | No | Not Really| Its Okay | Kinda| Yes | Fuck yes |There goes my pants |
Generally speaking, no. With most people she’d feel more humiliated (in a bad way) than anything. However with the right person, and with a bit of praise she’d enjoy both making them happy and also just the feeling of testing herself and forcing herself to go further and pushing that limit.
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independentzaun · 1 year
So ah
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Not gona lie. Jinx is probably going to go from being a "test" muse to a full muse on this blog. So that means Silco, Sevika, and Jinx as muses here. After that I'm going to make a simple rule. No more muses on this blog unless I'm willing to get rid of one of the other muses because I don't want to over load myself particularly since I have an OC or two over at @goldenmedic
And when I say probably I mean I messaged someone about making icons for me.
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independentzaun · 1 year
As we all know my head goes random places and I'm wondering what my version of Jinx might be so
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