#Tag and ye shall receive
thimbell · 1 year
Art requests?? Ya taking art requests?? Uhhh MM PB+J cuz I love them!!
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I love that they’re called PB+J. Can’t wait to see what kind of trouble these two will get up to >:)
Really showing my age with this one though, huh?
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swimmingtrunks · 1 year
may i please have drunk javik experiencing the joy of cute earth animal videos
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Uhhh turns out cute is maybe relative...
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primal-con · 3 months
Does your (gorgeous, stunning, show stopper) Soundwave have a face? Or is the mask his face? Pls feed my brain worms. I just want to know how he can get a kiss kiss from Jazz 😌
!!! Fantastic question that gives me the perfect excuse to draw more Soundwave!!
So short answer: they used to!
Long answer: he’s missing a good half of his face. They’re not an empurata victim though in my depiction, they just.. have been at war for about four million years now and shit happens lol, they got a little blown up is all. Wore a visor and mask sometimes before the war still, just cause it likes the anonymity, but it made the visor and mask a full-time habit after taking all that facial damage and almost getting its head blown off. The head trauma is not why they’re mute though! He’s just always had a defunct voice box, it’s never worked to make more than little clicks and static, purely just a random genetic mutation.
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A Soundwave pre and post facial injury! The Decepticons didn’t have the resources or personnel to fix that kind of damage so they just did as much of a patch job as they could and moved on. They basically cut out the unsalvageable plating and patched up the lesser burns underneath. Soundwave’s lost a lot of facial mobility as a result of all the finer components melting together but tbh that wasn’t a big change for him, he was never very expressive to begin with.
So tldr he can kind of get a kiss kiss! They’re just not likely to have enough fine motor control over what’s left of their face to reciprocate much. I don’t think Jazz really minds though, she’s the touchy-feely type and Soundwave is more of an acts of service type so I think they have an understanding of each other’s preferred forms of self expression.
They kiss like this and as per usual it makes Soundwave look like kind of a freak from an outside perspective lol
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vaudeville-moggie · 4 months
Bubblegum and candyfloss
Yuichi Usagi has infected my brain so he ended up in here as well
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shh he's focusing. 5 sketches later I'm reasonably ok with this
alt colour versions:
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bubble pop electric and drop pop candy weeded into my head so.
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theflyindutchwoman · 2 months
What did you think of Nolan,Bailey and their storyline this episode ? And the episode of their wedding ?
Let me preface this by saying that if you are a fan of Bailey & Nolan, you might not want to read my answer. As always, this is only personal. I mean no disrespect to anyone who loves this pairing.
I have reached a point where I simply couldn't care less about these two. I can't even say I hate them or anything. I just… don't care. And that's pretty much how I felt about their wedding storyline - from the proposal to the honeymoon. On the bright side, I did like her dress and her vows. That's it. Oh and the bachelor/bachelorette parties… But they weren't even the focus : it was more about Tim and Lucy than Bailey and Nolan.
If anything, that whole wedding storyline encapsulates everything that bother me with this pairing. It was completely over the top, too cliché. Instead of focusing on one or two problems so they could be properly developed, it almost felt like the writers used all the tropes they could think of for drama's sake. Now, it wouldn't be so bad if it were the first or second time. But these two, somehow, always find themselves in these unbelievable situations… to the point that it becomes more boring than entertaining since it never leads to anything substantial. I know it's a show and I expect some drama but I need some balance too. If the writers can't be bothered to give them some depth, why should I care? I mean, awesome, they can fight (and I love me some good old Battle Couple Trope). But what about the character development?
Like the proposal. It happened right after a huge traumatic moment for both Nolan and Bailey. And all we got was John crying for a total of 5 seconds. Show me the struggle and the guilt he had to feel for not pulling the trigger and thinking he had lost the love of his life. I'm not saying that he was right or wrong. But I need to see him dealing with the consequence of that decision. And what about Bailey? How did she feel about being targeted, about dying and about John's choice? We don't know. And if that wasn't bad enough, her death was treated as a running joke one episode later. Compare this to Tim's feeling of guilt for pushing Lucy to go on that date… to Lucy's feeling of guilt for Chris being targeted by Rosalind… to Chris' struggle with his trauma. We got none of that for John and Bailey and they're supposed to be the main couple.
And that's exactly the same issue with the wedding and honeymoon. So many things went wrong but that was it. Well, to be fair, maybe we'll see Bailey and Nolan struggle with almost getting killed (again) in the next episodes… But I'm not holding my breath. Their honeymoon was the worst for me : the lack of passion was absolutely jarring… It's a freaking honeymoon! Why would they spend so much time focused on their cameras and weird neighbours?! Are they this bored of each other? (the way it was filmed didn't help at all).
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rainbow-wolf120 · 3 months
Come on Sssamm the Snake was right there for the snake character.
As much as I love Ssssam, I have my reasons on why I put Ales as Sir Pentious.
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First, Ssssam isn't a nightmare. I kinda need my cast to be nightmares if they live in the Land of the Livid Dead
Second, Ales is an inventor, just like Pentious. They both make le robots and have silly henchmen (for Ales, I made the Egg Bois to be the annoying ass robots from Origins)
Third, I headcanon that Ales and Pentious to have the same ish personality. Aka, they are both wet socks who think they're way powerful then they are.
I have more reasons, like the flying machines and whatnot, but there is one more big reason.
(Spoilers under cut)
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I can do this! This is probably the biggest reason why I made this AU in the first place!
This is all opinions though, so feel free to disagree and change the cast to however you please in your own HH X Rayman AU ^^
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burnt-to-cynders · 8 months
Alright, time to actually make one of these for real, since this is looooong overdue. Hi! I'm Cynthia! I'm...a lot of things, and I struggle to describe them without it feeling inadequate! I play games, I write software for a living, I write non-software things for fun occasionally, I'm wildly horny, neurodivergent, a massive nerd who constantly wishes she knew more about everything.
Property of: @synthbang and @stalesweetrolls
Let's start with some ID stuff, I'm a pre-HRT(for now!!!) transfem, I go by she/they/it pronouns. My friends call me any fun variation of my name they can come up with, like Cyn, Cyndy, Cyndicate, etc. If we're mutuals, we're friends :3. I'm white, American(New England), poly, t4t, atheist, wildly sapphic, and physically, but not visibly, disabled.
As for interests, I've got literal dozens. Gaming, anime, manga, movies, writing, reading, music, pole dancing, ttrgps, game design, hiking, conservation, activism, fashion, just to name a few, each of which splinters into dozens of little sub-interests. Ask me a dragonball question, I dare you.
Actually, ask me any kind of question. Asks are open all the time and so are anons. Go wild ya horny fools
Seriously, minors, this blog is very horny
Ageless blogs
Sissy kink blogs
Race and ageplayers
I have two sideblogs atm, although in actuality there's just one that's even remotely active.
@den-of-cyn is where I used to do my hornyposting. The big thing that's there now is the pinned post with a list of my kinks, for those of you interested in the horny side of the Cynner. The account got flagged as NSFT and I haven't been able to get that revoked yet, and moreover I decided to stop worrying about it and just started posting horny on main anyway. There's quite a few good ones on there that I haven't reblogged to here, and a few pics I haven't reposted, so if you somehow don't get enough horny nonsense on this page, you can always go there to see some vintage Cyn >:3
@thebookofcyn is my writing sideblog. It's where all my original stuff will one day live, when I get the spoons to put all my old stuff on it. It is SFT FOR NOW, IT WILL NOT BE IN THE FUTURE! Soon there will be a pinned post there explaining my tags and how to find stories. I'm hoping to post more there as time goes on and I actually embrace this hobby more.
I layer my tags and usually don't do content tags, and I don't tag reblogs except to do responses. The tags that mean things on this blog are as follows:
#cynposting - Any post by me that has text outside of tags, including reblog replies. Searching this tag will get you everything I've written in text on this blog.
#cynful thoughts - Any post I think is horny. You can filter for this post if you want to see me being a degenerage, or filter it out if you'd rather not.
#pics of the cynner - Any picture of myself, pretty self explanatory. Most are accompanied by #cynful thoughts
#Cyn fits - pics of myself taken specifically to show off an outfit and explain why I chose it for that day.
#I asked - Reblog of an ask that I sent someone
#ask and ye shall receive - Tag for when I answer an ask
#get tagged idiot - Tag for when the only content of a post is me @ -ing someone in the reblog.
#pinned post - Last one, tag for the previous pinned posts I've made. This should be the last one. In theory.
And that's it!!!! For now. Probably. I'm a wordy bitch, so I expect this'll get longer and longer.
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loveofastarvingdog · 11 months
non-sexual kink stuff soooo true we need to talk about this more because it's an indescribable feeling also should be incorporated in to platonic bestie time i wish it was more normal
SAY THIS. the things i would do just while hanging out and bonding with my friends but i can't say because they would not get it
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ongreenergrasses · 1 year
Meaningful gestures prompts TOG joe/nicky
"Don't you dare wake them up."
hi anon 💖 i love this prompt, i hope you enjoy!
Joe doesn’t remember the last time he slept.
They’ve been moving around a lot, after Merrick. (Joe’s life has become temporarily divided, before and after Merrick. He didn’t ask for this.) All the different time zones and strange hours for travel have been messing with him. Joe’s even lost track of where they are, which normally he’s good about remembering.
“Copenhagen,” Nicky says when Joe asks him.
Their hotel room is too small and too white. Joe goes out and buys the first florid too-bright blanket he sees. It’s got a print of a tiger and some lilies, and it’s absolutely hideous. Nicky still smiles when he sees it, and that night he falls asleep almost immediately in Joe’s arms.
Joe waits until Nicky is fully asleep before he rolls onto his back and stares up at the ceiling. He lies there like that for the rest of the night.
When Nicky gets up, he does as well. He’s sure that he must have slept for an hour, maybe two, but it doesn’t feel like it.
Nicky’s brittle at the edges and everything about him screams that he wants space. Joe can’t give him space, not in this hotel room. It’s so small that the two of them are circling each other until Nicky walks out, the door shutting slightly too hard behind him.
Joe goes to Andy and tells her that they’re leaving. She looks sad, but she hugs him and tells him that she and Nile will be all right.
The next morning when they get to the airport, it turns out that the four of them are on the same flight to Amsterdam. Nicky seems annoyed by it, so Joe braves the coffee line for both of them, which earns him a smile.
Joe doesn’t remember the last time he saw Nicky properly smile. Since before Merrick, to be sure. (And there it is, again. Joe hates having his life divided up by something so horrible.)
There’s something about airports that exhausts him. They have a connection on from Amsterdam, and Joe’s eyes feel so heavy he can barely keep them open. He finishes his coffee and before he can overthink it, leans his head on Nicky’s shoulder. Nicky slightly adjusts, then runs a hand down Joe’s spine to his waist, pulling him in closer.
Joe doesn’t know what happens, only knows that between one blink and the next, he’s asleep.
He only wakes slightly when he hears, or feels, Nicky speaking. “Don’t you dare wake him up. He hasn’t slept, Andy, not for days.”
Joe hears Andy murmur something in response, but it’s lost as he falls back asleep.
Joe sleepwalks his way through their flights, and getting to the house, and helping Nicky at least open the windows to get some of the dust out, before he collapses on the bed, with Nicky curled up next to him, and finally, blissfully, gets some actual rest.
meaningful gestures
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wingsofescape · 1 month
I was tagged by the lovely @littlewitchbee thank you dear 💕
are you named after anyone? YES! Buckle up kids it's a long one– so, without trying to doxx myself my first name is actually two names. My parents had settled on one after months of back and forth, but lo and behold, three weeks before I was born my aunt A ended up in a terrible accident and we almost lost her. Luckily she pulled through and I was born a few weeks later, on her 27th birthday. So they added her name to mine and made her my godmother.
when was the last time you cried? yesterday lol I'm having a bad BPD episode
do you have kids? Nope and I'm very on the fence about having them considering how pregnant people and mothers are treated by society and how it impacts earnings and puts you at risk of domestic violence. That being said, sometimes I look at my boyfriend and my uterus whispers indecent things like "but wouldn't it be nice to have his babies"...
do you use sarcasm a lot? Me? Use sarcasm? Never in a million years I could not–
(it's basically my fifth language)
what sports do you play? Pole dancing! I love it despite the bruises I constantly get from training.
what's the first thing you notice about people? eyes and smile (and if it's someone I could be attracted to, ass)
what's your eye color? 💙
scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings earned through a shit-ton of angst
any special talents? I can touch the tip of my nose with my tongue?
also embarrassing my boyfriend with my dirty jokes
where were you born? Copenhagen baby, in one of Denmark's historical heatwaves
what are your hobbies? Writing, pole dancing, psychology, burlesque, acting, daydreaming about blorbo from my shows and collecting fairy lights
do you have pets? not atm but I've had a cat, a dog, mice, a bunny, and turtles. But my landlady has a cat (who's currently asleep on my lap) and I consider him my pet too.
how tall are you? 5'10"
favorite subject in school? English or drama
dream job? I'd love to be paid to frolick, really. I do not dream of labour. But I'd love to be a writer/actor/pole dancing/burlesque dancer/psychology researcher hybrid. is it obvious I have ADHD
Tagging @darkpersonapeace @woahpip @stellucis @aerialworms @asthmaticbee @mildly-nerdy @alighted-willow @wickedcriminal @snugslikesfma @honorthysalad and whomever I'm forgetting who usually tags me in these things!
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wannabepapa · 1 year
Pregnancy with multiples, but for each baby you remain pregnant for longer?
good good shit right here. i don't know of anyone ever remembered the meme where someone was very confused about human gestation and said something along the lines "wait if you're pregnant with twins then you're pregnant for eighteen months?!"
except it really happens so if you manage to have twins the first one is born at nine months then the second comes nine months later. though for me i personally don't believe i would have any more than three in this situation because that is roughly 36 months of carrying babies, giving birth three times, and having a belly the entire time while caring for newborns and toddlers. that is three years of my life being nothing but pregnant. fantasy is fantasy but if that were real life i would probably go crazy
though if we talk about consecutive pregnancy where you can still potentially get pregnant with another fetus and deal with having fetuses of different gestation sizes is also very very good
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the power went out at a work party (high school, we were working on set building/painting) so we played hide and seek in the school with the lights out
To be fair not all of the lights were out some were on a generator but it was still pretty dark
omg that sounds so fun. We've been unsuccessfully trying to convince The Powers That be to let us do a building-wide hide and seek game, I'm jealous.
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ebonyheartnet · 5 months
Followed you for Autisum power, and cause I have used my reblogs up for today.
Keep going
Lmao, I will definitely continue to menace society accidentally on purpose.
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Wait does Tom actually do that "rapid blinking thing" in videos? Or is that something you just made up for the fun of it in your fic? If it's the former, I'm surprised I haven't noticed him do it before!
Yeah! I quickly went through some of the NRB vids I have downloaded to grab a gif of it, and woe:
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Tom rapidly blinking.gif be upon ye! It's genuinely such an endearing quirk, especially when contrasted with his usual dead stare loool
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thedeathdeelers · 1 year
we’ll be okay
a scene from the hello from the other side au
julie tentatively reaches out again, fingers shaking as her hand hovers over his arm. she’s done this countless of times before, and every single time was a disappointment.
but the need for physical comfort was stronger than usual today — surely the universe brought them together for a reason? surely this situation warranted a little hole in the fabric of the universe; a little slip in the laws that governed time and space, allowing them to finally touch?
she takes a deep breath, ignoring the worried hazel eyes focused solely on her, and lowers her hand to where she should soon be feeling warm skin-
only to watch in heartbreaking dismay as her fingertips go right through the boy’s arm, making him flicker and glitch in and out of sight until she pulls away.
she doesn’t look at him, turning away to hide the tears that were already flowing down her face. she was struggling to hold back a sob, her face contorting in pain at the heartache taking over.
“jules-” he starts softly, his own hand coming into view as he moves closer to her.
“don’t.” she quickly cuts him off, inching away, knowing any comforting words from him right now would only make this so much harder. “please, please luke, just. i- i need…” julie stops, unsure of what she needs.
she needs her mom’s comforting embrace. she needs her mom’s reassuring words that she’ll be okay — that they’ll be okay. that she can save him, that they’ll find a way, no matter what. because fate was never cruel.
she needs her mom.
but her mom isn’t here.
and maybe fate was much crueller than either she or her mom ever thought.
she couldn’t save her mom; she won’t be able to save him.
julie shakes her head at the swarming thoughts in her mind, breathing in shakily as she tries to control the sob rising up her throat.
she feels luke shuffle closer to her on the sofa, the cushion underneath them giving way to his weight.
how could an inanimate object be allowed to feel both of their presence, but they can’t?
how could the universe tempt her with a love that could rival anything she could ever find in 2020, but keep him at arm’s length, never to actually be part of her world?
burying her face in her hands, julie can’t control her thoughts as she starts imagining luke moving even closer on the weathered couch and wrapping his arms around her — pulling her in and keeping her warm and safe, whispering words of comfort and helping to soothe the ache that made it so hard for her to breathe.
“what do you need julie? please tell me.” his voice is barely above a whisper now, his body so uncharacteristically still next to hers. she can hear the desperation in his voice, and that just makes the tears fall harder.
what does she need?
she needs the person whose presence brings her the most comfort to wrap her up in his arms, and tell her that she’s okay.
she needs the impossible. wants the impossible.
julie squeezes her eyes shut, only shaking her head in response.
“jules i-” he cuts himself off, struggling to think of what to say, of what to do.
they were in such a unique situation; would anyone know what to do?
she feels the cushion shift again as luke suddenly stands up next to her, but julie feels too guilty to look at him. she shouldn’t have come today; he shouldn’t suffer because she was having a particularly bad day.
she shouldn’t be here — she should take a few deep breaths, fix an apologetic smile on her face and make a swift exit.
it’s the decent thing to do in this situation.
with her mind made up, julie focuses on her breathing and begs her body to control itself even if just for a few moments — she just needed to make it out of here without worrying luke even more.
she’s about to straighten up, slowly lifting her head up to search for the boy in question — only to freeze a second later when she feels a blanket being draped over her shoulders and down her back.
julie stares at the light blue blanket now hanging on either side of her, then slowly shifts her gaze up to the boy standing in front of her.
she can feel her heart hammering against her rib cage, her brain scrambling to catch up.
“i..i just want to try something. is that- is that okay?” luke rubs at the back of his head as he anxiously stands a few inches in front of her shifting his weight from one foot to the other.
julie nods numbly at his request, watching him closely as he moves to her side and sits back down in the spot he had only just momentarily vacated.
her heartbeat only increases in tempo as he leans closer to her, her body recoiling reflexively in self-defence.
“just…just trust me on this?”
julie looks up to meet his eyes at his words, swallowing hard when she sees the soft determination in his gaze.
nodding once, she forces herself to stay still as luke only gets closer and closer.
unable to stop herself, julie closes her eyes, not willing to watch yet another failed attempt unfold before her.
except a moment later, she feels the warmth of a solid arm curling around her back, pulling her closer.
with a gasp, her eyes snap open to find luke right where she had left him, only now he was touching her.
he’s smiling at her, his eyes bright with a twinkle of pride in them.
julie doesn’t want to move; barely wants to breathe.
was she dreaming? was this real? will it all turn to dust if she were to even blink?
“i-i-i-” she tries, but nothing follows, her mind suddenly distracted by the slow circles luke was rubbing against her back.
“i uh, i was thinking maybe we can’t touch each other directly but…” luke looks away for a moment, somehow embarrassed.
“you know how we can both sit on this couch, and it moves and dips and cracks with both of our movements? like, even though it’s with me- it’s somehow also with you? if you get what i mean?”
he’s rambling and he’s looking everywhere but at her now, his free hand moving restlessly in the air as he speaks, knee bouncing up and down, but julie can’t help but smile a tiny bit.
she’s not sure she gets what he means, but she nods anyway.
“so i uh- i thought maybe that was the case with most of the stuff in here, you know? stuff you might also have in uh. in 2020? and i remember you once told me you guys still had this blanket over at your place and i don’t know i just-” he finally looks back at her, his frantic movements stilling a little. “i just really couldn’t watch you like that and not do anything, julie.”
julie can feel the tears that had dried up build up again, fighting to break free and drip down her cheeks.
he- he was touching her. he was holding her and trying to make her feel better he-
julie barely holds herself back from throwing herself at him, reminding herself last minute that they still couldn’t technically touch.
so instead, she wraps a hand in the blanket still wrapped around her, and reaches out to curl her fingers around his.
she watches fascinated as he doesn’t disappear, the feel of his hand through the soft material underneath her fingertips a miracle.
she looks back up to find him watching her, and smiles her first real smile that day.
“thank you luke,” she says, voice hoarse. “really, thank you.” she squeezes his hand to emphasise her words. “you don’t know how much this means to me.”
luke’s signature smile lights up his features just like it always does.
“i’d do anything for you jules, you know that.”
and with that, he reaches out to fully wrap the blanket around her, carefully covering every inch of her before pulling her onto his lap, arms holding her close.
she rests her head on his shoulder, and slowly lets the exhaustion of the day take over.
and just as she’s about to fall asleep, she hears him whisper in her ear;
“we’ll find a way, julie. i promise you. we’ll be okay.”
and maybe, just maybe, they will be.
the end
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wednesdaythesecond · 4 months
franks just like a little dog that fits perfectly in your lap. he's so pick up-able.
The littlest lap dog of all time ever <333
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