#TRIGGERWARNINGGG; pretty dark shit
killjoygod · 2 years
Hi hope it’s not to late to request ! Is it ok to request Yandere rise Leo HCs please 💕 romance 💕
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yandere!rottmnt!leo headcanons
sorry this is so late! and long as hell- hope you enjoy!
¤- leo, despite swearing to himself that he wouldn’t fall in love easily, had swooned as soon as his eyes landed on you. 
¤- you were beautiful in every way possible. it made his heart pound with anticipation on what your next move might be. he couldn’t help it, even his pupils reflected the shapes of hearts whenever you were in his line of sight, which to be honest, was a lot more than he’d admit verbally. 
¤- it first happened when he and his brothers were out on patrol, looking for something to liven up the night. unable to find much, they just settled on getting some pizza.
¤- the original plan was for them to order online, drop in through the backdoor, grab the pizza without being spotted, and book it out.
¤- it would’ve gone smoothly if not for a certain someone who caught leo’s attention from the front counter. you were just ordering and having a nice conversation with the cashier. from your body language and attractive face to your mannerisms and voice, the blue turtle loved it all.
¤- he dropped the box of pizza he was holding, eliciting three sharp hisses from his brothers. the four of them looked frightened as they felt someone’s eyes on them. well, one of them didn’t mind who it was- they turned to look at you, and were pleasantly surprised when there was no fear lacing your gaze on them.
¤- instead, you just looked concerned as to why they were ‘stealing’ pizza. they really weren’t, they had ordered it beforehand anyways. the cashier was about to turn and look at what you were staring at, but you quickly grabbed their attention again and started up the conversation as a distraction while the turtles escaped. 
¤- leo was astounded. just how kind could someone be, even for people they didn’t know?
¤- you were perfect.
[ e n d  o f  b a c k s t o r y ]
[ actual hc time lmao ]
¤- after that first meeting, leo starts begging [more like threatening] donnie to find information on you. donnie refuses, as it goes against most of what they stand for despite the morally grey facade he puts up.
¤- although donnie had refused, leo just began to sneak past his security systems and into the lab at ungodly hours of the night, memorizing as much info he can dig up on you.
¤- it’s unsettling for his brothers. in the span of only maybe a week, leo had gone from their flamboyant sibling to holed up in his room all day or busy going out.
¤- of course, he stalks you. he commits the layout of your home to his memory, determined to be able to say he knew you the best. you were his prized possession, even if you weren’t fully in his grasp yet.
¤- everything you do, he’s obsessed with you. seeing you so oblivious to him right outside your window, it sends him into such immense bliss, it’s like he’s seeing stars.
¤- then, like any pride-filled limerence, leo got bolder.
¤- he began to ‘bump into’ you in alleyways, and try sparking conversation. you kindly went along with it, mentioning how you remembered him from the night at the pizzeria. it made him giddy that you had actually thought him important enough to remember, but his pride also made him delusional.
¤- he’s so sure you love him back. why shouldn’t you? you seem just as into him as he is in you. you seem like you like talking to him, and like you look forward to the ‘accidental’ meetups in the alleyways.
¤- sometimes you won’t even be in the alleyway, he’ll just pull you in kind of roughly, especially if he saw you talking to someone else earlier. you play it off as just him having a bad day or something along the lines of an accident.
¤- the meetups go on for a while, until one fateful night. 
¤- you had been doing your usual night routine for bed, unseeing of the figure outside you window once again. you were also excited and slightly nervous because earlier and kind of out of the blue, leo had invited you to meet his brothers at their home the next day.
¤- after your routine, you settled into bed and fell asleep pretty quickly. it wasn’t until at least 2 or 3 AM that you stirred in your sleep at the strange sensation of touch grazing your skin. it dragged along your face, before cupping your cheek while another touch began to play with your hair.
¤- your eyes fluttered open to be met with a certain blue turtle’s hues. perhaps the scariest thing was the fact that he hadn’t backed away or ceased his actions despite you being awake. you were paralyzed with fear, staring up at the mutant with pure terror lacing your gaze.
¤- he could only grin lazily, holding a finger to his lips now as if to keep you quiet. it wasn’t that that kept you silent though. it was actually the piece of cloth on your mouth. 
¤- you immediately knew what it probably was, so you shot up and out of bed, struggling against his strong grip now on your shoulders. he pinned you against the bed, hardly using any of his strength to do so. you helplessly tried to kick and punch at his lean frame, but it amounted to nothing.
¤- an accidental breath, and you felt your body relax. eyes fluttering shut, you fell unconscious.
¤- he had won.
¤- the following days with him would be hell for you.
¤- he threatened almost everything you loved so you wouldn’t rat him out to his brothers while he forced you to be his lover. he convinces his siblings that you were his significant other easily, because why would they listen to some stranger they saw once over their precious brother? 
¤- leo is nothing short of touchy and clingy, always needing a hand around you whether it be your shoulders, waist, etc. he just wanted to always be touching you somehow.
¤- he doesn’t let his brothers talk to you for too long before getting jealous, pulling you away and using the same threats, yet they work all the same. 
¤- if you had fucked up real bad, let’s just say…things get messy. 
¤- leo would have you knocked out and tied up, then abruptly woken and kept awake while he carved his name into different places on your body. you can kick and scream all you want, but it won’t get you out of this situation. he finds pleasure in every reaction you offer, though he also spends most of the time mocking you and belittling you for being so weak.
¤- even after the whole ordeal, he doesn’t immediately go into cuddling you or whatever. nono, he’ll make sure he got his point across with some good ol’ manipulation. once you swear you’ll never try and escape or do anything against him in general, he unties the ropes. 
¤- he smothers you with affection and slips a few compliments about how well you took the carving, but all you could offer back were sniffles and empty stares.
¤- you weren’t broken, but you were emotionally and physically drained.
¤- overall, leo is a very flirty, possessive, manipulative, and delusional yandere. he doesn’t hesitate to let the whole world know how much he loves you, and if you don’t love him back?
¤- well…not like you’ll have much of a choice :)
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