puphoods · 11 months
theres literally a raven outside honking right now i love u <3
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corvid-tournament · 29 days
Corvid Tournament Corvus Bracket Round 1.2: New Caledonian Crow vs Torresian Crow (new pictures!)
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Since they tied last time, here they are again:
New Caledonian crow (corvus moneduloides): Sometimes called a “qua-qua” due to its distinctive sound, this bird is an all-black crow with feathers that sometimes shine green in certain lighting. It is roughly 40cm/16in long, and has a distinct beak as the tip of its lower beak angles up. It resides only on the islands of Grande Terre and Maré Island in New Caledonia. This crow is truly omnivorous and has been heavily documented on its tool use. They have even been observed to use meta- and compound tools, but they do not pass the mirror test. Its conservation status is “least concern."
Torresian crow (corvus orru): Also called the Australian or Papuan crow, it has one of the widest ranges of the Australian species, inhabiting the North and West regions of Australia, Papa New Guinea, and some Indonesian islands. It is a larger bird at roughly 48-53cm/19-21in long, and has a somewhat robust beak. It has black plumage, but its beak and legs are dark-grey, and it has pink foot soles. Torresian crows are true omnivores, and their conservation status is “least concern."
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kiunlo · 2 years
Ok ok, top 5 birds you have heard but not seen, and! Top 5 bird calls?
I've only really had two birds that I've herd but not seen, as most birds don't tend to be so allusive as those two are (which I talked about in the previous bird ask), so I think I'll talk about the top 5 bird calls...and see if I can add some audio too 👀 if not then you'll never see this text lol
I should also mention that I picked bird sounds from birds that I've personally heard in my local area! Emperor penguin sounds are like the coolest bird sounds ever and they WOULD be my number one pick, but I don't live in Antarctica LMAO so Australian bird sounds it is!
It was also very hard to chose because i love birdies so much and all their calls can be incredible buttttt i managed it (just barely). also all the bird sounds came from xeno-canto which is an entire website dedicated to recording bird sounds from around the world and everyone should check it out <3 I've used the website many times to accurately identify mysterious birdies and not many people really talk about it as a resource for learning more about birds. also putting the rest of this answer behind a readmore cuz yeah..it got long again. LMAO
#5 Little Corellas
I love these silly little birds. they're very adorable, and when a whole flock flies over your head they can be VERY loud. They often hang out on the grass eating grass seeds and stuff. sometimes they jump and hop along on the ground too! funny birdies <3
#4 Pied Currawong
These guys have a variety of different sounds that they can make, but I chose the sound that I love the most <3 It's just such a nice sounds which itches the brain just right.
#3 Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo
This is one of the birds that I've only heard, but not seen! I just love their calls, they're soo...idk...great sounding <3 It reminds me a bit of summer. I usually hear them in the distance, and only ever one or two since they're a bit rarer in my local area, but they're around at least!
#2 Australian Magpie
I don't think anyone is surprised by me adding this lol. Their calls are really unique, and over the years me and my mum have heard them make all sorts of cool noises, including mimicking the sounds of a horse! Because yes, they mimic as well as making their own unique sounds <3
#1 Torresian Crow
This might seem like an odd choice for number one....but I just really love crows! The reason I have it at number one is because of the trills they're capable of, which is showcased in the audio alongside their caws.
anyways...that's my fav bird calls! hope you liked em <3
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TORRESIAN CALL and WELLDWELLER to release split debut tape via ETERNAL DEATH – new projects of AGAINWALKER and VAMPYRIC+++
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Research Notes (Soundscape)
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Soundscape is an element of the urban environment, it has been an increasing focal point worldwide and it has facilitated the identification of a place through careful, qualitative attention to how it sounds. (Wolfe, n.d.)
Definition of Soundscape by Bernie Krause in 2012, has three distinct components, geophony, biophony, and anthropology.
A generalized collection of sounds that can be expected include:
a) Non-biological natural sounds, such as water rippling in the Brisbane River and trees rustling due to the wind—geophony.
b) Natural sounds made by non-human animals, such as the call of a Torresian Crow, Crested Pigeon, or an Australian Magpie—biophony.
c) Sound signatures generated by humans, such as the crunch of leaves underneath a hard-soled shoe, the CityCat pulling up to the ferry terminal, and the hum of a song on the radio as a car drives past—anthropophony.
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The Australian Crow is a fairly big bird. They have black feathers, but the bases of their neck feathers is white, giving them a slightly gray look. They are native to Australia, and are also called the Torresian Crow.
Pelt colors: Black.
Size: Any.
Eye colors: Green, amber, yellow, orange, or gold are most common.
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corvid-tournament · 1 month
Corvid Tournament: Corvus Bracket Round 1.1: New Caledonian Crow vs Torresian Crow
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New Caledonian crow (corvus moneduloides): Sometimes called a “qua-qua” due to its distinctive sound, this bird is an all-black crow with feathers that sometimes shine green in certain lighting. It is roughly 40cm/16in long, and has a distinct beak as the tip of its lower beak angles up. It resides only on the islands of Grande Terre and Maré Island in New Caledonia. This crow is truly omnivorous and has been heavily documented on its tool use. They have even been observed to use meta- and compound tools, but they do not pass the mirror test. Its conservation status is “least concern."
Torresian crow (corvus orru): Also called the Australian or Papuan crow, it has one of the widest ranges of the Australian species, inhabiting the North and West regions of Australia, Papa New Guinea, and some Indonesian islands. It is a larger bird at roughly 48-53cm/19-21in long, and has a somewhat robust beak. It has black plumage, but its beak and legs are dark-grey, and it has pink foot soles. Torresian crows are true omnivores, and their conservation status is “least concern."
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