#TMA ramblings
kahpao · 1 month
I love logging onto tumblr dot com every Thursday to scroll through the TMA/TMP tags and see what people have been saying about the new episodes. Love seeing everyone’s live reactions and real-time theories and thoughts! The fanart that’s made in immediate response! The memes people make so fast about the episodes!! It’s so fun. Love this fandom fr
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It’s official in my heart but I think it would make me so happy if we did have confirmation that the spider domain Jon and Martin visit in S5 was Jon’s Fear domain the same way Martin’s first Lonely episode of the season was his “Fear Domain” (and not his avatar domain, you understand what i mean).
It’s so special and so important to me that Jon, all powerful Eye avatar, is still deeply, impossibly linked to the web to the point of it being able to grab him and hurt him. Not only that but the statement! the whole, whole THING. Him!having!to!watch!and!tell!misery!of!a!man!with!similar!deep!rooted!fears!as!him!again and again and again and again i
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3y3-see-you · 1 year
I forget what episode it is, but when NotSasha claims to have a boyfriend and shows Jon photos he says look like stock images, is the implication that NotThem is literally just photoshopping itself into stock photos to keep up appearances while it’s in the Archives?
I know the NotThem can manipulate preexisting images (sans Polaroids) and such but I don’t recall Sasha having a partner that was mentioned before, and I find the idea of an eldritch horror entity being skilled at photoshop very entertaining so lmk if I’m forgetting something!
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My theories about the ancient weapons
So I'm too tired and hormonal to actually create anything at the moment. So I am going to share some of my One Piece theories with you guys. Also, beware this contains spoilers from the manga chapters released as of 6/1/2022
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So in regards to the ancient "weapons" so far what we know is that Pluton is a ship, Poseidon is Shirahoshi, and Uranus is unknown (as far as I'm aware).
I've seen lots of theories about Uranus and about what or who it is. I've seen other people's ramblings about the hito hito no mi Model: Nika and joyboy being Uranus. How there was such a big emphasis on how special Momo is, the weapon the celestial dragons have. And the nature of the gods the weapons are named after and the nature of the weapons themselves.
Poseidon is the god of the sea, Pluton is the god of the underworld, and Uranus is the god of the sky. Shirahoshi is a mermaid living in the sea, who can control the sea kings and has the potential to control water with Fishman karate as Poseidon. Pluton is a warship and has no clear connection with the underworld.
The connection could just be a misconception to associate the underworld with death. But Pluton is another name for Hades, who is known to be the wealthiest of the Greek gods and the god of the depths of the earth. And what do you need for a warship? A wealth of resources, especially metal which you need mines for. The name pluton could have been given to the ship to imply that that particular ship will not reappear for it is in the underworld. And seeing as Pluton, the ship itself, has spent the last eight hundred years in the Alabasta desert, it can't be in good condition.
Which connection it is, is not clear to me, but I believe Pluton is obsolete. I think Franky can and will end up building something better. And the ship that Franky builds will become the new Pluton. But like without abandoning Sunny. There is a good chance Shirahoshi is going to reappear with Noah and a fuck ton of sea kings as Poseidon. But Uranus is still shrouded in mystery, and at this moment I do and don't think Luffy is Uranus.
I don't, because Nika is a sun god and commonly in mythology the sun god and the sky god are separate beings. On top of that Luffy's ability comes from a mythical devil fruit, and none of the other mythical fruits are given such important roles. Also, Oda hasn't said dick about Luffy being Uranus, and being true would feel like a cop-out. But we're still in the middle of an important arc. Luffy defeating Kaido is just the peak of the arc, the story still needs the resolution to cool the heat from the battle.
But in many Indo-European religions, the sky god is a leader, the father of the gods, or are associated with rulers also usually an important deity in the religion. Thor is Odinn's son, a key god, and basically a prince. Zeus is the King of the Greek gods, while Jupiter has the same role in the Roman pantheon. I could fucking go on. But if you look at what a King should be, then Luffy has a good chance of being Uranus. He cares for others, he doesn't like injustice. He can move the hearts of many and draws out loyalty and respect in even the worst people without even trying.
There are, however, others I believe could be Uranus.
Momo, because of how much Oda emphasized how special he is, the number of seasons he's been in, and the voice of all things that he possesses.
Morgans, because he is seen openly rebelling against the celestial dragons, and what seems to be an ability to control the birds. He is also a bird himself, associated with the sky like mermaids with water. Also, Morgans has control of the newspaper, over the information. And we all know what kind of storms can form in the wake of bad press. How news outlets can form the opinions of the masses if applied correctly. News can affect the winds of change, and it'd be rather poetic if Oda made Morgans utilize his paper for good considering how the media is utilized in real life.
Then there's Shanks, because of the role of 'father' that I mentioned earlier and thor's father is the King of the gods, and the sky-slicing move as well. But by the 'father' logic, it could also be Dragon. It could also be the weapon the celestial dragons need the ope ope fruit for. A weapon which supposed But that weapon could also be pluton as well because we haven't laid eye on pluton being still in the desert. It's entirely possible that Uranus could also be someone or something we haven't met yet.
But I do believe that all three will be involved in the final arc... so yeah
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tma fans have the best way of putting me in my place, making me feel silly and uneducated, but in a way which inspires further curiosity and research, not me shutting up, shame and guilt clouding my self deprecating mind. how do y'all manage that??? no genuinely I've never had this much fandom fun or just. getting so giddy when talking to somebody! W O W. just w o w. I never felt so seen, validated and worthy of attention? socialization? I don't know, I just feel so happy all of a sudden. thank you for indulging me being silly on the www!
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red-archivist · 29 days
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fox-guardian · 2 months
I've seen a few "Tim and Alice would be besties" posts and I love it so much cuz like. Tim's sense of humor canonically is mostly pop culture references to movies and stuff, there's no real indication that he's particularly online. Meanwhile Alice speaks like she's been Very active on tumblr for longer than she's been at OIAR CONSTANTLY, she just says the strangest shit all the time. So I just keep imagining a conversation between Tim and Alice constantly having to stop because Tim keeps cracking up unable to breathe over the Shit Alice Keeps Saying and he's never heard any of that kind of shit before, especially not with such a casual, nonchalant delivery. And Alice is laughing because its hilarious how offline Tim is. Hearing the phrase "none pizza with left beef" would incapacitate him.
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ilovepodcastladies · 5 months
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keepthebeanscool · 4 months
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sensing a theme
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cinnatwirls · 3 months
So I visit the Little Free Libraries near me almost everyday and- please- someone tell me-
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....I took it home of course
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travalerray · 4 months
choose your horror denier: Alice "it has nothing to do with us" Dyer or Jonathan "it's all nonsense unless it's about two very specific people I hate very much" Sims
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kahpao · 6 months
Some ramblings about myself and The Lonely.
I think I’d be Lonely aligned/an avatar for many reasons. And I hate it. I don’t WANT to be lonely. I don’t want to feel like my friends secretly hate me and don’t want to hang out with me. I don’t want my brain to spiral whenever days go by without hearing from my friends. I don’t want to feel like if I don’t reach out to them they won’t reach out to me because they don’t actually care about me.
But that’s how The Lonely is, right? It’s the fear of being alone, unwanted, unimportant. Being left behind or replaced. I’ve always had that fear, but it wasn’t until TMA that I really, realized that.
God do I relate to Martin. The always trying to be helpful and put others first, be cheerful and put on a smile, never ask for help but always offer help. Because if I’m not being useful, why would people want me around?
I’m a deeply lonely person. Not to say I hate being alone - I do like being alone. I like having time to myself, without the watchful eyes or prying questions of others. I don’t have to explain myself, I can let my walls come down. But, I also don’t want to be alone - not all the time.
I want to be able to be myself around others, without feeling like I have to hide parts of who I am. I want to feel like I’m, well, wanted. I do want to be known, I swear I do… but I don’t want to feel like I’m a burden. Sharing these parts of me feels like I’m giving my friends unwanted information. What if they don’t like what I show them, what if what they see makes them realize they don’t want to be my friend?
So when I feel sad and down and lonely, I don’t reach out to my friends. If they really cared they’d reach out to me, right? Why should I always be the one to be there for them, when they’re not there for me?
I’m lonely. I don’t want to be. And yet, this loneliness is familiar. There is a comfort in the lonely.
I get it, Martin, I do.
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Thinking of OG Archive team on this fine morning ; i think people assume they were 'simple' coworkers that barely liked each other at times, and I think other people assume they were dear close friends and (as ever, I feel like), i'm standing here in the middle.
You can be work friends with someone. You go to lunch with them; you know a little bit of their interests and family life - kids, partners, their reaction on the latest Game of Thrones episode - and you enjoy that time; sometimes you laugh together at the same things and sometimes one of you will bring pastries to start the day, or cause it's someone's birthday, and it'll be a genuine nice moment before, welp, back to work. Doesn't mean you have deep, personal, intimate conversations. Doesn't mean you think of hanging out with them outside of work, not really. But you like them and you trust them.
I think it's a fair bet to say that Jon was work friends with Sasha and Tim and it was the closest thing to friends at all he had (i'd argue that, at least Sasha and Martin were merely coworkers, while Tim and Martin might have been work friends - which, to Martin, would, sort of like Jon, be like - the closest thing to a friend he had. Martin probably blabbered on once or twice about doing something 'all together' outside of work. it probably happened only once, or not at all, depending.)
I don't think Tim and Jon's relationship would be filled with such deep anguish and anger at the end if they didn't like each other on a personal level and not just a work level.
Maybe it wasn't the sort of friendship that was as deep as the one Tim and Sasha seemed to have; Tim and Sasha probably hung out together outside of work, they probably had long deep conversations in the middle of the night, half drunk, and maybe much too sober, in their time being friends. Didn't mean it couldn't mean a lot to Jon (and, indeed, and even moreso perhaps, to Lonely!Boy Martin), who didn't have much of anyone else outside of work.
I don't know, from what we're given in S1, from what we see slowly disappear in S2, it feels to me you can, in fact, feel the camaderie that was between them. Hence why Tim and Sasha's discussion in the tape in S5 makes less sense to me than the birthday tape. It's not that I don't think Tim and Sasha couldn't be roasting the others or be angry about the promotion, but I feel like it goes too hard on the jonbashing "they were just coworkers that barely liked each other" territory while the birthday tape, to me, sounds more like "we were work friends and it was nice" which fits my vision of them better.
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nem0-nee · 11 months
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Statement Ends.
Hi I totally didn't die crying while making this >:^))
[ Based on "Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan" by Ilya Repin. ]
BONUS workplace comedy shot below:
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I'm not even sorry /j
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tildexart · 5 months
The Magnus Archives (Season One) Production Design Project
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Hello everyone! Let me introduce myself- I'm Tilda (or Tilde), and I'm want to be a production designer.
Production designers create the overall look of a piece of media. From costumes, lighting, environments, props, etc., these designers make sure that everything looks cohesive and sets the mood.
So, I thought it would be fun to put my skills to the test by designing season one of The Magnus Archives. My winter break started as soon as I became interested in the show. Needless to say, a new obsession and an abundance of free time go well together.
You may have seen these illustrations posted separately, this is a master post of the whole project. My thoughts, processes, and critiques are all included under the cut. If you read them, I hope you enjoy! If, not, thank you for supporting my work regardless.
The Characters
When designing these characters, I tried to avoid being influenced by fan interpretations. Though, that was a challenge (especially with Jon and Sasha). I found that I looked to my friends for inspiration. Certain elements (Jon's glasses) were based off of what they wore.
Pinterest was also useful for finding clothing and pose references. Some looks were based off of different actors- in particular, Tim was inspired by Nicholas Galitzine and Elias inspired by Matthew Lillard.
Jane was the most fun to design! I believe in making terrifying characters actually terrifying.
Elias's design needs the most work. Having now finished the show, I see that it doesn't fit him. The purple is overly saturated, especially compared to the set. He looks out of place! I'd reverse the color palette to mostly green/yellow with purple accents instead. Although, I will forever defend the purple tint in his gray hair.
The Set
Jonathan's office was a treat to design! Balancing the color and clutter was especially important. This room is meant to be claustrophobic and uncomfortable, but not overbearingly so.
The wood looks to be full of splinters, but not so worn that it can be thrown out. The chairs offer no back support, and the shelves make the room smaller. The goal was to represented Jon's mind. Intricate, messy, and suffocating (Note: that is more of a season two description).
One goal was to capture the look of an actual archive. Valuable times was spent researching the different kinds of storage, files, paper, etc. The texture and color had to be accurate.
A split-complementary color palette of blue-green, yellow-green, and red was used. Of course, I had to get green in there, and the varying hues and desaturated reds worked well for the wood and filing supplies.
Jane's ashes and the Web lighter on the desk place this set at the end of season one. I find details like this to be important, it's one of my favorite parts of design. There is much needed abundance of eye imagery as well. Most obviously in the carpet, but eyes are carved into the table and watch from the shelves.
My main critique is the lighting- the filters used could be adjusted as to not distort the colors of the boxes. They look inconsistent. The Web lighter could also be more obvious, yet it is small and pixelated.
The Props
I designed these as I re-listened to season one, and it is the most recent piece I finished. Combining the details described in the show with what the objects would have realistically looked like was interesting. That was most useful for the clown, the Ming vase, and Ex Altiora.
Each of these objects came from a specific time with a specific look. Ex Altiora was bound in calf leather from the 1800s, so those books were referenced. Same with the frills on the clown's outfit.
The Ming vase was especially interesting, as it is from the Jiajing period. When looking at photographs of Jiajing vases, I found that many of them lacked handles and had an hourglass shape. That was fascinating to me, as many artists depict a standard oval-shaped vase. Also, the vase's design is described as straight lines that create distorted patterns when looking at it. That effect was achieved using chromatic aberration and the liquify tool (chromatic aberration was used to create a vertigo effect on Ex Altiora).
My critiques are... nitpicky. minimal. The shading on top of the garbage bag is unnatural. The thickness of the gold engraving on Ex Altiora is uneven. The "I" in "Immediate Consideration" is not capitalized. Other than that, I'm happy with how the props look.
First off, if you read everything, thank you!! It is a lot, I know.
My greatest takeaways are that 1) ask for critique, always 2) research skills are necessary for design 3) references are your friend! Seriously guys, use your references.
I hope you enjoyed this project and I'm excited to share more of my work in the future!
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tma fans have the best way of putting me in my place, making me feel silly and uneducated, but in a way which inspires further curiosity and research, not me shutting up, shame and guilt clouding my self deprecating mind. how do y'all manage that??? no genuinely I've never had this much fandom fun or just. getting so giddy when talking to somebody! W O W. just w o w. I never felt so seen, validated and worthy of attention? socialization? I don't know, I just feel so happy all of a sudden. thank you for indulging me being silly on the www!
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