#THIS WAS SO long and hard to do thank u marsha
sakurachae · 6 years
tagged by @wormbebe thank you martha ily <3 
drink: water!! gotta stay hydrated 
phone call: the twin 
text message: ‘what’ jhddsjhjhsh
song you listened to: newton!! im still in my mx honeymoon phase so im always listening to their albums on shuffle 
time you cried: during ss7 :(( my kings were like. right. in front of me so ofc i cried 
have you ever:
dated someone twice: “i havent even dated anyone once” meredith SAME 
been cheated on: not applicable lmao 
kissed someone and regretted it: NA!! 
lost someone special: no? i mean some people have drifted away or moved but. i havent lost them
been depressed: yes
been drunk and thrown up: no but yesterday i drank a whole bottle of cider and then fell asleep for 45 minutes so 
in the past year have you:
made a new friend: yeah!! aside from the wonderful people ive met on tumblr ive also had to make friends @ my new school so.  
fallen out of love: i was never really in love but. i think i got over someone who id been infatuated with for 4 years so. 
laughed until you cried: all the time!! but also i clearly remember sobbing while laughing bc my friend used the mcdonalds paper bag as tissue instead of the tissue inside the bag  
met someone who changed you: a girl i used to have a crush on? she really taught me to be a more polite and kinder person, i still adore her but we’re just really really really good friends now  
found out who your true friends are: i guess! not that serious though 
found out someone was talking about you: i think so? i think i confronted that person HUHEWUSDIUE im so sensitive 
how many people on tumblr do you know in real life?: like 3-4 including the twin  
do you have any pets?: nope, im terrified of animals?? but i used to have a hamster. also 12 cats. 
do you want to change your name?: i think im just still getting used to the name james,, i love it when people call me that snurehisns or any variation of it 
what time did you wake up this morning: 6.10 :-( fuck school tbh 
what were you doing last night: mentally preparing for the 2nd!!! round of orientation like wtf you only need one. 
name something you cannot wait for: getting into my new class for school? ill be with the class for 2 years so im excited!! also IM SUPER EXCITED TO MEET MX IN MARCH 
have you ever talked to a person named tom?: never
what’s getting on your nerves right now: nothing, im p chill right now 
blood type: bee positive!! 
nickname: some of my friends call me jam?? i cant say the rest of my nicknames bc they’re based off my deadname :(( 
relationship status: never dated :(
zodiac sign: pisces id list the whole chart but i m so lazy  
pronouns: he/him
favorite show: the good place?? 
college: im in junior college if that counts
hair color: black!! super black 
do you have a crush on someone: i did but i literally got over it like today so HAHAHA 
what do you like about yourself: im full of love and i put in effort into my relationships!! 
first surgery: none
first piercing: none but hopefully soon  
first sport you joined: table tennis?  
first vacation: i think i went to either thailand or malaysia 
first pair of sneakers: idk anything abt shoes. i just put my feet into whatever i see and leave 
right now:
eating: nothing? i just finished lunch tho and its 5pm  
drinking: nothing
i’m about to: rest,, school is tiring  
listening to: nothing!! cant casually listen to things while i do nothing
want kids: nope too much responsibility 
get married: maybe!! 
career: i wanna be a journalist? i think 
which is better:
lips or eyes: BOTH definitely
hugs or kisses: i LOVE hugs the people are always taller than me and i just bury myself into them esp the people that have boobs so its like cushioning 
shorter or taller: this is not really an option theres basically no one shorter than me so taller!! also i had a crush on a boy for 2 seconds just bc he was 183 and towered over me 
older or younger: older or my age but def not younger!!  
romantic or spontaneous: idk if these 2 are mutually exclusive,, but i can rarely do things spontaneously 
sensitive or loud: what if im both!! im a loud sensitive asshole what u gonna do abt it 
hookup or relationship: relationship!! 
troublemaker or hesitant: somewhere in the middle HAHA depends on who else will get in trouble with me 
have you ever:
kissed a stranger: nope, never kissed anyone 
drank hard liquor: i dont think so HAHA i don tdrink that much  
lost contacts/glasses: nope i dont lose my glasses bc theyre always in my bag i literally never wear them and no one knows i have to  
sex on first date: no!!!!!!! 
broken someone’s heart: how could i HAHA  
been arrested: oh god no but ive had a bunch of nightamres abt being in jail
turned someone down: all the time HAHA but in a friend way ofc
fallen for a friend: thats like my entire crushing history,, the person i was infatuated w for 4 years was a friend,, 
do you believe:
in yourself: yes!! but im lazy and unmotivated but i could do it if i tried 
miracles: no 
love at first sight: no!!
i know im boring ;; thank u to anyone who read the whole way HAHA 
tagging @94-hw, @mongaygay and anyone else who wants to do it!! 
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Do you have any hcs for Magnus taking ppl to pride for the first time? I kinda feel like he’d act as a guide for others, making sure everyone feels safe and happy during their first time. Like, I can picture him bringing daylighter Raphael out for the first time, showing Meliorn around (bc even though they’ve been around for a while, the Seelies don’t really do human stuff) and holding Alec’s hand while he looks around in amazement.
well surprise surprise this got very long. bet y’all never saw that coming
ok so i particularly love this ask because like, the idea of meliorn going to pride for the first time is a riot and i adore it
like seelie society has developed completely independently from mundane society in every way, hell, it existed before humans did. so there's absolutely no reason whatsoever to believe that their culture even has the concepts of gender of sexuality, and believing that it would be the same as modern western ones is just straight up anachronistic tbh
so like personally i hc that seelie society has no gender (and therefore no concept of sexuality in the way that we see it), so the idea of pride- doesn't even make sense to them, cuz there's no concept of these identities, much less a history of oppression that would bring forward the need to celebrate their resistance like there currently is
so meliorn would want to go just to like, see what that's like and what's it all about. and the whole time they're just following Magnus around and like, taking notes. hm, interesting, what is this trans thing again? ah yes, people who dont think their personality matches the one mundanes believe would be brought by their genitals. hm. fascinating. and Magnus is just like, laughing loudly and it's the best pride he's ever been to, because he knows how ridiculous queerphobia and cishetnormativity are, but meliorn can make that so clear in their words in a way thats just, like, fantastic to hear, you know? and they dont even mean to, but it's great all the same
plus meliorn actually does feel good because a lot of people look at them and smile broadly or even wave, especially younger people who are just like, in awe of them and Magnus, who are so unapologetically gnc and indisputably beautiful, and looking at them is just like, inspiring, you know? and Meliorn has never felt this admired and appreciated and they dont even fully understand why, they're just walking around in their usual clothing and leaf makeup and everyone is just like, in love with them. and it's nice. they can tell there's an edge of sadness to the whole thing, like how their normal everyday existence seems to be so shocking and refreshing for these people, but mostly they feel good about it
later they bring their findings to the other seelies - you know, the ones who dont usually leave the realm and are way less familiar with mundane culture(s) than they are - and the others are like. shut up. there's no way this is real. the shape of their genital defines what wavelength they are supposed to find appealing? this makes no sense. and meliorn's like "idk what to tell u buddy i literally physically can't lie" and they're like surely this is an elaborate prank
but anyway it's fun and nice and they enjoy it greatly and ask Magnus a lot of questions, and Magnus loves going with them more than anyone else because its just so fun and the way this is completely unnatural to them feels refreshing - Magnus doesnt have to explain why he feels the way he feels, for once, but rather he has to explain why people dont get that, and thats a good change tbh
okay onto other ppl im sorry for this tangent djdndjdndk RAPHAEL YES. god i just. okay i love the mental image of Magnus taking Raphael to pride aaaaaaaa
like okay first of all so many layeRS to make this emotional, okay. the fact that he's now a daylighter and can enjoy being out in the sun, the fact that this is a bright costumed parade and it kinda reminds him of the día de los muertos parade and makes him feel at home, the fact that he gets to celebrate and meet other ace ppl - just, so many good things going on here dundidmdi
and Raphael was kinda unsure about going because 1- pride can get pretty sexual at times, and while he gets it and doesn't mind other people's business, he doesn't want to be hit on or participate in that; 2- big crowd makes senses go craycray and it can get very overwhelming and he's scared of overload, plus it's just not his scene in general with huge parties and such. but a part of him does want to go and he's torn, so of course Magnus is immediately like "oh dear, don't worry, i can take you, i'll make sure it's good" and Raphael is like okay
so Magnus takes him and it's :') nice, because as always he’s just so attentive. disclosure i’ve only ever been to the São Paulo pride so i’m gonna go with how it works in here but im assuming it’s not that different in like, other places. also São Paulo currently has the biggest pride parade in the world along with NYC so you know, i think it’s influential at the very least
anyway so he finds a section that’s led by ace pride groups, one that’s considerably small (in number of ppl) and spacious, and it’s. nice. very nice. magnus makes it a point to paint the ace pride colors on raphael’s face (we deserve raphael in makeup tbh) and raphael is all like “it’s fine, it’s not like i’ll want to draw a lot of attention” (like he isn’t wearing the ace flag colors already) and magnus is like hush, let me have this, i want my boy to have a good pride experience. so raphael lets him and hides his smile and lets him, and it’s. cute okay
also idk why but i have the mental image of raphael seeing some other latino guy with some sign like. “i’m not your fetish” or something of the sort, and kind of tearing up because his whole life he’s been seen as this kind of sexual fantasy that couldn’t not be about sex, much less not be interested in it, and he feels seen. and it’s nice, okay
and as promised it’s not too overwhelming in matters of like people, tactile issues and such (there’s little magnus can do about the noise other than spell raphael to decrease his sensitivity so he doesn’t get overwhelmed, which is not ideal because it makes communication a bit harder between them, but he does it anyway if raphael asks him to), and if raphael gets tired, they can always turn into a corner and take a portal back home and cuddle the post-crowd jitteriness away. so it’s a success. and raphael hugs magnus later and thanks him and says that it was so great, that he’s missed this, the energy and the colors and the sun, and he never thought he’d get to have it again, and he did thanks to magnus. and magnus hugs him back and tells him “anything for you, my boy,” and it’s the sweetest thing okay im emo
also okay this still falls under Raphael and Meliorn but the POLYCULE okay, or at least saiaphaeliorn. like sign me the fuck up for the 4 of them together at pride, meliorn and magnus helping make some cute pride-themed makeup on the other 3, just aaaaaaaaa. maia looking absolutely gorgeous with her face framed in the bright bi colors, maybe a sunny dress with the trans flag colors? just because i think she’d look so cute in like, a mostly white dress with baby pink and blue details, okay. simon just paints the pan flag on his cheek but it’s still vibrant and cute and it suits him. and ghhghghghg meliorn delicately painting raphael’s face with colorful glitter..... effervescent, okay. just beautiful
and they get to hold hands in public and laugh and crack jokes and simon loves the music and the festival and raphael smiles fondly at him and maia singing along (him and meliorn definitely don’t know what the fuck they’re singing, but it’s okay because they’re clearly happy and that makes the two of them happy too) and just duahsdiahdaiuha soft okay. also they all get to experience meliorn’s takes on the whole thing and it’s fantastic and as usual meliorn gets raphael to laugh until he almost cries, and simon smiles brightly at the sight and gives meliorn a peck for their efforts, and just aaaaaaaa
in short they’re SOFT and i’m SOFT. and look yes i know that usually parades esp big ones are super crowded (lord knows the SP pride parade is an experience) but if in SP with 5 million ppl parading i could find sections with less people where you had enough space to walk holding hands and hear each other and not be overwhelmed, then i’m sure they can too, especially with magic and powers at their disposal. so i’m going to have this
also like. as much fun as this is for magnus (and it definitely is, it’s very nice to get to enjoy to be himself openly, and to bring kids there for their first time, and you know), it’s also bittersweet because like. he was there at stonewall, he was there for the first pride, you know? and apart from the obvious part where he lost so many friends who were there, there’s just. the very bad memories of the riots, because as important as they are and as much as he obviously doesn’t regret them, riots are hard, they are the language of the oppressed. he’s had to magically protect people from being shot by the police, he’s had to withstand trial by the Clave for using magic to shield the people from the tear gas and risking being seen, he’s had to save a lot of lives and he’s failed at it sometimes, too (i’ll always hc that he’s the reason neither Marsha nor Sylvia died during the riots and you can pry that away from my cold, dead hands). and he’s also seen it be whitewashed and lose some of its resistance and meaning, he’s seen Sylvia be booed at a later march when she spoke against imprisonment, and he’s seen so much be lost
and in that sense going to pride with alec later on might be his favorite, because it’s not like, a first time where he’s trying to get everyone to have the most fun they can and shit, you know? plus alec loves watching more than he does participating, he feels way too exposed in the crowded streets with so many openings and whatnot. but watching from a rooftop, where he has the best view, can still hear the sounds and enjoy the colors and the beauty of it from a distance? that’s perfect for him, and it’s a different experience
and magnus sits by his side as they watch, hand in hand, and reminisces about everything that he’s experienced after so many years, all the changes he’s seen, how he feels pride but he also feels loss and he feels old, and he fears what happens if pride’s history is forgotten, you know? and alec listens to him, listens to his version of this story, playing with magnus’ fingers and just enjoying the sound of his voice and the sight. and it’s nice. alec is always super attentive and enjoys hearing him talk and magnus can get lost in his memories unapologetically, you know? and it’s good
but that’s later on, of course, when they’ve already attended plenty together. for alec’s first pride he probably wants it to be like, perfect, so much so that alec has to tell him to slow down again, because of course magnus wants alec to have The Full Pride Experience, but alec would rather soak it up slowly than participate in a lot of stuff, anyway. magnus paints the rainbow flag on his cheek (one of the only occasions alec lets magnus put glitter on him, then promptly complains for the next three months because i swear that stuff is still on my skin, magnus, the other day i found some on my shoes! and magnus laughs at his antics as always and alec is forced to laugh too and can’t even be mad) and they kind of stay more by the end, and alec is kind of smiling in disbelief to himself the whole time as he watches all the colors and the unapologetic way people express their pride, and magnus can’t stop looking at him and grinning, too. and they walk hand in hand and it’s cute
(later, magnus says, see, mundane culture isn’t so bad, is it? and alec looks at him with a way more serious look, full of joy and happiness, and says, no, it isn’t. and kisses him and thanks him for everything, and it’s sweet)
also I'm soft thinking about Magnus reminiscing about planning the first pride along with "his dear friend Brenda" to Alec and/or Raphael, them putting their arms around his shoulder as he tells them the softer stories, too, the good things they did
small bonus: Magnus plays 2 truths and a lie with Simon regarding his memories of past prides, and Simon gets it wrong every time and is all wide eyed by the end, which makes both Magnus and Raphael laugh :)
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userholland · 4 years
what’s ur favourite movie? I feel like you have great taste in movies 🤍 I’m always looking to watch some films or talk abt it.
honestly having that kind of vibe is such a compliment so thank u so much for that 💗BUT my favorite movie by far is probably, still, prisoners starring hugh jackman & jake gyllenhaal. it has such an amazing angst and the directing, filming and just the whole thing is *chefs kiss* i give it 10/10. but i’m a documentary girl so most of my recommendations will probably be those... and some rom coms and crime- (this will be unnecessarily long so i do apologize)
hustlers!!! 10/10. rated r. drama. constance wu and jennifer lopez. it’s a movie about strippers saying fuck the rich and it’s loosely based on true stories. it’s sort of a comfort movie but i think it’s a perfect mix of angst, humor and comedy.
john mulaney’s new in town, comeback kid & kid gorgeous. 100/10 rated r. comedy. they’re all hilarious and make me laugh as hard as i did the first time. john mulaney’s comedy is so accurate that it scares me.
call me by your name. 9/10. rated r. drama/romance. our favorite peach boy & armon hammer. i read the book and it made me cry & luca guadagnino is an amazing director and i definitely recommend this movie if you want a good cry.
scream. 100/10. rated r. thriller. ALWAYS my go-to movie. people usually associate it with halloween, but i watch it anytime of the year (btw coraline is also a rec!) it’s basic satire and it’s ironic to every halloween cliche.
beautiful boy. 10/10. rated r. drama. based on a true story of a father dealing with his son’s addiction to drugs. it’s a movie that makes me have a good cry every time i watch it and i think it speaks a lot to the drug and opiod crisis in the united states. 
all 8 of the harry potter movies. 10000/10. rated pg-13. i am a potterhead. i will admit that and this is my favorite book AND movie series since i was little. while jk rowling fucking sucks, i think that i related to the books and characters a lot and i always wanted to be a wizard. but i’m a certified slytherin so... take this as you will. 
10 things i hate about you. 10/10. coming of age/romcom. my FAVORITE coming of age story. it’s a classic 90′s romp and i think that it’s the most relatable high school characters you’ll see in a movie? (except spider-man: hc). plus young joseph gordon levitt. he is very cute & almost peter parker like.
la 92. 10/10. rated r. documentary. this film really explains the idea of racism and prejudice with no opinions. it’s raw footage taken from the civil rights movement to the la riots in 1992. i think it was hard to watch at first, but i really enjoyed how telling it was without a narrator and it’s all based on fact.
documentaries: the life of marsha p. johnson, disclosure (trans community), fyre (the greatest party that never happened), a secret love (lgbtq+), the weight of gold (sports), knock down the house (politics), tiger king, i am heath ledger
romcom: legally blonde, to all the boys i’ve loved before, failure to launch, maid in manhattan, a knight’s tale, love simon, love rosie, high school musical 3, crazy rich asians, friends with benefits, 
independent: hot summer nights, whiplash, enemy, ladybird,
horror/thriller: it + it 2, the devil all the time, zombieland, get out
now.... i know that was long but i hope you got a few recommendations!!! thank u for sending the ask (-:
girl talk with liz 💗☁️✨
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gloss80 · 7 years
General Election 2017 - Man Like Corbz done good!
I am certain when the Exit Poll dropped on Thursday night shortly after polling stations closed there was a collective amount of jaw dropping across the nation and I can imagine several near heart attacks across CCHQ! I know Labour HQ were quietly jubilant but wanted to wait to see how the night transpired. No one saw this coming…. It was seriously a “where were you when you heard..” moment!! I stared at my TV screen thinking “Please, please, please let this Exit Poll be correct!” Why? Because it predicted a Hung Parliament and showed a brilliant Labour surge in the vote against all the odds. Many political commentators were urging caution whilst some remained steadfast in their belief that May would win the majority she needed to carry forth her mandate into the Brexit negotiations. I could feel something brewing in the air. Big crowds would turn out to see Corbyn at events across the country. He even packed out a football stadium with the crowd shouting: “Oooooh Jeremy Corbyn!” People wherever I went were talking about Corbyn and Labour’s Manifesto. On Thursday afternoon I was walking out of Wembley Park Tube Station and a group of School girls ran up to me and stopped me. They said “please vote Labour!” I answered “already done!” They cheered “Team Jezza! Bun the Tories!” and we all high-fived! That really warmed my heart! Young people engaged in politics and realising how politics impacts on every single facet of their life. I honestly felt like their proud Aunty! Anyway I digress….back to election night��. I could not sleep…optimism in my heart had me glued to my TV screen for the entire night. Was this really happening??? The results started to roll in and it was becoming clearly evident that the Exit Poll was indeed correct! Yes, I punched the air a few times as Labour Gains across the country materialised including Scotland where we took seats from the SNP. Canterbury went red after being Conservative since 1918! The Tory MP Jane Ellison was ousted in Battersea by Labour’s Marsha de Cordova! It was a stunning 10% swing from the Tories to Labour. The Tories dreadful manifesto author Ben Gummer gone! Nick Clegg gone! Amber Rudd was onto her 5th recount and almost had people rummaging through the bins for votes when it became clear that this was shaping up to be an extraordinary night for Corbyn and Labour! Long standing Labour activist Eleanor Smith made history by becoming the West Midlands’ first African Caribbean MP in a seat that used to be held by the racist Tory MP Enoch Powell! He of “Rivers of Blood” infamy. Kensington and Chelsea where the average house prices are 1.4 million now has the red flag flying high! The same constituency where Dacre’s Daily Mail HQ aka The Daily Heil sits in now has a Labour MP! Oh the irony…. Labour’s success saw it almost completely wipe out the Tories in London and more than double majorities in seats that were previously considered marginal. Remember that Theresa Mayhem had promised again and again that if she lost six seats, Jeremy Corbyn would be walking into number 10! On election night the U-turn Queen lost more than that yet is still desperately clinging on to power! Blaming everyone but herself for taking a reckless and arrogant gamble in calling a General Election that no one wanted. She has also lost the mandate for a hard Brexit and solidified just how weak and unstable a leader she actually is. British politics has suffered a Youthquake! Corbyn offered a real vision and hope to a younger generation who had often felt marginalised by politics. He connected with their aspirations and they mobilised and came out in force! Big up the #Grime4Corbyn campaign and all the Grime artists and rappers who helped inspire young people to go out and vote. This is just the start! Let’s build on what we have achieved! I am so proud to see the young voices rise up and just want to send heartfelt thanks to all the young people up and down the land who came out to vote. I am an actor and a movie geek so here is what I think: Corbyn in many ways epitomises Obi-Wan’s classic line in Star Wars - A New Hope: “If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.” I’m serious. Why do I make this correlation? Well Corbyn has survived strike after strike! He has survived constant attacks and challenges from within the Labour Party as well as vicious, poisonous and relentless assaults from the Tories and their right wing media cheerleaders and he has always comes back stronger than before and with a bigger mandate than before to boot! It is clear in this election that the more people saw of Corbyn the more they liked what they saw. Calm, compassionate, dignified, principled and always on the right side of history. Also the Labour Manifesto with the vision “For the Many Not The Few” successfully resonated with so many across the country. Hope, a feeling last seen in British politics in 1997 is on the rise again. In contrast Maybot decided to base her election campaign around herself under the “Strong and Stable” robotic mantra. She ducked away from the TV debates like a coward, tried as much as she could to avoid the public and trotted out soundbite after soundbite to the point that she sounded like a Dalek. It was either “Strong and Stable” or “Nothing has changed.” Repeat!! She relied on the tabloid press to sing her praises and was in desperate need of reboot but it never happened. The more the public saw of Maybot the more they did not like what they saw and the more they realised how distant, insincere and indecisive she was. The Conservative Manifesto was a disaster and the U turns kept coming soon after. It was clear you could not trust a word uttered. So here we are. People will say “but the Tories won! They got the most seats.” The reality is Mayhem was humiliated! She called this election with a 24 point lead over Labour and was so arrogantly complacent that Tories would win a landslide and Labour would be demolished at the ballot box. Mayhem did not get the majority she needed so she went with her begging bowl to the hard-right, racist, sexist, homophobic, terrorist linked and thoroughly unpleasant DUP to ask them to prop up her tory government. This in itself reeks of desperation and is doomed to fail. It also highlights her blatant hypocrisy. Jeremy Corbyn is a ‘terrorist sympathiser’ we’ve heard the right wing tabloids and their sheep shriek. So what now do you call Theresa Mayhem getting into bed with the DUP??? This is a regressive alliance with potentially far reaching implications for Northern Ireland and progressive politics in general. Instead of clinging on for dear life it would be far better if she resigned with what little dignity she has left. I have my popcorn out watching this mess unfold! Recriminations, resignations and Tory civil war no doubt! No matter which way you look at it this is the beginning of the end for Mayhem. She is toast! Anyway I am very encouraged by Labour’s election result. My support for Corbyn has never wavered and for the first time in ages I feel optimistic about what politics can achieve. First phase for Labour was winning UKIP votes back, attacking Tory seats/votes and galvanising young people which has worked brilliantly for us as we out performed expectations at this Election. The next phase now is securing a Labour victory at the next General Election which may well be sooner than you think….. Time for unity within Labour, this is our time. We must continue to organise and be a strong opposition! We must be the powerful voice for the many that this country so desperately needs. @gloss80
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