wisprvo · 9 months
Yes, there is blood in the box :3
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sneggley · 9 months
"You need to write more poems about your memory loss."
"Were there others?"
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orbmanson7 · 6 months
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Thinking about Hail Mary again, so have this
Highly recommend the whole little fic series What's a Little B&E Between Friends? by VoiceOfNurse, if you can handle angst and whump and especially extreme medical settings... It's good stuff 👌
Also have this
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atopvisenyashill · 10 months
if i did a reread of the walking dead and wrote an essay on how aegon ii and carl are doomed to be the last man standing by their narratives, and what starts out as a sort of cool & nifty super power of always surviving turns into this horrific curse where everyone they know is dying around them & sometimes it’s their fault & sometimes it’s not but either way they can’t ever stop it until they’re sitting at the ending with nothing but their lone daughter to protect but so broken they can no longer connect to her and then their story abruptly ends-
would that be like the Most stupid, nerdy thing i have ever done in my life or
#valyrianscrolls#aegon the usurper#carl grimes#i associate the phrase ‘last man standing’ so heavily with carl that i used it to describe aegon and my brain short circuited#also…something something ‘if we forgive our fathers what else is left’ and ‘you can never escape your mothers blood’#re: carl’s life going so badly bc of his father’s vicious & world destroying love. and viserys destroying aegon’s life bc of his own lack of#love for aegon. completely accident. neither viserys or rick set out to create a worse world and yet.#and lori and alicent standing like ghosts over their babies. what do you do when your mother’s misery in her marriage is the reason your#life went off the rails. how do you hate her for it yet how do you love her.#rick ultimately dying at the hands of one of his victims. viserys rotting to deal surrounding by the children he emotionally abandoned.#THERES SOMETHING HERE#ROBERT KIRKMAN I KNOW YOU WERE AT CONS WITH GEORGE DID U EVER HANG OUT A BIT. YOU BOTH LOVE DOOMED BY THE NARRATIVE STORIES#AND HATE HOW PUSHY YOUR FANBASE IS AJSJDJ#getting on my soap box#this is comics carl obviously show carl is also my child and last man standing it’s just that they didn’t want to pay chandler riggs money#and killed him off. in my mind show carl outlives rick & michonne & judith & rj. just carl & maggie on opposite sides of the coast#alone with their grief and refusing to speak bc they no longer have the words.#carl’s daughter asks why her name is mj and carl’s grief chokes the words
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Continuation from this post: 
[ooc] if anyone (anons included) has any squicks or issues with pronouns, or anything at all really, feel free to message me, or send an anon ask and I’ll change the post. Alternatively, feel free to add on! (Time is a lukewarm soup, go nuts)
*walks down stairs* Alrighty everyone, what’s going o-...
What the fuck happened here?! I thought this was just a checkup! *sighs while snapping on gloves* Well, this is going to be a LONG day.
Okay, everyone, there’s a lot of you meaning it will take a while but I WILL get around to you, you’re just going to have to wait your turn. Highest priority comes first, and that means little @rock-anon here is our winner. *speaking to all of you while I lift Rock onto a table* I am not your boss, but won’t take any shit from any of you *stares at @itsmeblackcat and @straight-to-the-pain * IF there’s any trouble I will call @nsfwhump-queen and I don’t think he’ll be too happy about it. Got it? Good.
--- 🪨 ---
Hey buddy, didn’t think I’d see you so soon. Just gonna lay you on your stomach there, okay? You want something to bite down on, or...? Okay, I’m going to clean off all this blood so I can see what I’m doing now, ‘right, it’s going to sting, but you were so good last time. *I wipe down Rock’s back with gauze, then with iodine swabs*
There we go, now we can see what's going on. Yikes, they cut you up pretty bad, didn’t they bud? It’s all good, nothing we can’t fix *ruffles hair* (phew *scans over to the other 9 people in the dingy basement* the lot of you need a good bath, but that’s for another day I guess)
*pulling out my suture kit, I tenderly sew up Rock’s back. He’s doing so well, not squirming at all, we can work around the twitches here and there.* Alright! great job buddy, the hard part’s done now. I’ll just put some ointment and a dressing on... can you sit up now? There, you can use my arm as support, well done! It’s not going to feel so great, but I need you to take some deep breaths in and out for me, just like we did before, *I put my ear on their chest, listening for any fluid or irregular breathing* Alright, you’ve got some crackles in there, but sounds good for now, bruising isn’t too bad (I would ice it, but your fingers are so cold already). Okay, can you lift your arms out to the side for me please, so I can wrap your ribs for you? Good job Rock, almost there! Let me just take a look at your splint, good that’s healing nicely, can you give your fingers a wiggle there for me? Nice, I’ll take the bandages off of those for you so you’ve got a little more movement. Wrist splint’s back on for the moment, so you’ve got some stability there.
There we go, all done! So brave for me again, such a good example for the rest of them! *wraps a thick blanket around Rock’s shoulders, gives them a gentle pat on the shoulder* You can stay up here if you like, or you can go sit in your spot on the floor, I won’t need the table for anyone else just yet. I’ll get some food sorted for you later, alright? Let me know if you still feel dizzy after you’ve eaten, and I’ll get you hooked up to an IV. Okay?
*changes out of the blood slicked gloves into a pair of clean ones, clapping my hands together* Alright then! You’ve all just seen how well Rock here behaved, I hope that’s enough incentive to do the same. However, I did bake a fresh batch of cookies this morning, and whoever is good, gets one, okay! So no biting (🐈‍⬛) no thrashing about, and I’ll make sure you get a cookie after we’re all done. Capisce?
*glares at S’s unconscious body* (I’ll get to you later)
--- 🌬---
Okay, 🌬-anon you’re up! I’m going to have to take off your blanket for now, alright? You can get it back after we’re done. First things first, let’s get that shoulder back in its place, can you lie down for me please? This is not going to feel great until it’s back in its socket, so you’re gonna have to bear with me for a minute, okay? I need you to take a really big breath, and on the count of three I need you to sigh it all out, alright? Okay, here we go
*placing my boot in the crook of 🌬-anon’s armpit and grabbing their wrist so their arm’s at a 45 degree angle* Okay, breathe in, one, two, three! * I pull on their arm so that it unhooks from the outside of its socket and gently release the tension until it pops back into the right spot* Awesome job there buddy! Phew! Bet that feels better now, huh? Everything should move alright now, but I don’t want you to move it at all ‘cause it might slip back out again (and I don’t want to be back here any more than I need to, you hear me?!) * I wrap 🌬-anon’s arm in a sling, bound close to their body*
‘Kay dude, I’m gonna need you sitting on that table so I can check out your face, please. (Hey Rock, can you shuffle over, they just need to sit up next to you. Play nice) *sitting on one of those wheely dentist stools, I wipe the blood and grime from 🌬-anon’s face, avoiding pressing on the swollen bruises* Alright buddy, hold still for a bit, I’m just gonna butterfly stitch your eyebrow back together (no needles, just tape), and chuck some ointment on. Good job! Can you give me a big smile, pretty please? Need to check if all those pearly whites are still there. *I shine a pocket torch in to examine the inside of their mouth* Your teeth are all good, but you’ve bitten your cheek; Nothing I can do about that I’m afraid, except give you an ice cube to suck? 
That about does it for you 🌬-anon, you can go sit back down in your spot in you want, or you can stay here with @rock-anon. Here’s your blanket back *I wrap the soft blanket around 🌬-anon and pass them an ice pack for their face* you’re gonna want to hold that on your bruise until the swelling goes down alright, you can take breaks if your face or your fingers go numb. And you can check the swelling (and my work) in your mirror, if you want. Just try not to move your shoulder.
*I walk over to 🐈‍⬛-anon, standing well out of reach (and kicking distance)* How we hanging buddy? I’m going to take this slowly for you, so you can understand me, okay? I am ~not~ going to hurt you. I am here to help. *crouching down so I can make eye contact* Look at me, I am going to let you down, alright. If you cause any trouble, I’ll put you right back, you hear me? Okay? Alright.
*unchaining 🐈‍⬛-anon from the wall, catching them before they crash to the floor in a heap. I set them down, leaning against the wall* Sorry, collar stays on buddy, boss’s rules. I’m trusting you now, no biting, no funny business.
*I tentatively place my ear against their chest to hear slow, laboured breathing (‘least they’re breathing at all, that was a hefty dosage)* Okay, I’m going to lift the back of your shirt up to check for burns, nice and easy now. * pulling 🐈‍⬛-anon so their body slumps drunkenly against my shoulder, I slowly and gently lift the back of their shirt to find two round burns where the stun gun zapped ‘em* Putting some ointment on now, almost done now. 
*after pulling their shirt back down and setting them back against the wall, I sit back on my haunches, still making eye contact with 🐈‍⬛-anon, making sure they’re still hearing me* Your shoulders are still in their sockets, so I don’t need to treat those. I would give some medicine for the swelling, but it would mess with whatever you’ve got going on now, so the best I can do is some ice, alright? I can’t hold it for you, so I’ll just leave the bag here and you can put it on when you’re up to it. You did a good job, I’ll help you get some food in you after I’ve taken a look at the others okay? 
--- 🦝---
Okie-dokie, that’s the worst of them done. 🦝-anon, love, you can sit up now. Come over here and I’ll patch you up a bit. I’ve got a special job for you later and I want you nice and not-sore for that, alright? You did a good job buddy, staying so still for the boss-man, yeah? I’m just gonna put some dressings on your knees now. *I sit with 🦝-anon’s legs in my lap as I carefully pick the grit out of their knees with tweezers, before putting some antiseptic and plasters on* Nice job there, I hated having that done when I was a kid, you sat so still! Can I see your hands please? Those chains aren’t treating you too nicely, but they’ve gotta stay on I’m afraid. I’ll treat everyone’s sores once I’ve fixed you all something to eat. *I rub some ointment on 🦝-anon’s palms, then stand to walk over to @straight-to-the-pain * I’ll give you your big job once I’ve sorted out this fucker, alright? Sit tight for a minute yeah? Here’s a blanket for behaving so well.
--- S ---
*keeping an eye on 🐈‍⬛-anon (and always in my peripheral) I march over to S’s unconscious body. I know there’s no use talking to him, but I do it anyway, mostly out of habit* Hey! S! Asshole! *a wave my hand in front of their face, unsurprisingly, with no response. Squeezing his shoulders, I shout his name again. Still no response. Christ @nsfwhump-queen can really throw a kick. They’ll be out for a while. I grab S’s jaw, check with the torch to check for obstructions in the throat, then tilt his head up so the airway is straight* 
Hey  🌬-anon, love, can I borrow your mirror please? Just for a second, I need to check if he’s breathing. *collecting the small mirror, I angle it against S’s mouth, a small puff of condensation clouds the mirror. Thank goodness, I did not want to have to deal with that. I carefully pass the mirror back to  🌬-anon* Thanks, precious.
*Rolling S into the recovery position, I lock a cuff around their extended arm and secure it to the closest hook on the wall. (I can check for broken ribs when they wake) Even if he wakes up while I’m away, he won’t be able to do any more damage.*
*Peeling off the soiled gloves and chucking them back into my now near-empty med-bag, I turn to the group of now mostly patched anons.* Okay everyone, listen up. Thank you for all waiting so patiently, if I haven’t seen you yet, I will after I go upstairs to fix some hot food for all of you. How does that sound? I trust you all to behave while I’m gone, you were all so good so far, don’t let me down now, okay. 🦝-anon here’s your big job, okay you can move about, right, you’re allowed to? Okay, good, now so while I’m upstairs you’re going to keep an eye on 🐈‍⬛-anon and S for me okay. I don’t want you going near them, or touching them, or picking fights now. Just, if they start to wake up, or 🐈‍⬛-anon starts making noise, I want you to wait at the top of the stairs and call my name okay. And I’ll come down and sort things out myself, alright. Got that? Good job *ruffles hair* Okay everyone, play nice.
[ooc] part 2 soon! Feel free to respond or whatever and yeah! I had tremendous fun!
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Sometimes I'll just randomly spend a bunch of time wondering if aos!McCoy is going to have to deal with Xenopolycythemia. Like is it genetic so he'll always have it no matter the timeline or is it something that he got during his travels and since the timeline is so different he doesn't get it??
Also would this fall under something Prime Spock wouldn't interfere with or does he leave behind the cure just in case, would he even still remember it like a 100 years later??? What would even be the chance that they run into the Yonada in this new timeline, especially after Beyond where they may be spending all their time in the nebula.
Anyway I can not handle any scenario where he dies so he's fine <3 Maybe they just bring him back with Khan's blood so him and Jim can be twins
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musashi · 2 years
i literally love irl foreshadowing so much but the white haired anime boy uquiz honestly takes the fucking cake it is by far the funniest thing that has ever fucking happened to me
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hummingbirdvi · 2 years
I had a vision. Alt Link to view.
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passumstars · 6 months
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Fair's fair
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wisprvo · 9 months
This blog will just chronicle my life apparently
I'm like a sad little blob right now
Trying desperately to wear a smile for those around me
Hoping to god that they look at me and see someone strong, dependable, reliable
I just want people to like me dude
I want people to want to be me, but I don't think anyone wants to be me
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boxloonaer · 1 year
here have some doodles of a new oc i made
also the one on the bottom was a wip so yeah
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rafeandonlyrafe · 3 months
crimson red part two
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words: 1.3k
warnings: 18+ only!!!, DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT, NON/DUBCON, R*PE, M*RDER, stalker!rafe, branding, scaring, p in v sex, unprotected sex, knife kink, descriptions of blood
part one / part two / part three
you can practically feel rafes eyes on you. all day every day, no matter where you go, you know he’s not far. you try to go on with your normal routine, chest bandaged up underneath your shirt as you cringe, tugging at the scars as you attempt to reach the top shelf at the grocery store.
“here, i got it for you.” a tall man reaches up for you, grabbing the box of cereal and placing it in your hand.
“thanks so much!” you sigh with relief. you certainly don’t want to stretch your scars and cause them to start bleeding again.
“no problem.” he smiles at you. “i’m liam, what’s your name?” “oh, uh, y/n.” you also smile but he must get the vibe that you’re not really interested, giving you a nod before continuing down the aisle. liams handsome, but you won’t drag anyone into your life, not when rafe is knocking at your door every night. he doesn’t need to break in anymore, you gladly open it for him.
you finish your grocery shopping, wishing you would have gotten a chance to go earlier as you shiver, the cold air hitting your skin as you step out, still pushing your cart now filled with bags.
the setting sun guides you towards your car, making you realize that theres no streetlights as you squint to load your car, filling the trunk when you hear someone clearing their throat. you turn, expecting rafe.
“oh, hi.” you realize through the growing darkness that it’s liam.
“hello again.” his voice is deep, but nothing like the easy purr if rafes. “can i help you load your groceries?” you look to your cart, only a couple bags left.
“i’m almost done, but thank you.” you nod, turning back to your car, but you don’t hear his footsteps moving away on the pavement, instead there’s a scuff of a step forward. you keep your attention on your trunk, praying that he will get the hint and walk away. you hear a strangled gasp that has your eyes widening, turning quickly to see liams body crumple to the ground.
“oh my god, rafe!” you scream. rafe moves quickly towards you, pressing his palm against your mouth as your eyes widen.
“i told you to stay away from men. the only reason i don’t slit your throat too is because i heard you telling him to leave.” rafe moves his hand slowly, your chest still heaving up and down but now under more control.
you look from his blue eyes to liam, his eyes now completely lifeless and glazed over, red spilling from the cut on his throat.
“now let me help you.” rafe loads the rest of your groceries while you stand frozen. you let him move you, carefully take your hand and guide you to your passenger seat. realization doesn’t set in until rafe drivers you home, taking all your groceries in for you while you’re sat stunned in the car.
“come on inside.” rafe coos softly, his voice in contrast to the sharp blade inside the leather sheath hanging from his belt.
“oh my god.” your words whisper out before you scream the next ones. “you’re a murderer! you killed that guy!”
rafes hand is back over your mouth as you begin to struggle, trying to get away. you knew rafe was capable of terrible things, but you never expected for his obsession with you to go this far.
“shut up.” rafe grunts, letting out a shout when you bite at his palm, sinking your teeth in and pulling back, trying to hurt him even a little bit as much as he hurt you.
you manage to squirm away for only a minute before rafe is dragging you inside. “you made a serious fucking mistake!” rafe yells, tossing you over your shoulder as you resign to your fate, slumping forward. “going to show you what happens when you are a fucking brat.”
he throws you onto your bed, your body bouncing as he tugs your shirt off, not caring about the tears streaming down your cheeks. he rips your shirt in two pieces like it’s paper, so effortlessly it has your eyes widening, a reminder of his physicality, his pure strength.
“r-rafe.” you plead out, but he ignores your whimper of his name, grabbing your wrist and using your own shirt to tie it to the headboard. he rips your sports bra off next, again tearing it, causing your skin to burn from the sudden movement of the fabric. your other wrist is tied up next, so tight it makes you cry out.
“rafe, please, i’m sorry.” you lean forward, trying to convince him to stop. “i was just scared.” “you should be scared of me. i could fucking kill you and you act like such a brat. you should have waited for me to help you in the grocery store.” it’s ridiculous. all liam did was help you get something off the shelf, and rafe fucking murdered him for it.
“you’re right.” you nod. “just be gentle, please.” you plead, your cunt bruised and red from last night when rafe had you, shoved your face into your own mattress to soak up your tears as he tore your pussy apart.
“ill do whatever i want.” rafe peals the bandage back from your breast, tapping the scar in a shape of his first initial. “should i remind you that you're mine?”
you just whimper. you have nothing left to say, no dignity still inside as rafe tugs your pants off before undressing himself, placing his sheathed knife on your bedside table like always. a reminder, now a reminder stained with an innocent man's blood.
“my pretty little pussy.” rafe coos, fingers swiping through your folds. “she's so pretty i love her so much.” he bends down to kiss your clit before baring his teeth and biting down, making you cry out, back arching as you strain against the wrist restraints.
“did that hurt or did you like it?” rafe questions, kissing your clit again like he didn't just gnaw on it. “or both?”
you know he expects an answer, the way he's looking up at you impatiently. “both.” you hate admitting how much you like the effect rafe has on your body, but with his face in your cunt you know the rush of wetness would give it away anyways.
“good girl.” he hums. rafe picks your hips up, so used to manipulating your body as he shoves his hips forward, sinking his cock inside of you in one smooth motion.
“fuck, still so tight.” rafe grunts out, immediately setting a fast pace, cock stretching you out without remorse. the pain just amplifies your pleasure as you moan.
rafe is thankful that you have no close by neighbors with how loud the both of your are, his thrusts hard and punishing, one hand moving to pinch and pull at your clit, deciding not to be gentle as part of your punishment.
“p-please untie me rafe.” you whimper out.
“what, so you can just bite and hurt me again?” he shakes his head. “i don't think so.”
rafe groans as your cunt clenches around him, your hands gripping onto your ruined shirt, fingers starting to go numb from lack of blood flow.
“maybe i should just leave you tied up. maybe get some handcuffs and chains that way no man will ever flirt with you again.” rafes eyes stay on the scar on your chest. “maybe i should finish carving my name on you.”
“n-no. im yours, rafe. i know that.” you do. you thoroughly belong to rafe. even if he forgot about you, let you go free, stopped watching your every movement, you'll never be truly free. he's utterly wrecked you for anyone else to the point where you crave him.
with every thrust of his cock and tug of his fingers, you feel yourself breaking more. 
taglist: @drewstarkeyslut @forstarkey @f4ll-for-you @dilvcv @drudyslut @jjmaybankswifes-blog @rafescokenostril @jjsmarijuana @seeingstarks @angelofcigs @cece45450 @babygorewhore @vanessa-rafesgirl @michelleisheres-blog @outerbankspov @drewstarkeyswifehoe @cutielando @kamninaries @buckyswhxre @rafeinterlude @bellbottombaby @deeaardiary @rubixgsworld @wearemadeofstardust0 @leighbronk @starkeysheart @pradabambie @tobesolovelysstuff @alexiskirkland @rafestar @brioffthegrid @juniebugg @magicalyoura @cokepewpsii @mysticallystilinski @luvdella @aerangi @folklorsweet @yourenogoodforme @auryyz @mayhem-72 @thestarlithideout @marvelfanfics1recs @rafesgiirl
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rsmrymnt-tea · 2 years
Abt the vibe of your blog currently absolutely dark and sexy like the lil vip booths on a classy goth club but someone dropped a bunch of kitties and puppies there and now we gotta lower the music volume--
agdksha honestly too true 😭 i’ve got this theme of wine and blood and an icon where someone’s almost strangling herself but my posts are cute little mice and fluff >.< and me begging for an animal friend…
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tlouadditc · 8 months
take care of you.
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warnings: smut [MEN AND MINORS DNI!], kinda gross desc of injury, ellies a pervert LMAOOO, small argument. ??, lowkey rushed but idc, slight choking mention, filthy mouth ellie ™️, scissoring, no official dynamic?? idk
its the last couple of hours in your small infirmary. its dark and muggy, but finally quiet. your shirt, slightly unbuttoned, and sleeves rolled to the top of your forearms as you work through the thick air. the patrols had been getting attacked all day, and god, you never thought the day would end.. but here you were, putting the last couple of boxes of gauze.
suddenly, you hear footsteps, and a faint male voice. "c'mon, we're almost there," the voice says. the voice is accompanied by a slight pained groan. the door busts open, a limping auburn woman gripping onto a tall, young man. you immediately recognize the two: jesse and ellie, your best friends.
"hey," jesses breathes, setting ellie onto the tile floor. there's scuffs all over him, a small cut sitting next to his eye. "ellie was- huff- she got stabbed in her calf," he explains. ellie wriggles in pain, face scrunched up as she sinks into the floor. "she'll fuckin' bleed out if she doesn't get something. i really have to go but please, please take care of her. i know you're supposed to be leaving right now but everyone else is gone."
you sigh heavily before reluctantly nodding. "thank you, y/n." he looks back at ellie, "hey, take care. i'll see you later."
jesse leaves, door frantically slamming behind him. you set the bed again, a protective sheet laying against the firm mattress. you walk over to where ellie resides, a sympathetic expression written on your face. "c'mon, tough girl," you say, kneeling down and throwing your arm across your shoulders. "let's get you onto the bed."
she hisses in pain as she rises and lays her weight onto you. it's only a few steps before she's plopped onto the bed, crawling to the top to lay her head on the pillow. as she lays back, you see the blood seeping through her jeans. theres a dark, soaked hole where the knife went through on her right calf. you speak as you don your gloves; "this is gonna hurt but i just need to see how bad it is, m'kay?"
she nods, breath getting jagged as you push her jeans up to her knee. the sight is horrendous; it's almost as if her calf got ripped open. the blood is still seeping out of the medium sized gash. if the knife would've went any deeper, she would've died of blood loss. "my god," you whisper, still assessing the damage.
"is it that bad?" she asks, arms above her head.
"i-" you sigh and gather your thoughts. "it's bad, yeah, but with a few stitches, you'll be back in no time."
she sighs with relief. you start gathering materials and your gear. "gonna need you to either pull your pants above your calf or take them off completely," you say, focusing on getting the materials. while getting the needle ready, you hear ellie's shirt hit the floor. when you turn around, she's left in her black sports bra. her chest moves up and down as she heavily breathes.
"hot as hell in here," she explains, a slight chuckle following the statement. she attempts to take her pants off, stopping right above the gash. you help her completely remove them and leave her in only her sports bra and boxers. the sight alone has a pool left in your bottoms.
you breathlessly giggle, "i agree. they need to get that AC running."
you lay all the materials next to her, "just a warning, this is gonna hurt, okay?" she nods, grabbing the pillow from behind her head and placing it between the grip of her two toned arms. she bites the pillow, in case she needs to muffle her sounds.
as you slowly thread the needle through her skin, a groan fills the room. "s-sorry," she apologizes. you go through the other side of the gash, running the thread through her skin. a string of curses leave her mouth as you continue, sometimes even a moan escaping her lips. you try to keep a composed demeanor as you finish off, attempting to ignore the second heartbeat in your pants.
as you wrap the protective layers of gauze around the stitched skin, she whispers, "sorry for all this," she chuckles, sitting up. "it's okay," you respond. you're starting to put your materials back in the low cabinets of your room, bending over as you push a box to the back. you look back to grab another box, but instead, you catch ellie eyeing your ass. she tries to look away, but you're too fast. confused, you act like you didn't see anything.
after you're done cleaning, you let her know she'll need to stay off her right leg until she's completely healed and use crutches. "i think they already packed them up, so you can get them tomorrow."
an annoyed groan leaves her throat, "seriously?"
"sorry! you came in when literally everyone but me left."
she turns over, grabbing her shirt off the floor. "are you sure i can't just go home right now?"
she huffs again, now staring up at the ceiling. "can you at least take me home with you? i cannot stay here."
her frustration is apparent, her face heating up with anger with every second passing. somehow, even in the worse circumstance, she looks so.. flawless. her heavy breathing from the thick air and the sweat slowly dripping down her freckled skin only draw you in more and more.
"uh.. y/n?"
you realize you've been checking her out. not only that, but you haven't listened to a THING she's said. you attempt to recall what she's said, or at least find an excuse to why you were checking her out.
you clear your throat, "sorry, i, uh.. yeah, you can stay with me tonight."
"we're not passing the fact you were just eyeing me."
your face heats up, a wave of sheer embarrassment washing over you. as you turn away from her, you mumble, "like you weren't doing the same," only loud enough for you to hear. or so you thought.
"i'm sorry, what was that? speak up."
you don't know if it's the longevity of the day or the heat, but you're fed up. you spit back, "i saw you staring at my ass, ellie. i'm not fuckin' stupid."
her confident demeanor fades. it's almost as if she's shrunken down, small below you. "not so tough now, hm?" you tease.
she attempts to get up, but before she can place another foot down, you slightly push her back onto the bed. "uh-uh," you warn, "you can't walk on that. and you're not leaving this conversation."
"what the fuck is your deal?" she hisses, moving your hand off her shoulder. "i can limp home at this point. you're pissing me the fuck off."
"oh, you were just asking to stay with me, though? and you have some goddamn nerve to be mad at me when i just took my time and care to help you!" you and ellie are barely inches apart now, her hot breath fanning across your heated face.
ellie's eyes soften, searching yours. you do the same, and before you know it, your lips are on hers. soft and supple, the kiss says everything you both want to. she whimpers, like she's been yearning for this since forever. both of you explore each others bodies with your hands, ellie's cold hands caressing your tits under your shirt. she breaks the kiss, panting, smiling at your breathlessness.
"so much for being mad at me," she taunts. you smile, "shut up." looking at her boxers, a slight glistening shines underneath the overhead light. she follows your gaze, slightly blushing at how turned on she is. you say nothing, only running your middle finger across her slit as she gasps. her legs spread a bit, the damp crotch now exposed. "fuck," she whispers, now slightly humping your palm. so desperate, you think.
before you know it, both of you sit in your room, naked and sweating. you straddle between ellie's open legs, cunt to cunt. wet, squelches and moans fill the room, bouncing off the walls. ellie guides your hips as you hold onto the edge of the bed.
"fuuuck," she moans, fingernails digging into your hips. her eyes are locked in on the rocking of your hips against hers, your folds meeting with hers before moving forward again. her hips buck up, matching your rhythm. small whimpers and sobs leave your mouth. "keep goin', pretty girl, keep making those sounds for me," she coos, heavily breathing.
everything she's whispering to you is downright filthy; she knows how to push your buttons, getting you even wetter with every movement. "yea, grind that little pussy on me, c'mon," she's gripping your ass now, taking complete control over you. your legs shake, hips aching from the repetitive motion. "need you to cum, yes, please," she's begging now, huffing as she moves one hand from your hip to your neck, making your choke a little. "look at me while you bust on me, baby," she's so so so desperate, her eyebrows furrowing over her emerald eyes. your orgasm hits you like a bus, eyes tearing up, your choked moans getting louder and more drawn out. the wetness coats your inner thighs as well as ellie's crotch.
after a while of heavy panting filling the room, you attempt to get up, legs wobbly from your overbearing orgasm. she giggles, "now im not the only one not being able to walk."
"shut up," you laugh.
an; heyhey sorry for my fatass hiatus yall i am back i think! anyway hope yall enjoy + sorry anon for no tag i keep forgetting to respond to the asks..
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girlboybug · 1 year
Shades of Cool
“my baby lives in shades of cool, cold heart and hands of aptitude.”
or the one where joel can’t seem to stay away from you despite his efforts to. but it’s not like he tried very hard to begin with.
what’s playing 🎧 : shades of cool by lana del rey
pairing : joel miller x female!reader
word count : 9k
CONTENT WARNINGS : SMUT, creampie, breeding kink if u squint, oral f receiving, fingering, loss of virginity, virginity kink if u squint yet again, tummy bulge, unspecified age gap and joel kind of has a thing for it, unprotected sex, (pls wear a condom guys im just a mf on tumblr) multiple orgasms, a tad of overstimulation, allusions to male masturbation, dirty talk, pet names, mating press, prone bone, light dom/sub dynamics, reader def has some unresolved daddy issues mean!joel but theres some soft joel
TRIGGER WARNINGS : minor character death/reference to his death but he literally doesn't exist in the show i promise, canon-typical violence, mentions of blood, mentions of guns, implied/references to sexual harassment
a/n : this is my first time uploading to tumblr, forgive me if my layout is funky lol, anyways pls enjoy <3 read the second part here
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you swallowed hard when you saw joel making his way towards the alleyway you two routinely met up in. watching as he did his typical side to side glance, casual in presence but it was muscle memory for him to ensure the safety of his environment no matter it’s location or the mundaneness of it. 
you quite disliked the feeling that pricked your chest and quickly spread inside the cavity, overflowing up into your throat and drowning out any coherent thoughts in your mind whenever you saw joel. 
it was annoying. pathetic even. just a silly schoolgirl crush you hoped would go away in time. 
you put aside the fluttering feelings for later, and waved, catching his attention. he sent a curt nod, rubbing his palms together before pushing them into his denim pockets. “hey.” he greeted you, if you could really call it that. 
you took whatever you could get from him, so you smiled, parroting it back with a nervous politeness. 
“do you have the uh…” you trailed off, feeling embarrassed that you struggled to even verbalize what you were trading. 
he raised a brow, folding his arms over his chest, looking at you expectingly. “i got it. you got the rations?” he finished speaking for you and you nodded enthusiastically, hurriedly pulling out the thick wad of rations you worked your ass off for. 
he shut his eyes with exasperation for a few seconds before hovering his larger hand over the wad, miraculously dwarfing your own hand. “don’t wave it around kid, jesus,” he sighed, shaking his head while palming it and sliding it away into his back pocket. 
“sorry…” you muttered embarrassedly. 
he didn’t reply, and instead handed you a box, bright purple and pink and your gaze slowly rose up to his face with a slightly ajar mouth. “uh. joel.” you started, voice leading into an upward trail of confusion. 
“if i wanted tampons i could have easily gotten this myself.” you wanted to hide the slight irritation in your tone but he caught on to it, unfolding his arms to jab the top of the box with his index finger. “how about you open it smartass.” he instructed dryly, moving backward and refolding his arms. 
your eyes lingered on him tryingly for a few more seconds, huffing quietly to yourself before flipping the cardboard flap up. 
again. tampons. 
you tilted it towards him and he dragged his hand down his face tiredly. he dug his hand into the box, the tampons shoved to the sides, revealing a small pistol. 
your mouth fell open into a comical O shape, laughing in awe. “oh!” you giggled and joel stared at you blankly, already feeling a hankering for a straight shot of whiskey at the bright and early hour of 8:30am. 
“very creative.” you beamed and it seemed as though joel fought back a smile behind a glare. at least, you told yourself that. 
“just enough for gullible people.” he pushed at a button of yours, just a little, and you paused for a second, shooting him a playful glare. “whatever,” you exhaled through a quiet chuckle. 
“thank you joel, i appreciate the um. tampons, i was running low.” you played along with the bit and he rolled his eyes, nodding, already ready to go back home. 
“sure thing.” he was about to turn and walk out of the alleyway but something held him in his spot. 
he took in a deep inhale before making eye contact with you, rendering you back into your nervous state from when he first arrived. 
“why do you need a pistol? we’ve only ever traded for small things. why the sudden big order?” he has absolutely no clue why he’s asking you this, or rather, he has no idea why he’s letting himself ask this. 
he shouldn’t care. he doesn’t. 
you stiffened, straightening your back and holding the box to your stomach, hands cupping the bottom of it. “just to keep at my place. thought i’d feel safer with it.” you answered truthfully, making sure to not go further into detail. 
his squinted eyes stay on you for awhile, unsure of what you needed to feel safe from. “are you uh…in any trouble?” he asks and you feel a little excitement ignite in your lower belly. 
is he worried about you?
“no! no not at all, i just…i don’t know,” you try to laugh it off but the silence between you two just feels heavy instead. “why do you ask?” you question and he shrugged. 
“if you’re in trouble, i don’t need it somehow coming back to me. i got enough shit i need to worry about.” he answered and the bubble inside you popped and deflated almost immediately. 
“oh, well no need to worry about that. it’s nothing like that, you’ll be fine.” you decided to end the conversation there, a cold feeling of humiliation that prods at your shoulders and throat alerting you that it’s best to just walk away before you can say anything else that might make the situation more unbearable. 
“thanks joel.” you added, quickly making your way out the alleyway. “be careful with that thing.” he called out after you, and you feel the bubble slowly start to shamelessly inflate itself once more. 
maybe he does care. even if it’s just a little. 
you hid the box in the shoddy nightstand you had lugged up into your apartment from off the street one night, and exhaled lowly, pursing your lips. “this is good.” you stated to yourself. 
the whole reason why you wanted a gun, was kind of useless if you really put some actual thought into it. 
it really was just for the comfort of your mind, putting the nerves you had at ease. like a security blanket of sorts. 
fedra soldiers occasionally conduct inspections, making a mess of people’s homes to look for any contraband, firefly propaganda, weapons, anything that so much acts as an eyesore to them is grounds for permanent confiscation. 
there’s a specific solider that just makes you uncomfortable, makes your skin prickle up into sharp goosebumps and makes your stomach churn like dry gears rubbing up against each other. 
the way his eyes follow you around, rejoicing in his power over you and how you cowered away from him. 
they come in as pairs to inspect and even if they didn’t, he was still taller, stronger, heavily armed and trained and could kill you in front of a crowd of people and still face no consequences. so a singular witness wouldn't stop him from breaking the rules.
if anything, you’ve probably just put yourself in more danger carrying a weapon. but you felt that if you had it, you maybe had a fighting chance in case push came to shove. 
you collected yourself into your very depressing excuse of a bed, lifting the fraying crotched blanket over your body, pretending you were anything less than semi uncomfortable.
the next morning, you woke up with a slightly sore feeling that resided in just about every crevice of your body but you ignore it, as it’s a common thing to wake up to if you’ve got what basically feels like laying on a napkin as a bed, and using what feels like an even thinner napkin as a blanket. 
you readied yourself to participate in street clean up, since you had to take on more shifts than usual to make up for the hefty chunk of rations you gave to joel. 
a bandana resided around your nose, neatly but tightly tied behind your head, doing…definitely not enough to cover the stench of cleaning the sludge off the streets. 
"the fuck would i need coffee beans for asshole? hit me up when you’ve actually got good shit to trade.” you overheard two guys a few feet away from you bickering, your ears perking up at the mention of coffee beans. 
you remembered joel vaguely mentioning how he’d kill for a cup of coffee, and you agreed on that sentiment, even though you’ve never once had coffee.  the point being, he’d been out of coffee for awhile, unable to find anyone who has it, and you figured maybe scoring him a bag would be a nice sign of gratitude for the pistol. 
you pulled down your bandana, walking over to the guy once the other one walked off. “hi, um i didn’t mean to eavesdrop but i heard you have coffee beans? i’d be willing to trade for them.” 
“i don’t take kindly to nosy—“ he cut himself off mid sentence once he turned to look at you, his eyes dragging up and down your body and you wondered in that moment if it was worth the hassle of talking to this. thing. 
but then you thought of joel, and how maybe he’d smile at you, thank you with a tight bear hug and suddenly, it did all seem worth it. 
“yeah, yeah i’d definitely be happy to trade with you,” he grinned and you laughed, trying to hide your disgust with fake excitement. “great! what would you want for it? i have some spare shampoo bars, a pair of wool socks i was saving for winter, or—“ 
he cut you off this time, leaning into your space closer and you instinctively backed away. “i was thinking maybe something different.” he alluded to something that made cleaning up literal shit off the street seem a lot more pleasant. 
your face fell and you lifted up your bandana. “yeah, nevermind. thanks anyway.” 
you turned on your heel and he groaned, calling after you. “the socks…” he huffed, rubbing the side of his chin. “are they soft?” he mumbled, avoiding eye contact. 
you tugged down the bandana again, smiling brightly. “very!” 
you scheduled another meet up with joel, excited to gift him the bag of coffee beans. 
you were slightly sad to let go of the socks, your feet always got so cold in the winter and the nights were already starting to increase in frigidness, but it’s okay, you could always find another pair of socks again, but you didn’t know if you’d have another chance to pleasantly surprise joel like this. 
against joel’s typical judgment, he said to just stop by his apartment, feeling too tired to lug himself down into the alleyway again. 
but all you heard from that was he trusted you enough into his personal space. which, as much as joel would deny it, is true. 
he could clearly envision you apologizing to a fly for so much as being in its way, so inviting you over posed as nowhere near a threat. 
you knocked at his door, hiding the bag behind your back before he opened it. the wind got knocked out of you once more at the sight of him. he was very much older than you, easily the age of a man who could be your father, but that didn’t erase any of his attractiveness. 
in the deepest part of your subconscious, you knew that that’s what added onto it. 
“hi!” you chirped and he stepped to the side, widening his door to let you in. “hi.” he repeated, drier but, not unhappily. 
“what’d you wanna trade for again?” he asked, his hand rubbing the side of his stubbly jaw, and you had to look away, knowing you’d just watch him in silence if you didn’t. 
“actually,” you hummed, nearly bursting at the seems with glee. he watched you curiously, unaware of the slight smile on his face as he watched you tip toe closer with your hand still behind your back. 
“i didn’t come by to trade. i got you a gift!” he rested his palms behind him on the small table, his broad shoulders seeming even broader now and you wanted to run your hands across the expanse of them. 
“a gift?” he asked, breaking you out of your trance. he sounded genuinely shocked, almost unable to believe you. “mhm!” you nodded, a smile still etched on your features. 
“close your eyes, and open your hands.” you instructed, and he tilted the side of his head to you, wordlessly saying really? 
you nudged your chin, motioning for him to listen, your way of replying with yes, really.
he eyed you before shaking his head, standing up straight and closing his eyes, his palms bared out for you, muttering a quiet, i have no idea why i’m listenin’ to you. 
you plopped the bag of coffee into his hands, sing songing a soft “now open!” 
he opened his eyes, his lips parting in awe. he laughed out of disbelief, and your heart soared with joy as you saw him smile, and widely at that. 
“kid…you…why? i mean, god, thank you, but why?” he asked and you shrugged, rocking back and forth on your heel to your toes. “take it as a thanks for my pist-i mean tampons.” you joked and he chuckled, shaking his head and putting the beans down onto the table. 
“well, thank you, that’s mighty kind of you.” he looked downward at you, and you looked back up at him, trying to memorize the way his lips were curled, the sweet lines by his eyes and the way he just seemed so happy by such a small act of kindness. 
“no biggie!” you replied, and he darted his eyes away for a moment before turning back to you. “do you know how to use your gun?” he asked and you felt your face grow hot with slight embarrassment. 
“uh. i mean you just aim and pull the trigger right?” you asked honestly and he blinked a few times before shaking his head. “okay so you don’t.” and you squinted at him. “i could teach you. get you some extra bullets too.” he remedied the half joking comment with his offer and you perked up. 
“yeah? you would?” you asked excitedly and he nodded. “‘course. you just went from tolerated, to slightly more tolerated in my book. so i’m gonna help you not accidentally shoot yourself in the foot.” 
you didn’t like how you actually felt a twinge of sadness at his obvious joke about only tolerating you. he was kidding, but sometimes it was hard to tell because he had the same monotone, slightly annoyed at everything everyone has to say, kind of voice. 
and you were a sensitive person, and even the most harmless jokes could manage to sting you. 
“well jeez aren’t you sweet.” you complimented with sarcasm. joel threw on his flannel, ignoring your comment. you stepped aside while he made his way to the door. 
“you comin?” he looked at you, opening the door behind him, waiting for you to follow. you turned around to look behind you stupidly, then back to him. “what?” you asked confusedly and he fought the urge to roll his eyes and take back his offer. 
“we’re gonna start now.” he inclined his head out the door, motioning for you to come along. and who were you to decline doing anything with joel. 
joel was here. in your apartment. in your space, in your air. he was sitting on your bed, the place where you’d occasionally, frequently shove your fingers into places you just knew joel would be able to reach with no effort. 
he ran his fingers over the barrel of the gun, drumming against its ridges and for a moment you felt a bit envious over the literal inanimate object. 
“cmere,” he patted the space next to him, waiting for you to be seated so he could get started. 
with wobbly legs you made your way to him, smoothing over your jeans in an attempt to secretly wipe away your clammy palms. 
“show me how you hold it.” he placed it in your hands and it felt foreign to the touch. it was heavier than you expected it to be but you tried to conceal your inexperience by holding it the way you’ve seen others handle their firearms. 
you pointed it at the door, pretending that soldier was in front of you, finger on the trigger and hands at the bottom of it, supporting your grasp. 
he observed your hold, a low hmm coming from the back of his throat. “not terrible.” he adjusted your hands, your skin latching onto his heat, claiming it as yours as his body hovered around your side. 
“how’s that feel?” he asked and you cleared your throat, blinking a few times and avoiding his close stare. “it uh, it feels better.” you answered and he clicked his tongue, nodding curtly to himself. 
“alright. now, when you run out of bullets, the magazine at the bottom might drop out but if it doesn’t, you’re gonna take it out and reload, you wanna be fast if you’re in the middle of, well whatever situations got you needing to pull out a gun.” there was a slight cadence of a joke in his gun lesson 101, and it made a giddy feeling return to your tummy. 
he reached in his back pocket, pulling out what you assumed he meant by magazine. 
he explained the logistics of your newly owned weapon, trying to use terms you’d be able to follow along with, not unaware of how you were watching and listening intently, hanging on to every word he spoke. 
you were too damn obvious. 
you saw more of joel after that, bumping into him in places you usually didn’t see him, yet seemingly excited every time you met. 
his aloof stare slowly turned softer when it landed on you, maybe it never changed at all but to you it definitely felt different. 
he swore it was you that had been following him, an air of playfulness in his accusations of you stalking him, but really it was him. 
he unable to admit to himself that he  wandered around the areas he knew you were usually found in, wanting to scold you for having such an easy routine to follow but he kept it to himself. 
he watched you walk beside him, taking in the sights of the town, wondering how you could possibly appreciate the hellhole that surrounded you all. 
“so how’s the coffee? any good?” you asked, turning back to look at him, feeling a hushed breath pause in your throat once you saw he was already looking at you. 
a peek of a smile ghosted over his face. “it’s good. i, i appreciate that you did that. i hope you didn’t have to trade too much for it.” guilt resided in him at the thought of you having to give more than you had just for coffee beans. he felt he wasn’t worth all that effort. 
you shook your head, laughing lightly at the memory of the trade. “no no don’t worry, just a pair of socks. they were these brown wool socks that were so soft, so i’d say it was a pretty fair trade.” 
“i’ll be on the look out for a pair like that then.” he was already figuring out who he could trade with to get you another pair of socks. “no it’s okay you don’t have to it’s-“
“hey,” his voice felt rich, calling your attention back to him. your chest went tight. “yeah?” you whispered back. 
“shut up. i’m gettin’ the socks.” there was a backbone of sternness in his lighthearted promise.
you sucked on your bottom lip through a grin before you spoke again.
“i have a confession.” you exhaled, feigning dramatics and he tilted his head towards you, watching you with worried eyes. “yeah?” 
“i lied. i’ve never had coffee before.” you lowered your head with faux shame and he gasped, shaking his head with disapproval. he paused for a moment, then turned around. 
you caught up with him, holding onto his arm, feeling hot at the taut feeling of his limb, and how he didn’t push you off. he just peered down at you, keeping you there with him. “jeez i didn’t think you’d take such offense to that,” you breathed out through a chuckle. 
“inexcusable. you’re tryin it when we get home.” the twang in his accent was something so attractive, and it only had you feeling more and more willing to do whatever he wanted. you’d drink acid if he asked of it from you in that deep southern drawl. 
you two walked back to his place, shedding a layer out of many, holding onto it as you trailed in behind him. 
he glanced over at you, then your coat. “set it down somewhere, you can have a seat.” he pointed at the round table and you quietly thanked him, hanging your coat over the back of the chair before sliding it out and sitting in it. 
“i remember you have a sweet tooth. damn near talked my head off about trading for a bag of hard candies a few months ago, so i reckon you’d like it sweet.” he mostly talked to himself when he said that, fondly remembering the way you rattled on about how you were craving for caramel drops. 
“you remember that?” you were just about swooning, unable to hide it even when joel walked back over to you, two mugs in each hand of his. “how could i not? you never let me forget it.” he set the mug down in front of you, sipping at his as he leaned back into the chair in front of you. 
you picked it up, hugging the warmth of it with your palm. you took a light sip, your eye shutting, a low quiet moan leaving your lips from around the mug once the taste landed on your tongue. 
joel stirred in his seat at the sound, busying himself with drinking from his cup to avoid making any kind of facial expressions. 
“joel,” you crooned and he felt weak. “you like it?” he asked, his lips still curled over the rim of his mug. “it’s so good, i understand why you like it so much.” 
“well, i don’t make it as sweet as that, but yeah, coffees good. not a lot of people agree.” he shrugged and you set your mug down in front of you. “can i taste yours?” 
he slid it to you and you lifted it, tasting it and almost immediately wanting to spit it out. you quickly gave it back to him, sipping the sweeter coffee to cleanse your offended palette. 
“yeah, that tastes like shit, i don’t know how you drink that.” you smacked your tongue against the roof of your mouth, the burnt taste not quite leaving you just yet. 
he rolled his eyes, taking a loud obnoxious slurp. “my tastebuds are just mature.” 
“mature for what? shit? once you hit a certain age do just you grow accustomed to crappy tasting things?” you were dipping into a more casual way of speaking to joel, causing his gaze that rested on you to turn into a view of amusement. 
“rich comin’ from the kid who still eats like she’s 5.” he rested his arm against the back of his chair, and you expired, feeling a bit defensive of being called a child. 
“i’m not a kid.” you muttered and he chuckled. “alright.” he agreed in sentiments but not in actuality. 
breaking the comfortable silence that filled the room you and joel shared, a loud bang rang from against the door. joel slid from out his chair, hurriedly pacing towards the door. 
before he could even open it, you already knew it was one of fedra’s soldiers. things were starting to feel a little too lax, it was only a matter of time until they came knocking down doors again. 
your throat went dry, stomach cinching with anxiety once he stepped inside, the same soldier that had you saving up your rations week after week to be able to afford the pistol from joel. 
his eyes flickered between you and joel, scoffing to himself. “what’s this?” he asked you, ignoring joel who stood right in front of him. 
“nothing.” you answered, intimidation and fear already prickling at your skin and racing down your spine. 
joel stood in front of you, shielding you away from him, and slowly, the fear lifted itself itself away from you, but not fully. not while he’s still here. 
“aren’t there usually two of you who do these searches?” joel questioned, watching as the solider jabbed at various things of joel’s with the tip of his rifle. 
“partners out sick. so y’all get the pleasure of havin just me.” he flashed an ugly grin at you, bending to the side to see your uncomfortable face behind joel’s back. 
he walked around, haphazardly lifting and tossing things about. 
“oh?” he bent down, squatting by joel’s bed. “what’s this?” he waved around a baggy full of white powder. joel stiffened, his nostrils flaring in anger. 
“that’s not mine and you know it.” and surprisingly it actually wasn’t. 
joel had just sold the last of his pills to a sad sap unable to sleep without them, and that was a month ago. the asshole was planting drugs on him. 
“this is not only grounds for confiscation but imprisonment. tough spot you’re in miller.” joel exhaled angrily from a quiet ragged breath. 
“unless,” he came up to you, pushing past joel to cup your chin. “she wants to, convince me why i shouldn’t take you down for this contraband.” you flinched from his touch but it only made him hold on tighter. 
joel snatched his wrist away, stepping back in front of you. “you don’t have to involve her. what do you want? rations, half of my next haul? what?” he gritted and the solider just laughed. 
“you think i don’t have easy access to all that? i want something you can’t easily trade for.” he leaned to the side, waving at you. 
joel pushed him backward, triggering the response of a rifle being shoved in his face. joel didn’t so much as waver, grabbing the neck of the firearm, pointing it away from him while his foot came and rammed down onto the front of his shin, successfully knocking him down with a loud wail of pain. 
it happened so fast all you could do was sit and watch, frozen in place as joel lost himself on top of the solider, pounding and pounding and pounding his fists in relentlessly, not stopping despite the ache trickling over across his knuckles. 
you heard a sick squelch followed by cracking noises and you knew that should’ve made you fear joel. it should’ve made you run out the door and never look back. but it did the opposite. you never wanted to stay more. 
you watched with wide pupils as he rose up from the beaten and bloodied solider, breathing hard and loud, stumbling upward to a leant stance, staring at the lifeless solider on his wood floors. 
he wiped his nose with the clean, unbloodied slate of his forearm, before dropping it back to his side to lean forward and spit over the body. 
he turned back to you, scanning your face for any hurt, fear or disgust. 
but there was none. 
before you could say anything, he spoke aloud his thoughts. “i gotta get rid of the body.” 
“do you need help?” you extended a hand willing to assist and joel shook his head a hard no. “you saw enough, you don’t need to see more. i’ll be back.” 
you stood up, pressing a hand to his chest, looking at him with watery eyes. he wanted to wipe them away from you, but he couldn’t. not with the blood that was already starting to cake under his nails. 
“joel i want to help.” you admitted, soft voice trembling and joel leaned forward, his face close to yours. “you should probably go sweetheart, you don’t need to get wrapped up further in this.” his words traveled along the coast of a gentle but solid whisper. 
“i don’t want to go.” your voice barely carrying itself loud enough as a reply, eyes following joel’s actions of walking away from you to roll up the soldier in a thin fraying carpet. 
“you should.” is all he said, walking out the door with a body dragging behind him. 
you went against any logical thought process whatsoever and stayed. you decided you’d make yourself useful, feeling as though the events that continually replayed in your head felt like your fault. 
you sat on your knees, scrubbing at the blood that had already set in the floors. 
you scrubbed until it hurt, and you kept going despite the fact. you dunked the scrubber into the bucket of soapy water turned brown, squeezing the excess onto the floor before rubbing it in. 
the door clicked open and your head whipped towards it, heart leaping in your chest once you saw joel stumble in. 
“hi.” you breathed and he looked at you with surprise. he saw the work you busied yourself with, locking the door before making his way to you. “what’re you doin’?” he asked gently, yet again in shock at how unabashedly kind you were to him. 
“didn’t want the blood just sitting here on your floors. ‘least i could do since it’s my fault that all happened.” you sniffled, feeling guilty at what had transpired. though the guilt was there, a sense of gratitude was even larger. 
he did that, for you. 
he bent down to catch your watery gaze. “no, no that was not your fault. just got a little carried away. ‘don’t want you thinkin’ that you had anything to do with my choices, okay?” he leaned to the side, catching your eyes that were avoiding his. “okay?” he repeated, waiting for you to say it back to him. 
“okay.” you mouthed just below a whisper. he took the bucket and the scrubber, walking to the sink. you of course, trailed behind him. 
he lifted his sleeves, turning on the faucet to rinse off the dried blood on his hands. 
he picked at under his nails, scraping the blood off wherever he saw it. which was, every inch of his hands. 
his body faced back to you, his now cleaned hands picking up yours, seeing specks of blood and dirt splattered on your hands from cleaning his floor. 
he washed you clean, and all you could do was admire him. how gentle he was taking care of you. he rinsed your skin clear of blood, drying you up and letting your hands rest back to your sides. 
“i’m sorry you had to see that.” he apologized, feeling ashamed of how little he was in control of his anger in that moment. 
you shook your head, hands shakily resting on his chest. “no, i don’t want you to be sorry.” you murmured, eyes landing on his lips. you swallowed back any fears that held you back from showing your affections any longer. 
you leaned forward, pressing your lips to his. with a pleasant surprise, he kissed back, no hesitation in his actions. his hold fell to your waist, squeezing, pulling you into him. 
he took in your air, and you gave it to him, happily, willing to offer it in all its abundance. your hand rose to his cheek, palm resting over his beard. his thumb rested on your chin, rubbing it softly. 
he forced himself to pull away, his hands selfishly unable to remove themselves from your waist. “sweetheart this isn’t a good idea. you’re too young, and i’m not a good man. i think i just showed you that.” he tried to warn you, hushed and gently, with honest intentions of keeping you away from something you’d regret being involved with. 
but the only thing you’d regret is never being with him. 
“i’m not, and i don’t care what you do joel, i want you, all of you, want you so bad,” you all but whimpered, trying to press yourself against him more. 
he was a greedy man at heart, pulling you back up for a harder kiss. there was a hot hunger that was electric between you two, a burning ignition that pulled you two in, tying an in separable twine amidst your bodies. but neither of you ever had any intentions of undoing it anyways. 
he held the side of your cheek, the other traveling from your lower back to your ass, squeezing it hard, using his grip to pull you in closer, grinding up against you right there. 
you were so needy for him that it rattled your bones. a wet clicking noise elicited from your mouths, tongues brushing up together messily. your chin dribbling with saliva. 
you moaned in his mouth, feeling the hand that was on your cheek move to hold you by the back of your head, his tilting to kiss you deeper. 
he untangled your lips, keeping himself not even an inch away, just to share the breath between you two. your tongue flicked over his lips, biting down on the bottom one before lurching forward for him once more. 
he groaned in your mouth, lifting his hand to come down and spank your ass. you whined, back arching and crotch brushing up against his. 
you two stumbled towards his bed, your back falling into the mattress. he crawled on top of you, ridding himself of his boots and you of yours. 
his knee rested on one side of your hip, the other coming between your thighs. your chest rose up into his, your back lifting off the sheets and hands coming up to paw at his chest. 
without any reservations, you rubbed against his knee, struggling to kiss him back. “feel good little girl?” he sounded gruff, strained voice trying it’s best to not moan at the way your wet little cunt managed to create a wet spot on his knee. 
“so good joel,” you gaped, kissing his neck desperately. 
“shouldn’t be touchin’ you like this, sweet little thing like you gettin handled by someone like me,” he breathed through a series of heavy pants, his hands wandering all along your sides, your hips, your thighs. 
“don’t want anyone else but you.” you whimpered truthfully, holding his wrist and guiding his hand to your chest, right above your heart. you let it drift to the left, shuddering when he squeezed your breast. 
he kissed your pulse, teeth baring out against it. he rested his hand on your lower belly, rubbing the skin under your tank top. “can i touch you?” he whispered, his beard tickling the space just below your ear. 
you nodded, running your hands all along his strong back. “please,” you bucked your hips upward, begging with not only your words but your body. 
he exhaled out a quiet chuckle, fingers working to undo your jeans, tugging them down until they were forgotten on the floor. 
he dipped down beneath your underwear, his cock throbbing in his boxers at how wet you were. so soaked it was pathetic. he hadn’t let his hand drift down to the sweet place between those thighs of yours til then, and yet you were as wet as if he had his tongue pressed up against you. 
actually, that’s not a bad idea.
he circled around your clit, watching as you revealed in it, his fingers being thicker than yours, making the sensation all the more intense. 
“joel,” you repeated his name, voice wavering in breathy gasps, his fingers rolling the sensitive button of yours. he slipped a finger inside you, eyes peering up and watching as your back rose just a little, hips pressuring downward and further onto his finger, taking him all in. 
“so soft,” he murmured, lowering himself to press a kiss to your hip. he rolled his hips into the mattress, trying ease the pressure building up beneath his jeans. 
he was too turned on, this young pretty girl he’s had his eye on for a year was sprawled in his bed, soft and soaked cunt all ready and pliable just for him and him alone. 
he could die a happy man. 
his lips encircled your clit, tongue drawing around it while he pressed into a familiar spongy spot within you. 
you sucked in a sharp gasp, the sweet sound turning into a high pitched whine. “please,” you sobbed, hands flying down to keep his head in place. 
he fucked you with his fingers, curling right up against the spot that was making you dizzy, his tongue and lips working perfectly on your little clit. 
tears flowed down your face and on his pillow, your hand coming up to your mouth trying to lessen the volume of your cries. 
“j-joel, please i,” unable to formulate any sentences, you just gave up, giving in to your moans. 
the way you squeezed around his fingers, sucking him with greed and need, made him wonder how that’d feel around his cock when he’d get to finally shove it in you. 
he growled at the thought, sucking hard around your clit. you whimpered, pushing down onto his tongue more. 
“s’too much, i cant, i,” your head rolled around his pillow, his scent, his touch, his tongue suffocating you in the most heavenly way possible. 
you squirmed in his hold, unable to escape his grip, unable to escape the way his tongue pressed flat and hard up on your clit. his beard brushed up against your thighs, pulling a giggly moan from you. 
“perfect little pussy,” he grunted, kissing your clit before dragging his tongue slowly, up and down languidly. 
he rested his forearm over your lower tummy, pressing hard and feeling the corner of his lips perk at the way you gasped, shuddering loudly and trembling in his mouth at the action. 
“joel, i think i’m—ooh,” you spoke tearfully, poor little throat already getting hoarse from crying out his name. 
“feels good huh baby,” that little twang in his deep voice curled off his words just right. all you could do was whimper a shaky sogood joel s’good. 
his finger pressed up against that spot inside you, his tongue on your clit being the sweetest cherry on top of the tooth rotting sundae. 
you were cumming, hiccuping his name unashamedly. your plush thighs coming around to cage him in, to which he paid no mind to, if anything it excited him, his rough hands gripping your ass and pulling you deeper into his mouth. 
the wind up deep inside you finally released, flickering flashes of burning hot lights spread across your limbs, slowly fizzling out as you went limp in his bed. 
he didn’t let up however, his tongue grown addicted to the way your perfect clit felt on the wet muscle. 
you whimpered, struggling to push him away from your cunt. it was just too good and he hadn’t had enough yet. 
“joel n-no more s’too much,” you pleaded weakly, and he took slight pity, pressing one last kiss before rising back up to you. 
he pressed his fingers to your lips, groaning quietly with approval at the way you took them in with no verbal orders needed. 
you were so good for him, his sweet little girl. 
he pulled them out, resting on your plump bottom lip before moving it out the way to kiss you. you moaned deeply into his mouth, bringing your arms around him, hands traveling up to his hair. 
his salt and peppered hair felt soft, weaved through your gentle fingers. you lightly tugged on it, feeling mischief in your veins at the ministration. he growled, biting down on your lip and laughing as you yelped. 
he held your jaw, pressing hard kisses all along your face, speaking stilly, his inflection so deep, so masculine, so old and wise, had you hypnotized, his words that were reserved for your ears only, were something you’d cradle to yourself forever. 
“told myself i wouldn’t crack, i wouldn’t have you like this, you’re too young, you don’t know what you want, but fuck,” he dragged his fingers up your folds, chuckling to himself at the way you whimpered, curling into his touch immediately. 
“now that i got you, ‘fraid i can’t let you go sweetheart. i’m a selfish man at heart.” he admitted, kissing your jaw. you just about exploded in that moment. you had no idea he felt the same for you as you did him, and it was the most powerful, enlightening feeling you’ve ever felt. 
“i’m selfish too,” you whispered back, puckering your lips to kiss him. “didn’t let anyone else touch me but you. just wanted you,” you looked up at him from under your eyelashes, unaware to how that little admission made the precum collecting at his tip leak out even more. 
his grasp on your hip tightened, squeezing it as he buried his face in your neck. “fuck baby, gonna give this old man a heart attack sayin’ things like that.” 
your shaky hands went for his belt, tugging on it with need. “want you joel, please?” you begged, lips pressed to his ear. he didn’t need to be begged any more, he undid his belt with one hand, pulling it off his waist, letting it join the pile of your discarded jeans and boots. 
before he could take himself out, your hands found themselves under his flannel, desperate and anxious to see what he’s been concealing away from you. “off, please,” and he wanted to say no, feeling not as proud in his physique as he once was about 20 years ago. 
“nothin special to see baby,” he countered and you shook your head. “it’s you. it’s special to me.” you suspired airily, already feeling your tummy get tight at the thought of him hovering above you, shirtless. 
he took in a deep breath, letting you unbutton his flannel. 
you undid each button, trying your best to not rip them clean off despite your rushing efforts. you slid it off his body, exhaling in awe at the sight in front of you. 
you sucked on your bottom lip, hands traveling across his broad shoulders, fingers tracing his collarbones, dragging around the scarred areas from past wounds, admiring the few freckles on his chest that trail up to his shoulders. 
he watched you, never having felt so admired before. “enjoyin’ yourself baby?” he teased, his thumb rubbing over your chin. 
“mhm,” you nodded, not caring how it looked to be gawking at him. 
you could feel the muscle from the layer of life and age over his stomach, your eyes then falling to the bulge of his biceps, instantly growing obsessed, squeezing at the muscles. 
“you’re so beautiful joel.” you spoke with such true sincerity and he tittered quietly, shaking his head. “thank you baby,” 
your wandering hands finally fell to his jeans, undoing the button and zipper, eager to see what else he’d been keeping away from you. 
he let you, more than ready to feel your touch in the place he craved the most. he was tired of having to fuck his calloused fist, trying hard to pretend it was your cute hand touching him. 
you pulled him out, feeling your jaw go slack at the length of it all. “jesus joel,” you swallowed hard, steadily jerking him off, feeling slightly unsure if you’re doing it right. you were telling the truth, when you said you’d never let anyone touch you, too hopelessly in love with joel to even imagine allowing anyone to see you in the way he’s got you. 
he grunted, unintentionally bucking his hips into the tunnel of your hand. he was thick, heavy in your clutch, veins running along the side of it, his tip round and fat, almost red with droplets of precum leaking out. 
“gonna show you what those little boys could never give you,” he promised, and you believed him, gazing at the way he reluctantly pulled away from your hold, knowing if he let you stroke him any longer he’d cum all over your hand. 
he circled your clit with the head of his cock, shuddering a semblance of a breathy moan at the sensation. “gonna be a bit of a stretch baby, tell me if it’s too much okay? i’ll try to go slow.” he kissed his promises of gentleness into your temple. 
he inched in, hands around either side of your head, foreheads pushed together while your mouth fell open, sucking in all the air in the room. the stretch was very unfamiliar, but not unwelcomed.
you held onto his shoulders for support, grasping onto them tightly, pretty plump trembling lips crying out moans that would replay in joel’s head on lonely nights. you felt fuller than you ever have before joel was even fully inside you. 
he was nudging up against spots in you that you had no idea could feel so good, and if he angled his hips any higher, the fat head of his cock would be kissing your cervix. 
“can barely fit myself in ya’ baby,” he groaned, head falling from your forehead to bury itself in your neck, kissing your hot skin to try to calm him down before he lost control and rammed himself inside you. 
your calves rested on his hips, whimpering while trying to lift yourself up in an attempt to get him to push himself further in. 
“more joel, please?” your pleas were accompanied by sponged kisses just below his ear. “gonna take it all for me baby?” he questioned you, inching in just that much deeper, and you shut your eyes, nails already beginning to crescent themselves in his back. “mhm, gonna take it all,” you swore, more than eager to have him fully within you, as close as could be. 
he jutted his hips in, knocking the wind out of you. you bit down on his shoulder, whining a drool filled mess with the way he started to fuck you, rough hardened hands molding softly around the curves of your waist. 
he was bathing in the way your little cunt took him in, squeezing around him so good just like he knew you would. he took his time, rocking into you in and out, holding your shaking body close to him. 
you could feel every ridge and vein in you, hooked onto the way he filled you up, stretching you beyond belief, making you bounce upward with every movement. 
his hands slid down over the smooth skin of your thighs, widening them further open before pushing them up, growing impatient, achingly hungry to be deeper in you. you struggled for air at his fast actions, eyes immediately rolling back at the way he began to fuck into you. 
“can’t help myself, m’sorry baby, pussy’s too good, shit,” a gruff sigh of relief leaving his mouth at the way you took him in. you didn’t care, you were thrilled to take whatever he gave you, and however hard he saw fit. 
“feels s’good, feel so full,” you cried, translucent tears free falling, the aggressive pistons of his hips causing your swollen clit to ache, begging to be touched. 
“feel me right here huh baby?” he rubbed over the bulge in your tummy and you squealed, wriggling away from the overwhelming stimulation. “ha,” you strung out, arching up into him. 
“yeah, you do,” he taunted breathlessly, loving how you were a wreck beneath him. “in so deep joel,” you mumbled against his shoulder and he kissed your hair, nodding knowingly. “i know babygirl but you’re takin me so well,” he praised, feeling so proud of his sweet girl taking his cock like a pro. 
“never gonna let anyone see you like this?” he pressed deep there, corners of his lips curling when you weep, squeezing at his biceps. “never gonna let anyone have you like this?” you shook your head, sobbing a string of no joel no, never, just you.
“perfect, tight fuckin’ cunt is all for me, aint sharin’ with no one,” he held you by the back of your thighs even further, stressing how serious he was, set on fucking himself into your soaked hole until there was a permanent shape of him within you. a shape no man could ever fit into. 
sobs of uncontrollable pleasure were the only thing you could feel in your veins, pumping your blood full of dopamine. his balls tightened, hitting the fullness of your ass, and he let himself grow sporadic, let himself take you. his fingers found your desperate clit, chuckling to himself when you croon tearfully, thanking him pathetically for touching you. 
“can i cum, please?” your requests only made him twitch inside you, his sweet girl was so polite. “go ahead baby, let it out,” he leaned down to kiss you, swallowing up your moans and cries. 
your body jerked under him, the tight vice of your cunt gripping onto him while he rubbed over your clit, pulling out the second wave of an orgasm from you. 
you broke apart from his lips, still just a breadth of a gasp away from them, brushing up against the ghost of a kiss as you pressed your forehead to his, sobbing his name while your body trembled from how hard you were cumming.  
“shit,” he slammed a hand against the wall above your head, shoving himself impossibly further in you, your legs shaking on either side of him. “good fuckin’ girl, squeezing me so goddamn good,” he fucked you through your orgasm, kneading over your breasts, groping at them and pinching at your pebbling nipples. 
you fell limp, letting yourself drown in the unraveling lengths of your climax. 
“gonna cum baby, where d’you want it?” he asked, feeling his lower stomach start to tighten up. “inside, wanna feel all of you,” you whined, kissing all along his shoulder and collarbones, messy and ravenous. 
his face fell to the crook of your neck, biting down on your soft flesh when he came, impaling you once, twice, ending it with one last hard thrust as he came in you, pumping you full of his cum. 
he didn't feel himself soften inside you, but with each of the passing minutes he decided he’d better pull out then or else he’d never leave. you winced from the removal, arms coming around to hold him with a clinginess.
he collapsed on top of you, and you sighed contently, the full weight of him resting on you could’ve honestly sent you into the deepest nap you’d ever have.  
you felt his cock, still hardened on your thigh. with sleepy eyes you looked up at him, lips on his stubbly jaw when you spoke. "you're still hard," you murmured. his fingers drew up and down your spine, and you shivered, arching yourself into him.
"that's okay, it'll go down soon." his throat got tight when he felt you wrap your hand around him once more. "we don't...have to ignore it." you trailed off, bitten lips pressing delicate kisses laced with ulterior motives into his tanned skin.
you wanted joel to use you as many times as he wanted to, a new compulsion flowing rampantly in your veins. now that you had finally gotten a taste of joel, you wanted to gorge yourself on him.
"you sure you can take it?" he asked through a hushed breath of arousal. you nodded, kissing at his lips with need.
he didn't need to be told twice, he repositioned you, letting you fall back onto his pillow with him hovering above you. he rolled you onto your stomach, holding you by your hip to lift you just enough for him to shove his flannel right against your cunt.
his rough palms encased your ass, groping at the thick flesh. he dipped down, spreading your ass and watching as his cum poured out of you. he groaned quietly to himself. you whimpered, turning to look over your shoulder as joel pushed his fingers inside, shoving his cum back into you. your chin dropped, face falling back into his pillow when he pumped his fingers inside you, chuckling darkly to himself at the way your ass squirmed against him.
every little swivel your hips made was met with friction from his flannel on your clit. the hem of it just so happened to be pressed right there. he slapped his cock over on your ass, exhaling loudly at the way it jiggled from his actions.
he aligned himself once more with your little hole, pushing himself in with ease due to the slick left from a mixture of his cum and yours. you whined, hands flying backward, desperate for any solace from his hands in yours. he held your wrists at the small of your back with one hand, the other supporting his weight to lean forward when he pushed himself all the way inside you. you cried out, his name falling out of your mouth like a mantra, your legs trembling beneath him.
he was in you so much deeper this way, stretching you out more than you thought he already could. his hips snapped up against your  ass, fully within you and hitting every single tingly spot inside you along the way.
you were already out of breath, your lungs and brain vacant of anything except for him, for joel. "feel you in my tummy," you hiccuped, tilting your head to look at him through teary eyes. he breathed out a lazy, cocky laugh, moving forward to kiss your forehead, unintentionally shoving his cock in even deeper, feeling a sense of pride at the way you gasped and whimpered at the deep intrusion.
"i know huh baby?" he chuckled in your ear, and you shivered, feeling your face grow warm from how flustered he made you feel. he was so dirty, any filters he once had were gone, the tight grip your cunt had on his cock made him downright ruthless.
he pressed his hands at your lower back, letting yours fall free to cling onto his sheets. he held you down that way, fucking into you with a newfound source of energy, his grey hairs falling over his forehead, sweat glistening over the ripples of muscles along his biceps and abdomen, his whole being going into pounding himself into you.
he wanted you to be so full of him that everyone would know it just by looking at you. the possessiveness he tried to suppress for so long had come out, and he wasn't sure if he could go back to hiding it again. but that wasn't on his mind, not when you were clenching around him, sobbing his name loud enough for everyone outside to hear.
his grunting fell to your ears, it was near pornographic, including the way you bounced with each and every thrust of his, just watching it made his chest get tight.
he needed you closer.
he pulled you back up from under your arms, keeping you flush against his chest while he continued fucking you. you were growing limp, body worn out from the rigor he put you through. but he held onto you, keeping you in his arms. his arm went under your tits, a sneaky hand coming up and groping at one, pinching at the nipple.
he buried his face in your neck, filling your ear with the low growl of his groans. "such a good girl, letting me fuck you like this, but i think you like it, and you know what else?," he drew in a heavy breath, "i think you like being fucked like a little ragdoll," you couldn't answer, he was right, but you could hardly focus on any words, his cock rendering you a teary eyed moaning mess.
"can't even respond when spoken to," he slowed the roll of his hips, hitting you in deep and slow, letting you hear him instead of the loud wet rhythm of your cunt being fucked into. "that's okay, i'll still take care of you," he chuckled, returning back to his rough pace.
"so good, make me feel so good joel," you managed to finally cry out in a series of strewn moans. his fingers trailed themselves down to your clit, rubbing in tight little circles. " i know baby, cum for me, show me how good i make you feel."
you wriggled around in his hold, your third orgasm of the night was thick in heft, a heavy wave of intense stimulation clearing your vision and leaving a white glittering hue instead. you felt joel everywhere, from the way he was buried in your cunt, to the way his hips were clasped over the curve of your ass, fitting into you like a puzzle piece.
the fervent circles being drawn over your clit was the thing that pushed you over, your head falling backward onto his shoulder, his turn to be serenaded by a string of your pretty moans. "good babygirl, did so good for me." he cooed in your ear, pressing a kiss behind it. "thank you," you meekly replied in a breathless voice.
you were the weakest you've ever felt, your poor spent body still being held upright as joel chased down his own orgasm. "gonna let me cum in you again baby? want more of it?" he panted in your ears. "please, want it joel, please,"
he gripped onto your hips, feeling his own stutter, before he pushed in deeply, stilling inside as he came in thick ropes. he finally softened, slowly pulling out of you. you winced again at the loss, feeling suddenly cold and empty. you collapsed on his bed, reaching out for him.
he laid beside you, pulling your leg up and over his waist, running a hand up the expanse of your thigh. your eyes fell shut tiredly, enjoying the comfortable sound of the two of you trying to catch your breaths.
a part of you was worried he was going to break the silence, afraid he'd call the whole thing a mistake, and lecture you on how he isn't the type of man who does relationships. you knew all of that, you just hoped he wouldn't say it and just let you soak in the moment.
almost nervously, his hand came to dance across your cheekbone softly, wanting to memorize the way your skin felt to his. "do you regret that?" he murmured and you opened your eyes, shocked at the question.
you leaned into his hand, curling your own over his. "no, never joel, why would you ask that?"
he sighed, scooting closer to you. "I'm not a good man, sweetheart, i'm giving you a chance to leave." he spoke above an octave of silence. you frowned, shaking your head. "i don't care about anything that you've done in the past or what you'll do in the future. i just...want to be here, with you, in any way you'll let me." you admitted, wishing you could say the one thing you've been harboring for a year, but you knew you needed to keep that to yourself just a little longer.
"if i had a bigger conscious i wouldn't let you," his hands pulled you into the hold of his arm that came over your waist. "lucky for me then that you're not the good man you claim to be." you whispered, the scent of coffee on your breath enveloping his senses, and in that moment, he had a realization.
he thought about how nice, how domestic it would be to wake up and share a cup of coffee with you every morning, before you had to face the day, at least you could share a moment of peace together.
"yeah," a trace of a smile grew over his lips. "you're right. i'm not." he rolled on top of you, cupping your cheeks in his large palms. "you're makin' an unwise choice little girl," a quiet rumble rested on your lips.
your arms came around his shoulders and you sighed a half laugh. "i know. i don't care."
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novalizinpeace · 4 months
Remember when you explained the hierarchy of the heretics? I really love this pyramid. It was made in such a logical way, but seeing this pyramid brought this question to my mind. Is there a hierarchy system (pyramid) of those on the Prototype's side? So, for example, creatures like Catnap and Huggy Wuggy are on the side of the Prototype, if I understand correctly. So do you have a hierarchy system for them?
(Personally, I think Catnap would be at the top of this pyramid. But I would like to hear your opinion more)
yup, i actually had it at the same time that the other one, but i was waiting for someone to ask for it.
Just so you know, all classifications and stuff like that was made by Alba, she like to keep track of everything, incluying the other side of the factory. Since she know the cult has a strongly religious view, she decided to classificate them in a ''religious'' way
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1- The prototype ''Lucifer''
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''Never had fully she him, but we all know his image is more that our eyes could deal with, forming himself with everything he can found, there's no limit for the creature that call himself the owner of the true. I know his intentions weren't wrong at the beginning, but now... I can't call him my saviour nor my angel, no when he has become blind with pride, just like the one that create us all''
2- First PJ ''Lilith''
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''There's a reasons Play.co started to make all experiments genderless, they try to give reproductive organs to a experiments once, and the result was Lilith, a Pug-a-Pillar that only need Poppy serum to survive, but that instead of grown would produce new ''baby pjs'' that came from eggs similar to a kinder surprise. It was a success in the beginning, they thought she was the answer to the financial problem, and the possibility to sell the babies as pets was even in paper, but... she start to morph, the babies start to come out bigger, hunger, and dangerous. She was caged underground without serum in hopes to stop her transformation and the egg production, but after the Hour of Joy the prototype broke a Pipeline and create a source of food for her, making her grown to the point she's now. Yeah, we all get to eat the babies to survive, but the idea of her existence under us is even scary that the own prototype.''
3- Catnap ''Paimon''
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''So loyal to his superhero, that he's unable to see all the crimes the prototype has send him to commit in his name. His claws are dirty with children blood, and that something nobody can come back, but... I think there's still someone inside him, someone that Nell also know, but i don't know is theres even a way to reach to that child, a child that is deep sleep in the red smoke''
4- Candy Cat ''Beelzebub''
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''The only reason we hadn't a Pug-a-Pillar infestation in the factory, he's so big but at the same time is till able to get into place he's not supposed to be, i guess is a cat ability of sort. He eat everything, no matter what, no matter if is ally or enemy, he just eat. Somehow, he eat a full beam from the playcare construction, said beam broke his skin from his stomach, and still, he's alive. No sure what can kill this beast.''
5- Boxy Boo ''Leviathan''
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''The gatekeeper of the prototype's room, he's more intelligent that it show, an actually dangerous predator, he knows how to be really quiet, to the point of make you release that you're fucked when the music box start, but luckily, he's also only like human prey, so is weird to see him attack us. Daddy was a idiot and tried to show off by dare him into a fight, he thought that would impress Mommy and make her interesed in him (she wouldn't, he was too chatty and weepy in her eyes), what a way to make Mommy a ''widow'', but Boxy was a good winner at least, just taking Daddy body and leaving us alone.''.
6-Miss Delight ''Astaroth''
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''The only reason she's still alive is 'cause Catnap feel pity for her, and 'cause we found her useful, since she know where are all Play.Co documents, and is full of random information that has help us more that in one ocassion. Her mind is completly gone, but by just giving her a piece of food she become docile. Just for the note, never mention or ask for Barb, 'cause she would speak for hours about her, to the point of force you to speak with Barb and follow the ''conversation'' she affirm the pointy shit is making with you. Nell make the mistake once and was enough to never make him put a foot in the school again, and that was 6 years ago, and Delight keep saying ''where's the doggy coming back? Barb want to resume their talk with some tea'', i can't even tell him without laughing.''
7- The followers
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''they're just hungry, and desesperate. The Pjs were born in the cult, and are blindly loyals, while the rest are just broke enough to don't give a fight, they just follow the prototype and hope, pray to be the next sacrifice to stop their misery, to stop the hunger''.
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