felikatze · 2 years
okay if @roxasboxas wants my ven thoughts you can All have my ven thoughts
most of it is summarized in the Anguis Ven Agenda, which is a character analysis of pre-ux ven basically, and That One Post Everyone Has Feelings Over sums up the general gist on how I see the ux vanitas twist, though the language is deliberatly theatrical to invoke emotion
To summarize: I think interpretations that use ux to cast vanitas as Entirely Separate from Ven are horseshit
So like, ux, yeah. It reveals that there's some Capital D Darkness in Ven, which formed Vanitas when xehanort pulled it out again in bbs. i don't disagree with this.
However, what is very important to me. Is that Darkness stole Ven's own to make itself sentient. It's still Ven's darkness, too.
As I say in my Anguis Ven Agenda, and dramatically imply in the other post, the Darkness still acted on what it thought was Ven's will. That's why I call it "intrusive thoughts." I believe some part of Ven was jealous, did want to kill Strelitzia, even if he never intended to act on it. The thought was still there.
And for bbs, too. If you go for "vanitas is only Darkness" you end up retconning and invalidating his entire character in bbs. He is ven's darkness, came from the same source, which makes it all the more tragic that the two grew apart. Bbs Ven has changed as a person, and so the two puzzle pieces don't fit anymore. The edges got sanded off and they won't click.
Vanitas is in essence trying to return to ux Ven, who no longer exists. Who will never exist again.
That's all that from a mainly lore standpoint. I think considering Vanitas to characterize Ven is also important.
In bbs, Vanitas is trying to be a person who no longer exists, but Ven is rejecting part of himself because he finds it unsightly.
Ven rejecting Vanitas means Ven rejects not just his own darkness. He rejects his anger, his loneliness, his jealousy. He is denying all the feelings Vanitas is made of, and it's destroying him. Literally.
Ven hates that these feelings could possibly have been his so much that he is willing to shatter his own heart and openly contemplate suicide. yknow.
of course there's also aspect of ven not wanting to be a weapon, and accepting vanitas wouldn't have worked anyway because of sora sanding the edges off, but that's tragedy, isn't it? There was no ideal path for those two.
I think that self-rejection, that already appears in ux, a bit. Again, darkness is the thoughts Ven doesn't want to admit he has. Or he had, before gaining friends. He's behind all that now, ysee? He got friends. He's no longer alone. So he doesn't need these unsightly feelings anymore and they should just leave.
I think after bbs and kh3 and whatnot Ven doesn't have xehanort's pressure on him anymore and can be a kid for a bit and as above he just. doesn't feel what vanitas is anymore. and without the pressure he likely won't again. but i'd say he still needs to do some introspection. he's All Light now, but that doesn't mean negativity is gone.
if hearts can grow back whole does darkness grow back too? did ven get darkness from sora, because that's what his heart lacked?
tldr ven needs therapy
as for the future of vanitas, his tie to sora is fascinating. as i mentioned his tragedy is that the person he's trying to be will never exist again, but he can still help, i think. first of all he'd need to accept himself as a whole person by himself, but i think he can help sora.
i put vanitas on my kh4 bingo card for good reason. i believe he'll be back for several reasons that other people have probably outlined better than me, but sora falls into the same trap ventus does where he denies his own darkness and it is killing him. has killed him.
it started with "kingdom hearts... is light!" and then it never stopped which is how we get anti and rage form. he only ever grieves for others and never for himself, so doing a ... darkness trade of sorts with ven would land him with vanitas. if vanitas comes to represent sora's darkness (i'm the shadow that you cast etc etc) and sora has to conceptualize that as a person he cares for then he would by extension learn darkness isn't all that bad and care for himself
i think that would be epic. vanitas was my kh fav before i even knew who sora was so i miss him. kh4 give him to me
YEAH he got capital D Darkness in him but he's wayyy more than that and i hate it when people reduce him that way. Yeah all his actions in bbs were a fool's errand and that's tragic but it would be so bad and pointless if vanitas wasn't what he believed himself to be at all. It's good if he can be more than Ven's darkness, maybe Darkness will even help him get a sense of identity, that there's a part of him that isn't just Ven, but if you make him less than that, I hate that. I'm looking at you ux clickbait theorists.
this is probably. messy. especially toward the end. since i wrote this on my phone and can't needly order everything in libre office. but this is basically most of my ven and vanitas takes.
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valfeathers · 1 year
you know what. go wild. tell us more L headcanons !!! i'm listening with great attention !!!! i will read 3k of it if that's what you send. v wammyposting enabler agenda !!! 💙
gladly!! olorea enabling me in the inbox oh no
ookay so first i'm gonna info dump about how i choose to draw him bcs i just love talking abt my process & i put way too much thought into my own art lol
i remember some people talking about how i made him look healthier and i've had ppl say that i draw him pretty (which,, thanks sm i try !!)
so i like to mishmash several aspects from different L iterations over the years into my own art! such as the mole on his nose as a nod to the actor ken'ichi matsuyama who played him in L:CTW (& the 2006 dn live actions), and i tend to branch out & draw him with little bits of jewelry because of the 2015 jdrama
and the green jacket that he wears in the musical! (bcs i love that characterization and i think he should be allowed to be more unhinged)
Tumblr media
i've noticed that his bitten nails reappear in different media as well, so i try to include those wherever i can
and as for the bitten lips & perpetually scratched knuckles,,, that's mostly projection haha
but anyways here are some more little hcs that i didn't have the opportunity to draw :)
the laces of those beat-up trainers he wears are literally never tied. can he tie them? yes. will he? nope!
he cuts his own hair,, that man has never set foot in a barber's in his life
maybe this is projection but i just cannot imagine him with a posh accent, an autistic non-accent at most
i feel like if he had gone to a proper college he'd have done a course on criminal psychology, and he would have absolutely excelled at the challenge of puzzling out the motives of criminals alongside the just. the crimes themselves.
man's hands are just perpetually cold, i mean it, terrible circulation all round
i think the jdrama might have inspired this one but germaphobe L is so so real to me. he really is just like me fr.
this one is just straight-up canon but i HAVE to mention this. his ability to like,, copy different dialects?? the fact that he's multi-lingual?? cool as fuck
OH AND,, i'm an ace-spectrum L truther. he's asexual on this page babey
this was a little short but!! this'll do for now so i don't wind up losing my mind and rambling for like 10 years straight,,
i relate so so deeply to this weird man and i won't apologise for it!!
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curiosity-killed · 1 year
Have you considered the possibility of Hualian with ace Hua Cheng and celibate (at least previously celibate) Xie Lian? Like Hua Cheng who just always understood that Xie Lian wouldn't be interested in a sexual relationship and was like, "sure, no problem here!" And then they reunite and Xie Lian is like "ah, this is awkward, about that actually 😅" before they communicate and learn what works for them? I usually really prefer their canon characterization but I think it would be a fun way to explore parallels and contrast between asexuality and celibacy (and actually wait. What if Hua Cheng we as aroace actually, wouldn't that do something cool to his obsessive devotion?) I'm not a fic writer but I know you've written asexual Xie Lian so I thought maybe you'd be ok with me rambling a little. (Love your fic by the way, thanks for writing!)
(I am always down with rambling!! :D)
i have not! but am intrigued abt the possibility
tbh I do usually headcanon both of them as ace-ish (varies between demi and asexual, mostly) but can definitely see this going down a fun path!
I am of the opinion that romance has relatively* little to do with Hua Cheng's devotion, so I'd still largely see his devotion as manifesting in similar ways to canon** (more or less—probs less kissing, but honestly possibly still flirting bc there's a thin line between flirting bc ur serious abt it and flirting bc hey it's sometimes kind of fun to flirt with the homies).
all of that to say I think it would be a really interesting continuation of their character development for Xie Lian to come to accept his worth and importance to someone while also being told 'no' in a way he is used to telling other people***. Meanwhile, fun time for Hua Cheng to actually say no to Xie Lian, which would go against so much of him!
As always, my great love of hualian stems in part from their manifestation of queerness outside of societal norms/expectations, so navigating "You Are The Reason I'm Alive" (for both of them) without the trappings of society's expectations that the Most Important Person in ur life is a romantic partner, is rlly interesting i think!!
*Yes, in canon it is romantic and I do enjoy the combo of his obsessive devotion + hualian romance but ppl who think Grand Devotion is exclusive to romantic love bore the shit out of me
**I touch on this in til my feet are memory (tho Xie Lian is aroace in that), in that Hua Cheng's devotion is devotion without expectation of reciprocation (this is a fandom hill i'll die on lol) and that it isn't diminished by lack of romantic/sexual potential with Xie Lian
***Yeah yeah I maintain my lack of emphasis on romance/sex as defining their relationship but I do think, as written, the romance is pretty important to XL's arc—which is not to negate the possibility so much as emphasize the opportunity for continued and different development
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sableu · 5 years
refering to the prev. ask (i'm the one who senit it btw!), i kinda think the opposite? i feel like sabo would know right away the crossed S referred to him, and imo, he'll never doubt his brothers' love for him. i do feel like he'd be stuck in immense guilt at first though, however, he'd then try not to dwell on it and decide he'll 'apologize' through carrying ace's will & protecting luffy with his life. just like the way ace 'carried' his will with the crossed S and-
- by protecting luffy until his last breathe. sabo would have sweet dreams and nightmares over it, and saddest thing is either way, he'd wake up with aching heart. but as much as he's hurting, he'd push it back and prioritize luffy's well being, just like how ace was when they thought sabo 'died'. individually, ace & sabo are very different but when it comes their role as older brother, they have a lot of similarities? at least that's how i feel ;w; -
- in a sense that they have their own ways to show how they tressure ASL bond (ace's crossed S & sabo's mera mera no mi), but they hv the same intention. akdjdd im sorry for rambling but it was vvv interesting! sabo's rly complex so it's always fun to hv discussion abt him. i'm sorry if any of my word comes off offensive. thank u for answering♡
ahhh i get that! i def think sabo treasures his relationship with his bros more than anything and wants to prioritize luffy. i have always also felt that sometimes his guilt overwhelms him and he feels undeserving of their love tho which might cause him to temporarily doubt it (like him worrying luffy was going to be angry with him when they reunited in dressrosa) but it’s def something that he’s able to overcome and push down, esp now that he’s spoken with luffy again.
there are absolutely a lot of similarities between how ace and sabo take on the responsibility of being a big brother too! they both have faith in luffy and trust that he can look after himself but they still worry about him and try to stomach any bad feelings they might have so as to present themselves as Unflappable Pillars of Strength for their lil bro. even tho i’m sure if luffy knew they were doing that he’d be unhappy that they weren’t letting themselves be 100% open with him and giving him the opportunity to comfort them for once hehe.
sabo is definitely a complex one and given his relatively small number of scenes it’s possible to interpret his feelings in multiple different ways too, definitely no shame in having differing ideas! i’m always happy to talk about him :D
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