torchickentacos · 4 months
DREW + 4, 12, and 23
OKAY. TUMBLR'S LETTING ME ANSWER THIS ONE NOW. hellsite. Long post. I joked about being normal and hinged on the other ask about him I answered and CONGRATS, you get unhinged and long-winded thoughts! Curse of being my friend, I'm comfortable being unwell around you and now you get a dissertation <3.
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
I mean, here's the thing. Literally any answer is objectively going to be hilarious. He's absurd in whatever you throw him at. Off the top of my head. Skyrim. Any romcom ever. Red Dead Redemption. Zelda. Great British Bake-Off. Like. Literally anything is really funny to imagine kdjfhskjf. Real answer, though, I think he would THRIVE as a Stardew Valley townie. That seems genuinely up his alley. Little florist's shop with a greenhouse in the back, a small-town with plenty of wilderness around to explore, and damn it now I just want to make an SDV pokeani au.
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
Long section incoming. Lol. Sorry. I have.... thoughts. A couple of 'em, even. Not adding a read-more because at this rate tumblr's gonna auto-shorten this for me.
kdjfhdskjfhdsjfhdsj. okay. You, the one asking this, already know WAY TOO MANY OF MY HEADCANONS ABOUT HIM and you are complicit in all of them lmfao. Assuming the french-canadian thing doesn't count since it's arguably canon (?), here's a potentially ~controversial~ one that literally nobody is obligated to agree with, dw, but I can back it up (sort of) (as much as you can back up ANYTHING in AG): I do not think Drew stays in coordinating in the long-term. Here's the thing. Think about episodes where he's being annoying and high-strung (/affectionate). Now, think about episodes where he seems to actually have serotonin for once. In group one, high-strung, you're going to get a lot of contest (like, contests on stage, not shorthand for shipping)/competition themed episodes. I have my... OPINIONS (/derogatory) about the Absol scene in Thinning the Hoard!, but I can use that as an example of "Well. This can't be great for his emotional wellbeing." EVIDENTLY it stresses him the fuck out. He's never more moody and stressed than he is in grand festivals/contests. But, in group two where he's actually kinda chill (albeit still himself), we have episodes where he's out doing literally anything other than coordinating- Unbeatable Lightness, WWWWW (why is he more relaxed in the episode where he drowns than the episodes where he wins ribbons?), On Cloud Arcanine. Hell, even contest episodes where he's not the one competing! He seems genuinely happier outside of contests.
This isn't even getting into my thoughts on coordinating fame and canon's portrayal of it (which is actually interesting and consistent, if unelaborated on). Some people thrive in that attention. Others won't. I think Drew genuinely loves the ART of contests. The planning of it, the technical side, working out strategies and appeals. And he's good at it. But the other parts of coordinating are things he struggles with and is uneasy with (also seen briefly in Unbeatable Lightness, A Fan With A Plan, and Spontaneous Combusken, my beloved absolute dumpster fire of an episode).
Now, it's a real shame to headcanon him as someone driven out of a career he loves by the culture of it and to just leave it on that sour note, though- so, where does he go from there? I've spoken to friends about it and there's different schools of thought about this- the one I usually lean towards personally is a career change that still allows him to partake in the parts of coordinating that he loved without the parts he hated, like becoming a mentor of sorts for new coordinators. I can see him being, like, a coordinating professor of sorts. Something that still allows the artistic expression and self-challenge, but more contained and focused specifically on the parts he loves about it. I can see him finding more satisfaction through teaching and nurturing others' talents and watching THEM go off and win rather than putting himself through it.
And obviously, his entire canon character is about how he's good at coordinating! This is maybe a weird take that sort of takes canon and does a hard pivot, so absolutely no need to agree at all, and I LOOOOVE interpretations where he stays and thrives in it! Because honestly, on a selfish note, the less he does coordinating the less I have to worry about the rules of contest appeals and battles, so. Can't say I don't have a personal stake in this. Because dear god do not make me try to understand the gen 3 anime's contest point system or lack thereof, what the FUCK.
Anyways. Thoughts. I have them. Sometimes. On occasion.
23. Favorite picture of this character?
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lmao. BUT also 1.) every single face he's ever made at Harley, and 2.) every single face he makes in Unbeatable Lightness, which I think this is the third time I've mentioned it here BUT IT'S A GOOD EPISODE AND I'M NOT TAKING ALTERNATE OPINIONS ON THAT! If the sunset scene rewired my brain chemistry as a kid for probably the worse, then that's everyone else's problem and not mine. insert Taylor Swift "Drew looks-" FUCK YEAH MAN HE SURE DOES!!!!!
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goldrushzukka · 8 months
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and i'll do anything you say (if you say it with your hands) chapter 10
beautiful gorgeous spectacular showstopping art for this chapter by @bleekay i love you i love you i love you (ID in alt text)
Has it always been like this? Surely not. Surely there was a time when this thing inside him fit. A time when he wasn’t stuffed to the gills, trying to keep the swirling, ever-expanding galaxy of his desire from spilling out onto his shoes.  Loose-limbed and alcohol-warmed, he can’t seem to remember a time like that. The Earth has always turned, the birds have always sung, and he has always wanted.
read from the start
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stood-onthecliffside · 4 months
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i wanted to talk about this for a long time so naturally, i had to treat this as an academic journal (very sorry about that lol).
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dinasupremacy · 1 year
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and I know it's long gone, and there was nothing else I could do.
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Terry Jr. being comically bad at talking to his step-daughter’s friends compilation
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kineticallyanywhere · 6 months
Matt "I can and will remind everyone that Link is REALLY wierd about Normal with like no real explination at this point" Arnold out here like "let me see if I can underminine my entire point in this character arc defining interaction" and I unironically love him for it Link is SUCH a messy b word rn
(this turned into a long response, let's talk Fascinating Character Flaws!)
I dont think it's so much that he's weird about Normal, if I'm understanding what you mean by 'weird', especially in this episode. I feel like it circles back to what I keep thinking about, which is his newest teen fact. the one where he-- does this count as poisoning? he made other children ill in a fit of jealousy for anyone having any time with his dads.
listen, I've had many homeschooled friends. At one point in college I was the "actually went to public school" member of the friend group. People can go in and out of homeschooling and be... not whatever the heck Link has going on. I was excited for him when that fact started, like, "oh he was part of a cohort!" until uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh!
(the following are thoughts that I'm still developing in my head as I type and probably after I post)
whether it's due to the overprotective parenting or just Link's nature or a Symptom of a Condition (op has their own Condition but is not a psychologist) Link's got an issue with like. not getting what he wants? not usually in super obvious ways, it's not spelled out, he doesn't throw tantrums or anything. unless you count the thing at Normal about Normal not wanting to do "cool plans." and most of the time he doesn't want anything complicated, his wants have been pretty straight forward and in line with what anyone would want in these circumstances. he wants people to not die is the big major one, he wants to not feel betrayed again, he wants his friends to stop fighting, he wants to get this over with NOW. and he's been going through so much of not getting what he wants (COMPLETELY REASONABLE THINGS TO WANT, IN THIS CASE. TRAUMATIC THINGS TO NOT GET) that he seems to not know what he wants at all anymore.
like, his understanding of the world has been rocked so bad that he's pretty sure all those things I just listed just aren't things he can have. in the past whenever he needled his parents or acted out or did certain things he'd get what he wanted. not to say that he's spoiled but uh... okay yeah I am saying that a bit. but mostly in the ways that it keeps him from developing the coping mechanisms for when you ask something from life and it punches you in the teeth instead.
So in a world where he doesn't know how to get what he wants and maybe he isn't sure what he even can want, he's kinda just shutting down internally. In the mean time, he may as well make sure his friends get what they want, and then maybe at some point he'll want something again. so, in a way, what he wants is to feel and want something, so that "wants what he wants" part of him snapped out again at Normal with "well at least you're feeling something." in other words, "you have the thing that I want right now, and I'm gonna sound pretty bitter about not having it myself" which is an effed up thing to say when that thing he's having is a mental breakdown.
Link. Buddy. Bud. Kiddo. Pal. you need Help.
tl;dr and conclusion: imo for their mental health the party should split into Link & Taylor and Scary & Normal again for an episode or two. Norm and Scary for hopefully obvious reasons; and Link and Taylor because while Taylor is unquestionably a rich kid spoiled for material goods who is very good at wanting things, he is also a kid who's mom knows how to say "No. Absolutely Not. Give me the knife right now I don't care what seppuku is" and who's dad left an emotional void for over a decade that he is clearly adept in coping with and he could give Link some pointers.
also because it would be a cool callback and parallel to early episodes to do those pairs again. see how they've changed and stuff
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bylrndgm · 1 year
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that was the night i nearly lost you.
the worst was over, my hand was the one you reached for, all throughout the great war.
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happi-tree · 1 year
i hate accidents (except when we went from friends to this)
“Oh, god, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you, I don’t know what came over me, you’re just so hurt and I was so scared and I didn’t know what to do and -”
Link cuts himself off as he glances up from Taylor’s still-glazed expression to his forehead. Before his eyes, the gash stitches itself closed, the open wound fading to a pink scar that pales to white before disappearing entirely.
Lincoln remembers hearing the words “kiss it better” throughout his entire childhood. He remembers the way his dads would patch up his scraped knees with ointment and a bandage and top it all off with a tiny kiss before treating him to a hard candy from their first aid kit for being such a good boy.
Never once had Link thought that the phrase could be literal. Or that his newfound powers could make it literal.
Or: Link discovers a rather unorthodox way of using Lay On Hands thanks to one Taylor Swift, and for some reason, he can’t seem to stop finding excuses to perfect his new skills. Fortunately, Taylor is more than happy to help.
read on ao3
once / twice / thrice, pt. 1 / thrice, pt. 2
once (‘cause i know you had a long night)
The first time it happens, it’s an accident.
They’ve just gotten out of combat at the Eleven-Seven on the edge of town thanks to yet another harebrained plan - this one in particular involving about 27 Large Swig™s’ worth of slushies, an ungodly misuse of pretzel warmers, and mentally begging the forgiveness of customer service employees everywhere. 
Lincoln Li-Wilson stands over a puddle of goop, cleated foot planted firmly where the chest of the latest of the Doodler’s acolytes used to be. He smudges some flecks of dark, slimy sludge off his face with his shoulder. 
God, that’s gonna be a pain to wash out. At least he didn’t wear his favorite jersey tonight.
Link can feel the final dredges of adrenaline coursing through his veins and knows that it’s only a matter of time before he crashes. He can’t let that happen yet, though, not after this tough of a fight. He brushes himself off and looks around the abandoned parking lot, trying to make out the forms of his friends by the hazy yellow-white light of a distant streetlamp.
Scary stands a short distance away, brandishing her knife and stabbing into the remains with extreme prejudice, targeting anything that still moves. Other than the bloodlust in her eyes and a broken nail, she doesn’t look too bad.
Normal looks a bit worse for wear, swaying a little on his feet. Even so, the air around his palms coalesces into a foggy white energy as he makes his way towards an injured Hermie (who had decided to tag along, for some reason that Link doesn’t particularly care about).
That leaves Taylor. Link knows he’d been injured pretty badly - a blow to the head, if he remembers correctly - and his anxiety only increases the longer it takes to find his silhouette in the blackness of sun-off.
Then, a pained wheeze sounds off from somewhere to his right, and Lincoln jogs over to the source of the sound, and -
Oh, fuck, he’s barely moving.
Taylor is lying flat on his back, his cane knocked a few feet away. His clothes seem to have protected most of his body from road burn, but his left cheek is pockmarked and raw from where it likely scraped against the asphalt.
Most worrying of all, though, is the gash on his forehead, just above his left eyebrow.
Link remembers Grant telling him that head wounds bleed more than others, once, but that doesn’t help the turning of his stomach when he sees the pavement slick and puddling around Taylor’s head, his face coated in red from temple to jawline. 
Taylor isn’t even trying to get up, and from the cloudiness of his faintly glowing eyes, Link wonders how much of the pain he’s really registering.
Link waves a frantic hand in front of Taylor’s face. 
“Hey,” Link says, voice pitching high as he searches his friend’s face for some sort of recognition. There is none.
“Taylor, hey, c’mon,” Link prods, shaking Taylor’s shoulders gently with trembling hands. Wetness pools at the corners of his eyes, and he blinks it away to keep his vision clear. “I’m gonna heal you, but you gotta stay awake, okay?”
Finally, Taylor’s eyes seem to focus, pupils dilating unevenly but staring at him nonetheless.
“Well, mus’ not be dead yet,” Taylor slurs, raspy and dazed and sounding almost awestruck.
What the fuck is that supposed to mean!? Link thinks.
Taylor cracks a delirious grin, blood pooling into the corner of his mouth. “‘f I die, ‘m going t’ hell… n’ there aren’t any angels like you down there,” he explains through half a facefull of blood.
At any other time, that kind of line would fluster Link out of his mind, but as it is, all he can feel is frustration and fondness and desperation and worry and that goddamn adrenaline.
“You’re so fucking stupid, Tay,” Link says.
Link doesn’t really register what he does next, but quite suddenly his mouth tastes like copper and his hands are cradling the back of Taylor’s head. 
He inhales the scent of iron and pulls away from - from where he kissed Taylor, directly over the horrid gash on his temple. 
The boy beneath him hisses in pain, and Lincoln nearly drops his head to the asphalt again.
“Oh, god, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you, I don’t know what came over me, you’re just so hurt and I was so scared and I didn’t know what to do and -”
Link cuts himself off as he glances up from Taylor’s still-glazed expression to his forehead. Before his eyes, the gash stitches itself closed, the open wound fading to a pink scar that pales to white before disappearing entirely.
Lincoln remembers hearing the words “kiss it better” throughout his entire childhood. He remembers the way his dads would patch up his scraped knees with ointment and a bandage and top it all off with a tiny kiss before treating him to a hard candy from their first aid kit for being such a good boy.
Never once had Link thought that the phrase could be literal. Or that his newfound powers could make it literal.
“Uh, Link?” Taylor prods, tapping him in the chest, voice completely devoid of the slurred syllables from seconds ago. “Earth to Lincoln? You okay there, buddy?”
“Yeah?” Link says, entirely unconvincingly. “Are. Are you okay?”
“Mhm!” Taylor chirps, and god, is Link glad that he sounds much more like his regular self. He barely restrains himself from pressing another kiss to his friend’s forehead out of sheer relief.
Looking down at the boy below him doesn’t help to suppress that urge much. Taylor’s pupils appear to be evenly sized, now, but they’re large and blown out, the black almost completely eclipsing the dark reddish brown of his irises. The whites of his eyes are still glowing that faint goldeny color, a few shades richer than the far-off streetlights. And while some of Taylor’s face has traces of blood, Link’s unconventional Lay On Hands has wiped most of the gore away, revealing skin painted red for a completely different reason. Now that he thinks about it, Taylor’s entire body feels even warmer than usual, and Link wonders what on Earth that could possibly mean. 
“Uh,” Taylor says, “you can let go of me now.”
Link practically jumps back as if electrocuted, clambering away from the boy and back to his feet.
“Ow,” Taylor hisses, rubbing the back of his head from where it had hit the asphalt.
“Sorry! Sorry,” Link says, waving his hands before extending an arm out to Taylor.
Taylor accepts the help, and Link can’t help but register the way that his smaller, warmer hand fits against his palm as he hoists his friend up.
“No worries,” Taylor responds. “Thanks - I think my sword-cane fell somewhere over -”
“I got you,” Link says, scooping up the item and pressing it into Taylor’s free hand.
“My hero,” Taylor sighs fake-dreamily, and the adrenaline kicks up the pace of Link’s heart again, blood scorching through his veins and rushing to his face.
Okay, maybe it’s something other than adrenaline, but that’s for Lincoln to unpack later.
“Come on,” he says after he gives Taylor a final once-over (and tries not to let his eyes linger too long on the place where he kissed him). “Let’s go help the others.”
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brainisafunnyplace · 9 months
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this is his song now
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cerealforkart · 11 months
I see a sketch request, gotta jump in! How about Dndads kiddos as One Piece peeps? or just some One Piece Ace & Luffy in general!! (we can both ugly cry over Ace)
and the evergreen - anyone and everyone as either maids or idols!
I ended up going a little overboard and did four!
Taylor as Dracule Mihawk because Freddie did that for me personally
Scary as Perona because goth girls
Hermie as Buggy because fan favourite clowns
And Erica as Boa Hancock because most beautiful girl in the world
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Sketch requests are currently closed!
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martinskiseyes · 2 months
i love that we have 31 songs
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ohsosweeran · 1 day
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🎶 he was sunshine I was Midnight Rain ☔️
been dreaming of this day since I was 7 and at the big age of 25 I finally got to go to my first Taylor concert !! thank you Edinburgh night 2 you were everything I’d dreamed of and more 💖
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countess-of-edessa · 6 months
nepo babies =/= person from a rich family i always thought?
#i thought a nepo baby was specifically someone whose parents/relatives are in the entertainment/arts industries#like taylor swift isnt a nepo baby she just had rich parents?? they bought her way into a music career but with their money not any#connections they had in the music industry previously.#whereas like…Ben Platt would be a nepo baby because he is a stage and film actor and his father is a film producer and produced films#that star him.#that’s not really to say that one is better or worse than the other and i don’t really care about the discourse either way#(people being upset their fave don’t have an organic by-merits-alone rise to fame story kind of confuse me because it seems like a very#modern and out of reality way of thinking)#like i get that people are getting undeserved opportunities through (1) money (2) connections and then putting out subpar art which sucks#but i do kind of think that ultimately you can’t trick people THAT MUCH. kim kardashian threw a bunch of money at a music career and it#never went anywhere because she simply was not good and no one liked it.#billie elish has rich parents but no matter your personal taste you can’t deny she's found success because she has an audience for whom her#music resonates. idk if she would be as successful if her parents didn’t have money and she didn’t have the opportunities that gave her#and certainly there are millions of people as good or better than her at music (if you can even quantify it in that simplistic of a way) wh#will never get the opportunities she has had that gave her success but i also don’t think she would be as successful as she is if she was#less talented.#also this is literally the worst time in history to be worried about nepo babies lol not saying that no one should complain about nepotism#casting but like we are in the golden age of people achieving artistic success through grassroots means thanks to the internet#getting an audience for work that resonates with people without the machine of the entertainment industry backing you is more possible than#ever before#also and i only have to say this in this exactly corner of the internet#if you are a monarchist you can’t use the term nepo baby#sorry you just can’t
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kindheartedgummybears · 7 months
Daniel and Taylor are so: "I thought you were bae... turns out you're just fam😢😠" "bruh☹️☹️" "😔😔"
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My headcannons for the teens favourite musicals
- dear evan hansen (im sorry but he would love it)
- grease
- mamma mia
- hairspray
- prom
- Spongebob the musical
- we are the tigers
- bring it on
Fav songs: good morning baltimore (hairspray) and you will be found (dear even hansen)
- little shop of horrors
- cats
- kinky boots
- beetlejuice (I think he would relate to beetlejuice lol)
- singing in the rain
- the guy who didn't like musicals (after the first time he watched it, he dressed up as the professor for a week)
- he would either LOVE holy musical batman or hate it. depends on if he likes how they portray the characters
Fav song: rogues are we (holy musical batman)
- I fully believe scary secretly loves hamilton
- she would also love beetlejuice and heathers but hasn't given them a chance yet
-also dr. horrible's sing-along blog
Fav song: would be "dead mom" from beetlejuice
I think if he liked any musicals it would be one he watched as a kid cause of nostalgia soo.. whatever Marco and grant would watch
idk why but my first thought is les mis. Or frozen
- death note the musical
- that's it
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raayllum · 1 year
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God rest my soul, I miss who I used to be The tomb won't close, stained glass windows in my mind I regret you all the time I can't let this go, I fight with you in my sleep The wound won't close, I keep on waiting for a sign I regret you all the time If clarity's in death, then why won't this die? Years of tearing down our banners, you and I
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