uroborosymphony · 1 year
HI LYNNIE <3 <3 <3 i am here!! with ur chara development questions, specifically for my fav crazy girl, quinn :'D - feel free to skip any you're not feeling: Is she aware of the fact that she is slowly spiraling? Does that ever scare her/has she tried anything to stop her descent? Alternatively is this something she is starting to embrace?
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Quinn actually does know she is slowly spiraling. As she originally wanted to become a psychiatrist, growing up with a mother who was mentally ill. She went far enough in her education to be able to identify and diagnose the symptoms of psychotic disorders. It's actually what plays against her, because Quinn is an expert on the topic, she does believe it can and only should happen to others - patients - and definity not Her - the doctor - how ironic is that. Her deep knowledge and cold realism is painfully mixed with delusions she finds comforts in - delusions that come from her Pride as well as from the disorder itself, trying to minimize how badly it's getting in her head. There are three stages for a schizophrenic disorder and she can tell she is on the first : Prodromal. The phase comes with various mood changes, anxiety, sleep disturbances, irritability, anger, and behaviours on the spectrum of obsession-compulsion and dissociative episodes. Her sleep disturbances show with these nightmares she has been having recently - ones where she can't truly say if she's awake, if she's hallucinating or simply fully asleep, she often dreams of blood and other versions of herself. Irritability and anger come easier with time, especially in high tension situations, during a face to face between Naeun and the Black Fang gang for example - little hold on her emotions, reactions, it escalates fast and usually over the smallest details. Obsessive behaviours with this obsession over Felicity she developped as she spent nights and nights digging and following and digging into the girl's life and past. And finally, dissociative episodes when facing The Black Night, along with auditive hallucinations. In order to keep head in place, she has continous inner dialogues with herself, sitting down, trying to rationalize her thoughts, she spends an obsessive amount of time in front of mirrors as well, as if the sight of her own person helps to anchor herself into reality. This trick however won't work forever if what she sees in the mirror starts morphing, moving, talking out of hallucinations - that would sign the beginning of another stage. She refuses to become her mother, she's scared to turn into everything she loathed in the woman who failed to raise her. Quinn is a ticking bomb however. Especially with the path she chose, as a vigilante. In her case it's a paranoid schizophrenia to be more specific, and so, the deeper she will let her obsessions for justice and punishments gain her, the more she will use it as an excuse, the lesser she will see herself as losing her mind but "doing what's good". Anything or anyone who will show her opposition or point out her sick head will only increase her paranoid thoughts and new perception of this reality : believing the outsiders simply Don't want a better world like she does - she will flip the narrative and lose sight on what's truly going on with her.
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ofgentleresolve · 2 years
1-5 for the multimuse asks. :)
the only multimuse ferre is successfully running ( multimuse/blogs asks prompt w/ @lovepurposed )
1. Which muse(s) is/are your favourite(s)?
that is such an unfair question to ask because i know for a fact i wouldn't?? write a muse here or on my other two single muse blogs if i didn't really really love them :'D i'll say that some i do have soft spots for just because of the history i share with them:
mana has been with me since i started rping on tumblr back in 2015 so when i look at her now i'm very proud of how she's grown and where she'll go next.
lam is a bit more personal to me as i put a bit more of myself into his character/backstory than in other cases....but also i love him bc he's responsible and dumb in the same breath jsdflksjfl
that and patrick (myungdae too by extension :'D )- i didn't expect to get so attached to him ( although I do have to thank alex for that too :'D ) and to know that he's getting the attention and connections i couldn't even have dreamt of when i initially made him makes me so much more grateful to my partners <3
2. Which muse(s) do you wish had more interactions?
at the moment ga-ram since he's my newest muse and i haven't quite been able to explore him yet...but i'm also always happy to give myungdae and lam more friends too. pls donate ur muses i'll give them tea and cookies 🥺
3. Which muse(s) do you currently have most muse for?
rn it's myungdae ( bc i like pain ) and i wanna get through some of his asks and threads, but i also do usually have a lot of muse for calum and suki too!!
4. Name a muse you have written in the past. What was your favourite thing about this muse?
hm...darren evans aka in her original conception, mana's older brother; however i demoted him to being her 2nd cousin jskdfljskdljf so really his name is darren huynh.
see i was shit when it came to developing muses back then, so i don't actually have a clear idea of who he was supposed to be back then of him. nowadays though, i will say he has good intentions...just isn't the best at reading the room :/
5. Name a muse you wish to write in the future. What’s your favourite thing about this muse?
see i don't really have a clear concept of a new muse atm and i'm pretty content with what i have rn...that being said, i was thinking?? about the concept of a muse with angel blood and the way her wings would appear would be hella awesome!!
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ofgentleresolve-a · 2 years
9, 16, 27, 28 and 30! C:
the only successful multimuse ferre has ever ran ( ft. multimuse asks meme w/ @jeoseungsaja ) || still accepting!!
9 was answered! so i'm gonna do 4. is there a muse that not a lot of people roleplay with?
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PATRICK!! this is anyone who is reading this, please let me have more interactions with patrick bc he?? is such a good bean and i know he's super reserved and probably more boring than the rest of my muses, but i love him so much!! he deserves friends, rivals, and more!! granted at least in this part of the rpc, ppl are more skewed towards younger muses aka muses in their twenties and he's like almost forty...anyways even if he is more or less settled in his life, i think there's a lot to explore that i'd love to do with other muns!!
16. which muse is most willing to fight another muse?
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okay are we talking physically or verbally? bc it'd probably be mana either way ( with lam being in second ) but also that depends on what verse she's in. mana's the most outspoken of all my muses so if there's something to be said that would offend another person, she would be the one to go for it. in a physical sense, if she's in her supernatural au, it'd still be her- verbal sparring + a knife :D
27. is there a rule that someone keeps breaking for your muses?
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not on this blog, but on calum's blog, in the past, a lot of people kept on misspelling erza and calum's names...spelt it as ezra or callum. for years. which makes absolutely no sense to me bc i almost always had their names somewhere in my response. also this is a writing hobby; i would assume reading comprehension is a necessity...
28. can you sort your muses from weakest to strongest?
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in a physical sense: mana ( canon verse ) -> lamon -> patrick -> raphael -> mana ( supernatural verse ) -> yoojin
yoojin is op :D
in an emotional sense: raphael -> lamon -> patrick -> yoojin -> mana
30. most importantly, are you having fun playing each one of your muses?
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Of course!! this is one of the few hobbies i've maintained over the years and i think no matter how long of a hiatus i take, i probably would never be able to stay away for an indefinite period. but this time around, i can confidently say yes because i know i put a lot of effort and development into each and every one of my muses this time which makes it both easier for me to write them out but also more invested in their interactions and overall growth. thank you so much for asking this question!!
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grantairelibere · 2 years
hey! i never got around to saying something the first time i read armillaria, but i've just reread it, and i want to tell you how much i enjoyed it. even the concept itself is fascinating in the way it's not a reincarnation au, but still takes these nineteenth century characters into the twenty first. courf and marius' dynamic was amazing, too, they're so cute and there's a tone of little moments that made me laugh (soup of pasta? the collection of monsieur ted? the army of rabbits performing william tell?)
ALSO the things that brought each of them back. feuilly and the strike. jehan seeing the pride parade made me sob. of course ferre would be brought back to the world of the living by the knowledge that humanity made it to space (also "we had somehow reached the stars" i'm crying thanks).
anyway i just cannot express how much i loved it!! hope you have a good day
Hey, oh my god, thank you so much, this is so sweet and touching and my heart did a little jump at the word reread. It means so much to me.
Deciding the moments of re-entry was one of my favourite parts of writing this fic and building its world, from diving into research to getting into the characters' heads to imagine what would touch them to the depths of their soul, and I'm so happy they resonated with you!
Adding a readmore here in case of... spoilers? Sort of.
Looking back on it now, I'm like... the biggest part of the story was about answering the question "what does it take to move forward from unimaginable grief?" And it might be cliché, but for all of them it was love. Something they each loved enough to leave the pain behind--as much as they can--and dedicate themselves to it in the future. For Feuilly it's the love of people. For Jehan it's the love of love itself, in all its possible dimensions. For Combeferre it's the love of humanity constantly discovering new boundaries of what is possible. For Marius, who started the story as a ghost in spirit (no pun intended), it's the love of the person who showed him that love is real.
Idk, for me it's just about a bunch of people picking themselves up, dusting themselves off, and going "Okay. I'm ready now."
Anyway, thank you so much again, this made my entire week and I hope your day is even better!
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theladyragnell · 4 years
I'm really struggling with English today so I hope this makes sense. I wanted to requests a ficlet with Ferre and Eponine reassuring each other that they're ok after a heist gone wrong, checking for wounds, reassuring language, foreheads touch, the works. Bit of blood is ok. Thanks in advance!
(Previously on the Eponine/Combeferre Leverage AU. CW for mild injury as the result of violence.)
Combeferre listens over the comms as Éponine finishes the job. Now that she's talking to the police, to the EMTs, she's perfectly cool and poised, she's fine and she says it a dozen times, some more to the mic than to the police. They apologize for the trouble. Ask, baffled, what happened. The police are always baffled around them, and Combeferre gets a bitter amount of satisfaction from it usually, but not today.
Today, Éponine is hurt, and it's his fault.
It's Combeferre's job to assess the risks. He's the least experienced thief, but his team trusts him to have their backs, to pick a con that will get the job done while giving them the least risk to their safety. Grantaire takes hits as much as he gives them, and Combeferre reluctantly factors that into his plans, but the rest of them, part of the reason they're on this team is because they know they have a team leader who will keep them safe.
Joly is sitting in the van with him, stricken and unusually silent, not a word out of him since Éponine pushed the mark to snapping because Combeferre hadn't pushed him hard enough elsewhere. Jehan and Grantaire are keeping the comms clear, but as soon as it started Grantaire started breathing hard like he was running until he remembered to cut off his input, and there was a breathless “Fuck” when the police came bursting in. They're all going to have some repair to do. Combeferre needs to think about that, how to apologize and do better next time.
As soon as Éponine says, terse and pained, “Alone now,” Combeferre grabs the first aid kit and runs into the building before Joly can remind him that he's actually EMT certified. She's down a hall and up a flight of stairs, and the only reason he doesn't run is that it's an office they've been renting rather than one they own, and he'll alarm people if he runs through it.
When he gets there, Éponine is sitting in her desk chair, fingering the back of her head and wincing, and Combeferre doesn't bother stopping even though he tries so hard to make a point of warning Éponine before he touches her. He's going to have to do one more thing wrong today and be sure to apologize later, because he can't bring himself to stop his momentum, and ends up there before she can prod at something she's expecting to hurt from the look on her face. “Let me see,” he requests, already reaching for gloves for himself in case she's bleeding.
“I'm fine.”
“You aren't,” he parries, snapping the gloves on with the ease of remembering summers volunteering at the hospital until law internships started being more important, as much good as those ended up doing him. “It sounded like he slammed you against the wall, I need to make sure you don't have a concussion. And you wouldn't let the EMTs see you.”
“Of course I didn't,” she says, but she bends forward and lets him inspect her skull for knots, or for bleeding, biting her lip. It's clearly tender, and there may be a goose egg later, but her pupils are even, and when he asks questions for coherency, her answers are fine, if a little annoyed.
Once he eliminates the worst case scenario as much as he immediately can, what remains isn't much better, and he scans over her, wrists already bruising, a scrape on her arm and another on her cheek from the ring the mark wore, the injuries a story he has too easy a time constructing, and she looks over his shoulder, too proud to watch him seeing it all, until he can finally speak again. “I'm sorry.”
“Hey, no,” she says, sharp enough that he believes it. Éponine is only ever gentle when she's conning someone. “Quit that. I pushed. I knew what he would do, and I knew he'd walk if I didn't. My choice, my risk.”
“If I'd done a better job earlier, you wouldn't have needed to push.”
Éponine loops an arm around his shoulders and pulls him down. It bends him at an awkward angle, with her still sitting and him taller anyway, but he goes where she wants him and she pulls his head down to hers, close enough to touch his forehead to her temple, one of the spots on her head that must not hurt. After a second, he shifts his weight enough to sit on her desk so the angle is less strange. “Combeferre, I'm fine,” she says, and that is gentle enough to make him worry. “I've had worse for worse reasons.”
“That doesn't really help.”
“It should. You make me safer. And I could only do this today because I knew I had backup. I know you've got me.”
“I'll do better next time.” He draws away, unwilling to put any pressure on her when her head must be sore. “We need to get out to the van, start wrapping this job up before they think to come back for you. And I want Joly to have a look at you.”
Éponine doesn't go anywhere, just watches him. She always sees more of him than he's comfortable with, but that's the nature of what she does, but right now, he doesn't know what she could possibly find. Almost everything he's thinking has been erased by panic and guilt, and he'll be feeling it for days. “Your comms on?” she finally asks, already reaching up to flip hers off.
“Terrible idea!” says Joly in Combeferre's ear, but Combeferre follows her lead anyway.
“Not anymore. What do you need to say?”
“Thank you. I don't think any of us say it enough.” She groans a little as she stands, and Combeferre twitches, trying to decide whether to steady her or not, and she decides for him, swaying into his arm. He straightens, stands, and gives her a little support as they start walking out of the room, trying to look casual, like he's there for a date instead of helping her out because she's not steady on her feet. “I think maybe you don't get what it's like to be on a crew and have it be like this. Have the person running the job care if you get hurt as long as the job gets done.”
“I don't deserve thanks for human decency.”
“But you're getting them. Like I said—I knew I had backup. I knew that if it had gone on longer, or if he'd taken out a knife instead of knocking me around, you would have blown the con for me. So thank you.”
“You're important,” he says. It's the only way he can begin to get close to an explanation of how he feels about her, after almost a year on the same crew. “All of you are, but Éponine, you—you're important to me.”
She's silent for most of the rest of the walk out of the building. “I know,” she finally says when he pushes the door open, and then Joly is out of the van, risking a little much for it, and Grantaire is appearing from a shop door across the street, and probably Jehan is watching from a rooftop nearby, and Combeferre keeps his arm around Éponine's shoulders as they walk to the van and reassures himself again and again that he'll prove himself worthy of her trust the next time he has a chance.
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