yonpote · 1 month
mr. pote please explain shoe ig story for the ignorant (me)
not much to explain other than. dan posted an instagram story of their shoes pressed together
ok i guess ill share a LITTLE context. around late january to early february 2023 was when dan was having a mini-break from touring for philly's bday before he had to hit the road for the non-uk european shows. the thing is, there were kind of a lot of complications happening wrt tickets, especially problems surrounding the iceland show, which dan had hyped up as where he was going to end the tour, and pj even mentioned on stream that he and sophie would possibly meet dan and phil there and have essentially a double date holiday! the day before the Shoe Pic, dan had announced that the iceland show was cancelled. he posted the cancellation on his story in icelandic, here is the english translation:
Sorry for the frozen people. Couldn't bring this show to your island this trip, that's all I can say for now. It's on my bucket list to be with you one day. I'll see you then.
he then posted an ig story where he seemed to be out on a walk that was quite self-deprecating on the fact that no one takes him seriously "in life, business, or the industry." it was just a bummer day for dan. so a few twitter phannies (back when there was a Little peace) thought to make an encouraging hashtag for dan, #weloveyoudan to show some appreciation for him when he really seemed to need it! (this also spawned an in-joke hashtag my good friend @editingz0ne made, #giveamazingphilnukes, that phil tweeted about 💀)
so the next day, when dnp had both posted while at an apex legends esports competition thing, we all kinda inferred that this was a lil date, possibly as another phil bday present (still his bday week) or as a lil gift to cheer dan up, or both! and then. he posted the fuckin shoe pic.
listen. idk how to explain it. it just. felt like something so weirdly intimate? like, no idea what the context is, other than theyre sitting in the back of a cab and took a photo of their shoes pressed together. and like one is clearly phil's shoe and the other clearly dan's shoe, and i assume theyre the same shoe size (do not tell me wikifeet ppl i dont need to know) and so they just. fit perfectly together. and all this was after the harrowing previous day, and after all that dan just decided to let us in on this picture that is so silly and not really anything and yet feels so personal? its like when we hear their alien language in the texting vids, or that they get fries every saturday and call it "fry-day". like its not a bit its not playing up a dynamic for a camera its just. THEM! its just them!!!!!!!! anyway thank you for coming to my ted talk on the dan and phil shoe photo taken on february 5th, 2023 by dan howell.
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Claudia Cardinale in "LIFE" magazine:
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Italian beauty takes a desert bath on location in Nevada. /In this photo Claudia was filming "The Professionals" on July 8, 1966/
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Claudia Cardinale, a wary beauty is afraid Hollywood will ruin her. Claudia Cardinale has a problem. At 26 she has become the most admitted international film star since Sophia Loren. Lusciously built along Italian lines, like Sophia, Claudia also has a special tender beauty in her face. Easy to work with, she is a director's pet. Unmarried, she has no close family worries. So what's her problem? Her problem is, now that she has finally agreed to work in Hollywood, she is afraid she will be over-glamorized and exploited-as Sophia was. Her first Hollywood movie, the recent 'Blindfold', confirms Claudia's worst fears of her. And she has two more coming up soon. Between Hollywood chores, she rushes away to make films in Italy, Spain, Brazil, anywhere but Hollywood. She gets paid less in Europe. "If I have to give up the money, I give it up," she insists, "I don't want to become a cliché."
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She'd rather lose money than be a cliché In high spirits at being out of Hollywood and back in Italy, Claudia stopped her car to join villagers who had shouted "Claudia, Claudia", Then they all joined their favorite star for a picture.
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Claudia likes the sun of Italy more than of Hollywood. Always rushing from one picture into another, she grabs five minutes to back on her Hotel Excelsior Lido balcony in Venice.
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Anthony Quinn, who has acted with both Claudia and Sophia says: "I adore them equally But if I had to say, well, I relate easier to Claudia; Sophia creates an impression of something unobtainable but Claudia-She's not easy, still she's within reach".
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Helping pick Miss Italy, Claudia lunches with each judges at Salsomaggiore. She got her own movie start by winning a rather specialized contest as "Most beautiful Italian in Tunisia". In Las Vegas, working on her next Hollywood picture, 'The Professionals'.
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In Brazil a waiter proposed to her by mail, posted a marriage notice in his church, and changed his name to "Mr. Cardinale".
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Claudia gobbles up a pile of magazines. She reads them to improve her English and keep up on fashions.
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Claudia hangs on the words of Luchino Visconti, who directed her in 'Sandra', which won a Venice Festival prize.
Claudia says: "He sees me as cat that someday will turn into a tiger."
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📷 Photographs by Howell Conant. 📰 Text taken from the magazine "Life" in 1966. 🎥 My Gifs are behind the scenes of "The Professionals" memories.
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winniemaywebber · 2 months
The Apple Tree 🌳 • Part 3
read previous chapter here
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(gif by @basilone)
Rosie invites Y/N to London for the weekend.
warnings: none, except lots of fluff <3
thank you to my darling friends @sagesolsticewrites & @ginabaker1666 for reading this multiple times over the past week. so grateful for you both ily.
The sun has finally parted through the clouds and covered Thorpe Abbotts in a luscious golden warmth with a slight breeze underneath it, whooshing through the thick green leaves, leaving a feeling of refreshment as you walk through it. You're happy that the weather has chosen to behave itself for once and you're finally able to enjoy it, due to it being a Bank Holiday weekend.
Your lazy Friday morning consists of sitting in your favorite armchair, still in your pajamas, hair still in their curlers, sipping a warm cup of tea and flipping through the latest issue of your favorite magazine. You remain in this blissful daze, turning pages and sipping in this deliciously cozy cornucopia you've entwined yourself into, until you hear a sharp rap on your door. Expecting it to be Mrs Howell from next door, clutching her flour box in the hopes of stealing a scoop or two from your bag to make her famous rock cakes, you answer the door without a second thought to your appearance.
On your wonky slate doorstep is Rosie, looking extremely handsome - as usual - in his dress uniform, the green coloring of it perfectly suited to his brown hair, which in the glow of the sun, you can see shining, a few red hints coming through it. You feel your eyes widen as you look down at yourself, suddenly embarrassed.
“Hi, sweetheart,” He says enthusiastically. He steps over the threshold and plants a kiss on what it meant to be your cheek but is more towards the corner of your mouth. You don't mind. You, in fact, reciprocate, your mouth absentmindedly pouting near his ear, making a kissing sound but making no contact with his face. “My, don't you look wonderful this morning. Fresh as a daisy.” You giggle, feeling your cheeks reddening.
“Hi, Rosie,” you reply sweetly, pulling him into your living room. “Tea? The pot is still warm.”
“Yes, please.”
After you're both settled with warm mugs in your hands, sitting in opposite armchairs, you lean your head on your hand and stare at him with a soft look in your eyes, your elbow on the arm of the chair to keep balance. “This is a nice surprise,” you say sweetly. “What's it in aid of?”
“I got a weekend pass and I'm going to London. I'd like you to come with me.”
“Rosie, I–” you stutter, mulling over his offer.
“Come on, Y/N,” He urges. “I want to take you dancing, and show you good jazz music.” He smiles broadly, his eyes growing wider with each word. You bite your lip in pretend consideration, humming a little, his face suddenly bearing an expression of suspense. “Rosie, I'd love to,” you laugh. “That sounds wonderful.”
“Then you'd better go ahead and pack,” he laughs.
You keep up the coziness on the train. Sitting opposite one another, you both read companionably, exchanging passages every so often. Soon enough, Rosie stops reading his book altogether, his head resting on the back of his seat. “Will you read to me?” He sees your eyes light up at his request, and he smiles softly. “Of course,” you reply, clearing your throat. “How many goodly creatures are there here! How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world, That has such people in't.”
As you keep reading, you find your legs draped over his, his big, lovely hand upon where your Bobby sock sits, peeking out of your patent shoe. You sit like that, his hand stroking your leg ever so delicately, his fingers dancing over your skin as you watch him drift off to sleep. Suddenly, the brave man you'd been spending time with is replaced by a vulnerable little boy who needed a bedtime story to fall asleep to. Feeling your heart melt a little, you close the book as silently as possible, and watch him sleep as the countryside zooms by the window.
Ever the gentleman, Rosie had escorted you to your hotel room before going upstairs to his own. The room was surprisingly spacious: a large queen bed, a couch and a small desk tucked in next to a large window. You could imagine that pre-wartime, that the view would have been something to sit and gaze at. However, the window only showed you crumbled buildings below, people sifting through pieces of what used to be their home, discarding whole bricks into wheelbarrows and continuing the search for their belongings, under a cloudless blue sky that doesn't seem to fit the melancholia below it. The place is eerily silent, the only noise breaking through being an occasional birdsong.
Rosie had told you to be ready for 7pm. You'd napped in the lovely big bed, taking a boiling hot shower right after. Your usual bath time at the cottage looked a lot different: warming up water in a large pot over the roaring fire to dump into your copper tub. Hair washing was done over the sink, your back aching to place your head under the taps. A shower was a luxury, and you definitely took advantage of being able to wash your hair and body in the same place.
You glance at the clock after finishing up your makeup: 6.55pm. You feel nerves bubbling up inside of you as you place a yellow swing dress over your head, fumbling with the buttons as you will your hands to stop shaking. The sharp rap of knuckles on the door shocks you out of your anxious daze, taking a deep breath as you open the door.
Rosie's mouth opens to say hello, but the words seem to get stuck in his throat. His baby blue eyes soften at the sight of you, his mouth slightly agape. “Woah, Y/N,” his voice just above a whisper. He shakes his head, awestruck, seemingly trying to find words.
“What? This old thing?” you smile demurely, feeling your cheeks turning pink at the way he's looking at you. He breathes out, puffing his cheeks a little.
“You look beautiful,” He says, leaning over to plant a kiss on your cheek. “What a privilege it is to have you on my arm.”
The buzz of music hits you the second you walk into the dark club, horns blaring so loudly that you have to shout in one another's ears. Placing his hat down on an empty table, he offers you his hand, and immediately spins you on to the dance floor.
Spectacularly unfit and feet aching, you sit and watch Rosie dance with as many pretty dames that can get their hands on him. Taking such pleasure in watching him spin these girls off their feet, you sit and watch him intently, heat rising through your body. Not totally sure what this sensation is, you try to push it aside - but you're done for the second you see him smile, his eyes wrinkling as he dances to the music, totally in his element.
Each girl finishes the dance by kissing him on the cheek, one even planting a smooch on his mouth that catches him by total surprise, his eyes widening. You giggle, covering your mouth with your hand as he walks over from the bar, clutching a martini for him and an Old Fashioned for you.
“That sure was…something,” he says, his eyes darting nervously towards you. You laugh again, and cup his cheek to get him to look at you, then pulling his ear towards your mouth.
“I don't blame them one bit, Robert,” you smile into him, both hands now on his cheek. “Pretty dames like handsome men.” He pulls away, smiling sweetly at you, his eyes twinkling in the dim light of the club. You both grin at each other like that for a moment, before he gestures for your ear.
“Maybe,” He pauses, swallowing. “But you're the only pretty dame I want kissing me.” Words caught in your throat, you lean over into the small space between you and kiss him on the cheek. A slower song starts, Rosie pulling you to your feet once again.
“Heaven, I'm in heaven,
And my heart beats so that I can hardly speak.
I seem to find the happiness I seek,
When we're out together, dancing cheek to cheek.”
You're not sure who moves first, but you don't seem to care. Noses touching as your faces move closer together, when, finally, his mouth is capturing yours. Your hand leaves his shoulder and gently toys with the curls on the back of his neck, his plush lips moving in sync with yours sends butterflies through your entire body. His hand falls to your waist, pulling you flush against him, his other hand cupping your cheek with his thumb stroking it softly. You both break apart with a sigh, noses rubbing slightly.
“Oh, Rosie,” you whisper as the song concludes, him unable to hear it but reading your lips. He takes your hand and kisses it, leading you out of the building.
There's a silence between you as you wander down the quiet street, hand in hand. You shiver slightly, the chill of the night air shocking you a little. Without missing a beat, Rosie peels off his jacket and drapes it over your shoulders, the warmth enveloping you straight away, his sweet floral scent emanating from it. He takes your hand once again, thumbs stroking at each other's hands. A small, sweet gesture that seems to say “I'm here. I'm safe. I'm happy.”
The mixture of the freezing night air, the alcohol and the feeling of Rosie's hand in yours sends your senses haywire. Before you can think, you pull him into a dark doorway and kiss him deeply. He reciprocates immediately, as if he'd had the same idea but was too nervous to follow through with it. Breaths mingling, you pull on his tie to get him impossibly closer, your bodies flush against one another's. His hands in your hair, yours on either side of his face…it's magical. Nothing has ever felt this good before, and you feel your toes curl as he moans into you, somehow trying to make the kiss even deeper.
“Oh, darling,” you murmur as you break apart. His pretty blue eyes lock on yours as he takes a deep breath, eyes fluttering shut for just a second.
“I need to ask you something.”
“Anything, Rosie,” you reply, leaning in to kiss him once again. He kisses your mouth three times before having you look at him.
“Will you be my girl? I know it's a little quick but–” You silence him with another kiss, smiling as your lips touch again.
“Yes, darling. Yes a million times.”
chapter four
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My fave moments of Phil roasting Dan's outfits:
Daniel Howell is known for
• Being Gay
• Being a little bit despondent
• His "unusual" choice of fashion
"I'm not gonna hold back because........ he deserves it."
"We got a jumper with a little pocket, some rips in it, what's he got in there? Something edgy? A little skull?" pls he's so condescending. love.
"I'm not getting much from that at all. It's not offending me but I think it's a c." (implying some of Dan's clothes are offensive lmao)
"Is this tour-ception? Dan suits a bit of denim....." (looks of camera) "It's not?" (jumpcut to completely deadpan:) "If it's just a standard denim jacket it's getting a B"
"B for......... bold." Good to know he knows his b words mr english language and linguistics
"Is he tryna look like a tropical cougar? What's he going for with this? I'm not sure." I'm not sure either Phil he looks like he got that out of my school's drama department closet
"Not sure an outdoor coat is appropriate for an m&g."
"Lacey shirt, what is this? Lingerie, but on your... not... butt?" (Cue the most wonderful giggle ever)
"That's quite nice, a little bit boring." 10/10 commentary
"Sexual fantasies arm, ooh, what an edgy arm you have! I'm not a fan of this jumper, we get it, it's long, it's just got red text on it though. I mean, fill the arm with something interesting." (looks off camera) "You can have flames, you can have a whole heard of hippos, but no, it just says 'sexual fantasies.'" the fact that he hates this so much gives me LIFE (putting aside that I would def wear that jumper)
"Looks like Tony the Tiger's twink son."
"I think this is what the kids refer to as 'tech-ware.'" (ok phil)
"He's a depressed farmer!" (Sing-song voice)
"I think that's nice, but also kind of boring. It's mid; mid to nice."
"He's a stripey Parisian twink, inverted mode!" "You notice how the shoulder... is a little... lower than a shoulder should be? Wow, fashion.... quirky. Kind of gives me a headache looking at it, actually. It's a bit of a migraine trigger." Bro is taking this opportunity to let out EVERYTHING he's ever thought about Dan's wardrobe and I'm here for it
"It's a load of boxes. It's a load of fuzzy boxes. That is.. average."
"This looks like something you'd find in the bargain bin at TK Maxx." hey t(j) maxx is amazing sir
"Dan, annoyingly, pulled it off." true
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silverfoxphil · 4 months
lawyer and forensic linguist wip (#1)
“Lester, a word?”
Phil startles in his squeaky chair, the loud noise it produces attracts the attention of all the officers in the room. He imagines what the scene must look like from their point of view: the unapproachable Mr. Howell, stopping by the glorified cabinet Phil has been using as a desk and speaking directly to him.
“Do you have something for me to look over? Give a listen to?” Phil asks as they step outside, he pulls his thick baby blue cardigan tighter around himself. The air is gelid and the sky is covered by a thick, uninspired gray layer of clouds. Despite the weather, Mr. Howell's face is steadily turning redder and one after the other, drops of perspiration run down his temples.
The lawyer clears his throat and takes a deep breath, he closes his eyes for a second and then quickly raises his head to face Phil, “I’ve… Uhm,” he starts. Being loud and overly confident is part of Howell's job description and Phil has never seen him out of work, so it's almost shocking to experience a version of him that seems so unsure and quiet. “I’ve heard your birthday is coming up.”
Phil's eyes widen behind his glasses, “Right.” He responds, watching intently as the man in front of him reaches in the inside pocket of his black, corduroy coat and pulls a small rectangular box out of it. Phil feels himself short-circuit, he stares at Howell’s large hands holding the dark green case until he quickly reboots and extends his own hands to accept it.
“Wow, thank you so much, Mr. Howell...”
“Dan!” the other immediately says in almost a knee-jerk reaction, correcting him, “Just Dan is fine.”
“Oh, then please call me Phil.” Phil turns the box in his hands, his eyes dart up to look at the solicitor's face, but the expectant, excited look he finds there makes him avert his eyes immediately. “Wow,” the box is opened and inside it there's a pen, one of those fancy, smooth things Phil has only seen in the hands of people who make infinitely more money than he does. “Dan, this is a beauty, you really shouldn't have!”
“You don't like it?” Dan's face falls, he steps imperceptibly closer, “I can exchange it for something else, but I thought…” he stops himself, Phil picks the pen out of the box and tries the weight between his fingers, he is getting ready to reassure the man in front of him, but the other starts speaking again before he can continue. “I thought you could use it and maybe, think of me while you do.”
Phil's jaw goes slack and his hand holding the pen is encased into Dan's wider palm.
The heavy, metal door beside them is pushed open with a great deal of ear-splitting creaking and the hand that had settled around Phil's is torn off him and quickly hidden into a pocket.
“Well,” The lawyer squares his shoulders and takes on the same curt demeanor Phil usually sees on him, “I won't disturb you any further.” He steps closer, he looks down at him for a moment, letting Phil feel all the extra inches in his height and then runs away.
Phil turns to watch him scramble back into the police station. Pj is halfway out of the door, looking as confused as Phil feels. “What was that?” he asks with a chuckle.
“I’m not sure.”
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kkolg · 1 year
Basic Rundown of my BATIM au
Ok so I’ve only been here for a little so I thought I’d give my basics for my lil au I made. Please keep in mind I’m still sorta working on it so it might change- also I’m not the best writer so sorry if this sorta sucks lol. Also also- IK LIL BENDY ISNT HENRY BUT HERE HE IS, THIS WAS MADE BEFORE BATDR AND HIS APPEARANCE IS PRETTY IMPORTANT TO THE PLOT SO DONT COME FOR ME PLEASE IM SORRYYYY- 
Tags: vigilante batim au - well-   you could guess it’s for the au
          vigilante au comic - important/lore comics that are decently drawn
          vigilante au comic # - that REALLY important stuff/in order of timeline/main story
          batim au lore - I think I’m the only person who uses this so this will be for usually written lore stuff about the au and sometimes drawn stuff, depending usually
So this au takes place in the early to mid 1920s somewhere around Brooklyn, New York I think, not sure when and where exactly yet- It’s been 6 years since some past events, (which I’ll write about later) and this is also when the Prohibition Era started, so speakeasy’s and small bootlegging joints are starting to pick up.
Characters and other stuff
In this au Bendy is one of the top bootleggers for “The Vigilante” speakeasy, a pretty successful and popular speakeasy at that, located on the edge of a forest and under the ownership of Mr. Allen. Bendy’s best friend and main partner is Alice (just because why not) and usually go together when doing pickups, robberies, etc… Their getaway driver, William Click, is also good buddies with the both of them and is the one who takes the booze back to “The Vigilante”. William is also the bartender at “The Vigilante”. There are other partners that Bendy and Alice work with but it’s usually for bigger jobs. Phill or Philip is the “Vigilante’s” personal nurse, he lives over in the forest in a decent sized house and that is where anyone seriously injured is sent over. He’s very reserved so he’s usually not in the speakeasy. Margret is Mr. Allen’s personal assistant and maid, she’s very kind and loves company and reading.
There’s a rival speakeasy called “The Chokeberry” whom’s run by Betty Francis. The two speakeasies are equally popular, but they don’t usually ever cross paths. 
Now to the good guys ig, Detective Stein (yes he’s a private detective here) with fake first name Martin, his two partners Tom “Boris”, and Allison usually are the accompany him to crime scenes and other things of the sort. He’s not usually supposed to be let in since he’s a private detective- but he’s been able to work his way around that a few times. Detective Stein is pretty well known in the area as a very kind man and extraordinary when it comes to solving cases. Tom is the brute force of the trio while Allison is usually the gunner.
Detective May is a detective in the local police department and usually rivals Stein when solving any case. She usually gets very upset whenever she see’s Stein at a crime scene. Linda Howell is her personal assistant (yep she’s here too), she usually files the paperwork that May doesn’t want to handle, although she does wish to be on the scene investigating instead of lying around in an office.
Det. Stein and Linda also work together in secret to get more information on the “Ink Demon” case specifically because the both of them take quite an interest to it. The reason it’s secret is because if May found out she would definitely not be happy-
That’s basically it, again expect changes and little edits here and there because i might change or add smth to the story later :)
Edit: If you wanna see the characters and character profiles just go to my account and some will be there! I’m still doing them so it might be a little while but thx anyway :D
Another thing to note is that Bendy doesn’t know Det. Stein is Henry since he’s a cartoon now and yk changed his name
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——————————————————————————————————— I love dubs btw! Just credit and link me to it cause I’d love to hear it! This applies to all comics I make for any fandom :)
The newest comic look (NEW PAGE) here | For all the ask info pls look here | For character refs pls look here | Character Sexuality’s look here | Discord look here | Voice Claims here and here| The Vigilante speakeasy here
OTHER LINKS TO FIND ME: YouTube, BlueSky, Insta
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viatagrinner · 2 years
Keith Howell. Drunk, she sleeps unprotected
Event: A peaceful night for two. His POV
Since I started staying in Rhodolite, I've had more opportunities to drink.
Mostly it has to do with Mr. Silvio's drinking, but on rare occasions... Yes, on rare occasions I drink with Ms. MC.
I was aware that I had gotten close to her lately. I was also aware that she was an inspiration to me...
So maybe I made a mistake.
MC: ....Hmmm... Keith...
Hearing Ms. MC's voice, I came to my senses.
Sitting across from the carriage, she looked like a fresh apple, and her eyes were moist.
(...No, I can't look straight at her.)
Keith: What's wrong? Do you have a headache?
Averting my gaze slightly, I asked.
MC: .... I'm sleepy.
Keith: Oh, oh! Then go to sleep. We still have time before we get to the castle.
Keith: I'll wake you up when we get there. ....No, but it's uncomfortable to sleep in a carriage.
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Keith: Do you want me to be your pillow?
MC: .......Yes. I want a pillow.
Keith: I understand. If you don't mind, I'd like you to use me, as much as you need to.
When I sit down with Ms. MC, the little head rests in my lap.
(I think she's totally drunk. What should I do?)
(...It's my fault. Today's wine was easy to drink, so I had to be careful.)
MC: Lord Keith....
Keith: Huh?
MC: Please give me your hand.
Keith: If it's okay with me, go ahead.
As I hold my hand out in front of me, Ms. MC grabs it with both hands and places it on her forehead.
MC: That feels good. Lord Keith has big hands...they're delicate, so I like them...hehe.
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Keith: I see. .......... I'm in trouble.
Seeing her smile and laugh made my body was getting hot.
I took a deep breath and braced myself for the possibility that my sanity would collapse if I let my guard down.
(But, I wonder, does Ms. MC get like this when she's drunk? I didn't expect that, as she is usually so calm.)
(.... From now on, let's stop drinking together. It makes me feel weird).
As I stroked her soft hair, Ms. MC comfortably closed her eyes, and even breathing was heard.
(I hope Ms. MC won't regret it tomorrow when she cools down.)
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(And you're freakin' adorable, by the way. I wonder if you've ever been drunk like this before.)
(I'm worried because there are a lot of men around Ms. MC.)
I kept stroking Ms. MC's hair while she slept peacefully.
Even though I know in my heart that this is not something a man would do to a girl who is not his lover, I can't stop.
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Coachman: Lord Keith, we have arrived.
Keith: What!?
The carriage door suddenly opened, and I jerked my hand away with such force that a residual image might have remained.
Coachman: Lord Keith?
Keith: Sorry, sorry. It's nothing.
(What's the rush?)
Ms. MC is still asleep.
I took a deep breath and carefully lifted her up so as not to wake her up...
Nokto: Hey, I see something interesting.
I planned to take the most inconspicuous route possible and get Miss MC to her room, but as soon as I stepped out of the carriage, I met Nokto's gaze.
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Keith: No, this is a misunderstanding.
Nokto: And I haven't said anything yet.
(...I have to calm down.)
I'm clearing my throat while I hold Miss MC.
Keith: Mr. Nokto, are you leaving now?
Nokto: Well, by the way, shall we call the servants?
Attempts to divert the conversation ended in vain, and the crimson eyes were fixed on Ms. MC
Nokto: Because I can't have a lady disturbing my guests.
Keith: No... there's no need to.
(Originally I should have asked for it.)
I didn't want to give Ms. MC, who smelled like sweet wine, to someone else.
(I wonder if she'd hate me if she knew I'd done something like that... but I don't want to stop.)
Nokto: Oh, I see. Did I say something rude?
Keith: No, it's a misunderstanding!
Nokto: That's why I didn't say anything.
(...... How many times do I have to make the same mistake over and over again?)
Nokto: Did you like this girl?
Nokto smiles meaningfully.
Not that I'm so dumb as not to understand what you're trying to say.
(I should refute that before strange rumors arise...)
MC: That feels good. Lord Keith has big hands...they're delicate, so I like them...hehe.
Flashback ends.
Keith:.....It seems that way.
Nokto: ..........😧
(.............I thought I was going to do that.)
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The weeds that grow there might be much smarter.
Although I was disgusted by the lack of results, I was not ready to deny it now.
Keith: Mr. Nokto, you're going out, aren't you? Be careful.
Keith: Besides, could you give me some time tomorrow? I have something to offer you.
Nokto: So I'm supposed to keep quiet about it?
Keith: Is that a bad thing?
The sly smile is replaced by the beautiful smile you often see at social events.
Nokto: I didn't see anything, Your Highness Keith.
Keith: I am saved.
As if nothing had happened, we parted ways.
If I lower my gaze, Ms. MC is still defenselessly asleep.
As kind as she is, she shouldn't be so defenseless against someone who lets her guard down.
(I feel like I'm being told I'm "special" and it's hard to let go.)
(I'm selfish.)
MC: Lord....Keith...
A faint voice brings me out of my thoughts.
(I'll apologize tomorrow, so just today...)
Next Day.
MC: I'm very, very sorry.
The next morning I was stunned by Ms. MC who came into my room.
Keith: Ms. MC, raise your head. You have done nothing wrong. You have nothing to apologize for.
MC: No, I remember last night.
MC: How you brought me to my room...And before that, how I used you as my pillow...
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Keith: Rather, I was honored to be your pillow! So don't feel bad.
Keith: I'd be your pillow every day if I had to/ I'm happy to be your pillow every day.
MC: .......
Keith: Sorry, I said something weird/creepy.
(Was that indeed creepy? I was out of line.......)
Keith: Ah, I want you to feel free! I didn't do anything wrong.
MC: I know, I know. Thank you.
MC: Lord Keith is very kind.
Keith: .... I wonder.
(Not good. Just selfish.)
MC: You're very kind. ....So I hope you won't mind if I join you again for a drink.
MC: I'll be careful not to fall asleep next time!
(You're really...... giving me the benefit of the doubt, aren't you?)
Last night in the carriage, I vowed never to drink alcohol together.
Otherwise, I'm afraid my ulterior motives will really leak out someday......
However, the innocent smile on her face made my sanity collapse.
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Keith: Even if you fall asleep, I'll carry you again.
A hand that unconsciously reaches out and gently wraps around a soft ear-shell.
When I touched my fingertips to her ear, Miss MС's face turned red.
Keith: Miss MC. I know it's a little too much...
Keith: But I want you to call me whenever you want a drink.
(I don't think there is absolutely no man who would look at this face and think nothing of it.)
MC: Well, I don't normally get drunk like that, do I?
MC: Lord Keith was about me, so I let my guard down.
Keith: ......After all...you are in dangerous.
MC: What?...
Keith: No, I'm sorry. Please pretend you didn't hear me.
My body felt strangely hot, so I let go of Ms MC's hand.
(I should worry about myself before I worry about other people.)
I felt the persistent smell of last night's sweet wine touch my nose.
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chavahlahdraws · 1 year
writing prompt!!! maybe howl's pov of a scene in hmc where he Knows sophie's not an old woman but is so baffled and amused and fascinated trying to figure out what is actually going on with her. why is she like this. and why is he high-key into it?
them working on a spell together and it goes disastrously wrong <3
im definitely going to do the second one too but … (fair warning i am an avid calling howl howell when it’s from his perspective supporter) also this has quite a bit of references to queer coded howl because i genuinely believe that at least part of why he had to escape to ingary is because he felt so out of place in our world :/ ANYWAYS
Howell raced towards Mrs. Fairfax’s house with purpose. He may not have succeeded at wooing beautiful Lettie Hatter, but he was a changed man after his last visit with her. He had been right, all this time! Of course, Howell had known Sophie was under a spell all this time, but now that he knew for sure that Lettie was Sophie’s sister, he also knew for sure that he was right! Thank goodness she was so young, though, because he had begun to think himself a bit strange for his feelings about her. Now it all made perfect sense.
He was desperate for answers, because for some reason it was still entirely unclear why (or by who!) Sophie had been put under that spell. Howell was determined to find out, and he was determined to break the curse she was under because it was so far proving to be the most difficult he’d encountered yet.
“Dear Lettie!” He announced himself loudly at her door. Mrs. Fairfax answered.
“Mr. Oak,” She said politely, a smile plastered on her face. “Lettie’s just in the grove, picking apples.” Howell nodded, shuffling past her quickly.
“Lettie,” He said with an undeniably darling smile. The dark-haired, beautiful Hatter girl responded in kind. He knelt handsomely before her in her dainty little garden seat, brushing his pinkish-ginger hair out of his eyes. “How have you been, my dear?” He said charmingly.
“Alright.” Lettie said, smiling widely. She stayed unnaturally frozen like that for a moment. “...How is Sophie?”
“Sophie?” Howell raised an eyebrow. “Oh, she’s been a bit worse, pain-wise, but if you know her, you know that she won’t take that and she’s as rigid as ever. And I’ve been trying to help her.”
“Whatever do you mean?” Lettie seemed very concerned by that.
“Well, she’s quite an old woman,” said Howell. “You’d have to be half-sisters, at most, or perhaps she’s-”
Lettie looked like she was about to burst. “Did you do something to her?” She blurted, managing to keep that unnatural smile plastered over her face as she said it.
“Oh, no!” Howell said, quite defensively. “I wouldn’t. She’s been like that since I met her.”
“Sylvester!” Lettie shouted. “Is she alright?”
“She’s fine,” Howell said, taking Lettie’s hand in his. “She’s perfectly alright, Lettie. I promise you.”
She heaved a sigh of relief. Her exhaustingly wide smile turned into an adoring gaze again. “Good.” She said, still seeming a little strained. It was just then that Howell noticed a very familiar figure, poking her nosy self around the hedges. He almost laughed out loud, because the very girl he was here to inquire her sister about was standing in front of him, not fifty feet away! She really was quite a menace, that blasted woman!
It suddenly occurred to Howell that Sophie might be jealous of the attention he was affording her lovely sister. Her courting still had the potential to be a wonderful excuse to find out more about her. Goodness, was Sophie a force to be reckoned with! She must have used some of his old seven-league boots to get here so quickly.
The dog that had been behind Lettie emerged suddenly, and she instinctively pet him on the head.
Howell squinted. “...Would you feel well enough for me to leave now, dear?” He asked gently, still holding her hand. He supposed that Sophie was here to speak with her sister.
“Yes!” said Lettie. “I am perfectly fine, Sylvester! Shouldn’t you be going, anyway?”
She seemed rather in a hurry as well. Howell kissed the top of her hand. “Until we meet again, Lettie.”
“Thank you very much, sir.” She bowed gracefully.
Howell held his arms out, drawing a pentagram over the grass with his index fingers. He pointed one of his hands in the direction of Kingsbury and launched his opposite hand, making himself dart toward the city. The markets there were renowned for their quality, and Howell figured he should buy Sophie a few extravagant presents for all her trouble. And of course, something for Michael, too, so she didn’t think him too strange for fancying her as an old woman.
Besides, he thought, the two of them would certainly need something to wear to the palace, if they were ever to blacken his name in front of the King. But all the same, he felt like spending some money.
Howell exited the spell softly, landing himself in a dark alleyway so he wouldn’t be seen. He magicked his suit just a little less noticeable, cast a spell of unrecognizability and stepped out into the sunlight. Admittedly, going out on the town was far less enjoyable when he couldn’t be lauded for his impressive sense of style. The boys back home always teased him for it. Dreadfully, too. He found he fit in better in Ingary anyways.
When he turned his head, Howell was suddenly captivated by a dazzling grey silk dress, sitting in the gold-laden window of a luxury shop. Oh, and there was a shawl to match! The thought of his old rugby mates suddenly vanished. Sophie would probably love it. It was as unassuming as she’d like to be, but surely as beautiful as she was too.
She had always rather reminded him of that girl he’d met on May Day, that lovely red-headed girl who’d been so scared. Howell hoped that was Sophie. He purchased the outfit immediately and walked out of the shop gallant, feeling like a new man again. He’d forgotten how rejuvenating this was!
More importantly, he thought, if Sophie was the girl he’d met on May Day, how had such a timid mouse of a girl gotten herself tangled up in this mess? Lettie didn’t match her beauty by any means, even in that little grey dress. Howell stopped in his tracks again, his eyes drawn to a fine petticoat shop to his right. He bought four from it, to go along with her dress. Grey as a color is generally very versatile.
Howell was still thinking about Sophie when he bought a velvet suit tailored perfectly to Michael’s measurements (which he had thankfully brought along). Then, in order to keep from buying another for himself, he picked up two more petticoats, some stockings and a pair of boots for Sophie.
“Who would have thought!” Howell said to himself after he had hauled the last of the parcels over his shoulders. “I’m such a generous soul,” He said, thoroughly pleased with himself. He’d better get back to the castle so he could get them their gifts. Howell cast a simple return spell with a circle drawn in the air and with one snap of his fingers, he was standing beside Calcifer’s grate.
“Where have you been?” He sizzled angrily, his green eyebrows furrowed. “Everyone’s been gone all day.”
“Oh, I know,” said Howl, setting the parcels down on the spelling table. “Sophie is up to all sorts of mischief, isn’t she?”
“And she’s brought Michael along with her.” Calcifer grumbled.
“She’s going to poison his young, spotless mind.” Howell sighed. “I’m going to wash up.” He said, dusting the ash off of his hands. “Please heat the water, Cal!” He sang as he ran up the stairs.
“Oh, bother!” Calcifer shouted after him. “Just wait until Sophie gets back!”
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penddraig · 5 months
hey,   it's me,   back again to talk about howl's magic because that seems to be all i talk about at all times.   constantly.
this time,   i'm here to talk about the structure of his magic.   simply put,   and as i've said before,   magic is complicated.   howl's magic is complicated,   but his leans on the idea of compounding spells into something greater,   much like a mathematics equation or chemistry.   wizards that practice like howl can often feel the "shape" of a spell,   whether it's read aloud or simply something they have to feel around themselves,   and that's what helps them firstly to discern what sort of spell it is : whether it relies on physical elements,   or more magical and unseen elements,   or whether it is dark magic    then,   what type of catalyst the spell takes,   like speech,   action,   etc.   in that shape is where one can find the layers of the spell.   delving deeper,   one can find the skeleton,   and then the anatomy,   and so on and so forth.
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as howl puts,   there are always puzzles within spells,   so that they cannot be easily deciphered or deconstructed.   the more powerful the spell,   the more layers there are,   and naturally the more mistakes are sewn into it.   these are mostly found in spells of power,   or ones that affect the physical world.   they're not often seen in smaller spells,   such as levitation or simple concoctions.   mistakes made there are generally telltale signs of inexperience.   also,   mistakes in magic sometimes make the spell less concentrated,   so that it won't blow up in someone's face should they actually mess it up.
howl is so used to practicing magic by now that he oftentimes through his runes and recitations together.   his mistakes ?   extremely howl mistakes to make,   and that's what makes his magic even more wild and madcap at times.   he also tends toward illusion spells as his favourite type of magic,   and those are much more forgiving when it comes to accidental errors.   he also put a lot of puzzles into his castle,   and he's often aiding calcifer's stunted magic   ( when he still has his heart )   so they aren't taken off guard by anything.
his lessons in as a student in both graduate school and ingary are all based on this idea of structured magic,   and his interest is all of this was the reason why he decided to pursue it into his higher education,   and then further into graduate school.   though a lot of it stems from his natural inclination towards magic,   he still had to learn how to craft his spells and incantations to the sharpest degree.   in essence,   howell's education from swansea university is what shot him into the professional tier,   and then later,   mrs pentstemmon helped him hone it into what others are familiar with today,   and how i tend to write it.
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Breaking down the comics: Doing good (Issue 34)
Moon Knight, Issue # 34: Primal Scream
Written by Tony Isabella and drawn by Bo Hampton. 
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And Bonus short: The Vault of Knight
Written by Tony Isabella and drawn by Richard Howell.
Let's stop for a second. Take a little comic history lesson tour. 
This is not written by the usual Moon Knight team. 
Let's get into a little Moench history here and why he left. 
He did not really get along well with the then Marvel Chief editor James Shooter. Understandable. Here’s why: 
James Shooter got his start writing for DC then moved to Marvel. During the 70s and 80s, Marvel was experiencing a huge boom in content and new titles (like Moon Knight!) 
Further more, Stan Lee stepped away from monitoring comics to heading the animation works in LA right when Shooter became the cheif, leaving him fully in charge. 
Many felt that Shooter ran the place like a dictator, but there had been a huge influx of missed deadlines and Shooter put a stop to that. 
Despite keeping things running and overseeing a lot of new and important titles, he also alienated a LOT of long-time Marvel creators. 
Many of the long-time creators, like Moench, left Marvel to join with DC, who had a new editor. (He got to write for Batman!) 
NOTE: Shooter also enforced a policy forbidding the portrayal of Gay Characters in the Marvel Universe. In fact, the ONLY and first portrayal of a gay themed comic was of gay men attempting to rape Bruce Banner in the YMCA (which Shooter himself wrote), thus making Marvel to be widely considered Homophobic throughout Shooter's reign. (You should look into the history of LGBTQ+ in comics. It's a ride.)
I would like to point out that Moench's last issue during this time was about a reporter that was obsessed with making her deadlines and who wrote shitty pieces that were praised but awful and caused harm and eventual death in one character she wrote about. HMMMMM. 
When did he leave? Sources say the end of 1982, but those that understand the publishing timeline will note comic publish dates don't match the date they reach the shelves. 
So what is the official last Moon Knight Comic Moench worked on?
Let me put it this way... We aren't going to see Moench anymore for the 1980s run. 
He DOES come back for a bit later on, but it's short lived for a couple of limited run editions.
(And this is all new knowledge for me, who thought he originally finished the 1980s run and now I'm looking at an earlier review I did out of order because I'm an idiot and realize I've made a grave mistake.... Oh joy.) 
Farewell my sweet writer Doug Moench. Hats off to you. 
Now! That out of the way, let’s take a look at the first step we truly take away from Mr. Moench. 
For some reason, any time a guest writer sits in for early Moon Knight, they feel the need to over explain the character and introduce his past. Almost as if they were trying to explain who they are writing or getting a grasp on it for themselves. 
This is also a special double large edition. Another cause for writers to try to over explain characters as Marvel expects a bigger issue to draw in new fans. 
However, this is an odd story to push on the hopes of new fans. 
Let’s get into it! 
Yep. We open with a fast recap on who these characters are. 
It leaves me wondering what happened when Moench left. Did he have a script written out? Did he have to give notice and they knew he was leaving and this writer was already on the backburner? Or was this done in a hurry to get a planned comic deadline out on time? 
I would ALSO like to point out that when Bill left, he got a send off. Moench did not get a send off. He just disappears from the credits. It leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. 
"He was born Marc Spector and Spector wasn't a very nice man...Not so much evil as callous...A mercenary whose concern was reserved solely for himself and his Bankbook. 
That man could never have come to this deserted industrial wasteland on a mission made of equal parts mercy and vengeance." 
I disagree. Marc would be all over vengeance in a deserted wasteland. 
"Steven Grant could have. You've read about Grant... The committed millionaire about town...A pretty defendable guy as the upper crust goes. Still... 
Grant couldn't have found this place without Jake Lockley. Jake is the eyes and ears of Grant and Spector...A cabbie whose heart pulses to the beat of the city." 
Putting a bit on Steven, but he'd want to do good. But a gritty back alley is not really his style. 
"Ready for the kicker? Spector, Grant, and Lockley are all the same man...A man you know better as..." 
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(A side note... We see Moon Knight running through a warehouse complaining it smells like a sewer. HE WOULD KNOW. And then he's startled by a cat. This is hilarious to me for so many reasons.) 
And that leads us to the title page where a young man is leaking off the crates above to tackle Moon Knight. 
"Frank? Hate to do this to a hopped-up kid, but the quicker I put him down...the less chance of his getting hurt! Though when I think of what he did to Gena..." 
He tosses Frank across the warehouse. 
Moon Knight again alludes to the damage this kid did to Gena's diner after getting high on some new 'junk'. 
Moon Knight is about to call in to Frenchie to get the medics out to take care of the hopped-up kid when the kid takes off. 
He isn't worried. The fight has been knocked out of him and the police shouldn't have an issue. 
Now we head back to the diner where we find Jake having a cuppa wihth Gena and Crawley. 
Crawley is talking about "The Raiders" which is a young men's social club (read 'Gang'). They are known to be brutal and even the police are afraid of them. 
Gena mentions about how she never raised her boys to run in gangs. Out back, we see Frank leading a group of gang members up to the back door of the diner. 
The gang busts in and attacks the patrons, demanding food. 
Jake isn't about to lay down and let it slide. 
He clocks one of the kids and worries about his friends. 
"Gotta get over to Crawley and Gena fast! They're not used to this kind of action!" 
Jake's heart is made of gold. 
One of the kids jumps Jake, growling and snarling. 
"A for effort, punko, but I've seen a real werewolf up close--And all you've got in common with him are lousy table manners!" And Jake flips the man off. 
Frank jumps on Genna while Jake is preoccupied. He cries out that he's hungry and he bites into her arm. 
Her cries distract Jake and someone bashes him on the back of the head, knocking him out. 
On waking up, Jake immediately asks how Gena is. He finds Gena loading up into an ambulance. 
"His name is Frank... So much for my perfect record. Find him before the police do, Jake." 
"I...Understand. I'll make sure the boy isn't harmed." 
"You don't understand! I want that ungrateful little maggot harmed! I want him harmed so badly he won't ever be able to walk upright again! I treated that boy like family! He treated me like today's hot lunch special! Get him for me, Jake! Bring me his stinkin' head on a platter!" 
Jake's pretty irked about Gena getting hurt, but... 
"But that's not what Moon Knight stands for, is it? I'm the agent of vengeance, not vengeance itself." 
That’s an interesting thought for Jake to have. Jake who so often slips out to let the others handle the Moon Knight mission. He trusts that they can handle things. But what is the difference between being an agent of vengeance and vengeance itself? Perhaps, looking to another comic is where we see that line and the difference between Moon Knight and the Punisher. 
He sets out to find Frank and his gang. He hopes having Frank brought in will help Gena. 
"Because I never want to look into the eyes of someone I care for and see so much hatred and despair there. I've seen it too many times before... Within myself." 
So this issue I’m just going to be crying over Jake the whole time. Okay. Good to know. 
Back at the diner, Gena is out of the hospital and facing her fears. 
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Moon Knight is searching the hideout of the Raiders. He fllows the smell till he comes across a delirious woman with some sort of chemical burn blotches all over her. 
Looking around, he realizes, Steven Grant has been here before. An old factory he had been trying to save to create jobs has fallen into ruin. 
The factory is left to rot and all the chemicals inside are left there as well. 
He radios to Frenchie to make sure medical is on standby. These kids have been living in the toxic waste too long. 
He asks if the police got anything out of Frank when they grabbed him. 
Yeah... they didn't get him. He got away. 
And he's still looking for food from Gena. 
Back at the diner, we see Gena trying to clean up on her own. 
She is skittish as she cleans but tries to tell herself that no one's coming for her. 
"Besides, I'm not gonna let anybody or anything chase me away from what's mine!" 
And that's when Frank breaks back into Genas’.
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Moon Knight finds one of the kids conscious enough to talk. Alcaide, their leader, didn't let them leave the hideout. He found drums full of a top secret toxic waste that drove people wild and crazy. 
Moon Knight recalls that Grant had learned that the factory used to work for the government. 
"Grant saw that in their public records. But the Spector part of me can't help but wonder if they didn't also do some more discreet research for the feds." 
Bingo bango. He finds the drums, filled with "Primal Project" chemicals. 
Oh! time for a Marc Spector flashback! 
"Spector was working for the feds at the time, escorting a man named Wenzel through a south American jungle..." 
They were heading to meet up with a professor in Manaus (that’s in Brazil!) to shut down the Primal Project. 
"It was supposed to slow a man's thinking process...Make him docile...Easy to handle. Something went wrong." Wenzel talks about the project. 
Marc stops them in their tracks. He hears something stalking them from the trees above. 
A creature leaps at them and Marc fires his gun. 
The beast is hit and lays dead. Deformed and animalistic. 
Marc asks if this is the work of the professor they're heading to see. 
"Spector...That IS the professor." 
They reach the campsite to find men dead across the site and more creatures running around. 
They are attacked adn have to fend off the beasts. They ended up blowing up the site to get rid of the beasts and the remaining chemicals. 
Apparently not all the chemical was destroyed. 
Now, Alcaide, the gang leader, approaches, fully a beast now. 
Back in the diner, Gena fights for her life. 
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The cops have arrived at the factory and the paramedics are working on the gang. 
Moon Knight still battles the crazed beast and so does Gena. 
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The next day, Jake stops in to see Gena. 
Most of the kids will make a recovery and their lawyers claim they were unter the influence of the Primal toxin. 
Gena is still shaken deeply. 
"I trusted Frank like he was one of my own, Jake...And every time I come in here all the pain comes back. Maybe it wasn't all his fault, but nobody forced him to join that gang. And is it right that I can't walk into my own diner without getting sick?" 
Jake tries to comfort her. Or perhaps, he reaches out to her in a way that he wishes he could with himself and with Marc. Because he knows that it does eat them up. It eats Marc up every day. He isn’t sure if it will ever stop eating them up.
"No. But you're too good a lady to let this eat you up forever." 
"Yeah... I'll work it out."
Poor Gena. 
She shoos them away. She needs to lock up for the night. 
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This story is beautiful. This one time special guest writer, Tony Isabella and artist Bo Hampton really did a beautiful job here. 
They manage to keep the usual Moon Knight pace and story feel. We have Jake trying to protect his people. We have Gena facing a kid she helped to raise up, despite him not being her own, joining a violent gang and hurting her, we have Governmental neglect to clean up their mess and doing experimental biochemical weapons on unsuspecting people (a thing that really did happen in ‘Nam), we have economic failure for the factory that lead to the failure to clean up the toxic chemicals, and then we go back to Gena who is now facing trauma. 
No one in this story won. No one goes home feeling good about the day. They just have to pick themselves up again and move on. And they shouldn’t have to. Yet here they are, facing it all alone. 
This moves us to the short story afterwards. "The Vault of Knight." 
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This is a weird one. Stranger still is that the short is written by the same person who wrote the main line. That’s pretty rare. Usually the short is done as a commission to be filler or bonus issues. 
Weirder still is the way it’s presented. A commentary on the main storyline! I've seen it done before. It's sort of like the Watcher to the audience. 
We have a strange looking character that addresses the audience. He's dressed like a baseball catcher with a Cubs cap on. Fitting. 
He calls himself "The Score-Keeper". 
And this... Let me tell you....
"Aloha, Adventure-addicts! Was twenty-four pages of gratuitous Do-Gooding enough for you...Or does your Hero-Habit demand even more of (yawn) Moon Knight's exciting escapades? I'm your sinister statistician, The Score-Keeper, and what I wanna know is... 
What is this Turkey in his cowled skivvies accomplishing? Does he really make a difference? Let's add it up. You can't lie to a Scorecard!" 
Interesting. A common question that pops up in Moon Knight comics. 
"Take last story for example. Sure he put ONE gang of teen terrors out of commission, but what's he doing about the rest of the anti-social adolescents in this city?" 
We see Moon Knight on a stakeout, waiting where someone's been hitting the same place for a week. 
The someone is two punks that dress up like werewolves and rob the shops in the area. In fact, they've hit five places in the past week alone! 
They hit a store where an old man cowers in fear....Until Moon Knight swoops in and knocks the thugs out. 
"You...You're that Moon Mensch fella! And you came into MY shop to save me from those Gonifs." 
"It's sort of my job." Moon Knight pauses. 
"Nu? To you, it's maybe a job. To me, if my store gets robbed, maybe I don't eat that night. So I thank you a lot, you and your job." 
"Friend, it was a mechaieh." 
Oh boy oh boy oh boy you have no idea how happy I am to hear Moon Knight say THAT. 
Back to the score-keeper, he's not impressed. "Why can't these heroes ever save Bloomingdales?" 
And the score-keeper starts talking about Gena and the previous issue. 
"What about Gena? One of Moon Knight's own team and he couldn't prevent what happened to her in this issue's other story. I don't think she's over it yet." 
We see Gena's boys Ray and Ricky head into the diner. 
"What did you want to talk to us about?" 
"I...I was talkin' to your uncle Rollie today, the one with the big restaurant out in Houston and he...Well, he kinda offered...I mean..." 
Score-Keeper scoffs. 
"Way to go M.K. While you're brushin' up on your Yiddish, one of your closest friends is bookin' this urban paradise. Maybe we should ask the rest of your little outfit what they think of you..." 
And this cracks me up because we get Frenchie, Marlene, and Crawley. Each one speaks of a different altar. And Frenchie is just SO pissy about it and so protective of Marc... He calls him his friend. Marc could always count on Frenchie back in the day. 
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I’m…Not going to get into the “Faces of Eve” thing. It’s… A lot. But it was the big DID story and eventual movie that came out around this time that somewhat inspired a loose input into the creation of Moon Knight having DID. 
"You ask me, you care more about these guys than you care about Moon Knight." 
A misnomer. These people are what makes Moon Knight and keeps him going. In his adventures, helping him, and even when he fails them, they stay with him. 
Score guy jabs at it, noting that Moon Knight hasn't protected any of them. 
Frenchie's girlfriend, Marlene's brother, Crawley's son... 
He moves on to Detective Flint. 
Flint waits for him in a back alley. 
"Something happened --Didn't want you to read about it in the papers first. That Alaide kid you brought in was found dead in his cell an hour ago." 
"Yeah, that would've ruined my Breakfast all right." 
(Honestly, Jake is the one that reads the morning paper and eats breakfast. Jake would have been upset.) 
"Wasn't anybody's fault, guy. You know how crazed the kid was --He strangled himself before anyone could get to him." 
"That supposed to make me feel better?" 
"No...This is. It's the room number of the officer that was injured that night." 
Moon Knight pays the officer a visit. The officer is surprised to see him, thinking that he might not come. 
"Flint tells me that storage drum busted three ribs. I'm sorry. Maybe if I'd moved a little faster..." 
"It's all part of the job. But I don't have to tell you that...
You know, I figure you're pretty much a regular guy under that mask. Weird clothes, but no special 'powers'. I'll be honest... This job scares me a lot, like all the time. I was shaking when I went into that warehouse." 
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Sometimes he doesn't see the good he does. 
Sometimes all he can see is the pain he leaves behind. Blaming himself for the pain of his friends. 
Maybe he doesn't really understand why this Daniels is thankful for him. But maybe in this moment he thinks it might be worth it. It might be why he is still trying. 
Back to Score-Keeper. It's time to add up the score. 
"Is Moon Knight doing any good or is he just swinging against the wind?" 
He looks at the results and seems surprised. Ripping up the scorecard, he tells us to figure it out for ourselves and leaves. 
A weird story, but I'm not mad at it. It ties into the main story line, shows the aftermath of what happened, and still shows their friends standing by them. 
It also lets Moon Knight take a moment to feel appreciated. 
And it does ask a question that Moon Knight has asked time and time again. “Am I doing good?” 
Is he causing the harm or is he just shouldering the blame because of his past traumas? The question remains over the years as things become more and more broken for them, and the answer has always been there. It’s just that sometimes it’s hard for them to see it… or accept it. 
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lezbrarian · 5 months
Title: Come On Down To The Lavender Luck Lounge
**Alright, I made a post already with the proper embedded AO3 version, but in case people are not into that ... idk this is my first go around of this ... I'll also make it a text post here as well. I did it -- I wrote some casino AU fanfic inspired by these outfits, in which Dan is a stuffy dry accounting manager and Phil is the owner of the casino. Thank you @dapg-otmebytheballs for the additional inspiration with your tags! And thank you to the anon who provided me with the name of the casino!
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Title: Come On Down To The Lavender Luck Lounge
Dan Howell/Phil Lester
Dan Howell & Phil Lester
Gay Casino AU: Mr. Philip Lester is the suave, flamboyant owner of a queer casino and resort, Lavender Luck Lounge. Mr. Daniel Howell is the uptight and dry accounting manager for the casino. This fic was inspired by the outfits from these videos, respectively: Daniel's: (Dystopia Daily: Dan and Phil Finally Tell the Truth) Philip's: (DAPG: Roasting Our Own Red Carpet Fashion)
This is a work in progress. It may become longer; I may leave it at this. It's just something I was inspired to write after I saw a post on tumblr with the outfits mentioned above. I'm not sure what the plot is or will be, I just wanted to play around in this gay casino alternate universe and see where it takes these characters. Speaking of which, I'll make an obligatory disclaimer. This is a piece of fiction merely inspired by the online personas of Dan and Phil to create these characters and universe. This is not speculating on the real personal lives of Dan or Phil, and I very much do not want this to be sent to Dan/Phil in any way. So please don't do that. So far the story is not explicit/graphic, but I chose to mark this as mature as it's going to feature themes of drinking, smoking, sex and "adult" language by nature of being set in a casino.
*** The casino was buzzing. The gaudy abundance of neon-light up signs were emitting a baseline hum, always there comfortingly familiar. This alone could barely be heard over the rest of the noise that almost always populated the place. The ding! and shing sha-shing cartoon cash sound effects of the slot machines. An occasional male voice over of JACKPOT or WINNER! Then there was the sloshed singles clamoring for the bartenders’ attention at the multiple themed bars. There were the slightly out-of-place yet confident bachelorette parties of straight woo girls. They shrieked and giggled and stiletto-stumbled their way around the casino in large packs. There were the dealers whose voices cut through the chaos with practice. Notes of brassy jazz or Kim Petras might float off the performers’ stages out to the main floor during burlesque or drag shows, respectively. Then of course the cacophony of having so many people in one room, endless conversations converging together into one collective murmur.
On days like this, there was all that buzz, and then some. Because today the rumor that the owner would be here was once again stirring. It didn’t matter that Mr. Lester dropped in frequently, as a very hands-on owner of the casino and resort hotel attached. Nearly every employee lost it each time this frequent rumor spread through the halls, acting as if someone had said an A-list celebrity would be visiting the casino. Employees scrambled and preened and eagerly awaited Mr. Lester’s arrival. That was just about every employee would. There was at least one person who absolutely refused to participate in what he referred to as “juvenile gossip and infatuation.” This would be the accounting manager, Mr. Howell. He mostly hid away in his office, the only place in the casino void of the “tacky” neon lights and oh-so-80s casino furniture and carpeting. Daniel’s office was the only place Mr. Lester had relinquished control on décor. Daniel had claimed he couldn’t work “like this” with a sweeping gesture to the main lobby as Philip had toured him around on the day of his interview. Philip couldn’t help feeling slightly impressed perhaps at the nerve to diss his casino before he was even hired. Plus Daniel was good for the job. He didn’t need the accountant to love casino life. He needed him to love numbers. And Phil would never admit it out loud, but any time he ventured into Mr. Howell’s office, it did provided a much-needed relief to his senses.
In here, there was almost silence and there was a break from the strong smell of pina colada and smoke. Mr. Lester would never allow cigarettes inside, but there was a classy cigar lounge and the smoke clung to clothes and then subsequently, crushed velvet seat cushions and thick carpet fibers. Daniel’s office was meticulously tidy and organized. Uncluttered. As opposed to the neon and flashing lights, and led strips that lined the hallways and floorboards out there – in here there were just soft warm lamps, maybe an open blind. The only smells a fresh inoffensive candle or the faintest hint of Daniel’s aftershave. The floor was an almost sterile white tile, if it weren’t for the rest of the décor in nearly all black to balance it out. One accent wall was painted black too, and the others a nice off-white. A few plants draped their leaves dramatically over bookshelves or the side of his desk. It was ridiculous and unnecessary but it was Daniel’s office and his own money out of his pocket – the desk housed a modern desktop computer, but also an old-fashioned calculator and huge yellowing-white computer from the ‘90s complete with a clacky keyboard. His desk was otherwise cleared, any important documents and office supplies organized neatly in drawers. There were some tasteful books on bookshelves, which Philip guessed were chosen more for their spines and color than their content. The important documents and useful books were tucked away in filing cabinets. And of course it was still a casino, so Phil’s only influence in the room (or so Daniel let Philip believe) was the occasional gold accent piece here or there.
No matter how many times Mr. Howell indicated his complete disinterest in these frequent announcements that Mr. Lester was coming with a flat monotone “alright” or “and?” – one of the youngest and most flamboyant employees would flit into his office on their OMG he’s coming! casino tour. It certainly seemed to be more about the message-bearer than any actual response to this delivery of news, as they never skipped Daniel’s office on this rumor tour.
Daniel’s office door rattled closed and quickly as it had been flung open. He felt his skull rattle in its frame the same way the door rattled in its own. He sighed. He didn’t bother even giving the messenger a response today. He thinks it was Felix, one of the servers for the drag shows. But it was hard to keep track of them all, especially when he spent most of his time tucked away in this office, only to be interrupted for moments like these.
Each time someone opened his door – the casino seemed to seep into his office, his sanctuary. He swore he could smell cheap perfume and well liquor. And when he blinked the led lights of the hallway were still in his vision. He closed his eyes and rubbed at them and then his temples, attempting to regain the focus and flow he’d been in before.
Plenty of the employees and even people in Daniel’s personal life wondered why on earth he took this job, if he seemed to detest it so much. He seemed so bothered with the casino atmosphere, so why this job? Well Philip had promised him he really could just stay behind this desk, not dealing with anything other than the numbers, the input and output of money. He would have the occasional meeting, and other than that he could live in his own little world crunching numbers, completely hyper-focused and zoned out from the casino world. Calculate this, manage that. Something to keep his hands and mind busy, and the thoughts out. Of course he’d worked other types of money management and accounting jobs. But he was always being dragged into other areas of business, managing employees. And that always really meant managing other people’s emotions, which he was not in the business of. Plus there were not many places he could merge his queer identity and his money management. He absolutely despised the jobs he’d worked on Wall Street, with fratty finance bros in their polos and khakis or drab blue suits and crisp baby blue button-ups. Yeah, that was not for him. The Lavender Luck Lounge casino aesthetic might have swung entirely too far in the other direction for him, but at least he was not expected to fist bump and contribute to heterosexual male small talk here. Sure it was flashy and tacky and way, way too colorful. But the workplace was ostensibly queer. The bartenders, servers, dealers, and bouncers were an impressive and intimidating mix of cool tattooed lesbians, big burly bears, adorable flamboyant twinks, nonbinary hotties with names like Twig, and the list could go on and on. There was an incredibly talented and diverse cast of drag queens and burlesque performers. All the employees were encouraged to be themselves and dress how they felt comfortable. Yes, Daniel found this place to be overstimulating and frankly gaudy for his own taste, but he would take that any day over a boring cookie cutter cubicle where he had to dress the same as every other man in the building.
Daniel was having a hard time getting back into his focus after Felix, or had it been Striker, had flung their long braids over their shoulder and bounced out of the room. He couldn’t get their damn singsongy Mr. Leeeeester is coooomiiiing! out of his head, like an annoying ear worm of a song. He sat up straight at his computer. Though Philip had made sure to have his desk and chair measured for ergonomics, Daniel found himself slouching at it frequently. At 6’3” he was just use to slouching and hunching at most desks. He fussed with his blazer, which was black with a thin white gird pattern today. He liked to dress well for the job, fashionable but nothing too flashy. He had never asked if there was a dress code, but Mr. Lester had also never provided him with a set of rules or dress code either. Judging from the range of casual to full on costume-garb among the other employees – he was pretty sure he could wear just about anything to work and it would be fine. But like his office, he preferred a style that was well-kempt, chic, lowkey but stylish. And it was almost always black and white head to toe. Today he let the blazer be the focus, with a fitted grey shirt underneath and the blazer open. He paired black slacks that tapered and revealed the ankle. To be fair this is how he had to wear most slacks at his height, unless he shopped at Big and Tall, which he most certainly did not. But he didn’t mind – the tapered ankle-showing look was in as far as he could tell. He wore a sensible but expensive sock and a shiny black loafer. The only bit of accessorizing he ever did was one small hoop earring on one side, which he’d had since his days in college, and a fancy silver watch which he’d acquired once he graduated and made some Wall Street money. In fact, it was one bit of his daily outfit from those days that he’d kept in the rotation. He’d tossed most of his ties, finding them stuffy – plus they reminded him of his all-boys-school uniform days. Not great memories there. His outfit today was fairly similar to what he wore most days, and it seemed Mr. Lester had no problem with it. In fact, he’d even give Daniel an occasional “looking snazzy, Howell.” Daniel dressed with the goal that nobody on the street would look at him and think that guy works in a casino. Daniel thought Mr. Lester dressed like he must want every person on planet earth to know he owned a casino. He often barely managed to be out of eye sight of Philip before he rolled his eyes at whatever flashy thing Philip had donned that day.
He'd had his eyes closed for quite some time. Still gently rubbing the bridge of his nose and his temples. Before he knew it, his door was being knocked on and flung open before he could answer “come in” again.
“I know he’s com—”
“Who’s coming, Mr. Howell?” Philip asked and Daniel swore he heard an ounce of amusement, perhaps innuendo in his voice?
“Not me – I mean, never mind doesn’t matter. Hi, I thought you were someone else.” Oh, god. He wasn’t the most social person, but he’d like to be able to at least perform these standard social interactions without completely fumbling.
“Okie dokie” Phil said sincerely. Daniel was sure he was the only person in the world who could pull off that phrase without an ounce of sarcasm. “Well I’m sorry to disappoint you that I’m not someone else, but I just dropped by to remind you about our meeting later today!”
Daniel is positive Philip never mentioned this meeting, but this was par for the casino owener’s course. He worked hard, and ultimately ran a tight ship. He made his employees genuinely happy and actually cared about how they were doing. He was a good hands-on owner. He was charming and whip smart too, with innovative ideas and solutions. But he was a total fucking scatterbrain. His office, not unlike the stark difference between Daniel’s and his stylistic choices in clothing, was the exact opposite of Daniel’s. Where Dan’s desk was tidy, uncluttered, a sleek black desk with a piece of green-tinted glass over it – there was virtually no way of knowing what color or nearly even where Philip’s desk was in his office. His office might as well not have a desk or shelves since you couldn’t see them anyway under the piles and piles of loose papers, notebooks, post-it-notes and knick-knacks. In Phil’s office, the aesthetic of the casino and resort certainly bled over. There were neon light-up signs in here too – one large one read Here, Queer, I Can Always Lend an Ear! – and there was a plasma ball and definitely more than one lava lamp. The office was slightly more pastel, softer compared to the deep reds and purples of the customer-facing areas of the Lavender Luck Lounge. But this man was born to own a casino. Daniel had no doubt this would not be far off from how Philip’s actual house was decorated. He didn’t know how Mr. Lester found anything at all in here, let alone keep track of anything truly important. It was no wonder he was lucky to get even a notice about a meeting earlier in the day. Daniel preferred plenty of notice, meetings written down in his perfect color-coded calendar weeks in advance. But he was used to this part of the job by this point. And everything else ran pretty smoothly, especially since all important financial documents came straight to his own office. So he was willing to let it slide that meetings often came with little to no warning. And, though he would never admit it, a little change of environment and routine was nice every now and then. Sometimes they would meet in Phil’s office. But there were conference rooms in the resort they would use sometimes as well.
“Does that work for you?” Philip asked.
Fuck. He had stopped paying attention again.
“Hmm.. what’s working for me?”
“The … time? For the meeting?” Philip didn’t seem annoyed, but maybe even a bit concerned. “You alright, Daniel? You seem distracted.”
Shit. He couldn’t possibly ask Philip to repeat the time again. Too embarrassing. No, he’d have to bribe a bartender or someone to go subtly ask Mr. Lester if he had a meeting later that day, and the get the time from them.
“Yes! Works for me,” Daniel answered with too much enthusiasm now.
Philip turned then, his heeled boots making a nice loud click-clack against the tile in his office. In this entire interaction Daniel had barely actually looked at Philip. His boots were shiny black snakeskin (Daniel assumed it was faux, but expensive nonetheless), and they had a modest heel that gave Philip an extra two or three inches to his already tall height of 6’2”. He was wearing slacks very similar to Dan’s --- tapered nicely at the ankle above his boots. But on second glance, Philip’s were a deep, deep red beyond red wine or burgundy – appearing almost black at first. And his shirt – it was a silky long-sleeve button down. The shirt was more of a cherry red with an abstract black water color stripey effect. And he had the first few buttons undone, exposing his pale chest and a surprising amount of dark chest hair for an otherwise clean shaven man. He was sporting a delicate gold chain necklace as well. He certainly looked like he owned a casino, more so than usual even. His looks often leaned a bit more flashy, sparkly even. But today – he was looking almost, dare someone say, sleazy? But in a swanky and suave way still, somehow, he was pulling it all off.
Before Philip closed the door and left, he leaned back into the doorframe.
“I like that blazer, Howell. You should wear that one more often.”
Daniel was certainly not oblivious to what was so charming about Mr. Lester, or why he seemed to have an entire casino’s worth of employees wrapped around his finger.
And without a response, Philip closed the door behind him. Daniel could still hear his heels clicking down the hallway, until he reached the carpeted main floor.
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just-weird-fanfics · 2 years
Don't fear The Reaper
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(ahhhhhhhh. ok so i am actually in love with ponyboy curtis from the outsiders. and when i tell you as soon as i laid eyes on c. thomas howell in omnivore a few years back i was drooling. anyways. My obsession with slashers has taken over me and i normally don't drool over unsubs but this man can do unspeakable things to me. but here's a little piece i cooked up lol)
Word Count: 5,180
summary: running into george a few years after you had first met him. he was going to kill you when he first met you but let you go. unbeknownst to you he had planned this meeting down to the moment he would be leaving.with a few added plans when you go to dinner with a few colleges and your boss decided to get a little too close. read the warnings!!!!
warnings: george foyet is his own warning,  mentions of the reaper (obviously), DARK THEMES, mentions of murder, mentions of blood, mentions of stabbing, slight angst, obsessed stalker!george foyet, stalking, creep behavior, jealous!george foyet, cursing, innocent!reader, shy!reader, fem!reader, oblivious!reader, fluff, mentions of smut, very minimal sexual themes but still suggestive, age gap (reader is in early 20s and george in his late 30s early 40s), anxious!reader, use of y/n and y/l/n, some stupid computer stuff that i have no idea would even work but i figured it would be a cool idea, lowkey projecting on some of this cause I'm making reader a picky eater as well lol, mentions of cocaine, framing, fighting (not reader and not that descriptive), threats, also this isn't as graphic as i wanted it to be but its my first story back so uh 
One thing to note is that the pov changes a lot and I tried my best to make it as smooth as possible but the texts may be a bit confusing
You normally tried to get your prescriptions delivered so you wouldn't have to talk to anyone but here you were. the pharmacy inside the store had a longer line than it had when you got there. you were glad that you got here earlier as you looked behind you and saw the line. as the man at the counter leaves the woman in front of you goes over to the counter. she was an older lady and you could just imagine how long it would take. 
you look around you at the customers as you and slowly become more nosey as the years go by. your eyes landed on a couple a few feet away from you who are looking at pregnancy tests. you smiled to yourself and wondered if you should congratulate them or give them money for plan b based on the boyfriends worried face. behind them were a few dudes looking at condoms.you looked to your other side and saw a mom with a very fussy what looked to be 5 year old son who refused to get cough medicine.
you look over and see the counter open and walk over, “y/n y/l/n.” the lady types on her computer before nodding, “birth control?” you nod awkwardly as you hope she isn't judging you. you swore she looked you up and down as she got up but it could've been the trick of the light. she walks back over with your prescription and hands it to you as you sign and pay for it. you turn around to leave but stop in your tracks. 
you take a step forward to see if you could get a better view without looking too creepy for staring. there was a man who was looking at some bottles of pain meds and he looked familiar. it almost hits you like a train when you realise he has been one of your substitute teachers your last year of highschool. you contemplate saying something to him but as your hands shook slightly from the feeling of being stared at you decided to leave. 
but the universe had a different idea.
your head turns at the sound and you see him looking at you, a bit shocked. “mr foyet,” you say with a soft smile. he smiles at you, “its been a while hasn't it?” you walk over to him and nod. he had always been one of your favorite substitutes and though you didn't have his computer class you were sure it was a nice class to have. “how have you been?” he asks and you pause on the spot. people normally didn't ask you that.
“fine. i guess. i never got that job though,” you blurt out after a few seconds, “and you?” 
“could be better,” he admits looking back at the pills and gestures to them, “wish i didn't need these.” you see him glance at the prescription in your hand then up at you. “you're only what? 19? you shouldn't be on anything yet.” you flush slightly, “im 20. but they're um. its birth control. i get bad cramps and nothing else helps.” he gives you a look that you knew all too well when he was trying to let you know not to be ashamed about something, “you're a young lady. i'm not going to judge our sexual life.” 
you smile softly and blush at that as you look down. you decide to turn the conversation onto him, “why do you need anything? you're pretty young too.” ‘i'm not exactly in my prime anymore.,” he says picking up a bottle of generic painkillers. “if you have muscle cramps they don’t do shit,” you say and reach for a different bottle and hand it to him, “this works for anything. unless you have menstrual cramps.” 
“i see you didn't lose the quick comments.” “they come naturally. plus it's true.” he smiles at you and sets the other bottle he had picked up back. part of you wondered if you should leave now but something was keeping you in place and you felt like you shouldn't leave yet. “this might be an odd request,” you hear him say then look over at him, “i have a few bags of groceries and i dont live that far but i can't carry them myself.” 
“i can help. no worries.” 
“you're an angel.” 
you smile at his words and he doesn't fail to notice your change in behavior too as you flush and look away from him. you look near the cash register and see the bags, “those?” “yep. i'm gonna go pay for these. i’ll be right back.” you nod and watch him walk over to the counter. you look at the couple who had been looking at the pregnancy tests as they give you a weird look. part of you wanted to say a snarky remark but you decide to follow george. 
you make you way to where he was in line at checkout and it wasn't as bad as the pharmacy line. and you make sure to tell him that when he complains about the line. he looks back at the pharmacy lie before nodding, “feel bad for that bastard in the back.” you laugh and try not to laugh harder when you see the girl get in line as her boyfriend gets in line for the checkout behind the mom and son who came after you. 
you turn to george, “the dude that got in line and the chick who got in the other line were giving me weird looks. but she's buying a pregnancy test and looks younger than me.” george looks behind him and his gaze lingers on the guy before looking back at you, “i think he was checking you out.” you give george a look, “like anyone's checking me out. i'm in sweats and a hoodie.” George's lip twitches slightly into a smirk and you just catch it but the line moves up. 
You go and grab the bags from where they were on the floor and wait patiently for him to checkout. Once he does he was quick to open the door for you making you smile and thank him. “Its just a block or two away.” you follow him down the side walk as he leads you. “I really appreciate it,” he says looking over at you. You smile, “i don't mind helping out. You were my favorite sub after all. And plus i can return the favor for all those times you did my work for math.” 
He smiles and stops in front of a house and goe up some steps. You follow him and he unlocks the door. You step inside and look around. It was pretty small but cozy nonetheless. ‘You can put the stuff in the kitchen, please.” you nod, unsure if he could even see you, and find the kitchen and set the bags down on the counter. You look around and your eyes land on a few bags on the floor. You glance over at george as he walks nto the kitchen. “are you moving?” you ask and motion to the bags on the floor that you assumed were clothes. 
“i uh. You and your friends never looked me up?”
You give hima  confused look, “no? Why?” george nods and sits down at the table, “i'm assuming you're aware of the reaper.” you look at him, “yea. One of my friends was scared of him for years. But hes dead i think.” george takes off his glasses. “Mr foyet what's going on?” “please, call me george.” you nod and take a seat at the table with him, “what happened?” 
“Well. a few years ago i was with my girlfriend at the time. We were driving and i saw someone flag us down so i stopped, he was lost apparently and was trying to find a certain place and showed me one of those little booklets,” you saw his face change slightly but you couldn't make out the emotion, “then he stabbed me. And he turned on my girlfriend. She was stabbed 67 times. And i was lucky to even make it out. But he called the cops and they found me in time.”
Your jaw had dropped and you weren't even sure what to say. You reach out for his hand that was on the table, “im sorry. I had no idea.” “its alright. I was hoping you didn't know. A few people did and tried to sympathise with me and basically babied me.” you feel his thumb rub curdlesnoot your hand but you don't think anything of it. “I don't really use my real name anymore. Its all fake oes. I have a bunch of different houses so that's why i have the bags. Just in case he comes back you know?” you nod slightly, “I'm really sorry for bringing it up-” “don't apologise. It's alright. I'd rather you hear it from methann somewhere else.” “yea. I guess that makes sense.”
“You look like her.”
Your eyes stay on the table as you process his words. You then look up at him. “Im sorry. You just have a lot of similarities to um. Sorry.” you give him an understanding look then glance at the clock. Your phone buzzes and you pull away from him to grab it. Your boss had spammed you bout the dinner tonight and you rolled your eyes. “I need to get going. Maybe if you have a number you would want to give out i can have it?” gorgeous eyes light up and he nods. You hand him your phone and he puts ina  number. You smile when he hands it back. 
“Whos the guy texting you?’ he asks. “My boss. Jack, he's up my ass about this dinner tonight.” “where do you work?” he asks you as he puts his glasses abc on. “Retail. Walmart. But this boss seems to like a lot of us so hes taking us out to dinner at this restaurant.” he nods and then gets up at the same time you do. “Thank you for helping me,” he says with a smile. You nod and hesitate to hug him but he hugs you. You smile and hug him abc. “I’ll text you or call you later. Have a good rest of your day george.” 
He watches as you leave and locks the door behind you. He lets out a small breath as he turns around and makes his way over to the computer. His facade had dropped as soon as you left. He typed your number into the computer and waited for it to register. once it does hes able to see all of your messages from anyone. He looks through the more recent ones and skips over your boss. He already knew how he was with you and he didn't feel the need to anger himself yet. 
As he looks through your messages with other colleges he laughs at your obliviousness. They were obviously trying to flirt but it seemed to go over your head, or you had ignored their advances and kept it professional. There were a few moments he caught when you had replied late and wondered if you had seen the messages and thought of a response. His gaze travels back up from the text from your boss. He watched as you typed and it go through. He clicked on it.
Jack (boss): Are you sure you're going to be able to make it tonight?
You: I can. Im sorry i was catching up with on old friend
George smiles at that and watches as a message starts to send through. 
Jack (boss): alright. Well as soon as you are done with her then call me if you can alright? If not just text me. 
You: I don't know if i can call you anytime soon. I'm walking home from his house and its not that far but id rather text. Why whats up?
Jack (boss): oh, i didn't know it was a male. Anyways. I was going to ask if you needed a ride. Id be willing to pick you up but it would be a bit early. I was hoping we could talk ;)
George almost wanted to track his ip at that. But he watched as you typed. It stopped for a few second then began again. Then stopped for a minute. He didn't dare look away from it but as he watched he heard a din from his own phone. He picked it up and smiled when he saw your number. 
Y/n: hey its me y/n. I wanted to message you before i forgot. I'm walking back home now. My boss is being really pushy about this dinner, i'm sorry i had to leave so soon. I can still text you if you want that
You: Its totally alright. Bosses can be pushy sometimes. But yea you could text me. Hope your boss isn't being too weird.
y/n: im not even sure how to describe the way hes acting. He sent a winky face and i'm not sure if hes trying to flirt with me
You: i would say sounds like hes trying to. If you're interested go with it.
y/n: but i'm not. Hes kinda creeping me out and he offered to give me a ride. I don't trust him that much but i want to go to this dinner
You: text me the restaurant? I’ll text you randomly through the night and if i don't get an answer i’ll come there ok? Or you text me when you leave and when you're going back home and once you are.
y/n: you’d do that?
You: of course.
y/n: thank you. I’ll let you know whats going on
George turns back to the computer and sees that your boss had texted you asking for an answer. George finds his number easily and plugs it in. he waits just like h had done with yours until he gets all of his messages. He grimaces at the way he had texted one of, who  george presumed, his friend. He had basically talked as if you were an object and how horny he was. He didn't think he would have to kill anyone tonight but george was willing to switch a few things around.
George glances over at the fridge and mentally thanks himself for putting the piece of paper away from your view. He reaches for it and scans it through. He not only had your address but your bosses as well. The place you worked and the restaurant you were supposed to be going to were also marked on the paper. He thanked himself for waiting those 5 minutes to hear the address cause he was clueless on where the restaurant was located. 
He gets up and walks over to one of the drawers he had in the living room. He grabs the mask out of it and wipes some of the dry blood of of it that he missed. He had a feeling he couldn't stay out as long as he hoped considering the fbi may come knocking on his door. He could care less though as he takes an empty bag and shoves the mask in it as well as the gun he hid in the kitchen cabinet. He had a feeling he wouldn't need it but he grabs a pair of clean clothes just in case. 
You texted him a few minutes before you were leaving. You had decided to text him when you got to the restaurant, when you were there, leaving, and home. You figured it would be easier than possibly being rude for being on your phone during dinner. You had agreed to let jack drive you but you were a bit unsure of what to do during the extra time you two wuld appernaly have. A feeling of uncertainty was washing over you and you wanted to abc out but as you heard the horn outside you jumped up from the couch and looked outside. 
You grabbed your purse and looked at yourself in the mirror. The dinner was suppose to be at a nice restaurant so you grabbed the nicest dress you could find which happened to be a black backless one with long sleeves. You put your purse over your shoulder and walk outside as you lock your door. Your phone buzzes and you hope that its george as you walk over to the car. You get in the passenger seat and give jack a weak smile as you close the door.
“You look nice,” jack says looking over at you but you see his eyes wandering. You nod and awkwardly put your purse over your thighs to keep your dress from riding up too much. You look at him as he wore a simple suit and you could tell he did t put much into his appearance cause his hair was messy as usual. You feel the car start to back up and you take your phone out. You smile when you see goerges name.
George: Did you get picked up yet?
You: yea. He just got me
George: ok. Text me once you get to the restaurant alright?
You: alright
You look over at jack as he drives. He was around your age and attractive but he was a douche. He always acted strange around you and you didn't like it. You tried to tell one of your colleges but he claimed that it was normal behavior. You believed him. Maybe you were just overthinking things. 
“Can i ask you something?”
“What is it?”
“Are you dating anybody?”
You look at jack at the questions and shake your head, “no. why?” “wondering,” he says and you watch his hand reach out and be placed on your knee. You stare at it for a second and try to brush off the strange feeling you felt. outside looked more interesting the  staring a the hand on your thigh so you watched as trees and buildings went by. 
the hand on you knee moved upwards and you tensed up. you looked at it as the car stopped and you saw a parking lot. you were at the restaurant but away from where anyone would be able to see either of you. you give jack an awkward look and attempt to push his hand away. he gets the hint and moves it back to your knee. 
“what's wrong?” he asks and you were clearly uncomfortable so you found the question strange. “please dot touch me,” you say and move his hand off of your knee. he pulls it back, “sorry.” you couldn't tell if he was being sincere or not but he looked away from you. you picked up your phone and texted george.
you: we got to the restaurant but we’re waiting outside. do you have a car? or know how much a bus is?
you wait for a response and move your legs away from jack as you look out the window. you hoped that he would leave you alone for the most part the rest of the night and you would find one of your friends marissa. your phone buzzes and you quickly pick it up.
george: what happened?
you: nothing really. i think he is trying to flirt with me and i'm not sure how he is when he gets drunk. and i'd rather be safe than sorry incase he does try to get behind the wheel
george: bus tickets aren't expensive. altho i could get there with you if you would want that. i don't have a car, I usually take the bus or walk
you: you would do all this for me but you haven't talked to me in years. and not at all outside of school until this morning
george looks up from where he is in the car he had stolen a few weeks ago. he had a clear view of you and jack as he held the phone in his hands. he was lucky to get a spot not near where you two had decided to park. the tint on the windows also helped him as he watched without worry of being caught.he looks back down at the phone at your messages
you: not to sound weird. but i always liked you. so if you need any help with anything i would be glad to help. and i mean anything
he watched your face as you blushed a bit. your date for the evening was glaring out the window and suddenly his eyes turn to his car. george narrows his eyes as he watches jack. jack eyes move down and george can only hope it was to the phone in your hands. when you move the phone and rest your head on your hand he knew it was. at the same time you did his phone buzzed.
y/n: i really appreciate that. i like you too and if you need anything id be glad to help as well :) you're the only person i really trust right now. hes really creeping me out
george had to laugh at that. he knew that jack was making you uncomfortable but it would make more sense if you were scared of him and not jack. you should be but you didn't know the truth. 
you: if he's making you uncomfortable try to not be near him. i'm on my way ok?
you look at your phone at the message and pause. you hadn't told him where you were. you ignore it and maybe you had told him when you were at his house. you look over at jack and notice it was almost time to go inside. he noticed too and unbuckled his seatbelt. you follow after him and text george that you were heading inside. 
the restaurant was nice as you walked in. you saw marissa. she looks over and smiles and you walk over to hug her. “ugh i thought you weren't going to show i was getting nervous!” she says. “nope. I'm here,” you say and glance at jack, “he gave me a ride.” marissa glances at him as he walks past her. “the weirdo gave you a ride?” she whispers. you give her a look. “y/n you realize he flirts with everyone and is always staring at our asses?” you shrug, “no, but he did touch my leg in the car. i think one of my friends might pick me up early.”
she nods and you both take a seat at the booth. you sit next to her on the inside in case god forbid jack tries to sit next to you. another one of your coworkers mike sits next to marissa. “Mike how do you feel about drinks tonight?” marissa asks him and you laugh. she looks over at you then pauses, “are you 21?” “no. so i won't be drinking tonight. or at all in my life,” you laugh. “boring,” she says.
you watch as jack slips in on the other side of the booth and another coworker trew slides in next to him. alice slides i next to him. “i think this is everyone,” jack says looking around the table. your phone buzzes and you look down at it. yu decided that it was too early to be considered rude if you answered as others stated conversation.
george: i'm going to be there soon. would you want to leave now or do you want me to wait outside for you?
you: wait outside for now. i really appreciate you doing this
george: no need to thank me. i'm doing a favor
you smile and marissa pulls you into her, “who ya texting?” you laugh as she takes your phone. “mar!” you laugh and try and take it back from her but she holds it out of reach. “you have a boyfriend?” she asks you making you shake your head. “oh so who is george?” “my friend. c’mon mar give it back.” you manage to take you phone from her as you both laugh. 
“you really need to find someone. you've been single for how long?” alice asks. “shes never had a partner. you know this,” trew says making jack look over at him shocked. that was new. george had also managed to find a table near enough to you to hear but not be seen. he hadn't planned on being on a weirdo watch today but it was better that you had an idea he was there so in case he was caught he had an alibi. 
mike, who he had quickly learned the name of, calls over a waitress and they start making orders. he was the least bit surprised to hear you get chicken tenders. he always knew what you got during lunch at school and would get you extras or just plain out bring you fast food sometimes when he knew you were having bad days. he was lucky that no one questioned this before he left the school himself. 
“everytime you order the same thing,” alice says. “i do not. i get spaghetti sometimes,” you say. “yea, sometimes. which really mean rarely cause you ‘don't like the sauce’,” trew says doing a weird voice at the end making everyone laugh. “don't judge what i do and don't like ok? dot make me mention when you ate that burrito off the floor.” “i did not!” “did too,” you mutter as you take a drink of your water. 
george grimaces for a second at the thought of a dirty floor burrito. he goes back to looking at you as you laugh and he could swear he hadn't met anyone prettier. he had a feeling no matter how hard he tried he couldn't get exactly what he wanted from you but he could still watch you like he had been for a couple months. this plan has gone better than expected os he couldn't doubt himself just yet.
he gets a good look at jack as he stares at you over his glass. something ticked him off by that look so george immediately picked up his phone.
you: y/n would you be willing to leave a bit early? 
you pick up your phone immediately and answer him.
y/n: yea. can i get my food first? i’ll take it to go
george: of course
he watches you put your phone back down and look around for the waitress he presumed. then outside. maybe you were trying to find him? his place at the bar was a good view of the outside as well and when he caught you looking at a cat outside he smiled. of course. he had a feeling you liked cats. or maybe you didn't. he’d have to ask but he assumed you liked them. 
you were barely paying attention but george was. he watched jack get up and slide past everyone in his row and head towards the bathroom. george happened to know there was an alleyway right outside the mens bathroom. he downed his drink and left money on the counter to pay for it as he followed jack to the bathroom. 
you finally noticed jack was gone a few minutes after he left. around the same time the food came. “alice can you do me a favor?” you lean over to her. “Yeah what's up?” “can you ask for a to-go box for me? I can't stay.” she nods and gets up to find a waitress. mike gets up to sit next to trew. “you alright?” trew asks giving you a worried look. “yea im fine. i just need to head home early. i'm not riding with jack, wherever he went.”
“you're getting a ride from george?’ marissa says with a smirk as she takes a fry from you. “yes actually. we’re going on the bus i think. long story.” “is he at least not a creep?” she asks. you shake your head, “no. he's really nice actually. He used to be a substitute at my high school. i ran into him again this morning.” everyone gives youa  look. “how old is he?” mike asks. you give him a confused look, “why does it matter? hes a friend.” 
everyone sighs at you and you have a feeling they were judging you too. alice walks back with the box and hands it to you. “thanks.” you get up and grab your food and put a $20 on the table. “have a nice night guys. i’ll see you tomorrow.” you walk outside and pull out your phone, you call him instead of texting as you couldn't type with one hand. 
the phone rings and george lets one of his hands go to grab his phone. he sees your name on the top of the screen and looks over to jack, “say a word i’ll stomp your brains out.” a whimper comes from the man he had holding up against the wall as he answers. “y/n. you alright?” 
“yea george. im outside. where are you?” you shiver slightly at the cold and look around. 
“i'm in the bathroom, i’ll be there in a second hold on. you're in the front right?” 
“yea. i’ll stay here and wait for you. bye.”
at the same time the phone hangs up, jack is getting dropped to the floor with a loud thump and a groan. “look at her or touch her or any girl ever again and i’ll make sure each one of these fingers is cut off and your eyes are gouged out you understand?” jack nods and the last thing he saw was a knee coming at his face.
“george, it's freezing out how did you wait out here for so long?” you say as you turn and see him. he smiles and walks over to you, “well i'm wearing a jacket.” you frown and realize what exactly you had on, “true.” “you look fabulous though. here take this.” he hands you his jacket and you smile as you gladly take it. he takes the bag from you and you both walk over to the bus stop. he glances over at the car and jack in the front seat. maybe the cops would believe the white powder wasn't actually sugar in his nose.
“did you hear what happened to jack?” mar says as you walk into work the next day. “no. is he alright?” you ask walking over to her. “well. hes arrested. apparently they found him at the restaurant with a stolen car and coke in his nose.” you look at her dumbfounded. “but he got beat up pretty bad. and he was talking about how he got threatened by some dude with a mask. cops think he's bonkers,” alice adds. “might've been the reaper,” trew says as he takes a donut from the box mike laid out. you cringe at that and immediately think of george, “hopefully not.”
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goofysimpleton · 11 months
Keith Howell
Main Route Chapter 2
~This translation is not 100% accurate. Just here for you fellow impatient friends.
N= Narration
⬛️=whenever the next text showed up
I have the characters address Belle as MC for main character.
Choices are bold. The 4+/4+ selection picked is blue.
Flashback scenes are in italics.
Scene 1
Keith: “...”
N: In contrast to the refreshing sunlight shining through the window, a shadow was cast on Keith’s face. ⬛️ With a mixture of anxiety and fear in his eyes, he picked up a notebook on the table. ⬛️ After caressing the “Rose Engraving Bookmark” that was stuck in it, he opened the page.
Keith: “They’re still short sentences.”
N: One page is filled with scribbled letters, and the other page is filled with plain, clean letters. ⬛️ The similar but dissimilar handwriting suggested that the notebook was used by two different people.
Keith: “In the end, he proceeded again.”
N: A sigh of guilt spilled out, followed by a knocking sound that echoed in the room. ⬛️ Keith’s butler, Liam, entered the room.
Liam: “Good morning, Mr. Keith.”
Keith: “Good morning. It looks like I’ve been sleeping for two days since the tea party with MC.”
Liam: “Yes…It looks like the shift time is getting longer again.”
Keith: “Seems like it is. But there’s no problem. That will save me.”
N: He drops his gaze to the notebook to hide his slightly raised eyebrows.
Keith: “How was ‘he’ these two days?” ⬛️ “Even so, unlike me, there’s nothing to worry about… No, there is.” ⬛️ “I’ve scared MC again, haven’t I?”
Liam: “It’s not like you were together all the time, so I don’t think it’s a problem.” ⬛️ “Compared to Miss MC at the goodwill party, she seems to be less wary of you.”
Keith: “I see… I’m relieved. Really.”
N: He put his chest down and began to read the documents he received from Liam.
Keith: “By the way, who is she?” ⬛️ “Not only the princes of Rhodolite, but she seems to be liked by Gilbert.” ⬛️ “There are arms being smuggled in Rhodolite and Obsidian.” ⬛️ “It is highly probably that she is involved in rumors circulating about Jade. It is probably that…”
Liam: “That?”
Keith: “After talking to her at the tea party, I feel that the possibility is low.”
Liam: “Your reason?”
N: After showing hesitation for a moment, Keith muttered in a lower voice than before.
Keith: “Well…She is an obedient and cute woman who doesn’t seem to do anything bad.”
Liam: “....You still don’t have persuasive power.”
Keith: “I’m well aware, too. That’s why I’m giving up on thinking.” ⬛️ “Silvio was also very worried about her.” ⬛️ “Even if there had been no smuggling, this would be the first time that Obsidian, who had broken ties with us, participated in a goodwill meeting.” ⬛️ “If the three nations form an alliance, even the neutral nations will not be able to wait and see.”
N: He leaned over the desk while making a noise.
Keith: “Ah… I don’t feel like it.” ⬛️ “...Rumors  are rumors. But there’s no smoke without fire.” ⬛️ “...I’m fine with doubting you, but you can’t deceive me. You’re a coward, me.”
N: No one could hear the muffled groan, and Liam, who was by his side, tilted his head.
Liam: “Keith?”
Keith: “I’m just talking to myself.”
N: He lifted his head as if to regain his composure and looked back at the scribbled letters.
Keith: “Today, I’ll ask Miss MC to be my Rhodolite guide.”⬛️ “Are you going to the city in the afternoon? I’m nervous because it’s my first time taking an ID.” ⬛️ “I can’t get around well, and I’m afraid I’ll be looked down upon. It hurts just thinking about it.” ⬛️ “No, don’t be timid.” ⬛️ “Even weeds are living desperately every day until they are exterminated. I have to do my best, too.”
Liam: “What kind of encouragement is that?” ⬛️ “...Come to think of it, there’s something I forgot to tell you, Keith.”
Scene 2
Keith: “...Sorry, I don’t want to hear it. It’s always bad when you half-smile.”
Liam: Don’t cover your ears. It’s not a bad thing.”
N: Liam taps Keith’s hand lightly. ⬛️ The two seem to have such a close relationship that the prince, Keith, would allow it.
Liam: “In the past few days, there have been rumors circulating about you and Miss MC.”
Keith: “Wait, wait. I don’t mind, but I’m being a big nuisance to her.” N: In disbelief, he brought his hand to his mouth. ⬛️ His face was so blue that he was about to fall over. 
Ketih: “It’s only been two days since the tea party, but it’s too pathetic that there are rumors about me.”
Liam: “For better or worse, you are known as a being with dark roots.”
Keith: “For better or for worse, there’s not a single good thing about being dark-rooted.”
N: With a ban, he slams his head down on the desk for a few minutes. Keith slowly raises his head. ⬛️ Contrary to his large dependable body, his eyes were swaying helplessly like a lost child.
Keith: “Could you tell me about that rumor?”
Jin: “Did you fall in love with Keith at first sight and get attacked with rave reviews?” MC: “Gah…!”
Licht: “Are you okay?”
Yves: “Seriously, Jin! Don’t say anything that might surprise me when I’m eating.”
Jin: “My bad, I didn’t expect you to be so surprised.”
Leon: “Maybe this is the first time you’ve heard the rumor?” MC: “Yes, today is my first time hearing about it.”
N: A few days after the party with Keith— ⬛️In order to decide the next king, it is essential to hear the thoughts of each prince. ⬛️ To that end, it is important for me to get to know them. ⬛️ I was allowed to watch the training of the domestic policy faction today, ⬛️ While everyone ate the sandwiches provided during a break, the bomb was dropped.
MC: “Those rumors must have been spread because I was seen with Keith, but they are unfounded.” ⬛️ I’m acting as a Rhodolite guide, and Keith is just receiving it.”
Licht: “Entertainment is essential.”
MC: “Yes, that’s right.”
N: After the tea party, under Sariel’s decision, I officially became Keith’s exclusive Rhodolite guide.
Yves: “He helped her when she was about to have to entertain Silvio.”
Jin: “I would like to say that it was a good fit, but her opponent is Keith now.”
Leon: “If someone is in trouble, he’ll help them anyway. It’s not even a question if he would no go back for them.”
MC: “Are you Leon and everyone else on good terms with Keith?”
Leon: “Yves and Licht get along better than us.” N: While I was surprised by the new fact, Yves smiled proudly and folded his arms.
Yves: “Well, yeah. If you ask me how, I’d say it’s about tea parties and going out into the town.”
MC: “I didn’t know! May I ask why?”
Scene 3
Yves: “When Keith came to the castle to protect refugees, I invited him to a tea party because he was hungry.” ⬛️ “That’s when I found out he likes sweets, so we had a lively conversation and became friends.”
(What a surprisingly cute opportunity.)
Jin: “I have a sweet tooth too, but I’m lonely because he only gets along with Yves and Licht.”
Licht: “You talked about your heart when you first met, didn’t you?”
Jin: “Ah, ah–”
Yves: “When he asked to talk about your heart again, you were consulted about how to respond.”
Jin: “That’s why when I invited you to drink, you were also inviting other guys…”
Leon: “That’s right, Keith is hungry a lot.” ⬛️ “If I remember correctly, it was ringing even after the meeting was over.”
Licht: “Even though you soiled everyone’s ears, you ate a lot of sweets with a dead face after that.”
(It’s easy to get depressed, or maybe he’s a sensitive person.)
N: Imaging Keith who eats a lot of sweets while feeling sympathy, I imagined it looked cute.
Yves: “I wish I could make sweets that fill me up in an instant… I think I’ll try it with potatoes next time.”
(Yves, you’re kind. That’s why you’re close to Keith, isn’t it?) ⬛️ (Licht is as expressionless as usual, but I guess he lets Keith take cares enough to get him into conversation.)
Jin: “His depression style is a little different, but his soft demeanor and reserved personality are key to him.”
Leon: “Such a guy likes you, even though it’s only been a few days since you met.” ⬛️ “It caught the eye of the guys in the court and became a rumor.”
Yves: “It took a long time for me and Licht to be invited to a tea party by Keith.”
MC: “Is that so? I thought we’d become friends right away.”
(Yves, Licht, and Ketih are kind and they seem to get along well…) ⬛️ (Hearing everyone’s story, it’s convincing that it would become a rumor.) ⬛️ (My first impression of Keith was that he was a calm and reserved person, but…)
N: I remembered my exchanges with Keith up until today.
Flashback Keith: “MC, thank you for telling me about Rhodolite.”
MC: “Not at all… Um, is it enough?”
(The contents taught were only local introductions that even children know.) ⬛️ (Maybe I bored you…)
N: However, Keith nodded with a refreshing smile that blew away my anxiety. 
Keith: “It was enough. And it’s the first time today, so you were pretty nervous, right?”
MC: “Was it on my face?”
Keith: “Yes. Your eyes were also a little watery.” ⬛️ “Even though you were nervous, I wanted to see more of you because you were cute, but I felt really sorry for you.” ⬛️ “I decided to wait until the next guide.”
(Wow, cute… Suddenly, straight words are bad for my heart.)
Keith: “Huh? MC, that book you have…”
MC: “It’s a recently published book. Do you know it?”
Keith: “Yes. I love books, and I read them regardless of genre.”
(I got so excited when I found out how much he loves books, and the next day I bumped into him and had breakfast with him.) ⬛️ (Smart or pushy…)
Flashback Keith: “You don’t like it..? I want you to listen to the end.” ⬛️ “Here, tell me…”
(Yes, even then.) ⬛️ (Does he actually have a pushy side?) ⬛️ (No way, love at first sight and a ferocious attack… Is absolutely impossible.) N: No matter how many hours I waited, I could not find an answer.
(For the time being, I have to be careful not to have him find out that I’m Belle.)
Leon: “Are you going to be his guide today as well?”
MC: “Yes. I’m going to show him around the city today. I’m planning to leave the castle in about an hour.”
N: When I answered, Leon frowned slightly. Leon: “I see… I hope Keith can make it in time.” MC: “Is he busy with work?”
Leon: “In the morning, he was taken away by the Rhodolite pharmacists.”
MC: “Taken away!?”
Scene 4
N: After the exchange with the domestic political faction, there was nothing until the guide time. ⬛️ I got it from Leon. “Keith headed to the infirmary based on the information that the pharmacists had.”
(Wow… Keith is very popular.)
N: Peeking inside, Keith was surrounded by a large number of pharmacists.
Court apothecary 1: “Could you take a look at this medicinal herb data?”
Keith: “Wow, it’s amazing how detailed it is! I’ll check it out and get back to you tomorrow.”
Court apothecary 2: “Keith, I prepared a headache medicine with a substitute herb.”
Keith: “Thank you. Are the quantities on the list?”
Court apothecary 2: “Yes.”
Keith: “I see. Originally, it should have a stronger bitterness, but…” ⬛️ “The medicinal herb is especially weak against humidity. It’s probably been damaged by it and the effects are fading.” ⬛️ “If you use existing medicinal herbs, there should be no problem if you add this one.”
Court apothecary 3: “Keith, may I ask you a question regarding side effects?”
N: He answered the questions that popped up one after another in a clear and easy-to-understand manner. ⬛️ He looks like a teacher or a scientist.
(The reason he said before that he would teach Silvio about good medicinal herbs is because he knows all about them.) ⬛️ (That’s why he was taken away by the pharmacists…. Leon’s words were confusing and surprising.)
N: The thread of tension loosens at once.
(Could I listen in closer?) N: I got permission from Yakushi who was by my side, and moved closer to a distance that I wouldn’t cause a nuisance. 
(There are so many names I don’t know, it’s like a spell. Honestly, I don't know 90% of the words he’s saying.)
N: But I want to listen to his words for hours I think. ⬛️ Even the names of the plants flying around make me want to know what they look like. ⬛️ Keith is so lively now that I can feel it. ⬛️ It was enough to pique my interest.
(I think I’ll read a picture book of plants in the library next time.) ⬛️ (Mm…? What is this unique scent?)
N: Following the wafting scene, I saw white flowers in a basket on the table in the corner of the room. ⬛️ If you look closely, the petals are pretty with a hint of pink.
(Is this also used as an ingredient in medicine?) ⬛️ (Huh? It seems like a different scent than before. It’s getting sweeter—)
MC: “Nn..?!”
Keith: “MC, don’t.”
N: Suddenly, I heard Keith-sama's voice in my ear, and his hands covered my mouth and nose. ⬛️ A strong arm wrapped around my waist, and I was drawn to keep a distance from the flower.
Keith: “This flower has a strong sleep-inducing effect even among plants, so be careful." ⬛️ "At first, it has a unique scent, but if you continue to smell it, your brain will misinterpret it as a sweet scent. That's-"
(I'm glad you told me about flowers, but... uh, ears...)
The faint touch of breath made my shoulders jump. ⬛️ Hearing a low, gentle voice near me, and the smell of trees in a deep forest enveloping my whole body made me feel like I was going to lose my strength. ⬛️ Even if I tried to escape, my waist was tightly hugged and I couldn't move. ⬛️ If I don't leave quickly, I'm afraid I'll collapse from the rising heat.
Keith: “That's why it's better not to bring your face too close...”
As if suddenly realizing something, he lets go of my hand.
Keith: "Lil. The face is bright red, is it okay?"
I'm so embarrassed I feel like I'm going to fall
It's red because of the setting sun
Do you know why it's red?
MC: "I'm so embarrassed I feel like I'm going to fall.”
Keith: "Don't be shy" ⬛️ "This medicinal herb is difficult to cultivate and belongs to the rare category, so it's only natural that you don't know about it.”
(I didn't mean it that way...!)
I appreciated Keith-sama's kindness, but on the contrary, fueled my shame.
MC: “If you let go, my red face will calm down.”
Keith: “If I let go…” ⬛️ “Ah, Wah, sorry! Sorry!”
N: The moment I understood, I let go of both hands vigorously and took a distance. ⬛️ Keith-sama's face was as red as a rose.
(I'm sure my face is as red as I am...get the fever down quickly)
Keith: "I am at a loss for words at myself for unwittingly piling up crimes against you." ⬛️ "I'm really sorry, MC."
MC: "No, no, thank you for helping me!" ⬛️ “If it wasn’t for Keith-sama, I would have set out on a journey in my dreams.”
(And I was about to bother those around me)
It was at the same time that I felt sorry and Keith-sama raised his voice.
Scene 4
Keith: “That flower is pretty, isn’t it?”
MC: “Eh?”
Keith: “Huh? I thought you were interested because of how cute it looked… But I’m sorry, it looks like you didn’t.”
N: He lowered his eyebrows and laughed as if to deceive me.
(Why did you suddenly change the subject… about the flowers?) ⬛️ (I realize he’s feeling apologetic…)
N: Keith’s casual consideration makes me feel warm. (If I remember correctly, something like this happened at the tea party.)
MC: “You’re not wrong. The petals are slightly pink, and I thought they were cute.” ⬛️ “But I’m interested in this flower not just because it’s cute, but because it’s a medicinal herb.”
Keith: “Because it’s a medicinal herb?” MC: “I was secretly listening to what you were talking about with the pharmacists earlier.” ⬛️ “I couldn’t take my eyes off you when you were answering all the questions so politely.” ⬛️ “When I witnessed that, I became interested in learning more about plants.”
Keith: “...” ⬛️ “Um…”
N: Keith’s eyes widened and he was at a loss for words as he put his hands out in front of him.
Keith: “I just happened to remember the details about what I was asked and didn’t talk about a big deal.” ⬛️ “The explanation was so bad that I can’t believe it and if it had been someone else, it would’ve been easier to understand.”
(Even if he’s modest, I don’t think he needed to say that much…)
N: I feel like he’s already jumped over humility and changed to shame.
(Aren’t you used to being praised for even the slightest things?)
N: He spoke faster than before and his gaze was restless. ⬛️ Keith showed a reaction that was exactly what I thought.
Keith: “...But I’m glad that my story has piqued your interest, even just a little.” ⬛️ “The more you know about plants, the deeper they are.”
N: Saying that, he relaxed his eyes as if to express his overflowing joy.
Keith: “Huh? Come to think of it, why are you here, MC?” ⬛️ “Ah, you came to call me when it was already time to go to town!?”
MC: “It’s okay, it’s not time to go out yet.” ⬛️ “I heard from Leon that ‘Keith was taken away,’ so I came here.”
Keith:” I’m glad… Is that so?” ⬛️ “To think that I was taken away, Leon is a humorous person, or rather he is a surprisingly mean person.” ⬛️ “As you can see I’m here, I was consulted by the pharmacists.” ⬛️ “‘Are there any substitute herbs that are used in headache medicines and neuralgia medicines?’” ⬛️ “Recently, a thief broke into your supplier’s herb garden, and it seems you only received half of the herbs you ordered.”
MC: “I can’t believe that happened…”
(It’s a big deal for people who need medicine. I’m sure the pharmacist in town is also in trouble.)
MC: “But it’s strange.” ⬛️ “There should be more people who buy mixed medicine, but why both stealing medicinal herbs?”
Keith: “It’s true that there are many buyers.” ⬛️ “But before compounding, depending on the ingredients, it can become any kind of medicine.”
N: Keith puts his hand over his mouth and raises his eyebrows.
Keith: “From what I heard, only one type of medicinal herb was stolen.” ⬛️ “Probably making medicines that can be sold at high prices that are not sold in ordinary stores.”
MC: “Will it sell at a high price?”
N: When I tilted my head, Keith shook his head as if hiding something.
Keith: “No, it’s about stealing so I wondered if that was the case.” ⬛️ “It’s just speculation. I’m sorry, I got off topic.” ⬛️ “And a list of herbs with ingredients similar to those stolen,” ⬛️ “At the same time, I’ve been teaching Jade a recipe list for a long time.”
(The more I listened, the more Keith looked like Yakushi.)
Keith: “Ah, it’s too late now, but I think I seem like I’m a son of a farmer because I only talk about plants.”
MC: “Eh!? No, I was wondering why you knew so much about it.”
Keith: “That’s because the castle grows medicinal herbs, and I’ve been helping with it since I was little.” ⬛️ “Jade is said to be an agricultural country because of its abundant nature, cultivation, and livestock are thriving.” ⬛️ “Among them, it is the plants that are used for medicine, medicinal plants that are particularly driving the economy.” MC: “I didn’t know there were so many herbs…”
N: From Keith’s words, I’m even more aware of my blunder.
(Because I was entrusted with the role of a guide, I ended up only researching about Rhodolite,) ⬛️ (First of all, I should properly investigate Jade. Even though the other party is a noble guest and a prince from the country.)
MC: “I’m sorry, I still have a lot to learn about other countries…”
N: Keith smiled softly when I was driven by the urge to enter into a hole.
Keith: “That’s good.”
MC: “Eh?”
Keith: “Ah, sorry! It was a rude reply to say good.” ⬛️ “I just feel happy when I think that I might have been of some help to you.” ⬛️ “MC, you’re in this court for your studies, aren’t you?”
MC: “Yes.”
Keith: “Even if you don’t understand something, don’t get discouraged because you didn’t study enough.” ⬛️ “You are in the process of acquiring knowledge right now. Don’t rush, learn at your own pace.” ⬛️ “So don’t think, ‘I’ve done something rude to a distinguished guest!’” ⬛️ “I see. If there’s anything you want to know about Jade or any other plant that interests you, I’ll tell you about it.” ⬛️ “There may be a bias in my knowledge, but I want you to close your eyes to my clumsy explanations…”
MC: “Keith…”
(What a good person…No, too good of a person?)
N: My chest was rippling, and a different heat than before enveloped my whole body.
(For Keith, this may be natural.) ⬛️ (However, there are not many people who say such kind words to someone who has only met them for a few days.)
MC: “Thank you very much.” ⬛️ “May I take your word for it and ask about Jade and the plants next time?”
Keith: “Yes, of course. With pleasure.”
(Keith’s kindness is as warm as the sunshine and it makes me feel comfortable.
N: Even after that, Keith received the advice of the pharmacists politely without a single unpleasant look on his face… ⬛️ I left the castle when the clock bell rang twice.
Keith: “...Sorry.”
Synopsis of Chapter 3:
It should have been a meaningful time in the infirmary, but a storm of apologies hits me?! During the guide, I hear Keith’s precious childhood memories. “There were some good things that blew away the misfortune.”
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sunwarmed-ash · 11 months
Hello I return with more Gavin hc for you
I firmly believe he volunteers at the local animal shelter to help take care of the cats. The shelter staff do have to keep him away from prospective adopters cause he's still Gavin
I'm crying, I love Gavin and his cats 😻
"Ugh! Mr. Sweaty napkins no!!!" Gavin shouted, louder than he probably should have at the senior tabby cat, who on the best of days tolerates humans. But he had knocked over a glass of water for the 7th time now and this time it landed all over his phone. 
In the cat's defense, he really wasn't supposed to be on his phone. Hes supposed to be working. But the customers who come into the Cat Cafe (which is attached to the Detroit Cat Rescue) on thursdays are always dicks. Its always the same 4 assholes who come in, loiter in their restaurant, spend no more than the cost of drip coffee, and worst of all, mistreat the cats.
Howell won't even kick them out. Their cafe\adoption shelter was barely scraping by as is. Any money coming in, even from bad customers, was worth it. 
However, Gavin wasn't standing for it today. He shook water off his phone and finally looked through the kitchen window to see what Mr. Sweaty Napkins must have been trying to get his attention about. 
Charles, MSN longtime boyfriend and best friend, is up on one of the red and teal booths, his hackles raised all the way up. He's hissing and swatting at Resident Jackass Number 4 who is currently shoving a fork in the animals face for fun. 
"Hear ya loud and clear buddy," Gavin says to the orange tabby before demanding it to stay put, knowing he would do whatever he damn well pleased before heading into the small dining room to address the situation. 
"Hey, asshole! What the hell do you think you're doing?" 
Gavin's sudden and angry presence startles the man and subdues the cat, who jumps immediately onto Gavin's shoulder when he gets close enough. 
"What, we're just playing," the man scoffs, confidence back now that they had an 'audience' to entertain. 
"Bullshit. I mean, are you stupid? He was phcking hissing. He's telling you he's not cool with that shit. So knock it off."
The man's smirk only grew when their spectacles humored the other dickwads that seemed to show up too often for comfort. 
"Oh I'm sorry, I don't speak pussy."
The lewd comment doesn't bother Gavin, but it does bother the other smattering of customers. Specifically the handful with kids and Gavin growled and doubled down. 
He yanked the scrawny man up by his jean jacket, reveling in the man's sudden choked surprise. 
"Time to go asshole," he mutters quietly, pushing the squirming man up, out the front door, and out of their lives. 
Howell, his junior, blue haired twink of a boss was furious, of course, because the man, a 'Jeremy Turnpike' left a one star review of their cafe a half an hour later and Gavin got his ass chewed for it. 
Gavin didn't care. Even if Howell didn't have his back, he knew he made the right choice. He did the job he was hired for. He protected Charles, and all the other cats from cruel assholes.
"Well?!?" Howell demands suddenly and Gavin grimaces because he definitely checked out the second his boss started bitching him out. 
"Well what?" He asks anyway, getting another pretentious scoff from the younger man.  
"I can't believe you Gavin. I just can't believe you." 
Me? I can't believe you don't have my back! Gavin shook his head and made up his mind. 
"You don't gotta believe me anymore. I quit and I'm adopting Charles and Mr. Sweaty Napkins when I leave." 
So, how is Sumo with multiple cats… 1:23 PM
His phone was still struggling to load certain apps and would need a rice bath when he got home but he was at least able to text Hank and Connor, forewarning them of the two new roommates coming home with him. 
Hank texted back a
How many we talking? Knowing Gavin all too well and Connor called requesting video proof. 
The camera only loaded partially, gaining confused remarks from the other side. 
"Sorry if you can't see much. This guy, decided to knock a glass of water onto my phone. But it was to save his partner. So I guess I can't be too mad." 
The cats were currently sitting in the zipped up fur of his winter jacket, looking at the inside of his car while the old engine roared to life. 
"They sure are cute Gav," Hank says, a softness in his voice he only gets when he's talking about animals or babies. 
"How soon until you're home Gavin?" Connor asks, a child-like eagerness in his voice that accompanies the addition of animals. The first time Gavin brought a kitten home Connor and the thing were practically inseparable. 
"You'd know that better than me wouldn't you, computer boy?" Gavin teased gently. No longer holding any malice for the android. 
Whatever Connor was gonna say next was halted by an inhuman static squeaking noise that confused both the humans and the cats. When they realized it was Connor's verbal reaction to the cats falling asleep in Gavin's jacket, they all laughed collectively. 
"I'll be home soon as I can. I think you're gonna get along with these guys Con. They are a couple of old grumpy gays like Hank and I."
"Hey!" Hank rebuffed, causing another wave of laughter to fill his car, adding a bit of silver lining to his storm cloud of a day.  
The cat cafe, Howell, Mr. Sweaty Napkins and Charles are all characters from Bee and Puppy cat lazy in space. I just rewatched Gentle touch as I was thinking up this ficlet
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bubblepopsims · 7 months
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J: "weeeee haveeee arrrriiivvveeeddddd!" Juju sang with enthusiasm, Izzi on the other hand was more nervous now than they were ten minutes ago, including there was no snow... it was actually hot. I: "Is it usually this hot here?" Juju hummed and looked around "Mmm kinda? it gets colder here more in January and February." I: "righhht... so should we go and do this?" Juju noticed how nervous Izzi was even their voice had turned a bit shakey as they spoke.
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J: "my love... its okay. you're okay. I am right there the whole step of the way."
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I: "you are precious.... thank you i thin- A loud howel startled the two. A: "JUJJJUUUUUBUGGGGGGG"
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and when juju looked out of the corner of her eye to see, the voice gave it away. Causing her to immediately turn wide eye towards the woman running towards them. j: "MOM?! WHERE DID YOU COME FROM??"
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A(lma): "myyyy babbbbyyyyy ! you made ittttt!!! and well i was in the backyard with your dad and Conrad when i heard the car pull in!!" Andrea hugged and kissed her child a few more times before turning her attention towards Izzi. A: "you must be Izzi. hi honeeyy."
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I: "Hello Mrs. Becker." A: "oh god no dont call me that ! Alma is fine. ohh she.. i mean ! I'm sorry ! i mean they are cuteee jujubuggg gosh pictures don't do you justice sweetie." Izzi instantly felt a cleanse of anxiety wash over them. finally taking that well needed deep breath that was just stuck in their throat.
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C: "JUJU!!!!"
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A(ndres): "that fucking kid...."
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viatagrinner · 2 years
Keith Howell. Chapter 1.
The chapters are too long, knowing myself, I understand that the route will come out faster in English than I translate everything. But the important (in my opinion) conversations will be translated. The translation is not perfect. All rights and CGs belong to Cybird.
I have nothing but regrets.
The rumbling rain drowned out my hoarse voice.
Gold-colored eyes stare dumbly at "that" which creates a clear red road.
He's ____________
The reality in front of me relentlessly lowered my body temperature more than the cold rain, and my outstretched hand, as if wishing it were a dream, shook obscenely.
He's ___________________________
Pain pierced my heart. I clung so tightly to my clothes in my chest area that my fingers turned white. The pain immediately stopped. Alone in the woods with only the loud sound of rain, my messy body still shudders but doesn't move.
End of Flashback.
Mean or Alter Keith acts in this scene.
Keith: ........
Keith: ..........Ahaha
A happy laugh erupted in disproportion to the situation.
Keith: What is it? "I" would have killed you if you hadn't broken down so early.
He stood up and slowly brushed his wet hair. The emptiness went nowhere from his eyes, sharp and cold as a beast's, and a smile appeared on his face.
Keith: I'll make it happen. ...... You're a failure/mistake.
The day after receiving official permission from the leaders of the two factions, the three princes decided to stay in Rhodolite....
Tea Party with Keith.
The Jade prince wants to apologize to MC for his behavior at the meeting. [In prologue.]
Keith tries to explain his behavior by worry or a bad mood, but this, in his opinion, does not give him the right to behave this way.
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Keith: If someone as clumsy as me, 183 cm tall, did this to me, I would hate him.
After receiving a ton of apologies from Keith in an hour, her "heart couldn't take it anymore." The girl accepted his apology.
Keith: I-I'm sorry! I apologized without thinking about your feelings, causing you more trouble...I'm sorry.
Keith: ... I apologized again. Sorry....
Keith suddenly changed the subject. And offered to help himself to a galette.
A few hours before.
MC in the counselor's office.
Keith asked Sariel to organize a tea party.
Rio says the Green Prince is the kindest of the three princes.
Sariel asks not to divide the princes by color, as Chevalier does.
Sariel is surprised by Keith's action. After all, only Gilbert and Silvio are interested in her.
But the prince from Jade was not to appear at the meeting between the countries. And the reason for his stay is only that Silvio and Gilbert remained. So Sariel thinks the invitation has a purpose.
Sariel: When it comes to the national interest, he can be ruthless.
Rio has volunteered to help her if anything happens. And even if nothing happens, he will still come at her first call.
Tea Party.
Keith looks around and sees that the girl is pensive and not eating her cookies. He immediately rushes over, offering other sweets.
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Keith: Really!? I really like this candy, don't you? It's good, isn't it?
Keith smiled like a blooming flower.
Even MC was already getting sympathy for him, thinking about how kawaii he was.
Keith ate a huge batch of candy he had set aside for himself.
Keith loves to eat, especially sweets.
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Keith: Ah, but I think Mr. Gilbert likes to eat more.
Keith: When I gave him the candy I brought from Jade, he ate it all in front of me and just handed me the empty box.
But Prince is a good eater, too. As he was talking, he ate a big plate of sweets.
Keith: Today... I feel like eating more than usual.
(Talking to Lord Keith somehow heals me).
MC recalls Keith's cold eyes. They would have seemed like a dream to her if the prince had not apologized for his behavior.
She senses that she is being watched. It's Keith. His eyes were the same golden color, but something about them alarmed her.
(Why are you looking at me like that.)
But in a moment old Keith was standing in front of her.
He tries to look away from her... However...
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The direct look that suddenly pierced MC's heart made the girl's heart beat harder.
Keith: Ms. MC. If you have any problems, don't hesitate to tell me.
Keith stood up and sat down next to the girl on the sofa.
Then, as if wanting to say he wouldn't let her escape, his big hand gripped her arm tightly.
Tea and apologies won't help the girl forget his behavior, Keith thinks.
MC tries to convince the prince that everything is all right. It's her fault, too.
Keith: There's nothing wrong with you. I'm the only one to blame.
He wants to do something for her. His face is very close, she has to lean back.
MC suggests "we have the tea party again".
Keith stepped back, but didn't move. He pondered. Then he stroked her hair.
Keith: Your hair was a little disheveled. Did I surprise you?
That action embarrassed her.
The sound of coins.
It's Silvio.
Silvio: I didn't know you were with the scowling bastard.
The prince from Italy "allows" a girl to be his "host" to redeem Rio. Keith doesn't understand anything. So what happened?
Rio, protecting MC from Silvio, spilled wine on him, allegedly by accident. Now Silvio demands satisfaction.
If it weren't for the kind character of this man, I would have thought he was trolling Silvio. 🤔😂
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Keith: I'm glad you don't have a cold, Mr. Silvio.
Keith: Ah. If you get sick, I'll teach you some medicinal potions that work well.
Silvio didn't appreciate the concern, promising that he would drown Keith in the sea for such a pitying expression.
Keith: I was just worried, but this is too much...
After apologizing to Silvio, Keith stunned everyone with his statement.
Keith: Actually, I've decided that Ms. MC will be my exclusive Rhodolite guide.
Silvio & MC: .....Huh?
Rhodolite is getting more and more beautiful, but to appreciate the charm of this country, the prince needs the understanding of the locals.
Keith: You already have plans, don't you? Ms. MC.
She doesn't immediately understand how to answer. A few awkward moments.
MC recalls how Keith asked her to contact him in case of any problems.
Silvio: Looks like the "secret mistress" of the guy with the blindfold has gone popular.
In the prologue, Gilbert comes into MC's room. And, without letting her refuse, takes her to a party to celebrate the arrival of the three princes. Apparently Gilbert hasn't shown up with a woman before...Probably someone started a rumor about a "secret mistress".
One of my favorite moments in this chapter. 😅
Keith: It's a pity to have a lover like me.
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Keith: But I'd rather have a lover than a mistress if I can have her by my side.
(....What did you just say?)
Instead of "gentle," the expression seemed "mean".
Keith: Miss MC's smile is as soft and beautiful as a blooming flower.
Silvio & MC: ....What?
Keith: I couldn't take my eyes off her ever-changing expression and the way she was eating sweets with her little mouth.
Keith: The thing that pleased me the most was when she stared at me for 10 seconds and also listened to something that wasn't interesting.
Keith: Of course, I want to experience the charms of this country.
Keith: But the tea party also made me want to spend more time with this woman.
Immediately after these words... I'm not cutting anything out here. Poor "gentle" Keith.
Keith: I wish you hadn't said such embarrassing words, Mr. Silvio.
Silvio: I didn't make you say it. ...... You said it on your own.
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Keith: Oh, is that right? That's embarrassing.
Keith realizes that Silvio does not give up so easily. Keith apologizes to the other prince.
Silvio: What?
Keith wants Silvio to give up and not force the girl to sign a contract.
Keith ends up grabbing MC by the arm and running away from the Benitoite prince.
There's the door to MC's room. No one is following them.
Keith: Since no one is chasing you, maybe I was right about the contract.
Keith wanted to get away from Silvio from the beginning.
The whole time they were holding hands.
She hurriedly opened the door to hide her embarrassment.
Keith: I'll see you tomorrow, okay?
Keith explains that if she doesn't do anything, Silvio will kick her door down in a couple of days and say, "I let you entertain me. You should be flattered!"
Keith: I wanted to help you. I'm sorry I added to your work.
MC understands all this, but she doesn't want to add to the prince's troubles.
She was interrupted by a low voice.
1. It's all right.
2. A chance to get to know Rhodolite better.
3. A chance to help a girl.
Keith comes closer. Mean Keith realizes he's finally been noticed. He is glad. He reached around her waist.
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Keith: Miss MC, don't look so hard at me.
The voice seemed to be enjoying the situation terribly.
If she continues to stare at Keith so intently, he will assume that the girl is interested in him.
Retreating to the door, she offers to return to the conversation. Her answer will come later.
Keith: I was afraid of being rejected so quickly, so I panicked.
Keith: I'm sorry for showing you my shameful side.
Keith is calm now. MC wants to ask him about the change.
Keith: I look forward to hearing from you. Ms. MC?
Keith leaves. She thinks about consulting Sariel, but the answer is already there.
(The master has changed. From Prince Silvio to Prince Keith.)
(No, maybe he did help me in good faith, let's stop doubting him.)
_________I wonder how much she'll let me talk to her?
_________You're a failure/mistake.
Keith wakes up in his room.
Keith: Wait a minute. What a day it is...
Keith: How long have I been "changed"?
Keith's Masterlist
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