#Sydney is not a mule
ciaonicole85 · 1 month
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This JUST popped into my brain, and I got MAD, lol. In S3, Chris and Joana BETTER NOT make Sydney, Carmy's therapist and/or mother. I don't want her to "earn" his love by doing emotional labor. Yes, she bore too much during the renovation, but that was for HER dream as well. So far, she's been really good about maintaining her boundaries. She shares her emotions and backstory when she feels comfortable. She also allows Carmy to share his, while not burdening herself with his trauma. She holds him accountable and doesn't baby him, nor does she literally or metaphorically give him coochie. In short, she's not playing wifey with this messy man. It would be so easy to bc look at HIM.
I appreciate that so far their dynamic is actually pretty healthy. Yes, they hit a couple patches, but Carmy corrected himself quickly after the Brigade and the Review. In S2 he just didn't know how to juggle the restaurant and a love life. At the end of that season he realized that the partnership with Sydney and the restaurant matters more to him, albeit he took it too far in the freezer meltdown.
In the scene above we see CARMY initiating this conversation and offering Sydney emotional support and commitment, practically giving marital vows (eek!). In S10 before he got trapped in the freezer he helped her stay on expo and got Marcus away from her. There was his momentary lapse over the 7 Fishes getting cold (was that after he thought he saw his old EC?), but again he corrected quickly. Oh, why, oh why, didn't he call the freezer guy?!?! That first night could've been a glorious bonding event for him with Sydney and The Bear as a whole. But alas, we need the drama. Anyways, when he goes into Michelin Star mode in S3 I HOPE that Sydney doesn't bare the brunt of it. If she plays the long-suffering work wife, I'm going to be PISSED!! They like doing that to women generally and particularly women of color.
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kellylynnberry · 6 months
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Sydney Sweeney
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wasawattpadkid · 1 year
OMG YOU’RE WRITING IS SO EFFING GOOD I can’t stop coming back to your page. Can you possibly do a poly ghost face x fem reader⚠️ prompt being something like “do you think they can hear us through the tent?” Friend group going camping. I think it would be a dangerous situation but exciting.
Thank you so much you're too sweet! I hope I did your request justice! 💕 Thanks for the ask!
Voices Carry
Summary: A camping trip can be stressful and painful. With Billy being the mule of the group his back ached. You and Stu were just the ones to help with that.
Pairing: Poly!ghostface x fem!reader
Warnings: ⚠️smut 18+⚠️ explicit boyxboy, unsafe sex, slight degrading, slight praise, rough sex, tears, cum, p in v, oral (male receiving), after care, vulgar language, threesome, power dynamics
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"I hate fucking bugs." Billy said as he swatted the gnats away from his face. "How do you get their little legs apart?" Stu laughed at his own joke earning silence from the kids around him. "Lighten up guys. This'll be fun, we're going to have s'mores tonight!" It seemed you and Sydney were the only ones happy about the camping trip. "Yeah, we'll sit around the campfire and tell scary stories. You're good at that, aren't you babe?" You looked at Billy and Stu letting them know you were talking about both of them. "Damn right I am." Stu threw his arm over your shoulder. You hadn't told your friends about dating the two boys, it was only official with Stu. However they all knew about your sleeping habits.
"This is exactly how Friday the 13th started. If this were a movie we'd be doomed." Randy exclaimed as he held Sydney's hand. "I'm the only single one here I'm already doomed." Tatum took a swig of her almost empty soda bottle. "James Dean back there is single. Ask him out." Randy pointed towards Billy who wore a plain t-shirt paired with distressed blue jeans. Tatum looked at the boy with something close to disbelief. Billy shot her a tight lipped smile with raised eyebrows as he shrugged his shoulders. "He's not exactly my type." Stu laughed pointing at your shared boyfriend. "Ooh burn!"
"Since when did you get picky about boys?" Randy asked earning a slap to the back of the head. "Ow you know that actually really hurt." Billy smiled looking at his boots as they crunched the greenery beneath them. "You deserved that one bud." Tatum nodded agreeing with you. Sydney checked her map making sure you were walking in the right direction. "Can we keep moving my back is killing me?" Billy complained looking at the lousy tour guide. "I'll take it from you buddy." Stu reached out touching his partner's shoulder. You and the group were walking ahead when you heard Stu yelp behind you. Everyone turned seeing Stu hold his hand in pain as Billy chuckled to himself. "He bit me!"
Eventually you and the gang found a decent place to set up camp. "Does anyone here know how to set up a tent?" Randy asked having no clue where to start. "Does anyone know how to set up a tent?" Stu mocked the boy earning a laugh from the girls. "No dipshit, we all just walked miles with tents on our back to use as fire wood. Of course we know how to set up a tent, we're actually men." Stu flexed his arm showing off the muscle. "Does your masculine overcompensation ever get embarrassing?" Tatum quipped making Stu's face drop. "Jokes on you I don't know what that means." He stuck out his tounge making her scoff.
"Think fast Stu." Billy called pitching his bag to Stu. "Who's sleeping where?" Tatum asked noticing the two unmade tents. "Y/n's crashing with us. So I guess that leaves you, Sydney, and twiddle dumb." Randy nodded used to Stu's obnoxious jokes. "Real cute Macher." Stu framed his face with his hands showing off his teeth. "I try!" You rolled your eyes heading over to Billy helping him with the tent. "Awful big hammer you've got there." You bumped his shoulder as your friends continued their bickering. Billy shook his head with a laugh. "You and him are just alike." He said referring to Stu.
"I'd like to think I'm a little hotter." You said sitting down on the ground. Billy raised up stretching his back. He used the back of his forearm to swipe the sweat from his forehead. You were caught up in watching him when a loud crash grabbed your attention. "Are you okay Randy?" His girlfriend asked as he lay beneath the crumpled tent. "I'm fine!" He called out as Stu hit the ground laughing. After about 30 minutes or so both tents were set up. You and Tatum could've helped but watching the boys argue over who could do what was better.
Sydney started on the fire as it began to get dark. "I'll get sticks for s'mores!" You jumped up going on a hunt for skewers. "Ew I'm not putting that in or around my food." Tatum said thinking her friends were crazy. "If you're worried about germs the fire kills almost any bacteria on your food." Billy pinched the bridge of his nose. "How do you think they did it back in the old days Tate?" Stu asked sitting next to the girl. "I don't know doofus I wasn't around back then." You came back handing each person their own stick. The night continued with everyone having a drink or two and eating s'mores. Billy chased Randy around with a stick on fire as Stu cheered him on and Sydney told him to stop.
"Is this thing safe to sleep in?" Tatum asked as she looked inside of the tent Randy put up. "Yes it's safe to sleep in." Randy said aggravated that his work was thought so little of. "It looks great." Sydney kissed his cheek making his sour mood fade. "Alright well we're going to get some sleep." Billy smacked the tops of his thighs as he stood up. "If the tent starts a-rockin don't come a-knockin." Stu stuck his tongue out at the teenagers causing everyone including you make a face. "Get your ass in the tent." You smacked his arm making him laugh. You and Billy laid down pillows and blankets trying to figure out how to make the sleeping arrangement comfortable.
"I call dibs on the middle." Stu threw himself down wincing once he realized you could still very much feel the earth underneath the tent. "In your fucking dreams, she always gets middle." Billy kicked his partner trying to get him to move. "It's not that big of a deal I can sleep anywhere." You shrugged making both boys huff out a laugh. "Yeah we know. You slept the whole way up here." That was true. Traveling long distances always made you drowsy. "That just means I'm not tired now." Billy immediately looked at Stu who was grinning up at you. You turned around grabbing your backpack off the ground. The bright red pack of cards revealed itself as you pulled them from the bag. "I brought uno!" You said happily as Stu groaned and Billy couldn't help but laugh.
"I win again. Are you colorblind or something?" Billy shuffled the cards like a dealer in Vegas. You carefully watched his hands as they played with the cards. "Take a picture it'll last longer." Billy smirked seeing you staring out of the corner of his eye. "Oh sorry." You fixed your posture out of embarrassment. "It's all good." Billy's voice was low trying to stay quiet but it made you want to scream. "Are we playing another round or what?" Billy's question made Stu throw his head back with a whine. "I rather cover myself in peanut butter and go running out there than play another game of this shit." Normally you'd snap at him for complaining but all you could do was look at him. His head was tilted back showing off his neck while his tank top let your eyes run down the obvious veins on his arms. "Is anybody else hot in here?" You pinched your shirt shaking the fabric hoping to cool yourself off.
Stu perked up as Billy put away the cards. "You could take of your clothes off." Billy looked at Stu letting him know not to be pushy. "What! I'm just trying to help my girlfriend." Stu put his hand over his heart trying to seem genuine. While the boys bickered you pulled your top off showing off your black sports bra. "I didn't think you'd actually do it." Stu bit his lip as he scanned the new skin on display. "Relax I'm just getting ready for bed." The way your head was running with wild thoughts you needed the sleep. You stripped off down to your underwear knowing how hot it gets sleeping in between Billy and Stu. "It's supposed to get down in the 40s tonight." Billy warned taking off his jeans and switching them to sweatpants.
"We'll keep you warm babe." Stu kissed your neck looking at Billy as if to say "shut the fuck up." Billy shook his head peeling the white shirt from his torso. The muscles in his back contracted as he rolled his shoulders. All day he had been tense. He wasn't sure if it was the constant social interaction or the 50 pound backpack he had to hike with. Stu left you sitting on the sleeping mat as he switched out of his clothes. "Billy come here." You waved him over seeing he was uncomfortable. He walked over to you not knowing what you wanted. "Sit down I'm going to see if I can help you." Stu scoffed as Billy sat with his back towards you. "He needs more help than you can give him."
Billy flipped off his friend as Stu continued to change. "Is it your shoulders or what?" Billy leaned his head over trying to stretch out his neck. "It's mostly my neck and my shoulders. They've been bothering me all damn day." You placed your hands on his shoulders slowly rubbing out the tension with your thumbs. Billy's eyes closed in hopes the dark would make the pain a little more bearable. Stu was left in nothing but his boxers as he watched his partners. "Is that helping at all?" You wanted to make sure you weren't hurting him. "Yeah." He moaned in pain. Both you and Stu immediately looked at each other knowing how that sounded. With a nod Stu asked you to do it again.
You repeated the pattern on his shoulder pressing down on a certain spot. Another groan left Billy's lips. Billy wasn't aware of the effect he was having on you and Stu. The short haired boy walked over sitting in front of his boyfriend. Billy opened one eye looking at Stu with suspicion. "What are you doing?" He didn't trust Stu when he had that sort of hellish gleam in his eyes. "Me? Oh nothing." Stu responded as you continued to massage Billy's shoulders. "I doubt that- ah!" He exclaimed his head lulling back in pain. You didn't know if it was wrong that his pain turned you on but you were glad you weren't the only one. You pressed a kiss to Billy's neck which brought a smile to his face.
Stu's movement however wasn't as innocent. His hand rubbed against the crotch of Billy's sweatpants making the boy between you two sigh. "We can't do this right now. They'll hear us." Billy said making no move to stop either of you. You had given up trying to suppress the hunger that had consumed you all day. Billy's breath was ragged as Stu continued to rub his growing erection. You smiled against Billy's skin before whispering next to his ear. "Are you telling me you can't be quiet?" Stu tugged at Billy's waistband signaling the boy to raise his hips. Once he did Stu tugged his pants down his legs and off to the side of the tent. "I can be quiet but I know you can't." Billy bit back as his eyes closed tight trying to figure out how he could gain some control. "Who said anything about me?" You whispered as Stu pulled Billy's cock from his uncomfortably tight briefs. "Fuck..." Billy groaned knowing he lost whatever game you two were playing.
You went back to kissing and biting Billy's neck as Stu began to slide his hand up and down the boy's cock. Stu looked at you with a sense of astonishment in his eyes. Billy was a control freak in and out of the bedroom. He was always on top barking orders unless you physically tied him down. So for this to be happening was like lighting in a bottle. Stu scooted down licking a stipe up the boy's shaft. Billy's abs contracted as his hips rolled upwards. You watched happily as Stu's tongue swirled around the tip of Billy cock smearing the bead of precum around his skin. A small gasp could be heard coming from the man under your touch.
His knuckles were white as they gripped the sheets beneath him. It took every ounce of strength not to throat fuck the man who continuously teased him. Stu sat up leaving Billy needy but he'd die before he begged. "Lay back." Stu said making you move out of the way. Billy's back hit the mat as he looked up at the both of you. That little red tint on his cheeks made him look insanely attractive. "Well are you two assholes going to do anything or do I need to get myself off?" The smirk on Billy's face somehow made his words endearing. Stu leaned over whispering instructions in your ear. With wide eyes you looked up at the man. "Go ahead."
You pulled off your underwear leaving them where they dropped. Billy quickly ridded himself off his underwear leaving himself completely naked in front of you and Stu. You walked over to the man on the ground straddling his hips. Your lips connected with his greedily. Billy grabbed his cock running the tip up and down your folds making you moan into his mouth. Without a warning he slipped the tip into your entrance. You sat up properly lining him up before slowly sinking down on his cock. Billy let out what could only be described as a growl through gritted teeth. You started to rock your hips back and forth letting your clit rub against his skin.
Stu walked over helping you out of your bra as you continued your movements. Leaning down he pressed a kiss to your lips before he got rid of his own underwear. Billy watched as you pumped Stu's cock with one hand, the other rested on Billy's abdomen keeping your balance. Your lips wrapped around the tip of Stu's cock, your tongue running flat against the slit. The warmth from your cunt and the sight in front of him almost made Billy cum. "I need you to move." Billy spoke, his voice deep and worn.
You pulled your mouth off of Stu's length with a pop. "What's the magic word?" You teased. "Fuck you." Billy spat appalled you thought that'd work on him. You squeezed around his cock making a slight whimper leave his lips. "Say please." Your eyes hardened waiting to hear the word come from him. "You're a fucking bitch." He sighed in defeat. "Please." His voice was shaky only making his plea hotter. "Good boy." You tapped his cheek making his nostrils flare in anger. His fingers dug into your thigh sure to leave bruises. You started to bounce as Stu shoved his cock back in your mouth. With a grip on your hair he paced himself. Moans were loud against the tent as your thighs started to burn.
"Just like that." Stu moaned as you hollowed out your cheeks. Tears began to well up in your eyes making the world around you blurry. You looked up at Stu seeing him smile down at you. "You're so beautiful with my cock in your mouth." He complimented as Billy thrusted his hips upward. You moaned around Stu not being able to suppress your volume. "Shh." Stu wiped the tear that fell from your eye. His head lulled back with a silent moan. Billy shook beneath you needing to cum. "Stu.. I- I need her to move." His voice cracked as his restraint faltered. "Give me a damn minute." Stu had a habit of getting cocky. In a normal setting Billy would've immediately put an end to it. He'd didn't tolerate what he considered "bitchy behavior."
Stu continued to use your mouth however he pleased. "Y/n baby..." Billy softly spoke making you pull away from Stu. "Fuck!" Stu whisper yelled at the loss of your lips. Billy grabbed your waist easily pulling you off of him. He kissed your lips before he stood up. "Get on your fucking knees." Billy spat at Stu more than upset. Stu being smarter than he looked dropped to his knees in front of his boyfriend. Billy grabbed the mans face roughly squishing the delicate skin beneath his fingers. "Open. Tongue out." Stu obeyed his tongue hanging out allowing Billy's cock to easily slid in. Your fingers found your clit quickly circling the bud.
Billy was always more aggressive with Stu knowing he could and loved to take it. Billy's thighs trembled as he got close. "Y-Y/n come here please..." The willing politeness made you even hotter than before. You crawled over next to Stu sitting back on your heels. Billy pulled out from Stu's mouth letting you know exactly what he was doing. You opened your mouth with your tongue out much like your boyfriend next to you. Billy pumped his cock till ropes of cum hit both you and Stu.
He milked his orgasm till there was nothing left. Quickly you swallowed what hit your tongue not thinking of the taste. Stu seemed to have a mouth full as he swallowed. "That would be way easier with a chaser." Stu joked wiping his mouth off with the back of his hand. "Shut up." Billy said with a smile trying to clear the fog from his mind. Stu pressed his lips yours as he slowly pushed you back on the mat. Both of you had yet to finish and he was going to fix that.
His cock seemed to slam into you making your breath leave your body. He sat up holding your legs still. Stu's pace was quick and brutal making your moans come out in fractions. One of his hands fell between your legs playing with you clit. His thrusts never faltered as you slowly felt that familiar pressure build. Your face contorted in pleasure signaling you were close. Stu's free hand covered your mouth knowing how loud you could get. That band seemed to snap within you making chills cover your body. You cried out into his palm as he continued his thrusts. Once your orgasm had passed he pulled out finishing over your stomach.
Stu gasped for air not being able to breathe. He fell over on the mat trying to catch his breath. It'd be awhile since he had an orgasm so strong. Billy went into his backpack pulling out the wet wipes he had brought. The cloth was freezing against your warm skin. A small wince left your lips as he cleaned up the mess his partner made. "I know baby..." He whispered. Billy pitched the cloth to the corner of the tent telling himself he'd get it in the morning. Billy fell between you and Stu before pulling a blanket to cover you and him. "That was fucking awesome." Stu exclaimed finally getting ahold of the air he urgently needed. "You okay?" Billy asked you seeing the permanent smile plastered on your face. "I think we broke her Macher." He smiled glad everyone enjoyed themselves. Stu curled up next to Billy pulling the blanket over his lower half.
"Do you hear that?" You asked the boys listening to the soft sound of grunting. "Holy shit." Billy said as Stu giggled. "Here I was worried they could hear us." You said laughing. Your head rested on Billy's chest listening to his heartbeat. The three in the other tent went at it for another 5 minutes making you and your boyfriends laugh. Stu was the first to fall asleep, softly snoring into his pillow. "That was okay wasn't it?" Billy asked again. He could be really assertive and aggressive during sex but afterwards he'd make sure everyone was okay. You pressed a kiss to his cheek. "It was great. I'm just a little sore." Stu wasn't a careful person. He could be extremely rough but he never meant to be. You knew tomorrow he'd be carrying you around saying he was sorry for being so careless.
"Do you need anything before I fall asleep?" His voice became deep with sleep. "No I don't think so." He kissed the top of your head before getting comfortable. Within 10 minutes you were both fast asleep.
The morning sun was unforgiving. The tent did little to nothing when it came to shielding you from the light. "Morning sunshine!" Stu said looking down at your naked body. "Good morning pervert." He leaned down pressing a kiss to your lips. "Sydney made coffee if you want some." You looked to your left noticing the lack of Billy. Stu noticed your concern. "He's already up. Tatum and Randy are still sleeping." He laughed thinking of last night. You nodded letting Stu leave before you got dressed.
"Good morning." Sydney said both of you shared a moment of silent acknowledgment. "Morning." She handed you a cup of coffee which you thanked her for. Tatum erupted from the tent ready to fight anyone who said something. "Did you have a good night last night?" Stu asked making Billy look at the ground with a smile. "Suck a dick Stu. Oh wait, you did." Tatum said almost making you choke on your drink. Billy couldn't help but laugh with Sydney. "That wasn't even that funny." Stu said disappointed in his friends. Randy was the next to leave the tent earning a high five from Stu. "Randy my man!" You rolled your eyes sipping on your drink.
The day dragged on with everyone going swimming and later eating hot dogs. By the end of the day everyone was on good terms even laughing about the night previous. Sydney snapped some photos of the group making sure everyone had atleast one polaroid to take home. Billy looked down at the picture in his hand. Everyone was smiling and having fun. He hated to say it but he might just go camping again.
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femboyhunting · 10 months
Older Whitney is a drug mule. Older Sydney is a therapist. Older Kylar is a a violent occultist (this came to me in a vision)
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fluentmoviequoter · 5 months
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I can't choose what would be better, everyone baking together with teasing and chaos ensured, or Mitch and Syd baking together to surprise Vic. So you get to choose! OR do both of you want more prompts XD
"One baking a surprise birthday cake for the other" was combined with this prompt! As I showed in that, I wholly believe that Mitch would be an excellent baker, and I'm standing by that.
All three of them baking together would be pure chaos, which is exactly what this is. I hope you like it!
Warnings: fluff, teasing, miniature food fight, Dol, general chaos
Word Count: 1.0k+ words
"What is this?" Sydney asks, pulling a small plastic container from the grocery store bag. "Weapons?"
"Those are for icing," Mitch answers. "I let Vic pick out the flavors, though, so if you get to those and they're terrible, I can make chocolate or vanilla from scratch pretty quickly."
"Where is Vic?"
"Being a pack mule," Victor grunts as he walks in with both arms carrying numerous bags. He sets them on the counter and sighs. "What are we making, Mitch, a replica of the Eiffel Tower?"
Sydney gasps excitedly, and Victor points a warning finger at her.
"No, no, nothing like that. But we're making a tiered cake and we didn't have anything here. So we had to get pans, and the ingredients for everything, and decorating supplies. This isn't even that much stuff," Mitch argues.
"This isn't all of it, Turner," Victor grumbles, freeing his arms from the bag handles before walking out again.
"What are we making?" Sydney asks.
"I don't know, yet. I just wanted to be over-prepared," Mitch admits.
"I'm pretty sure we could make a life-sized Merit, or Lockland, with this much stuff," Victor says, setting the last of the bags and the cake pans on the counter.
Sydney and Mitch look at each other before smiling.
"What did I say?"
Victor's perfectionism requires all of his concentration, and Sydney looks over several times before making her move. She dips her finger in what's left of the cake batter and wipes it across his face. He pauses what he's doing, then tilts his head and continues.
Mitch looks at Sydney with pursed lips and nods, a silent 'good job.'
"Vic, are you almost done with the fondant texture?" Mitch asks.
"Yeah," he says, setting the decorating tool aside. "Now I have to do something else."
"We don't have anything else to do until the cakes are cooled," Mitch replies, furrowing his brows.
"No, I mean this."
Victor scoops his fingers into a bowl before flicking the batter onto Sydney's face. She flinches when it hits her, then opens her eyes and stares directly into Victor's.
"It's on."
Mitch tries to stop them from making a mess, tossing dish towels over the finished decorations. He freezes when Sydney's sugar-coated hand wipes across the side of his neck. Standing to his full height, he towers over her before raising a bowl and dropping a spoonful of icing onto her head. Sydney gasps and bends over, holding her hands out to catch what falls.
"Weren't we supposed to be making a cake? Not wasting the ingredients and playing with it?" Victor asks.
"Hey, you started it!" Sydney argues.
"No, I didn't! You wiped batter on my face!"
"You're the adult, and you threw it in my face. You absolutely did start it!"
"But Mitch won," Victor points out.
"How did he win?"
"He stopped it!"
"Guys," Mitch says, raising his hands with a quiet chuckle. "The first round of cakes are coming out in ten minutes and we need to clean this up. Whether you started it or won it."
Victor and Sydney sigh in tandem, beginning to clean the area in front of them and themselves.
"Do you want to take the cake out, Syd?" Mitch asks. "Oven mitts are right there."
"Be careful," Victor adds protectively.
Sydney pulls the first cake out and sets it atop the cooling rack before sliding the second cake next to it. Mitch takes the opportunity to slide the second and last batch of cakes and cupcakes into the oven while Sydney stands on her tiptoes to lean over the hot, fresh cakes.
"What are you doing?" Victor asks.
"They smell really good," Sydney answers.
"We need to buy that kid a candle or something," Victor mutters.
Mitch nods in agreement before pointing out, "Last time we left her to burn stuff it didn't go so well."
"That's because you were going to break your promise," Sydney retorts, her eyes closed as she inhales the scent of the cakes.
"You're so weird," Victor mumbles.
"I learned it from you."
Dol walks into the kitchen, raising his nose to smell the air (just like Sydney) before dropping his face to the floor and cleaning up the remnants of the cake fight. Victor shakes his head at Dol but sneaks him a piece of cream cheese anyway.
"I thought we weren't supposed to 'feed the dog people food,'" Sydney says, a poor imitation of Victor's voice.
"Yet we feed you," he says, shrugging his shoulders.
Sydney's jaw drops as Mitch's eyebrows raise.
"That was low, even for you," Mitch jokes.
"Even after I made a miniature Victor to hide in the cake," Sydney tuts.
"What? Where?"
"You'll never know now."
Victor shakes his head, sliding a piece of fondant to Sydney so she can make whatever she wants. She perks up as she sits and begins kneading it to shape it.
"This is going to take forever with you two," Mitch sighs.
"It was your idea," Victor and Sydney say together, not looking up.
"To the left," Victor says.
"No, the right," Sydney argues.
"It won't be centered."
"It doesn't have to be."
"It's going here," Mitch announces, interrupting their argument as he places the last candle.
There are three candles in three different areas of the cake. It takes up nearly the entire kitchen island and has three distinct regions for each person. It seemed easier to celebrate their birthdays together and spend the day making the cakes with each other, even with the cake fight and the bickering.
"Alright, when Dol barks, we'll blow out our candles," Mitch says as he stands before his blue candle.
Victor is ready by his grey and black striped candle, while Sydney stands behind her rainbow candle.
"Dol!" Sydney calls.
He runs into the room and barks when he sees everyone, signaling them to blow out their candles. Sydney cheers and Dol joins with short barks. Mitch laughs as Victor smiles behind his hand.
Their joint celebration turned out to be more chaotic and enjoyable than imagined. Victor is happy to carry bags in forever to see his family so happy.
He turns to look at his cake, making a silent wish on his candle, before someone smears icing across his chin.
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damonjuicyscock · 1 year
Playlist-Chapter 1 (90s Noel Gallagher X Reader)
Pairing: 70s Noel Gallagher X Reader
Warnings: nothing really, maybe just a bit language and maybe a few spelling mistakes
Words: 1111
Summary: This is the beginning. How everything started for Y/N and Noel. How they met, how they were at 5 and 10 years old.
A/N: Heya everyone, here it is, the first chapter of the fan fic you've all been waiting for ! This is a short chapter, it's only a beginning and corresponds to Y/N and Noel's childhood. Chapter 2 out next week ! Enjoy !
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(He was so cute back then OMG)
“Television man is crazy Saying we're juvenile delinquent wrecks Oh, man, I need TV when I got T-Rex Oh, brother, you've guessed, I'm a dude, dad
All the young dudes (hey, dudes!) Carry the news (where are you?) Boogaloo dudes (stand up, come on!) Carry the news
All the young dudes (I want to hear you!) Carry the news (I want to see you!) Boogaloo dudes (and I want to talk to you! All of you!) Carry the news
Now Lucy looks sweet 'cause he dresses like a queen But he can kick like a mule, it's a real mean team But we can love Oh yes, we can love
And my brother's back at home with his Beatles and his Stones We never got it off on that revolution stuff What a drag Too many snags”
How and when do you know when you’ve met your soulmate? The love of your life? When you’re 5? 15? 25?
When you’re 5, you’re a princess who believes she has a prince out there. You get kisses on the cheeks by a little boy who likes you.
At 15, you’re an outsider, believing love might come one day, but you’re too busy to care about that and instead, you spend your time worrying about your best friend who’s being beaten up by his father.
At 25, you think you found love but you’re wrong. Your boyfriend is violent, beats you, almost kills you, and you never forgot about your first love, your soulmate, who decides to come back in your life.
That’s my story. Mine and my soulmate’s. Mine and Noel’s.
And everything has a beginning.
I was born in 1967 in London, but I lived in New York, Los Angeles, and Sydney, which I don’t remember because I was too little to care. When I was 5, we moved to Manchester. My grandfather had just died, and my uncle needed help with my grandpa’s company.
That’s when I was put in the same school and class as a cute little boy called Noel Gallagher.
He was often alone and didn’t talk much. And when he talked, he was mocked by others because he stammered. On my side, I also was mocked because I was the new one in school.
What didn’t help Noel and I didn’t know yet, was that he was beaten up by father and the arrival of his newly born brother William also known as Liam. I didn’t discover it until 5 years later.
Approximatively a week after my arrival, I decided Noel would become my friend.
During recess, I decided to sit next to him on the bench. He looked at me with an interrogative look, saying nothing.
Hi Noel! I said to start the conversation
Huh h-h-hello Y/N.
What are you doing?
Just looking at t-t-the others.
You’re always alone.
Ye too!
We could be buddies!
W-W-Why do ye want to be m-me buddy?
I mean… just like that.
The little boy thought in silence for a few minutes, which I thought meant a “no”.
And when the bell rang, while I was almost crying because I had no buddy, the young boy stood up and handed me his hand.
Yer coming buddy? He asked
I was stunned. It finally was a yes in the end. I stood up and gave him my hand, a big smile on my face.
Noel discretely asked our teacher if he could come and sit next to me. She smiled and kindly approved. She had been worried about Noel being and staying all alone before I asked him to be my friend. Did I do well and right? Fuck yes.
At the end of the afternoon, hand in hand, we walked home together.
Would you believe me if I told you we were neighbours, our houses next to each other’s without knowing it yet?
Well, it was the case.
Yer leaving t-there? He asked, surprised
Yes, why?
This is my house just next to y-yers!
We are neighbours? I asked
Yes we are! He answered
This is so cool! Come play with me!
To w-what? Dolls?
No, ball!
Got t-t-to ask me mam first!
Go, I’ll be asking mine and I’ll wait you here!
Noel’s mum, Peggy, agreed, we played football together until 7pm before she came to pick him with baby Liam in her arms. What I wasn’t waiting for was for my mum and Peggy to become the best of friends.
Noel and I were now 10 years old, and he just had joined the neighbourhood football team. Not being interested in another sport, I wanted to join the team as well.
One day, after school, Noel took me to his training so I could meet the coach. What I didn’t plan was his and the other children’s reaction. They laughed at me, which made me angry.
Noel, the lassies don’t play football! The coach laughed
And why so? I answered, with my fists balled up
Because ye can’t play football, it’s a dude sport!
Oh you bet? Noel, we’ll show him.
I took the ball the coach was holding, and Noel and I we started playing. The coach still wasn’t impressed.
Okay, ye can play with yer buddies, but what about a whole team lassie?
Try me!
As ye wish.
The coach blew his whistle, and the other kids places themselves on the football pitch. I also placed myself while Noel took his jacket off, and that was the first time I saw theses. The bruises. But I didn’t ask any question, maybe he fell during training.  The coach whistled again.
The boys passed the ball back and forth between them, pretending I wasn’t there, but I made up for it by catching the ball in my turn, and scored a goal.
This time, I convinced everyone. They all stopped moving and talking. Noel, him, was smiling.
I approached the coach, proud.
And now? You’re convinced?
Aye. Welcome to our team.
I smiled.
By the way, my name is Y/N, not Lassie.
I’ll make sure to remember it kid.
So, when are the days of training and what do I have to buy?
Yes, when I was a child, I was sassy. It got worse when I was a teen, but I calmed down when becoming an adult.
Besides being my neighbour, Noel was also my best friend. And oh, as we got older, I was more and more worried about him…
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dippedanddripped · 1 month
Summer 2024 Starring Sydney Sweeney | Featuring Cece Mule & Cinch | Jimmy Choo
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charmyposh-blog · 6 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Fireside by Dearfoam Sydney Mules.
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leanstooneside · 11 months
Mule kick
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Rocking Horse
Six year old Cindy Watson is curled up in her bed too afraid to make a peep.
Her parents are out in the living room having another argument about money 'Bob why can't you get off your big fat arse and get a job, you have a family to support in case you haven't noticed.'
'Give it a rest Gail, you know that I have a bad back and the doctors have told me to take it easy for a while.'
'Christ Bob it has been nine months since your accident and don't think that i haven't noticed that you have no trouble bending over to get a beer from the fridge every hour.'
'Please Bob first thing tomorrow morning I want you to drive into town to see what jobs are going because money is tight and doesn't grow on trees as you well know.'
It is the summer of 1976 in North West NSW Australia and the heat is stifling and Gail Watson is frazzled trying to cope with the heat out in the middle of nowhere trying to make ends meet because of a good for nothing husband who just wants to sit around drinking all day.
When they got married seven years ago in Sydney Gail was a striking 20 year old who worshipped the ground that her husband walked on.
He was a stockbroker with a bright future and Gail planned on becoming a nurse but a few months after they tied the knot Gail fell pregnant and Bob had a great idea to move out to Dunnedoo to escape the rat race.
But now Gail is struggling to cope without a support group of family and friends to lean on and also Bob's promising future is now nothing but a pipe dream.
Cindy finally drifts off to sleep around midnight but it is a restless sleep because listening to her parents argue and bicker every day is starting to get her down plus now she is having nightly nightmares.
Just after sunrise her mummy shakes her awake 'Time to get out of bed sweetheart, I have made your favorite, bacon and eggs and with baked tomatoes and onions.'
'Don't forget to do your chores after breakfast than hurry back inside because you wouldn't want to miss the school bus would you.'
Mother and daughter share a smile because they both know that Cindy would rather stay at home and ride her rocking horse all day.
'When you have finished the chores go and have a wash and change into your school uniform than you can ride your rocking horse until the bus comes.'
Even though a strong breeze would probably blow her over Cindy scoffs down a huge breakfast before she scampers outside to the chook shed where she collects a basket full of eggs, feeds the horses out in the stable than she washes up and changes into her school uniform before rushing out to the front verandah where the rocking horse waits for her.
The horse is old with chipped paint with a missing ear but to Cindy it is her whole world.
She is afraid of the horses currently eating fresh bales of hay but the rocking horse doesn't bite or kick plus it listens to her without interrupting her while she pours her heart out.
Patting the horses neck Cindy whispers 'One day I will leave this place and go to Dubbo where I will rob a bank like the bushrangers did back in the old days and give every dollar to mummy and daddy so they stop fighting and perhaps find time to give me a baby brother.'
Cindy continues to chat away for a while before a flash of yellow catches her eye and reluctantly she climbs off the rocking horse after saying goodby to her parents Cindy runs down the driveway and boards the school bus.
She is a pupil at the Dunnedoo Public School where she studies hard most of the time but like all kids sometimes her mind will wander and Miss Walpole an old battle axe with a temper of a mule will chastise her 'Cindy Watson stop looking out of the window and concentrate on the lesson because if you don't you will end up being stuck out here with few prospects but farming or working in the pub.'
A few of the other kids laugh at Cindy's discomfort and she is tempted to give them the finger but she decides to ignore the brats and knuckle down while she waits for the school bell to ring.
Six years have passed and Cindy Watson is now 12 years old and she is no longer a little girl with pigtails and a fondness for Barbie dolls and chocolate now she attends Dubbo High School where the kids are all bigger than her but they treat her good except for one of the school bullies 14 year old Elizabeth Hardcastle who face a face like a bulldog and smells like a blocked outhouse.
But on a positive side her father has given up drinking and works in the local bank while her mum manages the supermarket.
But unfortunately she is still an only child.
She only rides the rocking horse once or twice a week these days but when she rides Cindy still talks to her horse and dreams about moving away she also asks the rocking horse for advice about how she can get back at Elizabeth Hardcastle who makes her school days a misery.
The latest idea is to swap the bullies lip balm with super glue which should keep her quiet for a while.
But deep down Cindy knows that she could never hurt anyone no matter how nasty they are so she closes her eyes as she sways back and forth on her rocking horse and the built up tension drains from her body.
Soon Cindy goes inside for dinner and to watch the 'Brady Bunch' her favorite TV program.
While she eats and watches her show Cindy is unaware that a young aboriginal boy has been watching her while she rides the rocking horse.
Fifteen year old Warren Mundine knows that the girl has a desire to move away and start a new life someplace else.
For the past month he has waited until the lights inside the house were all turned off than he would walk up onto the verandah and sprinkle sprigs of Banksia and Bunya Pine all around the feet of the rocking horse.
Under the moonlight Warren would perform a ceremonial dance that his ancestors have been doing for thousands of years.
Adorned in ochre paint and lithe of limb Warren would dance for hours until the sun started to rise in the eastern sky.
Suddenly storm clouds gathered and lighting crackled and fizzed and under natures light show the wooden rocking horse began to began to sway back and forth of its own accord.
'Lightning by name Lightning by nature' the lad whispered before disappearing into the landscape like a ghost of times gone by.
Cindy wakes an hour later, which is strange for her, because she had to be shaken awake especially on a school day.
She smells the morning air and her nose picks up a strong scent coming from the front verandah.
She takes another whiff and recognizes the scent of pine which is strange because there aren't any pine trees within a hundred miles from her house.
Cindy opens the front door and notices that the rocking horse is standing in the center of a ring of different kinds of sprigs and leaves.
That is strange she thinks but because it almost looks like the sprigs have been put there by somebody but when she realizes how stupid that sounds Cindy climbs onto the wooden horse 'Good morning Lightning'.
Instantly Cindy's mind recoils Why did I just call the rocking horse Lightning?'
Than she remembers the dream she had last night where she dreamt about how the rocking horse grew a pair of wings like Pegasus than took flight carrying her away from Dunnedoo taking her to every corner of the world giving her a glimpse of what is out there.
Also in the corner of the dream a small aboriginal boy called out and named the horse Lightning before just as quickly he vanished in the mist.
Cindy's skin tingles in the cold and her eyes gaze out beyond the front fence to where orange dust twists in the wind.
The aboriginal boy looked so real, could he really be out there somewhere?
After another boring day at school Cindy is eager to get home to see if anymore sprigs have been left on the verandah.
When the bell rings she squeals in delight and quickly boards the bus that will take her back to Dunnedoo but the trip will take at least an hour.
In her hand she clutches a report card that doesn't make for good reading C in English D in History and an F in both reading and writing.
She is tempted to throw the card out of the bus window but the headmaster told all of the pupils at assembly this morning that all of the parents knew that the report cards were due today so Cindy stuffs the card in her school bag and mopes the rest of the way home.
When the bus stops outside her house Cindy says goodbye to her friends but when she goes to thank the bus driver the boy sitting behind him turns around and Cindy gasps 'Holy shit you are the boy who was in my dream last night but when she takes another look the boy is nowhere to be seen.
Mister Green the bus driver is keen to be on his way 'Are you okay Cindy, you look a little pale.'
Cindy splutters 'Mister Green where did the aboriginal boy who was sitting behind go to?
'Cindy there are only ten kids who get on the bus and none of them are aboriginal.'
One hundred yards behind Warren hides amongst the scrub beside the road, he now know that tonight will be the night to kickstart a thousand tomorrows.
Not quite believing the bus driver Cindy exits the bus and walks inside the house leaving the report on the kitchen table than she goes outside and has a look around but there are no new sprigs.
She climbs onto Lightnings saddle and yells 'Alright Lightening why don't we ride all the way to Sydney because I have a feeling I am about to get yelled at.'
As she rides Cindy thinks about the boy on the bus today, she is positive that he doesn't attend her school so why was he on the school bus? But also how can he have disappeared into thin air?'
While her mind is working overtime Cindy doesn't at first notice the wooden horses hooves jitter as he prepares to take off.
Suddenly Lightning rears up on his hind legs leaving a pile of rocking horse shit behind before taking off in the direction of Merriwa.
'Woah boy not so fast we need to make a detour first, swing a left here than a quick right.'
'There should be a yellow house just up ahead, there it is Lightning now walk into the front yard and wait 'Hey Elizabeth, are you home you ugly fat scrag, come outside before I go in there and drag you out.'
Elizabeth Hardcastle the school bully races outside to see who would have the nerve to come to her home and call her names 'Well if it isn't little Cindy Watson and her nag.
The nasty schoolgirl makes the mistake of reaching up to drag Cindy from her mount because instead Cindy grabs her by the ponytail than tells Lightning to take off.
Lightening unfurls two golden wings and raises into the air with Elizabeth screaming her lungs out.
Cindy whispers into Lightnings ear 'I don't want to hurt her but I need to teach her a lesson so on the next block there is a huge eagles nest on top of a tall Bunya tree,
Lightning quickly locates the nest that appears to be abandoned and slowly swoops in and stops a couple of feet above the nest, Cindy tells Elizabeth that it is time for her to get off but the bully isn't keen on that idea and clings on for grim death.'
Lightning swings his head around and grabs the screaming girl by the top of her jeans and drops her onto the nest fifty feet above the ground.
Cindy in all the excitement fails to notice a small aboriginal boy running behind Lightning but he can't keep up and soon vanishes from view.
Twenty six year old Cindy Watson still half asleep hits the snooze button to silence the annoying sound.
As she gets dressed Cindy vaguely remembers dreaming about a rocking chair that she used to ride when she was a kid.
Cindy still lives in the same house that she grew up in but sadly her parents are no longer alive to give her guidance to their only child but their presence lingers in every room even though it has been eight years since they perished in a car crash on their way to visit relatives down in Victoria.
After finishing her morning routine Cindy looks around the old farmhouse and she is glad that she stayed in Dunnedoo because this is her home and where she belongs.
At 8.30 she locks the front door takes a quick glance to the corner of the verandah where the rocking horse stood pride of place than she walks the short distance to the pub where she works pulling beers for the locals and travelers alike.
As she wipes the bar clean only half listening to one of the regulars as he tells a story about his time living up north hunting crocodiles Cindy often gazes out the window thinking about what her life would have been like if she everworked up the courage to leave.
But at the same time Cindy loves her sleepy little town and really wouldn't want to live anywhere else and hopefully one day she will meet a man and settle down in Dunnedoo.
She takes one last look outside before getting back to work and remembers an old saying 'It doesn't matter how close you get to the horizon because it will always be in the distance.'
In a storage shed on the other side of town an old rocking horse sits forlorn and forgotten, covered in dust and spider webs.
It has been fourteen years since anyone sat in his saddle, fourteen years kept in the dark.
In all of that time his wooden black eyes have stared blankly at the roller doors waiting for them to open.
The rocking horse knows that sooner or later the door will open, the sun will stream in and he will run like he has never run before.
Three doors down from the storage shed a young aboriginal man is bent over the bonnet of an old Holden ute as he tries to fix a faulty fuel hose 'Hey Warren when you have finished with the ute come and give me a hand over here.'
Warren is good with his hands and can repair just about anything and he is glad that his boss gave him this job a few months back because it is hard for any aboriginal man to find work anywhere 'Sure thing Nigel just give me five minutes and I will be with you.'
As he stands up straight to flex his back Warren looks longingly across town to where his favorite pub is located.
It will be good to sink a few beers after work but the main reason to visit the waterhole will be to walk in and work up the courage to finally ask the barmaid Cindy Watson out on a date.
Patr Two is on the way so hold your horses.
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The AFP turns its focus to crushing the 'lifeblood' of organised crime in Australia — money laundering
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A woman was allegedly flown around Australia to deposit cash in ATMs for a money-laundering syndicate until she was arrested at Sydney airport last year. The Australia Federal Police (AFP) alleges the "money mule", who was on a student visa, had millions of dollars in illegal funds pass through her accounts.
She now faces up to 25 years in prison after allegedly picking up and feeding wads of cash into ATMs around the country on several occasions.
The amount of money laundered in Australia, through avenues such as the nation's financial systems and the property market, has hit billions of dollars per year, according to the AFP.
Read More: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-03-17/afp-taskforce-avarus-targets-money-laundering-syndicates/102108026
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menuandprice · 1 year
Outback Steakhouse Drinks Menu
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Outback Steakhouse Drinks Menu
➽ Outback Steakhouse has a distinctive range of beverages on its menu. It also offers hot tea, hot coffee, lemonade and many more drinks. ➽ Pick the perfect date to go to Outback Steakhouse and indulge in your Outback favourites with your loved ones! ➽ The drink menu at Outback Steakhouse has non-alcoholic beverages such as tea, coffee, coke, lemonade, Hi-C and more.
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➽ As well as cocktails such as blueberry kiwi strawberry, lemonade with lavender, and others. Various beers are available such as Budweiser, Bud Light, Coors Light, etc. ➽ Also, you can have white wine or red wine such as Prosecco, Chardonnay, Pinot Noir and many more. You can get all of these beverages for less than $40. ➽ There are many other drinks available, along with the price. ➽ Look at the table below for a more detailed menu of drinks.
Outback Steakhouse Drinks Menu With Prices
Drinks Menu Prices Outback Steakhouse Cocktails Sauza Gold Coast ‘Rita $ 7 Blackberry Martini $ 7 Strawberry Kiwi ‘Rita $ 7 Blueberry Lavender Lemonade $ 7 Aussie Rum Punch $ 7 Boozy Cherry Limeade $ 7 The Wallaby Darned $ 7 Outback Steakhouse Top Notch ‘Tails Top Shelf ‘Rita $ 10.79 Blackberry Sangria $ 7.29 Naturally Skinny ‘Rita $ 7.49 Fully Loaded Bloody Marry $ 7.29 Strawberry Peach Sangria $ 7.29 Castaway Cocktail $ 7.49 Blood Orange ‘Rita $ 9.79 Down Under Mule $ 8.29 Outback Old Fashioned $ 10.29 Huckleberry Hooch Moonshine $ 8.29 Sydney’s Cosmo $ 7.49 Strawberry Mojito $ 7.79 Boomarita $ 7.99 Outback Steakhouse Coldies On Tap Drinks Middy Big Bloke Bloomin’ Blonde Ale $ 4.00 $ 5.00 Bud Light $ 5.00 $ 6.00 Stella Artois $ 7.00 $ 8.00 Foster’s Lager $ 5.00 $ 6.00 Samuel Adams Boston Lager $ 6.00 $ 7.00 Samuel Adams Seasonal $ 6.00 $ 7.00 Outback Steakhouse Bottles & Tinnies Craft Middy Big Bloke Blue Moon Belgian $ 4 $ 5 Angry Orchard Crisp Apple Hard Cider $ 4 $ 5 American Middy Big Bloke Budweiser $ 4 $ 5 Bud Light $ 4 $ 5 Coors Light $ 4 $ 5 Michelob Ultra $ 4 $ 5 Miller Lite $ 4 $ 5 Aussie Middy Big Bloke Foster’s 25.4 oz Oil Can $ 4 $ 5 Imported Middy Big Bloke Corona Extra $ 4 $ 5 Modelo Especial $ 4 $ 5 Dos Equis XX Lager $ 4 $ 5 Heineken $ 4 $ 5 Newcastle Brown Ale $ 4 $ 5 Non-Alcoholic Middy Big Bloke O’Doul’s $ 4 $ 5 Outback Steakhouse White Wines White 6 oz Bottle Prosecco(Sparkling Wine),La Marca, Italy $ 7.29 $ 30.00 White Zinfandel, Sutter Home, California $ 5.99 – Rosé, Chloe, California $ 7.49 $ 29.00 Moscato, Jacob’s Creek, Australia $ 6.29 $ 24.00 Riesling, Chateau Ste. Michelle, Washington $ 6.49 $ 25.00 Pinot Grigio, Ecco Domani, Italy $ 6.79 $ 26.00 Sauvignon Blanc,Francis Coppola Yellow Label, CA $ 7.49 $ 29.00 Chardonnay, World’s Edge, Australia $ 5.99 $ 23.00 Chardonnay, Cupcake, California $ 7.49 $ 29.00 Chardonnay, Kendall-Jackson Vintner’s Reserve, CA $ 9.29 $ 36.00 Outback Steakhouse Red Wines Red 6 oz Bottle Pinot Noir, Mirassou, California7.79 $ 7.29 $ 28.00 Pinot Noir, La Crema, California $ 8.79 $ 34.00 Merlot, Red Diamond, Washington $ 6.49 $ 25.00 Red Blend, Apothic, California $ 7.49 $ 29.00 Shiraz, Jacob’s Creek Reserve, Australia $ 7.79 $ 30.00 Cabernet Sauvignon, World’s Edge, Australia $ 5.59 $ 23.00 Cabernet Sauvignon, 14 Hands, Washington $ 6.79 $ 26.00 Cabernet Sauvignon, Francis Coppola Ivory Label, CA $ 9.29 $ 36.00 Cabernet Sauvignon, The federalist, California $ 8.99 $ 35.00 Outback Steakhouse Non-Alcoholic Drinks Strawberry Lemonade $ 3.79 Kiwi Strawberry Lemonade $ 3.79 Aussie Palmer $ 3.79 Lemonade $ 3.79 Coke $ 3.79 Diet Coke $ 3.79 Sprite $ 3.79 Hi-C $ 3.79 Acqua Panna $ 3.79 San Pellegrino $ 3.79 Dr. Pepper $ 3.79 Coffee $ 3.79 Tea $ 3.79 Coke (Zero sugar) $ 3.79 ➽ If you’d like to enjoy bespoke dishes from Outback Steakhouse, try cocktails such as Saua Gold Coast ‘Rita, strawberry kiwi, blackberry martini “Rita,” Aussie Rum Punch, etc. ➽ The darned wallaby cocktail is a wintry mix of La Marca Prosecco, peaches and SVEDKA. If you want to try OZ-style, you can include an additional splash with La Marca Prosecco. ➽ Boozy Cherry Lemonade contains black cherries mixed with Bacardi lime-infused rum and Sprite. ➽ The filled Bloody Marry has Tito’s handmade Absolute vodka mixed with a full-on Bloody Marry mix. ➽ This Castaway cocktail is a fantastic mix of Cruzan Passion Fruit Rum, Absolute mandarin vodka, Malibu coconut Rum, pineapple juice Blood orange sour. Also, make a strawberry mojito, Boomarita, Sydney’s cosmo. ➽ You can try a middy or a large beer bloke from Outback Steakhouse. The most popular choices include Bloomin Blonde Ale, Bud Light, Foster’s Lager and more. ➽ There is a variety of craft, American, Aussie, imported, and non-alcoholic beer. Blue Moon Belgian soft cider and angry orchard craft beer can be enjoyed while dining at the Outback Steakhouse. ➽ The wine menu at Outback Steakhouse is segregated into red wine and white wine. This restaurant’s most well-known white wines include Prosecco, White Zinfandel, Moscato and Pinot Grigio and numerous others. ➽ You could consist of Mirassou, MerlotRed Diamond and Cabernet Sauvignon for red wines. Many non-alcoholic beverages include kiwi strawberry lemonade, Aussie palmer and tea. Outback Steakhouse Drinks Nutritional  ➽ Read the nutritional information of this drink from the link shown in the table below. Nutritional Information outback.com/nutrition/
FAQs – Outback Steakhouse Drinks
Does Outback have chocolate martinis? ➽ There are 100 calories in an Espresso Infused Vodka and White Chocolate Martini from Outback. Does Outback serve whiskey? ➽ A classic favorite, Jameson® Irish Whiskey is topped with ginger ale and served on the rocks. Does Outback have Coke? ➽ Try one of our ice-cold Coca-Cola products, Gold Peak Tea, or a refreshing Country Style lemonade! How much is lemonade in Outback? ➽ Strawberry Lemonade $3.19 What kind of drinks do they have at Outback? - Favorite Outback boozy beverages to go! - Long Island Iced Tea for Two. $12.50. - Castaway Cocktail for Two. $12.50. - NEW! Sauza Gold Coast ‘Rita for Two. - Strawberry Peach Sangria for Two. $12.50. - Blackberry Sangria for Two. $12.50. - Aussie Rum Punch for Two. $12.50. - Huckleberry Hooch Moonshine for Two. - Bloomin’ Blonde Growler. Does Outback Steakhouse have margaritas? ➽ Sauza® Gold Coast ‘Rita® Our proprietary house margarita made with Sauza® Gold Tequila. What kind of soda does Outback have? ➽ You can also have hot coffee, tea, lemonade, and other drinks. - Non-Alcoholic Drinks. - Strawberry Lemonade $ 3.79 - Aussie Palmer $ 3.79 - Lemonade $ 3.79 - Coke $ 3.79 - Diet Coke $ 3.79 Does Outback Steakhouse have strawberry daiquiris? ➽ It’s our Cocktail of the Month! All February, you can enjoy a Strawberry Daiquiri for only $10. Available to customers 18+ only, outback Steakhouse practices the responsible service of alcohol. Find here: Outback menu with prices The post Outback Steakhouse Drinks Menu appeared first on ❤️ UPDATED 2023. Read the full article
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horseridingnowau · 1 year
Which Breed Of Horse Is Ideal For Off-Road Riding?
Horse riding will be quite a fun adventure activity for you. However, when picking a horse for trail riding, you must understand the best varieties or breeds of the horse. This will ensure you are able to enjoy the experience. You can start by looking for horse trail riding in Sydney to know about the places that will allow you to enjoy the riding experience in the best way possible. Also, you need to decide if you wish to go for long rides or if you wish to enjoy a short ride. Based on this, you can decide on the breed that will be best suited for you.
Breeds for trail riding
Some of the most famous horse breeds that will allow you to enjoy trail riding include.
Irish cob
Quarter horses
Icelandic horses
When it comes to deciding between them, you must stay aware of some of the basic characteristics and traits of the horses. It will allow you to understand which horse suits your personality and riding style. Also, you need to consider your height and various other factors before making the final decision. Finally, choosing a horse that is well experienced and trained will beneficial for you to have an easy experience enjoying that ride to the best.
If you are new to it, consider taking expert help from someone who is experienced. Also, remember when going horse riding, it is important that you wear proper clothing to keep yourself protected.
Further, you must build a good relationship with the horse before you start riding him. So you must talk to him and pamper him to build a relationship. It will allow you to enjoy the experience in the right way.
If you hope to enjoy horse tail riding in Sydney, consider visiting the website
Horse Riding Now. It includes information about all the top places that will allow you to enjoy a great riding session. Besides, it will also help you get information about the schools and the institutes that will provide the best horse riding lessons.
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femboyhunting · 6 months
Sydney is the only one having a good time in the future au. He's overworked and tired but that kind of his baseline and he's genuinely fulfilled and happy. Kylar and Whitney are tied for most in the trenches. Whit is a drug mule with no friends or prospects trying to ignore that he peaked in highschool and Ky is a cult member who's devoted his life to raising his lost love back from the dead only to find out they weren't dead...they just ran away.
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aethersquid · 1 year
TF2 mercs in Dark Heresy head canons because dueling brainrots
Scout considers himself “basically an eversor” and does indeed swap out the Bonk and crit a cola for combat drugs (which he still drinks like soda instead of injecting). Mechanically he’s an assassin, hive world outcast background.
Sniper was raised by eldar rangers and is fortunate that Inquisitor Helen is sufficiently radical as to keep that fact hidden. Mechanically, also an assassin, feral world outcast. Standard sniper rifle becomes a clumsily disguised ranger long rifle and the Sydney sleeper is replaced with a needle rifle.
Medic was formerly a genetor before getting branded a heretek and run off the forge world for the supreme crime of Transgenic Grafting (profaning the sacred human form with xenos organs). Mechanically, forge world, heretek, medicae. The medi-gun is mounted on a mechadendrite.
Soldier was “overwhelmed by the god emperor’s light” after hearing a redemptionist preacher speak and immediately embarked upon a one-man war of faith in the lower levels of the hive before eventually being stopped by the arbites. Hive world, adeptus ministorum, warrior
Pyro’s background and nature is still just as unknown. Deathworlder who never removes their protective gear? Secret mutant? Particularly zealous priest? Lone survivor of one of nurgle’s plagues?
Engineer is a tech-priest of course, presenting himself as just a humble enginseer but with an astonishing knowledge of the inner secrets of the cult mechanicus and a number of STC discoveries under his belt. He himself ain’t overly formidable in battle but his monstrosity of a gun servitor is, and his medicae servitor/pack mule keeps the party in fighting shape and stocked up on ammo. Forge world, adeptus mechanicus, sage.
Heavy doesn’t like to talk about his background but a Goliath matching his description is still wanted on necromunda for snapping a slave trader in half after slaughtering his entire retinue. Hive world, outcast, warrior.
Demoman hails from a feudal world originally, and mastered the sword before being recruited into the imperial guard and mastering explosives. Feudal world, Astra Militarum, warrior.
Spy is totally not working for the alpha legion, no way. Also he’s annoyed that basically everyone else is nearly useless outside of combat. Hive world, administratum, seeker.
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tipco613 · 2 years
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New Post has been published on https://cryptonewsuniverse.com/the-march-to-freedom-celebrating-victories/
The March to Freedom Celebrating Victories
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The March to Freedom, Celebrating Victories
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At a time in our history when we are witnessing an orchestrated global effort to create a new world order, it may seem like gloom and doom. 
After all, the move to bring in the Central Bank Digital Currencies as a hub piece and part of a plan to programme and control your money while linking it to a social credit score system is nothing short of confirmation of the agenda at play.
However, it is even more important to notice and acknowledge the positive victories that are happening on behalf of humanity as the battle and march for freedom continue. Here are just a few. Feel free to comment on victories you are observing in your county.
Brady Gunn from Sydney, Australia, started off what has become a global movement of peace and unity in the name of truth – A Stand in the Park. This shows how one person can make a difference. 
Brady had enough of the corruption affecting all areas of society, and for the sake of his children and future generations, he started inviting people on Facebook to join and create their own groups and simply take a stand in doing so. 
This is a different approach to the mass protests and is as much about celebrating freedom, and all it means, while uniting for peace and freedom for all in the wake of the intended global reset.
A Stand in the Park has grown worldwide, and it is estimated that there are at least 600 stands across various sectors of the globe, particularly in the USA and Europe. Let this inspire you to know that one person can make a difference!
Australia was also one of many countries where thousands took to the streets in protest of the forced mandates. Mainstream media blocked transmission, but drone footage was captured across the world. 
Here is a summary of the global freedom marches worldwide in 2021. The source is anonymous and came from a telegram group.
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  Image Source: Festival.com
Jordan Peterson, a Canadian clinical psychologist who regularly features in the media, is using his voice to speak out against censorship and give individuals stepping stones to change their lives.
In fact, he has just spoken in Australia and inspired many in Brisbane. You can view feedback on the Reignite Democracy Australia Youtube channel.
Who can forget the truckers convoy, which appeared to start out of Canada, and then spread to other parts of the world as people took their stand against forced experimental jab mandates and lockdown restrictions? 
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Image Source: LA TIMES
The USA also took the baton, a country that seems to be a magnifying glass for the common themes of corruption and centralization of power into the hands of global elites.
Yet rather like the phoenix rising from the ashes of intended destruction, brave doctors are coming together to propose a more sensible route to dealing with viruses, such as the Great Barrington Declaration.
Forensic audits are showing what many thought, that the last election was fraudulently tampered with en masse. The documentary 2000 Mules captured the essence of how this happened. 
In more declassified information, Pfizer has been caught hiding the severity of side effects in their heavily redacted documents.
In a recent big win, the New York supreme court ordered the reinstatement of New York City Department of Sanitation employees who had been fired from their jobs due to declining to take the jab.
The court concluded that the mandate was in breach of the separation of powers doctrine and the equal protection doctrine.
In an attempt to restore independent journalism, transparency, and truth Project Veritas has played a key part in going underground to expose fraud, crime, and many key grave misdemeanors perpetuated by the establishment.
An example in kind was the exposing of the complicity of news media in colluding with the establishment’s false narrative to gain control of the public. 
Brian Stelter was exposed and acknowledged the use of fear and propaganda to get more views,  stating that climate change and related lockdown agendas would be next.
There are many documentaries that have arisen to shed light on what is really going on or what needs to be questioned, quite a few from the USA. Here are some:
Plandemic – by Mikki Willis and team. There was more than one series in which Judy Mikovits featured exposing Dr. Anthony Fauci. Also, David Martin was featured. He did an exposé on the patents for several viruses and the fraudulent practice going on.
2000 Mules – Dinesh De Souza documents the exposure of election fraud in the USA.
Watch the Water – Stew Peters and his team featured Dr. Bryan Ardis, who explored the use of water to contaminate populations with viruses.
The video series Fall Cabal is by Janet Ossebaard, from the Netherlands, who has a teaching and research background. It is designed to give an overview of the various themes run by the establishment to control the population. 
She breaks each series down into small segments and is educative in nature, a good place to start for those who are beginning to question the established narrative.
Documentaries are compelling and in-depth alternate media, shedding light on issues that remain unanswered by mainstream media and are educational in nature. These are gathering momentum.
Also gathering momentum are groups arising to advocate and educate about the natural law, common law, and equity so that individuals and groups can start reparation.
In the USA, you have people like David Straight, who has been tirelessly educating people for many years.
In the UK, there was a landmark win for nurses here in the UK who were threatened in a similar vein to those in the New York case and were due to lose their jobs in April of this year if they failed to comply with taking the jab.
Many resigned ahead of this, and in what seemed to be the 11th-hour u-turn, the government revoked the mandates, although they stopped short of apologizing. Many believe this happened due to increasing staff shortages more than anything else.
On the subject matter of human rights, more recently, a landmark legal challenge was issued against the Met Police's discriminatory Gangs Matrix. This is a secretive database of people the force considers to be ‘gang members,’ which means they do not tell you if you are on the list.
This data could be shared with major authorities with possible grave consequences and no right of appeal.
According to Liberty, an organization set up to hold the government accountable on a wide range of human rights matters, the case was scheduled for a hearing in early to middle of November at The Royal Courts of Justice, only for the Metropolitan Police to concede defeat beforehand. They now acknowledge that this is unlawful and breaches human rights.
Similar to David Straight in the USA, we have people like David Adelman of The People’s Lawyer and private member organizations such as Matrix Freedom helping people to free themselves from the enslavement of the establishment. Education and reparation are key themes.
I’m sure you will recall the uprising in Sri Lanka, which peaked on July 9th of this year. This came off the back of the country defaulting on its debt, with inflation soaring at approximately 50%, reflecting a long period of economic hardship.
You may recall seeing videos of crowds of protestors storming the presidential residence on that day, resulting in Gotabaya Rajapaksa reportedly fleeing to the Maldives, according to The Conversation.
He was replaced by former prime minister Ranil Wickremesinghe on 21st July 2022, who then declared a state of emergency and has sought to crack down on protests.
The country has had its fair share of conflicts, notably the civil war in the 1980s and attempts to assassinate anyone who acted for the good of its civilians. There is a commonly held perception that corruption is responsible for the plight of this country.
China features heavily in Sri Lanka in connection with the Belt and Road projects, and the IMF is involved, with public assets being sold presumably to service the debt.
The feeling of the people is one in which they want to disband what they believe to be corrupt parliamentary and government officials in place of a more civilian type of governance structure.
Indeed Counterfire reported back in August that grassroots initiatives are moving away from the centralization of power to help the country recover and restore human rights and fairness.
While the battle is far from over in this country, we caught a glimpse of what happens when a group of people has had enough of corrupt practices. 
Hopefully, they can find a resolution without further civil or other wars.  These themes are not solely isolated to Sri Lanka, as previously reported with reference to the bankruptcy of the world’s nations.
Many positive grassroots initiatives are happening. For example, on a stretch of land between Croatia and Serbia lies a micronation established to restore constitutional principles to its inhabitants.
The 7-kilometer square of land, previously unclaimed, is referred to as Gornja Siga and classed as a sovereign state. Its motto is ‘To Live and Let Live,’ with economic and personal freedom for the people as its stated objectives.
It was declared the Free Republic of Lieberland in 2015, and its principles and criteria can be read in the Montevideo Convention.
This example reminds me of a quote by Buckminster Fuller:
“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
I suspect we will see more new models of micronations arising as civilians engage in grassroots movements to reshape society to one of fairness, dignity, and economic restoration for all.
As I write this, in the world of business and commerce, Markethive has its own landmark victory to celebrate. Markethive has just announced the completion of Phase 2 of its own wallet. 
This is part of a more extensive architecture and ecosystem to create a place where entrepreneurs can build a business and thrive, away from the interference of giant monopolies and centralized control.
More and more people are awakening worldwide to what is happening at humanity's expense. Many are rising in protest and beyond. There are still battles to fight, yet victories are happening and need to be acknowledged.
I leave the final note on the sound of victory to the very brave and courageous Karen Hudes, former World Bank lawyer turned whistleblower. 
She spoke of a transition in power and reminded us of something called the 100th Monkey Effect, which refers to the change in consciousness arising from a small group of people behaving in a certain way. 
When the benefit is observed, this then catches on until a critical mass is achieved, resulting in a tipping point of cultural change.
This finds its roots in a story of a young female monkey on a Japanese island who got fed up swallowing grit from the potatoes she ate. She washed them in a stream before eating—one by one, the other monkeys who had been observing her followed suit. 
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Image Source: Miyazaki.com
After 100 monkeys had copied this, it seemed that every monkey started to behave likewise, demonstrating this critical mass and tipping point theory.
Here at Markethive, as more and more people come on board, we will create a tipping point and cultural shift in the business world. It will also be a cultural shift for freedom.
When it comes to light versus darkness, there is only one winner. The light wins. At the same time, this is a participatory universe, meaning it is incumbent on all of us to find ways in thought, word, or deed to shine that light as a force for good.
There are many examples of individuals and groups creating projects and activities in the name of freedom, so this is a partial account.
May the synopsis of key victories here uplift you so you can rise above any fear perpetrated on the many by the few, and may you take your stand to be a beacon of light in your part of the world for the benefit of all.
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    About: Anita Narayan. (United Kingdom) My life's work is about helping individuals to greater freedom through joy and purpose without self-sabotage, so that inspirational legacy can serve generations to come. Find me at my Markethive Profile Page | My Twitter Account | and my LinkedIn Profile.
        Also published @ BeforeIt’sNews.com
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