#Swedish Armed Forces
swedebeast · 1 year
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May 27th 2023 was the 500th anniversary of the Swedish Army. The location was Gärdet in Stockholm, photographs taken by Jonathan Lundkvist.
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the-nomadicone · 2 years
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Exercise TYR 22 // Swedish Amphibious Corps
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womeninfatigues · 2 years
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demiurgeua · 6 months
Головнокомандувач Збройних Cил Швеції побував на передовій російсько-української війни
Підрозділи 45-ї окремої артилерійської бригади Збройних Сил України, які виконують завдання на Східному напрямку, відвідав Головнокомандувач Збройних Сил Швеції генерал Мікаель Бюден. В ході зустрічі, генерал Бюден поспілкувався з артилеристами та піхотинцями, які проходили навчання у Швеції та високо оцінив їх бойову роботу. Українські воїни подякували генералові Мікаелеві Бюдену та його державі…
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military1st · 15 days
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A Swedish Soldier during Exercise Swift Response 24, part of Defender Europe 24, Kvarn, Sweden. 
The U.S. Army photo by Capt. Remington Henderson (2024).
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Turns out I'm only anti-military until I see a woman in fatigues
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30th November 2022 // Crown Princess Victoria during her training with the Swedish Air Force. She is undertaking a programme of training days with the Armed Forces to gain a greater understanding of their work at all levels.  The Crown Princess completed basic military training in 2003.
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woso-dreamzzz · 26 days
Hardersson x Baby!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: Your first time at camp
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The first time you go to Sweden Camp, you're still a baby.
You don't even remember it but Magda does.
Magda knows it as the day that she was no longer the favourite Eriksson in camp. It doesn't really matter that she was the only Eriksson in the team but after your arrival, she might as well have been a ghost because everyone was just so enamoured with you.
"Where is she?" Frido demands when Magda turns up on the first day of camp babyless.
"With Pernille," Magda says," She'll come in a few days. It's not easy to travel with a baby, you know."
Frido waves a hand dismissively. "But they'll be here soon, right?"
"You know they're only here for a few hours, right? They're not staying."
Frido doesn't seem to hear her or at least doesn't acknowledge Magda's said anything because she goes off to do something else while Magda stays frozen in confusion in the lobby.
Pernille arrives a few days after camp begins and a day before the match.
The team are out practising on the pitch, running through passing drills. No one notices her there for a long while until Magda does a bad pass to Frido and the ball goes flying.
Frido turns around to retrieve it and immediately sprints off in the opposite direction. It leads to a few people following her gaze and breaking off into sprints of their own.
Tragically, Magda is one of the last to notice your arrival and is kept at the back of the throng of Swedish players that now encircle you and Pernille.
She forces her way through viciously until she pops out just as Pernille transfers you to Frido's arms.
You're still tiny but are old enough now to have enough strength to support your own head so you happily sit in Frido's arms as she coos at you softly.
You giggle, reaching a hand out to smack against her nose.
"Oh!" Frido says with a little laugh," Did you get my nose? Is that my nose? I think it is!"
Ordinarily, Magda would tease Frido for how high-pitched her voice has gotten in your company but then she'd be open to being called a hypocrite because Magda's voice does the same.
"Look at you," Zećira coos," Those are good reflexes." She nudges Magda teasingly. "I'm thinking Operation Mušović for baby Eriksson?"
Magda shoves her back. "It will be a cold day in hell when you turn my baby into the second version of you."
"It doesn't matter what position she plays," Caroline says decisively as the crowd parts for their captain," Because this little lady-" She takes you from Frido. "-Is the future captain of Sweden."
Pernille, who has mostly been ignored, sighs. "Or Denmark. She's my child too, you know."
"I suppose we could lend you her," Caroline says diplomatically," Denmark youth player, Sweden captain."
"I'll settle for it the opposite way around," Pernille replies but she's waved off as Caroline presents you to the rest of the team.
"You better watch out," Caroline says," Because we might have a new Eriksson in our defensive line."
"A Harder in your offence more like," Pernille says but, like Magda, she's mostly ignored.
Neither can do much as the team passes you around like something sacred. Everyone takes the time to coo and play with you before you're moved onto the next person.
The plan was for you to be introduced to the team for a few hours but be gone by dinner. Somehow though, you've taking your bottle in the middle of the dining hall.
Even more strangely, Magda is not the one doing it.
It had been a little difficult to get you to take a bottle after months of just Pernille's breast but Magda's glad she's got the opportunity to feed you as well.
She just wishes it didn't mean that other people can feed you now too.
Right now, it's Frido and Magda should have known that she would do this. She just adores you and hoarding your time is her game plan at home as well so it's no wonder she's doing the same at camp too.
"No," Magda says as Olivia appears by the table," Don't you dare."
"Magda," Pernille says," It's sweet."
Magda ignores her, pointing at Olivia in warning. "No! I told you guys no!"
"Everyone put into a pot," Olivia says," It's a collective gift. You can't say no."
"You know what? Yes, yes I can. No! You're spoiling her!"
"She's a baby," Olivia insists," She deserves to be spoiled!"
Magda can agree with that. You do deserve to be spoiled but there's a difference between getting spoiled and whatever Olivia's got in the four bags in her arms.
"No!" Magda insists," It's too much!"
"Not enough," Frido says," I was going to get her more but Caroline put a cap on the amount of money someone could put in the pot."
"What? Didn't you listen? I didn't get her as much as I wanted to!"
Magda goes to retort back but a hand on her arm from Pernille makes her fall silent.
"Thank you, girls," Pernille says, taking the bags," I hope she gets lots of use out of what you've bought her."
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mrsjellymunson · 5 months
Written for the @steddiemicrofic January prompt, ‘hole’ (thank you for this gift that keeps on giving).
Pairing: handyman!Eddie x new tenant!Steve || Rating: M MDNI || WC: 404 || CW: sub/dom dynamics, suggestive language, implied subspace, strangers to lovers, porn-worthy plot (can anyone else hear the waka-waka of guitars…?)
“I heard you’ve got some holes that need fillin’?”
Steve can’t help but drink the maintenance guy in. Long hair tied back in a messy bun, tight-fitting black shirt, tool belt slung low on his hips over snug black Dickies, one knee kicked out and a metal box hanging from a nicely toned arm.
“Uh, yeah, the last tenants had a wall cabinet or something. Come on in!”
In Steve’s living room, the damage is appraised.
“Shouldn’t take too long. I’ll be out of your hair in no time.”
“No rush, I don’t have anywhere to be.”
Steve extends his hand, introducing himself.
“I’m Steve. Just moved in.”
Calloused skin meets sweaty palm.
“Eddie. S’good to meet you, Steve.”
Steve gulps and suppresses a shiver at his name gruffly falling from Eddie’s lips, and returns to kneel at his altar of disassembled flat pack furniture. He doesn’t get far, distracted by deft arm movements as Eddie stretches and bends to repair the wall, his black ink dancing and occasional glimpses of his torso appearing as his shirt rides up.
Steve forces himself to look back at the instructions. They might as well be in Swedish. Maybe they are…
Noticing Steve looking, Eddie enquires, “You need some help over there?”
Bashfully chuckling, Steve admits, “I think so, yeah. S’funny, I’m usually quite good at following instructions.”
With a lopsided smirk, Eddie raises his eyebrows and comments in a barely audible tone,
“Oh really? I might just have to test that out later...”
“I’m all done. Is there anything else I can do for you?”
Eddie’s standing closer now. From his low vantage point, Steve can almost count the stitches in front of his pants.
“Uh- I, uhh…”
He leans forward, beginning to stand.
“No, Steve. Stay where you are. On your knees.”
A flash of heat consumes Steve’s entire body, followed by an unfamiliar but very welcome feeling of relaxation.
Eddie runs his fingertips lightly through Steve’s hair, tugging gently to raise his face. Steve’s eyes stay half-lidded, and as he looks up his jaw slackens. He salivates as he notices the bulge enlarging beneath Eddie’s tool belt.
Cupping his palm gently around Steve’s chin, Eddie pulls the pad of his thumb across Steve’s bottom lip. Steve hums, almost drools. In a low voice that’s somehow both gravely and velvet-soft, Eddie murmurs, slowly,
“You got any more holes you want me to fill, big boy?”
Thanks so much for reading!
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anemptypuddingcup · 4 months
Can’t help what can’t be controlled.
Dream Demon!Sanji x Female Reader.
I searched around deep to figure out what Sanji would be, this was the best I could come up with but I hope you’ll enjoy it like the series.
Mares looks more like likes or felines in a way but I really just had a knack for making Sanji a spider and having the most limbs out of everyone.
tagging: @vaquint
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Contains: (Representing the Mare in German & Swedish folklore correct me if I’m wrong) Sanji is more related to a spider. Read my dream demon anatomy for more understanding on Sanji’s anatomy. Sanji has four pairs of arms but will only be using three in this series. Sanji comes from under the bed. Sanji unconsciously giving Reader nightmares. (Contrasting the Mares usual behavior) Sanji’s sweet and harmless. Sanji’s very touchy in this fic. Sanji’s also not used to sexual affection so he grows to like it. (He’s literally the most innocent demon out of the rest). Sanji is basically a virgin. Reader teaching Sanji about sex (a little bit of teaching). Sanji has two slender cocks. Lots of making out. A bit of grinding and dry humping. Handjobs. Vaginal and Anal. Double penetration. Lotus to Missionary to Mating Press. Sanji soothing and rocking Reader back to sleep. Very long fic full of porn w slight plot.
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You stood there beside your bed, facing your nightstand while you stared into the glass of water resting there. It’s been a rough week for you but none of it could compare to the endless cycle of sleepless nights you’ve had. It was hard to sleep, ever since you started getting more stressed about things. You didn’t know how it started but man did you wish for the cycle to end.
What made all of your nights sleepless and painful were the nightmares you would have. From watching your own death to watching your family’s death and struggles, you’ve felt that you’ve practically went through every nightmare possible in the last week. Just what was causing your brain to have these terrible nightmares, it couldn’t have been the stress.
Then again it could have been.
You sighed out and softly press your fingertips to the glass cup before lifting it and pressing it against your lips. You gulped down the water before setting the glass back onto the wooden surface of your nightstand and turning off your lamp. You slowly climbed into bed, the mattress sinking as it took in your weight and nestled your body with comfort and warmth.
You lie back against your pillow and pull your blankets up close to yourself, stretching your legs out while you shuddered from the cold kissing the bed. You sighed out heavily before finally getting into a comfortable position and closing your eyes.
You focused on the silence surrounding yourself, the silence that practically rung deep within your ears. Part of you began to feel uneasy but you forced yourself to shake it off and to try and relax.
God, you wished you’d fallen asleep sooner.
Within a few minutes later, you found it so hard to sleep. It was this intense and uneasy feeling you had, like someone’s presence was in the room or something was near you.
You shuddered within your bed before a noise makes you already and makes you realize that you’re not the only one inside of your own home.
“Oh my, is she asleep already…? So fast…”
A whisper beneath your bed causes your eyes to shoot open and let out a little yelp in response. You pursed your lips tight and you didn’t even try to move or get out of your bed. Was someone under your bed? But how? You made sure to check every lock on your doors and windows. So how in the absolute hell was someone here beneath your bed?
You flip over onto your back and sat completely still, waiting for whoever it was to just come out already and attack your defenseless little body. You waited…
And waited…
And waited…
You were still wide awake, and still alert of the intruder that was being a bit stubborn.
You gulped as you felt yourself growing nervous and nauseous. Why wouldn’t they just come out already? You sigh out before enduring the courage to finally speak out and say something.
You inhaled deeply as cold sweats ran down your brow before you exhale shakily and finally speak out to him.
“W-Whose there…?” You asked out so shakily that your throat began to hurt.
Silence continued to spill through the room for a moment before the intruder finally responds to you.
“You…You can hear me?” His French accent was a little thick and he said it as if he was so surprised to realize that he’s been caught. “Y-Yes! I-I can! Come out from under my bed! Now!” You yell, the shakiness of your voice giving away your nervousness. A hand slowly reaches from under your bed and presses against your mattress, a gasp leaving your as you stared at the hand and its claws.
Another hand appears and another…
And another, the amount making your eyes widen with shock and fear while you clenches your quilt tightly in your hands. Eight hands gripped your quilt and began to pull a slender body up from underneath your bed and onto your fluffy bedding.
A groan leaves this…creature as he climbs up and sits up on his knees. He slowly looks down at you, his silhouette only showing himself staring down at you. His crystal-sapphire eyes stares into yours and you could swear that you could see three eyes on that single side of his face that showed.
“Well aren’t you just an adorable little star. A radiant one at that~” He says, his voice so soothing as he spoke. He moves in closer to you, crawling while his eight arms reaches out to you. You gasp out and pull away before turning your head and curling up, shutting your eyes tightly while you felt him moving in on you.
“Hey dear, I’m not here to hurt you. There’s no need to be afraid.” He says, tapping your shoulder with his soft and soothing hand. You slowly look over your should and see his eyes looking into yours, his lips curling up into an adoring smile and giving of a sense of his friendly nature.
“I didn’t think you could hear or see me. I see I was wrong though. You’re quite a beauty, it’s a shame we didn’t speak sooner.” He chuckles, reaching over to your body to which his hands caressed. He pulls you towards him, flipping you over and turning you over to face him. Your eyes still have off fear to him but he smiles and cups your face with his first pair of hands.
His other hands played with yours, fingers circling your palms and the skin of your fingers. “My dear, you’re like a diamond in the fine black sand. A beautiful sight for my six eyes to land on.” He says charmingly, his face moving in closer to inspect yours even more. He presses his chest up against your breasts as a deep tint of blush begins to appear on his face. You still shivered against him, afraid of his appearance but taken back by his gentle approach.
You peer down at his arms and quirk a brow, realizing that only six remained instead of eight.
“W-Where did…I thought you had eight arms…?” You pointed out, looking down at the now three pairs of arms he had. “Ah yes~ I can hide them as I please. They just disappear and reappear you see?” He hums, showing him retracting his arms repeatedly before hiding them fully once again. He chuckles as he watches your face shift and buries his head between your neck, inhaling your scent.
“Well, what’s your name sweetie?” He asked you, still having his head buried within your neck. “________…and yours?”
“Sanji Vinsmoke, a pleasure to meet a beautiful woman such as yourself.” He hums out. You yawned and peered down at him and his golden blonde strands, looking at how they curled up on the back of his head.
“U-Um…Are you friendly…?” You asked, wanting to make sure he wasn’t after you. He lifts his head and nods profusely. “Of course I am! I’m not out for you! Not a pretty little lady like you!” He says, deep comfort and promise etched deep in his words. You nodded and sighed out before plopping back against your pillows, a sleep groan leaving past your lips.
Sanji tilts his head before sitting onto the mattress and crossing his legs.
“Are you sleepy dear?” He asks you, quirking a brow and putting a hand to your chin. You nodded and blinked sleepily, rubbing your eyes sleepily. “I’ve been sleepy but I can’t sleep because I’ve been having nightmares…” You whine out, turning over. Sanji paused before letting out a nervous laugh and scratching the back of his neck.
“Oh dear…that may be my fault…” He sighs out before grasping his chin with his other hand.
You freeze before slowly sitting up and staring into his eyes.
“What do you mean?” You asked, your tone dark as anger slowly began to spill from it. Sanji looks at you nervously with his three eyes before sighing out and setting himself beside you. “Well…I am a creature who causes nightmares. One of many actually. If you were asleep when I got close up against your breasts, I would’ve given you a nightmare. I promise that I mean no harm, if I could produce dreams I would…” He explains to you, pressing a hand to your back and rubbing it softly.
You sighed out and settled in bed again, too fed up to even argue or yell at Sanji. “So you’re the reason I’m having these nightmares every night?” You asked upsettingly, now knowing that he’s the culprit of the terrible nightmares and sleepless nights you’ve been having.
“I’m sorry sweetheart I really am. I’m not in control of what nightmare you have…I just make you have one.” He says, his words sincere along with his worrisome facial expression. “It’s okay…if you’re going to give me another, please just do it now so I can go to sleep.” You sigh out, flipping over onto your back and staring up at him. You hold your arms out to him, expecting him to lay against your body and relax…but he hesitates fully.
He stares down at your breasts before looking away, not really wanting to give you another nightmare. He wanted to help if anything.
“Um…sweetie. I don’t want to give you a nightmare. Not if this is what my work’s been doing to you and your body.” He says, wrapping his arms around your body and pulling you up from your pillows.
You stare at him blankly.
“Then what now? Aren’t you supposed to give me a nightmare and go about your night?” You asked him, fed up and just tired. “I’m not obligated to do this. Yes it’s my job, but not if it’s doing this to a lovely lady like you. I’d rather help you sleep than keep you wide awake and restless.” He sighs out before giving you a heartwarming smile. You press your hand to your temple and let out a stressed sigh before nodding, not caring what he does as long as he lets you sleep.
“Fine. Just be quick with whatever you’re going to do so I can sleep. I have work tomorrow.” You groaned, your brows furled in irritation. He smiles and pulls you close to him once again before chuckling softly. His first pair of hands cups your face and caresses your cheeks, his other two pairs running beneath your shirt and along your soft skin. “I wouldn’t want to rush it, but anything for you sweetie.” He says sweetly to you.
You shiver at his touch and watched as he buries his face against your neck once again, his soft lips peppering kisses against the soft skin of your neck while he runs his thirty fingers along the soft skin of your tummy, sides and your back. “What’re you planning to do? Are you going to give me a massage and such?” You asked him, gasping out softly while you press your hand against his soft and silky strands.
“A little more than that love. How about a bit of stress relief to relax you? You’re stressed from work and sleep deprivation yes?” He offers to you, his fingers running soft circles along the back of your ears. You mewl out and shudder before smirking at his touch, your arms wrapping around his soft and slender body while he buries himself in your embrace. “I’d like that…such a gentleman~” You hum out sweetly to him, his third set of arms pulling your legs up and around his hips while his second set begins to remove and pull your shirt over your head.
He pulls your shirt off and hums out at your sweet scent, burying his head deep between your breasts and mewling out. “Such soft skin, aren’t you lovely?~” He hums out, his three sapphire eyes peering up into yours. You moan out at his soft hands touching at your skin, his lips pressing sticky yet sweet smooches against the skin of your neck and chest.
You feel him push his crotch against your clothed cunt and you gasp out before shutting your eyes softly. A heavy gasp leaving past you lips gains Sanji’s attention, and you feel him smirk against your neck while pressing more kisses to your skin. You feel a pair of his hands trail up to your breasts as he cups them, making you jerk and yelp out from his cold touch.
“Sanji~” You sigh out his name while he continues grinding between your legs. You could feel his cock growing hard beneath his robe while he lets out a shaky gasp.
Though it felt rather odd.
He smiles but huffs out shakily, not very used to this type of affection or contact with anyone. “T-This feels nice~” He mewls, his first pair of arms wrapping around your neck while he grinds into you.
His hips speed up and his thrusts grow fervent and desperate, his third pair of hands lifting his robe and pulling his briefs down a bit. He reveals his two erections to you and you’re a bit stunned. Both of his tips were leaking with affection and neediness, he wanted you so dearly. “T-They’re…hot, a-and they’re…hard..?” He says shakily with questioning tone lingering in his voice.
It was then that you realized that Sanji probably didn’t know much about sexual affection. He probably thought there wasn’t more to just the touching and the kisses he was providing.
Just what was this change in attitude is what he was thinking to himself. He’s never felt like this before so it’s no surprise that he would want more from you. You were still staring at his hardened cocks and you peer back up at him to see that his face is deep in color and shade. Sanji hesitated to continue but you pull him closer while pulling off your panties.
“You don’t have to be shy Sanji. Please continue if you’d like to~” You say sweetly to him, offering him the choice to continue. He sighs and nods before pressing his body back against yours tightly, his hips moving automatically and grinding his heat against yours. “It feels so n-nice love~ Oh goodness this feels so nice~” He whines out shakily, grinding one cock against your bare cunt his he palms the other.
You let out soft moans as you felt his length slide between your folds, his tip occasionally sliding against your clit and making you tremble. You reach your hand out and grab one of his shafts softly before sliding your hand along it, stroking him while he moans out. He shudders a bit above you, propping himself up on his knees and thrusting up into your hand. You mewl out and use your other hand to fondle the tip of his cock, providing pleasure to most angles of his length.
“Oh!~ Like that! Just like that please~” He huffs out, now practically fucking his cock up into your hand. Your grip tightens slightly as you watched him thrust in and out of your hand, your other hand reaching for his other cock. You begin to stoke both of them and he moans out louder and shakily. You could feel his cocks twitch within your hands and you knew that he was certainly close to cumming.
“Oh~ O-Oh god!~ I-I feel something coming!~” Sanji whines out, his body growing shaky as he bucks his hips into your hands. His third pair of hands gets a grip of your waist while his second pair stayed and massaged your breasts.
As someone who was close to cumming, he was skilled at multitasking with your body.
You let out soft and pleasurable moans as you enjoyed the feeling of his soft yet chilling hands against your breasts. “You’re close to cumming aren’t you Sanji?” You asked him teasingly, massaging his shafts a bit faster while he lets out a sudden yelp. “I-Is this what this feeling i-is? T-Then yes! I a-am close!~” He huffs out, a bit of drool spilling past his lips as he began to struggle keeping his balance on his knees.
You kept your legs tight around his hips while you felt his body shuddering through your thighs. “Cum on my body Sanji, don’t hesitate to make a mess on me~” You say softly to him, your words making him whine out with a nod. You felt his hands grip your body a bit tighter and at that point he was just ready to cum out onto your lovely skin.
His face scrunches up and he exhaled heavily and shakily, his hands shaking against your body.
“Ahh!~ M-Mmgh!~” His voice grows louder and he throws his head back before finally releasing out into your skin, his cum hot thick and sticky against the skin of your tummy and breasts. You hum out in response and he slowly lies down against your body, feeling the need to recover. “Ahh~ Ah…I-I’m s-sorry love. I didn’t want to…dirty you up like that…” He huffs out shakily, his six hands trembling against your body while he lied there.
You pat his head in response before giggling. “It’s okay sweetheart, I said you could.” You say in response, pressing your hands against his shoulders while he looks up at you with teary eyes. “W-What was that feeling…? I’ve never felt something like it. Is this what everyone calls…arousal?” He asked you, slowly sitting up but struggling to gain the strength. You nodded and pulled him close, keeping his body pressed up against yours.
Sanji stares up into your eyes for a moment, his mind filled with so much questions and curiosity.
“Is there more to it than just this…?” He asked you with curiosity in his voice, moving in closer to you. You smiled and nodded to him, slowly sitting up from your pillows while staring down at him. “Yeah…There is more to it. There’s plenty more to it than just kissing and teasing touches Sanji.” You say to him softly, sitting up straight while his pretty eyes looked into yours. Sanji groans and slowly sits up before looking at your body up and down.
You giggle at his wandering eyes and grab his chin softly before pulling him close to your face. You give him a little kiss before pulling back and whispering into his ear. “Would you like to see what your two cocks can do to me Sanji?” You asked him, giving him a sly smirk while looking into his eyes. Sanji trembles at your words and sighs out shakily.
“Y-Yes I’d love to…Please show me…”
You softly lie him down against your pillows, noticing the nervousness in his face and eyes. Yes he was curious but he also didn’t know exactly what to do but watch you. You untie his robe sash before slowly pulling it open, a smile appearing across your face as you stared at his pretty and slender body. He wasn’t too thin but he had a beautiful body shape.
Sanji shudders as the cool air hits his skin and his bare erections prod out beneath his briefs. “I-It is rather cold in your room.” Sanji says, his teeth nearly chattering from how cold it was in your room. “It’s okay Sanji, we’ll be warming up in just a moment okay?” You whisper to him. He nods and watched as you began to touch him, your fingers running over his leaking tips.
“You’re still hard Sanji, are you pent up sweetheart?” You asked him, pressing your lips against his one of his tips. He gasps out and bites his bottom lip, his curly brows furling at the feeling of your tongue against his sensitive tip. “P-Please- I-It’s not s-sanitary to lick down there~” He says embarrassingly.
“It’s fine Sanji~”
God he was so adorable. How could a man be adorable yet handsome at the same time.
You chuckle and lift your head before sitting back and staring at him for a moment.
“Do you want to know how it feels to be inside of a woman Sanji?” You asked him, sitting up and staring at him. “Y-Yes…M-May you show me…?” He asked eagerly, one of his hands teasingly playing with his shaft.
“Of course I will~ But I have to look for something first.” You tell him, reaching over your bed and grabbing the knob of your nightstand drawer. You pull open the drawer to your nightstand, looking around for your lube so Sanji could have a bit of an easier entry.
“Give me one second okay?” You tell him, digging around in your nightstand while he watched impatiently. You dig around for a bit until you pull out a bottle of substance and close the drawer. You show the bottle to him and he looks at you with slight worry. “W-What is that supposed to be love?” He asked you, nervous for you to put whatever that was onto your body. You giggled at his nervousness, adoring how sweet and cute he was.
“It’s lubricant Sanji, it’ll help you slip inside of me a bit better~” You explained to him with a sweet little smile across your face. He sighs out and nods, watching as you opened the bottle. You open the bottle and pour a bit out onto your hand before setting the bottle down and begin rubbing your hands together.
You press your hands against Sanji’s warm erections and he jumps before gasping out suddenly. “Cold! O-Oh that’s cold!” He yelps, not liking this temperature play that he was receiving. “I’m sorry baby..” You apologize, rubbing the lubricant all along his two cocks and making him mewl out shakily. He moans out as he enjoys the feeling of your warm hands stroking his shafts, making sure you coated his cocks well in the lubricant.
You stop and he whines out, wanting for feel more of your palms and fingers against his hot length.
You slowly sit back down before spreading your legs open to Sanji, revealing your pussy to him and spreading yourself open before rubbing a bit of lube onto your already soaking pussy. You do the same with your rear entrance while Sanji watches in anticipation, his body trembling with impatience while his cocks throbbed for you.
After making sure both you and him were good enough, you slowly crawl over to him and hover your hips over his. Sanji presses his third pair of hands to your hips and helped keep yourself steady while you began aligning both of his cocks to your front and rear entrances.
“Are you ready Sanji?” You asked him, sliding your hips just slightly against his tips. “Yes~ Yes love I’m so ready for this~ Please…don’t rush yourself though…” He says, huffing out as he stares into your pretty eyes once more. You smile at his thoughtfulness and nodded in response to him. “I’ll be slow…thank you Sanji.” You respond.
You huff out before slowly and steadily lowering yourself down onto his lengths, a moan leaving both your lips and Sanji’s as he watched. You exhale shakily as he begins to stretch both of your holes with his lengths, his cocks sliding in easily due to the lube. Sanji couldn’t help but to moan out at the feeling of your insides sucking him in, your velvety walls taking his cocks in and clinging on to them.
“Mmmgh~ F-Fuck Sanji~” You huff out his name shakily, your brows furling at the slightly painful stretch his cocks provided. Sanji notices and stops you, his second pair of hands gripping your sides and holding you in place.
“Please take your time dear, you don’t have to rush it for me.” He says with worry, his body sitting up slightly to help you. You whine out to him but nodded. “O-Okay…” You say to him, wrapping your arms around him and holding on to his body. “We can take as long as we need to, there’s no rush to this is there darling?” Sanji softly says to you, his hands to your sides and hips pulling you closer to him.
You obeyed and took your time, continuing to take your time lowering your hips on both of his dicks while soft mewls left past your lips. You could feel him deep inside of you, his cocks practically giving you a cute little bulge within your lower tummy. Sanji hisses out at the warmth of your inside enveloping his lengths as you finally bottom out, a moan fall after while you begin to wrap your legs around his hip.
“So deep~ Your cocks feels so good inside of me already Sanji~” You say to Sanji, a sweet little mewl rolling after your words. Sanji hums out and buried his head between your neck once again, his first pair of hands already toying at your breasts before he even started moving. “You’re so warm inside…and so soft and tight~ I-Is this what a lady feels like on the inside?~” He asks you, a soft moan leaving pats his lips as he felt your walls beginning to pulsate around his lengths.
“Yes~ This is what we feel like on the inside~ So soft and w-warm…” You spill out, now yearning the urge to move your hip. Sanji lifts your hips up a bit, causing you to gasp out and catching his attention. “Is this how I’m supposed to move? I just…thrust? Like I was doing earlier?” Sanji asks, needing a bit of reassurance and teaching.
“You can move me too when I’m on top of you…but yes. You thrust your hips in and out but you have to have a rhythm to it…You can’t just be too sloppy with it…” You tell him, your hands beginning to play at his curls. “You can thrust hard or go soft depending on how much force for you want in your thrusts…Speed could also apply to that too.”
“Whether you want to go hard and fast or soft and slow…is up to you Sanji. You can do any angle or position you’d like with me too…I can teach you a bit…if you’d like me to…”
Your face was burning hot as you explained it to him. You didn’t know much about sex yourself, but you knew enough to get by and help Sanji learn as well.
You were hoping you explained it enough for him to understand and you were guessing you didn’t because Sanji fell silent. You sit up and stare down at him and he smiles before lifting your hips up a bit. He slowly began thrusting up into you, making a few moans automatically spill past your lips. His cock inside of your cunt was kissing your cervix and you had realized that you’d forgotten to tell him about soft spot.
“O-Oh~ S-Sanji~” You gasp out his name as he lies you down onto the mattress, his smirk a bit sly if not mischievous. He slowly begins to thrust into you, the feeling of his shafts massaging your walls making you moan out. You huff out and bit your lip softly, watching as Sanji thrusted in and out of your pussy and ass at a normal pace.
Sanji was silent as if he was focusing and concentrating, making sure he was doing the process right and learning correctly. By the way your face was contorting and twisting, he knew he was doing something right or at least he hoped so. He thrusts into you at a bit of a different angle and you gasp out sharply, making him halt for a moment. “A-Are you alright?- Did I hurt you?” He asked, a bit of worry sinking into his voice.
“N-No you didn’t~ Y-You just hit the right spot~” You chuckle, reassuring him. Sanji exhales out of relief and begins to thrust in the same spot, making you moan out a bit loader while you watched him. Sanji begins to groan out as he felt your pussy tighten around his first cock, one of his hands trailing up along your soft tummy and groping you.
He could feel his cocks entering in and out of you, feeling a bulge prodding through your lower tummy every time he thrusted inside of you. “You feel so wonderful sweetheart~ Your- y-your…your pussy…feels so wonderful around my length~” He sighs out hesitantly. You mewl out sweetly to him as he lifts his hips a bit. You trail your hand down to your pussy, your fingers circling your clit while he fucked you with love.
“Your cocks feel good inside of me too Sanji~ You’re so deep inside~” You mewl out shakily before gasping out suddenly, feeling his fingers teasing your nipples. Sanji moans out shakily, his thrusts staring to get a bit more harder and faster inside of you. You let out a shaky little whine as you watch and feel his hips thrust into you a bit sharper.
“Mmgh! S-Sanji!~” You whined, shutting your eyes slowly while you enjoy the feeling of him shoving his cocks farther inside of your entrances. You feel him scoot his body up a bit more, his hands pushing your legs up far past your chest. A gasp leaves both of you, your pussy and ass sucking his cocks in deeper inside while enjoyed the feeling.
“F-Fuck~ Sanjiiii~” You mewl out his name so needily, wrapping your arms around his thin midsection while he hums out softly at your sweet little voice.
“Hah~ Keep squeezing me just like that please dear~ I-It feels so good~” He groans as his curly-brows scrunching up while his lips begin to part open a bit unconsciously.
Pushing his chest up against your soft breasts, he stares down into your eyes while he slammed his hips harder against yours causing you to release your voice even more. Your eyes roll up a bit and you’re a bit unresponsive, your moans all needy and loud as if you were close to breaking. You could hear the squelching noises of him entering and exiting your cunt and ass repeatedly.
You could tell that Sanji was getting swallowed by the pleasure, his eyes were tearing up and he was growing more vocal. His moans were beautiful and angelic the more he fucked your two sticky holes.
“Hah! M-Mmgh~ S-Sanji!” Your nails scratch along the skin of his back and your toes curled as you felt him give you a deep and sharp thrust. You felt the wind being knocked out of you as your body rocks from his harsh and desperate thrusts inside your pussy and ass.
You couldn’t help but to arch your back and turn your head, gasping and moaning out while you began to grow sensitive and close to your orgasm. “Oh sweetheart~ O-Oh god my sweetheart~” Sanji moans out, his hands sliding along your back and your hips. You mewl and shudder at his sweet touches and and turn to look at him.
“I-I’m c-close again my dear~ May I please cum inside of you?~ May I fill up both of your orifices with my cum?~” Sanji begged, asking while his voice grew so whiny and needy. He wanted to cream your pussy and ass, he wanted to fill you up and claim you for his own. Filling you up with his cum would be the best thing he’s ever done for both you and himself.
You moan out shakily before giggle at his neediness. “Y-Yes~ F-Fill me up Sanji~ Cum deep inside of me please baby~” You mewl out, pressing your hand to the back of his head and pulling his face close to yours. Sanji blinks before moaning softly, watching as you trails your thumb across his soft lips.
He moves in and presses his lips against yours, and you kept him close while you felt yourself ready to release in his lengths. Sanji could feel you trembling against his skin as he felt the warmth appear in the pit of his stomach again. “Ahh~ I-I’m- I’m close again~” Sanji whines out, his hands gripping your thighs and his nails scratching along your soft skin.
A heavy gasp left your lips in response before you pull him in tighter into your embrace, your legs tighter around his hips. “Inside!~ Please cum inside of me Sanji!~” You moan out, wanting him to release inside of you. “I-I’m going to!~” He moans, his voice shaky as he looks into your eyes. You nodded and mewl out suddenly, your arms tight around his body as you felt him thrust a little deeper inside of you.
Sanji nods and begin to pick up the pace, his hips rocking into your desperately as he pushed himself far over the edge. “Ah~ L-Love~” He mewls out, his body shuddering while his hands trembles against your skin. He lets out a sharp gasp before moaning out, his face twisting as his lengths twitched within your walls.
“Gh~ I-I’m cumming~ Ahhh~” He exhales sweetly, burying his face into your breasts while he moans out shakily. “P-Please S-Sanji~ I-I’m so close as well~” You hum sleepily, your walls gripping his shafts tightly yet pulsating around him.
“Agh!~ Ah! F-Fuck! I-It’s coming!~” He whines out a final time before finally releasing into you, a gasp shortly falling after as his knees dug deep into the mattress. His hands clawed against your skin while he came, his orgasm obviously strong and hitting him like a brick.
“Mmgh! O-Oh Sanji!~” You hug him tight and keep him close as you finally release with a heavy whine followed by a gasp, your cum spurting out onto his lower abdomen while you held on tight to him. You breathe heavily before sighing out satisfyingly, your body settling into you fluffy pillows and sheets beneath your body.
Sanji’s hand movements ceased as you relaxes his head against the valley of your breasts, his eyes staring into yours with pure love and attraction as he watched you begin to drift away. He holds your hips softly before removing himself, both you and him releasing moans as he slowly pulled out of your entrances.
He watched as your entrances spill his cum out onto your sheets while you lord there in place, yawning tiredly. You slowly turn over onto your side and Sanji pulls the blankets onto your body, his body settling into bed with you and holding you close to him.
He could tell by your breathing and by your still body that you had fallen asleep already, and he was ecstatic to help you. A smile was spread across his face as he stared at your sleeping frame, watching your chest rise and fall while you slept there peacefully.
His hand runs through your soft strands as he presses a soft smooch to your temple. Wrapping his arms around you, he slowly began rocking your body which made you hum happily in response.
“Goodnight sweetie…I’ll see you tomorrow morning…” He whispers to you softly, his arms keeping your nude body close while you snuggled up against him.
Finally…No more lonely and painful nights without sleep…
Sanji was here to help you…
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sorrowsofsilence · 6 months
Burning Out • 1
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Pairing: Noah Sebastian x Fem!Reader
I was lost, but now I'm found Under the lights and in the sounds So let us sing and sing it loud That we're not perfect, but we're proud of who we are.
Noah Sebastian is lost. His crime-filled lifestyle is anything but perfect; but everything changes once he meets you.
Words: 7.3K
Warnings: 18+, explicit language, Alcohol consumption, devils lettuce consumption, violence, mentions of murder, panic attacks/ anxiety
Authors note: Chapter One: The Apparition - This story was a request by an anon! I hope you enjoy my interpretation of the prompt (prompt is here). I am excited to see where this goes! Let me know any thoughts, and if you’d like to be tagged leave a comment :3 (ps. Listen to the apparition by sleep token hehe)
Tags: @crimson-calligraphyx @lma1986 @spicywhenspeaking
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The world was always in a state of grey, the life of the concrete jungle persistently sucking out the souls of its inhabitants with every passing second. Destruction. Crime. Greed. A shattering abyss of capitalism and corruption.
Yet, within this lifetime, I don’t think I was meant to be the good guy either.
Perhaps there was a chance for me, someday or somehow within another universe.
For now, the only thing I could think about was how my heart pounded as the gun sat between my fingers, threatening the innocent ahead. Destruction, Crime, Greed.
“Noah, let’s go,” Ruffilo pulled at my wrist in desperation. My arm remained still, resisting his force.
The woman’s eyes watched me in horror, tears brimming as her back hit the brick wall behind her, arms wrapping protectively around her body in defeat.
My heart raced, and I stood frozen in place.
“I won’t say anything I swear,” She pleaded, lips trembling, saliva foaming from her mouth as she was too afraid to swallow.
I don’t want to do this, but I fucked up.
“Noah,” Ruffilo said through gritted teeth, “We need to go,” he placed a hand on top of my gloved one, in another attempt to have me lower the bad decision.
I closed my eyes, squeezing them shut in contemplation as my chest heaved, the voice of rationality fighting against the voice of destruction.
I’ll be even more of a fuck up if she rats on us.
You’ve never been able to kill anyone before you moron, why do you think this time will be any different?
My eyes snapped open, leathered finger dancing along the trigger as I stared at her. My teeth barred through chapped lips, a snarl of frustration crawling from my throat. The woman's eyes turned away in fear as if watching her own demise would kill her. Ironic.
Seeing her in complete terror left me broken. Is this who I am? I am nothing more.
The next thirty seconds passed as though I was walking through molasses, my thoughts battling contradictions before I audibly screamed in frustration, shoving the gun back into my pocket as Nicholas and I ran towards the van.
“Fuck!” I yelled, slamming the car door as forceful as possible. The tires squealed in place, burning out as Jolly’s foot pounded onto the gas pedal.
I ripped off my ski mask, throwing it angrily onto the floor of the vehicle.
“You should’ve just left her Noah. Now if they find us we could be charged with assault with a weapon.” The deep Swedish accent was the last thing I wanted to hear. He eyed me sternly in the rearview mirror. I lingered on his gaze for a moment before turning my head towards the window.
“Oh Fuck off Jolly,” I sighed angrily, closing my eyes as my breathing quickened, the anxiety beginning to set in. The pounding of my heart began to vibrate along my entire chest, and my leg bounced in anticipation, waiting for the panic to subside.
I kept justifying to myself that we’re all dead anyway, so what’s the difference between a God and a loaded gun?
Wrapping the grey apron around my waist, I clocked into work and tightened my low bun, tucking the loose strands of my H/C bangs behind my ear. Another shift, another day that felt wasted away, confiding into the capitalist abyss. 
Overall, I enjoyed my new job working in the coffee shop. The city was busy, something I definitely wasn’t used to, but the cafe was a comforting environment filled with tasty pastries, and an unlimited amount of caffeine to fulfill any heart's desire.
I did appreciate having a solid routine, and a stable job that paid me well, however, I envied those with freedom. Those with spontaneous adventures and the ability to travel; those who got to spend their days making memories. You never know when a day is going to be your last; and at this rate, my soul was going to linger within this fucking place forever. 
I sighed as I checked on the coffee pots, organizing them before neaty lining the glass display with more cakes and croissants. Stocking up the cups and lids, I hummed to myself, letting my mind wander into my corporate daydream distractions.
Why are you never real?
Whenever you appear
You leave me with that grace
I am trembling with fear
But I know that you will disappear
“How’s it going Y/N?” My coworker asked, smiling, pulling me out of my trance.
Annika; I have grown quite fond of her, even though I’ve only known her a week.
“Good,” I smiled, pulling a sanitized cloth out of a bucket and wiping down the counters, “yourself?”
“Oh you know, same old same old.” She said, sighing with a sad smile. I matched her as we shared a moment of familiarity, before concentrating again on wiping the surface, the cold cloth running along the faux marble. 
The seating area was already busy; friends chatting, students studying, and business meetings occurring. I enjoyed watching the bustle of life that everyone brought inside. I smiled as I watched our regular elderly couple I’ve seen each morning this week wave goodbye.
“See you Lauren, bye Ray,” I gave them a nod, before wandering over to empty tables, giving them a wipe. The door dinged as more people came in, but I didn’t bother glancing up, letting myself work. 
I hummed again, singing ever so quietly as I walked back to the counter and began to daydream, thinking of things I’d love to write about, and places I’d love to go. It’s only been three weeks since I left my old life behind, and this was just the beginning of my freedom.
So let's make trouble in the dream world
Hijack heaven with another memory now
I make the most of the turning tide
It just split what's left of the burning silence
“Sleep token?” a man's voice asked, pulling me out of my trance. 
My head immediately spiralled, flushing with embarrassment as I realized Annika was off helping someone else, and I completely ignored the customer in front of me.
“Oh- sorry.” I avoided eye contact, throwing the cloth back into the bucket and scrambling my way back to the till.
“What can I get for you?” I asked as I stared at the buttons in front, preparing myself to hit stay or go, before looking up at the man in front of me. As soon as I met his deep brown eyes, I was lost in a certain intensity, the mysterious depths beckoning me towards him.
My lips parted as I stared at him, my cheeks immediately warming from infatuation. His chocolate eyes were paired with a head of long brunette hair that flowed in all the right places, just below his collarbone. A variety of coloured tattoos covered his arms and neck, and when he smiled, I just about felt weak in the knees; the crinkle of his eyes and the fold of his smile lines left me captivated. However, another story lingered behind his gaze, my mind trying to peel the layers to reveal whatever it may be.
He too watched my face, eyes trailing over every detail as a light tint of blush trailed down his ears to the top of his cheekbones.
“Uh- is it to stay? Or to go?” I stuttered as I looked away, realizing I was staring for too long. My ears felt hot and I eyed the counter intensely, as if it were the most fascinating thing in the world. 
“To go please,” he said; and my god his voice, the slight Virginian accent that danced off his tongue held me in a chokehold. 
“What could I get for you today?” I asked, glancing up shyly. I've met plenty of attractive customers in my years of retail and serving, but I never had anyone caught my eye the way he did. The unknown puzzle he appeared to be was leaving me captivated.
“I'd like a coffee please, black?” he said slowly, as if it was a question.
I let out a small laugh, “Did you want cream or sugar? Or we have a variety of syrups-” I watched as he smiled, before shaking his head, eyes remaining fixated.
“No, just black is okay…” he said. Something about his October eyes tantalized me, pulling me towards him as if invisible strings were being woven between us as the seconds ticked by. His body was a magnet, and I was being tugged. 
“Sure thing,” I nodded, averting my eyes from his gaze in embarrassment, “that's everything for you?”
“Uh, yeah,” he said, fiddling with his wallet before pulling out cash. 
“Can I grab a name?” I asked shyly, looking back at him again, my eyes searching his entire face for answers as if his name would reveal all the mysteries he was hiding.
I extended my hand to grab his money, and he hesitated for a moment as if scared to touch me. He placed the bill gently in my palm, the tip of his tattooed fingers brushing across my skin. My hand burned as butterflies churned in my stomach.
“Noah,“ he said, giving a slight nod and tight smile.
“Noah,” I echoed, giving him his change, the cool silver coin radiating the heat off of his palm.
“I’ll have that ready for you shortly,” I smiled up at him, and he returned it, stepping back with his hands in his pockets. With shaky hands, I turned around and walked to the coffee pot, grabbing a cup and filling it with a warm drink.
Annika slithered next to me, bumping my shoulder gently, “That’s Noah, a regular. He hasn’t been here in a while, but he’s always so glum.”
I looked at her, nodding slowly, unsure what to say.
“He also always grabs cream and sugar, so I’m surprised he’s changing it up.” Annika turned around, eying the boy for a moment before leaning into me again, “must be because he’s so distracted, checking you out.”
Blush tinted my cheeks as I scoffed, “Yeah, sure.” I exhaled with doubt but took a quick glance at the brunette. Sure enough, he was watching from behind the counter, averting his eyes as soon as we made contact. 
“You should give him your number, maybe that’ll cheer him up,” Annika whispered, giving me a wink before walking away to help another customer.
I laughed lowly as I put on the lid, sliding a sleeve up the cup. Grabbing the sharpie I opened it, and my fingers hesitated- what if I did?
I shook my head gently, shaking away the thought before scribbling Noah’s name across the top of the lid.
“Noah,” I said, his name passed off my lips as if he breathed it from me. 
His inked fingers wrapped around the cup, “You were singing the apparition earlier,” He said, and I watched him curiously, “fascinating, the line about the past.”
Every word felt like it was being taken from my body as we watched each other. Both of us seemed to hesitate, waiting for the other to say something.
He spoke first, eyes gazing upon me for a moment as he turned towards the door, “I’ve never seen you before, you must be new around here.”
I wanted to respond, but I felt frozen; so I watched every step he took towards the door, the black hoodie he wore lingering in my memory. 
“Welcome to the neighborhood, Have a good day,” He nodded, before walking through the door, the bell signalling his dismissal as he left.
Well, I believe,
Somewhere in the past,
Something was between,
You and I, My dear
I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding in. Perhaps it was infatuation or complete adoration; but regardless my heart yearned, regretting the way I held myself. Thoughts churned throughout my mind as I replayed the way he looked at me. I don’t think I've ever been looked at with so much intensity. 
Fuck, why didn’t I get his number? I internally groaned, scolding myself, turning around to fix another pot of coffee. A few minutes went by as my mind raced with thoughts before I heard the door open again.
I instantly turned around, surprised to see the same long-haired brunette standing at the till once again, his locks tousled messily, but still cascading down to his collar bones elegantly.
“Hi,” He said, out of breath, as if he had been running. With parted lips and quick exhales, he smiled. 
“Hi,” I said confused, my heart picking up pace once again.
“I think, I forgot cream and sugar,” He said, holding out the cup. His fingers shook as his cheek blushed. 
My head tilted slightly as he eyed me, and I grabbed the cup from him gently, “How many of each would you like?”
“One and one.” He smiled, face flushed.
I felt my breath hitch in my throat as I turned around to pour the sugar and cream, mixing it in his still-hot coffee.
“One cream and one sugar,” I watched as our hands touched as we passed the beverage, fingers grazing, tingles sparking through my appendages.
Noah looked at me, our eyes searching each other for any other form of communication, but he spoke first, the question bluntly leaving his mouth, “Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?”
I gave him a dumbfounded look, eyebrows turned inwards in shock. My lips slowly upturned into a smile of disbelief, his questions catching me completely off guard. I tilted my head to look at him as a laugh escaped me, and he too joined in, his own laugh shy and reclused.
“I- I think you should walk by again,” I watched him, coming up with a quick witty response, “But only so I can get another look as to what you’d look like walking towards me on a date.” 
I cringed at my own words, laughing, and Noah’s smile widened at the banter.
“So, I’ve gathered that we are both really terrible at flirting,” He said, taking a sip of his coffee and licking his lips once he pulled the cup away.
I hummed in agreement, “I think that can be a safe deduction from this one-minute conversation,” my eyes following his fingers that now ran through his long chestnut hair, eyes trailing over the flower on the back of his hand, “maybe, you’d like to see how bad a longer conversation could be?” 
Noah’s eyes twinkled with curiosity, giving me a look, “Do you want to risk it all right now?”
I smiled as my heart began to race, the glint in his eyes only excited me more. I grabbed the sharpie that was initially filled with regret earlier, wrote my number on top of a napkin, and handed it to him. “I’m off at 5, and I don’t work my next job till 9”
Noah licked his lips again, “I’ll see you then.”
I stood outside the coffee shop with my earbuds in, awaiting my bad decision. Pulling my hair out of my bun, I attempted to run my fingers through my hair to make it look even a little flattering. Would he show up? Was I delusional? Was this whole idea absolutely insane? Who does this with a complete stranger?
I recognized the upbeat of his voice, and my ears immediately shifted colours. I pulled out an earphone as he strode towards me, hands shoved in his hoodie pocket. The way his hair flew behind his shoulders left me watching him in complete adoration. He was beautiful. 
“Let me guess,” Noah bit the inside of his cheek as he approached me, “Same song?”
Don’t wait, ‘cause this could be the last time
You turn up in the reveries of my mind
I wake up to a suicide frenzy
Loaded dreams still leave me empty
“Possibly,” I smiled.
“I think you’d really like this song by Deftones,” He began as we started walking down the street aimlessly without a plan.
“Can I guess?” I asked, looking up at him. Noah towered over me, inches above in height. I felt so small against his frame, despite his own lanky figure, and my heart began to race at our proximity. Every step he took it felt like I had to take three, his Dior cologne radiating through my senses.
Why are you never real?
The shifting states you follow me through
Just let me go or take me with you
“Is it sex tape?” I asked, and Noah gave me a toothy grin, clearly impressed.
“I don’t know how you guessed the exact song,” He said, squinting at me quizzically.
“What can I say,” I shrugged, “Good at reading pretty boys’ minds. Plus, it’s a good song, similar vibe.” 
He eyed me playfully as we stopped at the crosswalk, “So you think I’m pretty?”
I watched the other side of the street, smiling as I faced forward and hummed, “Well, I don’t think I’d spontaneously go out with just anyone.”
He turned to face me, looking down at me with amusement. “Fair enough.”
“For the record, 100 percent my type,” I said, looking at him through my lashes.
Noah’s face flushed again, “What is that type? Just so I can scope them out for you, ya know?”
I thought a moment, chewing on my lip, “Oh you know, hot long-haired brunettes, brown eyes,” my eyes trailed down his body to scope his hands, before trailing back up to see the snake poking above his hoodie collar, “with tattoos,in a variety of places.”
“Well,” Noah’s cheeks tinted deeper, “I do have tattoos all over my body if you ever feel the need to explore them all.”
I laughed, watching him. We stared at each other for a moment longer, my heart pounding, as his eyes devoured me before the beeping of the sidewalk timer pulled my attention away from him.
“This is probably the weirdest thing I’ve ever done,” I confessed and shook my head as I laughed in disbelief.
“What?” Noah asked, hands in his jeans pockets as he gazed between me and the path ahead.
“Going out with someone I know nothing about,” I began, “for all I know you could be a serial killer,” I teased.
Noah chuckled, “Fair. I suppose this was the last thing I thought I’d be doing this fine Tuesday evening- but I do find a dash of danger titillating.” 
I smiled widely, “so, you’re not a serial killer?”
“Not that I’m aware of, I can’t say it’s something I would get much from,” Noah laughed, but I noticed he looked away, eyes becoming distant.
“So who are you then?” I asked, Noah and I follow each other down the park path towards the neighbourhood. I pulled out my earbuds, shoving them back into my pocket. The wind was picking up slightly, causing me to shiver and pull my sleeves over my hands, fingers intertwining together in my hoodie pouch. We were walking along a path by the inner city river, the leaves of the birch trees swaying as they danced along to nature’s beat.
As I strolled next to Noah I felt an odd sense of comfort, despite knowing absolutely nothing about the man beside me. I watched him, his hair flying behind him, his eyes squinting through the wind.
“I don’t really know who I am,” He said, staring out at the water. The river flowed rapidly, the water washing over the memories of the city, carrying them through the ground in a prophesied path. I walked along with him quietly, waiting for Noah to continue speaking.
“I’m just a lost soul, I guess,” He spoke softly, eyes glazing over slightly as his mind pulled him inwards.
I nodded in understanding, “I suppose that I am too.”
Noah chuckled lowly, “Nah, there’s much more to your story,” he pried, pulling himself out of his trance.
“I mean, of course. Everyone has a past,” I looked at him curiously.
“What’s yours?” Noah watched me intently, pulling his hoodie over his head in an attempt to block the wind from blowing his hair into his face, “You’re not from around here.”
“How do you know?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Accent,” He said, “And I’ve never seen you around. I know these parts pretty well.”
“Hm. Fair enough.” I nodded, smiling, “I just moved here, from Canada.”
“To the shit hole city of Los Angeles?” Noah scoffed, surprised, “You had the whole world, and you chose LA?”
“City of dreams, they say,” I shrugged, my gaze falling upon the leaves again, “and I needed to get as far as I could.”
Noah was quiet for a moment, pondering. We walked in silence again, heading towards the houses.
“Running from something?” He asked, barely forming a whisper. Noah’s eyes met mine as they searched for an answer, attempting to read through me.
I sighed, tilting my head to give him a small smile, “Always.”
“Who?” Noah asked after another pause, sitting forward in interest.
“Ghosts and demons,” I laughed, lightening the mood, “Oh, and people too.”
We laughed together, our voices creating a harmony that I wanted to listen to forever.
“I left behind everything—everything I ever knew,” I began, turning to avoid Noah’s eyes.
“My parents were murdered,” I said. I expected him to immediately bombard me with apologies, as people always did when dropping a bomb like that; but he was silent, letting me continue. “I was thirteen. Lived in and out of different foster care homes- no one wants to ever take in a teenager.”
Noah hummed, prompting me to continue. We walked down the sidewalk along the street of houses; nearing my own. Staring at it as we walked by, I turned my attention forward.
“Unfortunately got in with the wrong crowd and some really bad people who only loved and wanted me when I could provide them with things.” I stifled a laugh, suddenly feeling insecure and small, “Basically I worked my ass off to get out, and I’ve finally made it and bought my own place.”
I looked over at him now, giving him a smile, “So still running, but a lot closer to my destination.” I felt an immense amount of appreciation for his ability to listen.
Noah smiled back, giving me a knowing glance; almost as if he understood. Turning his attention toward the houses he scanned them, watching each one intensely as we walked by.
“Sorry, I don’t know why I just trauma-dumped on a stranger,” I gave an uncomfortable chuckle.
“Nah, we aren’t strangers now,” He said, “Definitely more like acquaintances.”
I smiled at his reassurance, “And you? You’re quite mysterious.”
Noah was quiet, his eyebrows furrowed in concentration and thought as we enjoyed each other’s company, his eyes darting rapidly over the grass as if he were filtering through memories. I watched his lip run between his teeth before he turned to me, giving me a curt smile.
“I’m just Noah,” He said; but as I stared into his eyes, devouring his soul, I saw that he was much more than that.
“Where the fuck were you?” Jolly yelled, “We’ve been waiting for hours.”
I slammed the motel door, the place we called home, glaring at him, “nowhere mom, it's not like you need to know.”
“You’re right,” Jolly said, stepping forward, pushing himself towards me so our chests were almost touching.
“I don’t give a fuck what you were doing, who you were doing, or whatever- But you know what time you need to be back, and you’re late.” Jolly’s finger pressed into my chest as he scolded me. We stared at each other, eye to eye, his gaze furious. I pushed against his chest, making space between us as I furrowed my brows.
“Whatever, sorry, I got carried away,” I mumbled, throwing myself onto the cot that rested on the floor I sighed, my cheek smashing into the musky-scented pillow. Staring at the 80’s retro carpet splayed on the floor, I analyzed the faint outline of the blood stain left by Ruffilo last week when he cut his knee open from a previous job.
“It’s your turn, Noah.” Nick Folio slapped the backpack onto the table as he sat back in the chair, crossing his legs on top of the wooden surface. The joint was lit between his lips as the smoke trailed through his teeth.
“I fucking hate doing this shit,” I protested, shaking my head as I rolled onto my back, letting myself close my eyes momentarily. Ruffilo tossed me my gloves and mask, the fabric hitting my chest. I groaned angrily as I sat up. I pulled the black leather gloves over my fingers to cover my tattoos. Standing up I shoved the black ski mask into my hoodie pocket, before throwing my phone into my cargo pants.
“Just this one for the week brother. Then you don’t need to worry about it till next week.” Nicholas Ruffilo said, smiling at me gently. He knew I hated this. He knew I wanted it to stop.
“How many more fucking weeks, huh? It’s been years. I’m sick of this shit.” I snapped, and Nicholas, being the glue of this group, placed his hands on my shoulders.
“I know,” he said, watching me cautiously.
A bitter laugh escaped Jolly’s lips, “What else are we going to do Noah? Magically pull a million bucks out of our asses?”
I loved Jolly, I really did. He was my oldest brother for as long as I can remember- but fuck, did I ever want to punch his face into the wall sometimes.
Jolly sat back in the wooden chair next to Folio, “You know the drill. It’s nothing new. We do what we gotta do to survive; how else are we going to pay back D?”
I shrugged Nicholas’ hand off my shoulder, muttering to myself in annoyance as I grabbed my combat boots, kicking my black vans underneath the cot. I tied up the laces, knotting together the memories of previous jobs, the back of my mind replaying years of regret.
Cracking open a beer, Jolly took a swig before mumbling, “Don’t forget you’re the whole reason we are in this mess in the first place.”
My head snapped up immediately, eyes locking onto his, ears burning a deep red as my face heated, “Yeah? Why don’t you say that again you fucking prick?”
Jolly raised his voice, sitting forward in the chair, elbows resting on his knees as he leered into me, “I’m sick and tired of hearing it, Noah. Do you think we enjoy doing this too? Do you think we want this? Don’t complain about the work when you fucked us over first.”
My chest heaved as I grew irritated, eyes glaring as his words stabbed me, “I was fourteen!” I shouted, spit flying from my mouth, “I wouldn’t have done it if you hadn’t told me to in the first place!”
Nicholas reached for me again, pushing against my chest to hold me back. I aggressively hit his hand away, grabbing my backpack vigorously and throwing it over my shoulder.
“I didn’t tell you to do anything,” Jolly growled, watching me as my fists clenched, muscles tightening.
“You’re the one I’m supposed to look up to!” I yelled.
“It’s not my fault your parents died,” Jolly said, and both Nicks immediately turned to look at him, eyebrows furrowed in disappointment.
“Don’t you fucking bring them into this!”I screamed, seething, ready to lunge at the long-chestnut-haired man in front of me. Nicholas wrapped his arms around my chest, pulling me away. I squirmed against him, closing my eyes in anger as I fought the tears that brimmed them.
An hour ago I was sitting with one of the most beautiful humans I had ever laid my eyes on. I’ve never done anything as risky as spending time with someone I just met, especially someone like Y/N. She seemed so brave, so gentle… so worthy. How someone could captivate me within mere moments, left me baffled. I knew I was in complete infatuation, and I already felt myself craving to see her again. I have gotten a coffee from that cafe almost every day for a year; it’s the only stable part of my routine. Everything was always the same. The coffee, the customers, the servers, everything. Everything but Y/N. Seeing her threw me off, not necessarily in a bad way, but in a way that felt like she was placed there as if maybe she was just for me. She seemed like a breath of fresh air in my stale, grey, lifeless world. Something about the way she spoke, how she seemed so mysterious, her wit and her beautiful fucking eyes.
Now here I was, being reminded that I was unworthy of anyone.
“Do you know where you’re going to go?” Nick asked me, pulling me from my thoughts. He handed me the joint, a way to divert from the tension,
I nodded, “I walked around a neighbourhood I’ve been eying lately, the one close to the coffee shop.” Wrapping my lips around the joint I inhaled, letting the smoke fill my throat and lungs. I coughed as I handed it back to Folio.
“Don’t you think that area is a little risky?” Nicholas said, raising a brow, “we spend enough time around there.”
I shrugged, “I scoped some places earlier. Close together and tight nit. Enough places to hide. Seems like most of the owners are elderly, it's an old neighbourhood.”
Nick took a final puff of the joint, before blowing out the smoke through open lips, placing the bud in the tray beside him, “Elderly is good. Lots of nice shit; if you sort through the useless junk. Bring the gun for the scare factor.”
“Yeah, I was planning on it,” I said as Nick held out the weapon, my finger grazing across the metal. Even through the glove, I felt its cool, metallic texture, my mind jumping back to the woman held before it earlier.
What am I even doing?
Shoving the gun into my waistband I opened the motel door, “See you guys later.” I nodded to each of them, eyes lingering on Jolly for a moment longer.
“Text if you need anything,” Jolly said through gritted teeth, taking another sip of his beer, and avoiding my gaze.
I walked down the wooden stairs, passing the rundown vinyl wall that lined the entire building. As I passed the paint-peeled doors listening to various arguments, and the sounds of sex. The scent of weed and stale alcohol lingered on the cement, decades of grime living within the premises, never fully washing away. As pathetic as it was, it smelled and sounded like home. It was all I had.
I pulled my hood over my head, letting my hair cascade as a shield around my face, my legs carrying me through the neighbourhood. It was 12:30 am, the nightlife bare as only a few cars passed by me, unaware of my felonies.
I wasn’t sure which house would be my victim tonight, but I prayed, to whoever God was, that it would be quick. Get in get out.
I placed an earpod in my ear, scrolling through songs, before choosing The Apparition. Perhaps, if this is all a dream, I can go back to the time I met her. As they say, ignorance is bliss; and I was tired of consciousness.
And it remains With me to this day No matter what I do This scar will never fade
I clocked out of work, sighing through the exhaustion of my 12-hour day. Thankfully my bar shift was only four hours, but I was tired regardless, knowing I had about 8 hours till I had to be back at the cafe, to do it all over again. I reapplied my red lipstick in an attempt to hydrate my lips, the crisp 1 am air biting at my cheeks. Thankfully home was only a ten-minute walk away, and the only motivation carrying me was that my warm, comfortable bed was waiting for me; and my cat.
I also couldn’t help but still feel giddy about meeting Noah earlier today. My heart yearned as I reminisced about his smile and mysterious aura. My stomach churned with butterflies from the exhilaration. Was this just a one-time thing? Never in a million years would I have thought I’d go on a ‘date’ with someone I just met; but It’s not like I do much other than work. My life needed that little bit of excitement.
I sang to myself, letting the incitement of possibly receiving a text from him in the morning carry me through the dread of working tomorrow. I let my thoughts wander to ridiculous daydreams as I reached the front door of my townhouse. I put the key in, twisting it; realizing I locked the door.
Shit, did I leave it unlocked this morning? I know I was tired…but I’m pretty good at remembering that.
With furrowed brows I opened the door, closing it and double checking it was locked. My orange cat, Juice, was not sitting by the door in his usual spot. Every time he heard the door he was always right there, waiting. None of the lights were on, which usually never worried me; but I knew that I kept the living room lamp on so it wouldn’t be dark when I got home. Maybe the power went out.
“Juice?” I called out, my stomach beginning to churn with a dreadful feeling. Something wasn’t right. The house was eerily silent as I walked quietly toward the kitchen.
“Juju baby? Where are you?” I yelled, turning on the kitchen light. I placed my bag on the counter, listening intensely for his meow.
The floor creaked above me in what sounded like a pattern of footsteps, and I froze in place. That was too loud to be a cat.
There was rustling above the stairs and my breath hitched in my throat as my heart raced. I felt my pulse radiate through my ears as I reached for the biggest kitchen knife from the block. The adrenaline rushed through me as I slinked towards the stairs from the kitchen.
I peered up the stairs into the darkness, the only source of light coming from the windows, illuminating the crevasses of the doors upstairs. Another creek sounded and I watched the shadow dance along the wall as the door to my bedroom opened. With shallow breaths I carried myself up the stairs, tiptoeing, barely allowing myself to exhale in fear I would be too loud.
This is how people get murdered in horror movies you dumb bitch.
As my heart pounded heavily underneath my rib cage, I made it to the top of the stairs, turning on the light to the hallway.
Suddenly the bathroom door opened and I screamed, deep from my diaphram; but the only thing appearing was my cat; wide-eyed and meowing.
“Jesus Christ cat!” I yelled, falling onto my knees as I scooped him into my arms, running his orange fur through my fingers.
“You scared the absolute shit out of me,” I let out a breathy laugh, mocking myself for being so silly, before kissing the top of his head. Juice wriggled in my arms, letting out a meow to be put down. I placed him on the floor and he ran into my room. Shaking my head I placed the knife on the bannister, following Juice.
He sat on my bed, meowing towards my mirrored closet as I entered. Turning on the lamp next to my bed, I pet him, “What? Are you hungry? Your bowl is literally full.”
I pulled off my sweater, throwing it into the laundry hamper. Juice began hissing and I stared at him confused.
“What the hell is-”
A hand covered my mouth before I finished my sentence, and I immediately screamed into it, my sounds muffled into the gloved appendage. Another arm wrapped around my torso as my eyes widened with fear, and I froze in place, held tightly against the captor’s chest.
I felt the pace of their heart match my own, their chest heaving up and down heavily.
They turned our bodies towards the mirror and I stared at the reflection, tears beginning to fall from the terror I felt.
The man behind me towered over me, his grip never loosening from my body. Everything was covered except his eyes and mouth, peeking through a black ski mask.
I whimpered against his hand my stomach sinking at the sight of the gun that poked through his black cargo pants, but the most terrifying thing of all was the scent of Dior cologne.
“I’m not going to hurt you,” He said, accent burning into my memory, and I watched him in the mirror. It was him. Noah. I knew his voice, this had to be his cologne.
A wave of dread filled my body and I began shaking, crying into his hand. He followed me home, I never should have gone out with a stranger. How could I be so fucking stupid?
“I’m going to leave, and you’re going to let me. Understood?” I nodded, tears drying on my cheeks as I watched his every move. He closed his eyes, as if in regret before he took a deep breath. I don’t think he knows I know who he is, but there was no way in hell I was going to get killed being a crying little bitch. I’m going to harm this motherfucker and get his ass thrown into jail.
“Please don’t scream,” He said, his grip loosening on my body, and when he fully let go I swung around, kicking him forcefully in the family jewels. Noah fell onto his knees, a deep guttural groan emanating from his throat as he held himself in agony. I scrambled into the hallway, grabbing the knife off the bannister and pointing it towards my door.
“You fucking followed me you creep!” I screamed, anger seeping through me, “You’re a fucking lowlife, get out of my house or I’m calling the cops, Noah.” His name crawled off my tongue while dripping with complete disgust, the syllables sickening. I pulled my phone out of my pocket, fingers shaking as I typed in 9-1-1.
“I swear to god I had no idea this was your house,” He said pained as he crouched out of my bedroom, “please Y/N, don’t call the cops.”
“Why shouldn’t I call the cops!” I yelled. Noah’s eyes darted between the phone and me, following my thumb as it hovered over the green call button.
“Just don’t,” Noah said, holding himself against the door. I pressed the button, holding it up to my ear as it dialled.
Noah immediately looked frantic, before his hand reached for the gun placed in his waistline, pulling it out and pointing it at me. Immediately I froze, and the voice of the 9-1-1 operator was dampened by the drowning ringing of panic.
“Hang up,” Noah whispered, the gun shaking in his hands through his demand.
“Hello? Are you there?” The lady on the phone said.
“Y/N, hang up, please.”
Time felt frozen as I stared at the gun, memories flooding back from the murder of my parents. My bottom lip trembled, the phone falling from my hands, onto the carpeted floor. My body was stiff, completely locked in place.
Noah’s other hand reached out gently, palm open and inviting; countering the symbolism of the weapon present in his other hand. He reached down towards the phone, ending the call.
He let out a sigh of relief, hanging his head in guilt. Throwing the gun to the floor, he kicked it towards the bathroom, before pulling the mask off, revealing the face I yearned for earlier.
He looked broken, and torn, as he watched me completely crumble before him, the panic attack rising in my lungs.
“I- I didn't mean to scare you I- I” Noah began to stutter frantically, moving towards me, “I can’t have the cops come- I can’t leave my brothers.”
I fell to the floor, holding my knees to my chest as I stared at the gun by the bathroom, terror taking over. My breathing became erratic as I began to hyperventilate.
“I swear to god I’m not going to hurt you,” Noah leaned down, sitting in front of me as he held my wrists.
I tried to take in breaths, I tried to pull myself away from him but I couldn’t move. I gasped for air, suffocating myself, unable to exhale.
“Breathe,” Noah’s hands now grabbed either side of my face, “please Y/N breathe!”
His eyes ran across my entire face, holding me, “Count back from 100 in 3’s with me, ok?”
“100, 97, 94, 91, 88…” Noah began, and I followed.
“85, 82, 79…” I choked out, and Noah’s grip on my face loosened, and he moved his hands to hold my own.
I wanted to run away so badly, I was terrified, but at the same time I was scared I wouldn’t be able to breathe again.
Noah counted with me, demonstrating a stable breathing pattern and my chest followed his own, mimicking him, “58, 55, 52, 49…”
Finally, we reached zero, and my breathing was normal. I retracted my hands from his own violently, pulling them into my chest as I scooted away from him as if he were the most vile thing in the world.
“I don’t know whether to say fuck off,” I said, glaring, “or thank you.”
Noah watched me with worry before he ran his gloved hand over his face. Realizing they were still on he groaned in frustration, peeling off the leather angrily and tossing them to the side, his tattooed hands now exposed.
I watched as his fingers shook, my eyes following the outline of the flower once again.
“I’m sure you don’t believe me but I swear I didn’t know this was your house.” He began, holding his hands up in surrender. His eyes looked at me, pleading.
He looked so genuine, so sincere, he had to be telling the truth; but fuck that.
“You’re right, I don’t,” I snarled, “But what the hell were you doing in someone else’s house anyway?” I wiped my mouth, the lipstick I put on earlier smudged across my skin. I probably looked like a complete mess right now. Noah watched, eyes tracing my lips.
“I- I swear If I could tell you I would,” Noah rambled again, looking at the carpeted floor, “but I-”
A loud triple-knock at the door interrupted his sentence, and he stared at me with wide eyes, the colour draining from his face.
“This is LAPD!”A loud voice boomed from the other side of the door, the doorknob turning, attempting to open.
“Shit,” Noah mumbled, looking around the hallway frantically. He stood up, searching for something before he stared down at me, an idea clicking in his mind. Noah tore his sweater off, along with his black tank top underneath, leaving him shirtless before me.
“What the hell are you doing!” I whisper-yelled, looking up at him with furrowed brows.
“Kiss me,” He said, kneeling in front of me again, complete distress and fear glazing over his eyes.
“Excuse me?” I now yelled, a little too loud as the door below us rattled again.
“LAPD! Open up!”
“I need you to kiss me, please,” Noah’s eyes bore into my own as he begged, “Trust me, just this once, please Y/N.”
I analyzed Noah’s features, his deep October eyes imploring.
Call me crazy, but somehow I obliged, leaning in with permission. Noah’s hands gripped the back of my head, fingers tangled through my hair as he pulled me onto him, kissing me with complete desperation.
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Holy shit this was a really long chapter I am so sorry, but I hope you enjoyed it! I am excited to continue!! <3
Chapter two
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the-nomadicone · 2 years
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Exercise TYR 22 // Swedish Amphibious Corps
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womeninfatigues · 2 years
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wosowrites · 1 year
Another Kid (Magda and Pernille x young!reader)
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warnings: alcoholism, throwing up
a/n: based off this request here
prompt: the reader didn’t grow up in a good family and struggled to ask for help, so pernille and magda make sure she knows she is at home with chelsea
You weren’t super tall, maybe 5,6…5,7 on a good day you liked to say. But man, you were intimidating. You never hurt anyone, but your tackles came in full force, your glares would make a player on the opposite side of the field look down and your handshake was so firm that you would leave the referees shaking their hand in the air to rid themselves of the feeling of your hand squeezing theirs. You were strong. That was no doubt. But maybe you were just waiting for someone… or some people to help break down your walls, and reveal the delicate you.
Your walls had never come down completely, although there had been two occasions where the team thought they had. The first time was on the mark of your first year with Chelsea. The girls had thrown a little party, which honestly was more of an excuse to drink beer, but you were grateful for it. You all gathered at Pernille and Magda’s house, had a cheat night of pizza and beer, played games and had all around fun. You didn’t drink any beer, you never did consume alcohol considering it was the main reason behind your shit childhood. The main reason behind the walls you had put up as well.
So, as Magda did her special party trick (drank a bit too much and got sick), you were the one who ended up having to sit with her in the washroom. Pernille hadn’t come to the party due to the fact that her mother and father were in town, she had apologized but you insisted it was okay, because it was.
That night, you played the role of Pernille. A younger, darker haired Pernille. You let Magda lay on your lap, and you held her hair as she threw up. You brushed your fingers through her hair and dabbed her face with a warm towel. That moment was the closest you had ever gotten to being completely and utterly soft. But then Magda threw up on your lap and you tried to stay calm but you freaked out solid.
Magda remembered nothing the next morning and you did not remind her.
The second time was after winning the 2022 FA cup. You hadn’t cried of joy right away although you could have. Instead, you hugged every single person on the team for over ten seconds each. "Was that an actual hug, y/n/n?" every one of the girls including Emma had said. You had rolled your eyes.
When you got into the changing room, emotions came over you. Your eyes welled with tears as you sat down at your cubby, your head in your hands. Aniek had been the one to accidentally ruin it. "Are you crying?" she asked gently, not meaning to strike a nerve. "No! What the hell?!" you said, standing up quickly and walking into the washroom.
Ever since that day, Magda and Pernille had realized that there was more behind your tears, they noticed that there was more than joy behind your eyes. As everyone on the team hugged their parents and siblings, or face timed them after that game, you sat in a corner on your phone, staring at the apps on your phone.
"She doesn’t have anyone to call, does she?" Pernille said, her arm around Magda’s waist as they watched you sadly. "We’ll be the people she can call then," the swedish woman answered.
It was a promise they had made to themselves and that they upheld every day. They didn’t know what your family situation was, but they did know that they wanted to be your new family.
And they kept that promise every single day. Wether it was holding you tightly but briefly when you had a bad day, or just picking you too be in their group during drills, you were always with P and Magda. You were constantly being caught on camera in the arms of Magda or P, being jokingly carried on and off the pitch like a baby. The denmark native and the swede had a similar behaviour with Niahm and Jessie but with you… they had really claimed you. You were theirs, and everyone knew that.
And sooner than you knew it, a year had passed and it was once again the FA cup final, but against the red side of Manchester this time. Pernille wasn’t starting as she was recently back from injury so you did your pregame routine after warmup. A quick three person handshake and then you hugged them tightly. The kissed one of your temples each and then you stood in a circle, holding the hands of your mothers.
0-0 at half made you feel relieved. Manchester United had easily been the stronger half and you had all been so lucky they hadn’t conceded.
Going into the second half, you had a desire. In a year, you had been named best young player of the year amongst a bunch of other awards, and you were in the race for the golden boot, tied with Rachel Daly. At last years FA cup, you had played 6 minutes and today… today you were on thee starting. You needed to score. A goal at Wembley… what more could you ask for?
Your wish was granted in the 56th minute, a couple minutes after Pernille had been subbed on. Magda sent a long, long ball through the field to find Pernille on the wing. The Scandinavian controlled the ball perfectly and got passed Ona Batlle. Your run was perfect, but you were sprinting to get there. Pernille crossed it in the air and you jumped.
Your head hit the ball, the ball hit the netting, and then you hit the turf, falling at the feet of Mary Earps who yelled a loud curse word. But you were full of joy. You stood up, screaming at the top of your lungs and running towards Pernille with your arms wide. Magda came and then Jessie, Niahm, Sam, Guro, everyone. You had jumped into Pernilles arms, your legs around her waist. You faced the fans, blowing kisses to the crowd and yelling at the top of your lungs.
It was a family goal.
When the final whistle blew, you fell to your knees and let out a large breath of relief. "You did it!" Pernille and Magda yelled, rushing to you and tackling you into a hug on the pitch.
The celebrations were insane, you lifted the trophy with Magda, you danced on the field, gave your shirt to a young fan, took pictures and danced some more. The difference was that when people went to see or call their families Magda and Pernille stayed with you.
"You played so well today baby," Magda said to you. It was said in a motherly way, a way that made you blush and look down at your lap. "Listen, we’ve never wanted to ask but if you ever want to… i don’t know… talk? Yeah, talk about whatever your family situation is, we are more than here for you. You know that right?"
You fiddled with your fingers, not looking at the blondes on either side of you. "Yeah, I know," you answered half heartedly.
"Y/n…" Pernille said gently. "Not to be… dramatic or whatever but I’ve been told that before, okay? And it wasn’t true," you said, standing up from the bench you were on. A few heads turned but you didn’t want to make a scene so you sat back down quickly. You hung your head and then inhaled and exhaled heavily.
"My mother got pregnant with me when she was 18. My dad just freaked out and left, I’ve never met him and he’s never shown any desire to want to meet me, even though he knows who I am. My mother got deep, deep into drugs and alcohol when I was 5. By the time I was 6 I was walking 30 minutes to get to school by myself, and- and cooking and I would animal sit for all of my neighbours with pets just to try and help my mother out a little. I started playing football when I was 7 because my best friends dad was the coach and he agreed to let me play on his boys team for free. I played with that team till I was 10 and then when I wanted to switch to competitive I got an anonymous amount of money to put towards keeping on playing football. I had no clue it was from who, and I still don’t. Anyways. I played football with clubs in Ottawa till I was 16 and started playing with the U-17 Canada team as well. You know the story from there. But that’s just the public story. The private story was that from age 10 to 17 my mother was constantly passed out, the house smelled like vomit, it was horrible. And my mother hated me. She thought it was all my fault that she landed in addiction. So when I was 18 and I left for Stanford… I deleted her number and I haven’t talked to her since. That’s the story."
It felt as though you had said that whole rant in one breath. Throughout everything, your eyes stayed fixed on your feet. You had not realized your eyes were filled with tears and you didn’t like it when you realized. Quickly, you used the neck of your shirt to erase any trace of tears. "Y/n/n…" Magda said, lifting your chin and making you look at her, her own eyes glistening with tears. "Don’t cry," you said to her before looking over at Pernille who was keeping herself together a bit more but obviously hurt for you. "Guys! Geez were FA cup champions… again! Let’s focus on that! Okay?"
You said this as you stood up, genuinely truly happy that you had won the cup again. But your "mothers" did not let you off that easily. Pernille and Magda both had the idea of reaching out to grab your jersey and pull you back which ended up in your flying backwards onto Magda’s lap. "Okay I know you guys see yourself as my parents or whatever but you do realize i’m not actually a baby right?" you asked, looking at Magda as you sat on her legs. "Haha," she said. "But while I have you here, please underhand that you are so much more than your past, okay?" Magda said, Pernille nodding along to her girlfriends words. "Okay," you said.
You never really talked about it again, but Magda and P knew, and when the reality that they needed to sign a new contract immediately or choose a club to leave too, (Bayern or OL at the moment) they gave each other one look, and then looked over at Millie who had you slung over her shoulder as Jessie and Niahm watched you, laughing loudly, and that was it. They were staying at Chelsea.
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lilacargent · 6 months
This is an add on to my previous idea of old weapons being redundant and everything being rays/plasma/energy based. But humans are weird little things that like hoarding weapons…
This story plays on a spaceship called the Serpentine.
Important crew:
Primoz, captain -Limoyh a four armed species-Krag, second in command (brother of Primoz)
Kit, dokter -avian, bird like, she has feathers like a swallow-
Ortez, ASR (all species resources, human resources in space) -kiltak, insectoid species, think ants but exoskeleton-
Lugea, helmsperson (does the steering) -rock like alien-
Artex, engineer/mechanic 1 -also Kiltak-
And then our humans:
Kamari, navigator -Eritrean woman- (has cat named Sidra)
Markus, weapons expert (knows how to use them and upkeep, also shields) -Swedish man-
Petrus, mechanic/engineer 2 - Italian man-
Lilly, administrator/note keeper (learns languages for fun)-english woman-
The mood on the Serpentine is at an all time low. Right now they were supposed to be on planet earth, getting a tour from the deathworld residents. Krag was very disappointed that the humans celebration for their 15 year tenure on the ship had to be cancelled, after all the stories he had really wanted to see the planet, at least more than the embassy or a space travel base.
Sadly this had to be put on hold, as the Counsel is at war. The big four armed alienwas looking at his brother, the captain, pacing the bridge while they slowly moved to the deserted front lines of the attack, hoping to maybe find something that gives the Unity an edge.
This had started no more than a month ago, an exploratory vessel had found a planet beyond the borders of Avian territory, on the southern side of Unity (direction is always measured from Unity as that is the point of convergence for most species and space faring) now new planets were interesting but not usually to the average person. The last message received was a voice note screaming about a wormhole in the planet the sent hundreds of ships and the ship it self failing on all fronts and shutting down.
From that day a line of dark crude ships started eating away at the Avian territory, within a week they had lost 19 colonies. Nothing is stopping them, ships that got too close shut down for no reason and were never recovered as the unstoppable line of enemy ships progressed. Weapons fired from far away did nothing as whatever beam they threw vanished when it gets close.
All that and the Unity still kept sending forces, because what else were they going to do?
So here they are, on their way to a probable death sentence with no clue about the enemy. Through his somber thoughts Krag hears laughing from the mess hall, yes, these are the moments he is extra thankful for the humans. After 15 years they were pillars in the crew, right now Lilly and Petrus were teaching the crew human “sea shanties” which were apparently doing their job of lifting spirits as the humans had explained, Lilly is writing the english words down for Kit who is learning the language in her analog book, one of her human oddities. Markus is showing some of the newer recruits the ins and outs of the weapon systems. Lastly Kamari, their leader and confidant, she has made herself indispensable to Ortez over the years. Now she was sitting in a corner listening to people pour their hearts out, giving the best advice she can.
As the ship is approaching the seemingly desolate piece of space where 23 ships float without direction or crew, hulls torn open and ransacked, the crew of the Serpentine watches in horror as there are only Unity ships, non of their enemy.
Artex and Petrus helm the out board arms in trying to get any information or remnants that are usable, when the ship shivers and stills. As the sound of something attaching to the outer hull comes through, the ships lights and computers shut down.
“DO NOT PANIC” the captain yells, “grab your weapons, and prepare for battle” as everyone prepares Markus grabs a weapon from his bag, a long gun, which Primoz recognises as an old earth weapon. “Why would you carry that?” Primoz grabs Markus’ arm, who contorts his face in one of the more terrifying human grins, one usually reserved for enemies “well we know the blasters don’t work. I thought let’s try this!” Now that the captain is looking he sees that the humans are all carrying an old weapon, Kamari seems to have a smaller version of Markus’ gun, Petrus has a sword on his hip and Lilly had several sheets with daggers strapped to her hips. Primoz turns around as Krag grabs his shoulder “if it gives them hope, let it go, what are they gonna do?”
Lugea catches their attention “something is boarding in sector three!” Immediately the armed crew members ran toward the sector, Markus directing people into an ambush formation. Blasters ready they wait.
The doors as everything else have lost power, but with a flash electricity runs through it the doors open and two tall lanky aliens skitter in (the silence from doctor who but in body armour) with voices that sound like nails on a chalk board they use the captains language “sssurendderrr, and youuu won’t ssssssufffer. Yourrr weaponsssss aree ussssseelll-“ with a swoosh Lilly’s knife flew past the ranks and embedded itself a bit in the body armour. Three blaster shots follow her knife but dissipate in mid air. Kamari’s eyes light up as she grabs her glock “looks like old does the trick!” A big bang makes the other crew members cover their ears. But the bullet hits its target, and dark yellow blood pours from a head wound.
“Thats it!” Petrus runs in and goes for a decapitation, sadly no such luck as the left over alien grabs his sword and not caring for life and limb tries to touch the human. Before he can a second loud shot rings out, Markus got a good aim.
Now there are two dead aliens but still no power. Through some investigation Kit figures out the aliens are like leeches for energy, electricity and a lot of what their stuff runs on. The ship the creatures came with is empty and sending out a signal, worried more enemy troops are coming the crew discusses. No useful ideas come up until Petrus starts speaking: “what if we make thrusters like the old ones on earth? Y’know like a fire powered one. Heck i know we have several things that are flammable in high quantities. If we put that behind the other ship we could propel ourselves away maybe find council ship? And while we are at it we could Ouroboros this ship when those leech man comeback. right Markus?" Markus gets a pensive look on his face “yea we probably could, but even if we can propel the other ship far enough how do we stop our people from trying to blow us up?’ Now Lilly speaks up ‘we can paint it? I have paints in my room, our space suit will still keep the pressure out but won’t supply oxygen. We could hold our breath.’ Rumbling Lugea intercepts ‘while i do need a little oxygen i can survive up to 58 kliks without it, i could do it?’ More and more of the crew start to speak up, Artez offers to help Petrus with the thrusters. Kit knows several flammable liquids she keeps in the med bay and has enough chemical knowledge to know what can be used as fuel so she is in on gathering the necessary ingredients. The two brothers started with decking out Lugea, and gathered several steel ropes to pull the ship in so people could get on with as little exposure as possible.
Ortez realises noone asked what ‘ouroboros’ meant and finds Kamari in a fight with Markus ‘you’re right that we’re gonna need the push if we want to get anywhere but there has to be another way?!’ The dark woman whisper shouts with a resigned look Markus grabs her flailing arm ‘we have no electricity to make a remote to do it from a distance moon, I don’t see another option.’ The fact that Markus is using Kamaris nickname and gets no scolding look makes the insectoid realise this is very serious ‘what about Lilly then? You know she won’t let you.’ Now the man looks stern ‘we dont tell her until it is too late.’ Skittering into the light Ortez speaks up ‘what exactly does ‘ouroboros’ a ship mean and why can’t you tell Lilly?’ Startled the two humans look at him, Kamari takes the word ‘ouroboros is a plan we made up for blowing the ship up, without power source. Ya know- serpentine -serpent -ouroboros is a serpent eating its own tail’ as she is speaking Ortez gets more anxious ‘okay several things 1, you made plans to blow up the ship?! 2, you just said you don’t have a remote which means you are planning on staying behind’ focussing all six eyes on Marks. Who squares his shoulders and nods.
It took two hours to get things in place, another hour to prepare and calculate the blast range.
Almost everyone has boarded the enemy ship, save for Primoz, Kamari, Krag and Markus. With tears in her eyes Kamari hugs him, Primoz grabs him by the shoulders ‘are you aure? The thrusters might be enough.’ A sad smile crosses his face ‘but it most likely won’t be captain. It was an honour serving with you.’ The three salute him while he walks to the bridge so he can see the ship and calculate when to start the chain reaction.
As the captain and his brother close the secondary doors behind Kamari, Lilly realises what has happened ‘NO,’ running for the door Petrus grabs her ‘PLEASE NO,’ as she fights and struggles the man starts whispering to her while she screams for Markus. Krag looks away towards Artez ‘start the thrusters’ now weeping Lilly cries out ‘WE LEAVE NO ONE BEHIND, we leave no one behind.’ the ships starts moving and as calculated their beautiful Serpentine blows up the shock wave propelling the now brightly coloured ship to safety.
It takes 5 hours for them to be found, after explaining the situation they are immediately transported to Unity. Where the group of humans show Lillies notes and the enemy ship. Plans are made and the human civilisation shows exactly why they are so scary when in les than a week they mass produce weapons that can hurt the newly dubbed leeches.
With the crew on the frontlines scattered over separate ships they beat back the leeches, destroying the wormhole and any stragglers are mercilessly killed off.
Humans are terrifying if you hurt them, because they never come after you alone.
This is technically the end of the serpentine but much room for stories in the 15 years before.
Hopefully people enjoy this.
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zvaigzdelasas · 8 months
The IB affair (Swedish: IB-affären) was the exposure of illegal surveillance operations by the IB secret Swedish intelligence agency within the Swedish Armed Forces. The two main purposes of the agency were to handle liaison with foreign intelligence agencies and to gather information about communists and other individuals who were perceived to be a threat to the nation.[...]
The story was immediately picked up by many leading Swedish dailies.[3] Their revelations were that: •There was a secret intelligence agency in Sweden called IB, without official status. Its director Birger Elmér was reporting directly to select key persons at cabinet level, most likely defence minister Sven Andersson and Prime Minister Olof Palme. •The Riksdag was unaware of its activities. People with far-left views had been monitored and registered. •IB agents had infiltrated Swedish left-wing organisations and sometimes tried to induce them into criminal acts. •There were Swedish spies operating abroad. IB spies had broken into the Egyptian and Algerian embassies in Stockholm. •The IB co-operated extensively with the Central Intelligence Agency and Shin Bet, in contrast to the official Swedish foreign policy of neutrality.[...]
In the following issues of Folket i Bild/Kulturfront the two uncovered further activities of IB and interviewed a man who had infiltrated the Swedish movement supporting the FNL, Vietnamese National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam - at this time the FNL support network was a backbone of the radical opinion - and among other things, visited Palestinian guerilla camps in Jordan. The man worked for IB and had composed reports that, it was surmised, IB later passed on to the Israeli security services which resulted in the camps being bombed. [...]Swedish authorities claimed they were unable to locate him to stand trial. In 2009, he released an autobiography of his years in IB[...] He also confirmed that he had been transferred from IB to the Mossad, an Israeli intelligence agency, immediately prior to his exposure.[...]
The magazine had information from a previous employee of IB, Håkan Isacson, who claimed that IB had broken into the offices of two political organizations: the FNL Groups, a pro-North Vietnamese organization, and the Communist Party of Sweden, a Maoist political party. This concerned a Jordanian citizen and a stateless citizen. A wiretap was installed in the latter case. After this uncovering, the defense minister did admit that IB engaged in espionage outside of Sweden and infiltrated organizations within Sweden, including wiretaps. Evidence was put forth in 1974 that IB had built up a large network of agents in Finland, which included the Finnish foreign minister Väinö Leskinen. This network's main mission was to gather information regarding the Soviet Union.[...]
In November 1973, Prime Minister Olof Palme denied any link between IB and the Social Democrats. However, according to the memoir of ex-security service chief P.G. Vinge, Birger Elmér had regular contact with Palme and made his reports regularly to the Social Democratic Party secretary, Sven Andersson.[...]
Jan Guillou, Peter Bratt, Håkan Isacson and the photographer Ove Holmqvist were arrested 22 October 1973[2] by the Swedish Security Service on suspicion of espionage. On 4 January 1974 each was sentenced to 1 year in prison. Bratt and Guillou were both convicted of espionage; Isacson was convicted of espionage and accessory to espionage. After an appeal, Guillou's sentence was commuted to 10 months. The Swedish Supreme Court would not consider the case.[4][...]
In 2002 an extensive public report, named Rikets säkerhet och den personliga integriteten (Security of the Realm and personal integrity), was published on the operations of IB. This report clarified the details of the case, but it did not have any legal impact. To date, no member of IB has ever been indicted, nor has any politician or government official, despite the revelation of widespread extra-constitutional and criminal activity.
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