#Suzuki Eito
Oct 19, 2023
In July 2022, former Prime Minister Abe Shinzō was shot to death by a man whose family had ties to the former Unification Church. Journalist Suzuki Eito talks about his investigations of this church, its shady activities, and its ties to the political world.
A Forced Dissolution? According to the journalist Suzuki Eito, while it may seem that efforts toward forcing the dissolution of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (formerly known as the “Unification Church”) are currently in a lull, they remain as strong as ever and are likely to even ramp up sometime this year. “The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology, or MEXT, continues in its efforts,” says Suzuki. “Now it is up to Prime Minister Kishida Fumio to make a decision.” MEXT has asserted its right to question the organization under the Religious Corporations Act a total of seven times, and it has compelled the former Unification Church to provide relevant documents and materials in response to these inquiries. It has not yet, however, filed with any court an Order for Dissolution by Judicial Decision.
“Since it was assumed that the former Unification Church would not provide any documents or materials that would put it in an unfavorable position,” says Suzuki, “MEXT carefully compared what the former Unification Church submitted with documents that it had already obtained independently. The Ministry is expected to file an Order for Dissolution by Judicial Decision this fall, indicating that the government may be prepared to take the next step.” If the order is filed, the former Unification Church will be stripped of its status as a religious organization and lose the favorable treatment it currently enjoys under tax law. A week after the July 8, 2022, assassination of former Prime Minister Abe Shinzō, members of the media began to focus on the existence of a certain document: a list of over 100 Diet members who had attended or sent telegrams of congratulations to events organized by groups with ties to the former Unification Church. Although some of these politicians were in the opposition, the majority were in the ruling Liberal Democratic Party. Suzuki Eito was the author of this list. Other members of the media then began pursuing Diet members whose names appeared on the list. These Diet members all parroted the same responses to reporters’ questions: “I did not know that organization [the sponsor of the event they had been linked to] was associated with the former Unification Church” or, more simply, “I cannot recall.” This in turn provoked the ire of the Japanese public. At this very same time it was being reported that the mother of Yamagami Tetsuya, the accused assassin of former Prime Minister Abe, had donated over ¥100 million to the former Unification Church, which led to irreparable rifts in the Yamagami family. This led to further scrutiny of LDP politicians who acted as mouthpieces for the former Unification Church.
Releasing the List The news website Almost Daily Cult News, which is Suzuki Eito’s main writing vehicle, did not publish the list of names itself. “We thought it would be more efficient,” Suzuki explains, “to distribute the list to major media outlets rather than putting it up on our own site. I had no ambition to scoop other journalists with stories about the former Unification Church. I still feel that way. My stance is that information should be as open as possible so that everyone has a chance to investigate the issues themselves.” The effect of this distribution exceeded even his own expectations. According to a survey conducted by the daily Asahi Shimbun, support for the Kishida administration—which stood at 57% immediately following Abe’s assassination—suffered a drop of 10 points after just one month and has continued to fall ever since. The criticism-plagued LDP initiated an investigation of politicians with links to the former Unification Church, and on September 8, 2022, it announced that 179 LDP Diet members had some type of association with it. However, this investigation consisted of a questionnaire that LDP politicians completed on a voluntary basis, and thus it is generally believed that the number with links to the church is higher than the 179 who chose to respond positively to the questionnaire. “Other reporters,” observes Suzuki, “managed to uncover aspects of the issue that I myself was unable to. This is another reason why I think it was the right decision to share our list with everyone.” In fact, Suzuki has been investigating this issue without much fanfare for a long time. He began with a survey of the former Unification Church in 2002. While a university student he had a part-time job and was involved in a band, which took up most of his time. After graduation, he worked for a building maintenance company on a limited contract basis. It was around this time that he first saw with his own eyes that church members would speak to passers-by under false pretenses, as they did not disclose the true name of the organization on whose behalf they were recruiting. “One time, I had just passed through the turnstile at JR Shibuya Station,” he recalls. “There were a lot of church recruiters inviting passers-by to study ‘palm reading’ or claiming that they could tell by looking at their faces that they were experiencing problems. When they came across someone who seemed anxious, they would tell them that they were at ‘a major turning point’ in their lives. In this way the recruiters would attempt to hook people and eventually bring them to facilities associated with the former Unification Church.”
Enthusiastic Followers In addition to the “palm reading study” approach, the recruiters would also sometimes use something called an “attitude survey.” The ultimate goal in either case was to entice people who showed any interest at all into going with them to “video centers” run by former Unification Church members. There, the targets would be shown videos designed to arouse interest in the organization’s doctrines. “From that point onward,” explains Suzuki, “the enticements would continue non-stop and gradually shift to mind control techniques. In the end, the targets would be made to go to training camps run by the former Unification Church so that they could be turned into followers.” Sensing that this was problematic behavior, Suzuki began efforts to put an end to false solicitation. Essentially working alone, he at times suffered violence and was trailed by church members whom he tried to stop from falsely soliciting people. He also made a new discovery during this period, which was that if you engage in a normal conversation with church members, many of them turn out to be pleasant people. “Those who were soliciting people to join in palm reading studies had good intentions and were not bad people,” he said. “In fact, it was indeed people who had good intentions who became followers and who then became enthusiastic about recruiting people. This was something that I first learned through conversations with followers.” The reality is that people of good will tend to become caught up in new religious movements. The largely unknown technique used to entice these people to new religious movements is mind control, and influential politicians were deployed by the church to present a convincing face to followers and prevent targets from getting away. Suzuki made proposals to write articles on the issue on numerous occasions, but his results were mixed at best. “Most publications completely ignored me,” recalls Suzuki. “The editors would say things like ‘that politician has no name value’ or ‘the former Unification Church isn’t a hot topic.’ I had to endure that kind of treatment for a very long time.” The only media outlet that expressed any interest was Shūkan Asahi, which ran “Abe teikoku vs. shūkyō” (The Abe Empire vs. Religion) in its April 11, 2014, edition. This story went into details regarding then Prime Minister Abe, LDP members, and the former Unification Church. “That was the start of a run of stories at a pace of about one per year,” said Suzuki. “But in addition to complaints about the articles that were sent to the editors of the magazine, there were also those who insisted that the magazine shouldn’t run what they referred to as the ‘fake news’ that I had written.”
The Media Backs Down But there was another reason why the media stopped covering new religious movements as problems in society. “Other religious organizations, just like the former Unification Church, would quickly file complaints any time they were portrayed negatively in the news media,” recalls Suzuki. “There were a lot of lawsuits, and the media outlets began to think that it was too much trouble to cover the issue.” Most new religious movements used their plentiful funds to bolster their media strategies. For example, they would send reporters mid-year and year-end gifts and invite members of the Japanese media to events being held abroad. It was due to these practices that the Japanese media stopped covering issues related to the former Unification Church. In spite of this media environment, Suzuki continued his investigative reporting at Almost Daily Cult News, which was founded by the journalist Fujikura Yoshirō in 2009. As a result, the intrepid Suzuki sometimes received anonymous mail. One bore the title “Suzuki Eito: Predatory Journalist.” It stated, “What is your real job, a carpenter? Most of the time you don’t even look like a journalist. You wear work clothes and you drive an old-fashioned pickup truck to work in the early morning hours. When you ‘report,’ you change into a suit, but still . . .” It went on to say, “You’re forcing your mother—a woman in her eighties—to work in order to support you.” Naturally, none of this was true. “The reason I drove a pickup truck in the morning,” Suzuki explained, “is that I also worked in the real estate industry and had to travel to the properties I handled. I was in the process of doing renovations on the properties, and so I suppose this person saw me hauling lumber in my truck. My mother was working because she likes to work. She never gave me any of the money she earned.” Suzuki states that he knows who wrote this letter, and what the writer’s objectives were. “The letter was written about three years ago,” says Suzuki. “After Abe’s assassination, I began to appear on television, and for a time I was working in and around the National Diet building and the Kantei, the prime minister’s official office and residence in Nagatachō, Tokyo. I suppose the letter-writer was attempting to suggest that I was an untrustworthy person.”
The Need for a Formal Investigation In response to the former Unification Church issue, the Kishida administration got a new law passed that was intended to provide support to people who had been victimized by unscrupulous religious organizations. But Suzuki claims the new law does nothing to solve the underlying problem. He also says that the Japanese government needs to conduct a formal investigation into the issues that formed the background of Abe’s slaying. When asked what his next step would be, Suzuki replies: “There are several politicians in the LDP who have attempted to escape any personal responsibility by laying all the blame on Abe. I’d like to next turn my attention to them.” Regarding the responsibilities of the media, Suzuki goes on: “If the media once again stops covering this issue, it’s clear that things will return to ‘business as usual,’ and that the politicians who facilitate the activities of these religious organizations will fall out of the public eye. I think that both the religious organizations and the politicians who support them will simply go back to their old ways as soon as the media stops paying attention to them. It’s therefore the media’s responsibility to make sure that coverage of this issue does not end.”
(Originally published in Japanese. Reporting and text by Mikata Kyū, Nishioka Yukifumi, and Power News. Banner photo: Journalist Suzuki Eito at a press conference in Tokyo in September 2022. © Mikata Kyū.)
統一教会との闘い 2022年に出版された2冊の本
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whatisonthemoon · 1 year
Jeffrey Hall on the Unification Church Property Near Tama Center
The following comes from a Twitter thread by Jeffrey Hall
In April 2022 the Unification Church purchased some real estate near Tama Center. The purpose behind the purchase is unclear and it is currently just an empty building, but it is next to a high school and university campus. Some locals are organizing against the church.
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City authorities have warned residents about the purchase, but there's very little they can do because it was a legal real estate transaction. Suzuki Eito speculates that the church may have planned to build a training center there.
Suzuki believes that construction was probably put on hold because the church is trying lay low after the wave of negative attention it received following Abe's assassination. A UC spokesperson said the church currently has no plans for the site.
Some local residents do not trust the church and have formed an organization aimed at stopping it from using the land. About 70 people attended their meeting on the 28th. They plan to create a petition and collect signatures from the community.
Last year I tweeted about a similar case from 1995, in which a small town in Hokkaido organized against a plan to build a large facility there. The church still owns that land, but only built some relatively small structures on it.
Related links and notes below
Potential New Headquarters in Tokyo
Japanese article on new property *in Japanese*
HBC report about how the residents of Shimizu, Hokkaido organizing in 1995 to block UC-affiliated Tenchi Seikyo from constructing a major facility in their town *in Japanese*
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madmarchhare · 6 months
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Hello eito!
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stuffymcstuffsworld · 6 months
Taking out the trash
**warning mention of torture**
Nobody could ever know. It was a good thing that the staff of Babyls was very capable. Not a single soul outside of the room would know the truth about what happened today.
Especially not sweet innocent Iruma. He would just continue living in hell, unaware of what transpired. He must never know the truth.
He will just continue to believe that he is somewhere far away from his parents. He will continue to think that they will never reach him again. Blissfully ignorant of their attempt.
Yes, it was better this way. There is no need for him to know that the slimly pathetic excuses of living beings wanted him back. No need to say they had summoned Lord Sullivan again trying to make a new deal.
They would forever keep this encounter a secret. After all... nobody would miss two pieces of pondscum that have never been mentioned before. It wouldn't even be a cause to blink.
One can't miss something that was never there in the first place. Iruma was too soft still. Even if he was becoming more greedy and demonic by the day. There was worry he would instantly forgive them out of habit.
No, there would be no forgiveness for these two. Not for being a threat to one of the school's precious students. There was only pain.
So it might have lasted a while, prolonging the suffering of two disgusting bugs. But there was a lot of venting that occurred.
So what if Dali-San used experimental potions on them? Or that Suzy-San kept them in thorny vines? It was a great way to keep them still as Robin-San used them for target practice.
What did it matter if Shichiro-San recorded the pain tolerance of their nervous system while March-San used every torture method known to demon? Or if Kalego-San had his Ceberus use them as a chew toy?
After all, they could always be healed just enough to keep them alive. That is one of the reasons they have a great healer like Buer Blushenko on their staff.
No... it was something the entire staff participated in as a whole. No matter the screams or the smell. No matter the desperate pleads, they were not swayed.
Of course, there was also the matter of their souls. None of the staff were willing to eat that garbage, but they couldn't let it float around freely. Who knows where they could end up.
So even the two humans' souls had no peace. They were burned to a crisp by Ifrit-san's bloodline magic. Yes, truly, this had been something that had lasted for days before they put an end to it. They did have classes to teach.
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hoshimirufuri · 6 months
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ikusayu-no-hana · 2 years
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映画刀剣乱舞 -黎明- | Touken Ranbu The Movie: Reimei, 2023
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rz-jocelyn · 1 year
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[VIDEO] REAL⇔FAKE: Official Streaming Links for Episode 01 of "REAL⇔FAKE Final Stage"
Aramaki Yoshihiko as Makino Nagisa
Ueda Keisuke as Ikuta Yuusuke
Sato Ryuji as Suzuki Kakeru
Matsumura Ryunosuke as Umehara Reijirou
Wada Masanari as Sena Masayuki
Ino Hiroki as Uno Kouki
Sasamori Hiroki as Inamori Mizuki
Sadamoto Fuma as Fukami Maito
Konishi Eito as Sugawara Haruto
Taniguchi Masashi as Tada Keiichi
Someya Toshiyuki as Moriya Hidetoshi
Aoi Shouta as Akane
Episode 01 of "REAL⇔FAKE Final Stage" has been made available online. To watch the episode, please refer to the links below.
The episode will be available until,
TVer: 24.09 (Japan time) on January 18, 2023
GYAO!: 24.09 (Japan time) on January 18, 2023
NOTE: VPN is required to access the sites. If a survey form pops up when the page loads, it isn’t necessary to fill it in, so just close the form.
Opening Theme Song:
The song that is played in the preview is "MISLEAD" which is sung by Stellar CROWNS with Akane. Please find more information on how to purchase the single with the song at this link: HERE
"REAL⇔FAKE" Official Twitter: HERE
"REAL⇔FAKE" Official Instagram Account: HERE
"REAL⇔FAKE" Official Website: HERE
Source(s): ( x , x , x , x , x )
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trashexplorer · 2 years
BLCD 2022: August Releases
✓ - have      
💡 - interested
✘ - not interested (but will probably still listen to)    
1. Madou Soushi S2 Part 1 💡
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Release Date: 2022/08/04
Wei Wu Xian - Suzuki Tatsuhisa
Lan Wangji - Hino Satoshi
Jiang Cheng - Midorikawa Hikaru
Lan Xi Chen - Morikawa Toshiyuki
Jin Ling - Murase Ayumu
Lan Sizhui - Kobayashi Yuusuke
Lan Jingyi - Shimono Hiro
Nie Huaisang - Matsuoka Yoshitsugu
Jin Zixuan - Takahashi Hiroki
Lan Qi Ren - Shingaki Tarusuke
Wen Ning/Ghost General - Hoshi Souichirou
Su She - Ichiki Mitsuhiro
Narrator - Miki Shinichirou & Kanehira Yamamoto
Synopsis: In the title.
Comment: All that matters to me is that lwj has his hand on wwx’s hip. Thank you.
2. Cut-over Criteria 💡
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Release Date: 2022/08/10
Cast: Uchida Yuuma x Chiba Shouya *a debut!
Synopsis: Jin-kun, a freshly graduated new subordinate, has come to Seto-san, a competent and aloof system engineer! Jin-kun does a good work, but no one knows what is going on inside his head. Then Seto-san started feeling Jin-kun's excessive gaze?! A new story of sweet office love between a quiet subordinate and an aloof superior!
3. Happy Kuso Life 3 ✘ 
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Release Date: 2022/08/17
Pairings: you’re the same person???
Masuda Toshiki x Nakajima Yoshiki
Nakajima Yoshiki x Masuda Toshiki
Synopsis: Third installment of the BLCD series.
4. Iki Dekinai no wa Kimi no Sei 2 ✘
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Release Date: 2022/08/20
Cast: Tamaru Atsushi x Satou Takuya
Synopsis: Second installment of the BLCD series.
5. Boku no Tsugai wa Thoroughbred Omega ✘
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Release Date: 2022/08/26
Kobayashi Chiaki x Terashima Junta
Yamashita Seiichiou + Saitou Souma *Soma’s 1st abo
Synopsis: Leo Asaka, an alpha male and a second-generation actor, hates it when people say he's just like his actor father. Leo is working hard to make it big on his own when he receives an offer to star in a film to be shot by a world-famous director. He then learns who his co-star is: Eito Yanagi, another alpha male and a second-generation actor who's known for living a scandalous life. The two of them get locked in a hotel room so they can get to know each other, where Leo glimpses a secret about Eito that may change the course of their destiny.
5. Dakaretai Otoko Ichii ni Odosarete Imasu. 8 ✘
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Release Date: 2022/08/26
Cast: Ono Yuuki x Takahashi Hiroki
Synopsis: Eighth installment of the BLCD series.
6. Omae no Hou ga Kawaii Kuse ni ✘
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Release Date: 2022/08/26
Cast: Kasama Jun x Shin Yuuki *another debut!
"The first one to cum gets to go down… how about that?"
Seiji and Kazuki, who share a house rent to save money, have known each other since kindergarten and were supposed to be best friends– only their relationship changes drastically when Kazuki declares that he will get out of being virgin through sex. Seiji then replied, "If you want to get laid then I'll help you," and somehow they ended up becoming each other's "cohabitants"?!
Knowing the fact that Seiji hadn't had his first experience yet, Kazuki decided to go along with it, thinking that he didn't want to get ahead of him. When the time comes for them to have sex, Kazuki, who has more experience than Seiji in terms of love, tries to take the lead, but Seiji won't just give up on Kazuki's toughness…!
7. Zetsubou ni Nake 2 ✘
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Release Date: 2022/08/26
Komada Wataru x Maeno Tomoaki
Maeno Tomoaki x Komada Wataru
Synopsis: Adaptation of the second volume of the series of the same name.
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blogryujin11 · 2 years
Sectes et politique au Japon - ce que l'on redécouvre de Shinzô Abe
Au départ, l'objectif de l'Eglise de l'Unification était d'apporter un supplément de 100 000 voix à Kitamura.
Le gouvernement du PLD sous Abe et l’église de la réunification. Une stratégie qui se met en branle aux sénatoriales de 2013.< La contamination religieuse des sphères politiques. Les relations troubles de coexistence du gouvernement Abe et de congrégations problématiques > Eito Suzuki 1 nov 2019 Texte original complet https://web.archive.org/web/20190205091318/https://hbol.jp/183109 “Une…
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shuyume · 2 years
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new transparent + upscaled some old ones
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leenaevilin · 2 years
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[Announcement] 映画 刀剣乱舞 -黎明- (eiga touken ranbu -reimei-)
roadshow: 2023♡
Suzuki Hiroki as Mikazuki Munechika (三日月宗近) Aramaki Yoshihiko as Yamanbagiri Kunihiro (山姥切国広) Wada Masanari as Heshikiri Hasebe (へし切長谷部) Umetsu Mizuki as Yamanbagiri Chougi (山姥切長義) Satou Takamichi as Higekiri (髭切) Yamamoto Ryousuke as Hizamaru (膝丸) Sadamoto Fuuma as Honebami Toushirou (骨喰藤四郎) Honda Reo as Ichigo Hitofuri (一期一振) Konishi Eito as Horikawa Kunihiro (堀川国広) Tamaki Yuuki as Kogarasumaru (小烏丸)
homepage twitter natalie
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Suzuki Eito: “Oh My God” Emergency Bulletin【The UC in the midst of a cataclysmic earthquake】
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▲ Suzuki Eito (seen here at Hak Ja Han’s Cheongpyeong shopping mall) is a journalist and the author of the book, “Tracking 3000 Days of the Liberal Democratic Party’s Contamination by the Unification Church” (2022 – Shogakukan) See below for the book cover and a link to further information.
Note: This is an approximate translation from the Japanese. The names are correct.
@cult_and_fraud May 24, 2023 • 12 tweets
President Hak Ja Han of the Unification Church finished her “Her 80th Birthday Anniversary Ceremony”, “Mass Wedding”, and “Dedication Ceremony for Cheonwon Palace” on May 7th.
On May 9, Hak Ja Han dismissed Yun Young-ho, the head of the World Mission Headquarters, who was the second in command in the sect.
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▲ 尹煐鎬  世界本部長 = Yun Young-ho. General Manager of [FFWPU] World Headquarters
The Unification Church is going through an earthquake.
Has Yun Young-ho been dismissed for “embezzlement of public funds” in the same way Kim Hyo-nam [ = Daemo-nim] was dismissed? “Public money” means money taken from victims in Japan.
There is information that Yun Young-ho invested billions in the Mekong River project with Prime Minister Hun Sen of Cambodia.
Jeong Won-ju 鄭元周, head of the Presidential Secretariat, who is hostile to Yun Young-ho, and Choi, the [second] wife of Hyo-jin Moon [who died in 2008], the eldest son of Sun Myung Moon and Hak ja Han, reported to Hak-ja Han about Yun's embezzlement of public funds.
To develop Japan, Hak Ja Han appointed Song Yong-cheon 宋龍天, former president of the Japan General Assembly, as the world president.
Yang Chang-shik 梁昌植 was appointed UPF World President. Hak Ja Han is the UPF president.
Hak Ja Han strengthened her presidential secretary office. The First Secretariat manages the Family Federation (Unification Church) and the Universal Peace Federation, and the head of the secretariat is Moon Yeon-Ah 文妍娥. The head of the second secretary office is Jeong Won-ju. (Last summer, Hak Ja Han took Jeong Won-ju to a casino in Las Vegas to gamble, and the Weekly Bunshun magazine reported that she spends her followers' donations at casinos?)
Hak Ja Han: “There is no mission headquarters anymore. We need to merge with the Family Federation and work together with the training center to focus on returning to Gapyeong. [Gapyeong is the Cheongpyeong area.]
Hak Ja Han: Have we fulfilled our responsibilities? Five district presidents! Did the number of members increase? Achievements are important. How can we return to the nation in four years? But a couple of states should be able to come back.”
Hak Ja Han: “All World Mission Branches must become Family Federations.” “Buddha must become a child before True Parents. “In order to restore 8 billion people, the UPF must create an environment in which the Family Federation will be the center of the celebration.”
Is Hak Ja Han denying Sun Myung Moon's unification principle? After she took a luxury cruise on Cheongpyeong Lake, she spoke in front of 70 of her executives on May 18.
Hak Ja Han denied the principle of creation. She denied and dismantled the Unification Principle of Sun Myung Moon, and built a new doctrine centered on the female Messiah, the “only begotten daughter” Han Hak Ja.
Hak Ja Han: “The source of life is born through Mother. Men are 0.001%, mothers are 99.999%, and Heavenly Parent is the same. In the Divine Principle, there is a neutralizing [or equalizing] of the dual nature. This is not real. We need to correct that.”
In the Magnolia Group, which was run by the Yun Young-ho family, the Christina Han brand has been revived; it handles expensive precious metals that Japanese members have been forced to buy. The Magnolia Group building in Cheongpyeong, South Korea was also reported on. Tuxedos and wedding dresses priced from 500,000 to 1,000,000 yen were also confirmed during coverage of the May 7th mass wedding.
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▲ Suzuki Eito outside Hak Ja Han’s Cheongpyeong shopping mall which sells luxury goods.
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Luxury goods: Sun Myung Moon invested nearly $3 million in a cruel chinchilla farm at Boonville
SOLD! Korean HQ Sold Without Warning Members
▼ 鈴木エイト Suzuki Eito’s first book
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『自民党の統一教会汚染 追跡3000日』
統一教会との闘い 2022年に出版された2冊の本 自民党の統一教会汚染 追跡3000日
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whatisonthemoon · 2 years
The Relief Bill is Useless
More tweets from Jeffrey Hall ANN aired this report that highlights how the LDP/Komeito-backed relief bill for Unification Church victims is useless to many victims. The UC apparently already has a manual on how to collect proof that can be used to argue donations were not coerced.
This includes having people sign statements agreeing that they freely made the decision without being pressured by anyone. They also sometimes ask donors to write out a statement expressing their willingness to donate, or film videos that prove their belief in UC teachings. The bill also has a somewhat narrow ban on the practice of having people sell their houses and donate the proceeds to the religious group. It leaves out farm land, despite the fact that several publicized victim testimonies mention being pressured into selling farm land. Victims interviewed for the report, as well as journalist Suzuki Eito say that the law needs to include a provision about donations made under "mind control" (brainwashing). The LDP left it out, citing the difficulty in judging mind control vs. free will. https://www.nippon.com/en/news/yjj2022112400727/
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madmarchhare · 2 years
Pov: your supervisor and your boss's grandson turn up while you were lazing about in your apartment.
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Also Kalego looks like the gloomy dad with his son at a parents evening that neither of them want to be at.
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stuffymcstuffsworld · 2 months
Alright Darlings, I'm sure you're curious about the new stories.
Let's review shall we?
Pierced my heart new chapter - robin x reader
Passion and flames - alice and mother songfic
Catnap - Iruma and hellcats hangout
Lucky card - orias songfic
Tea time - tea with flower princess
Eager to meet you - Derkila and Iruma meet
My happiness - songfic wedding with Balam x reader
In an instant - Derkila realizes he's in love with reader
Fun 101 - Alice x Lied (so use to doing reader stuff... meh)
My everything - Sabro x Iruma
Fire and Rain - Eito x (water demon fem! reader)
Enjoy the moment - big threes grandkids hangout
In-laws - Reader finally meets Balams parents
Bullseye - arranged marriage between robin and reader
I cherish you - jealous balam
Cat thief - klepto opera snatching things
My pupils - kalego and each student
What they call me - misfits calling kalego dad
No need for fear - Sullivan soothing Iruma panic attack... possible room for a songfic
Summoning - Iruma's parents summon Sullivan
Our roots - Suzy and Balam being plant buddies
Impulsive - Reader teaching a young kalego a thing or two about young opera songfic
Arrogance - If (demon reader) was a part of Baal's crew songfic
My muse - Silvia x Beem
The wonders of earth - Balam in the human world songfic
Toy box - Clara and reader having fun
Misfortune - Those affected by the top dog trio
Work... - Demon King Iruma and paperwork
Mother tongue - Balam learns human language
More than worthy - Iruma thinks he isn't worthy to be your child. That isn't true. If anything, you're not worthy of being his parent.
Please keep in mind I don't follow this list in order. It entirely depends on my mood about what I write. So please don't worry if you haven't seen your request written.
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gittetj · 3 years
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Quick Okura doodles because Okura is also great. I think this man is the most uncomplicatedly wholesome character to ever come out of me and it scares me a little.
Oh and yeah, Shou isn't done with the uncomfortable car rides yet
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