#Sustainable Development Goals in Sri Lanka
Sustainable processes 
Making processes safe and better, sustainable terminal operation is key to the success of South Asia Gateway Terminals.
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starseedpatriot · 9 months
Regarding UN Sustainable Development Goals
An excellent reply by Alexandra Latypova when asked how her company would meet the UN SDG’s:
“UN is an unelected, unaccountable organization whose pronouncements have no bearing on our company's bylaws, management principles and corporate governance. We resent the implication that they do.  
We do not support UN's "Sustainable Development Goals" and related ideology as we believe it is vague, self-contradictory, unimplementable and overall damaging framework designed to promote the interests of wealthy and powerful individuals and corporations at the expense of the working people globally. 
"Sustainability" is a purposefully undefined but pleasantly sounding nonsense.  The 17 "goals" made up by overpaid bureaucrats are designed to obfuscate the reality - the monopolizing of control over the world's resources and subjugation of the people who never consented to be governed in this manner.  
As an example of absurdity, the core of the SDG program for development and poverty reduction relies on industrial growth — ever-increasing levels of extraction, production, and consumption.
Goal 8 calls for 7% annual GDP growth in the least developed countries and higher levels of economic productivity across the board, calling for less and more at the same time.  
The most recent example of SDG in action is the devastating collapse of the entire country of Sri Lanka precipitated by capricious "sustainability" burdens such as bans on fertilizer and ban on non-organic farming which led to widespread hardship and civil unrest. 
Widespread protests of farmers are currently ongoing in the Netherlands and other European countries.  The hardworking people are pushed to the brink of despair by the SDG inspired "green" nonsense while UN's corporate sponsors like Bill Gates are simultaneously purchasing all arable land in sight. 
“Sustainable water" agenda comes with Nestle's sponsorship which aims to have all freshwater on Earth owned by corporations. 
“Health" goals are sponsored by the global pharmaceutical companies and, unsurprisingly, aim at increasing government purchases of drugs, elimination of individual health choices and informed consent as already demonstrated by the global covid-19 policies to date. 
In summary, we do not support UN and its agenda 2030.  We think nobody should. 
Collectivist utopias have led to devastation both human and environmental every single time they were attempted, and UN's SDG is yet another attempt. 
We strongly believe in the individual rights to free thought, expression and self-determination, as only truly free individuals can build a just, moral, non-fraudulent society for common good.”
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Powering Sustainability: Achieving ISO 50001 Certification
ISO 50001 Certification in Sri lanka The standard addresses more than just what features a system for energy management needs to have. It gives businesses detailed guidelines and requirements for a successful deployment. As many employees of a company as feasible must be integrated for execution and control, in addition to the management, who are largely responsible for ensuring realistic goals and regulated methods.
Additionally, it is crucial to ensure that a suitable balance is struck. It is not just about getting the greatest results; it's also about reducing energy use and achieving the company's goals in the best possible way. The actions should not have the unintended consequence of lowering production quantity or quality. More importantly, particular analysis of energy data must be done continuously.
Advantages of ISO 50001 certification
It encourages optimal behaviors and practices for energy management.
Enhancement of energy performance, encompassing energy usage, consumption, and efficiency. The degree of improvements usually varies depending on the industry and the amount of energy used at the time. Energy performance may typically be improved in two ways: first, by taking steps to increase energy performance, and second, by putting energy performance improvement technology into practice. Innovations in technology typically result in large cost savings that support enterprises in achieving their objectives.
ISO 50001 Implementation in Sweden The energy management systems' ongoing development. With time, our understanding of how to make improvements to energy management will advance, creating new chances for even greater savings.
ensuring that energy use is measured, recorded, reported, and benchmarked. This has already been made necessary and is crucial for business transparency.
Cost Of ISO 50001  Certification
Through the ISO 50001 energy management system standard, the Department of Energy (DOE) and the US Council for Energy-Efficient Manufacturing (CEEM) are executing the Superior Energy Performance (SEP) Program to boost the energy efficiency of industrial buildings.
In December 2013, the SEP project was made widely available, and presently, over 40 sites are taking part in a nationwide pilot program. Of those establishments, seventeen have already obtained SEP certification.
ISO 50001 Cost in Thailand All of the facilities made investments in outside assistance, training, and the implementation of ISO 50001 with third-party certification. The external technical assistance costs ranged widely, from $26,000 to $167,000. On average, they were $58,000. Nonetheless, the facilities stated that professional help was essential because staff members were unfamiliar with the software and the ideas of an unified energy management system.
Facilities further stated that when the requirements of ISO 50001 and the SEP program are implemented at other facilities under the same parent business, the expenditures related to outside technical support will be significantly reduced.
ISO 50001 Certification  Audit 
ISO 50001 Audit in Turkmenistan An essential competency for the internal or lead auditor is the capacity to recognize areas in which improvements can be made. It can entail lower expenses, less waste, higher productivity, or even assisting in the organization's transition to a more sustainable form.
For this reason, we have created auditor credentials for ISO 50001 energy management systems, which will equip you with the abilities and information required to become an auditor practitioner and a professional auditor by teaching you process improvement approaches.
Why choose BSI for your ISO 50001 Certified Auditor Qualification?
Every year, BSI offers more than 50,000 courses for auditor training.
Every year, more than 200,000 auditor inspection days are performed by BSI's own auditors.
Following the completion of your professional degree, you can seek to get certified, which is a three-year rolling program that verifies the application in real-world settings.
How to get ISO 50001  Certification Consultants ?
ISO 50001 Certification Consultants in United Kingdom Offering ISO 50001 Certification, B2BCert demonstrates enterprises' dedication to superior energy management. This certification attests to the company's compliance with global standards, guaranteeing economical energy use and environmental responsibility. Strong energy management systems help businesses lower expenses, increase operational effectiveness, and lessen their carbon footprint. The ISO 50001 Certification of B2BCert demonstrates a commitment to sustainable practices and fosters confidence among stakeholders. Businesses can meet regulatory standards, become more competitive, and support global environmental goals with this accreditation. The ISO 50001 Certification from B2BCert enables businesses to take the lead regarding energy management, improving both their financial performance and the environment.
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diliwriter · 3 months
Tips for Investing in Real Estate in Sri Lanka
When considering investments in the vibrant real estate market of Sri Lanka, partnering with a reputable real estate agency Sri Lanka can provide invaluable guidance and support. With its diverse portfolio of properties and promising growth prospects, Sri Lanka offers ample opportunities for savvy investors to capitalize on.
1.Understand Market Dynamics: Before diving into the real estate market, take the time to understand the prevailing trends, demand-supply dynamics, and regulatory framework. Familiarize yourself with key indicators such as property prices, rental yields, and economic factors influencing market sentiment.
2.Define Your Investment Goals: Clarify your investment objectives and risk tolerance to align your real estate portfolio with your financial aspirations. Whether you seek long-term capital appreciation, steady rental income, or diversification, defining your goals will guide your investment strategy. 
3.Conduct Thorough Due Diligence: Prior to making any investment decisions, conduct comprehensive due diligence on prospective properties. Evaluate factors such as location, infrastructure, market demand, and potential risks to make informed investment choices.
4.Seek Professional Advice: Engage the services of experienced real estate professionals, including brokers, lawyers, and financial advisors, to navigate the complexities of the investment process. Their expertise and insights can help you identify lucrative opportunities and mitigate risks.
5.Diversify Your Portfolio: Spread your investments across different asset classes, geographic locations, and property types to minimize risk and optimize returns. Diversification ensures resilience against market fluctuations and maximizes your exposure to growth opportunities.
6.Monitor Market Trends: Stay informed about market developments, emerging trends, and regulatory changes affecting the real estate sector. Regularly monitor market indicators and adjust your investment strategy accordingly to capitalize on evolving opportunities.
7.Plan for the Long Term: Real estate investment is inherently long-term in nature, so adopt a patient and strategic approach to maximize returns over time. Focus on acquiring properties with strong fundamentals and growth potential to generate sustainable wealth accumulation.
As you embark on your journey to invest in the dynamic real estate market of Sri Lanka, trust in the expertise and integrity of Home Lands. With a legacy of excellence and a commitment to client satisfaction, Home Lands is your trusted partner in achieving your real estate investment goals.
Home Lands
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tsasocial · 3 months
Renewcell’s CIRCULOSE supplier network increases to 151 partners with a focus on regional hubs
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Renewcell, the Swedish textile-to-textile recycler, welcomes 35 new members to the CIRCULOSE Supplier Network (CSN), now totaling 151 spinners, weavers, textile mills, garment manufacturers, and more. The newest cohort consists of suppliers with vertical operations (10), yarn spinners (16), garment manufacturers (4) as well as denim and home textile mills. First launched in July 2023 with 47 textile producers, the expansion to 151 in under one year underlines the spirit of collaboration and the desire to close the loop on clothing production.
Srimal Wickremasinghe, Managing Director, Brushes & Needlescomments, “Brushes & Needles from Sri Lanka and TexComs from Indonesia have been diligently working on developing an innovative and sustainable textile solution cooperating with CIRCULOSE technology that we believe will revolutionize the industry. In today's rapidly changing world, the demand for eco-friendly and sustainable products is higher than ever before.” Salil Dhillon, Director, TexComs Worldwide continues, "Consumers are increasingly conscious of the environmental impact of their purchases and are seeking out products that align with their values. Recognizing this shift in consumer behavior, we have invested significant time and resources into creating textile products with CIRCULOSE® that not only meet the highest standards of quality and performance but also prioritize sustainability throughout their entire lifecycle.”
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Tricia Carey, Chief Commercial Officer at Renewcell, comments on the new partners, "Our goal was to build up key geographical regions that could service the varied requirements of our current and future brand partners. Being able to offer vertical or location-specific end-to-end manufacturing is significant for our continuous development.”
As the only industrial-scale producer of pulp made from 100% recycled textiles, Renewcell’s strategy is to replace virgin manmade cellulosic fibers (MMCF) with fibers made with CIRCULOSE as well as offer a replacement for cotton, and to enhance the properties of mechanically recycled cotton. With Turkey’s large cotton textile market and growing cotton recycling industry, expanding mill partnerships in this country was a prime focus.
“Sustainability finds life deep within our fabric, like the branches of a tree,” states Özge Arpaz, Sales & Marketing Manager of Palmiye, based in Turkey. “We are open to every new project that has benefits for innovation, sustainability, and nature, and we are proud to make all our investments in this direction. Fibers made with CIRCULOSE are the most important topic in the future world where resources are scarce.”
The mills and producers in the CIRCULOSE Supplier Network are the building blocks of a circular system. As Karla Magruder, Founder and President of the non-profit Accelerating Circularity, explains, “At Accelerating Circularity, we're convinced that building circular systems is essential to make the transition to circularity. Every step in the system needs to do its part.  To scale textile-to-textile recycling the market needs systems in place and commercial.  Renewcell's CIRCULOSE Supplier Network is the first example of putting together all the pieces through commercial entities. The ability to find and purchase yarns, knits and/or wovens at a variety of suppliers in a wide variety of geographic regions makes it possible for the next step, brands to do their part in building circular systems.”
With the growth of the CIRCULOSE Supplier Network to 151 members and the adoption of CIRCULOSE throughout the value chain, economies of scale can be achieved. Fibers, yarns, and fabrics made with CIRCULOSE are available now for fashion and home brands, both large and small.
The list of the newest CIRCULOSE Supplier Network members is below:
Bangladesh: Noman Terry Towels Mills
China: Guotai International Group, HUBO, Mozartex, Saintyear Textile, Sinotex Eco, Fibertec
India: Maral Overseas, TAGC India, Usha Yarns, V.Thangavel and Sons, VP Tex
Indonesia: TexComs
Portugal: ATB
Sri Lanka: Brushes & Needles
Taiwan: Chi Her Industrial, HerMin Textile, Hua Mao Nano Tech
Turkey: Aba Tekstil, Can Tekstil, Ereks Konfeksiyon, Eroglu, Karsu, Motif Tekstil, Orimpex Tekstil, Ozen Mensucat, Pakipek Tekstil, Palmiye, Realteks, Secen Tekstil, Süzer Tekstil, Yilmazipek
Vietnam: Tai Nan Textile, Tai Nan Spinning, TCE Vina Denim
For more information about Renewcell and the CIRCULOSE Supplier Network, please visit circulo.se
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yashidiary · 4 months
SEO Trends to Watch in 2024: Staying Ahead in Search Rankings
In the dynamic realm of digital marketing, staying ahead in search rankings is crucial for businesses aiming to thrive online. At Web Lankan, a premier Social Media Agency Sri Lanka, we're dedicated to guiding brands through the ever-changing landscape of SEO. In our comprehensive guide, "SEO Trends to Watch in 2024: Staying Ahead in Search Rankings," we explore the latest developments shaping the digital marketing sphere.
As a leading Social Media Agency Sri Lanka, deeply rooted in digital solutions, we understand the pivotal role of SEO in driving organic traffic and enhancing online visibility. Our guide illuminates how businesses can adapt to emerging trends, ensuring their websites rank prominently on search engine results pages (SERPs). From algorithm updates to voice search optimization, we equip brands with the knowledge to stay ahead in the competitive digital arena.
In the arsenal of tools wielded by a Social Media Agency Sri Lanka like ours, SEO stands out as a cornerstone of digital marketing strategies. We recognize the dynamic nature of SEO and the need for businesses to stay agile in response to algorithm changes and evolving user behaviors. Our guide delves into the importance of user experience (UX) and mobile optimization, providing actionable insights to enhance website performance and rankings.
In the world of Web Designers Sri Lanka, SEO-friendly design principles are paramount to creating websites that not only captivate users but also rank well on search engines. As a Social Media Agency Sri Lanka with a team of skilled web designers, we prioritize SEO considerations from the outset of every project. Our guide underscores the significance of responsive design, site speed optimization, and structured data markup, ensuring our clients' websites are primed for SEO success.
As one of the leading Digital Marketing Companies Sri Lanka, we understand that SEO is the bedrock of any successful digital marketing strategy. Our guide explores the latest SEO trends and best practices, offering actionable tips for optimizing websites and content to meet the evolving demands of search engines. By partnering with our Digital Marketing Agency Sri Lanka, businesses can unlock their full potential and achieve sustainable growth in the online space.
For businesses in the hospitality sector, Digital Marketing for Hotels is indispensable for attracting travelers and driving bookings. Our expertise extends to Hotel Web Design, where SEO plays a central role in attracting guests and boosting reservations. Through strategic SEO tactics tailored to the unique needs of the hospitality industry, we help hotels enhance their online visibility and attract travelers seeking unforgettable experiences.
In conclusion, "SEO Trends to Watch in 2024: Staying Ahead in Search Rankings" is essential reading for businesses looking to elevate their online presence. At Web Lankan, as a trusted Social Media Agency Sri Lanka, we're committed to empowering brands with the knowledge and tools they need to succeed in the digital age. Contact us today to discover how our Digital Marketing Agency Sri Lanka can help you achieve your SEO goals and beyond.
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mydiary123 · 4 months
How NSBM Green University Town is Redefining Higher Education in Sri Lanka
If you are looking for the best university in Sri Lanka, you might want to consider NSBM Green University, the first and only green university in South Asia. NSBM Green University is not only a leader in academic excellence, but also in environmental sustainability, social responsibility, and innovation.
NSBM Green University offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs in business, computing, engineering, design, and humanities, in collaboration with prestigious international universities. The university also provides a holistic learning experience that fosters creativity, critical thinking, leadership, and entrepreneurship skills among its students.
NSBM Green University is located in a 26-acre eco-friendly campus that is designed to minimize the environmental impact and maximize energy efficiency. The campus features state-of-the-art facilities, such as smart classrooms, modern laboratories, a library, a sports complex, a gymnasium, an auditorium, and a cafeteria. The campus also has a solar power plant, a rainwater harvesting system, a waste management system, and a green landscape that enhances biodiversity and the aesthetic appeal.
NSBM Green University is committed to making a positive difference in society and the world. The university engages in various community service projects, such as supporting rural schools, empowering women, promoting health and hygiene, and protecting the environment. The university also encourages its students and staff to participate in these projects and contribute to the social good.
NSBM Green University is redefining higher education in Sri Lanka by offering a quality education that is aligned with the global standards, the industry demands, and the sustainable development goals. If you want to join this green revolution and become a part of the NSBM family, visit NSBM and apply today.
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pan-asia-bank · 5 months
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Pan Asia Bank: Your Gateway to Progressive Banking in Sri Lanka
In the heart of Sri Lanka's bustling financial landscape stands Pan Asia Bank, a beacon of innovative and customer-focused banking. With a legacy of over two decades, the bank has consistently redefined the banking experience, merging tradition with technology to meet the evolving needs of its customers. This blog post delves into the journey, services, and unique aspects of Pan Asia Bank, spotlighting why it stands out in Sri Lanka's competitive banking sector.
1. A Rich Legacy of Service and Innovation:
The Journey of Pan Asia Bank: Founded with a vision to offer distinctive banking services, Pan Asia Bank has grown from a small financial institution to a significant player in Sri Lanka's banking industry. Its journey is marked by a commitment to innovation, customer satisfaction, and sustainable growth.
Innovation at Its Core: Pan Asia Bank has been at the forefront of introducing cutting-edge banking technologies. From online banking solutions to mobile platforms, it ensures that customers enjoy a seamless and secure banking experience.
2. Comprehensive Banking Solutions:
Personal Banking Perfection: Whether you're saving for a rainy day, seeking a loan for your dream home, or exploring investment options, Pan Asia Bank offers a suite of personal banking services tailored to your needs. With attractive interest rates, flexible terms, and a focus on customer convenience, your financial goals are within reach.
Corporate and SME Banking: Understanding the backbone of Sri Lanka's economy, Pan Asia Bank provides a range of products designed for corporate and SME clients. From working capital loans to trade financing and treasury services, it stands as a supportive partner for businesses of all sizes.
3. Digital Banking Revolution:
Embracing Technological Advancements: Pan Asia Bank's digital platforms exemplify convenience and security. Its online and mobile banking services allow customers to manage their finances effortlessly, anytime and anywhere.
Innovations for the Future: The bank continuously invests in technological advancements, ensuring it remains at the cutting edge of the digital banking revolution. From AI-driven customer service to advanced security protocols, Pan Asia Bank is shaping the future of banking in Sri Lanka.
4. Customer-Centric Approach:
Unmatched Customer Service: At Pan Asia Bank, every customer is a priority. The bank's commitment to providing personalized service ensures that each individual's banking experience is satisfactory and beyond.
Feedback and Improvement: Pan Asia Bank values customer feedback, using it as a cornerstone for continuous improvement and innovation. This responsive approach has earned it a loyal customer base and numerous accolades.
5. Commitment to Sustainability and Community:
Green Banking Initiatives: Pan Asia Bank takes its environmental responsibility seriously, implementing green banking initiatives that promote sustainability and reduce its carbon footprint.
Empowering Communities: Through various CSR activities, the bank invests in community development, education, and health projects, demonstrating its commitment to the well-being of the people of Sri Lanka.
Pan Asia Bank isn't just a financial institution; it's a dynamic, progressive, and customer-oriented bank that puts the needs of its customers and the community first. With its blend of traditional values and modern innovation, it offers a banking experience that's not only satisfying but also secure and forward-looking. As Sri Lanka continues to grow and evolve, Pan Asia Bank remains a steadfast partner, ready to meet the changing needs of its customers and help them achieve their financial dreams.
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joeygoldy · 7 months
Useful Tips for Becoming a Successful Agriculture Investor
Agriculture investment refers to the allocation of financial resources, capital, or assets into various aspects of the agricultural sector with the expectation of generating a return on investment (ROI). This could mean investing monies in agriculture land for sale such as coconut land for sale in Sri Lanka, or other types of investments. It involves deploying funds in activities and projects related to agriculture for the purpose of profit, income generation, or long-term wealth creation. Agriculture investment can take many forms, including:
Farmland Acquisition: Purchasing agricultural land for the cultivation of crops or the raising of livestock. This can involve both large-scale and small-scale farming operations.
Infrastructure Development: Investing in the construction and improvement of infrastructure such as irrigation systems, roads, storage facilities, and processing plants to enhance agricultural productivity and efficiency.
Technological Advancements: Funding the development and adoption of agricultural technologies, such as precision agriculture, automation, and biotechnology, to improve crop yields and reduce operational costs.
Agribusiness Ventures: Investing in agribusinesses, such as food processing, distribution, and marketing, that are part of the agricultural value chain.
Research and Development: Supporting research initiatives related to agriculture to develop new crop varieties, pest-resistant strains, and sustainable farming practices.
Input Supply: Investing in the production and distribution of agricultural inputs like seeds, fertilisers, pesticides, and machinery.
Commodity Trading: Speculating on the future prices of agricultural commodities, such as grains, oilseeds, and livestock, through commodity markets or futures contracts.
Sustainable Agriculture: Funding practices and projects aimed at sustainable and environmentally responsible farming methods, which can include organic farming, agroforestry, and conservation efforts.
Rural Development: Supporting initiatives that improve the overall economic and social well-being of rural communities, often through investments in education, healthcare, and infrastructure.
Venture Capital and Start-ups: Investing in start-ups and companies focused on innovations in agriculture, such as vertical farming, aquaculture, or agricultural technology (AgTech).
Agriculture investment is important for food security, economic development, and job creation in many regions. However, it also comes with risks related to weather conditions, commodity price fluctuations, and market dynamics. Investors often conduct thorough research and risk assessments before committing their resources to agricultural ventures. Additionally, they may need to consider factors like government policies, environmental regulations, and social impacts on their investment decisions in the agricultural sector.
How to become a successful agriculture investor
Becoming a successful agriculture investor requires a combination of financial acumen, agricultural knowledge, and a strategic approach to investment. Here are some steps to help you become a successful agriculture investor:
Educate Yourself: Gain a strong understanding of the agricultural sector, including the different sub-sectors (crops, livestock, agribusiness, etc.). Stay updated on industry trends, market conditions, and emerging technologies.
Set Clear Investment Goals: Define your investment objectives, whether it is long-term wealth creation, income generation, or diversification of your investment portfolio.
Risk Assessment: Understand and assess the risks associated with agriculture investments, such as weather-related risks, market volatility, and regulatory changes, whether you are looking at land for sale or any other type of investment.
Develop a Diversified Portfolio: Diversify your investments across different agricultural sectors and geographic regions to spread risk.
Market Research: Conduct thorough market research to identify promising investment opportunities and potential demand for agricultural products.
Build a Network: Establish connections with farmers, agricultural experts, government agencies, and industry stakeholders who can provide insights and opportunities.
Financial Planning: Create a budget and financial plan that outlines your investment capital, expected returns, and cash flow requirements.
Select the Right Investment Type: Choose the type of agriculture investment that aligns with your goals, whether it is farmland, agribusiness ventures, or agricultural technology.
Due Diligence: Conduct comprehensive due diligence on potential investments, including assessing the quality of farmland, the financial health of agribusinesses, and the technology's potential for scalability and profitability.
Sustainable Practices: Consider investments in sustainable and environmentally responsible agriculture practices, as they are gaining importance in the industry.
Risk Management: Implement risk management strategies, such as insurance, to protect your investments from unforeseen events like natural disasters or crop failures.
Continuous Learning: Stay informed about changes in the agricultural industry and adapt your investment strategy accordingly.
Legal and Regulatory Compliance: Understand and comply with local, national, and international regulations and tax laws that may impact your agriculture investments.
Monitor and Adjust: Regularly review the performance of your investments and be prepared to make adjustments or exit underperforming ones.
Long-Term Perspective: Agriculture investments often require a long-term perspective, so be patient and avoid making impulsive decisions based on short-term market fluctuations.
Seek Professional Advice: Consult with financial advisors, agricultural experts, and legal professionals to ensure that your investments are structured and managed effectively.
Successful agriculture investment often involves a mix of financial expertise, industry knowledge, and a willingness to adapt to changing conditions. It is important to approach agriculture investment with a well-thought-out strategy, and to be prepared for both opportunities and challenges in this sector.
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A youth choir from Brooklyn, New York, sings at the event.
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Achieving peace is neither automatic nor a vision, Mr. Guterres said in a video message to a special event on youth for peace.
“Peace is the result of action. Let us commit to build, drive and sustain peace for all,” he emphasized.
The event showcased the actions and commitments of young people – in their communities, schools and countries – in boosting progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
‘Something special’
Florence Ifeoluwa Otedola, better known as DJ Cuppy, remarked that every young person has “something unique and special” that indicates they can make the world a better place.
“That is pretty epic,” she said.
She highlighted the importance of young people for improving engagement with the wider world and as a way of helping lift each other up.  
“I believe, as humans, we have to as much as we can for as long as we can […] and so can you – it’s about finding your gift and just getting started,” DJ Cuppy told UN News.
“Peace begins with you,” she added.
‘Torch bearers’
Also speaking at the event, Jayathma Wickramanayake, the Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth recounted her own experience growing up in Sri Lanka during the civil war, wondering how the violence had become so brutal.
“I found that the root cause of the war was much deeper – it went down to discrimination, poverty and inequality,” she said, underscoring the need for dignity and development for peace.
“Youth are the torch bearers for peace, human rights and sustainable development.”
Stepping down
Ms. Wickramanayake also announced that Thursday marked the end of her tenure as Youth Envoy, ending six years of engagement with the UN.
“There is no better way to wrap up my mandate than to spend it with you,” she told the young people assembled.
Recalling her work over the years, Ms. Wickramanayake said she heard the powerful message from young people that peace goes beyond an absence of violence and strife.
It is “something bigger” she added, emphasizing that peace meant having the freedom to live your life the way you want.
‘Rescue the SDGs’
In conclusion, Ms. Wickramanayake echoed the Secretary-General’s call to rescue the SDGs.
“We need to rescue the SDGs, so through education, equal opportunities, better healthcare, decent living conditions, by addressing climate change, we can make the world more peaceful,” she said.
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searchngo200 · 9 months
Climate Change Effects Pose the Biggest Risk to SDG2- How NGO Environment India Can Contribute?
NGO Environment India
In order to "end hunger, achieve food security, improve dietary habits, and promote sustainable agriculture," SDG 2 is intended to be achieved. Climate change, on the other hand, puts the SDG2 objective in jeopardy and poses a problem for food security. The enormous challenge of feeding the world's population is being made worse by unchecked population increase. Food production, prices, and security are all being impacted by environmental deterioration, which has a significant effect on issues relating to food security.
Because of our dependency on fossil fuels, there is an environmental emergency affecting the entire planet. The alarming rate of natural resource depletion is continuing to hasten climate change and environmental damage. Despite setting ambitious goals for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, several wealthy nations are still taking their time. Wild fluctuations in weather patterns have contributed to global warming and a shortage of water. Crop yields are declining as production is hampered. In actuality, the environment on which agriculture depends continues to be significantly impacted by global warming brought on by climate change. The risk to food security is further increased by natural disasters. Several NGO  Environment India are deeply involved to alleviate the situation alongside the government efforts. 
Due to climate change, the SDG2 objective is in jeopardy and food security is a concern. Unchecked population increase is a new danger that is making it harder to feed the world's population.
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Adaptable weather patterns. India's agricultural irrigation system is dependent on rainwater. However, the effects of skewed rainfall patterns are producing very intense or sparse precipitation. Future agricultural productivity in India may suffer as a result of this. Many NGO Environment India like Search NGO, are working towards the improvement of India’s agricultural pattern. Extreme weather conditions like severe and frequent floods and droughts have a negative impact on agricultural growth in India. This can then have a cascading impact on the production of food and drive up food costs. While India has been able to contain the rise in food prices, some of its neighbors, including Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, and Sri Lanka, are currently experiencing some type of crisis.
Water supplies are under stress. Rivers, dams, streams, and groundwater supplies are being put under more strain as a result of the unpredictable rains. The country's water levels are still being drained by an overreliance on groundwater for agricultural and domestic use. Agricultural vulnerability is rising as a result of climate change's impact on the hydrological environment. An alarming loss of glaciers, ice caps, and snow fields is another effect of climate change that is causing more meltwater to be produced. The cryosphere has become unstable due to the disappearance of water from river basins, illegal groundwater extraction, industry, and urbanization. As a result, farmers are more unsure as a result of climate change, hence building farming resilience is crucial right now. NGO  Environment India are educating the rural population about farming resilience.  
falling nutrient levels and agricultural output. Volatile droughts and heat waves have an impact on agriculture due to global warming. Farmers will have to deal with shorter crop seasons and prolonged water shortages as droughts in agriculture become more common. Some areas will have to deal with floods from rivers and the shore. This would actually result in lower agricultural yields and more crop failures, which would jeopardize SDG2's objectives. As a result of climate change, the output of basic crops like rice and wheat has already started to fall, along with their nutritious value. Climate change has had an impact on India's agricultural growth in a number of ways, including changing weather patterns, stress on water supplies, and declining crop production and nutritional benefits.
The problem of climate change is one that affects the entire world. Therefore, global cooperation is necessary for the creation of an effective framework. These obligations should also be based on "Common but Differentiated Responsibilities and Respective Capabilities." India has actively participated in multinational initiatives to combat climate change. India, on the other hand, is aggressively pursuing national climate programs on its own. India has consistent environmental policies. With the necessity for domestic growth and economic development in mind, there is a focus on climate change adaptation.
India continues to aim for 450 gigawatts of renewable energy installations by 2030. India has committed to achieving net zero emissions by 2070. India has actively participated in multinational initiatives to combat climate change. With the necessity for domestic growth and economic development in mind, there is a focus on climate change adaptation.
Nearly 15% of India's $2.7 trillion economy comes from the agricultural sector. Government initiatives supported by NGO Environment India that encourage expansion in this industry will also open up more chances.
India has taken important measures to improve food security, including:
India-wide targeted public distribution system
National Nutrition Mission
National Food Security Act
The Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana
National Mission on Sustainable Agriculture
In addition, a number of national programs on livestock, agricultural technology development, and horticulture are intended to enhance India's agricultural sector.
An approach that incorporates both short-term fixes and a long-term plan to combat the consequences of shifting weather patterns is necessary to address the global issue of climate change. Crop intensification, the adoption of crop types that can withstand high temperatures, and the use of green manures and biofertilizers can all be considered adaptation methods in agriculture. On the macro level, a long-term mitigation plan should put an emphasis on developing adaptive measures with investment in regions susceptible to the effects of climate change with the help of NGO Environment India. To combat the rising problem of hunger and food security in India, priority study on the effects of climate change is needed.
India has taken important measures to improve food security, including:
India-wide targeted public distribution system
National Nutrition Mission
National Food Security Act
The Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana
National Mission on Sustainable Agriculture
Crop intensification, the adoption of crop types that can withstand high temperatures, and the use of green manures and biofertilizers can all be considered adaptation methods in agriculture.
Since 1995, Search NGO has been working to raise the standard of living in rural areas throughout India. Search NGO is an NGO that promotes sustainable rural development. Their primary program areas are: Water Management, Agricultural Development, Local Participation, and Sustainability, Transform Lives one school at a time, and Outreach for Development. This NGO Environment India, was founded as a public, charitable trust and develop sustainable programs to address rural India's most urgent needs.
By enhancing the skills of farmers, particularly women farmers, in innovative agricultural technology and improved agricultural practices that boost crop yields, preserve water, and improve soil fertility, their Agricultural Development Program supports sustainable lives in India.
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sadu27 · 9 months
Sample Assignment -
Table of Contents
1.1 Overview of Hayleys PLC
1.2 Business Objectives
Compensation and Rewards at Hayleys PLC
2.1 Compensation and Reward Framework
2.2 Performance-Based Compensation
2.3 Benefits and Non-Monetary Rewards
HR Metrics and Evaluation
3.1 Gathering HR Metric Data
3.2 Interpretation of HR Metrics
3.3 Recommendations for Improvement
Predictive Analysis and Future Outlook
4.1 Predictive Analysis Methods
4.2 Future HR Strategies
4.3 Recommendations for the Future
1. Introduction 
1.1 Overview of Hayleys PLC
Hayleys PLC, a well-known company with its headquarters in Colombo, Sri Lanka, has a long history that dates back to its founding in 1878. Hayleys PLC, which operates in a variety of industries like manufacturing, transportation, agriculture, and consumer goods, is essential to Sri Lanka's economic development. This research launches a thorough investigation into Hayleys PLC's Compensation & Rewards processes, assesses relevant HR KPIs, makes use of predictive analysis to project outcomes in the future, and offers tactical recommendations.
1.2 Business Objectives
Hayleys PLC has carefully matched its corporate goals with a vision for enduring growth and involvement in the community. These goals include increasing market share, promoting innovation in sustainable products, preserving strict corporate governance standards, and actively promoting social and environmental welfare. The long-term success of the business depends on the HR operations, particularly compensation and rewards, being in line with these overarching goals.
Business objectives are the specific, measurable, and time-bound goals that an organization sets to guide its activities and measure its success. These objectives serve as a roadmap for the company, helping it align its resources, make strategic decisions, and track progress. Here are some common business objectives for organizations in general:
Profitability: Most organizations aim to generate profit, ensuring that revenues exceed expenses. Profitability objectives can be further refined, such as achieving a certain profit margin or increasing net income.
Market Expansion: Many companies seek to expand their presence in existing markets or enter new markets. This objective can involve geographic expansion, targeting new customer segments, or diversifying product lines.
Customer Satisfaction: Maintaining and improving customer satisfaction is a critical objective. This often includes goals related to customer retention rates, the Net Promoter Score (NPS), or customer feedback ratings.
Innovation: Companies often strive to innovate to stay competitive. Objectives in this category may involve developing new products or services, improving existing ones, or fostering a culture of innovation within the organization.
Cost Efficiency: Reducing operational costs and improving efficiency is a common objective. Organizations set targets to lower production costs, optimize supply chains, or streamline processes.
Market Leadership: Some businesses aim to become industry leaders or maintain their position at the top. This could involve gaining a certain market share, brand recognition, or industry influence.
Sustainability: With growing environmental concerns, sustainability objectives are becoming more common. These can include reducing carbon emissions, adopting eco-friendly practices, or achieving specific sustainability certifications.
Employee Development: Organizations may prioritize the growth and development of their workforce. This could involve objectives related to employee training, career advancement, or employee satisfaction.
Financial Stability: Ensuring financial stability and resilience against economic downturns is vital. Objectives may include maintaining a healthy cash reserve, managing debt, or diversifying revenue streams.
Social Responsibility: Many companies aim to be socially responsible by contributing positively to society. This could involve corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives, charitable giving, or community involvement.
Business Objectives of Hayleys PLC, Sri Lanka:
Hayleys PLC is a prominent conglomerate in Sri Lanka with diverse business interests across various industries. While I don't have access to specific, up-to-date information on their objectives beyond my last knowledge update in September 2021, I can provide a general idea of what some of their business objectives might encompass:
Diversification: Hayleys PLC has historically focused on diversifying its business portfolio. They may continue to pursue objectives related to expanding into new industries or markets to reduce risk and enhance growth opportunities.
Sustainability: Given the global emphasis on sustainability, Hayleys PLC may have objectives related to environmental sustainability, including reducing their carbon footprint, promoting green practices, and potentially obtaining sustainability certifications.
Market Leadership: In their respective industries, Hayleys PLC companies may have objectives to maintain or strengthen their positions as market leaders, whether it's in agriculture, transportation, or manufacturing.
Global Expansion: If they aim to expand beyond Sri Lanka, their objectives may include entering new international markets or expanding their footprint in existing ones.
Innovation: To stay competitive, Hayleys PLC entities might have objectives related to product and process innovation, fostering a culture of continuous improvement.
Financial Performance: Ensuring financial stability and growth would likely be a key objective, with targets related to revenue, profitability, and cost management.
Social Responsibility: Hayleys PLC may have objectives tied to their corporate social responsibility efforts, such as supporting local communities, promoting education, or contributing to healthcare initiatives.
It's important to note that the specific business objectives of Hayleys PLC may evolve over time based on market conditions, industry trends, and the company's strategic priorities. For the most accurate and up-to-date information, you may want to refer to their official corporate reports or statements.
2. Compensation and Rewards at Hayleys PLC
2.1 Compensation and Reward Framework
This section explores Hayleys PLC's complex system for compensation and rewards. This analysis explains the approaches used by the corporation in designing and administering remuneration and awards for its diverse workforce using data taken from the company's annual reports, HR reports, and internal policy documents.
A company's compensation and reward mechanism, often referred to as its compensation strategy or package, is a critical aspect of its overall human resources management. This mechanism encompasses the various ways in which the company compensates and rewards its employees for their work and contributions. Here's a description of the typical components and considerations involved in a company's compensation and reward mechanism:
1. Base Salary:
Base salary is the fixed, regular payment an employee receives for performing their job. It is typically determined based on factors such as job role, experience, and market rates. Companies may conduct periodic salary reviews to ensure competitiveness.
2. Performance-Based Pay:
Performance-based pay includes bonuses, commissions, or incentive programs tied to individual or team achievements. These rewards are designed to motivate employees to excel in their roles and contribute to the company's goals.
3. Benefits and Perks:
Employee benefits can include health insurance, dental coverage, retirement plans (e.g., 401(k)), and paid time off (e.g., vacation and sick leave). Companies may also offer additional perks like flexible work arrangements, wellness programs, and on-site facilities.
4. Equity and Stock Options:
Equity compensation, such as stock options or restricted stock units (RSUs), is often offered to key employees and executives. It aligns their interests with the company's long-term success and can be a valuable part of their compensation package.
5. Recognition and Awards:
Employee recognition programs acknowledge exceptional performance and contributions. These can take the form of awards, certificates, or public recognition within the company.
6. Career Development and Training:
Investing in employee development through training programs, workshops, and tuition assistance is another form of compensation. It helps employees grow in their careers and can be viewed as a valuable benefit.
7. Profit-Sharing and Employee Ownership:
Some companies share a portion of their profits with employees through profit-sharing programs or employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs). This encourages employees to think and act like owners, driving company success.
8. Non-Financial Rewards:
Non-financial rewards, such as opportunities for advancement, challenging assignments, and a positive work environment, can be equally important to many employees.
9. Pay transparency:
Many organizations are moving toward greater pay transparency, sharing information about salary ranges, promotion criteria, and performance evaluation processes. This helps build trust and fairness in compensation practices.
10. Market Research and Benchmarking:
Companies often conduct market research and benchmarking to ensure their compensation packages are competitive within their industry and region. This helps attract and retain top talent.
11. Considerations for Fairness and Diversity:
Companies are increasingly focused on ensuring fairness and equity in compensation. This includes addressing gender pay gaps, promoting diversity and inclusion, and implementing anti-discrimination policies.
A well-designed compensation and reward mechanism is essential for attracting and retaining talent, motivating employees, and aligning their efforts with the company's strategic objectives. It should be adaptable to changing market conditions and company goals while adhering to principles of fairness and transparency. Additionally, it's important for companies to regularly review and update their compensation strategies to remain competitive in the talent market.
A proper human resources (HR) framework is crucial for the effective management of an organization's workforce and plays a pivotal role in achieving the company's strategic objectives. Here's a description of the importance of having a well-defined HR framework:
Talent Acquisition and Retention: A well-established HR framework ensures that the organization attracts, hires, and retains the right talent. This involves creating job descriptions, conducting interviews, and offering competitive compensation packages. By doing so, it helps maintain a skilled and motivated workforce.
Compliance and Legal Obligations: HR frameworks ensure that the organization complies with labor laws, regulations, and industry standards. This includes managing employment contracts, handling workplace disputes, and ensuring fair labor practices, which can mitigate legal risks and liabilities.
Employee Development: An effective HR framework includes strategies for training and development. It identifies employee skill gaps, offers training programs, and facilitates career progression, contributing to a highly skilled and adaptable workforce.
Performance Management: HR frameworks include processes for setting performance expectations, conducting regular evaluations, and providing feedback to employees. This promotes accountability and encourages employees to perform at their best.
Employee Engagement: Engaged employees are more productive and satisfied. HR frameworks often include initiatives to measure and improve employee engagement, such as surveys, recognition programs, and communication strategies.
Diversity and Inclusion: Inclusivity is a key focus of modern HR frameworks. They promote diversity in hiring and foster an inclusive workplace culture, which enhances creativity, innovation, and organizational adaptability.
Conflict Resolution: HR frameworks provide guidelines and procedures for addressing workplace conflicts and grievances. An effective HR department can help resolve issues promptly and fairly, preventing disruptions to the workplace.
Cost Management: HR frameworks aim to optimize human resource costs while maintaining productivity and quality. This includes managing compensation, benefits, and workforce planning to ensure financial sustainability.
Change Management: HR plays a critical role in managing organizational change. Whether it's a restructuring, mergers and acquisitions, or process improvements, HR frameworks help employees adapt to changes smoothly.
Data-Driven Decision-Making: HR frameworks incorporate data analysis and reporting to make informed decisions. Metrics like turnover rates, employee satisfaction scores, and productivity indicators guide strategic planning.
2.2 Performance-Based Compensation
The main objective of this segment is to provide a thorough analysis of the relationship between Hayleys PLC employee performance and compensation. An analysis of performance review procedures, incentive schemes, and their influence on employee motivation and retention will yield useful best practice recommendations.
2.3 Benefits and Non-Monetary Rewards
In this thorough investigation, we look into the wide range of advantages and intangible rewards provided by Hayleys PLC. These consist of benefits including healthcare, retirement plans, and employee rewards schemes. There will be a thorough explanation of how these offers affect employee satisfaction, engagement, and productivity.
3. HR Metrics and Evaluation
3.1 Gathering HR Metric Data
This part sets off on a painstaking path of information gathering. We create a comprehensive dataset about compensation and rewards by gathering information from many sources, including annual reports, HR reports, and internal HR databases. The gathered information forms the basis for data-driven HR decision-making.
3.2 Interpretation of HR Metrics
During this crucial stage of our study, we thoroughly investigated the dataset of HR measurements. Through a thorough analysis of key performance indicators (KPIs) and industry comparisons, the goal is to reveal the current condition of compensation and rewards at Hayleys PLC. The interpretive analysis serves as the foundation for our suggestions.
3.3 Recommendations for Improvement
This crucial section offers a roadmap for improving Hayleys PLC's compensation and rewards practices based on the learnings from the review of HR KPIs. The suggestions made are doable and concentrated on ways the business may improve its tactics, so they are more in line with its broad business goals.
4. Predictive Analysis and Future Outlook
4.1 Predictive Analysis Methods
The culmination of our analytical trip is this part. We project future results for Hayleys PLC using sophisticated predictive analysis techniques, concentrating on HR-related factors. To generate accurate and data-driven forecasts, the predictive models make use of historical information and recent trends.
4.2 Future HR Strategies
In this section, the findings of the predictive analysis are examined. We critically evaluate how these findings might affect HR strategies and the performance of the organization in the future. The investigation yielded strategic insights that allow for well-informed decision-making.
4.3 Recommendations for the Future
This section, which is the core of our report, offers a comprehensive list of recommendations based on the findings of our predictive analysis. We provide concrete recommendations for projects and tactics that Hayleys PLC should think about using to ensure continued success while adamantly upholding its primary business goals.
1. Financial Performance:
Predictive analysis can involve evaluating historical financial data, such as revenue, profit margins, and cash flow, to forecast future financial performance. Analysts might use techniques like trend analysis, regression models, and time-series forecasting to make predictions.
2. Market Trends:
Assessing market trends and industry forecasts is crucial for a conglomerate like Hayleys with interests in various sectors. Predictive analysis can involve monitoring macroeconomic indicators, industry-specific data, and consumer behavior to anticipate market conditions.
3. Risk Assessment:
Identifying and quantifying risks is an essential part of predictive analysis. This includes evaluating factors like geopolitical risks, regulatory changes, supply chain disruptions, and currency fluctuations that may impact Hayley's businesses.
4. Customer Behavior:
Understanding customer behavior and preferences is vital for businesses across sectors. Predictive analysis can involve customer segmentation, sentiment analysis, and predictive modeling to anticipate changes in customer demand and preferences.
5. Operational Efficiency:
Predictive analysis can help optimize operations by forecasting demand, identifying production bottlenecks, and optimizing supply chain logistics. This can enhance cost efficiency and competitiveness.
6. Sustainability and ESG Factors:
As environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations become increasingly important, predictive analysis may involve assessing how Hayley's sustainability initiatives and ESG practices could impact its future performance and reputation.
7. Expansion Strategies:
For a conglomerate like Hayleys, predictive analysis can aid in evaluating potential expansion opportunities, whether through geographic expansion, acquisitions, or diversification into new industries.
8. Technological Trends:
Staying abreast of technological trends and innovations is critical. Predictive analysis can assess how emerging technologies might disrupt or enhance Hayley's businesses and inform investment decisions.
9. Competitor Analysis:
Evaluating the strategies and performance of competitors can provide insights into potential threats and opportunities. Predictive analysis can help anticipate competitive dynamics.
10. Scenario Planning:
Scenario planning involves creating multiple future scenarios based on different assumptions and assessing the impact of each scenario on Hayley's businesses. This helps in preparing for a range of possible outcomes.
5. Conclusion
In conclusion, this research has investigated the compensation and rewards practices of Hayleys PLC in depth, evaluated HR indicators in depth, tapped the potential of predictive analysis to map out the future, and provided practical advice. These factors coming together represent a comprehensive strategy for ensuring Hayleys PLC's long-term expansion, viability, and compliance with its main business goals.
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starseedpatriot · 1 year
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Regarding UN Sustainable Development Goals
An excellent reply by Alexandra Latypova when asked how her company would meet the UN SDG’s:
“UN is an unelected, unaccountable organization whose pronouncements have no bearing on our company's bylaws, management principles and corporate governance. We resent the implication that they do.  
We do not support UN's "Sustainable Development Goals" and related ideology as we believe it is vague, self-contradictory, unimplementable and overall damaging framework designed to promote the interests of wealthy and powerful individuals and corporations at the expense of the working people globally. 
"Sustainability" is a purposefully undefined but pleasantly sounding nonsense.  The 17 "goals" made up by overpaid bureaucrats are designed to obfuscate the reality - the monopolizing of control over the world's resources and subjugation of the people who never consented to be governed in this manner. 
As an example of absurdity, the core of the SDG program for development and poverty reduction relies on industrial growth — ever-increasing levels of extraction, production, and consumption.
Goal 8 calls for 7% annual GDP growth in the least developed countries and higher levels of economic productivity across the board, calling for less and more at the same time.  
The most recent example of SDG in action is the devastating collapse of the entire country of Sri Lanka precipitated by capricious "sustainability" burdens such as bans on fertilizer and ban on non-organic farming which led to widespread hardship and civil unrest. 
Widespread protests of farmers are currently ongoing in the Netherlands and other European countries.  The hardworking people are pushed to the brink of despair by the SDG inspired "green" nonsense while UN's corporate sponsors like Bill Gates are simultaneously purchasing all arable land in sight. 
“Sustainable water" agenda comes with Nestle's sponsorship which aims to have all freshwater on Earth owned by corporations. 
“Health" goals are sponsored by the global pharmaceutical companies and, unsurprisingly, aim at increasing government purchases of drugs, elimination of individual health choices and informed consent as already demonstrated by the global covid-19 policies to date. 
In summary, we do not support UN and its agenda 2030.  We think nobody should. 
Collectivist utopias have led to devastation both human and environmental every single time they were attempted, and UN's SDG is yet another attempt. 
We strongly believe in the individual rights to free thought, expression and self-determination, as only truly free individuals can build a just, moral, non-fraudulent society for common good.”
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hdo-srilanka · 11 months
HDO Sri Lanka - Humanitarian Development Organization Sri Lanka
HDO Sri Lanka is a Local NGO is carrying out Rehabilitation/ Development programs at Northern Province in Sri Lanka from February 2016. HDO is registered with the NGO Secretariat at the National Level – Voluntary Social Services, Ministry of Coexistence Dialogue and Official Languages in Sri Lanka (Reg: No: L – 163104) HDO has implemented its projects in the Northern Province of Sri Lanka having defined its purpose of existence as:
Engage with resettled women’s communities to strengthen their asset recovery process
Facilitate and interface with governance structures to ensure space for women to raise their voices through appropriate line agencies.
Involve women in resettlement planning by identifying their concerns and resolve them within the scope of the resources available.
HDO and its constituent communities are working with the challenges of post-conflict development efforts in the Northern Province of Sri Lanka having to deal with complex externalities.
The operational area has been and will be the northern districts of Sri Lanka, with the aim to rebuild livelihood assets with the assistance of the government and participation of local communities. Within this framework HDO has the following as its key principles of engagement:
Increased self-reliance and reduced dependency: mobilization and organizational strengthening.
Improved participation of women and girls: decision making and education and employment sectors.
Improved access to vocational and technical skills leading livelihood assets building: creating self-employment and enterprises development though skilled development training.  
Building marketable skills, with national qualifications to mainstream collaboration with the private sector: linking micro industries.
Improved access to government services and schemes: solving land rights, accessing subsidies and grants for resettlers.
Increased organizational empowerment  and improve the participation in advocacy forums
Public and private sector collaboration: building partnerships.
Improved access to resources, services and supplies
Ensuring the protection of citizens’ rights: building local capacities to improve governance.
Identify and address cross-cutting issues: gender, child rights, SGBV etc.
Prevention of alcohol, tobacco and drug use: children, youth and adults forums.
HDO’s goal is to improve skills to youths and women for their long term sustainability. Improving skills to an individual, will improve their generation to be a best life.  Our most of the programme was particularly successful in mobilizing women and youth in the project areas with the aim of discovering Livelihoods. Moreover, we see a lot of young girls who attended our training sessions had managed to access employment within the newly established private sector agencies in the area.
In overall, HDO Sri Lanka in this pursuit made efforts to contribute towards the Sustainable Development Goals which recognized the key ingredients of development to access education by children; improved access to employment for women, particularly in sectors outside agriculture.
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eyeviewsl · 1 year
INSEE Ecocycle: Realizing a Circular Economy through Innovative Waste Management
INSEE Ecocycle: Realizing a Circular Economy through Innovative Waste Management
As Sri Lanka marks World Environment Day, INSEE Ecocycle takes center stage as the pioneering force in waste management, driven by the principles of the circular economy. With a profound commitment to sustainability and respect for the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, INSEE Ecocycle has emerged as a game-changer in waste disposal, waste recovery, and overall waste management…
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abhibediskar · 1 year
How ISO 14001 Certification Enhances Environmental Sustainability: 7 Proven Steps
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ISO 14001 Standards: The Source to Reveal Ecological Significances
Depending on their type and size, businesses in Sri Lanka cannot serve the same purposes. They demonstrate various moods among clients as they provide a variety of services and strive to be more effective. But they might be able to improve their success in their jobs and markets by just adhering to a few rules.
The equilibrium of the environment cannot be changed. Any company in Sri Lanka, however, is able to follow the guidelines set out by the International Organization for Standardization. This is possible by adhering to the correct ISO 14001:2015 Standard standards.
The procedures and other methods used to achieve ISO 14001 Certification indirectly encourage positive and healthy vibes in the workplace, industry, and surrounding. The principles outlined by the ISO 14001 Standards aid in the efficient development of the Environmental Management System (EMS) framework.
Implementing the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System (EMS) is the main goal of adhering to ISO 14001 Compliance. It offers companies a framework for developing, putting into practice, maintaining, and continuously enhancing their environmental performance.
Seven Proven Steps That Assuredly Bring Environmental Sustainability
The following steps are involved to bring better Environmental Management with the help of ISO 14001 Certification:
1.      Adopt a policy for the environment in accordance with ISO 14001 certification
An organization must develop and publish a clear environmental policy expressing its commitment to environmental protection, compliance with applicable laws, and pollution prevention. The observance of environmental rules can elevate the reputation of your business. Enterprises may meet and surpass environmental regulations with the help of ISO 14001.
2.      Help Your Business to Develop an Effective EMS-Based Plan
In order to evaluate possibilities and risks associated with their operations, products, and services, companies must plan in order to comprehend their environmental impacts and aspects. They should set goals and targets and develop a plan to achieve them in order to improve their environmental performance.
An organization's commitment to transparency and accountability in environmental management is demonstrated by its ISO 14001 Certification.
3.      Implementing Functions of ISO 14001 Certification
Utilizing ISO 14001 promotes sustainable practices, waste reduction, pollution prevention, and resource efficiency, which helps businesses improve their environmental performance.
The purpose of this phase is to determine how to implement the Environmental Management System. The steps are as follows:
●       Fulfilling legal environmental duties:
●       Putting in place policies to address environmental problems;
●       Establishing operational controls; educating personnel;
●       Emergency preparedness is covered in full
4.      It's Time to Check and Make Corrections.
Organizations should adhere to ISO 14001 Certification in order to measure and frequently monitor important environmental indicators. They are required to monitor development and ensure adherence. Organizations should carry out ISO 14001 Audits (Gap Analysis and ISO 14001 Internal Audit) to identify areas that require improvement and manage non-conformities.
Businesses are encouraged by ISO 14001 to assess how they utilize resources, energy, and waste. The requirements for ISO 14001 Certification give a foundation for incorporating employees in environmental management activities.
5.      Make the Management Review of ISO 14001 Certification your Goal.
Top management should regularly examine the EMS to assess its effectiveness and make any necessary adjustments. In order to complete this evaluation, the organization's environmental sustainability must be evaluated. Changing conditions must also be taken into consideration, and the system's ongoing appropriateness and sufficiency must be guaranteed.
An organization's well-respected ISO 14001 accreditation demonstrates its commitment to environmental care. The ISO 14001 Certification may offer a competitive edge. Businesses may proactively identify and minimize environmental hazards with the help of ISO 14001.
6.      Better Cost Management
In Sri Lanka, an Environmental Management System can save money by boosting output, cutting waste, and better-managing resources. The cost of the ISO 14001 EMS depends on the following elements: the required training; the level of expertise of the hired personnel; the size and type of the company or business; the required number of consultants and other resources.
In the end, ISO 14001 could help businesses save money and protect the environment, which is good for everyone. The goals for achieving environmental sustainability are laid forth in ISO 14001 EMS.
7.      Embrace Ongoing Improvement
This concept is strongly emphasized in the ISO 14001 standard. Organizations should work to reduce their negative environmental effects. This may be done by setting new objectives, putting new concepts into practice, and involving new parties.
External feedback and knowledge gained from earlier experiences should be included to help the EMS grow. The ISO 14001 Certification is what opens up new market opportunities and commercial opportunities. Thanks to ISO 14001, environmental performance keeps getting better.
Businesses can demonstrate their commitment to attaining environmental sustainability. To enhance company reputation, reduce operational risk, and uphold regulatory requirements. ISO 14001 Certification comes first when it comes to optimizing resource utilization by putting the EMS Standard into practice. The standard encourages a culture of continuous improvement that leads to environmental excellence and provides a logical approach to handling environmental challenges. Your company can successfully achieve environmental excellence in Sri Lanka for sure just by adhering to the terms and conditions of ISO 14001 Certification.
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