djschneida · 5 years
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Gemeinsam Spass haben & Spielen 😎 haben ist wichtig und wenn es noch pädagogischen Mehrwert hat umso besser. Mathe lieben wir ja bekanntlich alle, daher würde es mich interessieren, wie ihr es euren Kindern spielerisch näher bringt!? . . #werbung #sumblox #sumbloxdeutschland #daddyblogger #dadlife #daddylife #daddytime #daddyandson #daddy #instadad #fatherandson #blogger_de #blogger_at #austrianblogger #igersaustria #igersvienna #familytime #papablogger #papablogger_de #papablogger_at #instagram_kids #lebenmitkindern #instagramhusband #daddysview #dadsofinstagram #instapapa #familytime #qualitytime #mathsisfun #mathelernen #spielerischlernen (hier: Vienna, Austria) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs2kT-dnYRq/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=43jk64dj6cun
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missnataliesroom · 3 years
Resource Links for Teachers
Hi all, 
This post will be a live document where I add links for educational tools, toys, and assignment generators. I’ll come back and edit the list as I need to.
Sumblox Number Blocks:
So I heard about these from a tiktok. They’re basically number blocks whose physical size reflect their value (the number 1 is smaller that the 9 to show that 9 is greater than 1). They seem to be pretty pricey but the “booster pack” which just has numbers 1-10 is about $30 USD. -currently sold out-
Teach Starter
Teach Starter is a website that has lots of widgets like random name pickers, assignment generators, blog posts, and other teaching resources. You can create an account for free but not all of the resources are free to use/access. The paid membership costs about $9 USD/month or $69 USD/year. If you choose to keep the free version, I would select the grade you need resources for and search for “free” in their search bar. 
Education to the Core
Education to the Core is a website similar to that of Teach Starter and TeachersPayTeachers (if you're familiar with that) where you pay for each resource you want to use. You need to create an account to and the price of that resource is listed. They have lessons, worksheets, color-by-numbers, and other printables. 
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stejarmasiv · 4 years
Recent Sumblox a ajuns în atenția mea, în primul rând din cauză că este produs din lemn și în al doilea rând pentru că apreciez jucăriile educative.
Se adugă unei liste destul de consistente de produse din lemn cu scop didactic sau de amuzament. Am început cu Jenga, turnul instabil, am ajuns la Cuboro, pistele pentru bile metalice, Kapla, Quoridor – inteligența și jocurile de strategie, Kong Ming – jucărie inteligentă din lemn, Cribbage – jocul din lemn de pe submarine.
Kong Ming
Să nu uităm furorile făcute de Kendama, deși am sentimentul că s-a stins, la fel ca flama cu care a aprins interesul celor mari sau mici.
Sumblox folosește proporțiile pieselor pentru a introduce matematica în mod vizual în lumea celor mici. Stivuind cifre, dacă obținem aceeași înălțime, avem relații matematice aritmetice simple între elementele ce le compun. Copiii înțeleg mai simplu relațiile aritmetice dacă le vizualizează. Pentru că vorbim despre lemn, aplic aceeași metodă în cazul cubajului. Un metru cub de scândură de 25 de mm are o suprafață de circa 40 de mp și vizualizez un cub de 1x1x1 pe care-l ”feliez” orizontal în 40 de straturi. La 5 cm grosime obținem 20 de mp, în cazul poștei de lemn.
Pare ciudat că nu l-am întâlnit până acum, face parte din gama de produse asociate metodei Montessori, însă nu este ieftin. Prețul la care se comercializează Sumblox în România duce un set la câteva sute de lei. Am văzut cutii adaptate pieței franceze, germane, deci are o răspândire apreciabilă. Compania care-l produce este în Utah, USA și se pare că succesul comercial este justificat de aprecierea reală în educația copiilor. Piesele sunt fabricate din fag, iar prelucrarea implică neapărat un CNC.
Ne apropiem de începutul anului școlar 2020-2021, școala va arăta într-un fel de neînchipuit. Aș face un salt în viitor să văd ce părere avem peste 5 ani despre perioada de acum, și bănuiesc că vom zâmbi amar gândindu-ne cum bâjbâiam după soluții fără să cunoaștem textul problemei reale.
Părinții trebuie să se implice în educație, mai ales în clasele primare. Jocurile instructive, cum este Sumblox, pot ajuta într-o fază emergentă. Piesele de domino au fost în familia mea un subiect apreciat, deși a trecut repede. Dexteritatea de a le așeza în șiruri ce vor cădea a fost pusă la încercare, iar greșelile frustrante care năruiau speranțe construite pe jumătate au dus la abandon prematur.
Alegeți să deschideți fereastra inteligenței corelând vizualizarea cu cifrele scrise. Este fantastic de important să ne imaginăm, să vedem cu ochii aplicabilitatea calculelor.
Școală, studii, programă școlară, profesori, teste, comunicare online, device-uri smart … va fi un mixt cu gust imposibil de ghicit.
Sumblox – joc educativ din lemn pentru matematică Recent Sumblox a ajuns în atenția mea, în primul rând din cauză că este produs din lemn și în al doilea rând pentru că apreciez jucăriile educative.
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tksstgiftguide · 7 years
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These blocks are super smart and perfect for learning math: Sumblox are wooden numbers that are proportional in height to their number value. Stack the 2 and 3 blocks and they'll be the same height as the 5 block. Equal height, equal value. It’s so simple and useful for learning! Works for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, and just getting to know numbers in the first place, and they stack beautifully. Hands-on math! Excellent for schools.
Buy this toy
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babyp73 · 5 years
Números Sumblox
Seguro que este material que os voy a enseñar os va a encantar tanto como a mi.
Nuevo material en las aulas de infantil.
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Números Sumblox, son increíbles, con ellos podemos hacer sumas , restas, multiplicaciones, fracciones……
Están hechos de madera de haya maciza, muy fáciles de manipular.
Los números van de más pequeño a más grande, según el valor que tenga cada pieza, así es que el número…
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thegloober · 6 years
The 7 Most Beautifully Designed Children’s Toys, According to Someone Who Actually Knows
As a father with kids who like stuff and me also liking stuff, I have a lot of stuff. In my children’s’ rooms are an embarrassment of stuffed animals, a tumult of toys, a menagerie of tiny chairs and knee-high desks. Much of this stuff is, let’s face, it aesthetically worthless.  Most of it is plastic, which means this aesthetic worthlessness will be around for millennia. Design for children, too often, has been conflated with bright colors, bold shapes and shoddy construction. But in a new book Design for Children, author Kimberlie Birks showcases more than 450 designs for children from some of the century’s greatest visual minds from Phillippe Starck to Piero Lissoni. We recently chatted with Birks about what her deep dive into children’s design taught her and asked her to pick her favorite designs from the book.
Do you find children’s design has more in common with its contemporary adult designs or with children’s design through time? That is, is a toy made in 1950 more similar to a desk made in 1950 or a toy made in 1980?
Children’s objects are often a signal of the times, reflecting both the evolution of the design industry and shifts in public perception. Fascinatingly, much of the design history of the twentieth century can be traced through developments in children’s furniture, as their smaller scale was ideal for designers seeking to test new materials and processes. From the wood and tubular steel constructions of the Bauhaus in the 1920s, to the plastic pioneers of the 1960s, the remarkable technical, material and aesthetic innovations made in design for children reflected—and often led—the wider design field. As such, children’s design can be often seen to have more in common with its contemporary adult designs than with children’s designs from other eras.
What elements make a design for children successful? Are they any different than what makes a design for an adult successful?
As anyone who has spent significant time around kids will know, durability, cleanability and safety are essential, but good design for children should also invite an imaginative relationship. Objects that are open-ended and not entirely prescriptive as to how they can or should be used encourage kids to engage with them, exercising their brains and bodies in a variety of ways. Exceptional children’s objects always respond to their specific needs, rather than simply mimicking an adult design at a smaller scale. This is why noteworthy creations often come from designers who are themselves parents.
How many of these designs have you actually tested with children?
While we did not conduct field research, the designers definitely did. Many of the objects in the book were created by parents who, dissatisfied by the options available, took matters into their own hands to produce toys and furniture that were tailored to their firsthand experience of children. Objects like the Babysitter by BabyBjörn (1961) and the Tripp Trapp chair (1972) have become classics because their design responds to the specific needs of children so well, while clever toys like SumBlox (2014) grew out of a teacher’s desire to help children learn early math skills. It was also nice to see that there are people like Renate Müller, who has been creating beautiful toys for children with physical and mental disabilities for decades.
Source: https://bloghyped.com/the-7-most-beautifully-designed-childrens-toys-according-to-someone-who-actually-knows/
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looksmartteam · 7 years
Check now how #super #jimu #robot and #smart7team helps kids learn code and computer programming! #stem #steam #stemed #stemkids #stemeducation #makerkids #ideas #goodfun #lankakade #thedadlab_toys #sumblox #handsonmath #creativetable #homeschool #preschool #engineer #youngengineers #kidsactivities #robot #handmade #kidbloggersofig #kbnmoms #invitationtocreate #steamtable #numbers #mathactivities #math
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makrhunt · 8 years
These days we are highly focused on the use of technology in the classroom, but with these hands-on learning blocks, you can incorporate the fun of building with wooden blox without the tech. When you stack 2 numbers on top of each other the sum equals the value of the block of the same height. […] from SumBlox
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stejarmasiv · 3 years
Jocuri fabricate din lemn
Jocuri fabricate din lemn
Seria de jocuri fabricate din lemn începută cu Jenga, Cribbage, Sling Shot, Sumblox, Quoridor, Kong Ming, Kubb, Kapla, Cuboro, tot crește, lista e lungă de tot și parcă mi-e greu să cred că se vor mai găsi și alte idei. Și totuși întâlnesc alte și alte idei, cu funcționalitate surprinzătoare, care captivează … Jocurile de mai jos sunt ceva diferit, când le-am văzut am considerat că sunt…
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makrhunt · 8 years
These days we are highly focused on the use of technology in the classroom, but with these hands-on learning blocks, you can incorporate the fun of building with wooden blox without the tech. When you stack 2 numbers on top of each other the sum equals the value of the block of the same height. […] from SumBlox
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