#Starswirl is a dick
MLP Friendship University
Honestly I think we'd just skip this one since we kinda killed Starswirl and the Flim Flam Brothers are doing fine in Las Pegasus and don't need to scam people.
We might just have some other nonsense with Neighsay being a dick and Cozy hinting at her more evil intentions
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angycryptid · 1 year
I've come to make an announcement; Starswirl the Bearded is a bitch ass motherfucker, he pissed on my fucking wife. Thats right, he took his fucking horse cock out and he pissed on my fucking wife, and he said his dick was "This big" and I said that's disgusting, so I'm making a callout post on my twitter dot com, Starswirl the Bearded, you've got a small dick, it's the size of this walnut except WAY smaller, and guess what? Here's what my dong looks like: PFFFT, THAT'S RIGHT, BABY. ALL POINTS, NO GIRTH, NO PILLOWS. Look at that, it looks like two balls and a bong. He fucked my wife so guess what? I'm gonna fuck Equestria. THAT'S RIGHT THIS IS WHAT YOU GET, MY SUPER LASER PISS! Except I'm not gonna piss on Equestria. I'm gonna go higher. I'M PISSING ON THE SUN! HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT, CELESTIA? I PISSED ON THE SUN YOU IDIOT! YOU HAVE 23 HOURS BEFORE THE PISS DROPLETS HIT FUCKING EQUESTRIA NOW GET OUT OF MY SIGHT BEFORE I PISS ON YOU TOO
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ask-wiggles · 7 years
i can’t believe hasbro stole my oc again
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rikkiroo1008 · 3 years
I'm rewatching My Little Pony Friendship is Magic.
And like I just managed to finish season 7 and I never got this dar during it a original run. Buuuuuuut, does any else think Starswirl is kind of a dick.
Like he didn't even try to let themselves explain themselves of their actions before he thought through his own actions. Like he kinda sounded like an egotistical asshole.
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prettyponyblog · 3 years
For the salty asks: 4, 9, & 20 please.
4. Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?
i used to dislike soarindash, but then i realised i just disliked the way the fandom characterized him and canon soarin is a massive himbo. i can get behind that. one that i still dislike? zephyrdash. sorry haha. oH and blueblood/rarity
9 . Most disliked character(s)? Why?
uhh, sludge’s a bit of a dick but thats kind of the point (i dont count characters youre supposed to dislike, it feels like a cop-out) i would say trenderhoof but i mostly find him amusing.
WAIT I GOT IT. show starswirl. i get what they were going for but i think we were spoiled with comic starswirl and i just cant bring myself to enjoy the gullible dickhead we got. ffs he banished a literal child to limbo. dude.
20 . What is the purest ship in the fandom?
ok i really like this one cause its not abt my opinion on a ship but on the way the fandom treats them!! like while i think flutterdash is mega wholesome, there are just some pure fandom ships out there
heres my list of what ships i think the fandom treats the most wholesomely!!
fluttermac, cmc polycule/any cmc ship, flutterpie, novolestia, sombrapie aaaand lyrabon
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dykemare · 4 years
ALSO I think with the way they did starswirl it should’ve been a don’t meet ur hero’s kind of situation, sometimes ppl who do/did great things are just assholes with shit personalities. but in the end his personality did a 180 and he was nice n apologetic. Like I think either making him an accidental genius senile old man or just a serious asshole bcz some people will just be like that (especially old men frm 1000 years ago lol) would’ve been better than how he was written in canon, but also it’s a kids show and probably trying to teach that everyone needs to apologise when they act like a dick lol
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grifalinas · 5 years
Oh, Starswirl is a dick :(
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Twilight: Starswirl slept three hours a year. Look at what he did
Starlight: I’m concerned about you, Twilight. I’m concerned about you
Twilight: You’re gonna come at me like that?
Starlight: Listen, if you gotta be a dick...
*a filly comes up to them, wanting Twilight’s autograph*
Starlight: ...tator
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monkey-network · 5 years
Good Stuff ~ Stray Thoughts: The Beginning of the End {MLP}
*INHALE* Ahhh, it’s good to be back.
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PART 1 Can’t Wake Up
You know it’s trouble when everyone has to book it.
Applejack, she already jinxed it, so it’s best to go along
“Longest Period of Harmony“? We got literal demons, a god of chaos, evil vines, Xehanort ponified, an entire hivemind army, Starlight, and a child villain, all in what feels like a couple years, what the fuck kind of peace is this?
Oh, you’re just providing the fact that you and Luna haven’t contributed much of anything.
But why retire, tho?
Honestly, let Discord run Equestria. He’s practically  Thanos to where any problem can die with a snap. My god, you two can be useless.
Why? They have lives on their own and you just throw the throne at them just like that? Plus your power is raising the sun and moon so how could they. What the FU- This is the worst fucking plan I’ve ever heard.
Seriously, Celestia, this is the dirtiest shit you could ever pull.
C’mon, Discord, I’m suppose to be the justified buzzkill here
Real friends can see your freakouts coming and work with it.
I love that the show is acknowledging the typical routine of these premieres AND how useless Celestia and Luna have been.
Also, where is Starlight?
They forgot the hentai.
MY LITTLE PONY: Friendship is Nepotism
Bug Queen, babey
She’s seen better days.
Cozy Glow, why are you a child? 
And I can relate, Lord Tirek, I don’t want her around either
*Gasp* The M of Mario!
Kill the wooby, Chrysallis. Do it for me.
And I love how off the bat Chryssi is. Clearly best villain.
Sombra, you’re a character that existed.
Grogar sounds like swamp mouthwash.
And why do you hate Twilight and her friends?
And seriously, why is this child here?
To the defense of Cozy, Grogar sounds like a less attractive Gengar
How can you eat light?
Oh that makes sense since he’s a goat, but why, Grogar? Darkness is anti-light.
Sombra, you SPOKE!
Oof, Snap.
Technically, Cozy didn’t lose to ponies if I remember
I’m with Tirek, it is extreme luck.
Oooh, a LEGION OF DOOM! It’s Fiendship is Magic all over again.
I like Sombra already
And Cozy too, especially as a punchline, both figuratively and literally
Oh, it’s Summer. That explains the lack of Yona in this adventure.
Come on, Starlight, we gotta prepare for this shit to end so we can cry appropriately
Yeah Starlight, everyone got nerfed to boost your success
Damn, got you good.
Oh no, it’s the Bye Bye Man
“They thought they could attack me, but then I went UP. HA HA HA!“
Why didn’t you protect the baby, dumb ass?
That takeover was unnaturally quick... this was with every villain?
And that evil laugh is wonderful.
They put a muzzle on the baby. *laughs* That is rich.
“Long live the King“ Cliche
Game of Thrones
Discord, you ass
Gem up, younglings.
Again, this is all surprisingly quick, even for me.
Hehehehehe, they killed him.
We get it, Pinkie, you waste food.
And once again, the day is saved
Wow, the weakest villain ever just destroyed the elements of harmony. Color me... shooketh.
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Part 2 Wake Me Up, Inside
Previously on MLP, Celestia and Luna make slapdash decisions, Sombra’s laugh gives me life, and shit’s fucked
Seriously, that laugh of his has immediately become my favorite evil laugh ever. Where was this guy 6 years ago?
MY LITTLE PONY: Friendship is Brutality
He’s got friends on the other side
You know things gets bad when Pinkie can’t be cringey
It clearly looks like you can jump out the bars
Those crystals aren’t deep rooted? Dammit, Sombra.
All cakes are good in my eyes... except ones with coconut.
The hentai is back.
Chaos chaos! I love it.
*sigh* This reminds me of that one Lord Dominator comic. Good times.
Get ‘em at the ROOTS! THE ROOOOOTS!
Big Mac knows how to knock wood.
Celestia and Luna wouldn’t have succeeded anyway.
A twist nobody saw coming: CELESTIA AND LUNA DOING SOMETHING!
I don’t wanna know about Starswirl’s essence.
Have ya tried teleporting to Sombra? Teleport? Teleport!
Thank you. Was just wasting time here.
Discord, stop being a DICK!
See? That’s what you get for being cocky.
Fluttershy crying? Oh no, I feel REGRET!
Yeah, they don’t need you or the others, but being competent help would certainly be appreciated. Then again, gotta remind myself that this is for kids.
Wait what, is Discord dying?
This is honestly more encouraging than when Captain Marvel tried to apply the same message.
Holy shit, talk about fucking eviscerated! You fucking died, Sombra.
Discord, I oughta stomp ya.
Celestia, I oughta stomp you harder for this.
Discord, what the fuck? Why would do this to Fluttyshy? You oughta get seven across the ass!
I don’t know whether to be sentimental or pissed.
Thank you, Grogar, for showing that wonderful death again. I needed that. In fact,
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Aw, that’s hot. That’s hot.
Why is it six o’clock all of a sudden?
So what did we learn y’all? Besides don’t thrust momentous tasks at people who have a gut feeling that they aren’t ready. Or never trust people that can help easily because they’re a-holes. Or don’t bring a child into the legion of superpowered rulers like what the hell? But I guess, the true lesson is that friendship can push you through the toughest of times and can be there to get your head out your ass and lift like you’ve never done before. Or something, this show is ending and this really hasn’t said anything new besides friendship can freaking wreck you... to a billion pieces.
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MLP Rewrite Shadow Play
I have.
Ehhhhhh feelings on a chunk of this.
The Pillars were kinda tossed in despite other Ponies being potential for the role. Personally we could've brought back that 'Rewritten Lore' thing and used the six from the Hearths' Warming Story.
Starswirl was a dick the whole time. Honestly Twilight should've called him out idk about her Hero Worship she would've dropped that so goddamn fast.
I think you said something before on how they should've just let the Pillars be dead instead of bringing them back.
How did Stygian become 'Pony of Shadows' again? What's the shadows? Why can't he control it?
I just.
This one's a hot mess and with the Lore Rewrites I'd have to go into a lot of shit and I might rewrite my own Lore anyway because I'm using an old hot mess from the mid 2010s as my jumping point that I need to work wit.
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oreasa · 7 years
So, @melodydrake​ and I were basically watching MLP together. Enjoy y’all.
Oreasa: Okay, weren't you the one who was telling me about the connection to the girls' stories and possibly StarSwirl? Oreasa: Tia! You mean you NEVER looked for him?? Melody Drake: I did and she was super young, give her a break Oreasa: Twi, how are you containing your fangirl? Oreasa: Omg, she was blocked by penmanship! Melody Drake: All the geniuses have that problem lol Oreasa: That's fair. It was just a beautiful touch Melody Drake: *nods* Oreasa: I'm concerned the Mane 6 are going to do everything and everyone else is just along for the ride. Oreasa: There's fangirl Twi Melody Drake: She's adorable Oreasa: But Twi, can you get them out without letting the shadow out? Melody Drake: But gets in her own way Melody Drake: Starlight is good in this finale
Oreasa: I feel bad that I forgot her friend's name already. Melody Drake: Sunburst Oreasa: There we go! Melody Drake: Ya welcome lol Oreasa: I'm hoping they both do something important/useful and aren't just along for the ride. Oreasa: Rar, that was fast even for you. Melody Drake: Well....Starlight does. Sunburst, unfortunately, is as much of a fan as Twi, with less than half the magic Oreasa: Dragons!!! Melody Drake: Fuckin Garble Oreasa: Do it, Spike! Melody Drake: I love that bit Oreasa: It was nice Melody Drake: RD got to outsmart someone for once Oreasa: I'm not to that yet Oreasa: In the middle of it. Melody Drake: Heh Oreasa: Wow, Pinkie. Melody Drake: That was the weakest Oreasa: Star has a point. This is going to bite them in the ass. Melody Drake: Star has many points Oreasa: It's not a competition, y'all Oreasa: Ass bitten. Oreasa: I knew this was going to happen. Melody Drake: Yuuup Oreasa: I fucking called this. Melody Drake: The antagonist looks cool Oreasa: idk, it doesn't beat Sombre or Nightmare Moon yet. Melody Drake: The design is awesome in my opinion Melody Drake: Sombra looks like an evil OC imo Oreasa: Sombre had more color.  This is too monochromatic for me. Oreasa: Why didn't they have Luna & Tia on call for backup? Melody Drake: Because reasons Oreasa: I don't like these reasons Melody Drake: And he's called the Pony of Shadows...how many colors do shadows come in? Oreasa: He just looks like Sombre's shadow to me. Oreasa: I'm actually liking Pinkie today. Melody Drake: Wow Oreasa: Starswirl is a jerk Oreasa: Heh, Seapony etiquette. Melody Drake: Starswirl is a dick Oreasa: Another "don't meet your heros" moment. Melody Drake: Though she should have seen it coming Oreasa: Bad Twi, listen to Star. Melody Drake: She got her wings because Starswirl doesn't understand friendship Oreasa: She can't take her fangirl glasses off. Oreasa: Thank you, AJ. Oreasa: And Dash. Melody Drake: The closest we get to a group "fuck you" Oreasa: They defend their own. Melody Drake: I love Rarity's line Oreasa: *nods* Melody Drake: Closest we get to "fuck you, dickwad" Oreasa: Did I just hear "No offense?" Oreasa: Damnit, DASH!! Oreasa: LISTEN TO STAR!!! Melody Drake: And the eyebrow raise that saves me from wanting her to hurt Dash Melody Drake: Star is good. Unfortunately it means that Twi has to hold the idiot ball Oreasa: Take the fangirl glasses off. Oreasa: Are those ancient merponies? Melody Drake: Those are the Sirens from EqG2 Oreasa: Evil merponies. Oreasa: I was looking for nods to the movie. Oreasa: Um, Star and Sunset prove otherwise, Starswirl. Melody Drake: Starswirl is a dick Oreasa: Damn, drive that point home, Star. Oreasa: "Necessary sacrifice" God, the's the Outers before Serena knocked sense into them! Melody Drake: Twi. You are a goddamn Princess. ACT. LIKE. IT. Oreasa: Really, I'm feeling like Starswirl is the bigger antagonist than Shadow Oreasa: REMEMBER NITEMARE MOOON, TWI!!! Melody Drake: I don't think she really gets that the PoS is a REAL pony. Oreasa: She does now. Oreasa: Yes! Forcibly drag his ass out!! Oreasa: Wait? Is he figuring shit out??? Melody Drake: Yup Oreasa: I love you, Star. Melody Drake: I knew you would Oreasa: Omg, Twi is going to explode. Oreasa: Thank you, DVR for not cutting off the last minute.
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rantsaboutponies · 7 years
Shadow Play
In these episodes: A mediocre quest, followed by the same damn resolution that all of these finales have!
Oh, so those idiotic stories from “Campfire Tales” actually had a point? Could’ve fooled me.
Okay, so that pony wasn’t originally evil, right? The six of them were just dicks? The line about “believed him to be” is kind of a giveaway.
And of course Starswirl “disappeared”. If he had died, this episode would be rated TV-Y7.
Gee, I wonder if the character who has mentioned multiple times TO YOUR FACE that she’s fluent in Old Ponish will be able to help you read and translate the Old Ponish in that book.
“I’m sorry. My responses are limited. You must ask the right questions.”
Well, it’s really helpful that Starswirl programmed a holographic reenactment of what happened into his book. Otherwise they never would have figured this out.
“All that magic left an impression on the surrounding landscape! Bringing the book back here allowed us to see it!” Yeah, sure. Whatever allows you to pull more plot out of your ass.
“Luckily, Starswirl took a lot of notes.” “I guess we don’t need to figure out who should get what!” It’s almost like you guys don’t have to do much of anything!
I’m not sure how Rarity ended up covered in dirt, considering she was using her magic to control everything.
Did Pinkie just put that blindfold in her mouth? Isn’t the slime...I don’t know, toxic? Or acidic? Or dangerous in some way? Otherwise, why couldn’t they step into it?
Oh, good, they brought everypony back. I guess the episode’s over now! Everypony can go home!
Twilight, why are you always so smart yet so dumb? Don’t you think that the Pillars might have been the only thing keeping the Shadow Pony in limbo? Jesus Christ, this really is like the beginning of most fantasy action-adventure movies.
I do like Rainbow Dash calling Starswirl “Beardo”, though.
If you’re going to banish everyone back to limbo, Starswirl, be sure to add a note in your book about “don’t bring the Pillars back or the Shadow Pony will be able to escape”.
“But we still have no idea how to find the villain!” Apparently the map was just waiting for him to say that. Like I said, everything is a little too convenient this time around.
“Stygian”? What a terrible name! Did his parents hate him?
“...but when we saw him again, his heart was bent on revenge!” He was ignored by everypony, even though he did a lot of the work, and then you guys kicked him out? No shit! Maybe one of the five Pillars who isn’t a dick should be in charge.
I don’t remember Somnambula sounding like Calypso from the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise. Jamaican accent, Egyptian accent, same difference!
“There’s...a pony in there!” No durr.
So yes, they’re still making these villains. Nightmare Moon, Starlight Glimmer, and Tempest Shadow had the exact same motivation! Stop writing this story!
“Then we must help him!” Oh, you sure changed your mind fast, Starswirl, you old codger!
“I long to see what has become of my home.” “I believe we all do.” And then they all went outside and got hit by a bus. Whoopsy-daisy!
Episode score: Tie. I like a good quest, but this was a little too...simple. All the artifacts were already clearly indicated on their map, and none of them were actually hidden. Plus, unlike with the Tree of Harmony stuff, this didn’t feel like you guys were setting up this finale all season. It feels like you were given all the season’s episodes in a block and told to extract something finale-worthy from it. The fact that all six Pillars showed up in previous episodes feels more like a coincidence than planned. It might have been a little better if the Mane Six had been surprised that each ancient pony they happened to mention or come across turned out to be one of the Pillars, but they went along with it like they had known that was the case the entire time (similar to how Twilight suddenly had a brother at the end of Season 2, yet nopony batted an eye).
Season score (W-L-T): 4-9-13.
Next week: the season retrospective! In two weeks: the other six Summertime Shorts! Yeah, I...kind of forgot about those.
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fisherpon · 7 years
Half-baked spells?
Wow, Starswirls’s a bit of a dick
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l33tsaber · 6 years
Wow, Starswirl’s kind of a dick.
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Oh my gawd! Starswirl! I hated him last season cus he was just such a dick! But now! Oh my gawd! He’s so adorable!!!!!
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Ok. Starswirl isn’t as much of a dick.
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