fostersffff · 7 months
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They simply do not make them like this anymore, so I'm glad they're remaking it.
(from this twitter thread)
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ffladieszine · 5 months
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🌟 Want more FF Ladies? From Jan 29 to Feb 4, join us for FF Ladies Week, a week-long celebration dedicated to the women of Final Fantasy! 🪷
🌟 Day I: Favorite Outfit 🌟 Day II: Favorite Job or Class 🌟 Day III: Favorite Scene 🌟 Day IV: Favorite Limit Break 🌟 Day V: Favorite Quote 🌟 Day VI: Favorite Villainess 🌟 Day VII: Favorite Heroine 🌟 Day VIII: Free Day
All types of creations are welcome. Please make sure to include #FF Ladies Week in your posts 💜💛
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shinigami-dice · 1 year
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Final Fantasy VII, Bravely Default style
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bunkerhillbros · 2 months
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"Dragon Quest VIII" from fenyo_n.
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maintitle · 3 months
By the by, Final Fantasy VIII deserves more respect JUST for the fact that you can take that first disc and hold it up to literally any other multi-disc Square PS1 game, and you'd be hard-pressed to find a better contained story within it.
One of the things about art is that working within the confines of what you have can create some of the most unique experiences possible, and having to use multiple discs for games WAS a constraint that in and of itself could be art. The first disc of FFVIII is the one time I can think of where that format they were forced into actually added A LOT to the story, because within the scope of one disc you learn the setting, the characters, their struggles and best and worst characteristics, and are given a plot hook powerful enough to drive the rest of the story. Add to that an EXCELLENT last few sequences and a jaw-dropping cliffhanger, and I truly believe that disc can't be touched.
It's a stunning experience, and to this day the only disc of any multi-disc game where I remember EXACTLY where it starts and ends, and everything that happens in between. THAT'S an achievement, and I truly think it's the only time it's ever happened with these kinds of games.
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kabloomn · 6 months
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the world of dragon quest monsters is full of funny guys
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jammythedodger · 5 months
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carldoonan · 11 months
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This Witchy Li'l Trio says: "I am Sandy! I'm Cindy! And Mindy! We're the Magus Sisters! Take our Delta Attack and farewell!!" 🧙‍♀️🧙‍♀️🧙‍♀️
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kentaropjj · 1 year
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STICKER GANG! Crono! Only 5 more days to get this exclusive sticker design! The clock design in the background will shine like gold! DELINQUENT TIER: G’RAHA TIA VANDAL TIER: CRONO BANCHO TIER: LINA INVERSE Free Rush sticker with every order! https://www.patreon.com/kentaropjj
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jtgunner · 7 months
New episode of my let's play of Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade for PS5 is now up on YouTube! Cloud and Avalanche have split up following the reactor explosion. While walking through the burning streets, Cloud meets a strange woman and sees visions of an old foe…
WATCH IT HERE: https://youtu.be/AEghH_7mHiE
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fostersffff · 1 year
The Rumor Come Out: Does Bahamut Is Gay?
Bahamut is gay is the most discussed in the media in the few years ago. Even it has happened in Year of the Realm 878, but some of Valisthea still curious about what is exactly happening and to be the reason there is a rumor comes out about his gay. At that time he became the massive Sanbreque rumor.
The public, especially his subjects are shocked. He just came out with his bad rumor which is spread massively. This time is not about his military career, but his bad rumor. The rumor is out of standardize of hoax, according the last reported this Eikon revealed himself as homosexual. Do you still believe or not, this rumor is really much talked by people even in a person of his subjects.
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blazehedgehog · 5 months
Have you ever played Chrono Cross?
I own Chrono Cross! Chrono Trigger is one of my favorite RPGs of all time! I was psyched to play Chrono Cross!
I was extremely disappointed by Chrono Cross!
Chrono Cross feels like a game made almost to spite fans of Chrono Trigger. Vastly different art style, vastly different world, with a lore that basically says "Remember everybody you loved from Trigger? They're dead now. And they probably died tragic or embarrassing deaths."
It fills that void with a lot of incoherency. Because Cross hangs its hat on having 44 collectible party members, very few of them have any impact and basically never participate in the main story. The English localization is even structured in such a way that most of the cast pulls from a single library of side-character dialog that gets fed through an "accent filter" depending on who is saying it. Meaning 97% of the cast is not written to have any legitimate role in the story.
What story can be gleaned is a deliberately confusing mess of mysteries layered within mysteries, none of which ever get explained until the last 3-5 hours of gameplay. So you toil for 27+ hours not having any idea what's going on or why, only to get hit by a freight train of dense lore as you start to round the final bend.
I only know this because a friend explained it all to me once, about FATE and the lineage of the Dragonians and all of that late-game lore.
In truth, I got stuck in Chrono Cross and not even pouring over 3 different GameFAQ guides could get me unstuck. It was some event involving one of the versions of Captain Fargo, or at least that's what I thought I had to do. It was some time after the "switch" event with Serge (if you know, you know) and all the guides said I had to get Fargo to go back to Marbule or something.
But it never worked. He never budged. So I didn't know where to go. After a week of throwing myself at that problem I gave up and resigned myself to never finishing Chrono Cross. This was back in, like, 2002 or 2003, so faded memories by now.
Which I was fine with, because honestly, I was getting pretty bored to tears with the game. There's only so much "you don't know what's going on because it's a 𝑚𝑦𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑦" before you get tired of it, and systems-wise it wasn't grabbing me either. That was Square's "experimental" phase, where they were messing with (or straight up deleting) core RPG mechanics just to see what would happen. So Final Fantasy 8 screwed with the gear and magic systems, and Chrono Cross screwed with how you gain experience points and level up.
Which is to say you kind of... don't? Only bosses give EXP, so that basically means you're always guaranteed to level up after every boss. There's no reason to fight fodder enemies outside of getting item drops. Which would be great if they let you avoid most monster encounters, but they don't, so it just wastes time and contributes towards nothing. And battles get needlessly drawn out thanks to the elemental field system, too.
It's a gorgeous game, full of absolutely immaculate art direction. I'm a lifelong fan of any soundtrack with Yasunori Mitsuda (and I even have an autographed Chrono Cross songbook from him!) But anything about the story or gameplay is wet cardboard to me.
I keep thinking about going back to it, starting over fresh, seeing if I like it more now that I'm an older and different person. But I haven't gotten around to it yet. Like a lot of RPGs in my life right now it's locked behind the promise of "maybe after I finish Mother 3" which is going on two years now -- but I picked it back up this week and am rounding the final bend on that one, if you can believe it.
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just-a-messenger · 7 months
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Finally got the motivation to start playing through the KH series again 😁 I am not ready for the emotional roller-coaster.
I swear I will very normal about this
(I won't I love these games more than any reasonable person should 😅)
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bunkerhillbros · 5 months
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"CHRONO - The Movie" from Deezer509.
Chrono Trigger Akira poster available here.
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maintitle · 3 months
"That game should get a remake, I can't play it, it looks so ugly--" Skill issue. No imagination. Moving on.
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gamingisalifestyle · 9 months
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Awaken by John Tedrick
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