chickydearart · 9 months
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Hi! This will be the pinned post! This ask blog is for my two au's, Soultale and Memorytale because both of their stories intertwine with each other! Ask anything you'd like, all I'd ask is that you do not put NSFW into the ask box! I'm going to put the stuff I have already done from my other account, onto here!
Rules: Be Nice Be Respectful No Rude comments Attempt to keep cursing at a minimum please ^^
So, basically, don't be a jerk!
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soultaleau · 9 months
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viccookiesblog · 11 months
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Multiverse Frisk! :D (My desings)
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UNDERTALE Frisk (Female)
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UNDERSWAP Frisk (Female)
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UNDERFELL Frisk --> Frederick // Freddy (Male)
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OUTERTALE Frisk --> Fabiana // Fabby (Female)
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HORRORTALE Frisk --> Aliza (Female)
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REAPERTALE Frisk --> Fátum (Male)
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Core (Female)
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SOULTALE Frisk --> Fifí (Female) [My AU]
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MAFIATALE Frisk --> Finn (Male)
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UNDERKEEP Frisk --> Farid (Male)
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STORYSHITF Frisk --> Frey (Male)
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X-TALE Frisk --> XFrisk (Male)
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UNDERLUST Frisk --> Francine // Fanny (Female)
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*Laria runs into the pellets, trusting Eideann, but their HP goes down, leaving them at 1HP. Eideann laughs as Laria starts to cry, feeling betrayl*
Eideann: You idiot! You naive little idiot! In this world, it's kill or be killed! Now ***D I E!*** NO ONE WILL COME TO GET YOU!
*Eideann surronds Laria in pellets, striking them again and again, their HP lowering rapidly, but never reaching zero. Eideann seems surprised by this*
Eideann:...what? How are you doing this?! JUST DIE ALREADY YOU BRAT!
*Eideann surronds Laria in pellets again, going for the killing strike, but it never comes. Instead, Laria's HP goes back to full at 5 and then Eideann gets blasted away by magenta fire as a motherly looking goat appears, making sure Eideann dissapears*
Cetas: What a miserable creature! Torturing such a poor and innocent youth! Do not be afraid my child! I am Cetas(Toriel), the caretaker and protector of the ***RUINS***
*Laria seems hesitant to trust the goat, and she notices, leaning down until she is Laria's height*
Cetas: You have no reason to fear my child. I promise I will not hurt you like **them**. Come with me, I will heal you and make sure you are well fed! Oh you poor dear....you're all skin and bones! Come with me, my child, and I will make sure you are loved and cared for.
*Cetas extends a hand, smiling kindly, and Laria looks hesitant. What will Laria do now?*
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noah-sky · 2 months
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Víctor y Chloe los orgullos de sus padres y futuros guardias reales 🫵
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hanaby-3 · 1 year
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I'm taking care of other projects but I wanted to finish this little character design.
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kami13r · 3 days
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AU de undertale
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sky-noah · 4 months
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🎊 w/ soul seeing as he's now apart of the ask list? hehe don't know if it's possible yk but still :)
It totally is! Cause they only have one soul, so they can totally have a babybones.
Well today you found out something a little… strange.
You were pregnant, and you had a feeling that it was with your datemate, Soul. Well of course it was with him, you haven't been with anyone else! The only thing was that he was one body but two minds, and that made you wonder exactly… who was the other parent?
Would it just be Soul or the brother too? Did the babybones have two parents or three? You thought about that for a while before shaking your head and started to think about other stuff.
How was Soul going to react to the fact that you were pregnant? Was he going to be happy or was he going to be mad? You didn't exactly see why he would be mad about it, it isn't like you DECIDED that you wanted to be pregnant.
You didn't have that ability but damn if it wouldn't make things easier… you paced around your house thinking about what you were going to do, what you were going to tell him.
That was until you heard the door open and close, and you look over to see him walking in, stretching his arms above his head yawning. "Hey Soul" he nods his head to you in a greeting, rubbing at his sockets with his hands. "How was it with the others today?"
"Tirin'" he says with a little laugh. It sounded like Nyhaha. "But oh so fun!" His eyeshines changed orange, "I was able to cook my famous noodles with Axe. He was an amazing person to work with" The eyeshines went back to blue and he chuckles, "Which was pretty tirin too…"
You snicker, shaking your head at him. You were pretty sure that they would go back and forth for a while if you let them so you butt in, "Well why don't you lay down? I have to talk to you about something."
Soul nods and walks over to lay down on your bed, holding his hands on his tummy. He was wearing his normal hoodie, it was two different colors down the middle, one red and one the normal blue. It looked hand sewn. You remember him telling you that he sewd it together, and it had a white heart shape on it. Something that you thought was a little cute.
"Now, what's goin' on? What you need?" he looks at you, tilting his head to the side a little.
You rest your hands on your own stomach, tapping your fingers. You were trying to figure out exactly how you were supposed to tell him. I mean you can't just come out and say that you were pregnant, right? It didn't work like that!
You breathe out slowly shutting your eyes. "You know how I've been acting a little strange? Mostly with food?" You hear him let out a mhm sound so you continue, "Well I think I know what's going on"
"Do you not like my cooking?" he asks, and just by the tone of voice you knew that that was the other soul so you let out a little laugh and you shake your head.
"No no, nothing like that… I uh I think I might be pregnant" You say, opening your eyes and looking at them.
You see his eyeshines go dark, empty black sockets, then he sits up and you felt something and heard a little bling sound. You see a see through white screen appear in front of you, the writing was backwards so you couldn't really make it out.
"Whoa" Soul mumbles.
"What? What is this? Soul?" You look at the box, frowning.
"Heh…" he shakes his head, laughing softly and sends the box away, "Don't worry don't worry, I just did a check on ya and you're right, you have an extra soul… well two"
"I got… we're having twins?" You ask, and he nods, which made you chuckle shaking your head putting your hands over your face. God… how ironic.
"Ahh!" He hops up and pulls you into a hug, spinning, "Y/n! We're pregnant!" He nuzzles his skull against your face, laughing. You giggle hugging back. Well… At least they both seemed pretty happy?
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Temmie Welcoming Yurina to the Tem Shop!
follow my TikTok! -
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chickydearart · 1 month
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Happy Birthday Cutter
cutter have been with me for 7-8 year now but this’s a first birthday for him.
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Don't trust Flowey!(Eideann?) He'll hurt you! Dodge the pellets!
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Laria runs into the pellets, trusting Eideann, but their HP goes down, leaving them at 1HP. Eideann laughs as Laria starts to cry, feeling betrayal.
Eideann: You idiot! You naive little idiot! In those world, it's kill or be killed! Now D I E! NO ONE WILL COME TO GET YOU!
Eideann surrounds Laria in pellets, striking them again and again, their HP lowering rapidly, but never reching zero. Eideann seems surprised by this.
Eideann:...what? How are you doing this?! JUST DIE ALREADY YOU BRAT!
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Eideann surrounds Laria in pellets again, going for the killing strike, but it never comes. Instead, Laria's HP goes back to full at 5 and then Eideann gets blasted away by magenta fire as a motherly looking goat appears, making sure Eideann dissapears.
Cetas: What a miserable creature! Torturing such a poor and innocent youth! Do not be afraid my child! I am Cetas(Toriel) the caretakers and protector if rhe RUINS.
Laria seems hesitant to trust the goat, and Cetas notices, leaning down until she is Laria's height.
Cetas: You have no reason to fear my child. I promise I will not hurt you like THEM. Come with me, I will heal you and make sure you are well fed! Oh you poor dear...you're all skin and bones! Come with me, my child, and I will make sure you are loved and cared for.
Cetas extends a paw, smiling kindly, and Laria looks hesitant, what will Laria do now?
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soultaleau · 8 months
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The Guardians Of Magic
Have arrived to protect the magic a cross the multiverse
Āsimati - Guardian Of Pure Magic
Téras - Guardian Of Monster
Magic Soggetto - Guardian Of Human Magic
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sky-dream-mel · 2 years
🇪🇸/Simplemente chloe mostrando su genética que le heredó mettaton ✨
🇺🇸/Simply chloe showing her genetics that mettaton inherited ✨
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A Start to one of my au's: Soultale
(*clears throat* ahem. this story is interactive, meaning you can choose which direction the story goes. Soultale is my au, and my other au is Memorytale. Both au's are owned by me and I will do the same thing with Memorytale later. I will say that the choices you make won't always affect the story because do your choices really matter in this world?)
It is a beautiful day outside. Birds are singing, flowers are blooming, on days like this, kids like you...have fallen into the Underground! Laria(the new human. They are not Frisk) has just fallen down and have landed in a field of White Stargazer Lilies. Laria gets up and walks forward, seeing a patch of grass with a singular White Stargazer Lily on it with a face
Eideann(Flowey): Howdy! I'm Eideann, Eideann the flower! You're new to the Underground, aren't ya? So let me teach you how things work around here!
The scene goes black and white and Laria's soul pops out of their chest, revealing it to be a chocolate brown color. Eideann blinks, before smiling.
Eideann(Flowey): Wow! What a unique SOUL you have! Now then, love down here is spread through pellets called Friendliness Pellets! Here, I've got a few to share with ya! Go and catch them if ya can!
Eideann sends some friendlieness pellets at Laria. What will Laria do now?
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