#Social media marketing experts in Dubai Mainland
ronanmiler · 9 months
Best SEO Company in Dubai Mainland: Maximizing Your Online Presence
In the heart of Dubai Mainland, where the city's dynamic pulse beats the strongest, businesses realise the paramount importance of a robust online presence. In the digital era, your visibility online is the cornerstone of your success. That's where the best SEO company in Dubai Mainland comes into play.
The Shifting Landscape of SEO in Dubai Mainland
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is a multifaceted field that is constantly evolving to meet the demands of an ever-changing digital world. It encompasses strategies like on-page optimisation, off-page optimisation, content creation, technical SEO, and more. For businesses in Dubai, staying ahead in the digital race is not just a matter of choice but a necessity.
The Role of the Best SEO Company in Dubai Mainland
Collaboration with an Internet Marketing Company in Dubai, Mainland:
An internet marketing company in Dubai Mainland brings local expertise to the table, understanding the unique dynamics of the Dubai market. When paired with the internet marketing agency, this partnership ensures that your online marketing strategy is effective and tailored to the local audience's preferences and behaviours. This collaboration creates a synergy where technology, marketing, and local insights intersect, offering a comprehensive solution for your business.
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Digital Marketing Service Provider in Dubai Mainland:
Digital marketing encompasses various strategies, of which SEO is a critical part. A digital marketing service provider in Dubai Mainland understands the importance of integrating SEO seamlessly into a comprehensive digital marketing strategy. This collaboration ensures that your business ranks well in search engines and enjoys a holistic digital presence, from social media to content marketing.
Enhancing Brand Visibility with Social Media Marketing Experts:
In today's digital landscape, brand visibility is not limited to search engines alone. Social media marketing experts in Dubai Mainland can collaborate with the best SMO company to create a solid online presence on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. These experts ensure your brand stays connected with your audience, fostering brand loyalty and increasing brand recognition.
Driving Targeted Traffic with Pay-Per-Click Service Providers:
Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is a powerful tool for driving targeted traffic to your website. Pay per click service providers in Dubai Mainland can work hand in hand with the best agency to create and manage effective PPC campaigns. These campaigns ensure your business appears prominently in search results and on various digital platforms, driving potential customers to your website.
Tailored solutions for unique business needs
The best SEO company in Dubai Mainland understands that every business is unique. They offer tailored solutions that align perfectly with your specific needs and goals. This ensures that your SEO efforts drive results and reflect the essence of your brand within the Dubai mainland market.
In the bustling heart of Dubai, having a solid online presence is not just an option; it's a necessity. Partnering with the right SEO company bridges the gap between local expertise, technology, marketing, and data-driven decision-making. This ensures that your business survives and thrives in the digital age. So, embark on this transformative journey and unlock the full potential of your business with the trusted in Think United Services.
Get in touch!
Contact No: +971-80006512057
Website: https://thinkunitedservices.ae/
YouTube Channel. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCc2HiYKzuR3wPVNAf1RWolA
Source URL: https://penzu.com/p/3b304e74c475cab0
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cigdubaiae · 2 months
Setting Up a Travel Agency in Dubai
Dubai, a dazzling metropolis where futuristic skylines meet ancient traditions, beckons aspiring travel entrepreneurs with its vibrant tourism industry. If you dream of crafting unforgettable travel experiences for globetrotters, this guide equips you with the essential steps to navigate the process of establishing your travel agency in Dubai.
1. Charting Your Course: Niche and Market Research
Identifying Your Niche: Dubai's travel market caters to diverse clientele. Will you curate luxury adventures, focus on budget backpacking experiences, specialize in family vacations, or cater to specific cultural interests? Finding your niche helps you attract a targeted audience.
Research and Planning: Conduct thorough market research to understand the competitive landscape, identify your target customer segments, and determine the travel experiences most in demand. This will guide your business plan development and marketing strategies.
2. Choosing Your Business Structure:
Mainland Marvels vs. Free Zone Freedoms: Decide whether to operate on the Dubai mainland (wider market access) or within a free zone (potential tax exemptions, streamlined setup). Consider factors like your target clientele, growth plans, and budget when making this decision.
Structuring for Success: Select a suitable legal structure for your travel agency. Limited liability companies (LLCs) are a popular choice, offering ownership flexibility and limited liability protection. (Refer to our previous article "Choosing the Right Business Structure in UAE" for a detailed breakdown).
3. Obtaining Your Tourism License:
License Options: The Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing (DTCM) in Dubai issues various tourism licenses. Common options include inbound tourism licenses (for bringing tourists into Dubai) and outbound tourism licenses (for facilitating travel outside Dubai).
Additional Permits: You might require additional permits for specific services, such as visa processing or organizing tours within specific areas. Consult with a PRO service provider to ensure compliance.
4. Building Your Travel Hub:
Securing Office Space: Secure a conveniently located office space that reflects your brand image. Consider factors like accessibility for clients and potential co-working options if your agency is starting small.
Technology and Partnerships: Invest in travel industry software to manage bookings, flights, and itineraries. Build relationships with hotels, airlines, and local tour operators to offer clients competitive packages and experiences.
5. Assembling Your Travel Team:
Recruiting Travel Experts: Hire knowledgeable and passionate travel consultants who can design personalized itineraries and provide exceptional customer service. Look for individuals with expertise in your chosen niche and fluency in relevant languages.
Building a Strong Team: Invest in ongoing training for your team members to stay updated on travel trends, regulations, and destination knowledge. A well-trained team is crucial for exceeding customer expectations and building a positive reputation.
6. Marketing and Building Your Clientele:
Crafting a Compelling Brand: Develop a strong brand identity that resonates with your target audience. This includes a user-friendly website, active social media presence, and potentially engaging travel blog content.
Digital Marketing Strategies: Utilize search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, and potentially targeted online advertising to reach potential clients. Highlight unique features of your travel packages and showcase positive customer testimonials.
The Dubai Advantage for Travel Agencies:
Dubai offers a unique and advantageous environment for travel agencies:
Thriving Tourism Industry: Dubai's tourism sector is booming, with a constant influx of visitors seeking diverse travel experiences.
Strategic Location: Dubai acts as a global travel hub, allowing you to cater to tourists from all corners of the world.
Government Support: The UAE government actively promotes tourism, providing resources and initiatives to support travel businesses.
Unveiling the Oasis of Hospitality
Successfully set up a company in Dubai requires a well-defined business plan, a commitment to exceptional customer service, and a team of travel enthusiasts. By following these steps, conducting thorough research, and potentially seeking professional guidance from a PRO service provider, you can navigate the legalities, build a strong brand, and carve your niche in Dubai's dynamic travel landscape. Remember, in the world of travel, it's all about creating unforgettable experiences. With dedication and creativity, your travel agency can become a trusted partner for globetrotters seeking a taste of Dubai's magic.
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anusreeanu · 2 months
Business Setup: Your Guide to Launching in Dubai!
Are you considering setting up a business in Dubai, one of the fastest-growing business hubs in the world? With its strategic location, business-friendly environment, and robust infrastructure, Dubai offers unparalleled opportunities for entrepreneurs and investors alike. Whether you're a startup founder or an established business owner looking to expand into new markets, Dubai provides a wealth of advantages. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore everything you need to know about setting up a business in Dubai and how to navigate the process successfully.
Understand the Legal Landscape: It's critical to become familiar with the legal framework governing business activities in Dubai before beginning the process of setting up a business. The Department of Economic Development (DED) oversees business registration and licensing in Dubai, while certain free zones offer specialized regulations and incentives for specific industries. Conduct thorough research or seek guidance from legal experts to ensure compliance with local regulations and requirements.
Choose the Right Business Structure: Dubai offers several business structures, each with its own set of advantages and considerations. Options include sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability company (LLC), and free zone company setup, among others. Consider factors such as liability protection, ownership restrictions, and tax implications when selecting the most suitable structure for your business.
Select a Strategic Location: Dubai's diverse landscape includes mainland areas as well as numerous free zones, each offering unique benefits for businesses. Mainland areas provide access to the local market and government contracts but may require a local sponsor or partner. Free zones offer 100% foreign ownership, tax exemptions, and streamlined registration processes, making them attractive options for international businesses. Evaluate your business needs and objectives to determine the most advantageous location for your venture.
Complete the Registration Process: Once you've chosen a business structure and location, it's time to initiate the registration process. This typically involves reserving your business name, obtaining necessary licenses and permits, and submitting required documents to the relevant authorities. Working with a reputable business setup consultant can streamline the registration process and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements, saving you time and effort.
Set Up Banking and Financial Systems: Establishing banking and financial systems is crucial for managing your business operations effectively. Open a corporate bank account with a reputable financial institution in Dubai to facilitate transactions and manage your finances efficiently. Consider factors such as banking fees, currency exchange options, and online banking services when selecting a banking partner.
Build Your Network and Marketing Presence: Networking plays a vital role in the success of your business in Dubai. Attend industry events, join business associations, and connect with local entrepreneurs and professionals to expand your network and forge valuable partnerships. Invest in marketing strategies tailored to the Dubai market, including digital marketing, social media advertising, and localized content to reach your target audience effectively.
Stay Informed and Adapt: Dubai's business landscape is dynamic and constantly evolving, presenting both opportunities and challenges for entrepreneurs. Stay informed about market trends, regulatory changes, and emerging technologies to remain competitive and adapt your business strategies accordingly. Continuously assess your business performance, solicit feedback from customers, and be willing to pivot your approach as needed to stay ahead in the ever-changing business environment.
Setting up a business in Dubai offers boundless possibilities for growth and success. By understanding the local business landscape, choosing the right structure and location, and leveraging the support of experts and resources available, you can embark on a journey toward entrepreneurial success in this vibrant city. With determination, perseverance, and the right strategy, your business dreams can flourish in the thriving business ecosystem of Dubai.
Visit our website for more details: https://anishagroup.com/business-set-up/
For inquiries, contact us:
Call (or) WhatsApp: 0542421523
Tags:#BusinessSetup, #DubaiBusiness, #Entrepreneurship, #StartupDubai, #BusinessRegistration, #UAEBusiness, #SmallBusinessDubai, #BusinessConsultancy, #FreeZoneSetup, #BusinessLicenseDubai
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bespokestrategy · 3 months
Unlocking Business Opportunities: Company Setup in Dubai Made Easy
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Dubai, a bustling hub of commerce and innovation, offers unparalleled opportunities for entrepreneurs and businesses looking to establish a presence in the Middle East. At Bespoke Strategy Solutions, we specialize in facilitating seamless company setup in Dubai, catering to a diverse range of needs and preferences. Whether you're interested in setting up a freezone, mainland, or offshore company, we offer comprehensive services to guide you through every step of the process.
Freezone Company Setup in Dubai:
For businesses seeking maximum autonomy and flexibility, setting up a freezone company in Dubai is an attractive option. Bespoke Strategy Solutions simplifies the process by providing expert guidance on selecting the right freezone, preparing all necessary documentation, and liaising with relevant authorities to ensure a smooth setup process. With benefits such as 100% foreign ownership, tax exemptions, and simplified import-export procedures, freezone company setup in Dubai offers unparalleled advantages for businesses of all sizes.
Mainland Company Setup in Dubai:
Dubai's mainland offers a strategic location and access to a thriving local market, making it an ideal choice for businesses looking to tap into the region's vast potential. Bespoke Strategy Solutions assists clients in navigating the complexities of mainland company setup in Dubai, from obtaining the necessary licenses and permits to establishing a physical presence and complying with local regulations. With our in-depth knowledge of the local business landscape and extensive network of partners, we ensure a seamless and hassle-free setup process for our clients.
Offshore Company Setup in Dubai:
For businesses looking to optimize their tax efficiency and protect their assets, offshore company setup in Dubai offers a viable solution. Bespoke Strategy Solutions provides comprehensive support for offshore company setup, guiding clients through the process of selecting the right jurisdiction, preparing documentation, and complying with international regulations. With our expertise in offshore structuring and asset protection strategies, we help clients establish a secure and compliant offshore presence in Dubai.
As a leading provider of company setup services in Dubai, Bespoke Strategy Solutions is committed to helping entrepreneurs and businesses unlock their full potential in the region's dynamic business environment. Whether you're interested in setting up a freezone, mainland, or offshore company, we offer personalized solutions tailored to your specific needs and objectives. Partner with us today and take the first step towards realizing your business goals in Dubai's thriving economy.
Follow Us On Our Social Media Pages
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin
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dubaibusinesssetupuae · 4 months
Steps for Opening a Real Estate Business in Dubai
Embarking on a real estate business venture in Dubai is an exciting prospect, given the city's booming property market and strategic location. To ensure a smooth business setup process, dubaibusinesssetup.ae offers guidelines to follow key steps to establish their real estate enterprise in Dubai, whether opting for a Freezone setup or another structure.
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1. Market Research and Feasibility Study:
Before diving into the business setup process, conduct thorough market research and a feasibility study. Understand the dynamics of the real estate market in Dubai, identify your target audience, and assess the demand for specific property types. This information will guide your business strategy.
2. Choose the Right Business Structure:
Selecting the appropriate business structure is crucial. Dubai offers various options, including a Freezone setup, mainland business, or offshore entity. Consider factors such as ownership, liability, and operational requirements before finalizing the structure that aligns with your real estate business goals.
3. Secure a Business License:
Acquiring the necessary licenses is a fundamental step in the business setup process. For a real estate business in Dubai, obtaining a license from the Dubai Land Department is essential. The type of license required may vary based on the nature of your real estate activities.
4. Office Space and Location:
Choose a suitable office space for your real estate business. Consider factors such as accessibility, visibility, and proximity to key areas of interest. If opting for a Freezone setup, explore Freezones that cater to the real estate sector, offering specific advantages and facilities.
5. Legal Compliance and Documentation:
Ensure compliance with legal requirements by preparing the necessary documentation. This may include lease agreements, partnership contracts, and any other relevant paperwork. Adhering to legal protocols is crucial for a smooth business setup in Dubai Freezone process.
6. Establish a Strong Online Presence:
In the digital era, a robust online presence is essential for real estate businesses. Invest in a professional website showcasing your property listings, leverage social media platforms, and employ digital marketing strategies to reach a wider audience.
7. Networking and Partnerships:
Build a network within the real estate industry. Establish connections with developers, investors, and other real estate professionals. Attend industry events, join business associations, and explore partnership opportunities that can enhance your business.
8. Adopt Technology Solutions:
Leverage technology to streamline your real estate operations. Implement property management software, customer relationship management (CRM) systems, and other technological solutions that enhance efficiency and customer service.
9. Hire and Train a Competent Team:
The success of a real estate business often hinges on the skills and expertise of its team. Recruit and train a competent workforce, including real estate agents, property managers, and administrative staff, to provide excellent service to clients.
10. Marketing and Branding:
Develop a comprehensive marketing and branding strategy to create awareness about your real estate business. Utilize both online and offline channels to showcase your property portfolio and build a strong brand presence in the market.
11. Customer Service Excellence:
Prioritize customer satisfaction by delivering exceptional customer service. Establish transparent communication channels, address client inquiries promptly, and ensure a seamless experience throughout the property transaction process.
Opening a real estate business in Dubai requires a strategic approach and adherence to legal and industry-specific protocols. Whether choosing a Freezone setup or another structure, entrepreneurs can navigate the complexities with confidence by following these essential steps.
For expert guidance on business setup in Dubai, including Freezone options, visit dubaibusinesssetup.ae and take the first step toward establishing a successful real estate enterprise in this thriving market.
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happensss · 10 months
Expert Advice: How To Start A Real Estate Company In Dubai 
Entrepreneurs looking to start a real estate company find Dubai to be an appealing destination thanks to its thriving real estate market and vibrant business climate. Although the steps to start your own real estate venture in this thriving city may seem complicated. Create a thorough business plan that outlines the objectives, target market, services, competitive analysis, and financial projections of your organization. A well-organized plan will act as a road map for your company and may be useful when looking for funding or investors. Choose the right legal framework for your real estate business. You have the option of business setup services in Dubai the mainland or in a free zone. Each choice has unique benefits and prerequisites. Obtain the necessary licenses from the appropriate agencies, which may include the Real Estate Regulatory Authority and the Dubai Department of Economic Development.
Secure the money you need to pay for the initial setup costs, ongoing operating costs, marketing expenditures, and potential contingencies depending on the size of your business and your plan. This could originate from individual investors, savings accounts, or financial institutions. Choose an appropriate office location for your real estate business. Depending on your needs and budget, you could choose a physical or virtual office. A reputable office setting improves the credibility of your business and offers a location for client meetings. build up a group of knowledgeable experts, including property managers, marketers, and office personnel. Delivering exceptional services and building a solid reputation depend on hiring the right talent. Marketing and Branding is important to position your real estate company in the market, create a strong brand identity and marketing plan. Use social media, digital marketing, and networking events to raise awareness and draw potential customers. Legal Compliance and Contracts to Make sure all of your agreements and contracts are transparent and in compliance with the law. This covers contracts for sales and rentals, property management agreements, and any other pertinent paperwork.
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Utilize technology to improve customer experience and streamline your business processes. Invest in user-friendly website design, property management software, and CRM tools. Create connections with other businesspeople in the sector, including contractors, developers, solicitors, and financial advisors. Collaborations can improve the services you provide and lead to new opportunities.  The real estate sector is constantly changing and learning new things. Keep abreast of changing laws, market trends, and technological advancements. Your business will remain competitive and relevant with constant learning and adaptation. Deliver exceptional customer service to win over customers' trust and uphold your outstanding track record. Positive customer reviews and word-of-mouth referrals are both potent growth factors for your real estate business.
Starting a real estate business setup in Dubai requires careful planning, familiarity with local laws, and a dedication to providing value to customers. You can build a successful and reputable real estate business in Dubai's thriving market by adhering to these guidelines and being proactive in adapting to the constantly changing real estate landscape.
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How to start a Business in UAE as a Foreigner Minimum Investment to Start a Business in Dubai ?
Starting a business in Dubai or any other part of the UAE as a foreigner can be an exciting and profitable venture. Here are some steps to guide you through the process:
1. Research and decide on the business activity: Conduct thorough market research to determine the feasibility and potential profitability of your business idea. Decide on the business activity you want to pursue and ensure it complies with local regulations.
2. Choose a business location: Select the specific location where you want to set up your business in Dubai, which could be a free zone or mainland. Free zones offer foreign investors incentives and full ownership of their businesses, while mainland companies require a local partner holding majority ownership.
3. Create a business plan: Develop a comprehensive business plan that includes your business goals, target market, financial projections, and marketing strategies. This plan is crucial when seeking funding or applying for business licenses.
4. Find a local sponsor or partner: If you choose to set up a mainland business, you will need to find a local Emirati sponsor or partner who will hold the majority shares (51%) of the company. Ensure you establish a solid partnership agreement to protect your interests.
5. Register your business: Register your business with the relevant authorities, such as the Department of Economic Development (DED), in the chosen Emirate or the desired free zone. Submit the necessary documents, including your business plan, application form, lease agreement, and other required paperwork.
6. Obtain necessary licenses and permits: Depending on your business activity, you may need to obtain industry-specific licenses and permits from the relevant regulatory authorities, such as the DED, Dubai Municipality, Dubai Health Authority, or Dubai Chamber of Commerce.
7. Secure funding: If required, secure the necessary funding for your business. Consider approaching banks, venture capitalists, or other sources of financing. Present your business plan and financial projections to convince investors of the viability and profitability of your venture.
8. Hire employees: Advertise job vacancies and hire employees based on your business requirements. Ensure you comply with employment regulations, such as offering fair wages, providing labor contracts, and providing necessary benefits.
9. Set up your office or establishment: Lease or purchase a suitable office space or establishment for your business operations. Consider factors like location, accessibility, and suitability for your business activity.
10. Promote and market your business: Develop a strong marketing plan to promote your business to your target audience. Utilize online and offline marketing strategies, such as social media, SEO, traditional advertising, and networking to expand your customer base.
Remember to consult with experts and professionals in UAE company setup and legal practices to ensure you comply with the laws and regulations specific to your chosen Emirate and business activity.
Minimum Investment to Start a Business In Dubai
Dubai, with its thriving economy and business-friendly environment, has become a favored destination for entrepreneurs looking to start their own ventures. However, one crucial factor that every aspiring business owner must consider is the minimum investment required to set up a business in this bustling city.
When it comes to business setup in Dubai, there are different types of company formations that one can choose from, with varying minimum investment requirements. Let’s explore some of the options available to budding entrepreneurs:
1. Mainland Company Formation:
If you have the vision of setting up a business that caters to the local market, a mainland company formation might be the ideal choice. This allows you to operate across the entire UAE market without any limitations. The minimum investment required for a mainland company formation in Dubai is AED 300,000 (approximately USD 81,700). However, this minimum requirement can vary depending on the type of business activity you choose.
2. Freezone Company Formation:
Dubai is home to numerous free zones, which offer an attractive proposition for foreign investors. Freezone company formations allow entrepreneurs to have 100% ownership of their businesses, without the need for a local sponsor. The minimum investment for freezone company setups can range from AED 11,000 (approximately USD 3,000) to AED 1 million (approximately USD 272,000), depending on the specific free zone and business activity.
3. Offshore Company Formation:
For entrepreneurs who prioritize confidentiality and asset protection, setting up an offshore company in Dubai can be a viable option. Offshore companies are exempt from taxes and allow owners to maintain anonymity. The minimum investment required for an offshore company formation in Dubai is around AED 10,000 (approximately USD 2,700).
While these are the general minimum investment requirements for different company setups in Dubai, it is important to note that additional costs such as trade license fees, visa fees, office space rental, and other operational expenses must be considered while planning your budget.
Furthermore, it is crucial to consult with company formation experts or business setup consultants in Dubai, who can guide you through the entire process and provide accurate cost estimates, tailored to your specific business needs.
In conclusion, starting a business in Dubai offers plenty of opportunities for aspiring entrepreneurs. Whether you choose a mainland, freezone, or offshore setup, it is important to carefully evaluate the minimum investment required, while considering other related expenses. With thorough planning and professional guidance, setting up a successful business in Dubai can be a reality.
How much does it cost to start a business in Dubai?
Starting a business in Dubai involves several costs and considerations. The expenses associated with business setup in Dubai can vary depending on the type of business, location, and specific requirements. Here is an overview of the key cost factors involved in starting a business in Dubai.
1. Company Registration Fees: Dubai offers various business setup options, each requiring different registration fees. For instance, setting up a mainland company involves costs such as trade license fees, commercial permit fees, and sponsorship fees. These fees can range from AED 20,000 to AED 50,000, depending on the nature of the business and activities.
2. Office Space: Renting or leasing a commercial space is a significant expense when setting up a business in Dubai. Costs may vary based on the size, location, and type of property. Free zones in Dubai provide flexible office solutions, often at lower costs than the mainland. Prices for office space can range from AED 20,000 to AED 100,000 per year.
3. Visa Fees: Entrepreneurs and their employees require visas to live and work in Dubai. Visa fees include application costs, medical tests, Emirates ID, and residency permits. Costs can add up depending on the number of visas required and range from AED 3,000 to AED 10,000 per person.
4. Sponsorship Fees: While setting up a mainland business, a local sponsor or a UAE national partner is necessary. The sponsorship fees for a mainland company are typically around AED 10,000 to AED 15,000 annually.
5. Trade License Renewal Fees: Trade licenses are subject to annual renewal, and the fee varies depending on the type of business activity and location. Typical trade license renewal fees for mainland businesses range from AED 10,000 to AED 20,000 per year.
6. Other Costs: There are additional costs associated with business setup, such as legal fees, government approvals, company documentation, and professional service fees. These costs can vary based on the complexity of the business structure and specific requirements.
It is important to note that the figures provided are approximate and may vary depending on the specific circumstances of each business. Additionally, it is advisable to consult with business setup experts or government authorities for accurate information and guidance regarding the costs involved in starting a business in Dubai.
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rsp-uae · 11 months
Top Tips for Successful Dubai Company Formation: Insights from Industry Experts
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Dubai's strategic location, vibrant business ecosystem, and favorable policies make it an attractive destination for entrepreneurs seeking to establish a company in the UAE. However, successful Dubai Company Formation requires careful planning, knowledge of local regulations, and industry insights. In this article, we gather valuable tips from industry experts to guide aspiring entrepreneurs through the process of setting up a successful business in Dubai.
Conduct a Thorough Market Research
Before diving into company formation, conduct comprehensive market research to understand the local business landscape. Identify market gaps, potential competitors, and target audience preferences. Market research provides valuable insights that will help you refine your business idea and develop a unique selling proposition.
Choose the Right Business Activity and Legal Structure
Selecting the appropriate business activity and legal structure is critical for successful company formation. Evaluate your business goals, target market, and operational needs to determine whether a mainland company, free zone company, or offshore company suits your venture best.
Seek Professional Guidance
Engage the services of experienced business consultants, lawyers, and financial advisors who specialize in UAE company formation. Their expertise will help you navigate the complex regulatory landscape, ensure compliance with local laws, and streamline the process.
Plan Your Finances Wisely
Develop a detailed financial plan that outlines your startup costs, operational expenses, and projected revenues. Consider the initial capital required for company formation, licensing, office setup, and marketing efforts. A well-structured financial plan sets a strong foundation for your company's growth and sustainability.
Understand Visa and Residency Options
Familiarize yourself with Dubai Investor Visa and residency options for business owners and employees. Each legal structure has its visa requirements, and understanding these options ensures a smooth process for obtaining residency permits.
Choose the Right Location
Selecting the right location for your company is crucial to its success. Consider factors such as proximity to target customers, accessibility, and the industry cluster in which you wish to operate. For free zone companies, choose a free zone that aligns with your business activities and offers the desired facilities and infrastructure.
Build a Strong Business Plan
Craft a well-researched and comprehensive business plan that outlines your company's mission, vision, goals, and growth strategies. A solid business plan is essential for attracting investors, securing financing, and guiding your company's expansion.
Networking and Collaboration
Embrace networking opportunities and collaborate with other businesses in your industry. Building strong relationships within the business community can lead to potential partnerships, referrals, and valuable industry insights.
Stay Compliant with Regulations
Compliance with local regulations is of utmost importance in Dubai. Ensure that your company adheres to all legal requirements, tax obligations, and licensing regulations. Non-compliance can lead to fines, penalties, or even the suspension of business activities.
Focus on Marketing and Branding
Develop a strong marketing and branding strategy to promote your company in the competitive Dubai market. Utilize digital marketing, social media, and traditional advertising to reach your target audience effectively.
Embrace Technological Advancements and Innovation
Incorporate innovative technologies and practices into your business operations. Embracing digital tools and automation can enhance efficiency, customer experience, and overall productivity.
Hire and Retain Top Talent
Recruit skilled and qualified professionals to contribute to your company's growth. Offer competitive compensation packages and opportunities for professional development to retain top talent in your industry.
Provide Excellent Customer Service
Deliver exceptional customer service to build a loyal customer base. Word-of-mouth recommendations and positive reviews play a significant role in establishing your company's reputation in Dubai.
Be Adaptable and Agile
The business landscape in Dubai is dynamic and ever-changing. Be adaptable to market shifts, industry trends, and customer preferences. Agility in decision-making and operations allows your company to respond effectively to challenges and opportunities.
Focus on Long-Term Sustainability
Strive for long-term sustainability rather than short-term gains. Invest in your company's growth, reputation, and brand equity to secure a strong position in the market.
Emphasize Cultural Understanding and Local Partnerships
Cultural understanding plays a significant role in business success in Dubai. Respect local customs, traditions, and business etiquette to build strong relationships with Emirati partners and clients. Consider collaborating with local partners who possess valuable insights into the market and can help navigate cultural nuances.
Leverage Free Zone Benefits
If you opt for a free zone company, leverage the benefits offered by the chosen free zone. These benefits may include 100% foreign ownership, tax exemptions, simplified licensing procedures, and access to state-of-the-art infrastructure.
Monitor Economic Trends and Market Demands
Stay abreast of economic trends and market demands in Dubai. Keep track of industry developments, consumer preferences, and changes in regulations. Being well-informed empowers your company to make timely and strategic decisions.
Focus on Customer Feedback and Continuous Improvement
Regularly seek feedback from customers and clients to understand their needs and expectations. Use this feedback to make improvements to your products, services, and overall customer experience. Continuously strive to enhance the value you offer to your target audience.
Promote a Positive Company Culture
Cultivate a positive and inclusive company culture that fosters innovation, teamwork, and employee well-being. A supportive work environment attracts and retains talented professionals, creating a motivated and engaged workforce.
Participate in Industry Events and Exhibitions
Participate in industry events, trade shows, and exhibitions to showcase your company's offerings and network with potential clients and partners. These events provide valuable opportunities to gain visibility and credibility within your industry.
Stay Resilient and Persistent
Building a successful company in Dubai may come with challenges and setbacks. Stay resilient, and maintain a persistent mindset to overcome obstacles and seize opportunities. Perseverance is key to long-term success.
Establishing a successful company in Dubai requires a combination of careful planning, strategic decision-making, and a keen understanding of the local business landscape. By following these top tips from industry experts, you can set the stage for a thriving and prosperous business venture in one of the world's most dynamic and promising markets. Embrace cultural understanding, adhere to regulations, focus on customer satisfaction, and continuously innovate to position your company for success in Dubai's competitive business environment. With determination, adaptability, and a commitment to excellence, your Dubai company can achieve sustainable growth and become a respected player in the UAE's thriving business landscape.
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bharathsujay · 2 years
How do I start a digital marketing agency in Dubai?
With the population of the UAE being 9.83 million, there are 9.73 million active internet users who are also on social media. The rate of internet penetration in the United Arab Emirates is the highest in the world at 99%. Clearly this is a huge market. And it is only getting bigger
Digital marketing industry seeing annual growth of anywhere between 25% and 40% according to estimates.
Digital marketing is a competitive space and you have to make sure you’re easily found. If you’re telling potential clients that you’ll make them stand out in the digital world then it’s important that your business does too.
What is the cost of starting a digital marketing agency in Dubai?
cost of starting a digital agency in Dubai will depend on whether you have opted for a mainland or free zone setup and also size of your business.
If you’re looking for an estimate, Fujairah Creative City is a good example. A marketing services license here, with eligibility for one visa, costs around AED 22,000.
List of Documents Required for Starting a Digital Marketing Agency in Dubai
Copies of the passports of shareholders
Copies of the pages where Residence Visa or Visit Visa is stamped for those already in the UAE
Emirates ID of those already resident in the UAE
No Objection Certificate from current Local Sponsor,
If you’ve got the right skills and the right knowledge, setting up a digital marketing agency in Dubai doesn’t have to be complex.
If you have any query related to Starting a Digital Marketing Agency in Dubai you can connect with our Experts. A&A Assosiates
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imasbizdubai · 2 years
The Most Lucrative And Famous Home-Based Entrepreneurship Ideas In The UAE
The UAE is full of potential for businesses looking to set up or expand, thanks to the incentives like a tax-free environment, great infrastructure, numerous free trade zones, easily attainable and affordable trading license cost in Dubai, simple and attractive visa policies and much more.
 A few decades back, it was beyond imagination for people with limited resources or capital to start a business and enter into the realm of entrepreneurship. The reason behind this was that people used to think that it would cost them a fortune to start a business. But with the advancement of time, many of us have learned that a lot can be achieved, and different businesses can be set up (without spending much) most surprising is the fact that there are a lot of businesses that can flourish outside of the traditional office environment with limited capital and human resource. Home-based enterprises are easy to start, and with the right plan, they may scale to generate significant revenue.
 Here are some business ideas you may explore if you are on the quest for work-life balance, comfort, and flexibility.
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 Start an Ecommerce Business
One of the United Arab Emirates' fastest-growing industries is e-commerce. There has been a considerable increase in online trade during the past two years. The global pandemic has significantly fueled growth in Dubai in industries like retail (groceries), cuisine, cosmetics, healthcare, and entertainment. One of the best methods to earn money from the comfort of your home is to launch an ecommerce platform. You can offer your goods or services online as an entrepreneur with an e-commerce firm. You can also use affiliate marketing or drop shipping to promote the goods and services of another vendor.
 Launch a Social Media Consulting Firm
These days, social media is an essential component of the commerce industry.  In the United Arab Emirates, every single company and brand is aware of the value of having a website as   it generates a rapport with a target audience. Many companies have in-house teams who manage their Facebook and Instagram accounts. But many Dubai-based companies find that hiring consulting firms to help them create and carry out a social media strategy is advantageous.
If you consider yourself an expert in marketing, becoming a marketing specialist or consultant may be one of the most lucrative business ideas in Dubai. Plus, you can run it totally from your house.
 Business consultant
Knowledge is a valuable asset. And this could be a terrific avenue to explore if you have experience in any area of business, particularly one that helps businesses save money or enhance profits. You may assist businesses in developing better strategies and resolving operational issues by working remotely and participating in video conferences. As with any service of this nature, you'll need a website that amply demonstrates your knowledge, expertise, and track record. So, as a strategy to use content marketing to present yourself to your potential clients, think about writing content on your topic area and putting it on your website and social media.
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 No matter which of the above-mentioned home business ideas you choose, you’ll need to apply for a relevant trade license UAE. We at IMAS will assist you navigate the trade license application process easily and quickly.  Moreover, experts at IMAS are at your service to guide and assist you in matters relating to Mainland and Offshore License in Dubai, company formation, and complex visa process.
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mastcomm · 4 years
For a Chinese Traveler, Even Paradise Comes with Prejudice
Jeju Island, with white sand beaches and a volcanic landscape, is a slice of paradise off the coast of South Korea, but Iris Yao has not found it particularly relaxing.
Ms. Yao, a 22-year-old student, arrived on the resort island last month for a short stay on her way back to her university in Sydney, Australia, from her hometown in Zhoushan, China. Since then, she has been virtually marooned.
She is one of tens of thousands of Chinese travelers whose plans have been upset by rapidly changing regulations thrown up across the region as the coronavirus has spread.
But instead of the warm welcome once extended to wealthy Chinese tourists, the island’s locals have met her and other Chinese visitors with worry, discrimination and fear.
Some restaurants on the resort island have banned Chinese citizens. Employees at one asked her not to speak Mandarin while eating there, fearing she would scare away customers.
Updated Feb. 10, 2020
What is a Coronavirus? It is a novel virus named for the crown-like spikes that protrude from its surface. The coronavirus can infect both animals and people, and can cause a range of respiratory illnesses from the common cold to more dangerous conditions like Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, or SARS.
How contagious is the virus? According to preliminary research, it seems moderately infectious, similar to SARS, and is possibly transmitted through the air. Scientists have estimated that each infected person could spread it to somewhere between 1.5 and 3.5 people without effective containment measures.
How worried should I be? While the virus is a serious public health concern, the risk to most people outside China remains very low, and seasonal flu is a more immediate threat.
Who is working to contain the virus? World Health Organization officials have praised China’s aggressive response to the virus by closing transportation, schools and markets. This week, a team of experts from the W.H.O. arrived in Beijing to offer assistance.
What if I’m traveling? The United States and Australia are temporarily denying entry to noncitizens who recently traveled to China and several airlines have canceled flights.
How do I keep myself and others safe? Washing your hands frequently is the most important thing you can do, along with staying at home when you’re sick.
“The fear toward the virus is everywhere,” she said. “I think it’s unfair for all Chinese citizens; they are not allowed to go into restaurants or cannot speak Mandarin.”
What was supposed to be a short detour on her way to begin another semester of studies in Australia turned into an anxious limbo when that country joined others in banning travelers arriving directly from mainland China.
Now, she must wait. According to the current regulations she cannot make her way to Australia until she has been out of China for at least 14 days. Alone in a foreign country and made to feel like a pariah has left Ms. Yao depressed and frustrated.
“I just want to stay in a safe place,” she said.
Fears over the virus have fueled discrimination around the world. In Japan, the hashtag #ChineseDon’tComeToJapan trended recently on Twitter. In Singapore, thousands of residents signed a petition calling on the government to ban Chinese nationals from entering the country.
Even in China, people listen for accents distinctive to Hubei Province, the center of the outbreak, and shun residents: avoiding them on public transportation and denying them entry to restaurants and other public spaces.
Ms. Yao landed on Jeju last month after spending the Lunar New Year in Zhoushan, in the coastal province of Zhejiang. The province is one of the hardest hit by the new coronavirus outbreak, with more 1,100 confirmed cases.
One day after arriving in Jeju, the Australian government restricted entry for travelers who had recently been to mainland China — a ban it is set to extend on Saturday.
The ban has caused problems for thousands of Chinese students, who make up a significant portion of the international student population at Australian universities. Now in online chat groups, students are debating the merits of staying in third countries, including Thailand or Dubai, for 14 days in an attempt to make the start of a new semester.
Ms. Yao considers herself luckier than her friends who are in trapped in Hubei Province or elsewhere in mainland China. As a fix, some universities have said that they will provide online courses or allow students to defer the semester. Still, she has added her name to a petition along with thousands of others calling for a delay to the start of the semester.
On Feb. 2, Jeju Island also indefinitely suspended its visa waiver program for Chinese nationals, leaving Ms. Yao, who arrived before the restriction went into effect, in uncertain territory. As of Wednesday, there had been 28 confirmed cases of CORVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus, in South Korea.
Since her arrival on Jeju Island, Ms. Yao has rarely ventured outside, choosing instead to play games online with friends and study for a driving test.
At one point, she posted on social media about the prejudice she had experienced, saying that while she supported measures like self-quarantining, the enactment of hasty travel bans had been “hurtful.” She received responses from several Chinese people, some of whom called her emotional and uneducated.
On Friday, confident that she would be able to return to Australia once she has spent two weeks outside of China, she finally booked a ticket to Sydney, transiting through Malaysia.
But since then, Malaysia has banned visitors from Zhejiang Province, where she visited last month. She is worried now that even a layover in Malaysia will be problematic and she could be turned around.
“This is really troubling for me,” she said. “But it is my only chance.”
from WordPress https://mastcomm.com/for-a-chinese-traveler-even-paradise-comes-with-prejudice/
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Simplifying Free Zone Business Setup for You
Setting up a business in the UAE is now as simple as A, B, C! Sounds too good to be true? Experience it to believe it for yourself. With the assistance of some professional experts who can provide the necessary business and marketing consulting services to help set up your ideal business in the Arab world, you can now just sit back and relax, while they do the rest.
 One such name that comes to mind is Arab Business Consultant, a specialized consulting agency in the Emirates that offers 100% guided assistance at every step involved in setting up your business in the country. Right from providing business consulting for setting up your entity in the various free zones and mainland, to marketing consultancies that involve the use of several media to help establish your brand name and promote it – they’ve got it all covered.
 Let’s take a quick look at how the agency exactly works and can help.
 Free Zone business setup made simple
The moment you land in the UAE, it would be wise to hire a professional consultancy that will take upon itself the complete responsibility of setting up your business. Their team of efficient experts would first familiarize you with the various free zones in the Emirates – Ajman, Sharjah, Fujairah, Dubai, Jebel Ali, and Ras Al Khaimah.
 Choosing the right zone for business setup
The team would then help you weigh all your options and choose which free zone you’d like to set up your entity in.
 Helping to set up your business from start to end
Once you’ve settled for Free Zone business setup and decided which free zone you’d like to start your business journey in, the consulting team will start the procedure – right from collecting, screening, and submitting the documents to providing various options for different types of rental office spaces to suit your taste and budget. It would also guide you through other important steps such as making payments, expediting the license approval process so that you may obtain your license to operate a business in UAE faster.
 Promoting the business
Your journey with these consulting agencies wouldn’t end with just setting up the business in the UAE. It would continue through the stage of promotion of your brand, establishing and maintaining an effective online presence, and working toward yielding better results.
 Some of the most popular marketing tools adopted by consulting firms today include website designing, social media marketing, email marketing, marketing employing All in One social media, SEO, and pay-per-click advertising.
 Other services to help
You can look forward to receiving a number of other essential services as well once you’ve hired a consulting firm for Free Zone business setup in the UAE. These may include helping you to set up a virtual office to keep in tune with the times, finding a rental office space, opening a bank account in the respective Free Zone, visa processing procedure, offering PRO services, and helping in license renewal upon expiry.
 To sum up, one of the best ways to set up your business in the Free Zone is hire a professional consultancy, shift your workload of business setup on them and then relax while they do the rest and help you yield the best.
Reference link:
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Business Setup in Dubai Mainland Tourism Sector
A Comprehensive Guide to Setting Up a Tourism Business in Dubai Mainland
Introduction: When it comes to establishing a tourism business in the Middle East, Dubai is an unrivaled destination. The emirate's unique blend of cultural heritage, awe-inspiring attractions, and unparalleled hospitality have made it a global hotspot for tourists. This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide on setting up a tourism business in Dubai mainland, ensuring entrepreneurs are well-equipped to navigate the regulatory landscape and tap into the immense potential of the tourism sector.
Step 1: Research and Planning: The first step in setting up any business is conducting thorough research to gain a deep understanding of the tourism industry in Dubai. Identify potential gaps or opportunities based on the target market, demand, and competition. Develop a solid business plan that outlines your goals, target audience, marketing strategies, and financial projections.
Step 2: Legal Requirements: To operate in Dubai mainland, all businesses must meet certain legal requirements. These include obtaining necessary licenses and permits from the Department of Economic Development (DED). Engaging with local legal and business consultants who can guide you through the process is highly advisable.
Step 3: Business Structure: Choose an appropriate business structure for your tourism venture. Options include sole proprietorship, partnership, or establishing a company with limited liability. Deciding on the right structure depends on several factors such as the nature of your business, ownership preferences, and potential liability issues.
Step 4: Local Sponsorship: One of the unique aspects of operating in Dubai mainland is the requirement of having a local sponsor or partner. A local sponsor, who must be a UAE national, will hold 51% of the shares in your company. While they do not have direct involvement in day-to-day operations, their partnership is essential for obtaining the necessary licenses.
Step 5: Location and Office Space: Selecting the right location for your tourism business is crucial. Dubai mainland offers a variety of free zones and commercial areas. Determine whether you want to establish your office in a free zone or outside a free zone, as both options have different benefits and restrictions.
Step 6: Licensing: Obtaining the appropriate licenses is vital for the smooth operation of your tourism business. The type of licenses required will depend on the specific activities you plan to offer, such as tour operator, travel agency, or hotel. It is advisable to consult with the DED or engage a business setup service provider to ensure compliance with all licensing requirements.
Step 7: Hiring and Staffing: Recruitment plays a crucial role in the success of any business. Hire qualified and experienced personnel who understand the intricacies of the tourism industry and can provide exceptional customer service. Remember to follow all applicable labor laws and regulations when employing staff in Dubai.
Step 8: Marketing and Promotion: Develop a robust marketing strategy to create brand awareness and attract tourists to your business. Leverage digital platforms, create engaging content, use social media promotions, and collaborate with local influencers to reach your target audience effectively. Additionally, consider partnering with local tour operators and hotels to expand your reach.
Conclusion: Setting up a tourism business in Dubai mainland requires careful planning, adherence to legal requirements, and the ability to stay ahead in a competitive market. With its breathtaking attractions, vibrant culture, and world-class infrastructure, Dubai offers immense opportunities for entrepreneurs in the tourism sector. By following the steps outlined in this guide and seeking expert advice, you can embark on a successful journey in Dubai's flourishing tourism industry.
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Navigating Business Setup Costs: How to Minimize Expenses in Dubai
Navigating Business Setup Costs: How to Minimize Expenses in Dubai
When setting up a business in Dubai, managing costs effectively is crucial for long-term success. Here are some tips to help you minimize business setup expenses in Dubai:
Plan your Budget: Before starting your business, create a comprehensive budget that outlines all the expenses involved. Consider one-time costs such as trade license fees, visa fees, office setup, and ongoing expenses such as rent, utilities, employee salaries, and marketing. Having a clear budget will help you prioritize expenses and identify areas where you can cut costs.
Choose the Right Location: Dubai offers various options for business setup, including mainland, free zones, and offshore jurisdictions. Research and compare the costs associated with each option. Free zones, for example, may offer benefits such as reduced setup costs, tax incentives, and simplified procedures. Consider the specific requirements and advantages of each location and choose the one that aligns with your business needs and budget.
Negotiate Lease Agreements: When renting office or retail space, negotiate favorable lease terms. Explore different locations, consider shared office spaces or co-working arrangements, and negotiate rent and contract terms to get the best deal. Lease agreements can often be flexible, especially in commercial areas where landlords are open to negotiations.
Optimize Staffing: Hiring employees can be a significant expense for your business. Consider whether you can start with a lean team and gradually scale up as your business grows. Explore options such as freelancers, part-time staff, or outsourcing certain tasks to reduce costs. Hire employees strategically based on your business needs and consider cross-training employees to handle multiple roles.
Embrace Digital Marketing: Instead of relying solely on traditional marketing methods, leverage digital marketing strategies to reach your target audience cost-effectively. Invest in search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, content marketing, and email marketing to promote your business. These channels often provide a higher return on investment compared to traditional advertising.
Minimize Operational Expenses: Look for ways to reduce ongoing operational expenses. For example, negotiate favorable contracts with suppliers to secure better pricing and terms. Use technology to automate processes, streamline operations, and reduce administrative tasks. Consider outsourcing non-core functions, such as accounting or IT support, to external service providers.
Leverage Government Incentives: Stay informed about government initiatives and incentives that support businesses in Dubai. The Dubai government often introduces programs and grants to promote entrepreneurship and business growth. Research and take advantage of such initiatives to reduce setup and operational costs.
Monitor Cash Flow: Keep a close eye on your cash flow to effectively manage expenses. Maintain proper accounting records, regularly review your financial statements, and monitor cash inflows and outflows. This will help you identify areas where you can optimize spending and make informed decisions to control costs.
Seek Professional Advice: Consult with business advisors, consultants, or legal experts who have experience in the Dubai market. They can provide valuable insights and guidance on cost-saving measures, legal compliance, and effective business strategies.
Remember, while minimizing costs is important, it's crucial to maintain quality standards and invest in areas that contribute to your business's growth and success. Balancing cost optimization with the need for efficient operations and customer satisfaction will position your business for long-term viability in Dubai.
More about Business Setup In Dubai
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How to Plan Your Small Business Setup in Dubai
The modern and charming city of Dubai is increasingly becoming popular as the commercial and economic hub of the UAE. Housing the maximum number of free zones in the whole of UAE, Dubai is the new favourite among entrepreneurs.
 How do I go about starting a business in Dubai?
Well, it may not seem easy at first. The task of moving into a foreign land and starting everything from scratch can be quite daunting. It may be a good idea to get in touch with a team of professional experts who have considerable experience in setting up a small business enterprise in the UAE. One such name is Arab Business Consultant, a business and marketing consulting firm offering specialized services to new entrepreneurs for small business setup in Dubai.
 How can Arab Business Consultant help me?
Once you have chosen them to be your partners in setting up your business enterprise, you can easily tick off the first task on your checklist of how to plan your small business setup in Dubai. It’s like handing over your child to the school authorities, knowing that they are in safe hands, and then just sit back and relax. Working with Arab Business Consultant literally feels the same way! Right from the start, they will take charge of all the important things to do to help you set up your business in Dubai. Here’s a glance at some of their specialized services:
·         Free consultation to new entrepreneurs in Dubai, guiding them step by step on what to do and how, so that the whole process is cost-effective and beneficial to you.
·         One stop shop for all your business setup needs – from licensing to visa processing, and even marketing your business to help promote it in Dubai.
·         Handle all your company documentation, keeping you stress-free
·         Assist in setting up business in both Dubai free zone and offshore Dubai mainland
 Once the business is up and running, what next?
The advantage of choosing Arab Business Consultant for your small business setup in Dubai is that they will take care of all your needs from A-Z. Once they have assisted you in the setup procedure – put together all the necessary documents required to obtain the license to work in Dubai, and you finally have the license in hand, you are ready to move on to the next level, i.e, promoting your business in the foreign land of Dubai.
 Here too, Arab Business Consultant can help you by offering their marketing consulting services such as web design, search engine optimization, email, social media, and pay per click marketing methods, and all in one social media solutions for your business.
 It doesn’t end here either. As promised, Arab Business Consultant will stay with you on your business setup voyage through the very end. They understand that there are several other small issues to be taken care of en route, even after the business has been setup. As such, they offer their help in opening up a bank account for you in Dubai, renewing the license when expired, providing PRO services for your business enterprise, finding a local sponsor in Dubai, and helping in VAT registration, among many other such specialized services.
 So if Dubai is your next place-to-be for starting a small business, make Arab Business Consultant your next firm to partner within your journey.
 Reference link:
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