theoptimisticwitch · 2 years
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The Next Phase Spread
Back of Deck Energy:
The World, Three of Swords, & Seven of Swords
The back of deck energy is what I feel your energy is currently or in the very recent past. You’re feeling like a cycle is completing itself or you have a sense that something is coming to a close. It’s bought heartbreak to someone involved (could be you but it doesn’t have to be) and there is an element of betrayal or secret keeping about it.
1. What I’m being called to do next on my journey?
King of Cups (R) —> The Fool & The Sun
This feels a little bit weird for me to say but the cards are telling you to be selfish. Theres something that you have been giving too much to and it’s stating to become a burden. You have a new beginning coming for you that will bring you happiness but it might be a hard decision to go with. It feels like in order bring that new beginning in you have to do something that is a little emotionally immature, which I believe will be very hard for you.
2. What this looks like for me?
Eight of Wands —> Five of Cups & Four of Wands
This looks like communicating your disappointments and taking action towards what you want in your life.
3. Action I can take to initiate this next phase:
Knight of Swords (R) —> Ten of Cups & Knight of Swords
This is not an impulsive action but at the same time it reads like you don’t have a plan in place. I also feel like there’s no point in putting a plan into place because it’s something you shouldn’t/can’t overthink. It’s going to feel like it’s sudden to those around you but I have a feeling that you have had this in the back of your mind for a while and are ready to go for it. It might feel awkward or uncomfortable.
4. How this next phase of my journey will impact me?
The Hermit (R) —> Knight of Cups & Four of Pentacles
This next phase is going to bring you out of hiding. You’re going to start enjoying your life more and going after what truly makes you excited. You’re going to feel more independent and solitary. I get the feeling that you haven’t felt like that in a while, if ever.
5. Something I need to understand about this next phase:
Nine of Swords —> Ten of Pentacles & Nine of Pentacles
It’s going to be uncomfortable, there’s no doubt about it. The nine of swords is my nightmare card, so whatever you have to do it is going to bring you a feeling worse than anxiety. You might even feel like you can’t do it but when you do finally pull the trigger you’ll find stability and self sufficiency on the other side. Don’t be afraid of the what ifs because the universe has always got you.
6. A message I need to hear right now:
Queen of Swords —> Strength & Wheel of Fortune
The universe is telling you to be brutally honest. The queen of swords for me is someone who tells the truth in a constructive way. She understands that sometimes you have to say the hard truth but there is a way to do it without completely devastating those around you. You have the strength inside you to change the wheel in your favor. The universe will reward you for taking the hard way out.
Bonus Card: The Empress
This flew out while I was shuffling. The empress is the divine feminine and represents nurturing and fertility (think birth of a new opportunity). This tells me that whatever you have going on is divinely guided and it’s something that you will need to act on. Ignoring this could run the risk of “divine intervention” and nobody wants a tower situation here. Take the opportunity when it’s presented to you.
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theoptimisticwitch · 2 years
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New Year Tarot Spread
Back of the deck:
Ten of Cups (R), Two of Swords, The Mother Star
I’m considering the back of the deck energy as how your 2021 went overall. I feel like you might have felt like your happiness was turned on its head during the year. You’ve had to really address what is working in your life and what isn’t and remove yourself from the situations that weren’t working. The mother star is a card exclusive to that particular deck. It’s the “yes” card, so that tells me that you did a great job of putting yourself as a priority this year.
1. What was my biggest win last year?
Five of Swords —> The Lovers & Page of Cups
I’m reading that in the past you’ve had a mentality that you needed to “win” in every situation but in 2021 you’ve focused on changing that. You’ve chosen to embrace love and even express some of it yourself… some. I’m seeing that you’ve made great progress and the universe is ready to reward you.
2. What was my biggest lesson last year?
The Tower (R) —> Six of Wands & Ten of Wands
That resisting tower moments might feel like a victory in the moment but in reality you’re just creating a harder journey for yourself. Tower moments will happen whether you want them to or not so it’s better to embrace them early on to make things easier on yourself. Everything will work out in your best interest!
3. What should I take forward with me?
Seven of Pentacles (R) —> The Devil & Queen of Cups
You are being asked to let go of your past perceptions of others. It’s time to let go of looking back on the toxic times in your life and instead focus on when you felt the best about yourself. Remembering the negative stuff can be a good thing during healing but once you’ve reach a certain point holding on to anything but compassion will only keep you on a lower vibration.
4. What should I leave behind?
Page of Swords (R) —> Three of Swords & Three of Wands
You’re being asked to leave behind your hesitancy to start a new journey. You might be afraid that it will only lead to heartbreak but I think that you’ll find that the longer you work at it the more successful it will turn out to be. The key is to take the opportunities as they come.
5. What energies does the new year bring?
Judgment (R) —> Page of Wands & The Moon
It’s going to be a pretty tame start to the new year. The universe is asking you to be open to new experiences but also make sure to listen to your inner voice. There might be some old mindsets that come into play but you know how to handle them.
6. How can I best harness them?
Page of Cups —> Nine of Swords & Ace of Swords
Keep sticking with the page mentality. Offering up bits and pieces of energy while you figure out if it’s worth investing in or not. If you ever feel like something is overwhelming you, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Or at the very least for a temporary distraction while you figure out the best way to answer your problem.
7. A goal for my personal life:
Seven of Wands —> Four of Swords & Six of Cups
When you start to feel the need to be defensive take a step back and surround yourself with your soul family. You know who has your back, there’s no use in fighting with people that don’t.
8. A goal for my love life:
Queen of Pentacles —> The Hanged Man & Four of Swords
There is a lot of waiting and patience energy here. I’m seeing that you need to continue getting yourself secure. Love isn’t really on the front burner right now.
9. A goal for my work life:
King of Swords —> The Emperor & Queen of Swords
You truly are your own power couple! I’m seeing that you may have to focus on keeping those honest remarks to yourself. Some people don’t need your advice and it’s your job to determine if you’re going to be wasting your breath or not. Sometimes it’s better to keep your thoughts to yourself rather than express them. Especially if it might hurt someone’s feelings.
10. A goal for my family/friendship life:
Ace of Cups (R) —> Four of Cups & Knight of Cups
Im seeing that a goal could be to make sure you’re keeping up with your friends and family. When things get crazy in life don’t forget to cherish those who stick around you.
11. What is my motto for the new year?
Six of Wands (R) —> Ace of Pentacles & Eight of Swords
I dont have to be discouraged by my loses, instead I see them as opportunities for growth and am excited for the next one.
I relax and connect with my spirit’s wisdom and power. I live in the peace that my spirit brings, and know that the world of Spirit supports me.
My first chakra is open to its perfect, healthy state. I am strong, stable, safe, and secure. The Archangel Michael guides and supports me always.
Important times to look out for:
Full moons
New moon in Aries: 04/01/22
Full moon in Taurus: 11/08/22
New moon in Scorpio: 11/23/22
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theoptimisticwitch · 3 years
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Past Life Reading
In this spread I asked for four main goals that spread throughout your lives. It could be your souls purpose or important things you have to learn in order for your soul contract to be completed. I also asked for a general theme from two of your significant past lives and for your current life. Based on the last group of cards I can see if you have last life energy. The bottom of the deck is the overall energy you have going into each life. Please remember that tarot is a snapshot of current energies and how it will playout if things continue unchanged. We always have free will, if you don’t like something you have the power to change this reading.
Bottom of the Deck:
Six of Cups, Knight of Cups, & The Emperor
In each life your soul brings a lot of love. The six of cups is my soul family card. You have a unique ability to make everyone you meet feel like family. You might find that people say they feel like they’ve known you forever. You also have an overwhelming urge to express your love to others. Combine that with the Emperor energy and you have someone who loves and loves hard. You also might find that you have a masculine energy and you have a tendency to control those around you.
Life Goals or Lessons:
1. Ace of Wands (R) —> Ten of Swords
A lesson you might have to learn in this life time is how to end things that aren’t serving you. If there is something in your life that doesn’t “ignite your torch” then you need to end it. It’s up to you to find out what that is in your life.
2. Knight of Wands (R) —> Six of Pentacles
Another lesson you might have to learn is how to match the energy that people have around you. You have high energy and sometimes people might try to drain that out of you or take advantage. It’s important that you only share your incredible gift of love with those that deserve it.
3. The Hanged Man (R) —> Ten of Cups
You might find that when good things and people come into your life you might question it. It could be because you’re used to life being hard and it might be hard to trust something that feels good. It’s important to remember that true love (romantic, familial, and platonic) doesn’t always come with an uncomfortable feeling.
4. The Hierophant (R) —> Ace of Swords
Lastly, there might be a lesson to learn in being honest with what exactly you want out of life. You might find that you don’t want what other people traditionally want. That’s absolutely okay as long as you’re honest with yourself and honest with those in your life.
Significant Life #1:
Overall Energy: Knight of Swords & Attachment
Six of Swords —> Six of Swords
Ace of Swords —> Four of Wands
Queen of Swords —> The Lovers
Lots and lots of swords! Which tells me that this life time was about dealing with your thoughts and self worth. You worked really hard in this life to move on from negative thoughts. You also were able to express what you truly wanted in your environment. Lastly, you learned how to be brutally honest while also coming from a place of love. This life was about releasing attachment to bad thoughts and toxic cycles.
Significant Life #2:
Overall energy: Two of Swords & Magician in the Mirror
Page of Pentacles —> Page of Cups
Four of Pentacles —> Two of Wands
The Magician (R) —> The Star
This lifetime was filled with indecision and a lack mentality. It seems like you held yourself back because you didn’t feel like you could achieve your goals. You had to learn that you are actually a very powerful manifester, if you ever did in this life. You can have anything that you want, it’s all a matter of believing that you are worthy of it. AND YOU ARE.
Current Life:
Overall Energy: Six of Wands & Woman Holding a Heart
King of Swords (R) —> Six of Wands
Ten of Cups —> Eight of Wands
The High Priestess (R) —> Two of Swords
This is a very victorious life. It’s all about finding your successes, whatever that might be in. It’s important to not only figure out what your goals are but also express them to those around you. If you keep them to yourself then there won’t be anyone out there to support you. Once you find your “happily ever after” you might find that things move quickly, it’s important to not be afraid. You also might find that when you keep your emotions and thoughts to yourself that it keeps you closed off from your intuition. The best way to work things out is by talking through it with your loved ones.
Outcome of this Life:
King of Pentacles, Death, & King of Pentacles
This lifetime you will be very successful. There will be a time when you feel like you have everything you could ever need and want but I think you’re destined for even more. One day you’ll have realized your entire life changed and you’ll wonder how you ever thought your life was complete before.
Last Life Energy?
Not yet but this is a set up life for your next one being your last life!!
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theoptimisticwitch · 3 years
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Sagittarius Full Moon
Bottom of the Deck Energy:
The Lovers, Four of Cups, Five of Pentacles
Right now you’re surrounded by love and maybe you can’t even see it. Im getting that you might feel like your impending move is making you feel like you’re already an outsider and that you’re going to miss out on something.
1. The story I’m ready to leave behind
The Magician, Strength, Nine of Wands
Every time you try to manifest something you end up blocking it before it comes in. It’s time to let the walls and boundaries down a little bit so what is meant for you can come into fruition.
2. How I can leave it behind
The Sun (R) —> Page of Wands & Queen of Swords
Be honest about what does and doesn’t make you happy. It also might be time to start something new that you’ve been previously insecure about or that you didn’t think would be possible. I’m also getting that maybe you need to be a little easier on yourself for going after what you want. Just because you have to put yourself out there doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing, just scary.
3. The energy I’m being invited to expand to
Knight of Pentacles (R) —> Seven of Pentacles & The Magician
I’m seeing that you’re under the impression that the reason your manifestations aren’t coming to you is because you keep hearing things take time but that isn’t the case here. As I said earlier, you are the last block getting in the way of your manifestations coming to you. Great things are allowed to come in fast too.
4. How can I assist myself in this expansion
Five of Pentacles (R) —> Eight of Swords & Two of Wands
Don’t run away from the things that give you anxiety. I know it’s tempting to drop things because you think it’s not worth the emotional burden you think it’s going to give you. It’s time to choose a different direction and don’t run. Instead embrace the anxiety things give you and remember that excitement and nervousness feel the same, the only difference is fear.
5. My ally in cultivating joyful surrender to this process
Six of Wands —> Knight of Cups & Ten of Cups
Bruh, this can’t get better. You have luck and love on your side. Whatever you want will come to you as long as you’re open to taking it when it’s offered to you!!
I choose to see and appreciate the beauty and value around me. I increase my gratitude every day, and I am attracting even more to be grateful for.
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theoptimisticwitch · 3 years
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Saturn Retrograde 5/23/21-10/10/21
What happens during Saturn Retrograde?
Saturn retrograde demands that you honor yourself and don’t let others pressure you into doing things that make you uncomfortable. You are also asked to do some work when it comes to letting go of negative thinking and self-limiting beliefs. It’s time to bring in healthy boundaries and to push out fear-based hang ups.
Bottom of the Deck:
King of Cups, Six of Wands, and Eight of Cups
The bottom of the deck energy for me always is the energy that you have going into the retrograde. Right now you feel confident in your decision to walk away from something. It’s bringing you to emotional balance and giving you a feeling of success. Keep going with that mindset and know that it’s okay to embrace the hard feelings too.
Main theme/energy you’ll experience this Saturn Retrograde
Strength (R) —> Eight of Wands & Queen of Cups
You will find that when you embrace your inner strength and rely fully upon yourself that you will have a swift movement towards self love and compassion. The universe might test you in ways where you will have to prove that you truly love yourself first. Don’t sacrifice any part of yourself for someone else.
Major lesson you need to learn that’ll help you in the future
Two of Pentacles —> Two of Wands & Nine of Pentacles
When things get to be too much or you feel like you have a lot to juggle around remember to stay on the path that leads you to your independence. Your first instinct should be to honor yourself.
What you need to keep in mind this retrograde
Page of Pentacles —> Ace of Cups & The Devil
I hate to say it but starting anything new in the romance department wouldn’t be a good idea. It seems like even if people present themselves as good options you will ultimately find that you aren’t ready or they aren’t. It’s a great time to love yourself!! (I hate hearing that too)
What you must re-do / do over / revisit that you may have thought you were done with
The World —> Judgment & The Lovers
Holy major arcana!! There is a cycle that you feel has completely closed out but will end up coming up again. You will ultimately have to make a decision regarding how you want your life to go but I’m confident that whatever you choose will be the right choice.
What your reward will be if you’re diligent + thorough during this retrograde
Nine of Cups —> The Magician & Two of Swords
If you stay true to yourself and your own boundaries whatever you are currently manifesting will come to you. It’s likely that you can’t see it coming towards you at all but that’s all in divine timing. But it’s going to be a wish come true!
A final message from Saturn
Five of Swords —> Justice & Five of Wands
Anyone that wrongs you will get the karma that they deserve. It’s best to not get involved and let the universe take it into her hands. If you try to intervene you’ll just get involved in all the drama. Who wants that?
I am receiving the peaceful, harmonious treatment I deserve in my life. I set boundries, make reasonable requests, and make my expectations clear.
I shuffled Ella Fitzgerald’s “this is” playlist on Spotify for this song. Definitely felt like it resonated but feel free to do the same for more messages!
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theoptimisticwitch · 3 years
Birthday Reading
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Bottom of the Deck Energy:
1. Something from last year that you need to let go of
Ten of Cups —> Six of Cups & The World (R)
2. Card to represent this upcoming year in my life
Nine of Cups (R) —> The Chariot & Princess of Page
3. Something new to look forward to this year
Page of Wands —> The Devil & Ace of Pentacles
4. A new Hobby/interest I should explore
The High Priestess (R) —> Four of Swords & Seven of Pentacles
5. An important lesson I will learn this year
Nine of Pentacles —> King of Cups & Five of Swords
6. How can I be the best version of myself?
Wheel of Fortune (R) —> Three of Cups & The Lovers
A. Family
Jack of Diamonds/The Star —> Queen of Wands
B. Friendships
Four of Diamonds —> Nine of Swords
C. Romantic Relationships
Eight of Diamonds —> The Chariot
D. Health
King of Diamonds —> The Hermit
E. Finances
Five of Pentacles/The Heirophant —> Ten of Cups
F. Career
Nine of Clubs/The Sun —> Five of Swords
G. Travel
Nine of Spades —> Wheel of Fortune
My sixth chakra is open to its perfect, healthy state. My personal vision guides me, and my thoughts are peaceful and clear.
My throat chakra is open to its perfect, healthy state, spinning with the beautiful energy of freedom and self-empowerment. I am free to express myself in every way.
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theoptimisticwitch · 3 years
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theoptimisticwitch · 3 years
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Happy Sag Season!!
Bottom of the deck:
Ace of Pentacles, Seven of Cups, & Ace of Wands
Right now the only thing on your mind is chasing your dreams. I see you having a lot of options all around you whether you see them or not. Either way, you’re not entertaining anything but money and a good time.
Where am I ready to expand?
Knight of Cups (R) —> Six of Cups & Ten of Cup
You’re ready to dive into a world of love and it doesn’t have anything to do with a romantic suitor. You’re discovering your soul tribe and finding your true happiness within yourself. Go with that energy and the right people will enter your life!
What am I aiming my arrow towards?
Queen of Cups —> Ten of Wands & Queen of Swords
My first thought was that this was about a cancer energy but the more I think about it the more I think it’s you. You’re aiming your arrows towards being more compassionate and understanding. It feels overwheing at times because this is new territory for you. Remember to speak up when you feel like this, you don’t have to go through this transformation on your own.
Where could I use more optimism?
Seven of Swords (R) —> Eight of Wands & The Moon
For once you’re not surrounded by toxic people. You’ve done a great job of fixing or cutting out relationships this year and it’s time to recognize that!
What part of the big picture am I missing?
Two of pentacles —> Queen of Cups & The Wheel of Fortune
The ability to choose to be compassionate in all situations is uncomfortable and difficult. It will not come naturally but it will come more easily with practice! You’ll find the more you choose to go about things in a nurturing way the more blessings will be brought to you.
How can I best use the energy surrounding me?
Six of Pentacles (R) —> Five of Wands & Two of Cups
Your emotions will probably be heightened again so remember that you can give love without causing conflict as long as it’s going to the right people.
Message from my higher self:
Ace of Wands —> The Moon & Strength
You know what you want and you know you have the strength to get what you want so when an opportunity presents itself, go for it!
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theoptimisticwitch · 3 years
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Past Life Reading
In this spread I asked for four main goals that spread throughout your lives. It could be your souls purpose or important things you have to learn in order for your soul contract to be completed. I also asked for a general theme from two of your significant past lives and for your current life. Based on the last group of cards I can see if you have last life energy. The bottom of the deck is the overall energy you have going into each life. Please remember that tarot is a snapshot of current energies and how it will playout if things continue unchanged. We always have free will, if you don’t like something you have the power to change this reading.
Bottom of the Deck:
Six of Swords, Knight of Cups, & Eight of Swords
Your soul has a desire for peace and bringing love into all situations. Your higher self desires a life free of conflict and where you are able to go after all your passions in life. Unfortunately, your soul has chronic anxiety. Sometimes it’s manageable and sometimes it isn’t but, none the less, you move forward in life chasing your dreams.
Life Goals or Lessons:
1. The Fool —> The Hierophant
You’ll be called to take a leap of faith when it comes to either a higher level of commitment or higher level institution (school or work). Or Por que no los dos! Your intuition will let you know when things are right.
2. Five of Cups (R) —> Nine of Pentacles
This screams to me that a life goal is to be 100% happy being independent. You dont feel the need to cry over what you’ve lost because at the end of the day you always have you!
3. The Star —> Three of Cups
Another life goal is to have a great group of friends around you. It is up to you to figure out what qualities you want those friends to possess and make sure to value them to keep them around.
4. Four of Cups (R) —> Eight of Pentacles
It feels like a life lesson you will have to learn is to get over the feeling that you’re missing something. When life feels a little boring you throw yourself into a new project instead of appreciating what you have and celebrating what you have already accomplished.
Significant Life #1:
Overall Energy: Judgment & Caring Connections
Four of Pentacles —> The Tower
Justice —> Strength
Temperance (R) —> The Star
This was an extremely important life. It was your first one with last life energy! You spent the majority of it holding back from those around you and it created a lot of tower moments for you. You had extremely strong opinions that you rarely changed. Coupled with the tendency to retreat from others it was hard for you to find close connections. You always wished for someone to break down your walls but no one ever got close. Because of this, you chose to come back and try again.
Significant Life #2:
Overall energy: Two of Pentacles & The Garden and The Gate
Page of Pentacles (R) —> Temperance
Wheel of Fortune —> Nine of Swords
Strength (R) —> Ace of Wands
This life asked you to learn when to go after your goals. Your overall energy tells me that you had all the tools you needed to make your dreams come true but you hesitated. You spent too much time weighing your options and they ended up passing you by. Whenever something wouldn’t work out, it brought out all your anxiety. You let your anxiety rule your life and it ended up holding you back from finding what you truly loved.
Current Life:
Overall Energy: Nine of Wands & Deciet
The Emporer (R) —> Ten of Wands
The Devil (R) —> Eight of Wands
Queen of Swords —> The Moon
Because of your last significant lives, you started this life with your walls up and automatically distrusting of people. You might have a problem relinquishing control and it could cause you to burn out easily. Fortunately, you will have a lot of non-toxic people come into your life and it is up to you to move towards them. Lastly, you have the power to express your inner thoughts in a constructive manner. Remember to use that tool when communicating with others.
Outcome of this Life:
Two of Pentacles (R), Six of Swords, & King of Cups
I’m confident that you will learn the lessons you need to learn in this life time to set you up for last life energy in the next. You have a strong inner knowing and a willingness to move on from past trauma that will lead you to become a truly compassionate person.
Last Life Energy?
Noooooot yet but this is a big lesson lifetime!
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theoptimisticwitch · 3 years
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My future love
Bottom of the Deck:
Page of Wands, Judgment, and Temperence
1. Why haven’t I found them yet?
Six of Pentacles (R) —> Queen of Pentacles & Knight of Swords
2. How to overcome #1?
Nine of Pentacles —> Ten of Cups & Two of Cups
3. What can I do to meet them?
Lovers —> Seven of Wands & The Chariot
4. How will I know them?
Two of Wands —> Five of Pentacles & Ace of Swords
5. Where will I find them?
Death —> Six of Pentacles & Five of Swords
6. When will I find them?
Temperance —> Three of Cups & Nine of Cups
7. Guidance and tips:
Three of Wands (R) —> The Hermit & Knight of Pentacles
8. My first impression of them:
Knight of Pentacles —> The Moon & King of Cups
9. Common bond between us?
Six of Swords —> The Hanged Man & King of Swords
10. Wisdom for the future:
The Sun —> Eight of Wands & Eight of Pentacles
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theoptimisticwitch · 4 years
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Oct 5th: How to clear my energy?
Deck used: Friends
The Tower, Seven of Wands, Three of Wands, and the Hierophant
BotD: Nine of Cups
Energy Oracle: Broken Heart & Strategy
Work on clearing out the tower moments and stop being defensive over what you need to do. The longer you put it off the longer you’ll Have to wait for your higher purpose?
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theoptimisticwitch · 4 years
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theoptimisticwitch · 4 years
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Bottom of the Deck:
King of Swords (R), The Wheel of Fortune, and Two of Swords
1. Where can Venus assist me?
Six of Cups (R) —> The Magician & King of Cups
2. Where can I incorporate more balance?
Seven of Wands —> The Empress &Judgment
3. Where do I need to be more decisive?
Seven of Cups —> Temperence & The Emporer
4. Message from my higher self:
Four of Cups —> Seven of Wands & Ten of Cups
5. Outcome:
Sun —> The Chariot & Queen of Swords
Affirmation: My heart center, my fourth chakra, is open to its perfect, healthy, and joyful state. The energy of love flows through me now. I live in love.
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theoptimisticwitch · 4 years
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Affirmation: I am open and willing to take my life in new directions. I am becoming more aware of my many options for harmony and optimism in my thoughts and in my choices each day.
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theoptimisticwitch · 4 years
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happy libra season!!
First off, you got the Ace of Cups from all three decks... girl.... what’s going on.
Bottom of the Deck:
King of Cups (R), The Magician, and Ace of Wands
There’s an imbalance of love going on around you. Someone isn’t giving as equally as someone else. Besides that, you are making things happen for yourself. Manifesting like crazy and finding passion all around you.
1. Where can Venus assist me?
Ace of Cups —> Eight of Pentacles & Judgment
You’re on a new journey right now and it’s hard to know if you want to put in the work or not. Venus is the planet of femininity and love. She’s always going to tell you to bring love into the situation. Express love whenever you can!
2. Where can I incorporate more balance?
Six of Wands —> Princess of Pentacles & Strength
Start by celebrating the little things in your life. Make your bed this morning? Did you drink water? When you can answer yes to those little questions and feel good about yourself it can lead to bigger and better things. You are a strong person and it’s time you start recognizing that.
3. Where do I need to be more decisive?
Three of Pentacles —> Ace of Cups & Seven of Pentacles
The people you surround yourself with will always influence you just like you influence them. It’s time to look at the big picture and decide who belongs in your life and who doesn’t. You’re on a new path and sometimes people from the past don’t belong there.
4. Message from my higher self:
The Hanged Man —> Five of Pentacles & Ace of Cups
This is a classic choice: does it benefit me? Yes or no? If yes, then embrace it with love. If no... then leave it behind. People will move on and life always goes on! Always choose yourself.
5. Outcome:
Two of swords —> Eight of Wands & Seven of Wands
You’re going to be asked to make a choice on wether or not you want to keep being defensive or if you’re wanting to talk about things. Be mindful that the only way to truly move on is to communicate your feelings. In the end, most people regret what they didn’t get to say.
My throat chakra is open to its perfect, healthy state, spinning with the beautiful energy of freedom and self-empowerment. I am free to express myself in every way.
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theoptimisticwitch · 4 years
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Happy libra season!!
Bottom of the Deck:
Judgment (R), Five of Wands, & King of Pentacles
Recently, things have been very foggy for you. It’s been hard to make decisions because things are so up in the air. On top of that, you have both internal and external conflict going on right now. It feels like the only thing that’s keeping you sane is the fact that you can support yourself. You always have you.
1. Where can Venus assist me?
The World —> Queen of Wands & Four of Pentacles
You are in the process of starting a new cycle in your life. Venus, the planet of love, friendship, and femininity, is advising you to go into it with a confident attitude. You might feel like you need to hold back or hide behind walls but you’re actually just hiding away the amazing person you are! Embrace it when it comes!
2. Where can I incorporate more balance?
Three of Cups (R) —> King of Wands & Eight of Swords
It’s time to look at how you spend your personal time. Do you invest in yourself by doing things that you love? I get the sense that you feel held back by life circumstances but the reality is that you’re scared to try something new so you don’t even start. You have all the tools you just have to take the blindfold off.
3. Where do I need to be more decisive?
Four of Wands —> Queen of Cups & The Chariot
Does this make me happy? That should be the first thing you ask yourself. If the answer is no then you need to move on. If the answer is yes then dive in! Your intuition will always guide you on your right path!
4. Message from my higher self:
Five of Swords (R) —> Ace of Wands & Death
Your higher self is asking you to stop resisting the changes that are happening around you. When you allow change to flow through your life naturally it will bring you passion and new beginnings! The more you resist it the harder the lesson will be.
5. Outcome:
Two of Swords —> Three of Wands & The Tower
You’re being asked to make a decision about something that you’ve been waiting for. It’s something that will be a big change but you already know what needs to be done. Go with your first instinct. Things might move quickly!
I am open to understanding the cycle I am in, and I am willing to utilize its energy beneficially. All that I need is already part of me.
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theoptimisticwitch · 4 years
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Past Life ReadingIn this spread I asked for four main goals that spread throughout your lives. It could be your souls purpose or important things you have to learn in order for your soul contract to be completed. I also asked for a general theme from two of your significant past lives and for your current life. Based on the last group of cards I can see if you have last life energy. The bottom of the deck is the overall energy you have going into each life. Please remember that tarot is a snapshot of current energies and how it will playout if things continue unchanged. We always have free will, if you don’t like something you have the power to change this reading. Bottom of the Deck: Life Goals or Lessons: Significant Life #1: Significant Life #2: Current Life: Outcome of this Life: Last Life Energy?
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