#SoL dp(rewrite)
hailkingphantom · 1 year
Shadow of light (rewrite)
Damian thought that freeze from the shock it was something dumb.
Then it happened.
... green toxic wide eyes looked at him as a mask fell to the floor, a ghost of distant memories reveals himself in front him and something change with a crack.
He can't move.
He can't talk.
Just stare.
".... help— me.., please..."
His eye become wet and only one word resonates in his head.
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solradguy · 1 year
Working on the Dengeki PS Oct. '95 Missing Link article and Gears were originally NOT a thing! Very interesting. They were called Majin in 1995 and were lead by a powerful independent Majin leader (presumably whatever prototype Justice was, she's not in this article at all) and formed their own army called the Majin Corps.
The Holy Order and Crusades were still a thing this early in GG's development though. I'm curious now if Order Sol (or at least his design) is older in concept than Ky. Sol himself is at least one of, if not the, first character designed for Guilty Gear and there are a few Missing Link era HOS illustrations floating around. Daisuke mentioned in an interview somewhere that he had been working on Sol long before Guilty Gear had even a glimmer of ever becoming something larger than a personal original creation.
It's so cool getting such an early glimpse at a game's setting like this. With the April Dengeki PS article taken into consideration we know now that somewhere between October 1995 and April 1996 Guilty Gear had a massive lore rewrite and that between April '96 and sometime in 1997 they overhauled the graphics entirely, since the screenshots in the DPS April '96 article look like they were still using the 3D models.
Guilty Gear's existence is such a miracle lmfao I don't know how Daisuke is aging as well as he is with the amount of stress working on GG's early games must've put on him.
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