#Silent Hill rpc
shibent-hill · 1 year
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"My mother was a BITCH!"
Indie/Canon divergent/ Headcanon based Silent Hill Mira!
☠︎︎- Oc friendly! ☠︎︎-Crossover friendly! ☠︎︎-Full of silly Silent Hill goodness! ☠︎︎-10/10 good girl! Would recommend! ☠︎︎- Open to all horror series!
Please Like and Reblog!
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belovedweighed · 2 years
Silent Hill to me is a game that is very 00s, even though it technically came out late 90s I suppose,  but eh. It just has a peculiar mood/vibe to it and I feel SH was kind of like lightning in a bottle, you’re never gonna capture that again.
I’m skeptical it’ll be given the respect it deserves and I’m skeptical of the remake. If others are happy with it and it revives the SH rpc, I’m good with that but I’m sticking to OG personally. For now.
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rpcmasterlist · 3 years
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reblog this post to be added to the SILENT HILL MASTERLIST with your muse’s name, whether they’re canon or original character, or if they’ve got a Silent Hill verse.
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I do not wish to die. But tomorrow I will climb the thirteen steps. Please someone - answer me, Why must I die come the morning? The man imprisoned beside me believed me. “Because they’re all insane, that’s why,” he said Of course I know his opinion will change nothing. “Now you know why I struck out at them,” he muttered. The man who was executed yesterday, the one who had said his job was to sell dreams, said that was not true. But the man who is to be executed the day after tomorrow for stealing children shouted back that it was true. The man who was hung today did not answer. “They’ll kill me either way,” he said. He was caught embezzling public money, so he hasn’t any hope for mercy. The man who is always quietly smiling to himself said “I am happy for I will soon be with her.” I do not wish to die. I long only to return home.
Free the Innocent Man, Silent Hill
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musickeys · 3 years
the slowed down green hill music and the scary jpegs brought you back to the rpc? yeah I can see why /hj
me when i chase you in the middle of hell and everythings firey and before i get you i disappear and then you cry for about 15 seconds and its so emotional that the author of the story nearly tears up and then i kill you and you scream like in the silent hill 2 final boss fight
and then i kefka laugh at you 
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hyaciiintho · 3 years
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❀°◌̊ SPEED ◌̊°❀ I am not fast... But that doesn’t mean I’m any less eager to interact with people !! My attention is constantly split between my art (be it personal art or commissions), gaming, and general mental health debilitations when they become their hardest to deal with. So in general? I am a very slow roleplayer, especially since I like having my blog run on a queue to spread out what little activity I do have across a number of days, as opposed to a mini hour spurt.
❀°◌̊ REPLIES ◌̊°❀ As stated before, this blog runs on a queue, and so replies may come out throughout the week despite having worked on them days prior. Again, I’m a slow roleplayer, and since my attention flits about so wildly without any strong anchor, I like to give my blog, at the very least, the appearance of consistent activity /)///v///(\ I’m sorry... but I do like seeing people’s replies, and often it gets me motivated to reply as quickly as I can, even if it’s queued rather than immediately posted!
❀°◌̊ STARTERS ◌̊°❀ I don’t often make starter calls, since not many new people tend to like them ?? I’m not opposed to having multiple threads with the same people, but it grows a bit samey over time after a while, y’know? Especially if there’s been little development within the thread... I’d rather have one thicc development thread than 10 mini interaction threads that consist of nothing but idle chit chat. As for liking starter calls, I try to like any I see on the dash when I haven’t had a thread with the person yet, or we don’t currently have a thread together.
And yet again... I am not fast, so when I do post a starter call, I’m very sorry for the slowness of me getting to them dfhskjhkfd
❀°◌̊ INBOX ◌̊°❀ I tend to be a bit quicker to answer inbox stuff, but I think that’s a common thing in the RPC ?? They just feel easier, I guess? But my inbox is basically open to anyone who wants to poke the muse. I know a lot of people don’t want personals or non-mutuals to interact with them in any way, shape, or form, but my inbox is open to all. I just find that easier to manage and just also opens up the chance for interactions where you otherwise wouldn’t be able to get in a thread. I also tend to take my time with inbox stuff, as I do anything, so... again... please be patient with me haha~ I’m trying my best ♡
❀°◌̊ SELECTIVITY ◌̊°❀ It would be a lie to say that I’m not particularly selective. I do have standards when it comes to writing partners, and unfortunately, not everyone falls into those standards. This is just like how I, myself, wouldn’t fall into someone else’s standards for whatever reason. It’s just a personal preference. If I feel like my writing and your writing won’t flow, or I find myself having difficulties coming up with a way to reply to your style or muse, then I’m afraid writing together just isn’t going to work out.
Aside from writing styles/muses, there’s also fandoms that I’m not particularly interested in or have little to no idea as to who or what they are. I like staying in a specific level of comfort and familiarity for my blogs, and so if I’m unfamiliar with your fandom or I just don’t see any interactions between our muses to be beneficial in development or story telling, then I tend to stay away. We all have our preferences, and that’s okay ♡
❀°◌̊ WISHLIST ◌̊°❀ Gosh, I never really put much thought into wishlists ?? Though I guess I could say I would love love love some crossovers with Shadow of the Colossus or Bloodborne? AU’s even haha~ Especially if we can develop them together and like... change the flow of canon into our own specially told story c: I’m also a horror game junkie, so honestly, Silent Hill, Eternal Darkness, Haunting Ground, Clock Tower, The Evil Within, Resident Evil, Fatal Frame     All the horror game AU’s/Crossovers. I could talk for days about potential AU’s and story shifts that could happen. I just think they’re lots of fun !!
❀°◌̊ HONEST NOTE ◌̊°❀ Not sure what to say here? I’ve been pretty honest in everything I’ve answered... But I guess I’ll say here that... Somedays (weeks/months lmao) are harder than others for me when it comes to keeping up with the RPC. A lot of us suffer from mental health issues, and a lot of us use rolelplay to cope, but as someone who suffers from RSD (rejection sensitive dysphoria), I tend to do the opposite in order to cope with those symptoms. I shy away from social situations in an effort to shield myself from it, and while isolation isn’t the greatest technique to use when you’re feeling ignored/rejected (as untrue as it may be !!) it’s still the thing I fall back onto all the time.
My social battery is also garbage haha~ and so often if anyone becomes friends with me, I will 110% at some point, completely ghost you until I’m feeling better. As someone who’s usually the person people come to for their issues and venting, it becomes hard for me to flourish and thrive when I’ve given all of myself to others who need a little bit of light. I don’t like talking about my issues to others, so ‘you can talk to me about it!!’ isn’t going to change my aversion to socializing with you, and I am very sorry about that. It’s just how I am, and it’s nothing to do with your own personal worth. I am just mentally and emotionally incapable of handling things sometimes, so I’m sorry !!
Tagged by: Myself~ ♡ Tagging: Anyone who wants to do it, you can say I tagged ya
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I think I’ve come to realize like. Why I’ve grown to not very much care too much for Hazbin as of late, despite being in the RPC and having like. 5 hazbin muses.
It sucks. And I want to be excited and into it like I used to be!! And like how my friends are! I hate sitting here seeing people get excited for things and I just kinda feel. Hollow about it all.
Honestly? I think mostly if it wasn’t all the grief Hazbin HAS given me, I probably would be still on the same boat - even if I don’t entirely care for a lot of the canon information coming out. Which is part of the issue, but it’s something I can look over and shit esp cus of the RPC and whatever.
But like.. Thinking bout all the shit I’ve gotten and dealt with in the RPC? With the fandom? It’s exhausting. It exhausted me.
It’s just like how it is with homestuck for me rn, which I have given HS and HH parallels for me since the very beginning down to “not liking the creators cus they’re shitty and do shitty shit but liking their content”
but now it’s like. it’s just gotten so tainted with me. both of the pieces have. to the point even seeing homestuck content now makes me feel like a lil sick and upset - depending on the content and shit ofc. just like with hazbin!
and then there’s also the fact i see a lot of hazbin critical shit and hate for it and like. i get it. lot of it IS justified but seeing so much of it i get like. uncomfortable? with hazbin in general and shit yk. its just like. become conditioning.
but  i think a majority of it is because I’ve gotten so many bad memories with hazbin and bad experiences with the fandom and rpc, and while I know and still hold so many of my mutuals dear to me, I have more enemies than I do friends here, I think. Not that I like. Rlly care and mind rlly. Like I’m fine with the circle I have! I’d LIKE to make more friends and new partners! But like. I keep getting burned so much ! It’s become scary and anxiety inducing trying to meet new people here because either they end up hating me or end up doing shit that triggers me and makes me uncomfortable. And there’s OTHER THINGS that contribute to why, but they’re things I rather not get into here, either!
It’s all because of this I’ve just grown to be like. :( With Hazbin, yk? I don’t like that it’s come down to that. I wish I could enjoy seeing new Hazbin content and being like. INTO IT but it’s just gotten so much like. Bad connotation with me and me not really liking a lot of the new stuff I’ve grown.... Eeeh.
I still love writing here! I love writing the characters and playing with muses and writing with my friends and seeing their content and takes on their muses and characters! I love seeing people get excited for Hazbin content! I love it all! It’s really just like. Hazbin like. As itself? By itself? I’m just. Eeeeh on.
I feel bad about it and it’s complicated and surely might not make sense to anyone else, but considering also it’ the same thing with Homestuck with me and also like. My feelings. Makes sense to me.
Like with HS as I said I actually like. Kinda hate Homestuck now? KSKSKFJDS I hate what it’s become, I hate what the fandom is now like, I’ve gotten TREMENDOUS GRIEF from the fandom and harassed A LOT and given biphobic shit first hand. I had people actively try and succeed in triggering me in my inbox because of me being like. Idk. Hey Terezi is bi? Vrisrezi bad?
Seeing Homestuck shit just makes me sad.
But I still hold the memories! I still ADORE AND LOVE Terezi and Karezi and shit, I still have friends rlly into it and I still talk about Homestuck with my friends! We still discuss shit! We still go we love x y and z! And I’ll still roleplay Terezi and Redglare whenever their muses come back from Silent Hill or wherever they are. I can ENJOY THE CONTENT WITH MY FRIENDS, but the content by itself and with the fandom? Bad. Awful. I hate it.
That’s rlly what it boils down to I think.
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staticfog · 4 years
@sublunary-supernatural​ asked: 🍵 salt for the horror genre in the rpc?
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I’m going to preface this by saying I’ve only recently come back to the horror RPC, all things considered (haha free time? what’s that?), but I’d love to write more threads in the atmosphere of my muses’ actual series of origin. I love scary things, whether I’m reading, watching, or writing, and it’s super fun for me to plot out Silent Hill stories or to take on frightening muses and actually get to write them as, well, frightening. I’m totally fine with just supplying monsters and narration while my partner’s muse gets character and story development, so if anyone ever wants to write a horror story with their muse through a thread, please reach out! 
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coollyinterferes · 4 years
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mutuals send me a 🍓 and i’ll compliment you! 【accepting】 @praeteritus-memories​
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//Not gonna lie, the day I found your blog I was genuinely and pleasantly surprised. I could be wrong, but I recall the silent hill rpc being p much dead around then (it’s only come to life a little since the DBD release, I think?), so it was so nice to see someone giving some much needed love to a character from that franchise. And it was the same story when I saw you also had some Rozen Maiden muses!! It’s been a while since I watched that anime, but I remember most of the dolls, and not just that, but Souseiseki has always been my fave among them all, so yeah~ Now you can guess how happy I was when I saw she was among your muse list as well ;v; Like, really, it fills my heart with joy to see “not so popular” muses getting some much needed and well deserved love. And not just that, but it’s also amazing to see such a talented writer writing for them!!! Now, your jjba muses?? AAHHH they’re so good, too!! I truly like what I’ve seen from them on my dash so far!! And the interactions we’ve had, while they haven’t been as many yet since we just started writing together not long ago, have been interesting so far!! I enjoy your takes and portrayals of your muses, and I can’t wait to see how all this goes out!!
Again I’m gonna sound like a broken record, but even if we haven’t talked ooc (anxiety and shyness be kicking my butt more than often and i apologize ;v;), you seem like a super cool and fun person to talk to!!
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heamatic-a · 5 years
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NAME:  Jessika NICKNAME:  Jester, Jess, Jessi FACECLAIM: Laura Bailey ( yas queen! ) PRONOUNS:  She/Her HEIGHT:  5′3″ (on a good day). BIRTHDAY:  july 30th AESTHETIC:   pastel goth, coffee, faerie lights in a jar, anxiety queen, red wine, the 90′s grunge, art, witchcraft, crystals, tarot cards, candles LAST  SONG  YOU  LISTENED  TO:  They All by Gr†ll Gr†ll FAVORITE  MUSE (S)  YOU’VE  WRITTEN:  Becky  (@desxderium ) my ghost oc. Cassie (Mortal Kombat) and Maria (Silent Hill 2) are both equal in second place tbh! (Both were/are on this blog before it turned into an MK blog lol )
WHAT  INSPIRED  YOU  TO  TAKE  ON  THIS  MUSE: I saw Cassie’s MK11 trailer and just fell in love with her. I decided I was gonna add her to my multimuse and see where it went. I was pretty close from quitting rp tbh, but playing her, and later Raiden, has returned my faith in the rpc enough that I’m sticking around. Now it’s exclusively and MK dual muse. :)
WHAT  ARE  YOUR  FAVORITE  ASPECTS  OF  YOUR  CURRENT  MUSE:  I like that Cassie’s so much more optimistic than the muses I was used to roleplaying. She’s energetic, strong, and isn’t afraid to say what she thinks. Raiden is much milder, but he has such a kind heart, and I like that (unless he’s dark!raiden then I get to play him in asshole mode x) ). It’s a fun change of pace compered to the depressing kind of characters I was used to writing.
WHAT’S  YOUR  BIGGEST  INSPIRATION  WHEN  IT  COMES  TO  WRITING:   music and reading: I’ll often put on music without lyrics, atmospheric music for the most part to get into the mood of the thread(s) or the muse I’m writing. And reading, from books to short stories online. I often read a bit before I start writing to get my mojo going. I’ll also sometimes have their intros running in the background to get their voice right.
FAVORITE  TYPES  OF  THREADS: oof how can I choose? I like them all! Angst, horror, happy, slice of life, smut… give me all!
BIGGEST  STRUGGLE  IN  REGARDS  TO  YOUR  CURRENT  MUSE:  Cassie comes pretty naturally, but sometimes I really need to get into the mood for Raiden. It’s harder, because he’s not snarky. But also I sometimes wonder if I don’t make him too kind or ooc? Hrm...
TAGGED BY: this cool beech @pxlariis
TAGGING:  uh anyone hasn’t done this  or hasn’t been tagged already?
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hxtties · 5 years
y’know how i ended up finally deciding to use alex as an fc?
i’m actually kinda toying with the idea of giving the silent hill fandom a shot (if there’s an active rpc for it) and the lightbulb went off while i was thinking of fcs i could use for eileen from sh4
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amplifychaos · 6 years
Tag, you’re it! (aka the occasional “nada should finish her drafts but has no clue what to write so she answeres memes she was tagged in instead”)
Tagged by: @thesasstasticsoldier (I thought you wanted to leave this hellsite)
Rules! Tag 15 people you want to get to know!
Name: with th and ie
Gender: agree with Alex but also female
Star Sign: Scorpio
Height: 5′3?
Sexuality: confused
What image do you have as your lock screen: one of mohtz’ autumn witches
Have you ever had a crush on a teacher: That’s a thing?
Where do you see yourself in 10 years: Hopefully finally finished my studies, living somewhere north, working on a phd
If you could go anywhere else right now where would it be: I’m not even dressed. I don’t want to be anywhere outside of my bed right now...but also the pool or any other larger body of water that’s nearby
What was your coolest Halloween costume?: Silent Hill’s Pyramid Head (the movie/Homecoming version tho). I love it so much that I’ll probably wear it every year from now on.
What was your favorite 90′s TV show?: Bold of you to assume that I’m old enough to have seen 90′s shows. BUT I did my research (again!) and realized that some shows I watched started in the 90s but it’s just a bunch of German shows and Disney’s The Little Mermaid (according to my parents. I don’t remember the show)
Last Kiss?: I just realized I forgot to kiss someone goodbye ... ._. 
Favorite book?: The Kangaroo Manifesto used to be one and I haven’t read any new books in years, so I guess it’ll just stay the favorite even though I don’t like it as much anymore
Have you ever been stood up?: Does this mean stoop up for or to cause these are two completely different things and my translator won’t help. edit: Jeff is a better translator than the dictionary and also: No, I don’t bother with dates either
Have you ever been to Las Vegas?: Do I look like I could afford a trip to Vegas? I can barely afford a trip to anywhere in the states
Favorite pair of shoes: A pair of red converse I thought I’d never find
Favorite fruit?: Raspberries
Stupidest thing you have ever done?: There was this one guy who just claimed to be my boyfriend once and I went with it for some reason until everything escalated into something really stupid with me disappearing from the rpc for a while and from anime fandoms forever
tagging: @artemis-daught3r @jooommel @fangoffenrir @samuraiofice @heartsandmiinds @evora-eriu-mclaggen
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prodigil · 6 years
tagged by:  @hallelujas  chomp tagging: steal from me and @ me i’m terrible at tagging
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Name: danny Nickname(s): dan, daniel, and i used to go by moose 829328 years ago Height: 5 ft 6 Nationality: amerrrricaaaaa Favorite fruit: i love pretty much every fruit  Favorite season: fall Favorite scents: fuckin uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh pies, roasting meat Favorite color(s): blue, gold Favorite animals: dogs, sharks Tea, coffee, hot cocoa: cocoa Average hours of sleep: 6-10 Dogs or cats: i like both but have a preference for dogs When my blog was created: 2010~. :I  # of followers:  presently around 400. at peak on sam it was around 2k.  Random fact:  i once fell into a pool trying to play with a dog.  Favorite food: yogurt, cheese. ummhmhmhm, cheesy potatoes, broccoli, and roast beef.  Favorite t.v. show: do i really have one. Favorite vine: FUCK YEAH... CHEERS BRO! HA  Sexuality: gay Pronouns: he/him Favorite books or book series: hannibal, asoiaf, lotr, IT, the dark tower series Favorite video game(s): shadow hearts / the koudelka series, the grandia series, devil may cry, and metal gear solid  Favorite subject: creative writing  Guys or girls:  boys because i am gay?  Last time I cried: eh Hair color: it used to be blue, its regular now which is brown, i want to dye it red but dont have the money rn What I should be doing: writing, i’m sort of writing  Favorite fandoms: silent hill rpc was always nice to me
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thundersflower · 6 years
Another day, another Karliene song for the Silent Hill RPC playlist
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funeralbelle · 7 years
12 ʰᶤᵗ ᵐᵉ ʷᶤᵗʰ ᵗʰᵉ ᵍᵒᵒᵈ ˢᵏᵉˡᵉᵗᵒᶰˢ ʰʸᵖᵉ
{ one of those rpg ask meme things!! }i forgot i drafted these messages sorry y’all i’m doing ‘em now
S K E L E T O N S !!!
It tackles such interesting themes about nostalgia and grief and guilt and childhood friendships and moving on, and big questions about how much of your roots you have to take with you through life vs. how much of your past you’re able to leave behind you, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen an rpg that really focuses on that complicated relationship between young adults and their hometowns in those first few years after college in the way that Sorra’s plot and characters do. The setting and aesthetics she’s picked out have this very suburban gothic feel to it and the foggy/rainy atmosphere adds to much as a visual representation of that hazy, kind of surreal feeling of being back home after you left and thought you matured so much, but then you see your friends from high school and fall back into the same personality, or repeat the same routines you grew up with through muscle memory like your body’s on autopilot, and you feel like you have no control over who you are. You thought you outgrew all of this, but you didn’t. And you feel so different, but you have to ask yourself how much you really changed. And all you do with your friends is reminisce and repeat old games, and you feel busy, but everything’s kind of stagnant.
The story really invites RPers to be more realistic, and take risks with their writing and maybe step out of their comfort zone to play characters who can be a little bit unlikable, a little bit petty, a little bit immature or problematic. (without having any characters that are rapists, bigots, or murderers.) And the the characters arcs are all so down to earth and relatable and original. There aren’t really any characters with excessively angsty backstories.
It’s “I Know What You Did Last Summer” meets “Silent Hill 2” meets “Mean Creek” meets Stephen King’s “It” and that’s basically everything I could ask for? I like that it’s a ghost story without a malevolent ghost. I like that all of the characters are their own worst enemies. I like that none of the characters are morally pure or morally reprehensible. I like that they all have personalities I’ve never seen in the rpc and they’re all people I feel like I’ve met in real life. I like that writers are encouraged to subvert the whole “after all this time I still click to my bffl high school sweetheart!!!1” trope and actually write characters who have developed clashing life outlooks or interests or senses of humor and truly can’t connect with their old friends anymore. 
And she’s adding something really unique to the Tumblr horror rp genre by making it more “psychological thriller” and less “anonymous serial killer knows all of your secrets.” I’ve been in an RPG where Sorra was the GM for one of the arcs and I think she has a really elegant approach to horror. It’s a lot more centered around dread than squick, so the plot drops are going to be less BUCKET OF BLOODY EYEBALLS FALLS ON SALLY’S HEAD and more “Sally’s insecurity about her looks manifests in the form of every wall/floor/surface in town transforming into mirror.” And she picks up on little details you’ve posted about your character 5 arcs ago that you assume everybody either overlooked or forgot about, and she brings them back in ways that make you gasp at your screen. I think she thrives when she’s writing more character-centric horror.
Also literally my favorite rpg tagline of all time “don’t forget your skeletons” is such a good double-entente with skeletons being in reference to the obvious skeletons in your closet idiom but also in reference to don’t forget your foundation, your skeleton, the innermost part of you that’s hidden underneath everything you’ve fleshed out and dressed up. Shoutout to our king Sage.
Also 1,000,000 points for the subversive shit she did with the few popular FCs she uses. Like the way she handled Lili Reinhart’s typecast while still keeping her aesthetic in mind is GENIUS and the Tom Holland character is such a bitch I love him. 
It’s gonna be a really good game y’all message me if you’re interested in a dark psychological thriller 8x8 bio rpg and want to be kept up to date on it!!! I don’t think it’s going to do the pre-opening teasing thing so you won’t be seeing much about it until it drops.
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breerps · 7 years
Hey! I hope you're having a wonderful day/night. I was wondering if we could get an opinion, please? Thank you in advance
No problem! If you want it under a read more, just let me know.
Theme: I’m not the biggest fan of container themes, particularly for RP mains. But the container theme you’re using is surprisingly open and spacious, so that great! It doesn’t feel cramped or minuscule, just organized, which I think is how container themes should feel. I can easily find your navigation and links, and all the text is very legible, which are two big areas where most container themes drive me nuts. And with a clear scroll bar and page movement buttons, I’m really impressed with this theme. Your color scheme is a really interesting choice that I think I actually like! Given your subject matter, it gives the main (and thus the setting) a sort of murky, dreary yet dangerous feeling that makes me think of Silent Hill in a lot of ways. And while that’s not precisely your setting, I really like the mental images and feeling it evokes—creepy, uncertain, shrouded in mystery. It definitely sets your RP apart from other supernatural-themed town RPs, and that’s a great thing! A.
Plot: Once I read the plot I actually realized that I’ve stumbled across this RP before! The backstory for this RP really caught my eye the first time around and adds another layer of intrigue which I really enjoy. It leaves me with lots of tantalizing questions which would be fun to try answering as a player. It’s great that you have a summary down at the bottom. For the most part, your sidebar summary and your plot match, but for me, the fact that the sidebar mentions vampires, werewolves, superpowers, etc. and the full plot doesn’t leaves me with more questions of a less fun nature. Obviously they’re a part of your world, but without a nod to them of some kind in the full plot, the addition of these supernatural elements almost feels like an afterthought. If you can find a way to mention them and make them feel like they tie in more with the plot, I think that will bring the whole thing together. A-.
Rules: Good solid rules! I’m not left with any questions as to various policies, you’ve covered everything I like to make sure an RP has. And it’s all in clear language which doesn’t leave me confused about anything. A+!
Application: A great set of applications. It’s clear which is for canons and which is for OCs, and it’s very concise which leaves room for people to expand on things as they please. There aren’t any questions or categories which have me confused as to what info an applicant would provide, and having the link at the bottom to the submit page is a good touch. A+ here, too!
Content: I’m starting with your canon characters because hot damn, I love the diversity here! We’re not just talking in terms of ethnicity, which is also wonderfully broad. The age range is phenomenal and really outside the norm in the RPC today. There’s definitely this weird feeling in the RPC that any muses over 25-30 are just too old, and I think that makes people miss out on so many opportunities for creativity. So the fact that you’re encouraging that exploration and diversity, and making it integral to your canon world, is awesome!! Moving on, everything else looks great. Your FAQ is comprehensive, and I’m always a fan of occupations lists that allow characters to really integrate and become part of the community. The lists of possible species and powers are awesome for those wanting to make OCs. There’s only two things I’ll mention, and this is mostly just based on personal preference. The OOC List page initially made me think it was a sort of checklist of things people should do or know after acceptance, rather than a list of the players, so I could have used some clarity there. Your Around Town page is also a great idea, I could just use the various locations being more in list form rather than in a large paragraph—a lot of text to sort through makes it harder to remember what’s in there and harder to reference quickly when writing up a reply. But again, overall, you’ve got a lot of great things for your content, and I like the touch of this being a modern setting with no internet, phones, cars, etc. That’s a unique challenge for characters to overcome. I’d give this an A.
Your RP is deceptively simple: the premise is straightforward, but there’s clearly a lot going on under the surface, and I don’t just mean the secrets of the supernatural and the residents! You’ve made an open world with room for growth, and the style is clearly designed to allow players a lot of freedom while still having a unique setting and structure. For a supernatural town RP on tumblr, that’s really cool to see! Everyone, go check them out and take one of those badass characters! Or bring in your own—they’ve made sure there’s lots of room for them!
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