prodigil · 9 months
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& THE GODS WEPT. ind. astarion acunin of the baldurs gate series. est 9/10/23. priv and selective, but oc and crossover positive.
art cred; hammerikaika & syrosaur
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prodigil · 1 year
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#deathglory is an independent, unassociated rp blog for resident evil 4's jack krauser. dash only, mun is 25+, and this blog uses the new beta editor. begrudgingly written by danny. RE4MAKE SPOILERS will be tagged until JUNE-ISH.
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prodigil · 2 years
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prodigil · 2 years
hey folks, we’re adopting another dog very soon, and while we’re more than able to afford taking her home and making sure she’s OTD on vax and spayed, it’ll leave us a bit tight on other things that we would otherwise need or want for the dog. by no means a requirement, but if youre comfortable doing so, if you like my art or content, or would just like to help out, my amazon wishlist is HERE, and recent additions are full of items i would like to purchase for the dog. thank you VERY much for anything you can do, whether its just rbing or gifting her something! for the record, here is a photo of the little girl we’re adopting.
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prodigil · 2 years
hey folks, we’re adopting another dog very soon, and while we’re more than able to afford taking her home and making sure she’s OTD on vax and spayed, it’ll leave us a bit tight on other things that we would otherwise need or want for the dog. by no means a requirement, but if youre comfortable doing so, if you like my art or content, or would just like to help out, my amazon wishlist is HERE, and recent additions are full of items i would like to purchase for the dog. thank you VERY much for anything you can do, whether its just rbing or gifting her something! for the record, here is a photo of the little girl we’re adopting.
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prodigil · 2 years
hi guys, i need emergency help. i dont want to disclose what for because its very personal, but i need 50$, like, right now. i can pay you back at the end of the month or next month when i get paid for house work, if you need or want to be paid back. please let me know if you can help me. my paypal is [email protected].
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prodigil · 3 years
popping my head in here to say that its my 24th birthday, and that it means a lot that i’m.. alive to make it to this age. years ago, when i was 13-15, i decided that if i hadn’t made major transition steps by 24, i was going to kill myself--because i refused to exist in a world where i wasnt at least baseline happy in my own body, where i was miserable day in and day out. now i’m 24, nearly six months post top surgery, and a year and a half on T. i don’t strongly believe in things like destiny, fate, or the idea of providence, but what else is that? maybe luck. 
thanks for all your love and support over the years, my friends. i miss sam. once i’ve pulled my life together--i have a schedule to move out, and there are big things coming if i can make myself see them--i’ll probably check in here more often and write again. 
love you guys.
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prodigil · 3 years
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#wyslyyzr.  ind.  616  magneto.  somewhat  divergent,  heavily  headcanoned,  xmcu  compatible  with  plotting.  est  2014-ish.  jewish mun.
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prodigil · 3 years
hey im getting kicked out and dont have anywhere to go. my dad is kicking me out right away and i don’t have anywhere to go tonight. its almost 8pm and its dark. please help me. https://paypal.com/arborcall
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prodigil · 3 years
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WANTED FOR THE MURDERS  Of    various    Individuals    of    Note:  THIS MASKED MISCREANT Enemy   of   the   City   of   Dunwall
REWARD OF 10,000 Coins  For Capture or Death.
The offenses of this man are high crimes under the laws of the City Watch of Dunwall and the edicts of our brave Lord Regent in these times of peril. Reward will be paid in coin by the City Watch in addition to rewards offered by Private Citizens or outstanding organizations.
ind.  selective.  corvo  attano  of  dishonored.  high  chaos.  est.  2017.
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prodigil · 3 years
i cant imagine sending my actual girlfriend hate messages in some twisted attempt to “defend” me or my character. like do you think antagonizing the woman im partnered with is going to get me on your good side? people who deign to send moronic anons on this website have no brains AND no balls
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prodigil · 3 years
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prodigil · 3 years
i might have more to say about this tomorrow but classic spn is headed by a lot of jews and as a jew i think there is a connection to be made between sam and shimshon 
oh yeah anyway we were talking about this a bit last night. 
since classic spn is headed by a lot of jewish creators (including kripke) i have to think that once the show started to develop from monster-of-the-week to an overarching plot with religious overtones and heavy biblical involvement, it was much less christian influenced, and much more judeo influenced with instances of christian influence. 
this is why jesus never appears. he’s just a dude to us. this is why G-d is humanoid and communicative--to some degree--because while we recognize the power of G-d, we do not fear him the way xtians do; we talk with him, we challenge him.
so taking into consideration supernatural is reared by jews--albeit, a lot of the judaism distilled or ignored--sam being somewhat allegorical to shimshon makes sense to me. 
shimshon (samson in english) was a liminal talmudic hero who set the premises for whats right and whats not. the contradictory laws surrounding shimshon and his existence as a nazarite also remind me strongly of sam and the way destiny and fate dictates his future.
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prodigil · 3 years
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neptune.  you've been hurt, deeply. you're scared to make connections again after all that's happened, and you have a hard time believing people genuinely care about you. you tend to be a loner, struggling to fit in with acquaintances, and you probably feel like you're socially awkward. you're probably involved with various forms of art, music, or dance. you have detailed dreams and may be in touch with your spiritual side; the earth is your home and you feel most at peace in nature. your friend groups tend to be small, you don't interact with many people. though you've been hurt, you know that you still believe in the kindness of humanity. in the past or present, you feel like you haven't been loved the way you should be. despite all this, you are one hell of a light. the things you make are truly beautiful, and you are trying your best. you should be proud. allow yourself to be adored the way you deserve. i love you.
tagged: @onlywarmer <3  tagging: steal! 
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prodigil · 3 years
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‘  SO,  UH  --  ‘  dark  house,  old,  decrepit,  though  the  stink  of  wood-mold  does  not  yet  strike  the  air;  dust  through  window  slats  floats  unsettled  by  their  intrusive  presence.  sam  runs  two  fingers  over  a  veiny  sheet  of  glass,  collecting  the  silken  particles,  clearing  a  line.   he  rubs  them  against  the  pad  of  this  thumb.   ‘  do  you  know  what  we’re  looking  for?  its  always  remains,  but..  in  this  case,  since  there  aren’t  any  bones  to  be  found,  it’s  a  personal  item.  something  important  to  them.  that  could  be  anything..  and..  i  really..  don’t  want  to  burn  down  the  entire  house  trying  to  figure  it  out.  i  figured---you  might  be  able  to  tell  easier  than  me.  ‘
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prodigil · 3 years
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“    rude.    ”    akihiro pouted,  snatching his fingers back from the slamming trunk.  his fox - like eyes glinting mischievously.    “    i was there to witness the birth of firearms you know,  it’s always a point of interest to me to see how you humans continue to reinvent and refine the concept.    ”    he mused,  dragging a finger along the barrel of the shotgun and pointing it further down and theres just a barest hint of pointed teeth in his smile.    “    do you ever just stop to appreciate that in your hands you hold the accumulation of decades of human ingenuity ?    ”
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THOUGH  THE  BARREL  TILTS  under  akihiro’s  innocuous  ministrations,  sam  does  not  balk,  his  expression  shifting  from  a  pointed  wariness  to  something  like  bemused  exhaustion.  his  brand  of  antagonism  was  one  he  was  overtly  familiar  with;  it  was  debatable  whether  that  was  a  good  or  bad  thing.  ‘  not  really.  ‘   and,  yes,  though  sam  could  indulge  in,  consume,  and  admire  the  historical  significance,  the  way  time  and  history  and  innovation  gave  him  his  arsenal,  a  gun  was  a  gun--it  was  a  tool  to  kill,  and  would  never  be  anything  more  to  him.  the  dissociation  kept  it  frightening  and  dangerous  to  sam,  never  a  toy.   ‘  usually  when  i  have  a  shotgun  in  my  hand,  i’m  thinking  about  the  spread,  what  i’m  shooting,  if  i’m  using  rock-salt  rounds  or  slugs,  if  its  going  to  be  enough.  i’m  thinking  about  not  dying.  ‘  he  pockets  his  rounds,  neatly  lined  in  his  suit  jacket.  ‘  today,  we’re  health  inspectors.  are  you  coming?  ‘
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prodigil · 3 years
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the crayon in his fist wobbles, sends a blue smear across his drawing. it’s not an unwanted question. though, it catches him by surprise. he closes the well-loved notebook and thoughtfully strokes his chin. (school feels like a lifetime ago.) and, unsurprisingly, august needs to pause and recall. “ eighth, i think. ”
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‘  YEAH?  ‘   winchesters  hand  comes  to  pass  over  his  jaw,  his  gesticulation  almost  an  unconscious  mimicry.  his  nostrils  flare  softly,  and  he  turns  the  newspaper  over  once  he’s  certain  the  ink  wont  smear,  lest  it  leave  bloody  dots  across  the  twin  bedsheets.   ‘  ..  i  had  a  really  cool  teacher  in  eighth  grade.  but..  we  moved  all  the  time.  ‘   so  many  what-ifs.   ‘  do  you  remember  what  you  were  learning  about?  in..  history,  lets  say.  ‘   it  wouldn’t  hurt,  to  try  to  offer  him  some  semblance  of  education,  would  it?   ‘  i’m  gonna  guess..  egypt?  ‘
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