#Sidane Amell
reverienne · 1 year
Corinne/Sidane obvi 😌 okay here's a fun(ish) one: Jul and Bogusia swapping bfs lol. could Bogusia go on a date w Chase without getting mad at him. would Red and Jul lose a their money buying old books from Chandry. the important questions, here.
Corinne: Time and place, gorgeous? 😉
I need not to say that it's a yes. Sidane is handsome and full of gender swag, Corinne would definetely be up for flirtation (or possibly more). A tragedy that they get separated by their respective universes, but we both know that it was only because they would be too powerful together. 😔
ooh, this is a fun one! thank you for making my brain cells rattle! 💕
(mild nsfw behind the cut)
...so, I'm surprised to say, Bogumiła WOULD be more than able to go on a date with Chase IF 1) Chase managed to convince Bogumiła that his attraction to her is genuine and not a joke, 2) if Red hasn't been recruited to the Shepherds and is generally out of the picture. Bogumiła seems to have certain issues with perceiving herself as desirable. She's convinced that Red only fell for her brilliant mind and sparkling personality - or rather, that they've been friends long enough that his love for her as a friend made up for any shortcomings she had in a love department (like her appearance). This is obviously not true, but the time distance since their break up and general miscommunication shenanigans of exes!Redmance cloud her judgement. Having Chase confess that he's into her largely because of her appearance would shake her opinion of herself AND of Chase (whom she considered, a bit rightfully, a shallow flirt - one who flirts with everybody and mostly doesn't mean his words) in the best sense. And if Chase was otherwise a good friend to her? If he ended up hearing about her being ditched by her fiance before joining the Shepherds? If he suggested sleeping with him as a way to rebound, to one up the loser by getting it on with (in)famous Chase Trinaeste? And for stress relief, obviously, a much needed side-effect in their line of work? And if he suggested it at the exact right moment when Bogumiła's judgement gets a little, shall we say, unhinged? She could end up getting in fwb with him. Yes, I know, I didn't expect it either.
(Gosh, I need to see Red, Pan and Neon's faces when they learn that Bogumiła Niepołomska is in fwb with Chase Trinaeste.)
They wouldn't be a perfect match. I can't see Chase falling romantically for Bogumiła or vice versa. They would end up separating sooner rather than later and their arrangement would hit quite a hitch when Red inevitably appears, but I think that they would have a mostly good influence on each other and they would come out of this wacky scenario as genuinely close friends. And Bogumiła could use more such friends. Bonus points for Chase possibly matchmaking between her and Red, once he realizes that they're actually both idiots.
Okay, back to a predictable match.
Juliander and Red? Have them do a $10.000 Shein haul together except it's all second hand books and they'll experience a platonic high they never knew existed. And then they'll experience a platonic low they never knew existed - once they realize that they encouraged each other to go in debt over books and don't have a penny to their names for the upcoming month. Thank goodness that the Order provides free food and shelter. Bogumiła is going to look SO (un)impressed by this.
They would make each other worse. Juliander's finances are already in shambles and I can assure you that with Red by his side they would be absolutely broke. Juliander spent his entire monthly salary on a single book and didn't consider himself scalped (I did, I cried while purchasing it). Red would assure him that he absolutely wasn't, in fact, it was a steal because the book in question turned out to be super rare or something (I don't care, I love you, Red, but this pixel money wasn't worth it). Books to this two are sad puppies left in the rain. You simply have to get them a good home and let's face it, when you say "a good home" you mean "your home" because who else will cherish this book so much as you do? They're incorrigible nerds. Red would ramble about his obsession of the day until his throat ran dry and Juliander would listen to him adoringly, and maybe even take notes. They would be mostly key words to look up in the library later because he's not on Red's level of nerdery, having been raised by Belnus Farplane, but they would be notes nonetheless. There would be absolutely NO checks and balances - Juliander is Red's brain's no. 1 fan and when I say that he would listen to whatever Red was rambling about with the utmost admiration and adoration, I MEAN IT. They're bad enough as friends, now imagine them without the insulation of their other friends, imagine them as lovers. I shudder.
They would be an absolute mess. Red cannot function without a dozen books strewn around him, while Juliander strikes me as a bit of a neat freak. I spoiled myself that Red's biggest turn on is MC being smart and while it works for Bogumiła who would react "Damn right I'm smart, let's make out", there's no way you would pull Juliander away like that from his research. Taking aside the fact that his research time is sacred and he's most likely in the zone, hearing an affirmation of his genius by Archmage Liefred Antiqua would up his research enthusiasm incredibly. "Wait, are you sure that I'm right? Aren't we forgetting something? Tlatou's Law, for example? Maybe we should ask someone for a second opinion? Maybe Bogumiła? Wait, I need to write it down!", while poor Red is peeling off his shirt like "Tlatou's Law doesn't apply here, Jul. I'm sure that's fine. Let's ask her tomorrow".
Let's all say thank you to Chase Trinaeste who had Juliander Strzygomski so in deep by Ch3 that Juliander had his eyes only for one person. And to Bogumiła Niepołomska who took upon herself the task of wrangling Red Antiqua (affectionate).
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aylaaescar · 1 year
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tagged by the wonderful @aeducanka to make some OCs with this picrew. thank you Karolina!!! <3 <3 <3
top row: Vanyla Cousland, Periella “Perry” Amell middle row: Ramori Surana, Leeva Mahariel, Nadine Tabris bottom row: Bryn Brosca, Farira Aeducan
forever and always nervous about tagging people sjdfgjsg but if you want to, go for it!!
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tagged by the lovely @aeducanka to create some OCs in this picrew, thank you!! <3 elected to go with just a few of my Wardens for now, on account of me being supremely picky with how some were coming out ksdjfhsdf. I’m terrible at tagging people so if you want to do it, go for it!
top: Vanyla Cousland (she/her), Sidane Amell (they/them) bottom: Ramori Surana (she/they), Farira Aeducan (she/they)
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horozmehmetemin · 5 years
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57. DERS (Nisa Suresi, 49 - 59) Allah ve Rasulüne İtaat
49- أَلَمْ تَرَ إِلَى الَّذِينَ يُزَكُّونَ أَنفُسَهُمْ “Nefislerini temize çıkaranları görmedin mi?”
Bunlar “Biz Allahın oğulları ve sevgili kullarıyız” diyen kitap ehlidir (Maide, 18).
Bir rivayette ise şöyle anlatılır:
Sebeb-i Nüzûl
Yahudilerden bazıları Rasulullaha geldiler yanlarında küçük çocuklarını da getirmişlerdi. “Bunların bir günahı var mı?” diye sordular. Hz. Peygamber “hayır” dedi. Bunun üzerine şöyle dediler: “Vallahi, biz de ancak bunlar gibiyiz. Gündüz günah işlediğimizde gece bizden bunlar silinir. Gece işlediklerimiz de gündüz silinir.”
بَلِ اللّهُ يُزَكِّي مَن يَشَاء “Hayır! Ancak Allah, dilediğini tezkiye eder (temize çıkarır).”
Esas olan Allahın nefsi tezkiyesidir, buna itibar edilir. Kişinin kendini veya başkasını günahlardan tertemiz zannetmesi bir mana ifade etmez. Çünkü Allah insanda bulunan güzel – çirkin ne varsa hepsini bilendir. Bildiği için de, asıl tezkiye O’nun tezkiyesidir.
Tezkiyenin aslı, çirkin telakki edilen fiil ve sözlerin nefyedilmesidir.[1>
وَلاَ يُظْلَمُونَ فَتِيلاً “Onlara kıl kadar zulmedilmez.”
Ayet metnindeki “fetil” kelimesi, çekirdek içindeki incecik zara denir. Küçük şeylerde darb-ı mesel olarak kullanılır. Yani, “en küçük bir zulme de maruz kalmazlar” demektir.
 50- انظُرْ كَيفَ يَفْتَرُونَ عَلَى اللّهِ الكَذِبَ “Bak, Allah’a karşı nasıl yalan uyduruyorlar?”
Onlar kendilerini Allahın oğulları ve O’nun nezdinde tertemiz kimseler olarak görmek sûretiyle Allaha iftira etmektedirler.
وَكَفَى بِهِ إِثْمًا مُّبِينًا “Apaçık bir günah olarak bu yeter.”
 51- أَلَمْ تَرَ إِلَى الَّذِينَ أُوتُواْ نَصِيبًا مِّنَ الْكِتَابِ “Şu kendilerine kitaptan azıcık bir nasip verilmiş olanları görmedin mi?”
يُؤْمِنُونَ بِالْجِبْتِ وَالطَّاغُوتِ “Onlar puta ve tağuta inanıyorlar.”
وَيَقُولُونَ لِلَّذِينَ كَفَرُواْ هَؤُلاء أَهْدَى مِنَ الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ سَبِيلاً “Ve Allah’ı inkar edenler hakkında, “Bunlar, mü’minlerden daha doğru yoldadır” diyorlar.”
Ayet “putlara tapmak, Allah katında Muhammedin davet ettiğinden daha evlâdır” diyen Yahudilerden bir kısmı hakkında nazil olmuştur.
Sebeb-i Nüzûl
Rivayete göre, içlerinde Huyey İbni Ahtab ve Ka’b Bin Eşref de olduğu halde bir Yahudi topluluğu Rasulullaha karşı savaşmak hususunda anlaşma yapmak üzere Mekkeye vardılar. Mekke müşrikleri onlara dediler: “Siz ehl-i kitapsınız, Muhammede bizden daha yakınsınız. Dolayısıyla sizin bize tuzak hazırlamış olmanızdan emin değiliz. Emin olabilmemiz, size güvenebilmemiz için bizim ilahlarımızın önünde secde ediniz.”
Bu Yahudi topluluğu, bu teklifi reddetmeyip putlar önünde secdeye vardılar.
Ayette geçen “cibt” ifadesi, asıl olarak Allah dışında ibadet edilen her put hakkında kullanılır.
Tağut ise, her batıl şey için kullanılır. Bunun batıl mabud veya başka şey olması fark etmez.
 52- أُوْلَئِكَ الَّذِينَ لَعَنَهُمُ اللّهُ “İşte onlar, Allah’ın lanet ettiği kimselerdir.”
 وَمَن يَلْعَنِ اللّهُ فَلَن تَجِدَ لَهُ نَصِيرًا “Allah kime lanet ederse, artık ona asla bir yardımcı bulamazsın.”
 53- أَمْ لَهُمْ نَصِيبٌ مِّنَ الْمُلْكِ “Yoksa onların mülkten bir payı mı var?”
فَإِذًا لاَّ يُؤْتُونَ النَّاسَ نَقِيرًا “Eğer öyle olsaydı, insanlara çekirdeğin zerresini bile vermezlerdi.”
 Ayet, onların son derece cimri olduklarını ifade etmektedir. Faraza bunların mülkten, saltanattan nasipleri olsa insanlara en ufak bir yardımları olmayacaktır. İmkânları olmadığında zaten yardım yapamayacakları ise, ortadadır.
Ayet, Yahudilerin mülkten ve saltanattan bir nasibi olmayacağını ifade etmektedir. “Mülk bizim olacak” iddialarının tahakkuk etmeyeceğini haber vermektedir.
 54- أَمْ يَحْسُدُونَ النَّاسَ عَلَى مَا آتَاهُمُ اللّهُ مِن فَضْلِهِ “Yoksa onlar, Allah’ın lütfundan insanlara verdiği nimetlere haset mi ediyorlar?”
Buradaki soru, onların haset edip etmediklerini araştırmak için olmayıp, onların haset ettiklerini ifade eder. Yahudiler, Peygamber efendimiz ve ashabına, hatta genel olarak bütün insanlara haset ediyorlardı. Çünkü nübüvvete hased eden kimse, bütün insanların kemâl özelliklerine de hased eder. Daha önceki ayet onların cimriliğini kınadığı gibi, bu da hased özelliklerini kınamıştır. Cimrilik ve hased, kötü özelliklerin şerlilerindendir. Bu ikisi arasında birbirini gerektirme ve birbirini cezb vardır. [2>
 Onların haset ettiği şeyler son peygamberin Arablardan gelmesi, O’na indirilen kitap, Müslümanlara gelen ilâhî yardımlar ve aziz kılınmaları gibi durumlardır.
فَقَدْ آتَيْنَآ آلَ إِبْرَاهِيمَ الْكِتَابَ وَالْحِكْمَةَ “Şüphesiz biz, âl-i İbrahim’e kitap ve hikmeti vermiştik.”
وَآتَيْنَاهُم مُّلْكًا عَظِيمًا “Hem de onlara çok büyük bir saltanat vermiştik.”
 55- فَمِنْهُم مَّنْ آمَنَ بِهِ وَمِنْهُم مَّن صَدَّ عَنْهُ “Böylece onlardan kimi ona iman etti, kimi de sırt çevirdi.”
Yani Yahudilerden peygamber efendimize iman edenler olduğu gibi, Ona inanmayıp yüz çevirenler de vardır.
Ayetteki zamir, bundan önce bahsi geçen Âl-i İbrahime de raci olabilir. Yani, “Hz. İbrahim’in neslinden O’na iman eden olduğu gibi O’nu inkâr eden de vardı. Böyle inkâr edenlerin olması O’nun davasına bir zarar vermediği gibi, -ey peygamber- bunların inkârı da senin davana bir zarar vermez.”
 وَكَفَى بِجَهَنَّمَ سَعِيرًا “(O iman etmeyenlere) ateş olarak cehennem yeter.”
Eğer Allah onlara bu dünyada bir ceza vermezse dert değil, çünkü onlar için hazırlamış olduğu cehennem ateşi onlara yeter.
 56- إِنَّ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُواْ بِآيَاتِنَا سَوْفَ نُصْلِيهِمْ نَارًا “Şüphesiz âyetlerimizi inkâr edenleri bir ateşe atacağız.”
كُلَّمَا نَضِجَتْ جُلُودُهُمْ بَدَّلْنَاهُمْ جُلُودًا غَيْرَهَا لِيَذُوقُواْ الْعَذَابَ “Derileri yanıp döküldükçe, azabı tatmaları için kendilerine başka deriler vereceğiz.”
إِنَّ اللّهَ كَانَ عَزِيزًا حَكِيمًا “Şüphesiz Allah, Azîz’dir – Hakîm’dir.”
 57- وَالَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ وَعَمِلُواْ الصَّالِحَاتِ سَنُدْخِلُهُمْ جَنَّاتٍ تَجْرِي مِن تَحْتِهَا الأَنْهَارُ “İman edip salih ameller işleyenleri ise, altlarından ırmaklar akan cennetlere koyacağız.”
خَالِدِينَ فِيهَا أَبَدًا “Orada ebedî olarak kalacaklar.”
لَّهُمْ فِيهَا أَزْوَاجٌ مُّطَهَّرَةٌ “Onlara orada tertemiz eşler vardır.”
وَنُدْخِلُهُمْ ظِلاًّ ظَلِيلاً “Ve onları, koyu gölgeler altında bulunduracağız.”
Burada önce kâfirlerin akıbeti nazara verildi, çünkü konu onlarla alakalı idi. Tebeî olarak da ehl-i imanın ahiretteki durumu anlatıldı.
Ayette, iman eden ve salih amel işleyenlerin cennet hayatları nazara verilirken, onların zıll-i zalîl (koyu gölgeler) içinde olacakları da anlatıldı. Bu, onlara verilen bu nimetin kemâlini ve devamını anlatır. Dünyadaki gölgeler gelip geçicidir, ama cennetteki gölgeler daimi olacak, güneş insanları rahatsız etmeyecektir.
 58- إِنَّ اللّهَ يَأْمُرُكُمْ أَن تُؤدُّواْ الأَمَانَاتِ إِلَى أَهْلِهَا وَإِذَا حَكَمْتُم بَيْنَ النَّاسِ أَن تَحْكُمُواْ بِالْعَدْلِ “Şüphesiz Allah, emanetleri ehline vermenizi ve insanlar arasında hükmettiğiniz zaman adaletle hükmetmenizi emrediyor.”
Ayet her ne kadar Mekkenin fethi gününde bir olay münasebetiyle inse de, bütün mükellefiyetleri ve bütün emanetleri içine alır. Şöyle ki:
Sebeb-i Nüzûl
Osman Bin Talha, Ka’benin görevlisiydi. Rasulullahın Ka’beye girmesi için anahtar istenildiğinde “O’nun Allahın elçisi olduğunu bilsem engel olmazdım” diyerek Ka’be’nin kapısını kapattı, anahtar vermek istemedi. Bunun üzerine Hz. Ali onun elini bükerek zorla aldı ve kapıyı açtı. Rasulullah içeriye girdi ve iki rekat namaz kıldı. Çıktığında Hz. Abbas anahtarın kendisine verilmesini, “Sikaye ve Sidane” (Hacılara su dağıtmak ve Kabeye bakmak) görevlerinin kendisinde birleşmesini istedi. Bunun üzerine üstteki ayet nazil oldu, peygamber efendimiz Hz. Ali’ye anahtarı iade etmesini ve özür dilemesini emretti. Osman Bin Talha, bu olay karşısında Müslüman oldu.
“Ve insanlar arasında hükmettiğiniz zaman adaletle hükmetmenizi emrediyor.”
Öyleyse, insafla ve eşitlik üzere hükmedin.
Hüküm vermek idarecilerin vazifesi olduğundan, hitabın onlara yönelik olduğu söylenmiştir. Ama, “emriniz altında olan veya sizin vereceğiniz hükme razı olan kimseler hakkında insaf ve eşitlik üzere hükmediniz” şeklinde herkese yönelik bir hitaptır.
إِنَّ اللّهَ نِعِمَّا يَعِظُكُم بِهِ “Şüphesiz Allah, bununla size ne güzel öğüt veriyor!”
إِنَّ اللّهَ كَانَ سَمِيعًا بَصِيرًا “Şüphesiz Allah, Semi – Basîr’dir.”
Allah konuşmalarınızı, hükümlerinizi ve emanetler hakkında neler yaptıklarınızı işitir ve görür.
 59- يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ أَطِيعُواْ اللّهَ وَأَطِيعُواْ الرَّسُولَ وَأُوْلِي الأَمْرِ مِنكُمْ “Ey iman edenler! Allah’a itaat edin, Peygamber’e itaat edin ve sizden olan ulu’l-emre de.”
Ulu’l-emirden murat, Hz. Peygamber devrinde ve sonrasındaki Müslümanların idarecileridir. Halifeler, hâkimler, komutanlar buna dâhildirler.
Üstteki ayette idarecilere adaletle hükmetmeleri emredildi, bu ayette de onlar hak üzere oldukları sürece kendilerine itaat etmenin gerekliliğine dikkat çekildi.
“Hâlbuki onu peygambere ve aralarında ulu’l- emr olanlara (yetkili kimselere) götürselerdi, onlardan sonuç çıkarmaya gücü yetenler, onu anlarlardı.” (Nisa 83) ayetinden hareketle, ulu’l- emirden muradın din, âlimleri olduğu da söylenmiştir.
فَإِن تَنَازَعْتُمْ فِي شَيْءٍ فَرُدُّوهُ إِلَى اللّهِ وَالرَّسُولِ “Eğer herhangi bir şeyde anlaşmazlığa düşerseniz onu Allaha ve peygambere arz edin.”
 Ayetin bu kısmı ulu’l-emirden muradın halifeler, hâkimler, komutanlar olduğunu teyid eder. Çünkü “ulu’l-emirden murat din bilginleridir” dersek, onları taklit durumunda olan kimselerin onlarla dinî bir meselede nizaa düşmesi söz konusu olamaz. Ama idare edenlerle idare edilenler arasında zaman zaman problemler olabilmektedir. Böyle bir durumda yapılması gereken Allah ve Rasulüne müracaattır. Meselenin Allaha arzı, O’nun kitabına müracaatla olur. Peygambere arzı ise, Hz. Peygamberin yaşadığı dönemde bizzat kendisine müracaat, sonrasında ise sünnetine müracaatla olur.
Kıyası, yani içtihad yoluyla yeni meseleler hakkında hüküm verilmesini inkâr edenler “Allah, ihtilaflı meselelerde Kitaba ve sünnete müracaatı emretti, kıyası zikretmedi” diyerek bu ayetten delil getirmek istemişlerdir.
Hâlbuki ayette ulu’l-emr de zikredilmektedir. Ulu’l-emrin yaptığı, hakkında ihtilaf olan bir meseleyi, Kitap ve sünnetten benzeri bir hükmü esas olarak halletmektir. Bu durumda, dinle alakalı meselelerde üç çeşit hüküm karşımıza çıkar:
1- Kitap ile hükmü belli olanlar.
2- Sünnet ile hükmü belli olanlar.
3- Kıyas yoluyla hükmü belli olanlar.
إِن كُنتُمْ تُؤْمِنُونَ بِاللّهِ وَالْيَوْمِ الآخِرِ “Allah’a ve ahiret gününe gerçekten inanıyorsanız (böyle yapın.)”
Allaha ve ahirete iman böyle ihtilaflı meselelerde Kitaba ve sünnete müracaatı gerektirir.
ذَلِكَ خَيْرٌ وَأَحْسَنُ تَأْوِيلاً “Bu, daha hayırlıdır ve sonuç yönüyle daha güzeldir.”
Yani, “böyle yapmanız, sizin kendi kanaatinizle varacağınız hükümlerden daha güzeldir.
 [1> Mesela, “falan kişi riyakârdır” dediğimizde o kişinin veya başkalarının bunu inkâr etmeleri o kadar da önemli değildir. Ama Allah, “o kulum riyakâr değildir” dese mesele bitmiştir. Çünkü bütün sırları bilen O’dur.
[2> Yani, cimri olan hased de eder. Hasid kimse, başkasına yardımda bulunmaz.
Prof.Dr. Şadi Eren
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aylaaescar · 1 year
Sidane and Morrigan: 12 and 16. Rionne and Josie: 23 and 24, please!
thank you!! 🖤
12. What struggle have they seen each other through?
there's the whole Blight, but that's a cheap answer so I will not go w that lol. okay here's one that idk if I've ever shared before, but Sidane lost their vision to an injury at the top of Fort Drakon.
(injuries/eye pain cw) a shriek was going to catch Morrigan off-guard, and Sidane just... jumped in the way. they weren't really thinking, bc if they were, they probably just would've used a magical barrier or something. but instead they panicked, and their face got clawed instead of Morrigan's head. now I'm perfectly aware that Morrigan canonically leaves after that fight if the ritual happened, buuuut it's my brain and I say that she stuck around after that, at least for a bit. it wasn't for long and might not even count for this question, tbh? but she stayed with them for a few days until they woke up, since the shriek got them badly enough that they were out of commission for the rest of the fight. Alistair was the one to get the final blow against the Archdemon.
16. How do they react when the other is upset? How do they try to help?
I won't lie to you, I feel like they're BOTH bad at this, at least initially lol. Morrigan grew up w friggin Flemeth as her role model, so I doubt she has any good examples to follow? Sidane is a liiiiittle better, since they have Jowan, their sister Perry, and best friend Ramori, so there's experience there in comforting others even if they're not the best at it. but Morrigan? nah. I feel like she doesn't know how to handle that at first, but learns as time goes on.
tbh they probably just kind of give the other space, at least in the beginning of their relationship? neither of them know what to do but don't want to make it worse, so they'll just leave the other be. but that changes when they start to fall for each other; Morrigan is a bit harder for me to pin down in how she'd comfort them, aside from spending time w them and listening to them vent. Sidane, on the other hand, tries to make Morrigan feel better by leaving a pretty flower or two in her tent, or on her things. historically they've always been a casual hook-up sort of person, they don't have experience with actual romantic feelings, but plenty of novels say that flowers are a good gift, right? they're trying. give them both some time in their relationship to not be as awkward with FEELINGS.
23. What was their first impression of each other?
was Josie there when the Inquisitor was unconscious after popping out of the Fade? if yes, then I'd imagine she was probably curious as well as cautious? they just survived a huge disaster and they have that glowing arm now, so I think I'd feel the same way. if not, I think Josie might have thought Rionne was impressive and brave for how she'd sealed the Rift, but was also... kind of chilly? which isn't wrong, bc Rionne IS a chilly person in general - that just gets amplified when she's a Dalish mage surrounded by human Chantry members who seem to think she's a prophet for their religion. Rionne didn't enjoy her time at Haven, lbr.
on Rionne's end, she was initially suspicious (as she was with everybody), until Josephine greeted her in elvish. for Rionne, it was the first time anybody at Haven had treated her with respect; praising her for the Rift or being their Herald set her on edge at the least and irritated her at worst, because she had no choice in the former and she outright denied the latter every chance she got. so Rionne kind of decided that she had a soft spot for Josie from word go, haha.
24. How did they fall for each other?
would it be corny to say just by being themselves? 🖤 okay less corny, I think it happened just as they got to know and understand each other. they're both hardworking women who put their families (Lavellan and Montilyet) first, so much of what they do is for the people they love and there was a real solidarity that came with that. Josephine is caring and compassionate, gives Rionne cuddles while respecting her asexuality. she knows that sometimes Rionne's just going to be prickly, or not touchy-feely, and it doesn't mean that she's any less loving than she was yesterday. Rionne went out of her way multiple times to help Josephine with her family, and outright dueled somebody else so Josie wouldn't have to marry a stranger. lots of little things and big things adding up to a nice picture.
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aylaaescar · 1 year
Hi!! Motion & Bling for Odelina, Glance & Wardrobe for Sidane anddd Alternate for Sky? <3
thank you!! sorry this one is also a little late rip dfgjjsgsg
motion: How does your OC move? How does their clothing help or hinder their range of motion? Are they flexible, coordinated, clumsy?
I think the only clothes she has that would hinder her movement are the looser pants she'll wear for pajamas? and maybe some baggier clothes for days off, since she enjoys that style off the clock, but otherwise I think her clothes fit her just fine dfkgsjg.
as for movement!! she's a flexible and coordinated person, and she always moves with a certain confidence to her? idk how to explain it well, other than that she just has an assured walk going on. if she trips over something, it's either a heat of the moment battle thing, or she did it on purpose to knock over something of somebody she hates. "oops, did I do that? :)"
bling: What jewelry does your OC wear? Does it have any meaning?
she enjoys wearing multiple earrings and necklaces (especially chokers), but I can't think of any special meaning behind them? she likes it when there's butterfly or heart decorations/styles on them.
glance: At first glance, what stands out most about your OC's appearance? What's their distinguishing feature?
their hair, maybe? they have long curly brown hair they usually wear tied back, and it looks nice. but they have a very typically ~pretty~ face in general (in my opinion, anyway - I designed them to be hot lol).
wardrobe: How big is your character's wardrobe? Do they wear things threadbare, or can they afford new clothes often? Are they any good at mending and repairing their own clothing?
initially in the Circle, they just had the standard uniform robes that everybody wears. I would imagine that members of the Circle are encouraged to learn to mend their own clothes? so Sidane has some skill in that area, but they can't do more complex stuff lol.
outside of the Circle, they go :O for this whole new world of fashion that's been opened up to them. they have to keep it toned down well enough to save up money for important Blight matters (buying food, for one thing), but they absolutely buy some nicer things and ditch the robes as soon as they get the chance. nice doublets, breeches, stuff like that. they're also a huge fan of nice long coats as well.
alternate: What would your OC's alternate universe look be? If they're a fantasy character, what's their modern look? If they're sci-fi, what's their fantasy look? What AU would you want to see your OC in, and how would they dress themself? Bonus: Prompt an AU!
we'll look at her fantasy style since she's a sci-fi lady!
which... may not look too different from her regular style?? I always imagined her in the blue equivalents of Aerith Gainsborough's style lol, like so
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so I would guess that fantasy!Sky would dress similarly ngl dkfgjsg maybe some longer sleeves and lose the jacket? just as a general idea, not for all her looks lol
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aylaaescar · 11 months
For the meme: 33 and 46 for Sidane/Morrigan, 28 and 48 for Migdalia/Ashley
thank you!! 🖤 placing under a cut since this got long
33. How do they flirt? Who’s the worse flirt?
I think this one probably depends on personal tastes, haha. Sidane has always been a charmer and a flirt, and had several short-lived relationships and flings when they were in the Circle, so they definitely know how to flirt and charm. Morrigan's none too shabby herself, though? they're both coy, while Morrigan tends to cut to the chase after a bit whereas Sidane enjoys drawing out flirting and laying down the charm. if that makes any sense at all, haha.
46. Do they consider their relationship casual or serious? Is the answer different depending on who you ask? Why?
those two were so in denial of their relationship turning serious, even when it was apparent to everybody else that there was more going on between them than sex lol. they're both scared of love, so it takes almost the entirety of the Blight to get them to admit they have feelings for each other. I'm pretty sure if you asked either of them, the answer would be the same - it's just casual sex, nothing more to it than that.
Sidane was the one to come to terms with it and accept that they were in love first, roughly around when Morrigan told them about what she found in the grimoire. the idea of Morrigan dying or getting hurt horrified them, and the situation kind of forced Sidane to finally accept what they were feeling emotionally.
28. Who’s the better chef? Do they cook for the other?
definitely not Meg, who came from the streets and then enlisted in the military at 18. she can do some simple stuff, like making sandwiches, but anything beyond that she just doesn't have the experience with. Ashley, on the other hand, I could see her cooking with her family growing up and being pretty decent in the kitchen! I imagine them cooking for each other isn't really an option until the war's over (military rations and all), but when they are able to be more domestic, they prefer to cook together. it's one of the little things that Meg didn't have a family to do with when she was growing up, and both she and Ashley want to make up for those lost experiences together.
48. Do they talk about their future together? Why or why not?
in the time frame of ME1, I don't think they would have? Meg was trying to deny her feelings for Ashley to herself up until Virmire - she's strict with following the rules and fraternization so breaks the rules. they were starting to discuss things with each other after Saren's death and decide what they wanted to do, since they value both each other and their careers, but well. the Collectors made this one a bit of a moot point.
they don't talk about it often in the frame of ME3, because everything is so uncertain and there's no guarantee that they'll even make it out alive. but they do sometimes, late at night. quietly talking about the things they want to do together and the places they want to see - when they make it out alive, in those conversations, because there's so much gloom surrounding them already. it's nice to have those moments where they can talk about their future together like it's a guaranteed thing, before the morning comes and reality's back.
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suddenly thinking about my Wardens so have some children and their hobbies:
Vanyla - Thedosian brain teasers and jigsaw puzzles if they’re a thing in the setting. anything that makes her think. romance and fantasy novels. shopping.
Sidane - also likes shopping, also likes reading (but they’re interested in virtually any subject, not just fiction). gossiping with their sister. astronomy. cooking.
Perry - architecture. also big on reading, goes with being a mage bc they’re all nerds. gossiping with her sibling. working out.
Ramori - playing with any animals that wandered into the tower, especially fond of cats. sewing. collecting dolls. reading again bc yeah. card games.
Leeva - singing and playing flute, but very shy about doing that in front of others and has to be talked into it. whittling and woodcarving. 
Nadine - cooking and baking. sewing. telling tall tales to Alienage kids. playing with makeup. 
Bryn - making jewelry (more DIY arts and crafts stuff as opposed to metalwork, but it’s still pretty and cute). gardening. reading poetry.
Farira - partying at taverns (before and after becoming a Grey Warden). painting. chemistry.
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14, 16 and 41 for yula and sidane amell?
thanks Ares! 💜
14. What do they care deeply about? What kind of loyalties, commitments, moral codes, life philosophies, passions, callings, or spirituality and faith do they have? How do these tend to be expressed?
Yula: she would say that she cares about power, and to a degree she does; power keeps her alive in the Sith even as much as it paints a target on her back. comes to care more about a code of honor and trying to make things better over time, which culminates in her eventually leaving the Empire for the Alliance (and later Republic). very loyal to her own and to the people who provide for her, at least until they try to kill or possess her.
Sidane: they’re big on freedom, both for themself and others and learning as much as you can. loves living life to the fullest and enjoying the finer things. tends to act self-absorbed and uncaring of others (and they are def p self-absorbed), or like they’re only interested in having a good time, but they also have a hard time not getting involved if somebody else needs help. a deep believer in the idea that you don’t need a reason to help people, even if they don’t like to admit it. 
16. Do they dream? What are those dreams like?
Yula: tends to have a lot of stress dreams, which only gets worse the higher up in the Sith hierarchy she gets. after becoming the Wrath, she usually relives her past decisions in her sleep, and frequently remembers Quinn’s betrayal of her.
Sidane: pretty often, and almost always mostly in control on account of being a mage. being a spirit healer, they enjoy talking to the denizens of the Fade whenever they dream, even if they have to keep their guard up to prevent accidentally getting possessed.
41. What associations do they bring to mind? Words or phrases, images, metaphors or motifs? Why?
Yula: fear and overcoming it. the color red. blizzards. shadows.
Sidane: fire and lightning. healing. arrogance and vanity. love to the point of self-sacrifice. the color blue.
I’m the worst at articulating the “why” for both but those lend to their general Aesthetics (tm) in my brain
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Perry Amell for the dating pros and cons meme. ❤️
thank you, Karolina!!
Once you know where you stand with each other, she throws herself into her relationships 100%. She’s not someone that’ll give up on you easily, she’ll do her best to make it work.
She’s the Chancellor of Ferelden and the Commander of the Grey, so she’s got connections. If you need something, odds are good she can find a way to get it.
She’ll introduce you to a ton of interesting books you probably hadn’t heard of before and happily discuss them with you.
Has a talent for figuring out what you like as gifts, and doesn’t hesitate to spoil you.
She’ll memorize all the important dates, and never forgets an anniversary. She’ll always have something lovely planned for it.
Authoritative and calm in the face of an emergency. Whatever’s going on, you can generally trust her to get you through it.
She’s a bit shy about it, but she’s a very good dancer and has a lot of fun with it.
She’s on the competitive side on top of being a sore loser. What starts out as a fun game or activity will probably get really intense, and not in an enjoyable way.
Incredibly stubborn. I wish you the best of luck getting her to change her mind on something once she’s made it.
She’s a restless, perfectionist workaholic. Getting her to take time for herself is pretty difficult.
Her culinary skills are so bad she manages to make Alistair’s cooking look good.
Her older sibling can be a nuisance lol. Sidane’s both protective of her and teasing, so expect them to be lurking a bit until they decide you’re good enough for their sister. (Pros: they’re a good friend once they decide that you’re good enough, though.)
Prefers that things go her way, and she can get a little bit huffy when they don’t. She’s working on it, but it’s still there.
A restless sleeper, courtesy of the darkspawn nightmares. :(
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thinking about them (Morrigan/Sidane)
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Sidane Amell for for the dating pros and cons meme. ❤️
thank you, Karolina!! 💜
They’re a fantastic cook, which is saying something since they grew up in the tower. It’s all of that sneaking away to the kitchens in their free time.
A loyal and loving person who’ll do most anything for the people they care about.
Prides themself on being suave, charming, and tactile in a relationship. Lots of touches and kisses, very okay with PDA. Only if you’re into it, of course - they’ll refrain if not. :)
Incredibly good at charming themself - and the others around them, by proxy - out of any trouble.
Protective. They’ll leap into harm’s way without a second thought to save the ones they love, and they’re not afraid of a challenge if it means you’ll be safe.
Very smart, and always interested in a philosophical discussion or talking about any subject that might be of interest to you.
They’re a spirit healer, so any aches, pains, and injuries you have are going to be taken care of. You’re in good hands.
They’re not really interested in a romantic relationship so much as they’re interested in sex, at least to start. Depending on the kind of person, this might not be a con, but… yeah.
Tying to the above, but warranting a category of its own: they get scared of their feelings, and they’d say that they’re okay with ending things if it gets too serious. (However, they’re more of a romantic than even they realize...)
Absurdly vain and spends a stupid amount of time in the morning fixing their hair. A bit self-absorbed, too.
They’ll probably get you into trouble at least once.
Their little sister Perry can be just as protective of them as they are of her, tbh. She’s not as obvious about it at first, but she will be doing her own mental evaluations for a while if the relationship gets serious. (Bright side: she’s a bit easier to impress than her sibling is.)
They’re on the lazy side, and a bit sloppy with things that aren’t theirs. It’s something they’ll work on if spoken to about, but definitely an annoying habit.
Best of luck getting them to admit when they’re wrong about something. The more one pushes, the more they’ll insist that they’re right (even if they know they aren’t).
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🍓 for Sidane Amell. :)
thank you, Karolina!! 💜
1. they’re a very talented cook for somebody who spent majority of their life in Kinloch Hold - they liked going into the kitchens and learning from the chefs in their spare time. they’re definitely one of the better cooks in the party, and more-or-less took Alistair’s day of cooking as another of their own.
2. they love to act the part of “scary mage who’s going to turn you into a toad” when it benefits them and gets enemies to back off, but they actually struggle with using offensive magic. not to say that they can’t defend themself and their friends, but they’re much better at healing magic and protecting their allies.
3. they lose their sight in the final battle against the Archdemon by way of physically shielding Morrigan from a shriek that would have caught her unawares. they don’t regret protecting Morrigan, even knowing what it cost them, and they use magic to compensate for their blindness, but they still deeply miss their vision.
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tagged by @aeducanka / @reverienne to do this pic crew - thanks, Karolina! :’)
1. Sidane Amell. The Tower’s self-absorbed peacock who likes flirting with every attractive person in sight and bothering their little sister whenever they can. 2. Periella Amell. The Tower’s ambitious ladder-climber who would prefer that you call her Perry and that her older sibling would shut up for five minutes. 3. Lockseydo “Lock” Quill. Actively avoids taking things seriously and knows more about the recruit Amethylia than he lets on, but locks the information away. 4. Terran Starbrac. A sword-loving musician who has no problem sleeping outside with his pet orobird Daggers.
tagging @jediisapphic, @buffkreia, @ghostlygal, @etoilebinaire, and @lotrificationer, but only if you want to, of course! <3
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Sidane + the Circle of Magi (as an institution but also including pro-Circle mages like Irving and Wynne).
Thank you!
1. Their thoughts on the Circle are conflicted ones. Sidane remembers theirs and Perry’s mother, and life in Kirkwall, and they resent having to be taking away to a prison… but friendship with Ramori, and hearing what life was like for her in the Alienage, gave them another viewpoint. Sidane could resent it because they came from privilege, but elves like Ramori had to suffer abuse and poverty in Alienages; at least in the Circle, she could have three meals a day and a roof over her head.
2. Loathes the Harrowing after they go through it themself and find out what it entails, and fears for Perry’s safety when the date for hers grows closer and closer. While Sidane is a rather lazy person by nature, they feel that they could come up with a thousand better alternatives to the Harrowing - and probably the system itself. Of course, though, they are lazy and don’t care to try.
3. The afore-mentioned friendship with Ramori helps them to sympathize with pro-Circle views like Wynne’s and Irving’s, but only to a degree. Their occasionally being pro-Circle lies with supporting the people who didn’t have anything better - Wynne and Irving, in Sidane’s opinion, buy into Chantry views far too much. 
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01 for all your Dragon Age characters.
Thank you! do remember naming after someone, or whose names actually have meanings I know of.
01. What does your character’s name mean? Did you pick it for the symbolism, or did you just like the way it sounded?
None of them were really picked for any symbolism in their names, with the exception of Vanyla! Most were just for how it sounded, lol.
Vanyla: There were two concepts going into Vanyla’s character - one was criticism of fandom stuff that irked me (as you may recall!), and the other was “has the stereotypical traits of a Disney princess, except she’s terrible” lol. So kinda on that theme, I got “Vanyla” from “vanity”, which felt fitting for somebody who seems like a pretty princess and thinks of herself as one waaaaay too much.
Sidane: They were originally named after Zidane from Final Fantasy IX, and according to Google, “Zidane = Zeid = abundance and growth.” Fitting enough for a mage with a specialty in the creation tree, right?
Nadine: A quick Google search says that “Nadine” means “hope.” I don’t recall why she got the name Nadine, but the meaning itself is… well, kinda ironic for her. Lol. She’s not a terribly hopeful person.
Rosemary: Not gonna lie, I just thought it sounded pretty and that it went well with Ramori (the two are back-to-back protagonists in one world state.) Google says it means “dew of the sea” in Latin, which is neat!
Will: Their name means “resolute protector”, and I like it for them! Fitting for a Robin Hood-esque diplomatic Hawke.
Katrina: Her name means “pure.” Also fitting, because gosh would she like to imagine herself as such. :(
Ealisay: She’s still a WIP character since I haven’t played much DA:I, and this one’s purely for in-universe reasons. The Trevelyan family is said to be devout Andrastians, and so Ealisay was named after Andraste’s dearest friend in childhood.
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