#Shi'ar empire
souurcitrus · 2 months
I want to talk about Kallark, Gladiator, because I like him a lot. Not as person, but more as a cool character.
He's present in the new ep of X-Men 97, don't have many lines and just standing there and being cool most of time. But, seeing Charles discussing with the Shi'ar about their government made me think about Gladiator's role in all of this, specially after he agreed with Charles about 'idealism being a sign of insanity', and because of his past.
I'm gonna try to put it into words as best I can. It's too long and i just want to ramble about one of my favorite underrated character(s).
Gladiator is the praetor, he's known for being extremely loyal to the Empire, to the person that sits on the throne, no matter who it is. Yet, hes known for being honorable and having respect for those who beat him up or have high morals, that includes Lilandra, for her kindness, Rachel, Charles and Cyclops (though we know he would not hesitate to fight them if it meant protecting the empire)
Right, he's too prideful, but that's because his powers comes from his confidence on himself. And what bugs about me in his character is that he's too loyal to this government, and they're the solely reason he's the last one of his species and he knows that what they do is wrong.
In War of Kings: Warriors we see Kallark thinking about his past while under the rule of Vulcan.
The Shi'ar are a imperialist and colonizing government. They invade other planets and force these civilizations to kneel under their ruler, and depending of the planet, these can people will end slaves for the Shi'ar without rights. This happened to Kallark's people.
The strontians are/were a very powerful species that even the Shi'ar were scared of their power, but they're mostly gone now, with Kallark, his son Kubark and his cousin Xenith being the last living ones.
Kallark was born to be a soldier and trained to serve the Shi'ar Empire, together with his peers, other strontians of his age, his close friends. And all of them were loyal to the Shi'ar, wanting to prove themselves worthy of being part of the Imperial Guard.
Of course, Kallark was chosen because he was the most dedicated. The only thing the Shi'ar didn't liked about him is that he would often leave the missions to save his peers.
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So they test his loyalty by making him attack his own people and kill them to see which one he would choose, his family or his duty. In the end he ends dooming his people by doing exactly what the Shi'ar asked, and it's fucked up.
The elders even say that they knew that Kallark could never turn his back to his duty, because "he's a good soldier". His family dies knowing he had chosen the Shi'ar and not them, his friends die disappointed on him.
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The flashback ends with Kallark wodering if he would still follow Vulcan if it meant the fall of the empire, and Kallark decides that he would, because Vulcan is the Emperor and Kallark is loyal to the throne.
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And that's what makes me hate him! He's too loyal. To the wrong cause. He's so loyal to the empire he ends up forgetting things he actually cares about, like Lilandra's love for him and his own son.
He loves them deeply, he cares for his people, his friends from his home planet, his friends from the Imperial Guards, his soldiers, his son. However, he can't let go of being a soldier.
We don't know much about his past or what the Shi'ar Empire did to Strotia, but it's clear they forced and pushed their ideals and rules on the young strontians to turn them into loyal weapons. And after years and years of serving the crown, Kallark can't change.
He's fully aware of the atrocities the royal family, the elders, the people in the power do to other civilizations, yet he stays by their side.
That's why when he agreed with Charles in X-Men 97, and Charles started explaining to them how their system was harmful, I was wondering if Kallark feels guilty. If it even crosses his mind what he had done to his own people.
In the comics, when Lilandra is desposed from the throne and the elders try to kill her, Kallark, who has been working for Vulcan until now, despite hating doing so, stays on Lilandra's side.
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He loves her, it's obvious, he respects her and knows she only has the best interests in her heart. He even refers to her as 'Majestrix Lilandra'. He mourns her death later, he goes in a blind rage massacre, he kills everyone in sight and Black Cloak even says 'it would be painful for him to live without her'.
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Later in Watxm Annual, an issue that focus on Kubark, his son, he shows how much he cares for him, how much he loves and is proud of Kubark's strength and grow.
When Kubark shows he's unhappy in his situation, being the only strontian in a school where every student must stay with their own species, Kallark doesn't listen to him. Kubark says he wants to be unique and choose his own path, Kallark denies, because it's 'not the way of the empire'.
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It reminds me that Kallark, who grew up brainwashed to obey the Shi'ar, to believe that being a soldier is his only choice, expects his son to do the same.
In the beginning, Kubark did want to be a soldier like him, he hated being on Earth because he believed his destiny was to be a warrior. Then he learned he would be lonely if he did and he decided he wanted to be a hero. To be himself. And to choose.
Kubark choose to be loyal to his friends and make his own choices. Kallark did not.
So, if he's willing to change his mind and leave his job as praetor aside to protect someone he loves like he did to Lilandra, why he can't do the same for Kubark?
In the end he allows Kubark to go back to Earth. Later Kubark is back on Shi'ar, so we don't know if he was allowed to stay on earth just until he graduated. But he allows Kubark to go back and be himself, because be loves him.
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But he stays the same. He never changes. He keeps making had decisions and committing mistakes and doing bad things for the empire.
Kallark is a Shi'ar by citizenship, but he's a Strontian, he's not considerate a Shi'ar, and he might not even have the same rights the Aerie Shi'ar have. He might be the most loyal and powerful soldier of the Empire, but he's nothing more than a strotian, and nothing more than a soldier. He's a soldier first, then majestor, a father, a friend.
Later when I discovered about his past and started to read about him I just made the same questions all the time: Why he never tried to change the way the Empire works? Why he never changed the bad things that the Empire did?
It would be interesting if the writers acknowledged that (that would be expecting much from Marvel). Kubark shows that he cares for Earth and his friends, that he's genuinely good and wants to do goods things. It would be interesting to see him trying to fight his father's ideals and the Empire.
It will never happen. Both these characters are underrated and were already forgotten by the writers, but I wanted to see it.
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azurecanary · 2 months
Ah, so the Shi'ar empire is a metaphor for the United States
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thebooksanctum · 20 days
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docgold13 · 2 years
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365 Marvel Comics Paper Cut-Out SuperHeroes - One Hero, Every Day, All Year…
July Supplemental - The Imperial Guard
The Imperial Guard is a legion of super-powered champions from throughout the intergalactic Shi'ar Empire who acted as enforcers of Imperial law. The original Imperial Guard was formed to stop Rook'shir, a Shi'ar who became the host of the Phoenix Force.  The unit continued on as the primary defensive force of The Shi’ar Empire.
When the X-Men sought to rescue the Princess-Majestrix Lilandra from her insane brother, then-Majestor D'Ken, they fought members of the Guard on the planet of the M'kraan Crystal.  With the aid of the Starjammers, the X-Men defeated the guard and saved the universe from destruction.  The X-Men and the Guard subsequently clashed again after Lilandra had assumed the Shi'ar throne and sought to end the universal threat posed by the Phoenix Force, which had assumed the form of X-Man Jean Grey. This time, the Guard defeated the X-Men, but allowed them to return to Earth after the Phoenix Force seemingly ended its own life.
The Guard continued to serve the Empire, yet became divided when the Mutant known as Vulcan killed Lilandra and assumed the Shi’ar throne.  After Vulcan fell in battle against Black Bolt, Kallark (the leader of the Guard) became the stewardship Majestrix of the Shi’ar.  Unfortunately, the civil war Vulcan had created left the empire in a weakened state and it was defeated and annexed by The Kree.  
In the wake of the Secret Wars event, the Shi’ar Empre became freed from the Kree.  Kallark pledged to help revuild the empire and reform the Imperial Guard to once more defend the Shi’ar people.  
Key members of The Imperial Guard include:
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Kallark The Gladiator
A powerful and nobel being from the planet Strontia who possesses incurable strength, speed and durability along with the capacity to fly through outer space.  Earning the supreme title of Gladiator from his native Strontians, Kallark has served the Shi’ar people for over a century as the leader of the Imperial Guard.  His son, Kubark, has trained with both the Imperial Guard as well as with The X-Men in preparation of one day succeeding his father as leader of The Guard.  
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Lady Sybyl is a powerful psychic and telepath from the planet Dockrum VII.  Recruited to serve the Guard, Oracle has proven herself in battle and quickly became Gladiator’s top lieutenant.  She has acted as leader of the Guard during times when Gladiator was unavailable.  Oracle was briefly married to her teammate, Flashfire.
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Sometimes known as ‘Tempest,’ Grannz is a native of an unspecified alien world and possesses electrokinetic powers where he can summon and mentally manipulate powerful masses of electrical energy.  He has served the Imperial Guard admirably for a long tenure and has had an ongoing, tumultuous romance with his teammate, Oracle.   Flashfire continues to serve as a high-ranking member of The Imperial Guard.  
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Nightside was a member of an unidentified alien race whose members possess the ability to tap into the other-dimensional realm of the Darkforce, an energy source of pure darkness.  Nightside perished while serving the Guard and was later replaced by another member of her species who assumed the same name to continue serving the Empire.    
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Mentor is from a race of super-intelligent beings who posses computer-like minds.  Mentor has acted as the primary strategist in the Imperial Guard.  During a mission to the Fault, Mentor was forced to give himself over as a host to the Fraternity of Raptors so to augment their firepower. Mentor bonded with a Raptor amulet and was taken over by Strel. His fate in the wake of this adventure remains thus far unrevealed.
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Astra is a native of an unspecified world and possesses attributes that allows her to alter the molecular density of her physical form.  This allows her to phase in a fashion where she can pass through solid matter and cause attacks to phase through her without harm.  Astra continues to serve as a member of The Guard.
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The heroic Starbolt heralds from an unspecified world were his species is composed of a sentient cosmic energy resembling fire.  Starbolt can channel this energy so to avail flight and the capacity to fire devastating bolts from his hands.  The original Starbolt perished in a mission to The Fault, yet was subsequently replaced with another of his species who assumed the former’s mantle.  
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The Guardian known as Magique heralded from an unknown world and possessed magical powers.  The powers enabled her to cast certain spells and her most prominent spell was one that enabled her to project highly realistic illusions.   Magique was tasked with obtaining the Nega-Bands from the hero, Quasar.  Although she managed to defeat Quasar, the bands were taken by Adam Warlock.   Magique was seemingly killed in battle against Warlock.
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Hobgoblin was from an alien species that possess shapeshifting powers similar to that of the Skrulls.  He served as a member of the Imperial Guard, acting primarily as a spy and body guard.  Hobgoblin sacrificed himself to save Majestrix Lilandra, assuming her guise and taking her place to foil an assassination attempt.  Since then he has been replaced by another member of his species who serves the Guard as Hobgoblin II.  
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Electon was a native of the Shi’ar home-wolrd and gained the ability to mentally control electrical energies by way of a special experiment.  After battling The X-Men on the planet of the M'kraan Crystal, Electon was part of a contingency off Guardians dispatched to obtain the Nega-Bands.  Herein Electon perished in a battle against The Silver Surfer.  
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The Guardian known as Manta comes from an unspecified alien race and it remain untold whether her powers are endemic to her people or are unique.  By opening her cloak, Manta can release a powerful blinding flash of light that has an incapacitating affect on nearly all who see it.  Manta has served alongside the Guard since the trial of Jean Grey and remains a crucial member of the team.  
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Fang is a member of the Lupak, one of the many extraterrestrial species who comprise the Shi'ar Empire. The Lupak procreate by way of advanced cloning and Fang was created with advanced combat skills and wolf-like physical features.  He served admirably as a member of the Imperial Guard until he was killed by The Brood.  A new clone of Fang was provided to the Guard to replace him.
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The Guardian known as Scintilla heralds from an unspecified alien world.  The natives of her planet cultivated the power to alter their size and shrink down to approximately two centimeters in height.  Shrinking down in this fashion additionally bestows increased strength and speed.  Scintilla has used this ability to serve as a member of the Guard and she remains a part of the team.  
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Vril comes from an unspecified world inhabited by a race of beings closely resembling humans.  Outfitted with a specialized pair of goggles called the Exospex, Vril is able to utilize a number of super powers, including flight, super strength and invulnerability (although the workings of these Exospex makes it so he can only use these powers one at a time).  Taking on the name of Smasher, Vril has acted as one of the Imperial Guard’s longest-serving members.  Smasher perished in a mission to warn the X-Men about Cassandra Nova.  His Exospex ended up in the hands of the human, Isabel Kane, who used them to become the new Smasher.  
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The Guardian known as Titan heralded from an unspecified alien world of The Shi’ar Empire.  The inhabitants of this world possess the power to alter their size and grow instantly to five times their original height and weight.  This additionally bestows greatly enhanced strength and durability.  Titan used this ability to serve alongside the Guard, ultimately falling in battle during a mission to The Fault.  
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The Guardian known as Hussar heralds from an unspecified alien world.  She possess enhanced strength and dexterity and wields an electromagnetic whip.  Hussar is highly proficient with this whip and can use it to devastating effect.  After siding with Deathbird in an attempted coup, Hussar was expelled from the Guardians.  She later joined a force of former guardians who sought out the X-Man, Rachel Grey, in a twisted scheme to gain revenge against the Phoenix Force.  Her current status and whereabout remains unknown.  
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Formerly known as Quasar, the Imperial Guardian called Neutron heralds from an unspecified world.  The origins of his powers remain unrevealed; he possessed a specialized form housing a quantum singularity whose energy he could manipulate for various effects (including invulnerable, increased strength, flight and energy projection).  Neutron served the Guard until he sacrificed himself to save the life of his teammate, Fang.  
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The Guardian known as Warstar is a being composed of two symbiotically linked mechanoid aliens.  The smaller of the two aliens is B’nee who acts as the being’s primary intelligence and strategist; whereas the larger of the two, C’cil, acts as the primary body, possessing greatly enhanced strength along with a bevy of offensive and defensive capabilities.  Warstar has acted as a member of the Guard since the Trial of Jean Grey and continues to serve as a member of the team.  
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Sometimes known as ‘Impulse,’ the being called Pulsar heralds from an unspecified world where the inhabitants are beings of sentient energy.  Utilizing a special containment suit that offers a humanoid form, Pulsar can release his energies in the form of a powerful, concussive blast emanating from a large visor on his head.  Pulsar served the Guard until he perished when his containment suit was breached during a mission to The Fault.
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Earthquake was a long standing member of the Imperial Guard who heralded from an unspecified alien world.  He possessed the ability to generate seismic energy projections that create tremors beneath the surface of a planet.  Earthquake has not been seen from in some time and his fate remains unrevealed.  
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Kid Gladiator
Kubark is the son of Kallark The Gladiator and possesses many of the same Strontian powers as his father.  Following a semester at The Jean Grey School for Gifted Youngster on Earth, Kubark began training alongside the Imperial Guard, readying himself to one day take his father’s place as praetorian and commander of the Guard.
The Imperial Guard and its members were originally designed as analogs of DC Comics' Legion of Super-Heroes.  The team first appeared in the pages of X-Men Vol 1 #107 (1977).  
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x-mencomics · 2 years
The Uncanny X-Men #136 - Child of Light and Darkness!
Empress Lilandra of the Shi’ar Empire meets with her Grand Council to discuss the danger of Dark Phoenix to the universe, saying that Phoenix must be destroyed. Lilandra explains that the Phoenix is more of a threat than Galactus.
Back on Earth, at the White House, the President learns from Dr. Corbeau about Phoenix heading back to Earth. The President calls the Avengers for help. Jarvis answers the phone and says the Avengers will be ready to intercept the Phoenix when she arrives.
At Xavier’s mansion, Beast is working on a device that when placed on Jean’s head should prevent her from using her powers. Storm notices how much pain Cyclops is feeling about Jean and she tries to comfort him. Wolverine, Colossus, and Nightcrawler are training in the Danger Room.
Meanwhile, Jean aka Dark Phoenix flies to her childhood home to see her family.
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Her dad, mom, and sister greet her and they’re happy to see her. But Dark Phoenix can’t help but read their minds and she learns that they are actually scared her. Her sister, Sarah, is scared that her two children may be mutants like Jean, and this angers Dark Phoenix. She turns a house plant into crystal saying that she will do the same to her family. Her father asks what she is and what she wants from them. Dark Phoenix threatens Mr. Grey, and then notices a sudden fog appearing outside. She flies outside, expecting the X-Men.
And she’s right. Nightcrawler teleports onto Dark Phoenix’s back and places the power-neutralizing device on her head. She is weakened, but still fighting. She throws Nightcrawler off her back, knocks Storm out of the air and tries throwing Beast - and then Wolverine tackles her, saying that everyone else is holding back as if Dark Phoenix is Jean. Wolverine extends his claws and prepares to kill Dark Phoenix. She tells him to do it while the human part of her is still in control. He hesitates. And BOOM. Dark Phoenix launches Wolverine away from her and into the air, and she removes the device from her head.
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Cyclops shows up. Dark Phoenix wants to fight, but he says he wants to talk and she refuses. Cyclops tells Dark Phoenix to kill him then. She says he isn’t worth killing, and he says that she can’t kill him because she is still Jean Grey inside. She seems like two people battling for control over her body, and she’s starting to calm down a bit when Xavier appears and “mind-blasts” Dark Phoenix. She’s down, but only for a second. She launches Cyclops away from her and ZAM, she knocks Xavier backwards and shatters his wheelchair to pieces. 
It’s Xavier vs Dark Phoenix. A telepathic battle on all the infinite planes of existence ensues, and suddenly... Phoenix stops. She starts to fall but Cyclops catches her. She’s Jean again. Xavier sensed that Jean was helping him battle Dark Phoenix and that is how he was able to win. Cyclops thinks about proposing to Jean and she can read his mind and she says yes. Angel and Jean’s family arrive, but suddenly a bright light flashes and the X-Men are gone!
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marvisions · 1 year
We should really talk about how the Shi'ar Smasher clothes are just recolored Hydra uniforms
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meliake · 20 days
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hes so fucking cool
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luciferinn · 11 months
currently experiencing a big delusion where i think that the combination of storm severing her interpersonal ties with xavier while on arakko and the sabretooth trilogy leaning towards a space adventure in the midst of fall of x means that post fall of x is gonna have a big "space-age" era for mutants and sam and beto are gonna be there and there's gonna be a starjammers ongoing and a bunch of neat sci-fi stuff
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starlight-artbby · 2 months
Watched the latest episode of X-Men 97 and I loved it.
First of all the Storm transformation ATE!!! Like I knew she was gonna look so sexy and hot and I was right and seeing her get over her fear and fight the adversary was everything to me.
Now I knew Professor Xaviers ass was alive. I want to angry with him for not saying anything but even he has to know that it would be seen as some kind of betrayal. Either way I will forgive him because he ate the Shi'ar empire up.
Seeing the scene with Gambit and his body turning into a skeleton was criminal. Not to mention the other skeletons that where there which most likely represented the other mutants that died in Genosha.
When the adversary turned into all the other X-Men I was just thinking that X-Men 97 is just a horror movie and it all started in episode 3. Lol , anyways, I LOVED seeing NightCrawler in the opening but not seeing Remy or Magneto nearly killed me and that's without mentioning the recap.
Anyways I have to talk about the Storm sequence again. When she over came her fears and the outfits transformation the "I am Lightning!" Line was SO PERFECT and so powerful.
I am also in shambles when I remember that Storm has no idea about all the shit that happened with Madelyne, she is probably going to find out Remy and Magneto are dead because of the news. Like my heart is broken for her, especially seeing her start to cry immediately and I KNOW Forge is regretting every decision he made for helping create the Sentinels.
At the end of the day, I should've known Sinister Bitch Ass was going to have something to do with this. I am starting to believe we are gonna get the Death Gambit Plotline.
Anyways I can not WAIT for the next episode. I want to see Storm reunite with the X-Men and same thing with Professor X. Sadly, I think we will be getting Remy and Magneto's funeral next week so I am definitely devastated about that.
But I won't leave this on a sad note, I love when Storm talks about her family. Like calling Jean/Maddie her sister it always warms my heart ♡♡♡
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lunarspiral1127 · 2 months
X-Men 97 episode 6 *SPOILERS*
Shi'ar Empire/Space
Honestly, I wasn't expecting to see them and get an update on Xavier in this episode cause I thought this was gonna be the full Lifedeath conclusion, so more focus on Storm. But, I think it's nice to see how he's doing.
This is the first time we see Deathbird AKA Lilandra's sister in the X-Men animated series, and I like her look.
Gladiator is such a stoic bad@$$. Ngl, after seeing him fight after so long, Superman popped into my head. I think it was the powerset he displayed.
Ronan and the Kree! I wasn't expecting to see them cause we never had the Kree mentioned or shown in the previous show, so this was a nice surprise. Aldo, it's so refreshing to see Ronan the Accuser in his more comic- accurate outfit. Cause, I've only recently seen him and the Kree in their MCU outfits, so seeing the classics was nice.
Noticed Vulcan during the beginning....kinda awkward cause he's Scott's other brother. Dunno if they'll do anything with that, but then again, they didn't do much with Havok in the previous show.
It's good to see Xavier healthy again, but why hasn't he checked up on the X-Men during that year? Why didn't he let them know that he's okay? Is it because of that black hole?
Didn't know Xavier was interested in being Lilandra's....pet....psychics be kinky.
Xavier talking about Magnus....oh god, when he finds out what happened to him....
Man, even in space, mutants can't catch a break! Xavier gonna be emperor along with Lilandra, and these sunsofbeeches hate it cause he's Terran AND a mutant. Like, can the mutants EVER get anything nice?!
Xavier was willing to forgo his memories on Earth and of his friends and family. Just to be with Lilandra....god dammit, this show really is a soap opera.
Xavier educating the Shi'ar council, Deathbird, Gladiator, and even Lilandra on their system and why it's bad was pretty funny. Dude was going back to being a teacher. And, I thought he was succeeding until....
The vision. Now, he knows what happened to Genosha, and he gotta go back. Good, cause they need him more than ever. I just wish it didn't have to break him and Lilandra up. Like, can we have a good relationship that doesn't end in a breakup, death, or have way too much drama, please?!?!
GAMBIT!!! 😭 It still hurts! But, the vision could also be foreshadowing that he'll become Death of the Four Horsemen. And Magneto wasn't there, so does that mean he survived?!
Storm, Forge, and the Adversary
Storm called Forge "my love". She was mad at him earlier, but I guess despite the anger, she loves him too and understood that he tried to help her despite what he did.
The Adversary is spooky. I didn't get how they appeared, but from what the show says, the demon appears to feed on the self-loathing, so they sensed Forge AND Storm and came to them.
Storm's fear of tight spaces comes into play. The Adversary used her fear against her which almost worked. First time Forge was able to banish the demon, despite being poisoned, and the second time, Storm overcame her fears and doubts and got her powers back.
Oh yeah, MISTRESS OF THE ELEMENTS IS BACK!!! 🤩 She even got her iconic black outfit with the tiara! I'll miss her classic white outfit, though. And she got her long hair back! No offense to the mohawk.
Shoutout to @stormandforge for talking about how she got her powers back cause I was so confused and sleep-deprived. What makes the most sense was the machine Forge used worked. It's just that she had some kind of mental/psychological block going on with her powers and had to overcome it to reactivate them. Kinda like how Peter lost his powers in Spider-Man 2. As for how she got her outfit, well, Storm, in the very first episode in the previous show, used her lightning to change outfits. So, I chopped it off to that. Yeah, lightning doesn't work like that, but she looks beautiful! The hair was actually what I was most confused about cause she had a mohawk, and suddenly, her hair got long again? I thought some parts of her head was shaved. So how did her change? Same way as the outfit?
Forge is cured, so fingers crossed these two will be together and not end poorly and messy as it did in the comics. Please, I just need one good relationship in this freaking show that isn't gonna end in tragedy.
And she knows about Genosha. God, I really hope she doesn't get survivors guilt over this. But, we need her and Xavier more than ever with what's to come.
The rest
Y'know, it was one thing for Trask to be involved with the massacre, but Mr. Sinister? I wasn't expecting that. I thought it was the FoH or Apocalypse or maybe Nimrod. Either way, I'm mad now that I know who's responsible cause how dare them kill Gambit, Magneto, Leech and the others, and hurt Nightcrawler and Rogue! I really hope that they find a way to finish him off for good and make it hurt like hell!
NIGHTCRAWLER GOT TO BE PART OF THE INTRO!!! 🤩 Does that mean he's gonna be finally part of the X-Men? Will we ever get him using his swords? Cause they keep teasing that!
I just wish it wasn't at the expense of Magneto and Gambit's intros. Man, I was bracing myself, and they had to do that and the recap! UGH, IT STILL HURTS! 😭
The episodes have really alternated with multiple storylines in this show. The previous one usually focuses on one story at a time.
So, that's pretty much it. Good episode. One more episode left until even more trauma will be inflicted on us cause 8-10 are gonna be a doozy.
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souurcitrus · 2 months
Watching X-Men 97 ep 6 and thinking how it was awkward to have watch Lilandra and Charles being all lovely... and Kallark just standing there in the corner like
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The whole time I was just thinking about them in the comics.
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So, in the X-Men '97 series, we have so far seen adaptations of:
Magneto's trial from Uncanny 200
Inferno (in one episode, no less)
Storm's depowered era
E is for Extinction
Operation Zero Tolerance
and looks like we will get Fatal Attractions before the season ends.
This seems like a lot more direct adaptations than any season of the original series, despite them being longer.
I have seen people predicting that the next season we will get Onslaught and yeah, probably. But, like, what other 5 or so events will we see?
X-Cutioner's Song? the Outback era? formation of New Mutants/Generation X? Schism? God Loves, Man Kills (please, please, please)? House of M? and then Messiah Complex in one episode? will we get the Third Summers brother speculation (there will be something with Sinister definitely)? Rise and Fall of the Shi'ar Empire/War of Kings (obscure, but I wouldn't mind more Gladiator)? probably something with Phoenix, but I hope not more of Morrison's era - or if they have to, please no Xorn at least (I am begging you, Marvel, don't do Xorn.)
Any ideas? Just to be clear, this is meant in good spirit. I love the show! We are getting the best of the stories and I am here for it!
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rei-ismyname · 7 days
Okay so Charles Xavier's daughter Xandra Neramani is the ruler of the Shi'ar empire - basically space humans except they have birds as a common ancestor instead of primates. She's young and has a regent, but she takes her job pretty seriously. Charles was banging the old empress/Majestrix for quite some time.
Magneto's (magic/reincarnated found family) grandson is Prince Consort and Court Wizard of the Kree/Skull Empire, husband to the 'king of space.'
I wonder if they talk to each other. About their 'old friend' Earth progenitors and their infinite relationship drama. I also wonder if Charles and Cyclops have talked about his crazy brother who is really determined to kill Xandra (it's...a long story. He was emperor for a while and went hard on war crimes.)
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docgold13 · 2 years
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365 Marvel Comics Paper Cut-Out SuperHeroes - One Hero, Every Day, All Year…
Supporting Character Supplemental - Princess Lilandra
Princess-Majestrix Lilandra Neramani was a member of the royal family of the Shi'ar Empire, which was governed by the extraterrestrial Shi'ar race and controlled all known inhabited planets in the galaxy in which the Shi'ar dwelled. Lilandra’s father had been killed by her sister, Deathbird, leading to her older brother, D’Ken, ascending to the throne.  
D’Ken’s quest to unlock the power of the M'kraan Crystal resulted in his losing his sanity at which point Lilandra was seated as Majestrix.  Lilandra had made allies with Charles Xavier and his X-Men through the ordeal with the M'kraan Crystal and she and Xavier became lovers for a short time.  
Lilandra was deposed when Vulcan conquered the Imperial Guard and made himself the emperor of the Shi’ar.  Fearing the Shi’ar’s loyalty to Lilandra, Vulcan sent out his agents to hunt her down.  The Starjammers and X-Men tried to protect Lilandra but the onslaught was too powerful and the princess was killed by the Darkhawk Raptor.  Lilandra would later be avenged when Vulcan fell in battle against Black Bolt.  
The character first appeared in the pages of X-Men Vol. 1 #97 (1975).
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x-mencomics · 2 years
The Uncanny X-Men #135 - Dark Phoenix
The X-Men are falling; the jet is destroyed in a huge explosion above them. Colossus turns into his metal form and safely crashes to the ground, Nightcrawler teleports down, and Storm catches Wolverine and Cyclops, lowering them to the ground easily. All of them are questioning why Phoenix has suddenly turned against them. But she only refers to herself as Dark Phoenix, saying she has no friends, that their paths will cross no more, and that her destiny lies in the stars. Dark Phoenix quickly beats the X-Men. They’re all lying on the ground, unconscious.
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Flashback to five minutes earlier - 
Shaw and Senator Kelly are outside the Hellfire Club directing the police to find the X-Men. The police say they are not equipped to fight the X-Men, and that Shaw and Kelly should contact the Avengers, the Fantastic Four, or SHIELD for help. Shaw suggests an alternative way to fight the X-Men and Kelly is intrigued, asking what this alternative is. “Sentinels,” says Shaw. Just then, a huge flame in the shape of a bird (a phoenix, actually) appears in the sky.
Heroes from all over detect Dark Phoenix - Mr. Fantastic says he is registering energy that could rival the power of Galactus, Spider-Man’s spider sense goes crazy, Dr. Strange senses great evil, and the Silver Surfer says he senses a child of the stars. 
Dark Phoenix flies into outer space, passing an Avengers jet on the way. Inside is Hank McCoy aka Beast. He recognizes the object flying past him as Phoenix and he fears the X-Men are in trouble. He lands in the park where the X-Men lay in a pile of defeated, unconscious mutants. Beast helps them all to their feet.
Back at Angel’s home in New Mexico, Professor Xavier is talking with Moira about a tremendous burst of psionic energy that he felt. Moira confirms Xavier’s suspicions that it was Phoenix. And Phoenix is out of control.
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Charles tells Angel they must head back to New York immediately.
Back in space, Dark Phoenix flies past the sun and a United Nations spaceship with none other than Dr. Corbeau on board, see issues #108 and before. Dark Phoenix flies past Jupiter, creates a star-gate, and enters a galaxy far, far away. Here she begins to feel hungry and she consumes a nearby star, called D’Bari, killing the inhabitants of eleven planets in the star’s solar system.
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Nearby is a Shi’ar Imperial Battle Cruiser. They realize that the entity that destroyed the sun was a lifeforms, and that when the sun was destroyed, so were the lives of 5 billion people. The Shi’ar want revenge as D’Bari was allied with their Empire. They begin to fire at Dark Phoenix - big mistake! Dark Phoenix attacks the Cruiser. The Cruiser’s captain makes contact with Empress Lilandra, but it’s too late and the Cruiser explodes. Lilandra recognizes the Phoenix, saying her fears have come to pass. 
Back at Xavier’s mansion, through his psychic rapport with Jean, Cyclops senses that Dark Phoenix is returning to Earth - and she’s hungry!
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spearhafoc · 4 months
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A race of bird people ruling over the largest empire in the Andromeda Galaxy, the Shrii have countless colonies and subject worlds. They've been at it so long that their species has branched off into different evolutionary paths due to distance and differing environmental factors of their settlements. The Duck-People of Eggworld are thought to be the result of a colony that long ago got cut off from the Empire and forgot their origin. Subject worlds - those planets within the Empire populated by other, "lesser" races - are ruled over by small councils of Shrii governors who use enforcers pulled from local populations. These enforcers typically dress in bird-themed armour as a symbol of Shrii power. The Shrii military, which does the conquering of said subject worlds, is composed of many different species from throughout the Empire - notably the Edzikorians, who are usually deployed as shock troops in ground invasions. The Shrii's central government is monarchical, but with a powerful Senate, and the two often find themselves at odds with one another. The monarchy keeps a regiment of superpowered individuals loyal to them on retainer as a failsafe for what they would consider too much democratic encroachment into their affairs. 
This design represents the Imperial Race of the Shrii, who reside in the Core Worlds of their Empire. They wear clothing, but I wanted to get their basic anatomy down first before designing any of that.
The Shrii are inspired by a combination of the Shi'ar Empire from X-Men and the Thanagraians from DC Comics. 
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