#Sera is an interesting character
yippetbh · 9 months
Ok unpopular opinion but
The RE fandom needs to talk about Luis' trauma more. Like, his backstory, not just his death and the crushing guilt he carried with him. Maybe its just Me but i barely see anybody talk about it and it pains me because truly hes one of the best written characters ive ever seen
Not only did he work for Umbrella, but that man was in the Raccoon City Destruction Incident. And when he returned to his hometown he saw it had been taken over by Los Illuminado's. At some point he was recruited for them.
A cult. He was apart of a cult. Thats fucking horrifying. And the fact he had the courage to betray them despite how powerful they are? God.
Even before that he had some insane trauma. He watched his grandfather basically die inside of a burning house and while everyone stood in shock that man stared. He stared and stood and didn't move a muscle until dawn when he disappeared.
Luis wanted to make up for the life he had, despite how a good amount of it wasnt even really his fault. Surely he didnt willingly join Los Illuminados, (or maybe he did, who knows,) and yet when he found Leon and Ashley he had put his current mission aside to help them thinking it would change something. The Don Quixote parallels are beautiful as well. I remember someone on Youtube once had said that Luis died similarly to Don Quixote; accepting that he couldnt be something he wanted to be. That shit has stuck with me ever since and hes just such a tragic character in general.
Dunno, sorry for my ranting, just wanted to bring this to ppls attention cuz I've noticed that people will dig up stuff for other Resident Evil characters but I never really notice the fandom ever mentioning Luis' religious and past trauma. The remake really fleshed out his character and I wil NOT let this man be overlooked
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Every now and then I’ll remember this question that just sits in the back of my mind but like. Do you guys think anyone went looking for Luis after he ran away from Valdelobos when he was a child????
Like obviously there were people there to see the house burning and see him standing in front of it and it was noticeable enough that he was gone for somebody to write it down but like. Did anyone go looking for him?????? Or were they all too scared they’d end up like his grandfather???
We know Mendez was pretty close with Luis and his grandfather growing up, so much so that FROM MEMORY I’m PRETTY SURE (correct me if I’m wrong it’s like one am BCBDHENSH) he asked Mendez himself to burn down the house, so like- did Mendez know about or even encourage Luis to run away????? Did he go looking for the boy he may as well have considered a second son???????? Or did he just,,,, let him go???
Has ANYONE he cared about ever gone out of their way to look for Luis?? When he ran away from umbrella did any of his friends or coworkers try to find him??? Like we know most likely the authorities/Umbrella themselves were looking for him after he found out about Nemesis and Saddler and co were VEHEMENTLY looking for him but. Before he met Leon, Ashley and Ada… had anyone ever cared to look for Luis?? Did anyone care enough to notice he was gone??? Cuz if not man. That’s fuckin brutal
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chamberlains-ghoul · 2 months
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These three are my Roman Empire
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meri-meri-mwah · 1 year
Need to see a behind the scenes mocap for this scene cause not only was the scene cinematic, but the facial expressions was on point here.
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saireye · 5 months
vivziepop write a good villain challenge (impossible)
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jaybybyby · 4 months
I don't think Sera is a villain. She's just doing her job.
i think sera and emily are actually decent examples of good female characters, but it sucks that sera is still an antagonist. especially with that scene during that one shot in "you didn't know" when she was smiling and had the fire in her eyes, they 1 painted her decision as a sort of "doing bad for good" one and 2 played it up for her to be a villain anyway with her shot in the trailer
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residenceevil · 1 year
And also, I love the fact that Luis has always been a sort of fucked up character because of his past. Yes the people he associates with are not the greatest, initially it was a huge shock that Luis teamed up with Ada when I first played Separate Ways, but you eventually realize his intentions were all good, just that the people he associated with and the execution of it might not have been.
Sure, Luis didn’t exactly know what Ada was gonna do with the sample he was supposed to give her, but she promised an end to the cult he had been born into. And it’s easy for someone who had been manipulated his entire life to get roped up in some other shady stuff again because he had been promised freedom from his abusers.
And yeah, he escaped a murdercult to join in on umbrella with all their experiments and bioweapons, but he left before things got to that point so he could return to that same murdercult to try and take them down from the inside…
Like, it’s only when Leon and Ashley arrive that he really makes it seem like he’s this morally grey character when actually he just wants peace and just goes about it a strange way. Lying that he’s a cop because he knows Leon wouldn’t trust him otherwise, finally admitting later on that he worked for Los Illuminados but too late for him to really explain that he only worked for them because he wanted to tear them apart from the inside.
Like the games want to make him out to be this morally grey character so bad but he doesn’t have bad or grey morals at all he wants is to get rid of his abusers but being born and raised into a murdercult made his way of going about that flawed
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arsenicflame · 2 days
you know youre a little too deep in the brainrot when "would it be fucked up to be straight in the society of Heven" is a genuine thought you have had and seriously debated with yourself
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see-arcane · 6 months
Mina's incredible (and underrated) detective prowess would be very useful I bet. Put her on the helm Integra, Van Helsing praised her brains as being above everyone's including himself for a reason.
I honestly can't guess what the chemistry between Integra and Mina would be. Integra doesn't really click with me as a classically heroic character, for all that she does focus on saving humanity from the undead via Alucard and her forces, being the Boss Lady etc etc. She's miles away from being as insidious as an Amanda Waller, but...
The hotel. The fucking hotel will never leave me.
Yes, the order went directly against 'soldiers of the enemy,' but those soldiers had been lied to about who and what they were charging into. Which was obvious even without being a fly on the wall to know their higher-ups had fed them some BS to march them into death and win their own power grab from Millennium. She didn't tell Alucard to 'make it quick' or even just to 'neutralize.' She told him to search and destroy. Folding to Alucard's egging and negging to seem like a Worthy War Commander in the grand scheme~ of the plot
She's not heartless, exactly, but she is arctic and surprisingly quick to breeze past the loss of lives that aren't under her direct care/command. While she might respect Mina's abilities and investigative skills--I wouldn't be surprised if Mina could intuit Millennium's endgame well before the climax could happen--Integra inherited none of her ancestor's warm regard, supposing Abraham van Hel(l)sing had any of the original's tenderness in him (50/50 considering this takes place in aggro horror territory). We can't even say if this universe's Mina played any big role in cornering Dracula; she might just have been a targeted damsel.
All that said, I think Integra would see Mina as another time-displaced bleeding heart with a few useful skills, same as Jonathan. Someone to be an ally at best, a liability at worst. So I don't see her handing over any reins or offering to be co-girlbosses any time soon :c
#Integra is a good character#but not my favorite#Hirano let her look cool a lot and stand imposingly and smoke cigars#she got to shoot a few bad guys including the Major himself!#but the lion's share of development and interesting actions were all Alucard's and occasionally Seras'#I think the story kind of fumbled a lot of her potential to be more than Boss Lady who has cooler/more powerful people do stuff AROUND her#rather than let her really do anything herself without somebody else being the driving muscle/energy#Mina by contrast is ACTIVE#even working within the constraints of being a young woman in the Victorian era#she is hauling ass and making connections and paving the road to victory against Dracula himself#all while having a massively open heart that takes in so many people#like the rest of the original Drac Attack Pack it isn't just the loss of Lucy that drives them#she and Jonathan and Van Helsing and the Suitors all lock down on Thwarting Dracula#because if they just sit back and do nothing then He Wins and Humanity Loses--they became the OG Vampire Hunter Gang out of necessity#and goodwill#whereas Integra kind of just inherits Hellsing and its mission with the same vibe as someone inheriting Dad's job#maybe if we'd gotten scenes where it shows how she's handling the toll of running things; the sacrifices made in blood and its effects#I'd see more chemistry in potentia between her and someone as dynamic as Mina#but as it stands#I think Mina would just be another new accessory#anyway#integra hellsing#mina harker#dracula#hellsing
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obessivedork · 1 year
TBH as a writer appreciating the set-up of a character I ADORE Vivienne but her lack of proper character arc & the inability to argue with her more is as infuriating as with most of your companions in DAI, if not more when you play a Mage because you CAN’T grab her by the shoulders and shake her and say Ma’am if you’d had worse luck and wound up literally anywhere other than the Circle you did wind up at you would be a fundamentally different person please for Maker’s sake admit out loud that you only like the Circles because you managed to etch yourself some limited social power out of the broken and corrupt system you might not otherwise have been able to get for yourself and therefore you have not suffered the true effects of it!!!!
#not to mention real world issues with her being one of the VERY FEW important POC but I'm too white to discuss that well#just want it mentioned that I am aware of that#She's SO interesting I'm rotating her in my mind but I want to DRAG her to the fucking gallows circa pre-Hawke's rise to champiion!!!!!#I want to drag her to Kinloch and have her look the innocent children the Templars wanted to murder in the EYES#and tell them they deserve this for the crime of being born#She is SUCH a product of Chantry fearmongering and brainwashing it's so fascinating!!#Also the fact that her little story revolves around her lover and only her lover? bite bite bite maim kill BAD WRITERS >:(#/SHE/ should've got the Tranquil plot line. The realization that those people are lobotomized for profit and no actual REAL reasons#This is CANNON the Tranquil exist to FUND the circle and also because the chantry would rather fearmonger than teach to control magic#Like I don't expect her to pull a complete 180 on the Chantry and Circles but for fucks sake give me A LITTLE GROWTH PLEASE#She's the same bad bitch (affectionate) that she was in the beginning at the end! Just a little more politically powerful! It's SO BORING!#IDK. She could've been the divine that bans the practice of tranquility or something.#But bioware want us to forget the tranquil because they make their mage vs templar '''grey''' OBJECTIVELY AND CLEARLY NOT GREY#anyways the way DAI /WASTES/ its most interesting character concepts makes me SO mad and she's the biggest example imo#She & Sera PISS ME OFF with their wasted potential#tagging for my blog's sorting system not here to be a dick#dai#dragon age
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anneapocalypse · 1 year
Lately the funniest thing is that I get the weirdest comments on posts about characters I'm not even like. hardcore about.
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So an LP channel I love presented a theory that the mage circle in DA is essentially built to fail, things like templar incompetence and brutality and poor training of mages are allowed to spread specifically so that there are enough incidents to keep the widespread fear of mages fresh, and I LOVE that. Given how Bioware writes I sincerely doubt its intended, but its a take that I really love particularly when you look at all the cultures with mages outside of the chantry that do just fine (mainly thinking if the dalish here but like...there's enough casually mentioned apostates out there just vibing to suggest that circle training against demons isn't all that effective)
Downside is it makes Vivienne all the more infuriating to deal with. I already struggled talking to her because she's like...she's literally fighting for her own oppression, it drives me insane
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cicadaemon · 1 year
idk if Ive posted her yet here but another yakuza oc >:) her name is mizuki yukimura and Im finally getting a chance to write and draw her proper
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Im so excited to finally do stuff with her
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meri-meri-mwah · 1 year
I love how the remake made Luis more complex as a character. Luis seems to be well aware of what he was doing, but chose to ignore it until he couldn't anymore. He left Umbrella due to morality differences, but ended up working with Los Illuminados (though he knew the cult isn't any different from Umbrella). It really makes you wonder if Luis was doing all of this out of greed. And for that, he probably wanted to redeem himself by helping Leon and Ashley. However, Luis knows that helping them won't make up for all the things he has done.
Which is why him asking Leon "People can change, right?" makes so much sense. Can someone who knowingly did bad things change? Does helping Leon and Ashley redeem Luis' actions? Who knows and that's why I love him sO DAMN MUCH.
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having gwendolyn and bull in the party together is so funny bc they could not be more different in their builds despite having the same base weapon
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stellamancer · 1 year
Exit nine is such a cool self ship name please share the backstory with us
hiyo sera!!!
I ACTUALLY just thought of it on the fly, but it's not super random i promise!! And maybe not AS cool as it seems. If you wanna see cool ship names lemme whip out the crazy ass gojo and niku ones I cooked up LMAO. I joke! Unless....
So the first character in Izuku's name 出 is the same character for 'exit.' And nine in Japanese can be read as 'ku.' Hence exit nine! I think if I had really thought on it more I would probably do something with ni (two) and the second kanji in his name which (looking at jisho because it's not something that was covered in Japanese class) means like long time/old story. So like two stories? That's kind of cute.
But I couldn't really do like... shoving bits of our name, izuku/deku and niku together because... i'd still end up with izuku, deku and niku LMAO. i guess niizu or izuni.... but i think in comparison exit nine sounds cooler lmao.
Also! Thank you so much for the follow back! I will answer the selfship you sent in a bit. Is there someone you want me to do it for specifically? :o
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