#Senior Level 5 Restricted
mariacallous · 3 months
The informant accused of fabricating a story about President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden taking $5 million each in bribes allegedly had high-level Russian intelligence contacts, according to newly filed court documents.
In the filing, Special Counsel David Weiss reveals that after his arrest last week, Alexander Smirnov told the FBI "that officials with Russian intelligence were involved in passing a story" about Hunter Biden.
Prosecutors argued in their filing Smirnov should be held pending trial, with Weiss saying that Smirnov's claims he has active contacts with "multiple foreign intelligence agencies" and had planned to leave the U.S. just two days after his arrival in the U.S. last week "for a months-long, multi-country foreign trip."
However, a judge late Tuesday ordered Smirnov released from custody, under the condition that he surrender his passport, wear an ankle monitor, and be restricted to traveling only to Nevada and to California for court purposes.
In Weiss' filing, he wrote that "foreign intelligence agencies could resettle Smirnov outside the United States if he were released."
Furthermore, "Smirnov's efforts to spread misinformation about a candidate of one of the two major parties in the United States continues," the filing states. "What this shows is that the misinformation he is spreading is not confined to 2020. He is actively peddling new lies that could impact U.S. elections after meeting with Russian intelligence officials in November. In light of that fact there is a serious risk he will flee in order to avoid accountability for his actions."
Smirnov's assigned defense counsel disputed Weiss' claims that Smirnov misled the court's pretrial services officer about his personal wealth.
Attorney David Chesnoff said that when Smirnov met with the officer he was "only asked about his personal assets and not the business account."
His attorney did not directly address the other claims raised by Weiss regarding Smirnov's claimed extensive ties to Russian intelligence or other issues they say present a risk he will flee prosecution.
The developments come as Hunter Biden's team suggested that the informant's alleged fabrications helped tank a plea deal.
Attorneys for Hunter Biden claimed in court filings on Tuesday that a bribery allegation made by the newly indicted ex-FBI informant may have contributed to the demise of their client's plea deal with prosecutors last year.
According to the filings, the lawyers largely base their assertion on the fact that Hunter Biden's deal unraveled around the same time that the Justice Department began scrutinizing the informant's claims of Biden family corruption. In court papers filed Tuesday, Abbe Lowell, an attorney for the president's son, slammed Weiss for allegedly following the informant, Smirnov, "down his rabbit hole of lies."
But it's not clear from court records that the downfall of Hunter Biden's deal was connected in any meaningful way to Smirnov's allegations. And it's not clear that Weiss ever found Smirnov's allegations credible.
Weiss opened his investigation years after senior Justice Department officials determined that Smirnov's allegations were not worth pursuing further. And the investigation came around the same time that Republican lawmakers publicly released an FBI document detailing the informant's allegations, which the Justice Department now says were completely "fabricated."
Specifically, Weiss filed felony false statement and obstruction charges against Smirnov last week for telling his FBI handler in 2020, as Joe Biden was running for the White House, that Biden and his son had accepted $10 million in bribes from a Ukrainian oligarch.
In Weiss' indictment of Smirnov, he noted that in July 2023, investigators pursuing Hunter Biden launched "an investigation of allegations related to" the informant's prior claims – shortly before a July 26, 2023, court hearing where their negotiated plea agreement with Hunter Biden fell apart.
In court papers filed Tuesday, Lowell tried to tie it all to his client's doomed plea deal.
"Having taken Mr. Smirnov's bait of grand, sensational charges, the [plea deal] … that was on the verge of being finalized suddenly became inconvenient for the prosecution, and it reversed course and repudiated those agreements," Lowell wrote. "It now seems clear that the Smirnov allegations infected this case."
Lowell's allegation appeared in filings intended to convince a judge to order the Justice Department to hand over even more government documents related to his client's case.
Investigators spent five years probing Hunter Biden's foreign business deals before reaching a deal last summer that would allow him to plead guilty to misdemeanor tax crimes in exchange for probation. Hunter Biden also would have agreed to a pretrial diversion on a separate gun charge, with the charge being dropped if he adhered to certain terms.
But that deal fell apart under questioning from a federal judge, whose line of questioning about the deal exposed fissures between the two parties, prompting prosecutors to threaten Hunter Biden with additional charges under the Foreign Agents Registration Act.
It was the specter of potential FARA violations that led Lowell to accuse Weiss' team of inappropriately reviewing Smirnov's claim years after the FBI determined them to be incorrect.
Weiss ultimately brought three felony gun-related charges against Hunter Biden in Delaware and additional tax-related charges in California. Hunter Biden has pleaded not guilty to them all.
Sawdust or cocaine?
Meanwhile, in the same filing Tuesday, Lowell pointed out what appears to be an embarrassing gaffe by prosecutors: mistaking sawdust for cocaine. Weiss' office included in a previous filing an image of what he said were lines of cocaine on Hunter Biden's phone around the time that he purchased a firearm.
But according to Lowell, the photo was sent by Hunter Biden's then-psychiatrist and showed not cocaine, but sawdust, which Lowell said, "sounds more like a storyline from one of the 1980s Police Academy comedies than what should be expected in a high-profile prosecution by the U.S. Department of Justice."
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mirambles · 10 months
Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahaani - An honest review
I watched Rocky aur Rani ki Prem Kahaani because everyone I know on social media and few close folks in my real life said it was very entertaining - funny, progressive, feminist , and it showed gender equality.
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So I was taken aback, because the general sentiment for KJo movies should be ‘It’s so shit, but I love it’ - that is a sentiment I can live with because we all have our guilty pleasures.
KJo has his audience who love the shit he pulls off every time he ‘directs’ a film with toxic masculinity, regressive female leads , justifying infidelity (always the answer to unhappy marriages) , glorifying Indian culture, where he adds 30 mins of melodrama and lectures to make the characters redeem themselves. Kjo’s movies are as lame as they can be, but people love them. I get it - ‘this shit is so bad, it’s so good’ category of films. Guilty pleasures are exactly this!
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So sell me his new offering in exactly this manner - but all reviews and social media comments were glowing words of praise of how he has addressed today’s issues and it’s a progressive film. Are people suffering from amnesia or have they not watched better Bollywood films? Because I have a whole list of films you should watch that actually deal with ‘progressive’ mindsets - way before Kjo’s time!
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Rani is a feminist. A FL as feisty news anchor who gives a 5 min lecture on men’s gaze, objectification of women and rape culture, but does an absolute U-turn 5 mins later by objectifying a handsome man in front of her. This is gender equality. Tit for Tat.
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Wearing open back blouses to work is sign of new age feminism (Will I get trolled for sounding old school - has KJo ever stepped inside a corporate workspace - who dresses like Rani does?) What’s next? Women CEOs wearing bikinis? And why not get all men to dress like Rocky Randhawa - that would be peak gender equality in dress code at workplace.
Infidelity is the answer to all unhappy marriages. Remember KANK? Yes, let’s repeat that here, but let’s twist it into unrequited love between the senior citizens. Then add memory loss and illness excuse to get the 80yr old grandpa smooch his 75yr old ex-lover in front of his wife and entire family. The issue is not old age love, age is never a restriction to fall in love, the issue here is infidelity. But if this isn’t cringe enough, let’s completely destroy the most beautiful romantic number in Bollywood by playing it in the background to immortalise infidelity and later lust under the garb of love.
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Let’s get back to our feminism torch bearer Rani, who has now jumped from knowing the guy for two meetings to lusting over him. She is honest with herself (not with Rocky mind you, because at no point have they had any conversation about themselves) that she is in it purely for the physical attraction, it’s just a fling for her. She is an elitist , feminist, Colombian grad, Bengali Girl (who has a terrible Bengali accent) and the crude, can’t speak English well, Gucci/Fendi wearing, Ferrari driving, protein shake drinking, loud Punjabi boy doesn’t match up to her standards. Kjo’s new level of feminism - make women pull the exact shit on men that men have put women through for decades. Tit for Tat! Gender Equality.
Btw at this point I still don’t know why Rocky loves Rani - love at first sight is always about the looks and physical attraction, so convince me why he loves her - because isn’t he this walking-talking green flag just by being understanding of his grandpa’s feelings and calling out Rani checking him out. A walking green flag who gets his grandpa’s ex-lover and his grandpa together to help his grandpa get better - because love is the cure for all illnesses. All doctors and medical researchers have been wasting their time on getting degrees and super specialisations - please enter Kjo’s school of love.
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So now Rani realises she is in love - when and why and what changed her feelings from lust to love - I do not know. She drives on a 4-lane highway in the opposite direction - woman should have died there for her reckless driving, but she lives to propose to Rocky on a f&*king Highway! Bollywood I love you for pulling off this shit.
This is supposed to be the pivotal point in their relationship where she professes her love to him, going down on one knee (because hey you see role reversal - she is the feminist, the alpha female) and telling Rocky everything that HE IS NOT , listing her resume and her exes’. Therefore implying he doesn’t deserve her, but she is taking the high road and still falling for him. All the reasons she lists that she loves about him are actually about his physical aspects = Lust. She doesn’t list one meaningful quality that she actually ‘loves’ about him.
It is at this point that I gave up on the film, because after this RRKPK became a collation of scenes dedicated to social media trending topics:
1. Women burdened with household work
2. Women not liberated enough to pursue their dreams
3. Women being fat shamed
4. Cancel culture
5. Men being shamed for pursuing classical dancing (KJo research FFS - 50% of India’s top kathak dancers are males right from 1940s! )
Each topic got 1-2 scenes, tweets converted to preachy dialogues uttered by our ‘feminist’ queen and zero closures or character growth.
The only thing that works in this movie - is Ranveer , not his character, but him! He is effortless in this role, his comic timing is superb, needs some work on emotions.
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Alia is a shadow of her awesome self on screen post her marriage to Ranbir. It hurts to say this, cause I have loved her in all her movies except SOTY.
Can people age gracefully, I couldn’t bear to look at Shabana Azmi and Jaya B - former was gorgeous as hell in her younger days, now is swollen with all the Botox fillers! Jaya has forgotten to act completely. Dharmendra should not even be acting anymore.
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What was the point of rest of the cast? Only Alia’s dad was a decent act.
The one thing I absolutely love in KJo movies is the music and songs! These were crap too. What Jhumka? Because ruining all the songs from ‘The Golden’ decade of Bollywood was not enough, so they made a terrible mashup of Badtameez Dil & Jhumka Gira Re and killed both the songs in one go! Takes some skill doing this - well done!
Why this long rant if I disliked the movie so much, that too KJo movies? I wouldn’t have written one, if the reviews and comments were honest about the movie being average, typical entertainment; but the moment people praised it to nth level of being socially relevant with feminist heroine and gender equality - they deserved to be called out for their shallow thought process thinking that KJo actually cares about any of this stuff.
Worst people think this is ‘quintessential’ Bollywood. Please watch better films - like Amitabh’s roaring 70s, the romance films of 90s, the fun comedies, the glorious slice of life films from Hrishida, the Yash Chopra multistarrers - that’s quintessential, genuine, charm of Bollywood.
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Lastly before I wrap this up - RRKPK when literally translated is Love Story of Rocky and Rani. I spent 2.5 hours on this shit show and I still don’t know the answer to why and how they fell in love! They didn’t have one decent conversation about themselves! The latter half is about them wooing their families. The film should have been aptly titled ‘Randhawa and Chatterjee Ki Prem Kahaani’ - It’s all about loving your family - K3G Part 2!
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zvaigzdelasas · 2 years
Bloomberg - "Ideas that were once unthinkable are starting to gain traction among experts looking at how to solve the UK’s energy crisis."
With natural gas prices 10 times above their average over the last decade and millions of households facing a choice between paying for heat and food, government officials are starting to draw up options to get through the winter.
Suggestions from politicians, former ministers, energy analysts and economists echoing the solutions of the 1970s include nationalising industry, fixing prices, rigging wholesale energy markets and even telling industry to shut down.
With UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson due to leave office on Sept. 6 and Conservatives weighing whether to replace him with Liz Truss or Rishi Sunak, officials aren’t commenting.
But the severity of the crisis – “more than half of UK households will likely be in fuel poverty by January,” said Philippe Commaret, a senior executive at the power generator EDF Energy UK – has sparked talk of previously impossible options.[...]
Following are some of the policies that are emerging on the political agenda:
Freezing energy prices
Britain’s energy regulator, Ofgem, caps the amount that utilities can raise consumer bills and adjusts that restriction twice a year.
The next announcement due Friday is likely to allow annual bills for electricity and gas to surge to £3 500 a year, more than triple where it was before the pandemic and well above the current level of £1 971. Analysts at Citigroup see it reaching £5 800 in January.
The opposition Labour party under Keir Starmer supports a freeze and would subsidize energy distributors at an estimated cost of £29 billion for the six months through April.[...]
Scottish Power Chief Executive Officer Keith Anderson has suggested freezing household energy prices for two years, with the estimated £100 billion cost of doing so funded by a surcharge on bills from late 2024.
Labour would extend a windfall tax on North Sea energy producers to help pay for the subsidies. Former Liberal Democrat leader Vince Cable opposes a freeze, saying “if the war in Ukraine goes on you are stuck with a very expensive government subsidy.”
UK leadership contender and former chancellor Rishi Sunak has also warned about “the affordability of these things given the scale and the duration of the challenge.”
Nationalizing energy suppliers
Gordon Brown, who served as Labour prime minister through the global financial crisis a decade ago, was the first senior figure to propose freezing the price cap but he would nationalize energy suppliers as they inevitably went bust. The idea is backed by Liberal Democrat leader Ed Davey. [...]
[the] head of oil and gas research at Investec, warned that nationalising suppliers would be legally messy, financially costly and an administrative distraction from the immediate crisis.
Even so, the idea has won the support of Scotland’s first minister Nicola Sturgeon as it becomes increasingly clear the government will have to act. “The cap is getting to levels that the consumer can’t pay and the taxpayer will have to step in,” said Piper
Collective buying
A more radical idea, though enormously problematic, would be to rig global energy markets to reduce prices. In theory, a cartel of countries agree on a limit for what they would pay for natural gas.[...]
A buyer’s cartel would essentially be the mirror image of what the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries does in the oil markets, limiting production to manage the oil price. Capping purchases could stabilize the gas markets and reduce the money flowing into Putin’s war machine.
There is precedent for such a mechanism. In both World War I and World War II, the UK government intervened with price controls in the copper market to prevent profiteering and ensure supplies for munition factories. The European Union used collective buying in the pandemic to secure Covid vaccines.
Yet the idea may be politically unworkable. The EU first proposed the plan in March, when leaders agreed to “work together on voluntary common purchase” of gas to make “optimal use of the collective political and market weight to dampen prices in negotiations.”
Kathryn Porter, founder of energy consultant Watt-Logic, said for the cartel to have real market power it would probably need to extend beyond the EU to include the Group of Seven nations.
However, the US is unlikely to enforce a price cap on its commercial energy producers and collective buying breaks EU competition rules. Various nations in Europe and the UK may even turn protectionist, locking in domestic supply for the national interest.
Orchestrated blackouts
The UK could take a leaf out of Edward Heath’s 1974 Conservative government and cut industry back to a three-day week. By destroying demand, emergency rationing would potentially reduce the UK gas price for consumers. It would also cause a deep recession.[...]
Voluntary “demand destruction” is the softest form of rationing. Centrica’s Conn has said further action is needed and called for deliberate “demand reduction.”[...]
Porter said the government needs to prepare for vulnerable households self-rationing this winter by creating “warm hubs” at local libraries and other public spaces. Last year, stories about pensioners using their freedom passes to keep warm riding public transport all day were a reminder of how far some people have to go to ensure they can afford to heat their homes at night.
Tax incentives for suppliers
Europe’s energy crisis will only really be resolved once alternatives to Russian gas are flowing. Speeding up the process of bringing through new supply would require a host of unpopular decisions, though, and would not resolve the crisis this winter.[...]
Relaxing green regulations may help, and ladling out tax incentives for new fossil fuel projects would also spur work. Porter said the UK could also reexamine its reluctance to allow hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, of unconventional reservoir rocks, something that horrifies environmentalists. It could also permit controversial oil and gas projects like the Cambo field in the North Sea.
Peace deal with Russia
Business leaders speaking privately at the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting in Davos in May suggested a ceasefire with Russia. Giving Putin an “off-ramp” to end the war, restoring relations and bringing plentiful supplies of Russian gas back to Europe would halt the energy crisis in its tracks.
But it would leave Russia’s military closer to the heart of Europe and destabilize the security of Poland and Hungary, pillars of the Western alliance.
Politically, there seems little chance of détente.[...]
A dismal winter for Europe economically and military stagnation for Russia could force a reset in relations, though.
24 Aug 22
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jurassicateer · 1 year
1. InGen Was Not the First Human Presence on Isla Nublar
For thousands of years, Isla Nublar was the home of a tribe known as the Tun-Si, or 'Water Men.' Although descended from the Bribri people of Costa Rica, the Tun-Si lived in near perfect isolation, developing their own cultural practices and dialect separately from the mainland. This ended in 1525, when the Spanish ship La Estrella made landfall on the island. There followed four centuries of hardship and displacement for the Tun-Si, until InGen reached a purchasing agreement with the Costa Rican government for ownership of the island. The remaining Tun-Si now enjoy generous stipends and benefits on the mainland, while a year-round exhibit at the Innovation Center provides an in-depth look at this fascinating culture.
2. Jurassic World was John Hammond's Dying Wish
Simon Masrani had been a close personal friend of John Hammond for many years. The two shared regular correspondence even when Masrani was a young boy, up to the events of 1993. While it's unclear how much Masrani knew of the work being done on Isla Nublar, he apparently knew enough for Hammond to trust him with his life's dream.
3. Work on Jurassic World Began as Early as 1997
Despite the San Diego Incident, the revelation of InGen's genetic capabilities only heightened the public's fascination with dinosaurs. Masrani quickly purchased the dying company and conducted several expeditions to study the animals on Isla Sorna. A mere five years later, construction for the new park began on Isla Nublar.
4. Some of the First Dinosaurs in Jurassic World Were Originally Bred for Jurassic Park
Many of the dinosaurs you see at the park once lived at Site B, on Isla Sorna. Not only that, but our tyrannosaurus, Rexy, is the very same that was created for Hammond's park. Don't let her age fool you; she's as feisty as ever!
5. Jurassic World Received Over Eight-Million Visitors in it's First Year
Traffic to Isla Nublar was carefully regulated after the park opened in 2005. Admittance was initially relegated to a strict lottery system, partially to prevent scalpers, but also to study the dinosaurs' response to human activity. Restrictions have since been revised to account for the maximum allowable human population on the island in accordance with both security and dinosaur wellness measures. All told, some 22,000 people visit the park everyday, with a total park capacity of 30,000.
6. New Dinosaurs Are Born on the Island Every Week
As many as two to five hatchlings are born each week at the Hammond Creation Lab or one of our field facilities. As of this time of writing, 250 new dinosaurs have been bred at Jurassic World.
7. Almost All Park Operations are Facilitated Through One Place
Guests might just see the peak of the Jurassic World Control Center rising over the hills beyond Main Street. The Control Center monitors all human dinosaur activity on the island, utilizing the most advanced communications technology ever developed as well as our proprietary DIN-OS computer network.
8. Park Employees May Live on Isla Nublar Year-Round
In addition to full benefits and world-class pay, our valued team members enjoy comfortable accommodations at Jurassic Village free of charge. This private employee complex features a variety of housing options based on job level and security, from intern dormitories and family apartments to townhouses for our most senior staff.
9. Remnants of Jurassic Park Can Still Be Found on the Island
Although many facilities were deconstructed for Jurassic World, the Jurassic Park Visitor Complex still stands largely intact in the heart of the Nublar jungle. Plans are currently in motion to repurpose some of these ruins for expansion, but for now the Visitor Center stands as a monument to Hammond's original vision.
10. New Species are Kept in Quarantine on the Island
Our geneticists continue to push the boundaries of de-extinction, making constant additions to our database of prehistoric genomes. Any dinosaur of a previously undeveloped species is carefully studied and cared for in the lab, before being transported to a specially secured quarantine area for observation in the wild. This area is off-limits to all but our most elite guests, and strict countermeasures are in place for any and all information leaks. We can, however, say that there are some truly exciting new additions coming soon to Jurassic World, so be sure to check this blog regularly for updates!
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evoldir · 3 months
Fwd: Course: Czechia.WildlifeMalariaNetwork.Sept1-5
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Course: Czechia.WildlifeMalariaNetwork.Sept1-5 > Date: 27 February 2024 at 06:12:39 GMT > To: [email protected] > > > Pre-Announcement: funding for Wildlife Malaria Network (WIMANET) 1st > Summer Training School > > The Wildlife Malaria Network 1st Summer Training School will take place > from 1st – 5th September 2024 in Field station Mohelno, Mohelno, > Czechia. The training school will consist of five days of lectures and > practical activities designed to introduce students to a broad range of > research activities and skills related to working with Wildlife Malaria > Parasites. Topics will include sample collection and storage, analysis of > haematological parameters and an introduction to parasite identification, > analysis of genetic sequence data, collection and identification of > vector species, and methods to analyse community-level data. Specific > topics will be tailored to the requirements of the selected students. > > Geographical restrictions on funded places apply > according to COST funding rules, and more information on > eligibility can be found in the Annotated Rules for COST Actions > (https://ift.tt/024aATE). > All teaching materials will be available through the WIMANET website > (https://ift.tt/qbHlEY9) after the course has concluded. > > Applications are open to anyone interested in learning techniques > to work with wildlife malaria parasites, but applicants must have an > eCOST profile and have applied to be a member of WIMANET in order for > their application to be approved. You can apply to join WIMANET here: > https://ift.tt/L4zTns8, and more information about the > network can be found here: https://ift.tt/qbHlEY9 > > The call for applications for the Wildlife Malaria Network > 1st Summer Training School will open on 1st March and close on > 31stMarch. Applications must be e-mailed to the Grant Awarding > Co-ordinator, Dr Alexandra Conduneanu ([email protected] > ), and to the WIMANET account ([email protected]). > The application consists of the following documents: > > - a motivation letter detailing the benefits for the applicant and >  relevance of the training school to current research, > > - Anticipated travel budget in Euros (costs of transport to Vaclav Havel >  Airport Prague, and travel insurance) > > - a support letter from the Home Institution, > > - a CV, including a list of academic publications if applicable. > > The applications will be ranked by the Core Group based on: > - benefits to the applicant in terms of career progression > - benefit and contribution to the development of the COST Action > > The selection will follow the COST policies on inclusiveness (gender, > age, geography). > > The final ranking will be approved by the Action Chair and Co-Chair. > All researchers who applied to the call will be informed of the outcome > of their application by 19th April. > > The selected researchers should wait for the official invitation from > the Grant Holder before booking any travel arrangements. > > Please direct any questions to [email protected], and please > alert any students who may be interested and not on the evoldir mailing > list to this opportunity. > > Best wishes, > > Jenny > > > Dr Jenny Dunn (she/her) > > Senior Lecturer in Animal Health and Disease, > Postgraduate Research co-Lead, > Chair, Wildlife Malaria Network COST Action, > School of Life and Environmental Sciences, > University of Lincoln, > Joseph Banks Laboratories, > Lincoln, LN6 7DL, UK > Twitter: @jennycdunn > > Google Scholar: https://ift.tt/UYtFpPB > Wildlife Malaria Network: https://ift.tt/0Lh4yFq > via Email February 27, 2024 at 07:31AM
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Some thoughts about the Jedi , particularly in the KotOR / KotOR 2 era, but I guess applies all the way along to the prequel era
A headcanon of how the various ranks etc are expected to work, as based very roughly on roughly 1500s monk culture, ronin and samurai culture, and some elements of modern cultures - because Star Wars is a blended melting pot of many mythologies, and I think this is what feels most “right” to me.
Jedi Child / Youngling (why tf they called younglings it sounds so dumb); children who are found to be Force Sensitive and trained with the basic level of understanding of how to use the Force well, walk in harmony with it, and other very basic levels of Jedi training.
At the time of the Prequel era this seems to be much more rigorous and formalised, with an understanding that all these children will be admitted to the ranks of the Jedi. As such, they get more training earlier. At the KotOR era this isn’t a guarantee and people may be not admitted to the Order, and instead given to assist in medical, agricultural, or other semi-altruistic professions across the republic.
A Jedi child / youngling’s training lasts from being found (0-6 years old) until the end of their adolescence (16-18 years old).
Following this a prospective Jedi learns from a more senior Jedi, usually a Knight or a Master. In the Prequel era, this is restricted to One Teacher One Student, however in the KotOR era a student often has multiple masters and teachers that they learn from. This apprenticeship lasts through the student’s young adulthood, usually in the realm of 5-8 years (age range roughly 17-ish to 24-ish, with a bit of variance).
Following this apprenticeship a Jedi must pass a set of exams that seem to be informally known as The Trials. These consist of tests of both academic study (effectively, a written exam) and a practical test (an objective, structured examination of various skills, with the Force; with a Lightsaber; general problem solving; communication and diplomacy; compassion; selflessness, etc.
Once a Jedi has passed these Trials they attain the rank of Knight. Those that fail them are permitted a few attempts to resit them, but after several failed attempts will be given to a non-Jedi path in life, e.g. what we see Mical doing in KotOR 2
To ensure their stable and competent function as a Knight they continue to work under the more hands-off guidance of more senior Knights and Masters for a short period - often around two-ish years (human ages 23-26-ish).
A Knight could theoretically perform independent work as a Jedi on any world or setting they choose, though some worlds are more competitive for placement than others. A somewhat more cynical side of the Jedi that isn’t spoken about so often is that often less “gifted” Jedi are sent to less desirable work; Republic worlds in unexciting situations and general bleak poverty are often given Jedi with less ability to actually fix their problems. Wealthy core worlds, like Coruscant, often have a lot of attention from high-performing Jedi, leading to the Force equivalent of a Brain Drain problem for the Outer Rim. A few more independently-minded Jedi may choose less desirable placements intentionally, as a way to do the most good they can, e.g. Qui-Gon.
After this two year period, a Jedi may seek to learn a specialised role within the Order; diplomats and consulars act as the face of the order and serve a role in maintaining peace within the republic. Some go into a more focused combat-heavy role, and act as a paramilitary organisation that helps serve the Republic’s interests and defence (this is not always a good thing). Some end up going down a more vigilante / pseudo-cop route and try to solve smaller scale community problems.
Most Jedi remain at this level. Some Jedi will choose to continue on to become teachers themselves, or excel within their chosen field. This requires further demonstration of academic and practical prowess, over a period of approximately 6-8 further years of dedicated service (minimum).
Specialist fields require another exam to get into where a Jedi can demonstrate both knowledge and practical skills. After approximately three years of this, a Jedi may qualify to take their next set of practical and academic exams; this is what qualifies a Knight to be a Senior Level Knight and train apprentices of their own (with the oversight of other more senior masters).
After another 3-5 years of service as a Senior Knight, a Jedi may apply to their final set of exams. After this, they may be awarded the rank of Master - this total time of 6-8 years of dedicated service usually means that the earliest someone (human) could attain the rank of Master is their early 30s - but this would be considered ill-advised.
Part of the controversy surrounding Anakin is that he is absurdly talented with the Force but has lesser academic knowledge and poor self control. Him attaining a rank on the Jedi Council is not something that would’ve happened if the republic wasn’t at war - and he is far too young and hasn’t passed any exams that would give him the rank of master. Him railing against it as “outrageous and unfair” is just him being a petulant bitch.
In the Mandalorian Wars, multiple knights left to fight - including Revan and Meetra - but they would’ve been barely “graduated” knights and in their early twenties at the oldest. Revan was hailed as a tactical master, but was very, very young. The events of KotOR 1 thus occur when Revan is maybe-30-ish at the earliest, and KotOR 2 occurs when Meetra is maybe-35-ish
Neither Revan nor Meetra make it far in the ranks of the Jedi, and the order implodes and almost dies by the time they’d have achieved enough to reach a rank befitting of their abilities. Not that either of them would care anyway
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alimak · 1 year
Youth Is Wasted On The Inside
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The day I heard classes were suspended for almost a week brought relief for me back then. I spent those days with ease and thought, “Finally, a four-day rest!”. I was all smiley and delighted to have a break from school… not until that “four-day suspension” lasted for two years. While I was at the beginning of my youthful age when the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) started, I was rather locked and isolated instead of feeling the “I wish it could stay like this forever”. You know, being a teen forever, but instead, I had my overall well-being affected by the lockdown. I thought: Is this how I am going to spend my whole youth, locked inside my house?
Spending my teenage years to the fullest was one of my goals to ever achieve. Going to prom, going on a retreat trip and a field trip, and graduating junior high school with my former classmates were some enjoyable events that could add to my youthful years. I remember being excited for those days to come and I was planning ahead with my friends in school about what we’ll do when it happens. I wanted something memorable, just like those teen films. All I wanted was good times before I go to my senior year in high school and college.
As the pandemic came, I knew those moments would not occur, although there was a slight bit of hope remaining inside of me that everything would go back to normal when I enter the tenth grade. But, I was too gullible to think that such a disease would go away quickly and it made me depressed as time passed by. As I wait for the pandemic to end, I felt lost because everything changed, not in the way I wanted it to be. I thought waking up every 5 A.M. to go to school was the worst thing that I would go through, but coping in the midst of the pandemic beats it.
As I look back during the lockdown, I can’t help but think ways of how I can distract myself from boredom. I mean, we all had to and it was the hardest part for me because I am not consistent with hobbies–I also had limited resources to find one and my interest disperses because of it. I became more pressured rather than my school deadlines and exams. I have realized that this was probably the reason why I am too lazy to try new things out because I know I would give up too easily and I started to think if there was something wrong with me. Hence, it is also the reason why I spent most of my time on my phone–being online–all day and night.
At some point, doing all of these is a reassurance to myself that I don’t have to be like everyone else. I learned that I was pressured by social media to have a hobby because I saw everyone on TikTok working out, painting, sewing, reading, etc... I realized that I do not need to force myself to have a hobby–rather I need to focus on myself–what makes me enjoy life again. A way that It opened my mind in ways that taking care of myself was much better than anything else.
Eventually, my coping system was: I had to be outside. It is a way how I can handle my well-being over this whole phenomenon. I realized that I needed to be in a new environment every once in a while in order for my energy levels to heighten. I discovered that I like going to new places when my grandmother once told me to buy something from 7-11. I walked around for two hours around our area and I felt content when I got home that I had to write in my journal about the places I went to. Therefore, I figured that it is important for me to be in a place where it is not my house because I have been inside for too long and my mind wanted something new.
I believe that staying all the time at home can affect the mental health of people that it became an emotional trauma. Ever since COVID-19, everyone had no choice but to isolate in their own homes, which also restricted social interactions. Most of the people would only go outside for work or tasks to accomplish. It resulted to individuals increased percentages of depression and anxiety because of being only at home. According to BBC News, young ages were more affected from the impacts brought by the pandemic.
It came along with unwanted changes. Many teenagers have acquired social anxiety. It became hard for me to make friends because of being used to being alone at home and uneasiness builds up as face-to-face classes begin to initiate during this year. It is hard for me who is already shy, who become more shy because of isolation. In fact, it became a stress factor for socialize because it was something I was not used to do doing after being only at home. The changes were challenging.
Furthermore, a state of feeling lost is also a struggle for me. Many people think that time shifted during this pandemic. I did too, as I was mostly doing nothing all day; watching the time past by; study; and sleep. It was such a struggle to make something out of your time for the day, but to no avail it was also a struggle to do something. While for others, they had the luxury to keep themselves busy, but for me, it was challenging, especially when my enjoyments were outside of my home.
Being isolated at home brought unwanted circumstances and the challenge of feeling lost. It personally affected me in ways that it is hard to bring back the old me. I am not close to my old friends anymore and I started to become out of touch with my emotions.
With all of these occurrences, I can’t help rely on imaginations. I had to romanticize the remaining time of my teenage years because the pandemic robbed me from it. But, I do know that: You are trying. I am trying. We are all trying–to fill this emptiness in our supposed “most enjoyable” year of our lives.
As I went through this topic, I thought: healing the youth from the impacts brought by the pandemic can lessen the mental health issues that they face. There is acknowledgement to these issues, but a lack of action in it. This essay is a glimpse of the life of the youth in the midst of the pandemic and the struggle of coping in the “new normal”. I am calling out for schools and officials to provide free therapies and counseling for children. Mental health is a human right.
I conclude, to heal from emotional trauma caused by the pandemic should be included in the “new normal”.
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usafphantom2 · 1 year
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Read the Silver Star Recommendation for the SR-71 crew who flew their Blackbird at her fastest speed, at night, carrying an NSA ELINT recorder to collect SA-5 SAM radar signal
By Dario Leone
Apr 7 2021
The SR-71 night time flight performance restrictions were lifted so the flight could be flown at max Mach (3.2) and turns made at max bank of 35 degrees instead of the normal 25-degrees.
The following story comes from former SR-71 Blackbird Reconnaissance Systems Officer (RSO) Colonel Richard Sheffield’s unpublished book.
As Linda Sheffield Miller, who is Colonel Sheffield’s daughter and who also runs the awesome Facebook Page Habubrats (CLICK HERE to check it out), explained to The Aviation Geek Club, what makes this post even more interesting is that it was written by Colonel Hal Confer, 9th Strategic Reconnaissance Wing (SRW) Commander 1970-1972, while he was recommending that Colonels Robert Spencer and Richard Sheffield got the Silver Star for their effort during a risky mission flown in the skies over Vladivostok. But, as Linda Sheffield Miller explained us, Confer couldn’t put the recommendation in because it was a highly classified sortie and only a few people knew about it.
Vladivostok, September 27, 1971, SR-71, #980
In 1971, Colonels Robert (Bob) Spencer and Richard (Butch) Sheffield flew one of the most important combat missions of the Cold War.
The Soviet Union had developed and deployed throughout the USSR a radar and missile system called the SA-5. It was designed to intercept and destroy overflying US bombers and fighters. The Soviet Union had gone to extreme measures to keep secret the parameters of the SA-5 radar frequencies.
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SA-5 Gammon
The deployment of the SA-5 presented a considerable degradation to the US bomber forces ability to successfully strike the Soviet Union. Consequently, obtaining the SA-5 radar profile was one of the National intelligence community’s highest priorities.
The Soviets were very sensitive to any SR-71 flight activities on or near their borders; it was decided to use the SR-71 to bait the Soviets into exposing their SA-5 system. A special ELINT recorder was designed by NSA to be carried on the SR-71 to collect the SA-5 radar signal.
The mission tactics were to surprise the SA-5 missile site at the port city of Vladivostok. The SR-71 would make a direct approach as though intending to overfly the Soviet fortification. The mission would be flown late at night, when the least experienced personnel would be manning the missile site. The SR-71 night time flight performance restrictions were lifted so the flight could be flown at max Mach (3.2) and turns made at max bank of 35 degrees instead of the normal 25-degrees.
The exigencies of the mission were: (1) to fly the SR-71 faster at night than it had previously been flown; (2) to fly well within effective range of the Soviet Union’s most capable surface-to-air missile system without the SR-71 having either a missile warning or defense system available; and (3) to use a steeper bank angle than any prior night flights. Both the speed and bank angle had never been attempt before by anyone at night.
The potential results of the mission were so crucial to our wartime retaliatory capability that the order to execute the flight was initiated at the highest level of the National command authority (the President).
It followed that the most senior and experienced crewmembers would be selected to fly the mission, and that was the crew of Colonels Spencer and Sheffield. During the mission both the skill and experience of the crew were relied on heavily for its successful completion.
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SR-71 print
This print is available in multiple sizes from AircraftProfilePrints.com – CLICK HERE TO GET YOURS. SR-71A Blackbird 61-7972 “Skunkworks”
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seemabhatnagar · 10 months
No right in an organized society can be absolute
No religion prescribes that any prayer should be performed by disturbing the peace of others nor does it preach that they should be through noise amplifiers or beating of drums - Supreme court of India
Miss Shagufta Sulaiman v. The State of West Bengal & Others
WPA (P) 369/2022 before Hon’ble Calcutta High Court
Heard by Hon’ble Mr. Chief Justice T S Sivagnanm J & Hon’ble Mr. Justice Hiranmay Bhattacharyya J
WP disposed of on 27.07.2023 with direction to the State Pollution Control Board and the State
Ahead of Muharram on the Public Interest Litigation filed by Shagufta Sulaiman before Hon’ble Calcutta High Court, the Division bench of Hon’ble Mr. Chief Justice TS Sivagnanam & Hon’ble Mr. Justice Hiranmay Bhattacharyya hereon July 27,2023 directed West Bengal Pollution Control Board to immediately issue a public notice giving wide publicity that the noise level cannot exceed the permissible decibel, and also make it clear that any violation thereof would invite penal action under the provisions of the pollution control laws.
The Bench also directed the State, if feasible, can also identify the groups, which can be permitted to carry on beating of drums within the permissible noise level. The period for beating of drums shall also be regulated as the mourning ritual is to be performed on 29th July, 2023 and within the short time.
There will be a direction to the respondent/police to immediately issue public notice regulating the timing for beating of drums.
The PIL was filed by the petitioner on account of continuous beating of drums by a group of persons, throughout the day and night on the alleged ground that they are performing the mourning ritual on occasion of Muharram. The contention of the petitioner is when there is a ban for Azan by using loud speakers as that lasts 5 minutes only, which is certainly a religious matter but the non - stopping of beating of drums with no restriction of intensity of the sound is illegal. The noise pollution is a serious threat to public health and welfare. There are school going children. Many of them have to take their examination. There are senior citizen people, who are sick and ailing and all of them have been affected.
Seema Bhatnagar
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Homeschooling in India: Concept, Curriculum & More
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The coronavirus outbreak ushered in what may be the world's fastest-growing trend in homeschooling. Many parents have decided to continue guiding their children for education themselves, even after schools have reopened post-pandemic and vaccines have become widely available.
Homeschooling allows parents and guardians to direct their children's overall development outside of the confines of formal education. Parents decide what and how their children are taught, and they are not required to follow any school board's curriculum. In India, parents have the option of not enrolling their children in school or withdrawing their children from school if the school's approach does not fulfil their child's needs.
The homeschooling concept in India
The notion was developed in India for children with special needs who require additional parental assistance. Many parents experimented with the idea as concerns about a rigorous schooling system arose. Other factors include concerns about bullying, child abuse, ineffective teaching methods, and children's desire to pursue careers other than academics.
Homeschooling has been supported by edtech companies that carry the curricula of various educational boards like ICSE, IGCE, Cambridge, etc. While most parents use homeschooling online platforms to assist their children understand a variety of concepts, they avoid restricting their children to the curricula.
The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act of 2009 mandates that all children complete eight years of formal education, although it does not mention any other options.
Proof of competence is required for homeschooled students to be eligible for higher education in India. This can be accomplished by taking the National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) exams, which provide Open Basic Education to children aged 14 and up. Children can take A, B, and C level exams, similar to Classes 3, 5, and 7, or Secondary Education Course and Senior Secondary Course exams, which are equivalent to Classes 10 and 12. They can also take the Cambridge Assessment International Examination's International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) (CAIE). Children are eligible for college entrance after passing any of these tests.
With the growing popularity of homeschooling in India, open education and learning have become more formalized to ensure that students receiving this type of education do not fall behind. Major academic institutions, both domestic and international, have joined this learning alternative. The two influential organizations linked with homeschooling in India are listed below.
The concept of open schooling
The National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) is an open learning board in India that allows students to continue their education at home. This board enables parents to homeschool their children and complete significant exams such as class 10th and 12th exams. Students must register with the board, and the certification acquired through the board's tests is equivalent to that of any other board in the country. It provides education at many levels and places a strong emphasis on vocational learning and formal education.
The International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) is an internationally recognized qualification for homeschooled students. It is held in the 10th grade and has many phases to assess a child's learning from the beginning to the end. Candidates can sit for the exam as private candidates and acquire a globally recognized qualification.
The admission process of learning from home
The decision to learn from home is the first step because there are further stages to take after you've decided on an educational path. The procedure for applying to learn from home in India is detailed here.
Approach a school that permits pupils to apply as a private candidate. The school should be affiliated with one of the open learning boards and be one of the open learning from home platforms and provide students the opportunity to continue their education in their choice of time.
After that, the main focus is on determining whether to teach yourself or hire a private teacher.
The child can comfortably pursue their schooling while also focusing on developing their talents in other disciplines. 
Benefits of Homeschooling in India
Homeschooling or learning from home provides the room and scope to develop and foster a child's potential when the traditional education sector becomes increasingly rigid and inflexible. Some of the advantages of homeschooling that you should be aware of are listed below:
It allows parents to tailor their children's academic learning, allowing them to develop their talents.
The child has a better comprehension and stronger conceptual underpinnings due to paying more attention to details.
The kid's requirements can be considered, and milestones can be established to allow the youngster to develop at their own rate without being rushed.
It provides the flexibility and freedom to pursue one's passion and thrive at it.
Because it has become more regimented, it does not cause a child to fall behind and is comparable to any other form of education.
Parents who homeschool their children believe that as India begins to value uniqueness, homeschooling will become more popular. These homeschools are now centered in urban areas such as Pune, Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Delhi, and Chennai. Make sure it's accredited by an agency recognised by the government or your state. Not all programs are accredited in every state, so check! Many schools list their accreditation status on the home page of their websites and in marketing materials. Having said that, 21K School is India’s leading online school that offers transparent quality education, regardless of the situation and location. It is a recognised and accredited K-12 School offering Indian, American and British Curriculum online for students aged 3 to 18 years in India and abroad. The online model allows learning from anywhere and hence also allows parents to evaluate their child’s progress from anywhere and at any time. Visit today to enrol.
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diettoxsupplements · 5 days
How to Find the Best Multivitamin Supplements in Abu Dhabi | Diettox
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Why Take Multivitamin Supplements?
Multivitamin supplements provide essential vitamins and minerals that your body needs to function properly. They can help fill nutritional gaps in your diet, support immune function, boost energy levels, and promote overall health. Whether you have specific health needs or just want to ensure you’re getting adequate nutrition, a good multivitamin can be a valuable addition to your daily routine.
Factors to Consider When Choosing a Multivitamin
1. Nutritional Needs
Your individual nutritional needs depend on factors such as age, gender, diet, and lifestyle. For example, women may need more iron, while older adults might require more calcium and vitamin D. Look for a multivitamin that addresses your specific needs.
2. Quality of Ingredients
Check the label for high-quality ingredients. Avoid products with artificial additives, fillers, and unnecessary binders. Natural and organic ingredients are often a better choice.
3. Dosage and Form
Multivitamins come in various forms, including tablets, capsules, gummies, and powders. Choose the form that is most convenient and comfortable for you. Additionally, ensure the dosage fits your lifestyle — some require multiple doses per day, while others are once-daily.
4. Absorption
Certain vitamins and minerals are better absorbed in specific forms. For example, vitamin D3 is more effective than D2, and methylcobalamin is a superior form of vitamin B12 compared to cyanocobalamin. Research the forms of nutrients in the multivitamin to ensure optimal absorption.
5. Brand Reputation
Choose products from reputable brands known for their quality and efficacy. Look for brands that conduct third-party testing and have good customer reviews.
6. Special Dietary Needs
If you have dietary restrictions or preferences, such as vegan, gluten-free, or allergen-free, make sure the multivitamin meets those criteria.
Top Multivitamin Supplements Available at Diettox
At Diettox, we offer a curated selection of high-quality Multivitamin Supplements in Abu Dhabi and Multivitamin Supplements in Dubai. Here are some of our top recommendations:
1. Women’s Multivitamin
Formulated specifically for women, this multivitamin includes higher levels of iron, calcium, and folic acid to support overall health, bone density, and reproductive health.
2. Men’s Multivitamin
Designed to meet the nutritional needs of men, this supplement contains higher levels of vitamins B, C, and D, along with zinc and magnesium for energy, immune support, and muscle function.
3. Multivitamin for Seniors
This multivitamin is tailored for older adults, with increased levels of calcium, vitamin D, and B12 to support bone health, cognitive function, and energy levels.
4. Vegan Multivitamin
Perfect for those following a plant-based diet, this vegan multivitamin includes essential nutrients that are often lacking in vegan diets, such as vitamin B12, iron, and omega-3 fatty acids.
5. Children’s Multivitamin
A tasty and easy-to-take multivitamin for kids, packed with essential nutrients to support growth, immune function, and cognitive development.
How to Use Multivitamin Supplements Effectively
1. Follow the Recommended Dosage
Always follow the recommended dosage on the label or as advised by your healthcare provider. Taking too much of certain vitamins and minerals can be harmful.
2. Take with Food
Most multivitamins are best taken with food to enhance absorption and reduce the risk of stomach upset.
3. Stay Consistent
Make taking your multivitamin a daily habit. Consistency is key to reaping the full benefits of the supplement.
4. Combine with a Healthy Diet
While multivitamins can fill nutritional gaps, they should not replace a healthy diet. Eat a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins.
Finding the right multivitamin supplement can significantly enhance your health and well-being. By considering factors such as nutritional needs, quality of ingredients, dosage, absorption, brand reputation, and special dietary needs, you can choose the best multivitamin for you. At Diettox, we offer a range of high-quality Multivitamin Supplements in Abu Dhabi and Multivitamin Supplements in Dubai to meet your specific needs. Explore our selection today and take the first step towards better health with Diettox.
For more information:-https://diettox.com
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bekindtoyou4007 · 24 days
For the first time ever got weirdly judged and shamed (at least as I perceived it) in a work meeting and wanted to cry! Kept it together and was chill but immediately after getting off the video needed to sit under my desk and cry it out. Then I got angry for the colleague being inconsiderate and careless with their wording because even on a good faith read they should have handled the situation better given their experience and seniority relative to mine... Remind me never to become someone senior who is so self important that I shit all over the new person's idea! Being new to a team is also awful even if its a short term project. Spent so much of the meeting thinking about how I'll never do this again by choice and it still isn't the work trip. I'm trying my absolute best to deal with the situation. I had a killer headache earlier which I managed to head off with the beta blocker. Kind of crazy how effective they are with those massive tension headaches. I did some good cardio today which I'm happy with. I can really tell my heart rate is improving. I am glad I let myself be upset earlier. I was feeling so judged I think because it was a piece of work I felt I put a lot of my non work personality into when usually I would be far more restricted and I feel appalled to have allowed more of myself to be known to have that sort of negative reaction. I don't want to be 'the weird one' and singled out for bad treatment. That is my observations of the world generally, I haven't actually had any real experiences of being bullied or targeted- probably because I was so mindful of how I conducted myself. I have however found it tiring to be the work persona relentlessly and for things involving creativity it feels really silly to try to perform a way of being rather than just being... I'm so used to being critiqued for things I don't take personally, there's a degree of removal. The thing today really reminded me of the gutted feeling of being rejected for the starting role position so many times in that one year, it felt crazy making. I always remember the worst rejection which came 5 months before I got it somewhere else, which told me 1 person pipped me to it. Just devastating on so many levels. I can be told I need to be a better professional in ways X and Y, without feeling burning shame, it's the feeling I'm being told I need to be different or I'm wrong in some way. I decided to be myself as far as possible with my new organisation the past year plus, and it's gone really well and I'm happy. I feel as seen as I ever have in any job. It's horribly difficult to be seen.
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ahphysiotherapy · 2 months
5 Essential Benefits of Physiotherapy You Need to Know
Physiotherapy, often referred to as physical therapy, plays a pivotal role in enhancing overall health and well-being. It involves a variety of techniques and exercises aimed at improving mobility, managing pain, preventing injuries, aiding in recovery, and promoting a holistic approach to health. 
In this blog post, we'll delve into the essential benefits of physiotherapy and explore how it can positively impact your life.
As we embark on this journey, let's engage with the audience and highlight how physio Adelaide can be a game-changer in their quest for better health and vitality.
Improved Mobility and Flexibility
The first remarkable benefit of physiotherapy is its ability to improve mobility and flexibility. Through targeted exercises and specialised techniques, physiotherapy helps individuals regain movement and enhance their range of motion. 
Whether it's recovering from a sports injury, managing a musculoskeletal condition, or addressing mobility issues due to aging, physio Glenelg offers tailored solutions to improve physical capabilities.
Simple yet effective exercises such as stretching routines, range of motion exercises, and balance training can make a significant difference in restoring and enhancing mobility. Additionally, specific treatments like manual therapy, joint mobilization, and therapeutic ultrasound are employed to address stiffness and restricted movement, promoting a more agile and flexible body.
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Pain Management
Physiotherapy plays a crucial role in managing and alleviating pain, be it associated with injuries, chronic conditions, or post-operative recovery. The tailored approach of physiotherapy targets the root cause of pain, aiming to provide long-term relief and improved quality of life for individuals.
Real-life success stories and testimonials underscore the effectiveness of physiotherapy in pain management. From reducing discomfort caused by repetitive strain injuries to easing the pain associated with arthritis, physiotherapy offers a personalised and comprehensive approach to pain relief. 
By incorporating modalities such as heat and cold therapy, electrical stimulation, and therapeutic exercises, physiotherapists empower individuals to overcome pain and regain their vitality.
Injury Prevention
Another invaluable benefit of physiotherapy is its proactive role in injury prevention, especially for athletes, seniors, and individuals with physically demanding occupations. 
Physiotherapists work closely with individuals to identify potential risk factors and develop tailored strategies to prevent injuries and enhance physical resilience.
Practical tips and advice on incorporating preventive measures into daily routines, such as proper warm-up and cool-down techniques, ergonomic assessments, and strength training programs, equip individuals with the knowledge and tools to safeguard themselves against injuries. 
By fostering awareness and imparting preventive strategies, physiotherapy empowers individuals to lead active and injury-free lives.
Enhanced Recovery
Physiotherapy serves as a catalyst for enhanced recovery post-surgeries, accidents, or other medical interventions. Specialised rehabilitation programs, coupled with the expertise of physiotherapists, contribute to a faster and more effective recovery process. 
By focusing on restoring function, improving strength, and addressing mobility challenges, physio Adelaideaccelerates the journey towards optimal recovery.
Insights into specialised rehabilitation programs shed light on the comprehensive approach adopted by physiotherapy in aiding recovery. 
From post-surgical rehabilitation to post-accident recovery, the tailored interventions and exercises offered by physiotherapists play a pivotal role in restoring individuals to their pre-injury or pre-surgery levels of functioning.
Holistic Approach to Health
Lastly, physiotherapy embodies a holistic approach to health, addressing not only physical ailments but also mental well-being. 
Complementary therapies such as massage, acupuncture, hydrotherapy, and mindfulness practices are integrated into the treatment plans, nurturing a comprehensive approach to health and wellness.
By emphasising the interconnectedness of physical and mental health, physiotherapy encourages individuals to embark on a journey towards holistic well-being. 
The integration of complementary therapies fosters a nurturing and supportive environment, catering to the complete spectrum of an individual's health needs.
The benefits of physio Adelaide are truly remarkable, encompassing a wide spectrum of advantages that contribute to enhanced overall wellness. 
By acquainting ourselves with these benefits, we can make informed decisions about incorporating physiotherapy into our lives, thereby nurturing a healthier and more vibrant future.
Source by - https://bit.ly/3vPABC7 
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sacreddatabase · 2 months
Artifact File #700 The Door to Everywhere
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Classification: Class 2 Artifact, Anomaly
Origin: Unknown, acquired in 20th Century Norway by Senior Agent Calland in 1952
Description: The Door to Everywhere is a mysterious artifact resembling a small, ornately carved wooden door measuring approximately 8 inches in height. It is adorned with intricate symbols and sigils representing various cultural and mystical traditions from around the world, showing its unique ability to travel. Despite its diminutive size, the artifact emits faint traces of mystical energy.
Spatial Manipulation: Activation of the Door to Everywhere allows the user to create temporary portals to distant locations, facilitating instantaneous travel across vast distances.
Limited Duration: Portals created by the artifact remain stable for a short duration, typically lasting no longer than 5 minutes before automatically closing.
Selective Destination: Users can mentally visualize the desired destination before activating the Door, allowing for precise portal placement.
Anomaly Level: Moderate
Incident Report: File #700 was opened following an incident during field testing of the Door to Everywhere. During a routine experiment, a portal created by the artifact led to an unknown location characterized by extreme climatic conditions. Two junior researchers were temporarily stranded before the portal closed, prompting a reevaluation of containment and usage protocols.
Containment Procedures: The Door to Everywhere is to be stored within a reinforced containment locker lined with spatial stabilizers to prevent unauthorized activation. Access to the artifact is restricted to Level 3 clearance personnel and above, with all experiments requiring prior approval from SACRED's Anomalies Oversight Committee.
Research Notes: Ongoing research aims to map the limitations and potential risks associated with the Door to Everywhere's spatial manipulation abilities. Analysis of portal destinations and the nature of spatial anomalies encountered during activation is underway to enhance containment and safety protocols.
Risk Assessment: While the Door to Everywhere offers convenient travel capabilities, its limited duration and potential for accidental dimensional displacement pose moderate risks. Continued research and monitoring are essential to prevent unintended consequences and ensure safe utilization of the artifact.
Status: Contained, Under Research
Remarks: File #700 provides detailed documentation of the Door to Everywhere, including its origin, properties, incident history, containment measures, ongoing research initiatives, and risk assessment. SACRED personnel handling the artifact are reminded to exercise caution and adhere strictly to established protocols to mitigate potential anomalies and ensure operational safety.
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nearlywizard · 4 months
Why Is Actually Condominium Essential?
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Condos, or even condo units, have come to be significantly necessary in the modern-day real estate yard for numerous factors. Coming from their special possession framework to their varied amenities and also way of living advantages, condos offer a distinctive real estate option that charms to a vast array of people as well as loved ones. Permit's explore why condominiums are actually significant in today's casing market.
Why Condos Are Important
1. Ownership Structure
Apartments offer a distinct possession framework that mixes factors of personal ownership with communal task for common locations and features. Unlike standard single-family homes where proprietors are actually solely behind servicing and also maintenance, landmark condo managers usually pay out month to month expenses to an individuals' association (HOA) that deals with public regions like lobbies, gyms, going swimming pools, and landscape design. This mutual accountability may be actually especially appealing for individuals that prefer own a home without the burden of comprehensive upkeep.
2. Cost and Accessibility
Apartments usually offer an even more budget-friendly access factor into home ownership, specifically in urban places where land costs are high and also area is confined. Compared to single-family homes, condo units generally possess a lower investment cost as well as may require a smaller sized down settlement, producing all of them a lot more accessible to newbie shoppers and also those with restricted monetary sources. Also, condos are frequently found in preferable areas close to services, transportation centers, as well as work centers, boosting their charm to a large range of customers.
3. Neighborhood Living
One of the vital advantages of landmark condo residing is the sense of community it cultivates. Citizens typically possess chances to interact socially along with their neighbors with managed celebrations, communal areas, and also discussed conveniences. This feeling of being part of can be particularly beneficial for people that are brand new to an area or even finding a supportive network of peers. Condo communities likewise provide an integrated support group for residents, along with next-door neighbors commonly appearing out for one yet another and also working together on numerous campaigns.
4. Facilities and also Services
Numerous condo units supply a large variety of services and services developed to enrich citizens' quality of lifestyle. Coming from gym and swimming pools to concierge companies and 24-hour safety and security, condominiums typically supply a level of comfort as well as high-end that surpasses conventional single-family homes. These services can easily conserve homeowners money and time through getting rid of the necessity for external gym memberships or home security systems, while also adding market value to the home.
5. Maintenance-Free Living
One of the most significant pulls of landmark condo lifestyle is the maintenance-free lifestyle it provides. Due to the fact that the HOA is accountable for sustaining popular places as well as outdoor factors of the structure, residents can easily appreciate an easy lifestyle experience without stressing over tasks like lawn care, snow removal, or even exterior repair work. This freedom coming from servicing accountabilities could be particularly appealing for active professionals, senior citizens, as well as people who prefer to devote their opportunity working at pastime instead than house jobs.
6. Investment Potential
Apartments may likewise be a smart expenditure opportunity for purchasers hoping to construct wealth gradually. In lots of markets, condos cherish in market value at an identical fee to single-family homes, creating all of them a worthwhile long-term investment. Additionally, condos may offer rental earnings possibility for clients, along with demand usually solid one of renters seeking city lifestyle options along with facilities and advantages. Thus, condominiums can be actually an important addition to a diversified expenditure collection.
In conclusion, condos participate in a crucial function in today's real estate market, offering an one-of-a-kind blend of possession advantages, affordability, community living, services, and investment potential. Whether you're a first-time customer wanting to go into the casing market, an empty-nester finding a maintenance-free lifestyle, or a capitalist trying to expand your portfolio, condominiums give a versatile housing option that satisfies a wide array of needs. As urbanization continues to steer requirement for housing in largely inhabited regions, apartments are likely to stay a significant and sought-after casing selection for a long times to come.
The Landmark
+65 6100-8187
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physiothrerapy · 5 months
Faq's - Chiropractic Service in Okotoks
1. What is Chiropractic Care at The Physio Care Okotoks clinic? Chiropractic care at The Physio Care Okotoks clinic is a non-invasive, hands-on approach to treating various musculoskeletal issues. Our skilled chiropractors use manual adjustments to correct spinal misalignments, alleviate pain, and enhance overall well-being.2. How can I schedule a Chiropractic appointment at The Physio Care Okotoks clinic? Booking an appointment is easy. You can call us at or conveniently schedule online through our website. We offer flexible appointment times to accommodate your schedule.3. What conditions can Chiropractic care address at your clinic? Our chiropractic services are effective for treating conditions like back pain, neck pain, headaches, sciatica, and more. We tailor treatments to address your specific needs.4. Are your Chiropractors qualified and experienced? Absolutely, our chiropractors are licensed professionals with extensive experience and continuous training to provide the highest level of care.5. How long is a typical Chiropractic session at your clinic? Sessions typically last 30-45 minutes, but the duration may vary depending on your condition and the treatment plan.6. Is Chiropractic Care suitable for sports injuries at your clinic? Yes, our chiropractic care can be highly effective in treating sports-related injuries, aiding athletes in recovery and performance optimization.7. Do I need a referral from a physician to receive Chiropractic care? No, a referral is not required. You can schedule directly with us based on your needs and preferences.8. Can Chiropractic care help with posture improvement at your clinic? Yes, our chiropractors can assess and provide guidance on posture improvement, reducing the risk of musculoskeletal issues.9. What should I expect during my initial Chiropractic appointment? Your first session will involve a thorough assessment where your chiropractor will evaluate your condition, discuss your goals, and develop a personalized treatment plan.10. Can Chiropractic Care assist with post-injury rehabilitation at your clinic? Yes, we offer post-injury rehabilitation programs designed to help patients regain strength, mobility, and function after accidents or injuries.11. How often should I attend Chiropractic sessions? The recommended frequency varies based on your condition and treatment plan. Your chiropractor will provide guidance for your specific case.12. Are there any age restrictions for Chiropractic Care at your clinic? Chiropractic care is suitable for individuals of all ages, from children to seniors. Our chiropractors have experience in treating diverse age groups.13. Is Chiropractic Care covered by insurance at The Physio Care Okotoks clinic? Many insurance plans include coverage for chiropractic care. We recommend verifying your benefits with your provider, and we can assist with necessary documentation.14. Can Chiropractic care help with chronic pain management at your clinic? Yes, our chiropractors can develop specialized plans to manage chronic pain conditions, improving overall quality of life.15. How can I provide feedback or review my Chiropractic experience at The Physio Care Okotoks clinic? Your feedback is important to us. You can review us on our website, on social media, or share your thoughts directly with your chiropractor or our front desk. Your input helps us continually enhance our services for our valued patients.16. Can Chiropractic Care assist with pediatric conditions at your clinic? Yes, we offer chiropractic care for pediatric patients, addressing developmental concerns and promoting optimal growth and function.17. Is Chiropractic care safe during pregnancy at The Physio Care Okotoks clinic? Yes, chiropractic care can be safe and beneficial during pregnancy. Our chiropractors are trained to provide care tailored to expectant mothers' needs.18. What sets The Physio Care Okotoks clinic apart in terms of Chiropractic Care services? At our clinic, you can expect personalized care from highly skilled chiropractors. We prioritize evidence-based treatments to deliver the best outcomes for our patients, ensuring their well-being and improved quality of life.19. Can Chiropractic care be combined with other treatments at your clinic? Yes, we often incorporate chiropractic care into comprehensive treatment plans alongside other services like physiotherapy, massage therapy, and more to maximize the benefits for our patients.20. How can I reach The Physio Care Okotoks clinic to inquire about Chiropractic services or schedule an appointment? You can reach us by calling or visiting our website to book an appointment online. Our friendly staff is ready to assist you with any inquiries or appointment scheduling.Physiotherapy, Massage, Chiropractor Okotoks, High River AB South Calgary, Black Diamond & Turner ValleyThe Physio Care Okotoks- Physiotherapy,  Chiropractic & Massage is off of Highway 2A and Southridge Drive Okotoks. We’re right Fatburger Okotoks, Ricky's Okotoks opposite to Sobeys Pharmacy Okotoks. Located near Scotiabank Okotoks, Canadian Tire Okotoks and Walmart Okotoks. In the same parking lot as Ricky's Okotoks and Fatburger Okotoks.Our convenient location is just 10 minutes from Black Diamond and Turner Valley, and 15 minutes from High River and Calgary. We have plenty of parking available. Read the full article
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