#Salim already likes Jason's accent
writtenjewels · 7 months
One Night Stand
[Part one? IDK this is already super long. I think I'm incapable of writing PWP]
Jason needed to get away from base for a while. He dressed down and put on a different hat to shade his face, though he knew it wouldn't help much with his pale skin making him stand out. He hoped that looking like a civilian would at least reduce the looks he'd get from the locals. He wasn't stupid enough to enter the nearby town without some protection: he kept a knife strapped to his thigh just in case.
Jason didn't really plan on going anywhere specific, but after wandering the streets for a while he found himself in a bar. It was dim and smokey: the perfect place for Jason to sit for a while. He didn't know enough Arabic to order a drink so he just pointed to what he wanted. Jason scanned the crowd as he nursed the beer.
Most of the patrons looked like guys his age, probably here to relax after a hard day's work. Jason felt a stir of interest looking at a few of them. Normally his instinct was to squash it down but this time he let it be. The past year had consumed him with his training and settling into military life. There was no time for much beyond a quick wank in the shower. Jason messed around a little in college but after that, he was too high to really enjoy encounters.
He was in a foreign country; he would never see any of these guys again. Most of them wouldn't even speak his language. His eyes moved over them slower to take in their faces and bodies. Interest stirred again; some of these guys looked his type. Jason was on his feet approaching one of the patrons.
Am I really going to do this? He paused in front of the stranger and cleared his throat. The man turned to reveal a rounded, clean-shaven face. His dark hair was kept in short curls, his dark eyes curious as they fixed on Jason.
“English?” Might as well gauge how much he would need to pantomime.
“What're you drinkin'? I'll buy ya the next round.”
“Club soda.” The man's lips moved into a faint smile, making his features even more appealing. “I'm not a very big drinker.”
“Probably for the best,” Jason drawled. “The beer's pretty shit.” That made the man smile wider. Holy shit, this guy was pretty. “You mind if I sit down?” Jason asked, tapping the back of the empty chair.
“Please do,” the man invited. “I would love to practice my English with an American.”
“Geez, am I that obvious?” Jason groaned, flopping into the seat. The man let out a little chuckle.
“I just recognize your accent from cowboy movies. My name is Salim,” he added, holding out a hand. Jason's mind raced: should he tell this guy his real name? It really wasn't what he was aiming for.
“Jay,” he introduced, shaking the hand. “So, you ain't a big drinker but you're here at a bar.” He raised an eyebrow hoping Salim picked up on the unspoken question.
“I'm here for the company,” Salim admitted. Perfect, Jason thought. He leaned in, making sure to lower his voice so Salim had to lean in, too.
“I'm told I can be pretty good company.” He wasn't sure Salim would catch the suggestive meaning, so Jason ran a finger along the lip of his beer before sticking it in his mouth. Salim's eyes widened and a blush spread over his cheeks. “It's okay if you ain't interested,” Jason assured him.
“No. I mean,” Salim corrected, “it's been a long time since I've had that sort of company. I am interested, though.” Silence fell after the admission. Jason wasn't sure what to do now; he really wasn't in the mood for a quickie in the bar restroom. But he couldn't exactly take this guy back to base, either.
“Know any good motels nearby?”
“Oh.” Salim turned a little more red. “Y-yes, there's one a few streets away. Are you sure you want to do this?”
“Don't see why not.” Jason nudged his beer forward so Salim could see just how little Jason drank. “You're hot.”
“Thank you,” Salim answered, even more flustered. It was pretty endearing. He reached out to tip the brim of Jason's hat up. “You are very attractive, too. Wait here while I pay my tab.”
An hour later they were getting a key to their room at the motel. Jason didn't understand a word of Salim's exchange with the owner. It didn't look like the owner guessed their true intentions for the room. Jason opened the door and found there wasn't much to it apart from a bathroom and bed. It looked clean enough, anyway. Jason removed his hat and shoes first before working off his clothes.
“Ahh.” Salim's noise made Jason pause. “Don't you want lube and condoms?”
“Got 'em,” Jason assured him. A marine always came prepared. Jason stripped off his shirt and tossed it to the floor. He felt Salim's eyes on him and stopped again to throw the other man a smirk. “You look like a deer caught in the headlights.”
“I'm not used to looking at male nudity in this context,” Salim confessed.
“Don't tell me I'm gonna be your first.”
“Not exactly.” Salim rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. “As I said, it's been a while. I haven't gone out in years and before that, I was married.”
“So long as the marriage is a 'was',” Jason shrugged. “I ain't into fucking married dudes.”
“But you are into, ah, 'fucking dudes' in general?” Jason had to snort at Salim's use of the phrase. There was something so damn charming about the guy.
“Yeah. Pretty much exclusively.” Jason surprised himself by admitting that out loud. Maybe it was knowing he would never see Salim again that made him feel so comfortable. Jason loosened his belt and wiggled down to his underwear. “You gonna join me or what?”
“I, ah... of course.” Salim's fingers fumbled a little working at his shirt. “Sorry,” he added, eyes flicking to Jason. “You distracted me.”
“I'll take that as a compliment.” He watched with growing interest as Salim started removing clothes. The guy was broad and looked like he was carrying some weight. His dark hair continued to his chest, where it led a tempting trail down to his waistline. Arousal warmed him and Jason wet his lips.
“You're so pale,” Salim observed. He took a tentative step forward. “How long have you been in the country?”
“You really wanna have this conversation now?” Jason snorted.
“I'm nervous,” Salim defended. He reached out to rest a hand on Jason's side. The touch was warm and Jason could feel the rough brush of callous.
Salim's eyes fixed on Jason's face as he slid his hand along the marine's flesh. He followed the lines of hardened muscle up Jason's pecs, bypassing his nipples to squeeze into his shoulders. Jason let his mouth fall open to gasp for air as Salim touched him. Salim's eyes were growing darker with each passing second. Jason let out a soft moan, already eager for Salim to bend him over.
“Are these freckles?” Salim's lips skimmed Jason's cheek. Jason sucked in a sharp breath in response. “They look charming on you.” His breath teased Jason's skin, the tip of his nose sliding across to Jason's ear. “Do you like my body, Jay?”
“Yes,” Jason breathed out. He lifted his hands to tangle into Salim's chest hair. “Fuckin' love it. Nice and broad, and I like the way your chest hair rubs on my skin.” He squeezed his hands into the flesh and groaned. “Fuck, please tell me your cock is big, too.”
“Big enough,” Salim answered vaguely. His thumb pushed under the waistband of Jason's underwear and pulled it down. Jason kicked the material out of the way, groaning loudly when he felt Salim's hands cupping his ass. “It has been a long time for you, hasn't it?”
“Shuddup,” Jason grunted. He shoved Salim's underwear down and wet his lips again looking at what hung between the man's legs. “Yep,” he gulped. “That's big enough.” Salim let out a soft chuckle.
Jason knew the prep would be the most tedious part of the night. He climbed onto the bed and arched to present his ass. He figured to let his mind drift until it was over. Salim didn't start stretching him like expected, though: instead he continued running his hands over Jason's body, starting with the marine's ankles and feeling his way slowly up. He treated Jason's thighs to a gentle massage and, on instinct, Jason shifted his legs farther apart.
“Why me?” Salim asked suddenly. His fingers teased Jason's inner thighs, making the other shudder. “Out of all the men in the bar, you approached me. And don't say it's just because I'm 'hot'.”
“I ain't gonna stroke your ego, Salim,” Jason grunted. “Why'd you say 'yes'?” he shot back.
“I think,” Salim mused, sliding a finger between Jason's cheeks and pressing against his entrance, “we have the same reason.” He pushed in and Jason went still at the sensation. Salim's fingers felt a little different, but not unpleasant.
Salim took his sweet time in sliding that first finger in. Meanwhile his other hand was going up Jason's body to caress under his pecs. Jason's fingers curled into the bed sheets. A thumb teased just under his nipple and he twitched. The motion repeated, slower, and this time Jason whimpered.
“Should I stop?” Salim asked him.
“No,” Jason huffed. “Just wasn't expectin' any petting shit. I like it,” he added as assurance. Salim's thumb ran under Jason's nipple again and Jason groaned in response. He was aware of Salim's finger working him loose, but more of his attention was on Salim's thumb. He would appreciate the tactic if he wasn't so eager for the next brush against his skin.
Salim's thumb pressed right on the nipple and rubbed. Jason twitched again, arching his body. A second finger fit into him and Salim rubbed Jason's nipple again to distract him. It went on that way, Salim playing with Jason's nipples as his fingers loosened and stretched Jason open. When a third finger was added, Salim had moved on to lightly pulling and twisting Jason's nipples.
Jason was going to lose his goddamn mind. He didn't plan for this at all but was loving every second of it. He didn't even know he was touch-starved until Salim's hands started moving over him. Now he was a whimpering mess, his cock hard and dripping between his legs. He barely stirred when he heard Salim opening the condom.
“Forgive me, Jay,” the man huffed. “I can't wait any longer.”
“Go ahead,” Jason invited him. “Fuck me, Salim.” He felt the head spread him wide and he sank his teeth into the bed sheets to keep from screaming. He must have tensed anyway, as Salim immediately pulled out again to run his hands over Jason's body and murmur soothing words. “I'm good,” Jason grunted.
“I'll be gentle,” Salim promised. He pushed in again and Jason tried to relax into it. He knew it would feel good once Salim got going. The cock felt so huge, stretching Jason to his limit. It took forever before Salim finally nestled against the cradle of Jason's ass. He rolled his hips in a slow grinding motion that had Jason gripping tighter to the sheets.
“Ohmnguhhhd,” he groaned.
“What language was that?” Salim's voice was rough and husky, heavy breaths hot on Jason's neck and ear.
“Fuck you,” Jason slurred out.
“I'm afraid I'm not fluent.” Jason giggled despite himself. How was this guy able to be such a smart-ass? Slowly he felt Salim pull out of him until only the tip remained in, and then Jason was being filled again. Every nerve in his body was alive and buzzing from the feel of that huge cock stretching him. Salim's hands were still moving over Jason's body, too, teasing his ribs and squeezing his thighs.
Every time Salim pushed to the hilt, he moved his hips to grind against Jason's ass. Jason knew what the other was doing and tried lifting up on his knees. Eventually Salim found what he was looking for and grazed Jason's prostate. Jason nearly howled with pleasure.
“You'll make me cum with those noises, Jay,” Salim warned.
“Mmmngunna cum first,” Jason retorted dazedly. Salim struck the prostate on his next thrust, and then a second time before Jason could fully recover. His hips were picking up a rhythm Jason lost track of. “Close,” he gasped. “Salmmn.”
“Be as loud as you want, Jay,” Salim urged him.
And he was, letting the orgasm surge through him with a cry. He could feel Salim fucking into him, a hand pumping Jason's cock to help. Jason was in too much of a pleasure haze to pay much attention. A few thrusts later and Salim hit his orgasm, too. His lips pressed to Jason's cheek so quick the other thought he might have imagined it. And then they were done, Salim pulling out to dispose of the used condom while Jason flopped down onto the mattress.
“Are you all right?” Salim checked.
“M'fuckin' great,” Jason answered. “You got no idea how much I needed that.”
“I have some idea,” Salim argued. “I was just as eager as you.” Jason smiled at that and shifted to prop himself up on an elbow.
“How long you been single?”
“A few years.” Salim glanced over at him. “Why?”
“Just curious,” Jason shrugged. “You got the looks, the body, and you're a hell of a fuck.”
“The same is true for you, my friend,” Salim pointed out.
“Yeah, well... I don't usually pick up guys at bars. Or at all.” Jason pursed his lips. “I donno why I'm even tellin' you this.”
“Maybe because this is unusual for me, too,” Salim suggested gently.
“Or maybe I'm just waitin' for you to be ready to go again,” Jason countered. Salim let out a sheepish laugh. “Seriously,” Jason insisted, sliding on top of the other man. “When can your dick wreck me again?”
“Are all Americans this demanding?” Salim sighed. “Or is this me getting older?”
“Shut up, you ain't old.”
“I'm turning forty this year,” Salim corrected. Nine years Jason thought. Not that bad.
“I'll be patient,” he said out loud. He wasn't planning on sticking around past the first fuck, but he sort of liked Salim's company. And besides, the guy really was damn good. They might as well enjoy the whole night before Jason had to get back to base.
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House of ashes "Quarry AU" drabble. I'm just trying to brain storm ideas for this AU.
The campfire crackled away as the company of ex-military personnel chatted comfortably together in a circle. Even Salim has calmed down from his original hesitance towards a party after Dar strictly told him to stay inside after the van refused to start. They all tried to repair it, only making it worse. What they would do for Merwin to have decided to show up.
Jason is already on his third beer, and he is definitely getting tipsy at this point. He's laughing louder than necessary, and his southern accent is getting stronger. In Jason's boozy state, he gets an idea.
He takes another swig of his drink as he flaps his other hand to get everyone's attention. "Idea." He tries to speak with a mouth full of alcohol. He swallows with a loud "Ah." of satisfaction. "I know what would make this more interesting." Jason says with a mischievous smile as he rests his bottle on his knee, "truth or dare."
"That doesn't seem like a good idea..." Rachel says with an unsure look on her face.
"C'mon, lighten up, Rachel." Jason groans as he leans his head back. "It's just a bita fun."
"Truth or dare?" Salim asks curiously, tilting his head to the side.
"You've seriously never played?" Nick asks in surprise.
"No. I don't believe this is a common game in Iraq. How do you play?" Salim asks as he puts down his drink at his feet.
"It's easy," Jason begins, shifting to the edge of his seat to get closer to Salim. "You take turns asking people truth or dare. They pick truth, you ask them a question, and they need to answer it 100% honestly. If they pick dare, they need to do whatever you tell them to."
"Who decides who's turn is it?"
"If I asked you, after you do it, it would be your turn, then you ask Eric, and it's his, and so on and so forth." Jason explains with a circular gesture of his hand.
"Ah, I understand now. But, what if someone lies or they won't do the dare?" Salim asks, clearly intrigued by this game.
"Then they're a spoilsport and will be kicked out for not following the ruled." Jason says playfully with an adjustment of his hat.
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myshiptrashcan · 10 months
Jalim Ghost town au
just me trying to understand and sort of flesh out the idea
Zain is dead, a ghost.
Jason gets shot a d dies for approximately 7 minutes.
Zain doesn't like Jason, but he can see him. Jason isn't fond of him either. But he won't go away.
Says he needs help. But Jason doesn't give him the time of day and tries to go about his business.
Eventually he gets to him.
"It's my Baba."
In which Zain tells him how when he died his father lost the light in his eyes, lost his passion for life. He was his everything.
"So how'd you die?"
"Quickly." Was Zain's short answer.
"Alright, you're lucky I got a soft spot for kids."
"I'm Not a KID!" Jason only gave him raised brows.
"What do you want me to do about it? Your father, I mean."
And Zain sits down beside him.
"I don't know.... I just want him to be happy. That's all I wanted. I can't help him. All I can do is watch as he dies more and more each day."
Jason was tempted to throw an arm around the kid, comfort him in some way, but then again he'd just go right through him.
"I'll see what I can do but no promises ok?" And Zain lit up.
The next day.
"Alright kid. Where does he live? What's he look like?"
"Badra-Mandali! His name is Salim."
"Othman I'm assuming."
"Yes! He's your height, maybe a little taller. Black hair, dark brown eyes, a soft lovable face, pinchable cheeks, perfect hugger."
"Alright alright kid, I'm not gonna go around and start pinching cheeks and hugging every man I see."
"Not every man, just my Father. "
"He grows pumpkins..... He's let them die since then."
"should I ask around?"
"Wait what am I doing I can just show you. Follow me."
Jason watched as Zain comfortably walked out in front of him. Jason shifting his gaze to each person he passed.
"we're here."
"Knock I guess."
"And tell him what, that his dead son wants him to get a life?"
"Figure something out." Zain hissed.
So opens the door Salim looking tired and grey somehow.
Well, here goes nothing.
"Hey, I'm Jason." He starts awkwardly while Salim just gives him an odd look.
"I'm new."
"You just moved in?"
"Yeah." Jason answered lamely.
"You just moved in?"
"Uh, yes? What's the deal?"
"You're an American soldier."
"Marines. Is that a problem?" Jason started to puff up.
"Actually honorably discharged, took a bullet a few months back and I just haven't been the same." Christ! Why did i say that?
There was a silence for a moment.
"Come in, Jason."
"You like coffee?" Salim said already filling the water, and Jason saw Zain sit down at the table.
"Yes please, and thank you. I'll be honest I was a bit nervous to introduce myself."
"And why is that?" Salim hadn't looked over at Jason but Zain did with narrowed eyes.
"I didn't bring a pie."
And to everyones surprise Salim laughed.
Coffees now in hand they drank quietly, Salim looking only fairly less miserable.
"Well I thank ye kindly for the hospitality." Jason stepped out side, putting on an exaggerated cowboy accent. Thumbs in his belt before tipping his hat to Salim.
"I am sorry for not being a very sociable host, I haven't been feeling well." Salim leaned against the door and Jason's smile dropped.
"I'm sorry to hear that." Jason said with a rasp of emotion in his voice, knowing full well what Salim was talking about. The kid was standing right behind him.
"Although it may not have seemed like it, I did enjoy your company. Perhaps sometime soon you can bring over that pie and we can drink coffee again, neighbor."
"Right. Well thank you again, hope you feel better soon. Goodnight."
"It's barely past noon, Jason."
"Uh, yeah, well it'll be night at some point today." And Salim chuckled again at Jason.
"Goodnight then, cowboy."
"Fuck!" Jason cursed when he walked away enough.
"To which part?" Zain said beside him.
"I told him I live here."
"So I heard, tell me which one Is yours?" Zain mocked trying to find Jason's house.
"That's not funny. What am I gonna do?"
"You could you know."
"Could what?"
"Live here, there are plenty of free houses. That one right there looks good."
"Yeah right, Im Not about to go house hunting with some kid."
"It's only a few houses down from Baba's, you'd be close enough to keep an eye on him."
"It's a No, kid. Drop it."
"I'm worried about him."
"Yeah I've heard." Jason scoffed.
"I think he's trying to kill himself. " and that stopped Jason in his tracks.
"What do you mean?"
"The only time he doesn't have that lifeless look in his eyes is when he sees something that could end it..... Jason, I don't want to watch him do that." And there where tears rolling down his cheeks.
"Fuck. Come here kid." He opened his arms and Zain rushed into and through them.
"Shit! Sorry, forgot." Jason grunted after sneezing.
"I hate this. I hate being dead. It's not fair! He doesn't deserve this!" Zain screamed.
"And what about you?"
"This isn't about me, it's about my Baba. So are you going to help him or what?!" There was fire in Zain's eyes.
"Yeah Kid. I'm going to help your Father. You said this one was good?" Jason pointed walking over to the empty house.
"How are you going to pay for it?" Zain sniffed, collecting himself.
"I got a fair bit of cash after my discharge, I can afford it."
So Jason moves in the next day after settling on a price with he seller, he doesn't have much but two boxes to move, and a cot.
"Hey man are you sure about this?"
"It's a bit late now, Nick. Already bought the place." Jason huffed struggling with one of the boxes before Nick took it from him.
"Are you going to be ok by yourself I mean?"
"I ain't by myself." And Nick tilted his head in question.
Shit! Right, Nick can't see him.
"I've always got you don't I?"
"Always, semper Fi."
"Semper Fi.... Plus I met one of my new neighbors yesterday, nice guy."
"I'll leave yo to then. I gotta get back to camp." Nick threw a thumb over his shoulder.
"I get you. Go on then. And thanks for the help moving. "
"Lucky me you don't own a couch."
They waved and Jason turned back to his new home with a chuckle in his lips.
"That your friend?"
"What's it to ya?"
"He seems nice, I like him."
"So it's just me you don't like?" Jason piped only half serious.
"Is this really all your stuff?" Zain asked looking at the small pile of things by the door.
"Everything I own here. Guess since I'll be staying awhile might as well build it up some." He said rummaging through a box.
"You don't have any food or cooking supplies." Zain mentioned walking around.
"I've got a few days of food right here, should be enough until I get something for the kitchen."
"Like a pie?" Zain smirked at him.
"I'll have you know my mom and her mom and I'm assuming her mom before that all cooked our famous Kolchek Pie for friends and neighbors." Jason pointed a finger at the ghost.
"Famous how?"
"Locally, but I'll have you know that pie has won blue ribbons at every fair it's entered, even made the front page on the paper." Jason lifted his chin to him.
"Slow news day."
"Oh fuck off!"
"So are you going to make it for my father?"
"The pie, are you going to make it for him like you said you would?" Zain rolled his eyes.
Jason only glared at the boy before putting his few belongings away.
That night there was a knock at his door.
"Zain, who is it?" Jason whispered out.
"I don't know, open the door a find out yourself." Zain snarked for all the teenager he was.
When he open the door it was Salim standing in the lamp light.
"Oh, Jason."
"What are you doing here?"
"I made us something to eat, for dinner, to celebrate your new home!" Salim held out a pot he was holding with one kitchen glove and a rag.
"I don't have any silverware, or bowls." Jason said blankly.
"Ah, I could bring some for you to borrow..... Can I come in?"
"Shit, yes, sorry, come in." Jason stepped aside and held the door open for Salim.
"I'll be right back, my friend." Salim said after putting the pot down.
"Your dad, he a good cook?" jason eyed the pot.
"The best." Zain wanted to growl
"I'll take your word for it then."
Salim came back with his arms full.
"Two cups, two forks, two spoons, bowls, plates. I trust they'll be well cared for?"
"On my honor." Jason held a hand over his heart and a hand in the air.
"That a Marine thing?"
"Sort of, it's more a me thing though."
"On your honor then." Salim eyed, before setting up the table.
"I gotta tell ya Salim, this is a lot better than the meal I had planned." Jason said happily as he ate.
"Which was?"
"Let me see " he leaned over to grab a flat box.
"This says chili Mac, and I've got a dry cracker."
"You were really going to eat that?"
"It's all I got for now. Then there you come like and Angel sent from heaven with your hands full of this delicious stew." Jason chirped giving a grin and a friendly wink.
"It's made from the last of my pumpkin harvest." Salim seemed to look through his spoon.
"Best damn pumpkin I've ever had, and that's sayin something."
"Why's that?"
"Not sure If you could tell, but I grew up in a small town of house wives and farmers. Too much time and too much food."
"I never would have guessed!" Salim laughed.
"It's true! And we had fairs a plenty! Nobody wanted their blue ribbons like us Kolcheks, and nobody had as many either!"
(Jason's own father had hung himself when he was a teen, he never knew why, never thought that his father was unhappy. That's why when Zain said he was worried about Salim it changed his mind about helping. Jason was the one to find his father, he doesn't want the same thing to happen to Zain, he's just a kid after all.
Also Jason accidentally breaks Salim's plate and he is freaking out about it. He shows up at Salim's door, shoulders sagging and he's low. The broken plate on his bloody hands. He's sobbing about being sorry he broke it, it was an accident, if he could fix it or buy him ten knew plates. Salim at this point doesn't care and is worried about Jason's bleeding hands. Pulls him inside and asks what happened. Jason says he was washing them when his side starting hurting sending him to the floor in pain, out of breath and being unable to see for a moment. When the pain lessened the plate was broken at his hand were all cut up.
Jason is also worried he'll see the ghost of the girl he and Nicky shot, about how the next time a situation like that happened he hesitated, the part of camp slayer was bombed and more showed up to shoot. People died and Jason got shot. He didn't make the right call twice now both times lives were lost needlessly, this is something he tells Salim far later into the story. Jason doesn't sleep well at all.
Eventually Zain shares why he thinks he may have deserved to die, how he was a bad son. How his father gave him everything, loved him more than anything, was proud and caring and how Zain still managed to fuck things up. How he would steal. He's not sure why he does it and that it could cause real problems for him and his father if he's caught. How for some reason he wanted to be as far away from his father as he could, just because he would get into arguments over him stealing. He didn't mean it. Zain cries when telling this to Jason. He misses being alive, being with his father.
Not sure how Zain died though.
Salim gets better and Jason is falling HARD for Salim. And it scares him. Something happens, Jason is pushing Salim away, you know, some angst, zain isn't happy about that.
Angst happens Jason dies, he's saved, he bakes a pie once recovered and knocks on Salim's door with it in hand.
"Howdy, Neighbor. I baked you a pie." )
Anyway that's what I got so far for the idea. I finally got to watch Ghost Town again, so. Yeah.
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cwistopherhartley · 2 years
The devil in me spoilers below the cut! :)
Half asleep info dump/thought train..
• first off it’s giving joshua Washington/pos
• was that a dylan reference??? The body with no hand in the shed 🥺
• the fact that I was so scared Connie would die that I full on sobbed
• that ending sequence in general holy shit
• I love Charlie that piece of shit /pos
• in the past few games I’ve always had one or more characters I highly disliked (Fliss, Angela, Rachel) but I fully loved and enjoyed all of them this time around
• selective mutism and asthma representation!!!!
• SALIM CAMEO (hearing him with no accent is cursed)
• glitches galore but what else did I expect
• hc Erin as neurodivergent bc I am and I said so
• I love me a good saw trap the one with the two construction workers tied to the saw was specifically wild
• Jamie and Kate friendship arc!!!!
• the two at the beginning were so cute and it was Julia and I think Jason??? Face models SO CUTE
• it was super interesting watching a game play out that’s actually fully possible. Sure man of medan and little hope kind of??? Could but this is definitely full on nightmare fuel
• I kept bullying the killer by calling him gummy guy like wtf he gonna do to me he ain’t got no teeth and it was hilarious
• hc that mark is related to nick and brad (I’ve already hc that nick is brad’s uncle) so I’m thinking nick’s brother maybe? 😳 THEY JUST LOOK SO SIMILAR AND ACT SO CLOSELY TO ONE ANOTHER
• the hiding mechanic is so cool
• we can finally run
More to come
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tatjana-fantasy · 1 year
Chapter 7 of Repeat Day is up!
It's the last chapter and the final time loop. I hope you'll enjoy it :D And if you're interested in everything that didn't make it into the fic, you can read it under the cut - please only after finishing the last chapter ;)
When I first started “Repeat Day”, I thought I could include much more outcomes, so the first half of the fic in particular has many choices and consequences that never appear again. Mostly because they would've made the fic way too complicated without actually providing anything of substance.
The very first scene of the fic originally ended with Jason telling Rachel how to avoid the explosives he set up with Nick earlier. I planned for one timeline where Jason accidentally blows up Eric, Rachel and Clarice by forgetting where the explosives are, because that is what happened during my first playthrough XD It was kinda useless in the grand scheme of things though, so I cut it altogether.
Similarly, Jason was supposed to find out about Clarice's danger status via the Eric death connected to it, but due to my personal rules of choices and consequences, it simply couldn't happen. And by the time I thought I might as well change the rules, he was already too genre-savvy to let her live long enough D:
I was also thinking of making Clarice savable, but decided against it because of the multitude of changes it would have required. The same thing happened to Vampire Rachel – just thinking about all the possibilities made my head hurt, so with a heavy heart, I decided not to include her.
There are a few smaller consequences that got cut (like the various ways Jason and Salim can meet in Enemy of my Enemy, several other conversations with other characters, Jason being alive and infected, or his entire accent lol), but there are three bigger changes that weren't part of the game and ultimately not part of the fanfic.
Firstly, Jason's backstory. It was VASTLY different in my first draft, making his involvement in Jeff's death so indirect that it was honestly boring. I eventually decided that it was much more interesting to give him a more active role, so him blaming himself for Jeff's death actually made sense. This is a change I'm very happy with because his backstory now is a hundred times better than the one he had before. (Before, it was Jeff's turn to visit him, Jason told him to take the earlier train home, and that train got into a fatal accident. Yup, I'm glad I changed that.)
Secondly, an entire time loop ended up being cut. Here, Jason let slip a little too many things he couldn't possibly know about without the time loops (like Nick dating Rachel or mentioning Zain early), so the others became weary of him and he eventually confessed the whole time loop thing. Once again, it made the whole story too complicated, so I focused on the normal time loops instead.
However – thirdly – I always knew that the story would end with the others finding out about the time loops, because I always thought it was unfair that only the main character ever remembered them. But I wasn't sure how I wanted the others to find out. Would Jason simply tell them? Sounded boring. Or maybe they secretly were in their own, personal time loops? Sounded interesting, but also a little cliché. So finally, I opted for the simple solution of the others remembering all time loops the moment Jason ends them. A little too deus ex machina? Yeah, probably. But what do they say? Everything's fair in love and war, and this was definitely both ;D (Plus, I always imagined that at least a part of their experiences transitioned over with each passing day.)
Either way – I hope you enjoyed this fic, since it meant quite a lot to me :)
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homohaamu · 2 years
Bilingual Jason! What if Jason knows how to speak Russian but doesn’t tell Salim. Salim finds out about it one day when he comes home and Jason is either cursing up a storm in Russian or singing Russian song while doing chores. Needless to say Salim is kinda turned on by it.
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bieuphoriasworld · 2 years
Was honestly just thinking about Salim and Jason and their approach to PDA.
With their religious backgrounds in their respective countries at the time they grew up in, we can safely say they probably have a lot of internalised homophobia/biphobia, and have learnt to be covert about their sexuality (if not just repressing/ignoring it altogether). Even growing up when I grew up (the last 10 years or so) I had learnt that I had to tailor my behaviour; how I spoke and walked and looked at people, in order to stay safe. The point is, you learn to hide it very carefully. Hiding is pretty much just a method of survival.
So when they first get together in Badra-Mandali, they slowly shed their own internal issues, becoming more emotionally close to one another. Late talks into the night. Sharing each other’s cultures. Easy touches and kisses. Probably the best sex either of them have ever had.
But in public, they are just two friends. They act like brothers, with backslaps and friendly wrestling, joking around together loudly. It’s like there is a complete dichotomy between home versus public. And they are both okay with it until one day Salim grabs Jason’s hand when they are out. And Jason recoils back. And it is just way too obvious how panicked they both look to any outsiders, so they rush home. Salim tries explaining that male friends do that in public all the time, but Jason is so angry and upset and scared. So Salim swears he’ll never do it again, and he’s afraid that they may have caught the attention of the wrong people now. It’s time to leave, for both their sakes.
I come from England, and I’ll take any opportunity to dunk on my country. This place is a hellfuck nightmare. But it’s definitely not the worst place to be gay in. And Salim misses his son, his son who has already called home multiple times to tell him that he’s decided to stay on and get a doctorate. So Salim and Jason leave for England. They can’t afford rent in London, because if you come from England then you damn well know you’ll pay approx £3000 per minute for an apartment with no electricity that is 2 square feet in London. So they move to Brighton, into a nice apartment by the sea. They get decent paying jobs and settle down, still just friends sharing rent to the rest of the world.
The first time Salim and Jason see two guys kissing in a pub, it fries their brains. Jason can’t stop gaping, while Salim puts his head down after glancing once, not daring to be caught looking. No one stops the men. They aren’t heckled. They aren’t harassed. They don’t get thrown out. The nice bartender even goes to chat to them, they are regulars.
A few weeks later, Jason takes Salim’s hand as they walk down the pier. They’ve both got expressions on like men being led out to be shot, but they do it anyway. And nothing happens. So they keep doing it.
And I want you to imagine how over the years they shed the shame and the fear. They meet people like them. They laugh their asses off when they realise they accidentally moved to the gay capital of the country. They kiss out in public all the time, especially during the pride parades that swallow the city in rainbows. Zain regularly takes the train down to visit his baba and his baba’s boyfriend. It’s not perfect, bigots exist anywhere in the world. But the corner they chose to settle on has a couple of old butches as their neighbours, a gang of queer students who learn Arabic from salim and make fun of Jason’s accent, a trans woman who smacks the first guy who tries to mess with the pair late one night. They are not alone anymore.
So they grow grey together, two old men who are forever in love completely.
Yeah I’m a massive romantic, sue me.
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hopesallwegotleft · 2 years
Finally managed to finish a little continuation to that Valentine’s Day fic. It’s 1795 words and all PWP tbh.
So note it’s NSFW, and as a heads-up for the folks who don’t like that configuration, this features Jason fingering Salim.
Hot water rose up his body, submerging him from his curled toes to his collarbone, swirling around him at the slightest motion. His whole body drifted, weightless, carried by the water. His back rested against the slanted side of the tub, absorbing the heat.
The smell of jasmine sweetened the air, and he took a deep breath of it, filling his lungs before slowly exhaling through his nose.
Jason had left the bathtub earlier, not wanting his skin to prune. Before leaving, he'd first placed a rolled-up towel on the lip. Salim's head seemed to have doubled in weight, so he hadn't hesitated to let it fall back into the smooth, fresh cotton waiting for him.
Jason had proven himself a considerate lover during their time together, but this was something else.
For this short time, he didn't have to think of anything, didn't have to shoulder any responsibility, didn't even have to lift his head. Like the weight of a mountain had been lifted from his back. It left him untethered, the sudden freedom floating through him in an exhilarating rush.
He preferred to use Jason's shoulder as a cushion, but he wasn't going to be ungrateful for the wonderful time Jason had given him already. Allah, when had he last felt like this?
Damp air trapped the heat in the bathroom, lulling him into a drowsy, half-awake state. It took no effort to lie there, his muscles all loose and relaxed, no worries troubling his mind.
He debated mustering up the effort to fetch their portable radio when the door opened. Wisps of steam escaped into the hallway as Jason returned, bringing a wave of cool air with him. A large towel clung to his hips, and his hair was an unruly mess on top of his head, like he'd furiously scrubbed it dry. Salim smiled, heart skipping a beat at the sight.
Although Jason was without a radio, he did carry a small, wooden stool, which he plonked down beside the tub. Then he sat down with a smirk. "Ready for part two, Salim?"
There was no mistaking that look; Jason wore it often enough. His insides squirmed with the need to touch or be touched, and he nodded, reaching out to cup Jason's cheek.
"Yes," he said, the word layered with anticipation.
Jason’s smirk dropped into a small smile at his response. The type he saved just for Salim.
With his elbows resting along the edge of the tub, Jason closed the distance between them to a few inches. He took Salim's own hand, placing it back on the edge of the tub, then wriggled his fingers between the cotton towel and Salim's head. It ended with Jason's hand cupping the back of his head, fingers brushing through his half-dried hair.
The water sloshed as Salim sat up—sluggishness suddenly forgotten—closing his eyes and slotting their mouths together. The moment he parted his lips, Jason slipped his tongue inside and leaned into the kiss, nudging Salim to lie back down again.
With the knowledge Jason had more in store, Salim didn't push to deepen the kiss but went along with it. He settled back in the tub, head cradled in Jason's palm, eager to be spoiled. More than he already had been.
Although he had his eyes closed for the kiss, he heard a swish as Jason disturbed the water. Then he felt the tips of Jason's fingers trail over his knee and up, hand settling around the curve of his thigh. The hand brushed back and forth an inch, the sensitive area tingling from the sudden skin-to-skin contact, and from how close it was to his cock. Jason licked into his mouth, then pulled back to nip at his lower lip.
"Spread those legs for me, darlin'," Jason drawled, accent heavier than usual.
It all sent a frisson of excitement along his nerves, waking his body up and signaling an entirely different kind of pleasure. As Jason pressed a series of slow, chaste kisses to his mouth, it took Salim a moment to respond.
He opened his eyes partway, lifting an eyebrow in retort. "They're already spread."
Jason's grin grew, hand brushing further up his leg. But when he reached the top of his thigh, he didn't reach for his stirring cock. He headed lower, to the curve of his ass, and Salim sucked in air at the implication.
"Not spread enough. I'm gonna need a little more room to work with."
The moment Jason's fingers brushed lower still, dipping between his cheeks, his legs fell wide open, mouth watering.
"Oh," he breathed, making a ceremonious gesture with his hand. "It’s official. You've now made this my favorite day of the year."
"Yeah?" Jason huffed out a laugh, his expression so open and unguarded Salim couldn't help but smile back. "Maybe I oughta turn every day into your favorite day."
"Jason, I'm forty-one."
"And tougher than anyone I know. You'll keep up," Jason said, his tone final. He didn't bluster or jest, he just sounded matter-of-fact, like he'd stated something as certain as the sun coming up tomorrow.
Salim recognized what he was doing, and yet he couldn't help but be convinced. 
Infuriating American.
"C'mon, Salim," Jason said, the tip of his finger rubbing at his hole, circling over the rim as Salim held his breath. "Just lie back and let me take care of you." His voice was firm and deliberate, full of that alluring charm of his.
So Salim did as told. He relaxed, shutting his eyes and giving his body over to Jason. The hand supporting his head brushed through his hair, massaging his scalp.
"I'll make you feel real good," Jason promised.
Salim hummed in the darkness, his own voice low as he forced his mouth to work, "That I know, hayati."
The pads of Jason's fingers kept teasing, smoothing over his hole again and again. Although his body stayed loose and limber, the action sent sparks of pleasure rushing through his body, and his cock stiffened further.
"Gonna open you up, sweetheart," Jason continued, pressing a kiss to his temple as he opened up under the attention, feeling the intrusion of Jason's fingers. Just as Jason had said. Thick as they were, they were nothing compared to his cock, and Jason only pushed in to the first knuckle before he pulled out, repeating the motion.
He already wanted more. He spread his legs even wider, straining against the walls of the tub, leaving himself vulnerable and exposed for Jason.
When he cracked his eye open to a slit, he saw the muscles in Jason's arm flex, moving between his legs. His body stretched around Jason's fingers, accepting them as they inched inside, working him open. This time, Jason didn't pull them back out but sank them in further, wringing out a groan from him with every slow twist.
"That's it. Keep making those pretty sounds for me, Salim," Jason rasped, sounding as affected as Salim felt. "Fucking turning me on."
"Jason," he breathed, needing everything the man would give him. He clung to the edges of the tub, fingers clenching around the ceramic as he tried to cope with everything; the heat of the bath and the room, the way his heart hammered inside his chest, and the movement of Jason's fingers working inside of him.
"Gonna make you come from just my fingers," Jason said, the words igniting a fire inside of him. Yes. Yes, he wanted that, wanted those talented fingers pushing him over the edge. "How's that sound?"
"Sounds—" he panted, swallowing down the saliva pooling in his mouth, "Sounds agreeable."
Jason gave him a look, but didn't say anything. A second slid by silently, then another finger joined the two inside of him. Together they brushed deep inside, spreading him wide open. The water rippled from the way his legs trembled.
"Very agreeable," he amended with his last bit of air, gasping for more as Jason thrust the three digits into him.
"That's what I thought."
He huffed. And Jason dared to call him a smartass.
From the corner of his eye he saw Jason smirk, as if he wasn't just as hard beneath his towel as Salim was. The covered erection drew his eye. If he reached out, he could wrap his hand around—
"Later," Jason said, interrupting before he could finish that trail of thought. "Right now, the spotlight's all on you, darlin'."
He saw Jason's arm shift as he worked. It dipped between his thighs, fingers curling and brushing right over that sensitive spot, sending shocks through his system. His head lolled to the side in Jason's hold, and he arched into the touch, his body seeking more without waiting for his permission.
Part of his body tensed at the touch of Jason's fingers, but it was muted, subdued under the haze of bone-deep relaxation that had settled over him. He couldn’t tell how many minutes had passed as he lay there, and he didn’t care.
Jason's other hand drew him in for a slow, deep kiss, fitting their mouths together. Salim responded in kind, angling his head so they fit together, feeling Jason's tongue dart past his lips.
The water stirred, lapping at his skin as Jason fucked him with his fingers, rubbing at the same spot with a steady pressure. He moaned into the kiss, pulling back when his lungs burned with the need for air.
"Oh," he sighed in pleasure, drawing out the sound. His cock twitched against his stomach as he rocked back on Jason's fingers, his head hazy from arousal.
"You're close," Jason rasped.
It wasn't a question, but Salim nodded anyway. "Yes," the word was a hoarse, breathy demand whispered between them, and Salim kept repeating it, urging Jason on, until he trailed off as he needed air.
His mouth fell open when Jason pushed in deep and didn't withdraw, twisting and dragging over that one spot. All he could do was shiver as Jason's fingers insisted, working him over until the small knot of tension inside of him unraveled.
Jason held him throughout his orgasm, milking him dry as he clenched around him, and only then did he ease his fingers out, soothing his thumb over the rim.
The sound of his panting filled the bathroom, echoing around the walls as his heart drummed against his ribs. He barely heard it over the rush of blood in his ears.
After a long while, his heartbeat settled again, and his breathing slowed to his regular rhythm. 
He smiled up at Jason. "Every day, you said?"
Jason snorted, recognizing it for the joke it was. "As often as you'll let me." 
Then he grinned down at Salim, eyes filled with love. "Happy Valentine's, Salim."
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Promises (Jason Kolchek) Part 7
Summary: You are a DIA Field Agent working with Camp Slayer when a certain man with a southern accent caught your attention.
Words: 2.4K
Requested: Yes/No
Warnings and A/N:
Tag list: @house-of-kolchek @thefictionalgemini @fruitcup4prez @shinydixon
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You six were kneeling right where you could see the big ass cocoon. Jason and Salim had the binoculars. “Shit you seeing what I am seeing?”
“Those mounds are made of cocoons. Thousands of them. If we set the charges there, They’ll all burn,”
“They’re hatching! We gotta move, quick. Okay, listen up. We’ve been hit hard tonight. We’ve lost brothers. But now, it’s time to get some payback.We plant charges as many of those clusters as possible and then detonate them remotely. The second those charges go off we haul ass to the exit. If luck is on our side, we’ll do more than fry a few vampires, we’ll create a diversion,”
Rachel was the one to speak next. “If we die here at least we’ll take some of those bastards down with us,”
“Okay…Who’s going to place the dynamite?”
No one said anything for a few seconds until Nick said it. “Alright. Fuck it. I’ll do it,”
Jason shook his head. “You’re crazy. We’ll do it together,”
You instinctively gripped onto Jason's arm after hearing that. “Nah, the more of us down there, the more chances we’ll get seen. Take the detonator. If I don’t make it,”," Nick said then looked down at your hand that was gripping Jason's arm and slightly smiled. "Plus you got someone to protect,"
Jason didn't remove your hand from his arm but he tried to move it to talk to him so you let go of it. “Nick-"
“Hear me out. If I don’t make it, I want you to blow those charges. Just don’t go getting trigger happy on me,”
Jason shifted on his feet and pointed to Nick. “Every step of the way you keep in radio contact,”
“And if there’s no radio signal?”
“Then I’ll pop a flare. You see it go up, you hit the detonator,”
“Be quick and be safe, you hear me buddy?”
Eric pulled out the UV and handed it to NIck. You’ll need this,”
“Hell yeah. Thanks, Colonel,”
You stood up, looked at Nick and he pulled you into his arms. “If I don't make it, I want you to make sure Jason doesn't do anything stupid,”
You laughed as you pulled from him. "I can't promise that,"
You and the other four stood there waiting for Nick to radio. He did every few minutes like Jason told him to do. Jason or Salim would answer him. You don't know what is going through Jason's mind right now but you know it's gotta be torture. Nick is his best friend. His brother. If Jason loses Nick, he wouldn't be Jason anymore. He radioed up saying that he was going to plant one on the biggest collection of cocoons. He also radioed to ask if he was clear and Jason was about to tell him no but Salim told Jason not too and tell him to finish his job cause it was already too late. The vampires were starting to swarm him. Nick knew that was bullshit and he radioed to say it.
You didn't hear from Nick again and your heart shattered for you, for Jason and for Nick as you saw the flare go up. Jason sighed and hit the detonator. Within a few seconds, everything went up in flames and started to crash down. You all tried to call Nick but he didn't answer. You held back tears as you five started going back to the elevator. You all heard some interference in your coms which made Eric turn around and look down to where Nick was. You walked up to Eric. “Is it Nick?”
“He’s alive!”
“Nick! Confirm your position,”
“I’m two hundred meters from the door bearing three twenty. But I’m injured. I need help,”
Your heart jumped at the sound of his voice and you quickly looked at Jason and saw that his face was full of relief. "Hang tight Sergeant. We’re on our way,”
You and the team were already half way down to where Nick was before Eric finished that. As you got closer to Nick, the more and more vampires were. You shot as many as you could get. You finally saw Nick and saw that some thousand year human looking vampire holding Nick up, choking the life out of him Salim walked over there and pushed the pipe into the creature, killing it. You and Jason ran up to Nick. "We got you,"
You both helped Nick to his feet. You and the rest of them just climb and climb until you had reached enough height. Jason was the first on it and he helped you finish climbing it. Then it was Eric who helped Rachel up. Then you helped Nick up. “Where the fuck is Salim? Those charges were a Godsend. Feels like this whole damn place is coming down,”
You walked over to where Jason was. Jason quickly looked over to Nick and then back. “That’s Salim. He’s still alive. Salim! Come in, man, Are you there?”
Salim came through. “I’m surrounded! I'm in real trouble here. Vampires…So many vampires,”
Nick shared a look with Jason. “What’s there to think about? We go back down there, we die with him!”
Eric and Rachel agreed with Nick. “He’s a dead man! We need to go! That man is not one of us!”
Jason shook his head. “You’re wrong. Salim is one of us now. Marines don’t leave their own behind. You hear me Salim,”
Salim answered back. “If I don’t make it out, tell my son I did everything I could,”
“Tell him yourself. I’m coming to get you,”
You looked at the other three. "Really guys? Salim isn't one of us?" You pointed to Nick. "He just saved your ass,"
You turned around and started walking with Jason who was already on his way. He heard you walking to him. He turned around and stopped you. "No. You get to the elevator. I'll be there soon,"
"Jason, no. I'm not leav-"
Jason cut you off with a kiss. "I love you. Nick. Eric. Take her to the elevator,"
You felt arms wrapped around your arms and you looked up and saw that it was Eric and Nick. As Jason walked to save Salim. Eric and Nick were pulling you the opposite way. You thrashed around in their grip, accidently kicking Eric in the groin. "JASON! Let me go! I need to go with Jason,"
Which made Eric loosen his grip on you but Nick had tightened his grip on you. "Y/N! Stop. Jason wants you to go to the elevator. He doesn't want your help. He doesn't want you to get killed,"
You didn't stop thrashing in his arm until he put you in the elevator and they both blocked you from leaving. Even though you tried your best to break free of them, they were stronger than you. A lot stronger. You heard feet running towards the elevator and Eric and Nick stepped aside. You saw Jason running with Salim into the elevator. You immediately wrapped your arms around the back of Jason's neck while he and Nick did their handshake. “Takes more than a few bats to kill you,”
Jason shook his head. “That was un-fucking-believeable. Those things were all over us but we had busted through them like it was the last down of the Super Bowl,”
You whispered into Jason's ear. Don't ever do that again. I love you too,"
You let him go only so he could turn around and to interlace your fingers with his and grabbed his arm a little bit up from his hand with your other hand. Jason knew that you wouldn't let him go so he didn't even try to hint at it or make you but he still addressed the team. “Listen up. We’re not out of the woods yet. But what I see in front of me, you’re the best. Fuck that, the best of the best and we will get home,”
Jason, Eric Nick and Salim all did the orrah thing as you were still gripping Jason's arm. As soon as you got to the top, you guys took no chances and just kept running, you saw ropes that someone put down and climbed up it. You had run out of the door frame of some room and then Rachel looked up and saw an exit. “The statute! It's a way out,”
You all climbed up the statue and the boys were the first out of the hole. The boys helped pull you and Rachel out. You let out a breath that you didn't know you knew you needed. No one dared to speak, afraid that it was just a dream until Rachel spoke. “We made it.Soak up those rays, guys. Soak it all up,”
Nick was laying on the grown all sprawled out and Jason was sitting next to him, tapped on his leg. "You still with me buddy?"
Only thing Nick did was give a thumbs up. You smiled at that while Jason laughed. 'We got two alive, very fucking ready to go home marines here,"
You walked over to Jason while Eric was trying to get into contact with someone. You got on your knee and just fell into Jason’s chest and buried your head as he wrapped both of his arms around your waist as he tangled one of his hands in your hair. "We made it out, baby girl. We made it out,"
You didn't say anything as you just laid there. After a few minutes of Jason just holding you, you got off him and pulled him up but you were still in his arms. "You think those shepherds are still around here? I could use a cold one,"
Salim was just enjoying the heat and you could tell he was thinking deeply. Probably about his son. “I must return home to my boy. He must be worried about me,”
You noticed that the sky was getting darker and you quickly turned in Jason’s arms to look up at the sky and saw that the moon was covering the sun. It was a total lunar eclipse. Your heart started to beat fast as you felt Jason’s heart did too. Rachel was the one to speak. “No! Not again!”
You saw a vampire fly out of the hole and your heart dropped. You pulled the gun out of your holster and cocked it as the others and Rachel barked an order as well. “Inside! Get inside! NOW! If we stay out here, we die!”
You all run towards one of the huts. Rachel was still barking orders. “Shore up the defenses. Look this house down tight,”
You all worked on shoring the house. Blocking the windows and covering anything that had a hole in it. Rachel looked at Eric. “How long until the damn eclipse passes?”
“Six minutes max! We just need to hold out,”
“This is way too long” You could easily hear the irritation in Jason’s voice.
Eric took a second to look back at Jason and then back in front of him. “I can’t rush the damn moon!”
If you were scared to lose your life, you would’ve laughed at Eric’s comment. The sound coming from the roof sent you pointing your gun to the roof. You saw Jason looking at the roof was crumbling under their weight. “They’re breaking inside,”
Jason shot at the vampire that started coming in through the roof as you and the others shot the ones coming through the windows. You were too busy focusing on shooting at the ones coming at you from the front that you didn’t notice that there was one above you. You screamed as the feet dug into your skin but you thrashed around it’s grip until it finally dropped you. The impact of the fall made you scream out in pain and temporarily paraylized. You looked at everyone else and they were all busy fighting off a vampire themselves.
You saw a vampire coming for you, you prayed to get movement but no such luck. The second the vampire lunged at you, you regained movement, you quickly dogged out of the vampire’s path and luckily landed right next to your gun, you shot at the vampire until it backed off and took off out the window. You tried to shoot at it but the gun clicked. You were out of ammo, you reached into your pack so you could get about clip but you were out. “Fuck! This is my last round,”
You kept shooting them and until you went to grab you another round. “Fuck! This is my last round,”
Eric and Rachel both said the same thing. You guessed the other ones were running out too. “Anyone got any bright ideas?”
Eric looked around the hut and walked over to one of the corners of the huts that had crates sitting there. He picked them up, quickly placed them in front of the team and opened them up. You looked over into them and it wasn’t ammo. It was flares and just flares.
Rachel grunted out in annoyance. “Is this it, flares? Where’s the ammo?”
Eric grabbed one of the crates. “Light them! We can hold them off,”
Armed with nothing but a small army knife and a lit flare you all back into a circle, a last ditch effort to fend off the vampires. One was coming straight for you and you prepared yourself for the attack. You didn’t even have time to even use the flare as it jumped at you which knocked the flare out of your hand but luckily you still had the knife. You stabbed it over and over again until it backed off enough so you could reach for the flare. You grabbed the flare and burned it against the vampire. You pressed it against it until it fled the hut. “Y/N! Watch out!”
You barely had time to register what Jason yelled out to you when you were pushed and your head hit the brick wall hard causing your vision to go in and out. The ringing in your ears muffled everything, you could barely hear Jason or the fighting. You saw a blurry Jason come into your view but everything you heard was muffled. “Y/n!,”
“I’m so tired, Jas,”
Your eyelids dropped but were quickly opened because Jason shook you. “Stay with me. Don’t close your eyes,”
“What, baby?”
“I love you,”
“I love you too,”
You saw Jason’s head turn and look up. “She was thrown against the wall and she hit her head hard,”
You heard a voice you didn’t recognize but you figured that it was the rescue team. “We got her, get to the helo,”
You saw Jason shake his head. “All due respect but if you think I’m leaving her, you’re fucking stupid,”
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slothinplaid · 4 years
Star Wars Experience Part 4 (aka Mom and I Watch Star Wars):
The Mandalorian
There are SO many people that mom & I recognized in the cast list for the show, lmao. That being said. Most of these comments will probably be us yelling about seeing people we know, lmao.
Episode 1: The Mandalorian
1. Yepp. Immediately. Me: "Oh hey, that's Apollo Creed." Mom: "Huh. Yeah."
2. Omid Abtahi the /moment/ he stepped into frame mom yells "SALIM!! IT'S SALIM/NOT-SALIM!! DO YOU REMEMBER HIM?? I LOVE HIM!! 😭" yes Ma, I remember him, he's a cutie, and I know you do
3. Mom, hearing Kuiil speak for .02 seconds, "Oh, that's Nick Nolte." Wow. And she is apparently stealing, "I have spoken" for herself, haha
4. The Blurrgs freak me out. 😬 They're a mix of blob fish, tadpoles, & piranhas and I Don't Like Them.
5. I was not expecting Taika to use an American accent, so we only caught that he was IG-11 when his accent slipped on a word and we realized it was the voice he used in Seven Stages to Achieve Eternal Bliss as Storsh, lmfao.
6. Not even gonna lie, as soon as I saw Baby Yoda I screamed, lmao. He's just. So fucking cute. 😭
Episode 2: The Child
1. Mom already relates so hard to Mando that she guesses what he's thinking...because it's what she's thinking, lmfao
2. I guess the Jawas have ventured into space to...yet another sand planet, lmao.
3. My first impression of the Mudhorn: Sand Rhino. Then mom observed it was covered in hair. So. /Wooly/ Sand Rhino. Lmao. The egg was weird!! Kinda...kiwi-ish? Mom thought the Jawas wanted it to sell it; I figured they were gonna eat it. I was right and the uh, yolk, I guess, looked more like melted cheese to me, haha.
4. Both of us when Baby Yoda passed out after using the Force on the Mudhorn: "Oh NO!! 😨😭😟"
Episode 3: The Sin
1. Then when Mando gave the baby to the Client: 😑😧😡 & when he got his armor and rescued the baby: 😑😶😍
2. The other Mandalorians helping him escape with the baby was pretty toight.
Episode 4: Sanctuary
1. We both thought Omera looked familiar so I looked it up and yeah. She was Leah in New Moon, lmao. And then, even though it was dark and the quality kinda gross, I saw the side of Eugene Cordero's face and yelled out "PILLBOI!!!" and my mom was like?? until he showed up again and she knew who I meant, haha
2. Gina Carano!!!!!!!!!!!! 😍😍😍😍😍 I warned my mom before the show that I was gonna be Real Gay seeing Gina but I think she underestimated /how/ gay, lmfao
3. I knew Mando wouldn't stay there with Omera & her kid and raise Baby Yoda, but, ughh it would have been so good for them.
Episode 5: The Gunslinger
1. When I read Jake Cannavale's name on the cast list I was like?? Like Bobby Cannavale?? Yes! He's his son. Wild. Cute. His character had potential. Sucks he was a dick instead.
2. Ming-Na Wen is awesome and a fuckin badass and her character (most likely) did NOT deserve to go out like that!!
Episode 6: The Prisoner
(aka the ep with the most cameos)
1. My mom just /heard/ Ran speak and she goes, "Bobby!! (his character in Sons of Anarchy) That's my dude!!" and every time he did/said something, "That's SUCH a Bobby thing" "Haha, Bobby is like that too" okay ma, lmao
2. Thoughts on the crew:
Xi'an: me- "Tonks?!?!" mom- "oh! that's Osha from Game of Thrones" and we agreed she was very...Suicide Squard!Harley Quinn (bad kinda crazy)
Mayfield: super douche
Burg: mom- "Devil creature!!!" then "Oh, that's the one dude whose face you didn't want to see" me- "Yeah, and thankfully you can't even really see it, haha" (I just...can't stand that guys face for some reason)
Zero- of course Richard Ayoade is a droid
3. I was excited for Matt Lanter's cameo and wowie, a whole FIVE seconds of screen time. cool, cool
4. Qin was also bad kinda crazy, but I looked up the actor and holy FUCK the guy is attractive. Good for him
5. Mando was right: they all definitely deserved what they got
Episode 7: The Reckoning
1. Mom and I the after Karga's plan proposal: "It's a trap" lmao
2. Mynocks are just...pterodactyls?
3. I figured Baby Yoda could heal when he tried to get to Mando's arm before, but seeing it? 😭😭😭😭
4. We know Giancarlo Esposito from OUAT and mom was disappointed he wasn't wearing eyeliner, lmfao
5. Poor Kuiil ):
Episode 8: Redemption
(how is it over already? /:)
1. Knowing Jason Sudeikis & Adam Pally were the Scout Troopers made the scene both bearable and unbearable because ya know, two funny actors we like, but both of them hitting the child made us wanna punch them in the dicks
2. IG-11!!!! Nurse droid and Badass™ When Mando tries to protest him taking the helmet off because no living thing can see him without it on and IG goes, "I am not a living thing." Fuck, dude 😭😭😭
3. All the Mandalorian armor in that pile /:
4. Din got his signet ("for a clan of two" 😭), his jetpack AND officially became a dad I cannot 😭😭😭 (even though he is supposed to find the baby's home, but whatever, Din Dad!!)
5. IG-11 about to sacrafice himself, to Din: "There is nothing to be sad about. I have never been alive." Are you FUCKING KIDDING ME?? 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
6. Kinda sad Cara didn't go with Din & Baby Yoda. I'm hoping for more teamups.
7. Upset that Gideon lived, but not gonna lie...that darksaber is cool as fuck
Definitely looking forward to more good space dad, his cute green son, and my wife in the future, lmao
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writtenjewels · 1 year
See No Evil part 3
Part One, Part Two
Thanks to Salim's running commentary, Jason had a pretty good idea of what their surroundings looked like. They were in some underground temple with statues and artifacts, and so far the only signs of life were the “demons” crawling around. Salim said they looked like giant bats but they were all leathery flesh instead of having any fur.
Jason really liked the sound of Salim's voice. It was low and soothing and his accent made certain words roll off his tongue in a charming way. Like the way he said Jason's name, for example.
“We are not going to find any cake down here,” Salim spoke up.
“Cake?” Jason echoed, caught off-guard by the strange comment.
“It's made of batter.” Jason blinked a few times and let out a snort, his fingers pinching into Salim's sleeve. “What is smarter than a talking bat?” Salim went on. Jason waited, already smiling. “A spelling bee.”
“These are so bad,” Jason chuckled.
“I thought it would help lighten the mood,” Salim explained. “And incidentally, the demons stay away from light.” Jason let out another soft chuckle. It felt good to laugh about something in the middle of all this. They walked on in silence for a few minutes. Salim gave a warning shake of his arm before stopping. “I found something.”
“Another artifact?” Jason guessed with a touch of amusement.
“Yes.” He felt Salim shift as the man bent down to grab the piece. In the next moment, Salim's hand was in his. He guided Jason's hand over the artifact, letting him feel the carvings. “This one has a hole in it,” Salim mused, “possibly meant to depict the moon. The missing piece may be a stone or a gem.”
“You're really into this shit, huh?” Jason tilted his head to the side, the amusement now on his face. He could hear the curiosity and fascination in Salim's voice as he spoke about the artifact.
“Knowledge is never a waste of time,” Salim answered, putting the object back down. Jason instinctively squeezed the other man's hand before he could pull away. “It's something I'm proud I passed on to my son.”
“You got a kid,” Jason noted. “That explains the dad jokes.” Now it was Salim's turn to chuckle and Jason felt a little flutter in his heart hearing it. He tried to angle his face toward the noise. Jason more or less was used to being blind but it still frustrated him at times. How would he fight if one of those demon bats attacked them?
“What's wrong?” Salim asked, and Jason realized he'd been gripping onto the other man's hand tightly.
“My eyesight ain't gettin' any better, Salim. I'm fuckin' useless in a fight.”
“Don't worry about that,” Salim soothed him. “I will be your sword.”
“But then what'll I be to you?”
“That should be obvious.” Salim swept his thumb across Jason's hand. His heart fluttered again. “You are my shield, Jason. Your confidence keeps me from falling into despair, your presence prevents me from being alone. I need you, Jason; we need each other.”
Jason couldn't find any words. His heart was beating fast in his chest, his face hot in a blush. He couldn't see it but he could feel the intensity of Salim's gaze on him.
“Semper fi,” he promised in a shaky voice. Salim squeezed his hand and they moved on. Jason's heart was still racing.
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dragonprincefan · 6 years
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Hey Dragon Fans! Let’s do a round up of all the information we’ve gotten so far about The Dragon Prince! This is quite a lot of info, so I’ll be throwing the bulk of it under a cut. (There will be spoilers for episode 1 of the show below the cut.)
The Dragon Prince, developed by Wonderstorm Inc., animated by Bardel Entertainment, and distributed by Netflix will be releasing all the episodes of the first season on September 14, 2018.
The official summary is, “Two human princes forge an unlikely bond with the elven assassin sent to kill them, embarking on an epic quest to bring peace to their warring lands.”
You can watch the promotional trailer here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7Bf7JLnlOU
Promotional taglines used by the official accounts have been “Destiny is a book you write yourself!” and “dragon big”.
Netflix currently has the show rated as TV-Y7 for Fantasy Violence. The animation is cell-shaded CG, much like what you see in Fire Emblem, Guilty Gear, or Avatar: The Lost Episodes.
The show will have an accompanying video game developed by Wonderstorm* with the story tellers for both show and game working closely together to ensure the stories being told are well integrated and complementary.
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Our lead characters for the Netflix series are Callum, the elder human prince, Ezran, the human crown prince, and Rayla, a Moonshadow Elven Assassin.
The universe The Dragon Prince takes place in is divided into two primary areas, Xadia, the magical lands in the East, and the five great human kingdoms in the West. Centuries ago, Thunder the King of Dragons guarded the border between Xadia and the Human Kingdoms.
In the TDP universe, there were originally six types of magic: moon, sun, stars, earth, ocean, and sky. Humans developed a seventh type of magic, Dark Magic. With Dark Magic you find a creature that has that magic as part of their essence, you consume it quickly, and it unleashes a great amount of magic quickly. Dark Magic became a shortcut to great, fast power, but led to corruption and was wielded at the expense of the varied, intelligent, and powerful magical creatures of Xadia. The dragons and the elves allied to try to put a stop to the humans’ use of Dark Magic, but the Dragon King Thunder was killed by humans using dark magic and Thunder’s only egg and heir, The Dragon Prince, was destroyed. Now the world stands on the edge of all out war...
The first episode is titled “Book 1: Moon, Episode 1: Echoes of Thunder” and was premiered at the SDCC 2018 panel. You can read IGN’s review of the episode here.
Ezran is scared of thunderstorms and likes to steal treats from the baker with his pet glow toad, Bait. Glow toads are described as “the Grumpy Cat of magical illusionary amphibians.”
Even though Callum is older he is not the crown prince because he is the stepson of the king. This means Callum and Ezran are half brothers. The condition and whereabouts of Callum and Ezran’s mother is reported to be a spoiler. The King is a black man, and it appears that Ezran may be biracial.
One of the royal guards Sorin/Soren/Zoren (spelling unknown) is tasked with training Callum in sword fighting. Callum is disinterested and prefers to draw, unless Soren’s sister, Claudia, is around. Callum appears to have a crush on Claudia, and Soren helps by going easy on him in sparring sessions in front of her. Claudia appears to be very studious and nearly runs into a tree while reading because she is too focused on her book. Claudia and Soren’s father is a highly placed lord and leader of the royal army/guard.
It looks like Callum will be learning to use magic over the course of the show. What type of magic he uses is currently unknown. Based on the trailer I think that may be Claudia also shown using magic. Regardless of her identity, I suspect what the dark haired female magic user in the trailer is using is the Dark Magic we’ve seen discussed.
The elves that Rayla is a member of are called Moonshadow Elves (white haired elves with dark horns) and they literally draw power from the moon. They are at thier strongest during the full moon. The bracelet Rayla wears was acquired during a ceremony swearing loyalty to the Dragon King’s cause/memory(?). Moonshadow Elves demonstrate at minimum some form of cloaking magic, but can still be detected by certain types of animals. Rayla has a Scottish accent.
Rayla is going to be something of a mysterious figure and strongly conflicted about her role in current events, “testing her sense of right and wrong.” She tries to tell herself that “an assassin does not decide right or wrong, only life and death.”*
When the Moonshadow Elves stage an attack on the castle, the King decides to send Callum and Ezran away for thier own safety. Meanwhile, Soren and Claudia are ordered by thier father to stop the assassins. Callum wants to help but is told he cannot because he is only 14 (and 3/4!) years old and he must be 15 to fight.
There was a black-haired guard in the first episode (the one attacked by Rayla) that had not been formally named, but when asked by the panel audience they named him Marcos.
During the Q&A session (I’ve discussed this with several people who were in the room now trying to get clarity) it sounds like the question of if there would be LGBT+ representation in the show was very narrowly sidestepped. They told the panel audience that any sort of answer would be a spoiler. It seems likely that there will be LGBT+ representation, but it has not been explicitly promised, and I urge folk to temper expectations with the knowledge that while it’s wrong to use the TV-Y7 rating as a reason to not show canonically LGBT+ characters, it may end up being outside the Wonderstorm team’s hands to try to get it on screen. I’m cautiously optimistic. We’ll have to wait and see.
The staff did say they are strongly dedicated to creating an inclusive and diverse fantasy universe, with an especial focus on visible ethnic diversity. We can already see the beginning of that with the King and Ezran.
Being on Netflix permits the staff to do a darker take on the story than they might have been permitted on network television, and they’re excited to get to tell a complex and nuanced story that explores moral grays and the idea that there are both good and bad actors in every group and culture. That said, they want this series to be fun, light-hearted, and quirky too.
The SDCC panel gave away two goodies to anyone lucky enough to get into the panel, a large physical poster version of the concept art we first saw with the initial announcement and an enamel pin of Ezran’s pet glow toad, Bait. The backing for the enamel pin announced that Hot Topic will be carrying exclusive merchandise for The Dragon Prince beginning in September 2018.
(A big thank you to elventhespian, owldee, and kohisu for thier live blogs of the SDCC 2018 panel.) 
Official TDP social media accounts:
Tumblr - @dragonprinceofficial
Twitter - @thedragonprince
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/dragonprinceofficial/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/dragonprinceofficial
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPn8cnHhLHMQrGCmS0K5aBQ
The show is being helmed by Aaron Ehasz (Avatar: The Last Airbender, Futurama) and Justin Richmond (Uncharted 2, 3, & 4). Other staff members include: 
Executive Producer -- Giancarlo Volpe (Avatar: The Last Airbender, Green Lantern: The Animated Series, Star vs the Forces of Evil)
Composer -- Frederik Wiedmann (Green Lantern: The Animated Series, The Damned, Dying of the Light, various DC animated films)
Executive at Netflix -- Jenna Boyd (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Animation Directors --  Meruan Salim, Carlyle Wilson
Animation Coordinator -- Tony Power (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
Lead Animator -- Brian Ahlf (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) , Eric Childs (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles), Brian Kavanagh (DinoTrux), Kevin Kyle (The Adventures of Puss in Boots), Jody Prouse (DinoTrux, The Adventures of Puss in Boots)
Other Wonderstorm Staff -- Robert Cogburn, Devon Giehl, Danika Harrod, Iain Hendry, Dan Liebgold, Lauren Topal, Neil Mukhopadhyay, Justin Santistevan, Lulu Younes
Various Animators, Storyboard & Graphic Artists, Directors, etc -- Sabrina Ali, Laura Ambrosiano, Nicki Bianchini, CT Chrysler, Frankie Franco III, Zakiah Grant, Chelsea Gratzlaff, Tim Kaminski, Erica Kim, Nasus Lee, Jessica Mahon, Katie Olson, Daniel Pira, Candice Prince‏, Devin Rosychuk, Alicia Schaeffer, Siggy Sigmond, Eman Thabet
Voice Actor [Callum] -- Jack DeSena (Sokka on Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Voice Actor [Ezran] -- Sasha Rojen (The Flash, iZombie)
Voice Actor [Rayla] -- Paula M. Burrows [@paulamburrows]
Voice Actor [Claudia] -- Racquel Belmonte [@raqattack5 | x] (Sira on Lego Elves)
Voice Actor [Soren] -- Jesse Inocalla [@jinocalla] (The Little Prince, Dead Rising 4) 
Voice Actor [King Harrow] --  Luc Roderique [@lucroderique]
Voice Actor [Runaan] -- Jonathan Holmes
Voice Actor -- Rena Anakwe [@DJLadyLane | x] (Sapphire Shores on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Voice Actor -- Erik Todd Dellums [@ErikToddDellums | x | x] (Koh on Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Voice Actor -- Adrian Petriw [@adrianpetriw | x] (Adam in The Hollow)
Voice Actor -- Jason Simpson [@aboySimpson] (Cyclops on The Hollow)
I’m looking forward to having a fun fan experience with everyone in the months to come! 
Fan accounts to watch on twitter: DragonPrinceFan, The Dragon Prince Podcast, and Mundo Avatar (news in Portuguese)
Dedicated fan accounts to watch on tumblr: @dragonprincefan and @tdp-news
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writtenjewels · 1 year
Pleasurable Business
Jason ran his tongue from tip to base, swirling before going back up again. He liked to joke that he ate popsicles to keep in practice, but in truth they were great palate cleansers between customers. He slid it into his mouth and sucked until the ice melted enough to bite down. An action he admittedly did a few times, but those assholes deserved it.
“Hey.” Eric popped into the room, his blonde hair in a mess. He was already half-naked. “I have a favor to ask.” Jason sat up a little, licking syrup off his finger.
“What's up?”
“Dar brought a friend along and I thought you could take care of him. It's his first time.”
“Virgin?” Jason checked, biting down another piece of popsicle.
“No, he was married before,” Eric explained. “I mean his first time with a man.”
“Ain't the experimentin' types more your area?” Jason argued. Eric shrugged a shoulder, his face turning red.
“Like I said, Dar brought him.” Jason understood the issue now. If it were anyone else, Eric probably would've taken care of them. He had a way with guys who were experimenting with their sexuality. It was actually how he and Dar met, and Eric had done such a good job that Dar always requested him.
Jason thought the two of them might be meeting outside of business hours, too.
“All right, fine,” he said out loud. He tossed what was left of his popsicle in the trash. He checked himself in the mirror and wiped off the syrup on his mouth before following Eric out.
Customers always started out in the lounge. There were cushions and sofas for them to relax on while they got to know all the employees. Jason saw Nick with two customers and gave his friend a nod in greeting. Dar was sitting on a cushion with another man sitting beside him. They both looked up on Jason and Eric's approach.
“I see you brought a friend, habibi,” Dar noted, reaching out to take Eric's hand. The blonde let himself be pulled into the other man's lap and was greeted with a kiss. Eric cupped the man's cheek and returned the kiss.
Jason glanced over at the newcomer to see how he was handling this display. The guy was pointedly staring at a corner of the room. He had a pleasant, rounded face and short dark hair that was in tight curls. He wore a T-shirt with leaf prints, making him look very out of place. Jason let out a snort, catching the man's attention.
“Cute shirt.”
“Thank you. My son bought it for me.” The guy had a nice, low voice with an accent similar to Dar's. “Are you, ah...” The man hesitated as he searched for the right words. “Are you a friend of Eric's?” he finally asked.
“We get along,” Jason assured him. There was a burst of laughter from somewhere in the room. Joey must be entertaining customers, too. “I'm Jason.”
“My name is Salim,” the other returned. “Your lips are a little blue. Are you cold?”
“I ate a blue raspberry popsicle,” Jason told him with a chuckle. “Thought I washed it all off.” That made Salim smile. He was a pretty good-looking guy. Jason glanced back at Dar and Eric. Dar's hand was caressing Eric's bare chest and was either whispering something to him or mouthing his earlobe. “Eric says it's your first time,” Jason resumed.
“I haven't been with anyone since the divorce,” Salim confirmed. He paused to also glance at Dar and Eric. “Could we move somewhere else?”
“They'll leave eventually,” Jason shrugged. “Hey!” He kicked Eric's foot. “You know the rules: when they start getting handsy, you take 'em to a room.”
“Right, sorry.” Eric was flushed but smiling. He added something to Dar in another language, and the man responded in the same language. The two got up and walked off hand-in-hand.
“So the divorce,” Jason continued, getting the conversation back on track. “How long ago?”
“It's been years.” Salim was quiet for a moment before adding: “She left me.”
“Sorry to hear that.”
“It's all right. I've long since gotten over it.” Silence fell again, filled only by the quiet conversations of other groups in the room. “I didn't really feel lonely,” Salim mentioned. “I had my son to take care of. But he's gone to university now.”
“You look fuckin' good for a guy who's got a son in college,” Jason observed. His comment caught Salim off-guard, making the other's face go wide in surprise. Damn, that was a cute look. “You thirsty?” Jason offered. “Hungry?”
“No, thank you, my friend.” They were quiet again. “Dar said this place was good for... discovery,” Salim spoke up. “I've only ever been with my wife; I don't know how to start this.”
“Kiss me,” Jason suggested, causing Salim's eyes to go wide. “Just to see if ya like it,” Jason clarified. He scooted closer so his knee was touching Salim's thigh. “If you ain't into it, we can just talk until Dar and Eric are done.”
“You want me to kiss you? Just like that? What if you don't like it?”
Jason let out a snort and leaned in a little closer, resting his hand on Salim's chest. “I'll like it, I promise.” Salim's eyes flicked down to Jason's lips. He rested a hand on Jason's cheek and pulled their lips close.
The kiss was hesitant but sweet. Jason let his lips relax and returned the gesture encouragingly. Salim gained some confidence from this and began moving his lips against Jason's. Jason could feel a pleasant warmth from the contact. It was surprising how good Salim was at this, how he moved his mouth to slot perfectly against Jason's with just the right amount of pressure. Salim's fingers slid along Jason's jaw and around to tickle the hairs on the back of his neck.
Jason parted his lips without thinking. He grazed his tongue over Salim's bottom lip and felt the older man shudder in response before opening his mouth. Jason pushed his tongue inside and grazed it against Salim's. The older man groaned, fingers twitching on the back of Jason's neck. Jason pulled back to give him breathing space.
“How was that?”
“I...” Salim stared at him with slightly glazed eyes. “I enjoyed it.” Jason smiled and rubbed his thumb against Salim's jaw.
“Wanna kiss me again?” He watched Salim's Adam's apple bob with a swallow.
“Do you want me to?”
“Yeah.” Jason was a little surprised by the honesty of that. He didn't often kiss customers, and didn't often like it when he did. “You're a good kisser,” Jason said, as if trying to explain the feeling to himself.
Salim's lips were on his again, more certain this time as he grew familiar with Jason's mouth. Jason's lips were parting and Salim let him in, fingers sliding up into Jason's hair. This time it was Jason who let out the little moan. He pushed his own fingers into Salim's hair and shifted so he had Salim's thigh between his legs.
“Jason.” The name came out in a heavy, heated tone.
“Let's go to a room,” Jason suggested, his voice matching Salim's heat.
“Do you think I'm going to be 'handsy' with you?” Salim asked him.
“Call it bein' optimistic.” Salim said nothing, his fingers lightly brushing Jason's hair. “Salim,” Jason urged him, leaning in and initiating the kiss this time. Salilm's lips parted without hesitation, his tongue pushing in and sending heat pooling in Jason's gut.
“Ah, this...” Salim let out a breath. “We should...”
“Fuck yes,” Jason answered, squeezing his legs around Salim's thigh.
[Another one of those "I don't know, this was just kicking in my head" things. Yes, there will be smut]
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writtenjewels · 11 months
T Ball part 2
Part One
Zain had T-ball practice today and Salim was determined to not make a fool of himself this time around. He had no idea what came over him last time. It wasn't like him to trip over his words-- or to trip over objects, for that matter. He'd been having an off day, he sat in the hot sun for too long without water or shade. Salim ran through these excuses until he convinced himself they were true.
Salim arrived early and helped Zain out of the car, the boy dutifully holding his father's hand as they crossed to the baseball field. He wasn't the only one to come early: there were a few kids running around on the field already while parents mingled near the bleachers. Jason was busy setting up the field for the practice.
Zain released himself from his father's grip and ran to greet his coach. Jason knelt down to be at eye level with the boy, his eyes scanning around until they landed on Salim. The younger man's lips moved into a smile and Salim felt that lurch in his chest again. He quickly turned and hurried over to the bleachers, banging his leg on the bottom one.
“First timer?” one of the dads asked him. Salim nodded. “You should think about bringing a cooler and maybe a beach umbrella,” the man counseled. “It gets pretty hot out here.”
“Thank you, I'll remember that for next time.” Salim sat and rubbed at his throbbing leg. More parents were arriving with their kids so the practice would start soon. Salim tried to pay attention to their conversations but he kept looking over at Jason.
The man seemed good with kids: he stopped what he was doing whenever one of them would come up to him. Once practice started he maintained a good balance of advice and encouragement. Salim didn't know much about T-ball but it looked to him like Jason was a very good coach. About midway through the practice, one of the kids hit the ball into the bleachers. Salim managed to find it just as Jason jogged over to retrieve it.
“Here.” Salim held it out. “You should keep your eye on the ball.” No, why did he have to make such a stupid joke? But Jason just laughed.
“Thank ya,” he drawled. “But don't worry, I got my attention right where it needs to be.” He took the ball and headed back onto the field. Salim watched him go with a little sigh, and to his embarrassment found he wasn't the only one. A few of the single moms were looking at Jason with dreamy expressions, too.
Except Salim's interest in the young coach was not the same as theirs, obviously. Just because Jason was handsome and charming and good with kids and had a nice smile and Salim liked the way his Southern accent sounded… Stop staring at him!
Salim willed himself to focus on the T-ball practice. He cheered for Zain, clapping along with the parents whenever the other kids did well. It ended with Jason praising the kids for their hard work before dismissing them to get water. He got a cloth and wiped it over his face and neck. Salim watched, his throat suddenly dry.
He really should take that other father's advice and bring a beach umbrella. Clearly the heat was doing strange things to him.
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writtenjewels · 1 year
Salim took a drag on his cigarette, letting the smoke out slowly. He was leaning against a wall a few feet away from the convenience store entrance-- enough to be a presence but not to intimidate. The others in the gang were a little more conspicuous: revving the engines on their bikes, lounging under the street lamp so anyone drawing close would see them. Salim found the show unnecessary but he came along, anyway.
Across the street was a community building. Salim took Zain there sometimes for swimming lessons. When Salim pulled up with the rest of his gang, he noticed a few cars in the parking lot. Who was in the building at this time of night? All the activities offered were in daylight hours, he was sure.
His unspoken question was answered when the doors opened, releasing about a half-dozen people. Salim studied them hoping for a clue to their purpose in the building. All of them were adults, ranging in age from twenty-something to some who had to be pushing past fifty. They were chatting but were too far away for Salim to hear them. Eventually they all split away from each other, one turning to lock the door.
Now Salim was really curious. Most of them got into cars, but one was heading to the crosswalk. Salim followed that person's progress with growing anticipation. They crossed the street and turned in the direction of the convenience store. Salim could now make out that the person was wearing a black shirt with a snake printed on it and a grey baseball cap. They stepped under the street lamp but their hat made it difficult for Salim to make out the face.
Right on cue, the rest of the gang started revving their engines. Dar called out to the person. The stranger spared Dar little more than a middle finger before going inside the store. Salim was intrigued; he stubbed out his cigarette and followed. He turned toward the candy aisle so he wouldn't be caught, watching the mystery person out of the corner of his eye. They bee-lined straight to the food and grabbed a few things.
“A Red Bull at this time of night?” Salim hadn't meant to say the words out loud. The person turned at his voice and finally, finally Salim got to see their face. It turned out the person was a man-- younger than Salim, with fair skin and dark hair hidden under the cap. He was built on the more slender side but muscular. Handsome, Salim was quick to notice.
“Yep,” the man answered simply. He waved a package of beef jerky in one hand. “It's dinner.” There was a Southern drawl in his voice.
“Bold choice,” Salim remarked, “though not very healthy.” The man raised an eyebrow and took a step forward to sniff the air. Was he smelling Salim?
“You ain't one to talk, Mr. Chimney Stack.”
“My name is Salim,” he corrected automatically.
“Didn't realize we were already getting informal,” the man commented. He brushed past Salim to take a candy bar, too. “So, Salim, you here to measure your dick like your friends out there, or you gonna beat me up for flickin' 'em off?”
“Neither. I was curious what sort of person would give a biker gang the middle finger.”
“Not all of 'em,” the man argued, his eyes flicking briefly to Salim. “Just that one asshole, the one talkin' shit to me.”
“I'm not sure that's much better; he's the leader.” Salim made no effort to hide he was following this time as he walked with the man to the counter. He still hadn't gotten the stranger's name. “Do you like snakes?” he asked. The man looked confused and Salim pointed meaningfully to his shirt.
“How the fuck does a member of a biker gang not know Whitesnake?” the man scoffed.
“I prefer David Bowie.”
“Well who fuckin' doesn't?” the man agreed, smiling. The way his face softened when he smiled made him look younger while still accenting the crow's feet at the corners of his eyes. It was charming. “I'm Jason,” he finally supplied.
“Nice to meet you.” Salim shook Jason's hand. “Do you live around here?” he wondered. “I don't think I've seen you around before.”
“Had to take a bus to get here,” Jason explained. He paid for his items and cracked open the Red Bull. “I'm just killin' time until the next bus comes through.”
“What brings you to this part of town?”
“Nothin',” Jason shrugged, dropping his head so the visor of his cap hid his face. “Nothin' special.” Salim sensed a lie but didn't prod it. It really wasn't his business, after all. “I'd better go out and wait for the bus,” Jason spoke up.
“Oh. Yes, of course.” Salim knew his voice sounded heavy with disappointment. He was enjoying Jason's company and didn't want the younger man to go. Jason tilted his head up enough for Salim to see his dark eyes.
“Gimme your cell phone.”
“Okay...” Salim was a little confused why Jason wanted it. The other typed something and handed it back. When Salim checked, he found a new contact.
“In case you wanna talk more about David Bowie,” Jason explained.
“I'm sure I will,” Salim assured him warmly. A faint hint of color lit up Jason's cheeks. He tugged on his cap visor and headed out. Salim watched to make sure the gang didn't bother him, waiting until Jason was out of sight before exiting the store himself.
[Salim, I saw you go in with that American who insulted us,] Dar said. [I hope you set him straight.]
[He got the message,] Salim assured his leader. His fingers brushed against the casing on his cell phone. Jason had certainly gotten a message; just not the one Dar was hoping for.
[this one's been bouncing around in my head for days, y'all. Hope you like it!]
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writtenjewels · 1 year
The compass lay flat in his palm, the needle wobbling but maintaining a fairly steady direction. Salim wiped the sweat off his brow and glanced up briefly to check where he was going before looking back down at the compass. This was the most still the object had been since he started the journey. That must mean he was getting close. The idea excited him, but also made him a little nervous about what he would find.
He called the object a compass because in many ways, it looked like one: it was circular, its casing brass with a plastic covering. There was a needle inside that pointed in a certain direction. However, this needle wasn't designed to point north; instead, it was supposed to guide the holder to something else. Salim had a hard time deciphering the language carved on the compass and wasn't sure his translation on this part was right. It was something about the heart or desire or something to that effect.
When he first got the compass, it wasn't moving at all. He wasn't sure it was working until Zain tried it out and the needle started spinning wildly. He handed it back to his father before the needle could settle in a direction, saying he already knew what direction his heart was leading him.
Zain leaving the house made Salim realize he had no such direction. So he picked up the compass and watched it spin. He had no idea where it was leading them, only that apparently it was what his heart desired.
Except when he got closer, Salim suspected he really did get the translation wrong. How could anything he wanted be here at an American military camp? Surely the compass meant to point him beyond this place. Yet when Salim tried to walk around it, the needle swung back to point at the camp. But it couldn't be right. Salim tilted the compass to study the inscription again.
Held in palm... object shall reveal... And there was that phrase Salim struggled with before. He must have been wrong before about it saying heart's desire.
“Hey!” He glanced up at the voice. A soldier had stepped outside. He looked a little younger than Salim, though it was hard to tell for sure with the gray baseball cap shadowing the soldier's face. Salim wasn't sure of the soldier's rank, either, as the only nod to military attire was the pair of camouflage pants the man wore.
“Ah, hello,” Salim called back. “I appear to have gotten lost. I'm very sorry.”
“Where you headed?” the soldier asked him.
“Ahh.” Salim fiddled with the compass. How was he going to explain this? He realized he couldn't, and decided to not even try. “I think my compass is broken,” he said instead.
“Mind if I take a look?” Salim was curious so he stepped forward and handed the object over. The soldier's eyes went wide as the needle started spinning the moment the compass was in his hand. “Whoa, what the fuck?”
“Like I said,” Salim shrugged. “Broken.”
“No wonder you got lost,” the soldier remarked. “If you don't mind hangin' around a while, I can try fixin' it for ya.”
“You know how to do that?” Salim asked in amazement.
“Sure. I love camping, and havin' a workin' compass is the most important part.” Salim was fascinated, and charmed by the soldier's Southern accent. “You can come in,” the soldier went on. “You look like you could use a rest.”
“Oh, no, thank you,” Salim tried to protest.
“It ain't like you're goin' anywhere until this thing's fixed,” the soldier pointed out. Salim let out a sigh of defeat. “I'm Jason, by the way.”
“Salim,” he introduced. He couldn't help wondering what the compass had led him into.
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