#Sakuharu Abe
stargazer-sims · 2 months
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don't worry, bee happy
Since I'm still in Brindleton Bay, I decided to check in with Eden, Haru and Frankie. Haru is bonding with the bees.
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stargazer-sims · 2 months
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Haru wants to know if you like his diguise. He made it himself.
Haru: Okay, I'm ready to go! No one will ever know it's me. They won't suspect a thing.
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stargazer-sims · 2 months
A wild Haru appeared!
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Haru used Chaos!
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It's super effective!
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A critical hit!
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stargazer-sims · 2 months
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If you haven't guessed, Haru is my bias 🖤💛🩷
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stargazer-sims · 2 months
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Haru: All right, let's see... 'Sae Fujikawa'. No, wait. I know she was married before, so that's probably her ex-husband's name. Okay, let's go with 'famous singer Sae' and her birthday. Yeah, that should work.
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Haru: Hey, is this her? Same birthday, born in Kyoto like our Sarah, and holy crap... she was hot. I definitely would've been her fanboy.
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Haru: haha... yes! I found you, Sae Ishida. This article has too many coincidences for you and our Sarah not to be the exact same person. I'm gonna get Taiji to help me read the rest of this, and then I'm totally showing it to everyone else.
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The picture from the article ^
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stargazer-sims · 2 months
Party Prep
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Haru: *sings* Takin' out the trash...
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Haru: Hello, pineapple coolers! I'm skipping my meds tonight, just for you.
Ryu: Uh, Haru... when the doctor said you're not supposed to drink with your medication, I think she meant to skip the alcohol and not the tablets.
Haru: That's no fun. Everyone should experience my unmedicated brain at least once.
Ryu: We already have. That's the problem.
Haru: Boo. You're literally like a parent, you know.
Ryu: I know. That's kind of my job around here. But, if you insist on not doing as you're told and you have a random panic attack in the middle of the night or you can't get out of bed tomorrow, don't say I didn't warn you.
Taiji: Don't worry about it, Ryu. I'll take care of him.
Haru: Yeah, Taiji will keep me from doing anything too stupid, and he's always got my back when I wake up for some weird, scary reason in the middle of the night.
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Ryu: *to himself* Okay... calm down, Ryu. This is going to be a successful party. Haru's going to behave himself and everyone's going to have a great time celebrating Sarah's birthday.
Haru: *in the background* WOOO!!! PARTY TIME!!!
Ryu: ...
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stargazer-sims · 3 months
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This is typical Haru & Eden energy
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stargazer-sims · 7 months
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Eden: Haru, what's the matter? Didn't you sleep well?
Haru: I'm mad.
Eden: About what? Is it something I did?
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Haru: Yes!
Eden: What is it?
Haru: You invited me over here when that other guy was here.
Eden: You mean Sebastian? I didn’t invite him. Nikolai did.
Haru: Whatever. You told me you don’t even like him, but then you guys just kept talking about skating all evening, and then you switched to English and I didn’t even know what you were saying. It was all like, ‘blah, blah, blah…’
Eden: I’m sorry. I didn’t think about that.
Haru: It was rude.
Eden: You’re right. It was rude.
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Haru: Yeah, and you should… wait. Are you saying I’m right?
Eden: Yeah. I should’ve been more considerate. Will you forgive me? Please?
Haru: Okay, but only if you promise me a date where it’s just the two of us.
Eden: And Ji-Soo?
Haru: *sighing* Of course Ji-Soo, but she’s good at minding her own business. Oh, and one more thing. On our date, it has to be Japanese only.
Eden: We can do that.
Haru: Then, I forgive you. But I’m kinda jealous, so keep that in mind for next time, especially if you’re talking to other hot guys.
Eden: I was only talking to Sebastian to be nice. I wasn’t lying when I said I don’t like him. Like, I don’t hate him or anything, but he’s annoying and I don’t really want to be his friend.
Haru: It kinda sounded like you did.
Eden: I just didn’t want him to feel excluded. Apparently, he legitimately doesn’t have any friends except his coach, and you know what it’s like to be lonely at a party.
Haru: Actually, yeah. After last night, I do.
Eden: I really am sorry.
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Haru: I know. I’m not all that mad now. But, like… here’s a question. Why doesn’t Sebastian have any friends?
Eden: Probably because he’s annoying.
Haru: I’m annoying, and I have friends.
Eden: *laughing* You're also cute and a genuinely nice guy. Plus, you're not being annoying on purpose.
Haru: Are you just saying that because you're my boyfriend?
Eden: No. You really are a nice guy, and everyone thinks you're cute. I mean, ten million Valentines can't be wrong.
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Haru: The only Valentine whose opinion I care about is yours.
Eden: Well, my opinion is that I'm the luckiest guy on the planet because you picked me.
Haru: Because you're a nice guy and you're cute. *whispering* And you're fire in bed.
Eden: Keep saying stuff like that, and we're not going to make it to breakfast.
Haru: I could live with that.
Eden: Ooh... okay, then. In that case, please go on.
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stargazer-sims · 7 months
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Eden & Haru
Over time, Haru and Eden have come to realize that their relationship is always going to be more like ‘best friends with benefits’ and less like traditional spouses/partners. They have absolutely no inclination or intention to marry, and they don’t want children. They just really enjoy each other’s company and like being together. They truly do love each other but neither of them feels like it should be called a romance.
This seems to be more of a problem for other people than it is for them. Comments run the entire range, from people telling them they should get married already to people saying their relationship isn’t real. As for Eden and Haru, they’re perfectly content just as they are.
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stargazer-sims · 2 months
List 5 facts about a favorite sim of yours, and send this to 10 simblrs whose sims you adore ♥♥♥
Thanks @dandylion240 ! I started answering this and forgot it in my drafts for ages... sorry! But, I have new pictures of Haru now, so I guess this is a good time to finish it.
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Sakuharu Abe
Haru has a learning disability due to a form of FASD known as alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorder. Although it hasn't impaired his actual intelligence, it significantly affects his ability to read, write and learn certain things. His disability also causes problems with impulse control, emotional regulation, attention and focus. This is a very well-kept secret, and is something the fans don’t know about, which is absolutely fine with Haru. He doesn’t really want the whole world knowing about it.
He didn't finish high school before he was recruited as a trainee by Peak Entertainment. He struggled in regular school classes that many of the other trainees were enrolled in, so the company management decided that it would be better for him not to go to classes with the others. Haru's grandparents really wanted him to finish his education though, and Haru was also determined to do it. He's been taking one online course at a time for a few years, working toward his goal of graduation.
He and his partner Eden have matching necklaces, each with a pendant that's half a heart-shaped puzzle piece. The two pieces fit together to form the entire heart shape. Eden's half has the kanji for Haru's name on it, and Haru's half has Eden's name on it.
He loves fan edits of his funny English fails, and if he's in a corner with his headphones on, laughing his head off, his friends know exactly what he's watching.
He loves practical jokes. Unfortunately, he and all the other group members live together and they don't all share his sense of humour.
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stargazer-sims · 3 months
List 5 facts about a favorite sim of yours, and send this to simblrs whose sims you adore ✨️
Thanks for the ask @rebelangelsims ! I decided to do it for Haru this time.
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Sakuharu Abe
He collects t-shirts, particularly ones with English writing on them. The problem with this is that Haru barely speaks English and can read even less, so he usually doesn't know what his shirts say. Sometimes they're funny and sometimes they're... not socially appropriate.
He bought a house for Eden that overlooks the ocean in Brindleton Bay, Eden's hometown. Eden thought he was joking when he said he wanted to do that. In fact, Eden continued to not believe him right up until the moment Haru sent him a copy of the title to the property, with his name on it. Eden lives there full-time now, and Haru comes to stay whenever he can. He imagines a time when he's no longer a member of Sugar Valentine and he can spend a lot more time there, focusing more on being a producer than being a performer, and of course spending more time with Eden.
He’s obsessed with pancakes and wants to try them in every country he visits.
He enjoys cooking, and regularly films himself in the kitchen in a series of videos he calls “The Shirtless Chef”. As the title suggests, he is shirtless in these videos, although he does wear an apron. The videos aren’t exactly Sugar Valentine’s management company’s favourite thing, but the fans absolutely love them and Sugar Valentine logo aprons have turned out to be best-selling merch, so the company lets him keep doing it.
He learned to skate because of Eden, and surprised himself by improving really quickly. He doesn’t consider himself particularly sporty and only tried it the first time because Eden invited him, but now he’s determined to improve even more so he can enjoy casual ice time with Eden, without Eden having to constantly help him.
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stargazer-sims · 3 months
happy valentine's day! ❤️ sending all my love and i hope you feel appreciated not only today but every day 💐
if you're still taking asks for the love day otp questions, how about 🍭 🫦 🍰 🍫 for eden & haru?
Hey! 👋🏼 Yes, I’m still working my way through all the ones I've gotten recently. I got sidetracked from my inbox by building and CC-making, so now I'm trying to catch up.
And thanks for the message. I do feel appreciated in certain parts of my life (and not so much in others). I hope you're feeling appreciated in as many aspects of your life as possible, too!
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Eden Seong & Sakuharu Abe
🍭What's something they can never agree on (big or small)?
Their biggest point of contention is their security guy, Frankie. Eden understands why Haru wants and needs a security person (and driver, interpreter & babysitter), but he doesn't think Frankie necessarily needs to be at the house when Haru isn't there. It's not that Eden dislikes Frankie. He actually likes him quite a lot and considers him a friend, and he thinks it's nice to have company around the house sometimes. Eden's problem is that he knows there's almost nothing for Frankie to do when Haru is away. For Eden, it's like having an unemployed roommate, and as much as he likes Frankie, he kind of wishes Frankie had his own place.
Haru, on the other hand, thinks Frankie is there to protect Eden as well as the property. Neither Eden nor Frankie are totally convinced the property needs more than the security cameras when Haru isn't there, and they don't think Eden really needs protection either. But, they know how anxious Haru can be, and how stuck on an idea he can get when he's anxious, so they both humour him.
Frankie is getting paid regardless of whether Haru is there or not, so he certainly doesn't complain about it, even if Eden sometimes does.
🫦What's something seemingly innocent that the other does, says or wears that turns the other on?
For Haru, it's Eden's figure skating costumes. Eden doesn't really think anything of it because the costumes are part of the performance aspect of the sport and it's totally normal for him to wear something fancy (and often form-fitting) for a competition, but the sight of Eden in his costumes makes Haru think less than pure and innocent thoughts.
For Eden, it's one of Haru's t-shirts that has a slogan of questionable appropriateness. In the category of shirts with bad Engiish translations, this one says love carrot in an orange and green design. Eden finds it amusing, and likes to tease Haru about his "love carrot". It took Haru a minute to get the joke, but now he understands it perhaps a bit too well.
🍰 What is 'their song'? Officially or unofficially.
In the context of the story, their "official" song is "Broken Parts" (a song that Haru wrote for Eden).
As for real life songs, it's "Beautiful Life" by Bebe Rexha
bonus: Eden skates to this song in a program collaboratively choreographed by himself, Nikolai and Haru. He talks Nikolai into letting Haru provide some input because Haru is a better than average dancer and wants more choreography experience. Haru learns a lot about figure skating in general and skating choreo in particular during the process.
🍫 Who is more likely to steal the other's clothes? What are their favorite items to steal?
They're each equally likely to steal the other's clothes. Haru is a little bigger than Eden, but Eden is way more muscular than Haru, so anything tight or form-fitting doesn't work very well, but they're close enough in size that they can wear most of one another's casual clothes. When they're together, they'll routinely wear each other's sweatpants, t-shirts, shorts and hoodies. When Haru is on the road, he leaves a hoodie behind for Eden, and Eden has also stolen a hat of Haru's that he likes to wear to practice, and one might find Eden's mysteriously "lost" Chinese Zodiac bracelet on Haru's wrist.
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stargazer-sims · 1 year
Sugar Valentine - Valentine’s Day Show!
Mt. Komorebi, are you ready?
It’s time to JUMP! and give a warm welcome to your very own Sugar Valentine!
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The five boys run onstage, and in what has become their signature entrance, they form a line, join hands, and jump as high as they can. They're greeted by excited and enthusiastic cheering from their fans — their Valentines — who have come to see this special Valentine's Day performance.
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Ryu: Mt. Komorebi, are you ready to…
All: JUMP!
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audience: *loud cheering*
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Senjirō: Here we come! We want to hear you!
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Haru: Who do you love, Mt. Komorebi? Let's hear it! I want you to shout it loud!
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audience: *screaming intensifies* SUGAR VALENTINE!!!
The members wait for the noise level to go down slightly before they introduce themselves to the audience, one by one.
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Ryu: Hello, Valentines of Mt. Komorebi, and all our Valentines watching online! I’m Yoshida Ryuusei. You know me as Ryu. We’ve got an amazing show for you tonight. We put all our love into it, and now we’re sending that love out to you!
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Keigo: Hey, everyone! My name is Sasaki Keigo. You know me as Kēki. I may be the Cake, but you’re the frosting. With all of your love and support, life’s so much sweeter. You’re beautiful and I love you!
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Haru: Hey! How’re you doing tonight, Mt. Komorebi? Feeling good? I’m Abe Sakuharu, and you know me as Haru. I love you, my Valentines! You know what to do!
audience: *screaming* MARRY ME, HARU!!!
Haru: Yes!
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Senjirō: Hello, Valentines around the world! I’m Aidan Okada. You know me as Senjirō. I’m really happy to be here tonight with all of you. Seeing your passion for what we do is special, and it means more than I have words for. I love you, Valentines, and I hope you enjoy the show!
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Taiji: Last but not least, I’m your Baby Sugar, Kanematsu Taiji. Who needs stage names? You know me as Taiji, and I wanna hear you make some noise! Come on, Valentines, let’s make some noise!
The boys perform several of their most popular songs, as well as a special surprise; their as-yet-unreleased single, “One Thousand Paper Cranes”.
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After the performance, the five members pose together on stage so their fans can take photos. This a is part of every show, and it’s a fan favourite feature of Sugar Valentine’s live stage events.
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audience: We love you!
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Happy Valentine’s Day from the boys of Sugar Valentine! We hope you enjoyed the show!
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stargazer-sims · 1 year
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Haru with his grandparents, Koko (虹) and Sakuma (咲万)
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stargazer-sims · 1 year
Ever wonder what would happen if you dropped off two extremely high-maintenance boys on a tropical island with nothing but food, water and camping gear? Me too.
It didn't go well.
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*incoherent screaming*
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Haru immediately got scared when he started digging in the sand and something touched him, while Eden was having the “worst day ever!” after about five minutes of being there. 😂
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Eden: I thought you loved us!
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Haru: Uh… I think there’s sand in my underpants.
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stargazer-sims · 1 year
Why are we not surprised?
I was so pleased with the water feature I made for the Wizard House that I decided to do a variation on it for my airport.
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Apparently, I'm not the only one who's in love with it...
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Literally the first thing Haru did was autonomously jump into the water feature. I don't even have to try to make this sim's actions fit his character. I don't know why he's like this, but I kinda love it.
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