#Sahra Tolev
withinthecode · 24 days
A list of all the Droid-raised kids
Full names in parentheses, age when adopted, age at erasure, and pronouns
First Gen
Sahra(Sahra Tolev) 13 AA, 32 AE. Xe/xer/xers
Arsaa(Arsaana Tyim) 14 AA, 31 AE. She/her
Asa(Asaan Myer) 10 AA, 29 AE. He/him
Triv(Utrivæ Enrza) 12 AA, 29 AE. Va/vas/vas, Ze/zim/zis
Jax(Jaxar Mosad) 12 AA, 28 AE. He/him, Dae/daer
Jaz(Javier Mosad) 12 AA, 28 AE. Ci/cir/cirs, E/er/ers
Lani(Belania Ozofa) 8 AA, 27 AE. She/her
Encra(Encra Isar) 16 AA, 25 AE. She/her, Dey/dem
Anipr(Canipr Adair) 7 AA, 24 AE. They/them, Fir/firs
Carwyn(Carwyn Prichard) 9 AA, 24 AE. They/he
Seren(Seren Prichard) 9 AA, 24 AE. Ze/zem
Ami'va(Amira-Vaar Urebe) 7 AA, 24 AE. Ae/aer
Fari(Infari Eduze) 5 AA, 23 AE. He/him, Ve/ver/vers
Aniv'a(Anivir-Arre Ombisa) 6 AA, 22 AE. Te/ter/ters, ve/vem
Mau(Mauta Ayad) 8 AA, 21 AE. They/she/he
Obirah(Obirah Eisaa) 11 AA, 21 AE. Xie/hir
Demea(Demeate Kaslov) 11 AA, 20 AE. Dir/dirs, She/her
Gandr(Gandr Banco) 7 AA, 18 AE. He/she
Gears(N/A) 0 AA, 17 AE. They/them
Aanx(Aanx Chambi) 4 AA, 17 AE. Li/lir/lirs, Tey/tem
Second Gen
Elena(Elena Maai) 2 AA, 14 AE. She/her
Yor(Yor Baru) 4 AA, 13 AE. He/they, Xe/xet/xets
Ian(Ian Becker) 2 AA, 13 AE [13 at death]. He/him
Tara(N/A) 0 AA, 9 AE. Per/pers
Molly(Molly Weist) 3 AA, 9 AE. Tey/tem
Trace(Trace Scoel) 2 AA, 4 AE. She/it
Liv(N/A) 1 AA, 4 AE. They/them, Xe/xem
Sali(Salina Byrne) 3 AA, 3 AE. Fae/faer
Leo(N/A) 0 AA, 3 AE. He/they/it
Cors(Cors Ito) 0 AA, 2 AE. Ce/cer
Naas(N/A) 0 AA, 0 AE. He/him
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withinthecode · 2 months
Transcript of recovered conversation- assumed to be between two Wires members
Trimaar 26th, 41 AAI. Origin of transmission: Ygol, Kyarr. Target of transmission: Tlona Forest, Kyarr. Intercepted by Arsaa Tyim
(Unknown) Asa. Asa do you copy?
(Asa[assumed]) yeah. Sahra it’s bad. It’s really bad. We. We found Ian. He was killed. I think that traveling with a newborn just wasn’t quiet enough. He wouldn’t have had the supplies.
(Sahra[assumed]) Oh beacon. With it being a week I was really hoping they had made it to a safe house and were waiting to contact. I’m- Do you want to let your other siblings know or should I?
(Asa) can you? With Leo and Elena still missing, I need to focus on other things.
(Sahra) I got it, I’ll let them know by the end of the day. Any news on Naas then? I really hope they’re ok, I don’t know if I can face your siblings as well as Jaz and Jax with bad news.
(Asa) Nothing yet. We haven’t been able to decode the transmissions that were sent out beyond the one that lead us to Ian. The theory as of now is that someone on the inside actually leaked that one so we could collect his body. Naas? Our guess is that they were put into care. In another city.
(Sahra) Akiil. I’ll let the twins know. Anything else to report?
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withinthecode · 20 days
What are everyone's sexualites?
Sahra: AroAce
Arsaa: Bisexual
Asa: Bisexual Polyamorous
Triv: Ninsexual (here meaning attraction to Usar and Vyar people)
Jax: Gay
Jaz: Pansexual Lithoromantic
Lani: Lesbian
Encra: AroAce
Anipr: Pansexual
Carwyn: Androsexual
Seren: Omnisexual
Ami'va: Asexual Biromantic
Fari: Gay
Aniv'a: Demisexual Panromantic
Mau: Queer
Obirah: Cupiosexual Biromantic
Demea: Straght
Gandr: Queer
Gears: Grey-Ace Panromantic
Aanx: Pansexual
Elena: Lesbian
Yor: Straight
Ian: Polysexual
Tara: Abrosexual
Molly: Achillian
Trace: Sapphic
Liv: Biflux Aro-jump
Sali: Trixic Aceflux
Leo: Anisosexual
Cors: Toric
Naas: Queer
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withinthecode · 23 days
Incorrect Quotes
Ask for the context for any one that could have it and you will receive
Encra: Remember how I once thought that this place couldn’t possibly be any weirder than my hometown? Encra: Well, now I’m not sure how to feel about being proven wrong.
Trace: Holy shit, Obirah, do you know what this means?! Obirah: Kid, whenever you start doing this, nobody knows what you mean.
Naas: Oh man, you have any shaving cream? Demea: No, I don't like the way that it tastes. Naas: Wait... you eat shaving cream? Demea: No. Why would I eat it if I don't like the taste.
Cors: I'm very scary. Lani: You're about as scary as a wet kitten. Cors: Wet kittens are cute, at least I've got that going for me. Lani: And small. Cors: Cors: ...Yeah, yeah. I guess.
Fari: Gears won’t wake up, what do I do? Sali: Did you try kicking them? Fari: Yes. Sali: I’m out of ideas.
Aniv'a: out cold on the ground Leo: Oh beacon, do you think ve's okay?! Mau, holding a bucket of ice water: Who cares?! dumps all of the water on Aniv'a’s face
Asa: What’s sexting? Gandr: I'm not having this conversation with you.
Demea: How does one turn their emotions off? Sahra: Okay, so first go to settings. Sahra: I'm a fucking idiot, I thought that said emojis at first. Demea: No, I'm still willing to try this, go ahead. I'm at settings, what do I do next?
Arsaa: What was that? Jax: My shirt fell. Arsaa: It sounded a lot heavier than that. Jaz: Dae was in it
Tara: sighs I have no friends... Molly: Molly: coughs Bitch, what am I? A roach?
Carwyn: in a jail cell What about my Miranda rights!? You’re supposed to say I have ‘the right to remain silent’”! NOBODY SAID I HAD THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT! Seren: in the cell next to them You have the right to remain silent, what you lack is the capacity
Ian: Hello all, it is I, your favorite person. Yor: Actually, Elena is my favourite. Ian: Okay then, it is I, that bitch.
Liv: I’m sorry for being annoying. Liv: It will happen again.
Triv: Takes a sip of milk and gags Triv: Oh my god, is this expired? Triv: Takes another sip of milk
Ami'va: So the other day I sent Aniv'a out to get us some gas. Ami'va: And instead of getting gas, te got us novelty cookie cutters. Ami'va: Now everything we eat is shaped like a dinosaur. Ami'va: … Ami'va: I love ter so much.
Anipr: What’s the announcement, Gears? Gears: It’s a lecture. Asa’s gonna tell us everything he know about sex. Aanx: It should be an enjoyable 60 seconds.
Elena: Hey, quick question. How petty am I allowed to be?
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withinthecode · 2 months
Who's Asa and Sarha? Why was Ian killed?
Asa and Sahra are first generation android kids(also known as Firsties or Silents) As the first adopted, they both have taken on incredibly strong older sibling roles, and will do most anything to keep their siblings and cousins safe. Including starting a rebellion.
Asa was adopted at 10, and was 29 at the time of the Erasure. He is the first adopted of all android kids, but not the oldest. Onnie(A-1) adopted him(he called her Umi, which means mom) and he learned from a young age how to build and code, while also being trained by both his Umi and her Code-mates how to protect himself.(of course with Onnie being his parent he learned the most about interrogation and getting people to tell him stuff). He is what Sahra likes to call “stupid tall” at a very reasonable 6’1”.
Sahra was adopted at 13, and was 32 at the time of the Erasure. Xe was adopted second, only a few months after Asa, and is the oldest. Roo(A-2) adopted xer, and xe calls him Daai, the word for third gender parent. As Roo specializes in close combat(mainly knives), that was the first thing taught to xer. Xe was actually severely malnourished from the ages of 3-13 and it took a few years to recover from that before knife training and hard physical stuff could start. During those years xe started learning how to program(xer parent was an android, of course xe wanted to know how to fix any glitches that may occur. Roo had one of the best virus protection systems for a reason) and that’s actually xer specially.
As for Ian. Well…
Ian was the second oldest of the second generation Droid-raised(the Knowns). He was adopted at 2 and was 13 during the Erasure… and his death.
As a result of the Alpha Erasure, all known Droid-raised kids were forced on the run. When the Erasure started, he was with Tress(A-3) for a lesson on distance shooting. The only other kid there was Tress’s youngest, Naas. Naas was thought to be around 3 months old. Ian was forced to go on the run with Naas, but for a 13 year old traveling with a newborn isn’t very stealthy or easy. They were found by SURGE droids two weeks later, on Trimaar 26th. Ian was decided to be too old to be “reassimilated into Kyarr” without threatening the narrative written by the government, and as such was killed. Naas was put into care, and their older siblings looked for them until they were found. Neither Naas nor Ian have last names as they didn’t remember them at time of adoption, which has only made it harder to find Naas
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withinthecode · 2 months
Drop lore? What happens after transmission is lost?
The transmission was less lost as the signal was dropped. But the conversation that followed may have looked something like this.
(Asa) Not really. Do we know if the bug on the line is dropped yet?
(Sahra) Just was actually. Arsaa truly is a lifesaver with getting the tracers off our back
(Asa) and our code. But anyways, now that we have no extra listeners on our line, I have some basic things to report.
(Sahra) does any of it have to do with the fact that my younger sibling has been in a frenzy? Because I can’t say I don’t want to know that.
(Asa) I do have that information, but let’s save it for the non-official conversation. Anyways, the leak I mentioned from Kyarr is accounted for. It’s Arsaa, we were finally able to get another message to her. She’s been working to find a trail on Naas, but it’s well hidden. They really don’t want us to find him.
(Sahra) well Akiil. I was really holding out hope that it had managed to escape their notice that there was at least one of us in secret. Do we know who they have information on?
(Asa) as of now, we only know that there is a chance Kyarr knows of the two of us, Jaz and Jax, and that I have siblings. everyone else has done a really good job of staying out of the light, it was just that transmission that revealed things.
(Sahra) We made that choice. It may be a major regret later, but we needed to make sure no suspicion fell on ‘saa. It’s too soon after. But the plan was only to have them know of us?
(Asa) well that plan died when we chose the broadcast with a chance of me finding my brother’s body to be the one hacked, now didn’t it? Corrupted data present. Unable to recover
(Sahra) I’m really sorry Asa. But now is not the time to regret. Any news on the others?
(Asa) ok. Liv is with their sister, Yor and TracDATA LOST, Molly, Tara, and the little with them are correpted data present. Unable to recover and Elena plus Leo are… somewhere. That’s all I have to report. I need to- I’m. Rara please can I call you later I just found my brothers body. Please.
(Sahra) oh Asa. Of course. Be safe, and stay in contact if you need anything. DATA CORREPTED. UNABLE TO RECOVER
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withinthecode · 1 month
How many silents are there? Because we've heard of Sahra and Asa, but they mention Ami'va.
Who's that?
I’m assuming by silents you mean the Secrets
The Secrets are the first generation of Droid-raised kids. There are 20 Secrets, who started being adopted in 22 AAI. The Secrets are as follows(by parent)
Onnie(A-1): Asa(10 AA, 29 AE), Triv(12 AA, 29 AE), Anipr (5 AA, 23 AE)
Roo(A-2): Sahra(13 AA, 32 AE), Gears(0 AA, 17 AE), Ami’va(7 AA, 24 AE)
Tress(A-3): Jaz and Jax( 12 AA, 28 AE)
Ives(A-5): Carwyn and Seren(9 AA, 24 AE) Arsaa(14 AA, 31 AE), Demea(11 AA, 19 AE), Obirah(11 AA, 21 AE)
Izz(A-6): Aanx(4 AA, 17 AE), Encra(16 AA, 25 AE), Aniv’a(6 AA, 22 AE)
Valo(A-8): Lani(8 AA, 27 AE), Gandr(7 AA, 18 AE)
Nina(A-9): Fari(5 AA, 23 AE)
Tor(A-10): Mau (8 AA, 21 AE)
Ami’va is one of Elena’s sibilings, along with Sahra and Gears
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