#Sacred Executioner (Skarbrand Headcanons);
skxrbrand · 6 months
I feel like Kha'xanzyr probably sits on his throne with his hooves crossed at the ankles.
Khazaan sits sideways in a chair like a millennial, but with one hoof on the ground.
And Skarbrand does the classic manspreading like his dad, only he hunches forward and broods with his chin on his fist or stroking his beard....
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skxrbrand · 2 months
Us skarbrand touch averse?
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Somewhat. It depends on the nature of the touch and who's doing the touching, but generally speaking he isn't a huge fan of anyone putting their mitts on him without asking (and even then the answer will probably be 'no'.)
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skxrbrand · 3 months
How can you tell skarbrand is relaxed or happy by his body language?
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Bloodthirsters are normally very stiff and purposeful with their movements, even when they're not moving. If he seems slack and his movements are more fluid, this means he's relaxed and feels safe. A lot of Khornate communication that isn't overtly threatening or aggressive is non-verbal. This is also (commonly viewed as) an implicit impugnment to any other Khornate daemons around him if done in his presence.
If Skarbrand feels safe, this means he does not consider them a threat or more accurately, he does not consider them strong enough to threaten him in any meaningful way.
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skxrbrand · 3 months
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Though most skulls are surrendered to Khorne, high ranking Daemons of the Blood God are afforded the right to keep a personal collection of skulls, which they may horde and keep from the sight of rivals or proudly display for foes and fellow Blood Daemons (occassionally the same thing) alike. The method of display differs from daemon to daemon, with U'zhul the Skulltaker owning the most infamous display in his cloak of skulls.
While Khorne prefers personally taken skulls, he will not turn down those won in conquests or even scavenged from the fields of battle. As battlefields are the holy sites of Khorne, his followers see the reaping of the skulls of the dead as the Blood God's right and due. Of course, though, there is little personal glory in claiming a skull from a kill that isn't your own...
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Skarbrand hoards his skulls in the Skull Caverns beneath Infernius. In the past, these were tithed en masse to Khorne whenever the cavern was full to bursting. Now, the Reaper keeps what he collects for himself and his chosen Bloodreapers guard the Caverns to make sure no theft occurs. For particularly worthy foes, the Reaper will append these skulls directly on his person. Often, they are tied directly into his mane.
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Unsurprisingly, Khazaan has no especially notable method of storing skulls. When taken, they are not well cleaned; excess meat is picked off by the Chaos Furies that frequent his person. The Skulls may be semi-buried and stored in several different half-hidden areas to ensure that if theft occurs, the thief may not take everything there is to take. Of course, Khazaan usually endeavors to murder the offender before it gets that far.
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Kha'xanzyr is by far the pickiest of the trio when it comes to both skulls chosen to keep and how they are displayed. His trophies are immediately distinguishable from the others because they are carved before being tithed or displayed. Kha'xanzyr's trophy chamber is sparse, organized, and each skull is marked by name and tale of it's acquisition, carved by the Bloodthirsters own talon.
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skxrbrand · 5 months
is skarbrand completely fireproof?
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No, not perfectly. I imagine if you launched him into the sun he'd die just like anything else, save maybe Khorne himself.
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skxrbrand · 4 months
 AFFECTION.   how does your muse show affection?
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Skarbrand isn't affectionate. His affection, or the closest thing to it, would be the passive acceptance of affection from another person without savaging them.
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Kha'xanzyr is the most affectionate of the bunch. His desire for tactile affection is surprisingly strong, but his affection is more acts of service based than cuddling or holding (though like Skarbrand, he will not reject these things if they are given to him by the correct person and in moderation).
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I got you blue becky lemme smash Gift giving, though he's much more tactile generally than his brothers. This comes from a past of being a Chaos Fury, who are a more sociable grouping of daemons. Khazaan keeps his gregarious streak as a Bloodthirster and may bundle a favorite (or possessed) person into his wing. This sounds romantic until you remember he is covered in a thin sheen of mucus-y blood at all times and has a near constant nasal drip going on.
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skxrbrand · 1 year
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A Daemon Weapon is any axe, blade, or other armament that is inhabited by a daemon, lesser or greater. Once mundane weapons, the blades take on the qualities of their prisoner and are all the more powerful for the doing. Death commonly means nothing to daemons, who simply reform their bodies given enough time, and so eternal capture is the next best thing.
Skarbrand has wielded three daemon weapons in his time. His first was Scourge, a daemon-axe containing the soul of Nurgle’s then-tetrarch, Ki’litzli Poxdame the Scourge, rider and master of the Pox-viathan. He would keep this single, massive axe until the monumental Battle of Infernus Plains. As great a foe as Ki’litzli had been, she was still nothing before the Bloodthirsters of the first host and his two brothers, Khazaan and Kha’xanzyr.
In the rather rare instance that a Khornate daemon binds a Nurglish daemon to his blade, the familial nature of the plague daemons tends to grow on the Khornate overtime, like a fungus. The result is a daemon loathe to give up their weapon. For ambitious Skarbrand, this was not the case, but when he made weapons of his two brothers, he did release Ki’litzli, replacing her daemon-axe with the twin war axes Carnage and Slaughter.
Khazaan’s axe is called Splitter and it contains the soul of a Tzeentchian Daemon, particularly a Lord of Change. Of the sibling trio, Khazaan isn’t exactly the brightest, so that he was able to outmaneuver one of Tzeentch’s watchers is a bit of a surprise. The Lord of Change, called T’x’rrarikani, has actually duped his captor into releasing him several times, only for the dogged Bloodthirster to hunt him down like a Birdhound and cram him back into Splitter each time. Changing disguises and monikers does not help, for every spirit has a unique scent to it and Khazaan is very accustomed to the smell of T’x’rrarikani’s soul and the taste of his blood.
He enjoys recounting his tales of the hunt to anyone who will listen and no one is more keen to hear these escapades than Nurglish daemons. During Khorne-Nurgle alliances, Khazaan is popular, for every plague daemons enjoys his spiritedly retold stories about the time he chased T’x’rrarikani to the Crystal Lands themselves, snatching up the Watcher before he could flee into the Labyrinth of Tzeentch for good.
All except T’x’rrarikani of course, who seethes within the axe, plotting his bloody revenge.
Havoc is the name of Kha’xanzyr’s Great-Axe, and it is a tall weapon as both the daemon wielding it and inhabiting it. A classic Khornate daemon, Kha’xanzyr loathes the Slaaneshi more than any of their other chaos-kin and so it comes as no surprise that one is enslaved within his weapon, languishing eternally. Not just any Keeper of Secrets, Sla’thill’or’kilak’ki was a Ring-Lord of the Dark Prince’s Realm, beaten and captured during Skarbrand’s razing of Slaanesh’s First Temple. They were one of the Co-rulers of the Ring of Carnality, taken as a spoil and trapped within Havoc at the conclusion of the siege.
Sla'thill'or'kilak'ki’s relationship with their captor is predictably antagonistic and in the times they deign to speak, he and the Keeper of Secrets will trade verbal barbs with one another. Kha’xanzyr rarely wins these battles of wit, as Slaaneshi daemons are simply heir to these particular kinds of duels, but the fact the Bloodthirster can put up any defense at all for any appreciable length of time is definitely appreciated.
Whenever Kha’xanzyr loses, he channels his searing static touch into the daemon inhabiting the weapon. Given the nature of the Slaaneshi, and of  Sla’thill’or’kilak’ki’s in particular though, this is probably not the punishment he’s desiring it to be...
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skxrbrand · 4 months
Do they have soft snouts?
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" No."
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skxrbrand · 4 months
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While it is easy to assume ( and the Daemons would certainly like you to believe ) that Daemons, Greater Daemons especially, are nigh-undefeatable, this is not true. Not even for the Legendary Exile of Khorne, Skarbrand.
Many Armor Piercing Projectiles
Engaging Skarbrand in a melee competition is a supremely terrible idea. The more blood that is spilled, the stronger he becomes; this includes his own blood. The best way to fight Skarbrand is from a distance (and KEEPING that Distance) and with many high-powered weapons designed with armor piercing in mind. Magical weapons work the best.
It would take an entire host of high powered projectiles to fell Skarbrand.
Easy to Anger / Lead
"Choices made in anger cannot be undone!" or so the saying goes and it is correct: If sufficiently roused to anger, Skarbrand can be led into traps. This is a double-edged sword however; the Reaper is by no means slow.
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skxrbrand · 4 months
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Skarbrand's dental situation. My version of Skarbrand is sort of an amalgamation of his appearances over the series. In some art and in some books, he is described as having tusks. In the games, he actually has a blue tongue like some dog breeds. Of course, he's missing one of his secondary canines from where he was attacked by Khorne in all iterations. I based his dentition on modern hyenas, since it seemed fitting to me that he have teeth capable of breaking bones and shredding flesh.
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skxrbrand · 4 months
Does skarbrand enjoy being touched anywhere
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I wouldn't say he enjoys anything, but there are definitely things he tolerates more than others. He can feel physical pleasure and he doesn't hate it, but he doesn't seek it out. He's sensitive behind his one remaining ear. Depending upon the person, he may allow touch here or he may squeeze them like an empty soda can.
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skxrbrand · 5 months
Does skarbrand have any mental illnesses
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Had a good long thonkle about this question, and generally speaking I feel like mental illnesses couldn't be readily/comfortably applied to daemons for the same reason gender couldn't (Daemons themselves are arguably just walking personality disorders, but I digress). Those are inherently human/mortal concepts and problems, and daemons are not humans/mortal. In the context of Khornate culture, Skarbrand is normal. Extreme anger and sadism would not be considered a disorder or an illness.
If pressed though, my interpretation of Skarbrand definitely has some Depressive features and I don't see how being personally assaulted by Khorne WOULDNT leave someone, even a Daemon, with PTSD or some sort. Among Khornates, these would be considered unusual (maybe not the fear of Khorne though).
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skxrbrand · 5 months
Does skarbrand have any trauma associated with being attacked by Khorne!
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Doesn't like being picked up by significantly bigger beings. Other Bloodthirsters would fight-- I could actually see Skarbrand freezing first.
Then again, at 18 feet of height and 8 tons, this isn't a common problem.
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skxrbrand · 1 year
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Skarbrand has no ability to pass the MSR test when he’s in rage mode. If you placed a mirror in front of him, he would think it was a rival Bloodthirster and attack it.
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skxrbrand · 1 year
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Fueled by blood and rage, Skarbrand’s strength has virtually no upper limit. I tentatively compare it to the likes of Doomsday from DC or the Hulk from Marvel Comics (tentatively because I am not a comic enjoyer/am not intimately familiar with the characters other than one is known to be disgustingly strong and the other killed superman that one time). What sets Skarbrand apart from other Bloodthirsters isn’t just his strength, but his ability to reach levels of rage so high that it becomes contagious to other lifeforms, dangerous even; the Reaper’s anger can reach such heights as to boil blood or cause heads to explode. As we’ve established a few times over this blog and on @kharrneth​, Bloodthirsters themselves fulminate ( explode ) if they experience a state of emotion that is too great, particularly the emotional distress that comes with the tarnishing of personal honor. It reminds one of a hara-kiri.
Skarbrand’s rage curse is not only rage, but a deeply sorrowful state. This would suggest that this fulmination threshold is different between Bloodthirsters and totally absent in Skarbrand himself.
No battle with Skarbrand would be easy and defeating him head on isn’t advisable. However, the longer the battle rages on, the stronger he gets; if one can, one should banish him as quickly as possible.
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skxrbrand · 8 months
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Skarbrand conceptualizes love as the minimal, or more rarely, complete absence of threat between two people. This is how he interprets it, even if romance is not something he can feel internally, it is something he can see and conceptualize on an external, intellectual level. He bases it on what he sees between Khorne and Valkia and this is a mutual respect between two peerless warriors. Ordinarily in Khornate Culture, when two warriors of similar skill meet, this almost always involves death for one if not both of them.
Khorne and Valkia are not equals for power, but this is true (even more true, really) between subordinates and their superiors. It's about care, as opposed to the callous culling that Khornate lords usually do when they send their legions in to kill the enemy.
Concern, general lack of threat (with the understanding and respect that the other person COULD become a threat and a considerable one), and reasonably equal standing. That's what he understands it to be.
Daemons and even the gods can feel love, but by it's very nature love makes on vulnerable and gives one influence over another person. Daemons generally do not want to be at the mercy of anything else, so this is an emotion they not only spurn but openly ridicule anyone -- mortal or daemon -- for expressing a lot of the time.
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