#SJWs ignoring foster kids
ex-foster · 5 months
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Read number 6 and then read it again.
The challenges for former foster youth who age out of the system are cumulative and being a former foster kid is a bigger obstacle to higher education than being in a low income family, being a first generation newcomer, or being a particular race or gender alone.
Let me ask you again - WHY do social justice warriors IGNORE foster care and hyperfixate on race and LGBT?
When will the discussion of foster care move on from a mere mention in the abortion debates?
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finitevoid · 7 months
soren thinks omegaverse is stupid. mpreg has potential but is also mostly just stupid. If he wrote mpreg fic himself he could make it so deep but he would never waste his valuable time actually contributing to a fandom. whatever art he makes he keeps to himself (so at the end of the day he is still wasting his valuable time just not posting it)
the impression i got from stefan in his support with soren in game wasnt that he didnt see merit in sorens relationship with ike. He more took issue with soren finding permanent community with beorc because the inevitable will happen (being branded becomes obvious when he doesnt age. and hes going to outlive ike. branded end up floating around different communities of beorc in isolation to hide being branded). he encouraged soren to leave ike and join him but soren was like wahhh and so stefan just leaves him with the When the time comes—and you will know when—ride to Grann Desert. Ominous
translating that to this au... stefans definitely pissed at soren about the whole thing but it doesnt sour his opinion of soren. Yes he does feel betrayed soren put a beorc above him and is VERY passive aggressive with soren the next time they meet but its cool. stefan is actually pretty chill with ike but you know. your people first. he thinks sorens relationship with ike and greil isnt sustainable but good for soren. he wont stop annoying soren about his branded revolution or whatever but he really doesnt have anything to back it up like he does in canon hes just the resident school shooter
stefans impression of almedha is a whole different matter. hes suspicious of her adopting soren after everyone assumed she abandoned soren. she actually lost custody of him because court deemed her mentally unfit to raise him (THEY HATE BROWN WOMEN EMOTING!!!). ashnard fought against her and wanted that baby so he didnt have to pay child support (hes legit stupid) but regretted it immediately so off soren goes to the system. sorry i have no idea how to translate the actual canon of ashnard disposing of infant soren for being weak and sickly and not a half dragon superbaby. i guess that too. he was an expensive faggot baby that had severe jaundice stefans also never seen a laguz even foster branded children so hes like What. What the fuck is happening. he really cant imagine a laguz having an amicable interaction with a branded but is further baffled by the fact shes not being straight forward about it. laguz when they have issues are overt about it and they ignore the existence of the branded to their face. adopting a kid to screw him over is like. such a beorc move. stefan cant comprehend any of this situation but doesnt trust it
soren gets into internet fights about race. hes pretty much an exclusionist because he scoffs at ace people saying theyre oppressed but he refuses to engage in tumblr discourse like that. He instead goes nuclear on tumblr about race and no ones happy. His blog really isnt centered around that its actually a fandom blog he just reblogs and then he gives his input occasionally in the tags and starts ww3 but only responds to people if he started ww3 about race or class. he used to have a political discourse (anti sjw???) blog when he was younger on tumblr but he got very annoyed with the userbase. arguing with them stopped being cathartic he does that on reddit now. he just enjoys being cruel on tumblr
remember that lore about soren using his branded status as an excuse to say the worst things ever on tumblr? Yeah that s all canon here. including ike stepping in
Why are these asks getting longer
also I KNOW THE JOKE but click on the #i hate it here tag. Look at the two posts. Was that intentional
No it was not intentional. I had no idea I’d used that phrasing twice. For the same joke. I guess I really do hate it here
they’re getting longer because you’re describing increasingly complex relationships
anyway. I’m still confused on how the whole “he’s going to die before you’re middle aged” thing translates into a modern au. Is he just generally mistrustful of beorc intentions towards branded people . Like why does he think it’s not sustainable? because he thinks soren needs to be with his own people ?
Stefans position on almedha is understandable given the circumstances. He’s not in a position where he can assume good intentions. particularly not from someone he thinks has betrayed soren once before
Is soren going to join his revolution in tje future or is he just like egh
Also you could have it that ashnard wanted the money but he also wanted soren to like be his heir. Inherent whayever expi you’re using for being the ruler of a country (municipal politician lol? Large business owner?) and then soren is a sickly kid or something so he just dumps him off on the system because he wanted a strong man to be his heir or whatever
middle school soren having an anti sjw tumblr blog is so easy to imagine it’s hilarious actually. I’m glad he’s having fun in fandom . Im glad that lore about him being evil online applies here I think it’s perfect. Ikr knows he’s starting ww3 on tunvlr because he spends all day tapping at his phone and when not will start unprompted talking about horseshoe theory or something
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Lavender Eyes - Glimmerdora - Ch4
Title: Lavender Eyes
Chapter: 4
Word Count: 4078
Summary: Adora’s on the football tem. Glimmer’s in band. They think they can’t stand each other, until a series of accidents forces them to open up to each other.
Note: This is also available on Archive of Our Own and it’s probably best to follow it there, as I remember to update it more. I would post a link, but then tumblr wouldn’t include it in search results.
Adora had tried to come in without making a noise. She had pulled the door to slowly behind her so that it only just caught on the latch, slipping her trainers off with her toes so that she could pad upstairs without making a sound. Both Catra and Adora had long since figured out how to get around the house without making a noise.
She wasn't quiet enough.
"Adora? Is that you?"
That sent an alarm bell through her. Beatrix only had such sharp ears when she was on edge. Otherwise, it was easy to sneak around her.
"Uh, yeah." Adora started down the hall to find Beatrix sat at the dining room table, a salad in front of her for dinner.
"I thought you were out with Catra." Her tone was light and conversational, but she was probing.
She hadn't said that. She had said she was going around Lonnie's.
So Catra was out too. And had assumed Adora would cover for her. For a moment, she considered getting her own back for the night of the game.
She couldn't do that.
"Yeah, I didn't feel too good, so I came home. She's met up with a few of the girls from the team." Taken out of context, the first part wasn't a lie.
"Oh, sweetheart, what's wrong?" Beatrix was up in the next moment, a hand against Adora's forehead. "Have you taken painkillers? Do you want me to make a hot water bottle up for you?"
"I'm okay now," Adora said quickly. She was backstepping and wondering why she wanted to avoid those hands. They were cold, but the house was cold. Everything was cold here. "I was just going to get some work done."
"You're not doing work if you don't feel well." Beatrix was taking her wrist, pulling her into the living room and sitting her on the sofa. Adora remained limp. She had tried to resist this mollycoddling before and knew that Beatrix's fingers could close like a bony shackle and hold her fast. "Though Catra should have come home with you."
"I didn't want to drag her home."
"It's your responsibility to take care of her, Adora." Beatrix was pulling the stray hair away from Adora's face. "She's not like you, she'll get into all sorts of trouble."
"We're the same age." Adora tried to keep her tone gentle. They were approaching thin ice and she didn't want to fall through to the freezing cold waters underneath. "Catra can handle herself."
There was a sharp yank on her ponytail before she could even gasp. There were the eyes again - eyes like a demon - inches from her face.
"Will you say that when she ends up passed out on the street? In the hospital? Dead?" her foster-mother snarled. The pain of her nails in her hair made Adora's eyes water. "The two of you think you can go around and do anything and neither of you think of what might happen to you? Neither of you think of me! I slave away to make you both large, healthy dinners every night and then both of you turn around and spit in my face! Going out and eating elsewhere and leaving me on my own! Selfish!"
Adora was finally released, her head jerking forward so hard it almost hit her knees. She couldn't catch her breath for a moment, especially not with Beatrix's shadow looming over her. Waiting for a response.
"I'll make something," Adora managed to gasp out. "And I'll have dinner with you. I'm sorry."
"Oh, Adora." There were those hands again - gentle now. Like when she used to soothe her from nightmares. "That's all I ask."
Adora shoved a frozen pizza in the oven and tapped her feet on the bottom of the kitchen stool as she waited for it. She listened to her foster mother talk endlessly about her day and nodded in all the right parts.
She got the pizza out, managed to rattle off the parts of school that would be approved of. Test scores and coursework and praise given by her teachers. How well training was going.
Nothing about Glimmer.
Glimmer's house had been warm. She only realised when she opened the oven and was greeted by a blast of warm air. Their house had been warm and Glimmer had warm hands. They wouldn't have to bundle up in multiple socks and jumpers and shiver all the way through winter because it wasn't cold enough to justify the central heating.
She wondered what dinner there would have been like. Sat around the table with Glimmers glamorous mother. Probably not a homemade stew or soup. Probably the kind of pre-made party food that was advertised around Christmas. Tiger prawns and mini quiches. It would probably be loud. Probably involved Bow and Glimmer teasing each other relentlessly and Glimmer's mum joining in.
The thought out her off her pizza. She managed to make up an upcoming Spanish test and slunk upstairs.
Adora had every intention to finally study. She pulled out her books and sat down on her bed to read them.
The next thing she knew was Catra's voice in her ear and her shoulder being shaken.
"Catra!" she jerked away, raising a hand to her face to protect herself.
Catra pulled it down. "Sssh! Don't want to wake the sleeping dragon."
"Did you climb through my window?" Adora hissed.
"Yeah? You're right above the garage. I do it all the time."
"I'm sleeping in here Catra."
"And I've never woken you."
"That's creepy."
Catra shrugged. It was the movement that sent the smell to Adora's nose.
"Have you been smoking?"
"I'm not telling you that."
"Why not? We tell each other everything."
"Because you'll tell Beatrix."
"I won't. Promise."
Catra sighed and Adora saw her roll her eyes in the dark. She caught the smell again. Stronger this time.
"Lonnie has this friend, Rogelio, he brought a joint."
"A joint?!"
"Oh, relax. There was only enough for like, two drags each."
"It smells like more."
"Well, weed smells." Catra shoved some of the books out of the way, plopping herself onto Adora's bed. "She covered for you, by the way."
"Lonnie covered for you. Beatrix phoned her, no idea how she got her number, but she covered for you."
"I covered for you too."
"So where were you?"
"With a friend."
"All your friends are my friends, Adora."
Something about the way she said it made it sting.
"Not these ones."
"Who?" Catra waited for a response, then leant back. “No, wait – I know. That Bow kid.”
“What are you talking about?” Adora forced a laugh that wasn’t convincing.
“You mentioned them the other day – didn’t even know they were on your radar.” Catra grinned and her teeth flashed like fangs in the moonlight. “God, Beatrix will be pissed if she found out you were hanging out with a fag and a dyke.”
"Shut up, Catra."
"They're just so - nothing like you at all. Like everything that people hate about sjws all rolled into one."
"I said shut up!" Adora snapped.
Catra paused. She looked at her, toying with her bottom lip with her teeth. The motion made Adora's stomach jump.
"Just remember, Adora, they're not the ones who have your back on the field."
And with that, Catra slinked from her room. Adora glared after her, then through a punch into her pillow. She wasn't even sure why she was so angry.
She hated Catra when she was like this. She hated her foster mother when she was like this.
But she hated herself most of all.
Glimmer didn't act like nothing had happened. The team always carried on as usual, but not Glimmer.
No she had to run to Adora in the middle of the hallway, keychain on her bag jingling loudly enough to attract everyone around that's attention.
"Are you feeling any better?" She asked.
People were looking. Lonnie slammed her locker closed, turning dark eyes onto Adora.
"You can't do this," Adora said. "Not here."
"Be your friend?" Glimmer smiled, but it dropped at the expression on Adora's face.
"The team-"
"Can't know that we're friends," Glimmer finished. Her eyes hardened and her jaw set.  "Fine. Will I be giving you a lift home today, sir knight?"
"Glimmer," Adora wasn't even saying her name, it just came out as she exhaled.
"Find your own ride, Adora." Glimmer pushed past her, pulling her oversized cardigan around her.
 She opened her mouth – even though she had no idea what she was going to say. She ended up just staring after Glimmer as she stopped and greeted Bow. She still had a face like thunder and the two of them glanced back at her. Adora turned her back, pushing hair away from her face and waiting for Lonnie to catch up with her.
“What’s that about?” Lonnie asked.
Adora wasn’t good at lying. “Nothing.”
“Yeah, didn’t seem like nothing.” Lonnie crossed her arms, shifting her weight as she looked after Glimmer. “Didn’t she hug you at the game the other day?”
“What? No!”
“Yeah, I wouldn’t forget that hair anywhere,” Lonnie said. She scoffed, and raised her voice as they walked past. “I mean, honestly, pink hair with a red uniform? And they call me a fashion disaster.”
Adora couldn’t help it, she glanced back. Just in time to see Glimmer’s face crumple as she turned away, facing Bow. Her eyes caught on the hairs sticking up at the nape of her neck – they were undyed. What would Glimmer look like with brown hair? She didn’t want to know. That would be too boring. Too normal.
Too much like her.
“I think it’s-“
“You hugged her at the match.”
“Did someone knock you over, or something?”
“What are you bitches talking about?” Catra’s arms hooked around Adora and Lonnie’s necks and she looked at both of them. There was a strong smell around her that Adora tried to ignore.
“Just wondering why Adora’s so pally with pinky.” It seemed as though Lonnie was leaning into Catra’s touch, smiling up at her.
“I’m not,” Adora snapped. She caught herself. “I’m – I’m not, okay?”
“And yet you keep getting into her junkyard bait of a car.” Catra had the smile that she wore when she was getting other people into trouble.
Adora ducked out from under her arm. “Get fucked, Catra.”
She felt like the teen in a movie with a secret that made them touchy – shit, she was a teenager with a secret that made her touchy. She didn’t want to talk about Glimmer. Talking about Glimmer would make it real. It would force her to acknowledge things. Things that were changing. She wouldn’t be able to have the football team and Glimmer and Bow. There was always going to be a choice from day one. And she knew the choice. The choice that was safe and –
The longer she stayed with Glimmer and Bow the more she was wrapped up in believing that it would be okay. That she would be able to come out one day. That was a dangerous thought. Bow and Glimmer were the dangerous choice.
But they were also the happy choice.
She wasn’t surprised that she couldn’t find Glimmer after training. That her car was already gone from the parking lot. Adora deserved that. She deserved to be completely ignored and never spoken to again.
The surprise was that Bow was leaning against her cruiser, his phone in his hand. A rose gold charm hung from it. A tiny heart and a tiny arrow.
“Uh, what are you doing?”
Bow looked up then and spoke completely casually. “Waiting for you.”
“Come to drag me across the coals?”
“For a lift, actually.”
“Oh, right – manners.” Bow cleared his throat, drawing his shoulders back and puffing his chest up. “Adora, may I please have a lift in your, might I say, beautiful car?” He paused a moment, then stroked the top of it. “I must say, you have chosen a spiffing colour, my dear lady.”
Adora found herself laughing – against every feeling she had in the last twenty four hours, she was laughing.
“Just get in, you dork.”
Bow did, flashing her a very shiny grin and climbing up into the passengers seat. She tossed her bags into the back and settled herself behind the wheel.
“So, you really didn’t come to give me a bullocking?” she asked, reversing out of the parking space.
“You mean about the whole ‘we can only be friends in secret’ thing?”
“I can’t blame you. I wouldn’t have the guts to stand up to the football team either. Those girls are mean.”
“Are you saying I’m a coward?” She swung onto the main road with more force than she should have.
“I would never. Like I said, you girls are mean.” Bow gave a dramatic shiver. “I would imply it, though.”
“I’m not a coward.”
“Oh no?”
"And yet you couldn't stand up for Glimmer..." Bow tapped his fingers on the dashboard.
"What did you want me to say? That - that I like her hair?" Adora's hands were shakin and she gripped the steering wheel tighter. "That it's cute and fluffy like a cloud and she looks like some kind of angel? Yeah, no. That's not - that's-"
"Pretty, gay, Adora."
"Oh, says the guy who is gay."
"I know it when I see it."
"I'm not." Adora gave a huff-laugh. It sounded panicky. "I'm not gay."
"No, of course not." For a moment Bow sounded genuine, then he smiled. "But if you were, you'd be into Glimmer."
"I didn't say that."
"You didn't have to," Bow paused. "How long have you known?"
Adora sighed. Her key was swaying from where it was lodged in the car and it was distracting.
"A while. Since I realised the perks of playing football."
Bow nodded. He stared out the window for a moment, then fixed dark eyes on Adora.
"Park round the back of my house. We need to talk."
"That doesn't sound ominous."
"Oh, that was the aim." Bow still sounded cheery, and it put Adora's teeth on edge. But she still did as she was asked, following Bow’s rather awful instructions around to Glimmer’s neighbourhood. He really did live just down the road from her. And Bow’s house had a white picket fence – because of course it did. That was how perfect a neighbourhood he came from. Adora parked and leant back in the car, wondering what she was supposed to see.
“Give it a moment, they’re always out at this time,” Bow said, checking his watch. He continued to tap at the dashboard and Adora continued to watch. There was a horrible twisted feeling in her stomach.
Then the back door of Bow’s house opened and, through the fence, Adora could see two men coming out from the house. One had his arm around the other’s shoulder’s and they were both laughing about something.
“Those are my dads,” Bow said.
Adora heard herself give a sharp sigh. “I’m not against – I’m not homophobic. I don’t have a problem with-“
“That’s not what I was thinking.” Bow leant back, watching the pair sit at the garden table with a couple of ciders, still looking at each other like the other one was a rare treasure. “I was thinking that someone you know wouldn’t approve if they knew?”
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Okay.” Bow had one hand on the door handle. “I guess I’ll see you at school?”
He had one foot out of the car when Adora said it – she wasn’t sure why.  She wasn’t sure why she trusted Bow with this.
“My mom.”
Bow slid back into the car, without a word.
“I mean, my foster mom. She – being gay, that’s not – it doesn’t fit with her image of the perfect daughter. And I am. At least, I was. But now I’m – I’m hanging out with people she despises and not – not studying and I’m not what she wants me to be.”
Bow stayed staring at her for a long time, but she didn’t look at him. She kept her eyes focused on Bow’s dads. They were talking, leaning towards each other. Looking at each other like the other was perfect.
“My dads didn’t get it,” Bow finally said. “Ironic, right? But I just thought they wouldn’t understand the whole trans thing. For years I was terrified to tell them – I was going by Bow for ages before – before Glimmer helped me get the courage up to – to tell them who I really was. And they were…fine. They loved me no matter what.”
“That’s great, Bow.” Adora’s voice cracked. “I’m really glad that it’s worked out for you.”
“What I’m saying is – you probably have nothing to worry about. Whatever she wants you to be, she’ll love you anyway.”
Adora was smiling, but it was forced, fixed and nostalgic.
“I don’t think so. She’s not-“
“You never know. People surprise you.”
“No. No, you don’t know what she’s like.” She could still feel the ache on the back of her head. She took a long breath out. “Do me a favour and not tell Glimmer any of this?”
“Oh, of course not. As long as you don’t tell her that she was the kick I needed to come out to my parents.”
“Sure thing.”
Bow climbed out of the car, but kept a hand on the roof as he leant to see in.
“I did tell Glimmer I wouldn’t say anything,” he said. “But for the record, if you were gay, there’s a strong chance she’d be into you.”
“Yeah, right.”
Bow shrugged and closed the car door. He unlatched the gate and gave a final wave to Adora. She hadn’t moved. Her brain was struggling to process any of this conversation. Any of what she’d just admitted.  She just stared ahead of her, feeling like a blown fuse and only blinked herself back to reality when Bow waved before going into the gate.
Then she drove home.
Glimmer stubbornly ignored her the next day. Adora noticed that her voice was a little too loud and her laugh just a little too long. She was being punished she knew. There had been a test of her loyalties and she had failed. But why was that a fail? A fail implied she had gotten it wrong.
Did she want to get it right?
The thought was enough to almost send her stumbling in practice again. She was feeling things more now – the thud of the ground under her feet and the bash of the ball against her skin. If she didn’t know better, she would assume that Catra was actually trying to hurt her.
Bow was outside her car again when she had finished getting changed. She felt completely exhausted, and didn’t acknowledge him as she climbed in to the driver’s side.
“So, your mom hates the gays.”
“Pink hair too.”
“And what’s your opinion of pink hair, Adora?”
“Get fucked.” But she was smiling despite herself. Then she sighed. “I want to still hang out with you and Glimmer. I really do, it’s just-“
“The football team.”
“Would you stop finishing my sentences?”
“It’s a gift,” Bow said. “It comes right down to what it did a few weeks ago, doesn’t it? The team.”
“They’re my friends. My family.”
“And they hate that you aren’t like them. That you might want to hang out with the freaks and the weirdos.”
“You aren’t freaks, or weirdos.” Adora beeped the person in front of her. They were driving too slow for her liking and she was running out of patience. “You’re great fun and you’re happy and I enjoy your company.”
“Then what does it matter what Catra thinks?”
“It’s easy for you. You’ve clearly never cared what anyone thinks.”
“Oh, I used to.” Bow rolled down the window, resting his elbow on it. “But then I decided it was much more fun to annoy everyone by just existing.”
“And that takes guts. More guts than I have.”
“Really, Adora?” Bow was smiling when he looked at her. “You can fearlessly charge into seven foot giants, but you can’t stand up for yourself?”
“That’s different. That’s…”
“How do you do that?”
“I’m good with people.”
Adora laughed. Which made Bow laugh. She turned up the radio and let him dance along to the songs because she was done being serious for one day. Done thinking in general.
She drove home, turning the radio off and instead trying desperately to remember the Disney songs that Glimmer always used to sing. She didn't have any cds in the car, but now she wished she did.
Catra was on the end of her bed, still in her track shorts and t-shirt with sweat stains down it.
"You're disgusting," Adora dumped her bag at the door. Normally she would sit on the bed, but something made her pause. "Go take a shower."
"Hey Adora," Catra smiled. "Not with your little friends today?"
"I dropped Bow off at his house.”
“Glitter’s still not speaking to you?” Catra examined her nails, tapping her foot.
“It’s Glimmer.”
“Yet, she left glitter in your car.”
“Are you here for any reason, Catra?”
Catra stood, taking her time as she stalked over to Adora. She swayed her hips and Adora forced her eyes away from the movement, swallowing heavily. She felt her cheeks warm and hated that.
“I just wanted to know,” Catra said. “Why this all came about.”
“What do you mean?”
“You hate me now.”
“I don’t hate you.”
“Don’t you?” Catra shook her head. “You don’t hang out with us anymore. You don’t speak to us anymore.”
“Because you all act like bitches for no reason!” Adora said. Her voice broke. “What the hell did Bow do to you that made you hate him? What the hell did Glimmer do?”
“Right now they’re taking my best friend away!”
“Don’t be so childish! Just because they’re not you, Catra.”
“They’re not you either, Adora.” Catra’s lip quirked into a snarl and she was close to Adora. Close enough to smell the sweat still on her skin. “They’re nothing like you.”
“Maybe they’re not,” Adora said. “But at least they’re not bitches.”
Catra’s eyes narrowed. It looked as though she was bearing her teeth at Adora. She pushed past her, hard enough to nudge her back into the corridor, without saying a word.
Adora regretted it instantly. She hadn’t meant to take it that far. Hadn’t meant to be so cutting. She hadn’t meant to ignite that hatred in Catra’s arms. But it had just scared her. It had scared her because they were something like Adora. They were the something like Adora that she wanted to be.
It felt as though they had crossed a threshold of no return. Even if she went back to hanging out with the football team – even if she tried to make everything go back to normal, it couldn’t.
And she wasn’t sure she wanted it to. Now she had taken that first step, she didn’t want to go back to normal. To biting her tongue and turning a blind eye. To hiding in the closet. To pretending that Glimmer wasn’t her friend.
Glimmer was her friend and she was clever and happy and –
Adora had called her beautiful and she had meant it. She didn’t want to cut Glimmer out of her life. She wanted to be her friend. To be friends. To be happy.
But Glimmer didn’t forgive easily and that was something that Adora knew all too well.  No, it would take something else – something big to show her that Adora had changed her mind. That she had changed it and meant it.
She sat down at her desk and put her head in her hands. Her stomach was still in knots about Catra, but Catra was Catra and she moved on easily. Catra blew hot and cold like a cat without the arguments. Glimmer – Glimmer was what she focused on.
It might just have been the first time she had come home from school and hadn’t done work. Instead, she wracked her brains for some grand gesture, thinking back on all the conversations her, Bow and Glimmer had.
Then it came to her and she smiled.
Adora had a plan.
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