spacenintendogs · 7 months
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u do not need context to understand what is happening
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baa-whatever · 3 months
"Why do we get hate for harmless shipping--"
You mean you pushing your in///cest ships onto others?? Or insulting those people who don't ship it? Even when creators of those characters make it clear that they're not comfortable seeing that and they don't give a damn about it? Quit your guilt tripping.
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jmkho · 9 months
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dragynkeep · 1 year
some jaune Stannies need to realize already that going “so and so are self inserts too!!!” isn’t the gotcha they want it be
it's also like. having aspects of the person voicing them in that character isn't a bad thing, but jaune being an author's pet & sucking up all the emotional volume & physical space is. especially in a show named rwby.
i've seen it pointed out by other posters but the issue isn't that jaune has emotional arcs & a character, that's a good thing, we want him to have that. it's the fact that no one else can. it's the fact he imposes what he thinks is right on a village with it's own specific practices analagous to reincarnation in multiple cultures in our world. it's the fact he had a character arc before our main yellow bitch did. it's the fact he has multiple emotional beats denied to our main characters in the face of her trauma.
it's the fact that his fans will headcanon him as the gnc boykissing king & then forget that this is not what we have in canon & what we have in canon is drenched in toxic masculinity & the writers not wanting to put him aside for even one volume to let our main characters breathe in a "story arc" about discovering who you are.
jaune already did that. he did that back in v5-8 when he unlocked his semblance, confronted his trauma about pyrrha at the expense of ren & nora, took an equal space at ruby's side as leader & did everything they did in those volumes.
"self inserts" become a problem when they begin to warp established rules of the defined canon & conflict what they should be in the narrative. this is applicable to jaune, blake & yang. characters having things in common with their voice actors does not make them a self insert but characters being written on the whims of their writers who don't even want to pay attention to the actual narrative in order to foist them into it does. & jaune has been this & an author's pet since day one: written & based off a violently misogynistic, antisemitic & racist borderline incel. miles can lie all he likes about not writing jaune anymore but the proof is in the pudding lmao.
getting mad at people who dislike jaune after 10 years of this shit, who don't think the headcanons are real, instead of just utilizing tag filters seems. confusing to me lol.
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leporidaedaze · 1 month
Not Hannibal calling himself weird 💀💀💀
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cowlos-reyes · 5 months
maybe it's the fact that you don't even post Palestine stuff yourself but you're coming at him? you and your friends are fucking pathetic cyberbullying don't a man you guys clearly don't like anymore... you clearly liked him a lot judging from your anger maybe instead of blowing up on him and saying vile stuff you could of dm'd him and educated him or here's a funny idea.. just block him? and moved on you guys are giving him the spotlight by constantly talking about him it's fucking embarrassing seeing you on my timeline go gossip behind closed doors you deserve all the slurs that come your way its fucking karma you don't say and bash another human like that
"You deserve all the slurs that come your way" "you dont say and bash another human like that"
Hey honey sounds to me like you maybe dont think trans people are people, if you're okay with us receiving hate but no one else.
And "its embarrassing seeing you on my timeline" but also "just block him!!!!" Oh honey do u realize how dumb u look. Just block me lmao.
This is a fandom blog. My followers are specifically fandom followers. Ergo, my activism here will relate to refusing to allow people to forget that the people they stan are zionists.
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shallanspren · 6 months
honestly in general, i find chronic haters fucking exhausting.
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besavedbyaperfectkiss · 6 months
Ok why are people acting like they know what happened between Joe and Taylor and he’s the fucking devil on twitter? I truly don’t understand it at all????? Like how do you get there? He’s the devil reincarnated bc they broke up and were both sad about said breakup but yes you on Twitter know every secret and know he’s a terrible person (yes someone actually said that)
These fans are making me HATE being a fan genuinely
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piqued-curiosity · 2 years
Straight people who are all “you can’t even use rainbows anymore! Everyone thinks it’s gay!” Are so annoying and fragile. You can use a rainbow??? LGBs have a rainbow flag in a specific pattern with a specific meaning. Just don’t use that and you’re good. And even if people still think your rainbow whatever is associated with LGB pride… who cares? What’s wrong with that? If you’re so bothered by that possibility, it makes me very suspicious of how genuine your support is.
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butch-bakugo · 2 years
The grown adults in 2022, who aren't even gay, who complain about the "toothpaste flag" or the blue and green gay flag are the weakest link.
Get something more important to complain about, like ya know... Human rights violations... Roevwade being overturned... Gun violence in elementary schools.....ya know
Things that actually fucking matter and have actively taken lives and are significantly more important than what gay flag tumblr used to color the gay tag with.
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rebeljyn · 1 year
Had to rant and it got long so I’ll put it under a cut
Whenever someone says they’re sooo happy that a female character is “strong and still feminine” as if that was something that was so unheard of it pisses me off lmao WHERE exactly are you seeing strong masculine women in media? Where are the tall buff masculine women you’re implying is the standard? The only character I can think of that fits that description and isn’t absurdly stereotyped is Vi from Arcane. That’s IT.
There’s barely any short haired women in media already and the ones that exist are basically all feminine in all other aspects. The more ““masculine”” characters are put either into the category of the man hating lesbian or the not-like-other-girls girl who gets a makeover at the end.
Literally the price female characters pay for having any kind of strength is to be feminine and palatable to the men watching… that’s literally what they did to Leia when they put her into that horrendous sex slave fantasy outfit. That’s what they did to Black Widow. And even with less obviously sexualized characters, specially in superhero themed media, they’re always the beauty standard. And even then they get hate lmao…
Even if a female character is the prettiest woman in the world, the moment she does anything actually human and actually strong that men would love to see in male characters, they get hate. So how in hell do y’all think an actually maculine female character would survive in that environment lmao
Feminine characters are hated for doing things associated with women, but they still fit the physical standard expected of them. Masculine characters are hated for not being hot to men, for not conforming to the body standard, for not wearing make up, for not wearing tight/revealing clothing… for not being women the right way.
I don’t care if you like being feminine and you like to see yourself represented. Do whatever you want and be happy about it. But don’t go around acting like feminine women are the least represented type of woman of all.
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astarionconsort · 1 year
"Skyrim belongs to the Nord!" Oh yeah?! Would be real funny if an Imperial battle mage just walked into Skyrim, shouted dragons and people alike apart and immediately run to support Tulius.
(at this point battle mage imperial hero is a tradition)
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mysharxna · 2 years
when vill you dye roots?
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❝   when   will   you   suck   my   fat   dick,   huh   ?      ❞
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pls rb if you think cuddling doesn't have to be s3xual
im tryna prove a point to my bf's mother help me out
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otter-byte · 2 years
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terrible website feature that came to me in a dream
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navigatingsinglehood · 7 months
Telling men (especially the one that was like "we'd make cute babies," fucking yikes) that in the hellscape that is the US that if I do get pregnant and can't plan B that parasite, I'm essentially gonna ghost him and just name the baby with my last name and see how long I can go alone with that before ever getting seen by him if ever at all lmao. And they get so upset. "Wouldn't you want help?" As if that's the actual thing they're worried about, helping me lol. BITCH would I get help?? Bc even without kids, my ex husband couldn't be bothered to take care of his dog. Noo no no lol. If I have to cook that cum cadger then it becomes MY lil crotch goblin. My last name. Tbh I don't even know that one guy's last name, he was presuming A LOT lol
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