#Ruben x frank
skyf0ckz · 1 month
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Trans fem Joanie(Johnny) doodles<33 she's everything
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AND fucking Frank Della Rocca cuz I love him and he's stupid (ft. tiny Ruben)
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zappedbyzabka · 2 months
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He just wants to make sure they’re not bruised from Ruben’s fighting ok🥺
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bluemoonstonesy · 1 year
ruben thinks of john when he listens to frank ocean x
don’t we all he ain’t special
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mmultiversal · 2 years
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Multiversal is back with another summer retreat, this time in Besançon, France! Open air, camping and a lot of noise in the countryside! A gathering at Le Moulin des Buthiers, hosted by Atelier de L'Etoile, aiming to create an environment of co-existence between different parties and performers coming from different realities which might not cross each other in predefined scenes, meeting and giving possibilities to unexpected ad hoc scenarios in an (un)controlled environment, logistically supported by BUSS: Big & Ugly Soundsystem and Multiversal. A weekend, where the distinction between the organisers, the helpers, the performers and the audience disappear, at high and low volumes, on various stages using the vast possibilities of a confined space including outdoors and indoors at a fantastic location which hosted previously various Atelier de L'Etoile events, Bruitisme Festival, as well as another Multiversal Summer Retreat last year. Closer to the date we would announce a predifined program which would be enhanced with the possibilities of open slots for on site first time meetings and other tryouts. No genre limitations, no cultural borders/pipelines, no rockstars; an egalitarian scene where the curiosity and research are encouraged. The complete line up is subject to change as we are open to musicians and performers joining the very last minute. Please keep in mind that this doesn't mean we have an open stage, but rather keeping the door open for an organised chaos. If you are willing to partecipate, or want more information, please get in touch with us via e-mail, on [email protected], with the event name "Multiversal Summer Retreat in Besançon, Again" in the subject line. Moulin des Buthiers offer some roof, but you are very welcome to bring your own tent. Facilities are there for everyone's use. Confirmed participants so far: Sebastien Lemporte - Cello https://soundcloud.com/atelier-de-letoille CNM - Modular Synths http://www.cnm.freak-animals.org/ Utku Tavil - drums, electronics http://utkutavil.tumblr.com Lun Ário - machines https://soundcloud.com/lun_ario Simon Berz - drums, electronics http://www.simonberz.ch/ Cate Hops - decks https://soundcloud.com/cate_hops Munsha - electronics, voice, cello http://www.munsha.it/ Junktion - decks http://junktion.de/ Thiébault Imm - guitar, electronics https://soundcloud.com/thiebault-imm Pablo Lienhard - Reeds, electronics https://pablolienhard.com/ Chris Pitsiokos - reeds http://chrispitsiokos.com/ https://chrispitsiokos.bandcamp.com/ Parasnol - scene from a noise movie https://parasnol.com Frank Vis - Electronics https://www.plattegrondx.com/vestas/ Schoko Mune - Flutes, electronics https://www.sotufestival.com/2022/lineup#/artist=schoco-mune Notorische Ruhestoerung - dadapunx https://ruhestoerung.noblogs.org/ Desert Drone - electronics https://soundcloud.com/desert-drone Seht - electronics, synths www.soundcloud.com/setherian Teresa Riemann - drums, voice https://soundcloud.com/teresariemann Erika Sofia Sollo - voice, electronics https://soundcloud.com/sollosofia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Br1TjX_OFw Dario Tropea - flute, voice, electronics https://pastafissan.bandcamp.com/ Benjamin Whitehill - guitar https://soundcloud.com/bwhitehill Kazehito Seki - Voice, electronics http://kazehitoseki.com/ Shun Momose - electronics https://soundcloud.com/shun-momose PGR - electronics, clarinet https://weinsist.bandcamp.com/album/expeditions NuR x Chlütter - electronics, voice https://soundcloud.com/nureonna https://soundcloud.com/czarnagora/chlutter-live-wurm-basel Ruben Tenenbaum - Violin https://www.rubentenenbaum.com/ Matthias Skoole - guitar https://matthiaskoole.seminalrecords.org/ Marina Cyrino - flutes https://marinacyrino.art.br/ Louis Freres - electric bass https://soundcloud.com/louis-freres/sets/solo Benjamin Efrati - Various www.benjaminefrati.com Damn - modular synths https://d4mnj4r.bandcamp.com/ Lucas Rueckner - Trumpeth, Voice Paolo Possidente - Drums, electronics https://soundcloud.com/paolo-possidente Aaakzt - electronics, bass https://aaakzt.bandcamp.com/ Marcio Gibson - Drums https://soundcloud.com/user1094250 LORD GONZO https://soundcloud.com/lord-gonzo-839171183/05-27-2020a AnnieLam - movement https://www.annielamofficiel.com/ Anatole Petit - Drums https://soundcloud.com/tatie-petanol Antoine Elias - Electronics https://soundcloud.com/antoineelias Emilie Salquebre - multidiscipline http://emiliesalquebre.com/ SBF - cello/sruti box www.silviabarbottof.com/ Caterina de Nicola - Electronics www.caterinadenicola.com Jean Tinirello https://soundcloud.com/jeantinnirello Fred Marty - Electric Bass https://soundcloud.com/fredmarty Raie Uhr - electronics https://soundcloud.com/raieuhr Anton Lorenzutti - guitar https://zigaipavec.bandcamp.com/album/tolkalskitar-osamljen-ornament Tilen Kravos - guitar https://brgstime.bandcamp.com/album/niemoy-svet-2 Lan Štokelj Wu - electronics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLgkmFAHYzI Marek Fakuč - drums electronics https://youtu.be/fthts707jno Mario Sefelin - Voice, performance, film https://www.sixpackfilm.com/en/catalogue/2601
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taunuswolf · 3 years
Natürlich ist diese Liste nicht vollständig. Sicherlich könnte ich sie um viele Persönlichkeiten erweitern. Besonders bei Künstlern, Schriftstellern, Musikern und Schauspielern kämen sicherlich noch viel mehr bewundernswerte Menschen zusammen, die mein Leben mitbegleitet haben. Bei den eher unbekannten Namen habe ich die Funktion in Klammern daneben geschrieben. Einige Namen sind Legendengestalten oder biblische Figuren, zum Beispiel Heilige (HL). Menschen, die ich zum Beispiel während meiner Zeit als Redakteur oder anderwärtig persönlich kennen gelernt habe, sind zum Beispiel auf der Tumblr-Seite fett gekennzeichnet. Unter der Rubrik (Vormärz) versteht man die frühen Akteure der Demokratiebewegung, die leider nicht zum Zug kamen und stattdessen einem autokratischen System weichen mussten, die als Pseudodemokratie bis heute anhält. Im Klartext: Deutschland verträgt keine echte Opposition.  
A: Jeanne d´Arc, Hannah Arendt, Ernst Moritz Arndt, Bettine von Arnim, AC/DC, Johann Valentin Andreae (Rosenkreuzer), Alexandra (Sängerin), König Arthus, Adele, Hirsi Ali, Charles Aznavour,    
B: Hugo Ball (Schriftsteller), Marianne Bachmeier (Mutter Courage), Sebastian Bach, Gottfried von Bouillon (Kreuzritter), Friedrich Barbarossa, Clemens von Brentano (Dichter), G.L. von Blücher, F.W. von Bülow (Preußische Generäle der Befreiungskriege), Hildegard von Bingen, Beatles, Carl Ludwig Börne (1848ziger), Robert Blum (1848-Rebell), Ludwig van Beethoven, Arnold Böcklin, Max Brodt, David Bowie, Thomas Bernhard, Wilhelm Busch, James Baldwin, M. A. Bakunin (Anarchist), Boetius (Philosoph), Buena vista social Club, Josef Beuys, Samuel Beckett, Sebastian Brandt (Humanist)        
C: Cicero, Paul Celan, Carl von Clausewitz (Oberst Befreiungskriege), Leonard Cohen, M. Caravaggio, John Cassavetes (Regis.), Karl August von Cohausen (Archäologe), Charlotte Corday (Rebellin 1790), Robert Crumb, Eric Clapton, Lowis Corinth, Joe Cocker, N.S. Chruschtschow, Sean Connery.        
D: Denis Diderot (Aufklärer), Albrecht Dürer, Bob Dylan, Carl Theodor von Dalberg (Aufklärer), Dante, Dido (Sängerin), Alexander Dubcek, Doors,    
E: Max Ernst, Hl. Elisabeth, Enya, Eisbrecher (Band), Michael Ende, Umberto Ecco, Joseph von Eichendorff,    
F: Gottfried Fichte, Ernst Fuchs, Friedrich der Große, Georg Forster, Caspar David Friedrich, Fleetwood Mac,  
G: Theo van Gogh, Franzisko de Goya, Gottfried Grabbe, Che Guevara, Siddharta Gautama, Karoline von Günderode (Dichterin), Georges I. Gurdjief (Mystiker), Matthias Grünewald, Artemisia Gentileschi (Malerin), Gandalf, Brüder Grim, Grimmelshausen, Ralf Giordano (Journalist), Green Day (Band), Florian Geyer (Rebellenanführer), A.N. von Gneisenau (General Befreiungskriege), M.S. Gorbatschow.      
H: Hagen, Hermann Hesse, Peter Handke, Hölderlin, Heinrich Heine, E.T.A. Hoffmann, Gottfried Herder, Friedrich Hecker (1848-Rebell), Händel, Villard de Honnecourt (Gotik-Baumeister), Michel Houellebecq, Homer, Herodot, Klaus Heuser (BAB), Gorge Harrison, Andreas Hofer, Johnny Hallyday (Franz. Sänger), Friedensreich Hundertwasser, Werner Herzog, Elmar Hörig (Kultmoderator), Ulrich von Hutten (Humanist), Victor Hugo, Harro Harring (Vormärz),      
I: Jörg Immendorff, Henryk Ibsen, Isaias (Prophet),  
J. Jesus, Johannes der Täufer, Johannes der Evangelist, Jeremia (Prophet), C.G. Jung (Psychologe), Jennies Joplin, Friedrich Ludwig Jahn (Turnvater)
K: Karl Kraus, Theodor Körner, Franz Kafka, Frida Kahlo, Gustav Klimt, Charlotte von Kalb (Muse), Lee Krasner (Künstlerin), Rainhard Karl (Bergsteiger), Peter Keuer (Grünen-Gründer), Alfred Kubin,  
L: Lukas, John Lennon, David Lynch, Flake Lorenz, Andreas von Lichnowski (1848ziger), Cyprian Lelek (1848ziger), Georg C. Lichtenberg, Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, Lanzelot, M.V. Llosa (Schriftsteller), Annie Lenox, Königin Luise, Ludwig A.W. von Lützow (Befreiungskriege), M. Lafayette (Fr. Staatsmann und Aufklärer) Franz Liszt, Led Zeppelin, Hanns Lothar (Schauspieler)
M: HL. Maria, HL. Maria Magdalena, Marcus, Matthäus, Matthäus Merian, Maria Sybilla Merian, Amadeus Mozart, Bob Marley, Edward Munch, Claude Monet, Albertus Magnus (Scholastiker), Merlin, Alma Mahler-Werfel (Muse), Meister Eckard (Mystiker), Moody Blues.    
N: HL. Nikolaus, Novalis, V. Nabokov (Schriftsteller), Ningen Isu (Band), Nirvana, Agrippa von Nettesheim (Alchimist), Hannah Nagel (Künstlerin),    
O: Josef Maria Olbrich (Jugendstilbaumeister), Rudolf Otto (Religionswissenschaftler), Oomph (Band), Oasis, Mike Oldfield,  
P: Platon, Plotin, Pythagoras (Philosophen), Jean Paul, Plinius, Parzival, Tom Petty, Daniel Powter, Procol Harum, Pink Floyd,  
Q: Queen,
R:  Peter Paul Rubens, Rembrandt, Josef Roth, Ramstein, Philipp Otto Runge, Ludwig Richter, Rio Reiser, Ritter Roland, Rainer Maria Rilke, Erasmus von Rotterdam, Eric Rohmer, Ulrich Roski (Sänger), Rolling Stones, R.E.M. Lou Reed, Chris Rea, Petra Roth (Ex-OB Frankfurt/M)
S: Johann III Sobieski (polnischer König), Sunzi (chinesischer Philosoph), August Schöltis (Schriftsteller), Lou von Salome (Muse), B. Smetanar, Carlos Santana, Sappho (Dichterin), Schopenhauer, Helmut Schäfer (Staatsminister im Auswärtigen Amt) Sokrates, Egon Schiele, Madame de Stael, August Strindberg, Richard Strauss, Philipp Jacob Siebenpfeiffer (Vormärz), Helmut Schmidt, Subway to Sally (Band), Karl Ludwig Sand (Vormärz)    
T: B. Traven (Schriftsteller), A. P. Tschechov, Ivan Turgenjev, Ludwig Tieck (Romantiker), HL. Judas Thaddäus, Hermes Trismegistos (Philosoph), P.I. Tschaikowski, William Turner, Lars von Trier (Regisseur)  
U: Peter Ustinov, Ludwig Uhland, Siegfried Unseld (Verleger),
V: Luchino Visconti, Leonardo da Vinci, Velvet Underground, Vitruv, Vercingetorix, Francois Villon (Dichter), Walter von der Vogelweide, Robert Vogelmann (Menschenrechtsaktivist)    
W: Wim Wenders, Richard Wagner, Otto Wagner (Jugendstilbaumeister) Wagakki-Band, Sara Wagenknecht, Ludwig Wittgenstein (Philosoph), Georg August Wirth (Vormärz),
X: Xhol (Band)    
Y: Neil Young, Yvonne (Aktivistin der Gegenöffentlichkeit)
Z: Heinrich Zille, Carl Zuckmayer, Frank Zappa,  
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crownedxfatality · 4 years
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“ I don’t want to be entrap by a cage on my head called crown. “
Capet, éveille-toi! by Victor Hugo
Tereus Confronted with the Head of his Son Itylus (Peter Paul Rubens 1577–1640) / The crown is broken by Turhin Sinha
Galadriel, J.R.R. Tolkien, The Two Towers
Celaena Sardothien, Sarah J. Maas /  The deadliest predator by Evie Frye
Eowyn, J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring
Marie Antoinette "Women of Beauty and Heroism" by Frank B. Goodrich, (p. 301), 1859
Justice and Divine Vengeance pursuing Crime (Pierre-Paul Prud'hon, French, 1758 - 1823) / Holy Bible English Standard Version (Psalm 58:10)
Luthien,  J.R.R. Tolkien, Beren and Luthien
Eowyn to Faramir,  J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring
  ( x ) ( x ) ( x )
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sagehaleyofficial · 4 years
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·         5 Seconds of Summer dropped a new single and music video, titled “No Shame,” as well as announced the release date of their fourth studio album, C A L M. They also took to their Twitter account to remind fans to pre-order the album.
·         Silverstein released their third single off of their upcoming LP A Beautiful Place to Drown, titled “Bad Habits.” The track features Aaron Marshall from the band Intervals, and follows the releases of “Infinite” and “Burn It Down.”
·         Boston Manor announced the details of their upcoming studio album, GLUE, which will drop in early May via Pure Noise Records. They later dropped the music video for a new song, “Everything is Ordinary.”
·         Hayley Williams of Paramore revealed the album artwork for her upcoming solo debut, Petals for Armor. Furthermore, she provided a pre-order date, as well as hinted at a new song and video dropping soon.
·         The 1975 dropped a new video for their song “Me & You Together Song,” which is themed as a throwback to the 90s. The song will be featured on the band’s upcoming fourth studio album, Notes on a Conditional Form.
·         The Used declared the details for what will be their eighth studio album, titled Heartwork, which will release in late April. They later released the music video for one of the album’s singles, “Paradise Lost, a Poem by John Milton.”
·         Pop singer Hilary Duff announced that she is covering the Third Eye Blind song “Never Let You Go,” alongside RAC and her new husband Matthew Koma. She recently took to Instagram to release a teaser clip of the cover.
·         Following the release of their new album Father of All… last Friday, Green Day dropped a new music video for the song “Meet Me on the Roof,” featuring Stranger Things actor Gaten Matarazzo. The video features Matarazzo attempting to impress his crush via various stunts.
·         Pop starlet Halsey released her contribution to the Birds of Prey soundtrack, “Experiment on Me,” which was produced by members of Bring Me the Horizon. The collaboration was teased as early as last July.
·         Bowling for Soup released a new song, named for and centered around WWE star Alexa Bliss. Bliss and BFS frontman Jaret Reddick are good friends, and she previously posted a behind-the-scenes shot of the music video to her Instagram.
·         New Found Glory disclosed the details of their 10th studio album, Forever + Ever x Infinity, which will drop in late May, along with released a new single titled “Greatest of All Time.” The album will mark the band’s first album in four years.
·         Senses Fail revealed that they are once again working with Saosin’s Beau Burchell on production for the release of their next studio album. The band has been hinting at new music for almost a year.
·         Slipknot announced the lineup for their second Knotfest Roadshow, featuring A Day to Remember, Underoath and Code Orange and beginning in May. The band is currently on a European tour and will soon be embarking to Asia.
·         Coheed and Cambria revealed the dates for their Neverender NWFT Tour, during which they will perform their fourth studio album from start to finish. They will also perform several hit songs before embarking on their upcoming cruise.
·         Dance Gavin Dance issued out the dates for a number of European headlining shows, which will follow their performance at Slam Dunk Festival. The band is scheduled to play in the Netherlands, France and Germany.
·         My Chemical Romance guitarist Frank Iero expressed his gratitude on Twitter after four billboards promoting their upcoming tour popped up all around their home state of New Jersey. The NJ shows, as well as the rest of their U.S. dates, sold out within six hours.
·         After marrying his longtime girlfriend Shacara Nemetz, The Maine drummer Pat Kirch announced he would be taking a step back from the band during its upcoming European tour. His friend and drummer of Katastro, Andrew Stravers, will be filling in for the run.
·         Former guitarist of Volumes, Diego Farias, passed away at 27 years old after leaving the band less than a week prior. His brother Gus, who also left the band in late January, reflected on his passing on his social media accounts.
·         Post Malone revealed his latest face tattoos on his social media accounts, which consists of a gauntlet and flail on one cheek and a bloody buzzsaw on the other. The tattoos were done by his personal artist Kyle Hediger, as well as Ruben at Junction City Tattoo.
·         Jeffree Star gave fans a first look at his latest eyeshadow palette, “Blood Lust,” ahead of its full reveal, which premieres today. The palette is the third installment of his Blood collection, following the releases of “Blood Sugar” and “Blue Blood.”
Check in next Tuesday for more “Posi Talk with Sage Haley,” only at @sagehaleyofficial!
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skaiapentertainment · 5 years
Blast From The Past Development Listing
?= On the fence
↑= On the fence about moving them up
↓= On the fence about moving them down
SF Alex Smith, 22 yrs, Star 
ARI Kurt Warner, 35 yrs, Superstar
SEA Matt Hasselbeck, 31 yrs, Star
LAC Philip Rivers, 25 yrs, Superstar
CIN Carson Palmer, 27 yrs, Star
BAL Steve McNair, 33 yrs, Star
PIT Ben Roethlisberger, 24 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Brick Wall)
GB Brett Favre, 37 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Bazooka)
GB Aaron Rodgers, 23 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Gambler)
NYG Eli Manning, 25 yrs, Star
PHI Donovan McNabb, 30 yrs, Superstar
DAL Drew Bledsoe, 34 yrs, Star
DAL Tony Romo, 26 yrs, Star
NE Tom Brady, 29 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Pro Reads)
NO Drew Brees, 27 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Fearless)
ATL Michael Vick, 26 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (First One Free)
TEN Vince Young, 23 yrs, Star ? ↓
IND Peyton Manning, 30 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Pro Reads)
SF Frank Gore, 23 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Wrecking Ball)
ARI Edgerrin James, 28 yrs, Superstar ? ↓
LAR Steven Jackson, 23 yrs, Superstar
LAR Marshall Faulk, 32 yrs, Star
SEA Shaun Alexander, 29 yrs, Superstar
KC Larry Johnson, 27 yrs, Star
LAC Michael Turner, 24 yrs, Star
LAC Darren Sproles, 23 yrs, Star
LAC LaDanian Tomlinson, 27 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (First One Free)
BAL Jamal Lewis, 27 yrs, Superstar
GB Ahmad Green, 29 yrs, Star
NYG Tiki Barber, 31 yrs, Superstar
PHI Brian Westbrook, 27 yrs, Star
WAS Clinton Portis, 25 yrs, Star
NYJ Curtis Martin, 33 yrs, Star
NE Corey Dillon, 32 yrs, Star
BUF Willis McGahee, 25 yrs, Star
CAR DeAngelo Williams, 23 yrs, Star
ATL Warrick Dunn, 31 yrs, Star
JAX Fred Taylor, 30 yrs, Star
JAX Maurice Jones-Drew, 21 yrs, Superstar
SEA Mack Strong, 35 yrs, Star
LAC Lorenzo Neal, 36 yrs, Superstar
TB Mike Alstott, 33 yrs, Star
Wide Receivers
ARI Larry Fitzgerald, 23 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Max Security)
ARI Anquan Boldin, 26 yrs, Superstar
LAR Torry Holt, 30 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Rac ‘Em Up)
LAR Isaac Bruce, 34 yrs, Superstar
DEN Rod Smith, 36 yrs, Star
DEN Brandon Marshall, 22 yrs, Superstar
OAK Randy Moss, 29 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Double Me)
LAC Vincent Jackson, 23 yrs, Star
CIN Chad Johnson, 28 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Rac ‘Em Up)
BAL Derrick Mason, 32 yrs, Star
PIT Hines Ward, 30 yrs, Superstar ? ↑
GB Donald Driver, 31 yrs, Star
GB Greg Jennings, 23 yrs, Star
NYG Plaxico Burress, 29 yrs, Star
WAS Santana Moss, 27 yrs, Star
DAL Terrell Owens, 33 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Double Me)
MIA Wes Welker, 25 yrs, Superstar
NE Deion Branch, 27 yrs, Star
TB Joey Galloway, 35 yrs, Star
NO Joe Horn, 34 yrs, Star
ATL Roddy White, 25 yrs, Superstar
HOU Andre Johnson, 25 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Double Me)
IND Marvin Harrison, 34 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Rac ‘Em Up)
IND Reggie Wayne, 28 yrs, Superstar
Tight Ends
SF Vernon Davis, 22 yrs, Star ? ↑
SF Delaine Walker, 22 yrs, Star
KC Tony Gonzalez, 30 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Max Security)
LAC Antonio Gates, 26 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Max Security)
BAL Todd Heap, 26 yrs, Star
PIT Heath Miller, 24 yrs, Star
NYG Jeremy Shockey, 26 yrs, Superstar ? ↓
WAS Chris Cooley, 24 yrs, Star
DAL Jason Witten, 24 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Max Security)
ATL Alge Crumpler, 29 yrs, Star
HOU Owen Daniels, 24 yrs, Star
IND Dallas Clark, 27 yrs, Star
ARI Leonard Davis, 28 yrs, Star
LAR Orlando Pace, 31 yrs, Superstar
SEA Walter Jones, 32 yrs, Superstar
KC Willie Roaf, 36 yrs, Superstar
CIN Andrew Whitworth, 25 yrs, Superstar
CIN Willie Anderson, 31 yrs, Superstar
BAL Jonathan Ogden, 32 yrs, Superstar
GB Chad Clifton, 30 yrs, Star
PHI Tra Thomas, 32 yrs, Star
WAS Chris Samuels, 29 yrs, Superstar
DAL Flozell Adams, 29 yrs, Superstar
NYJ D’Brickshaw Ferguson, 23 yrs, Star
NE Matt Light, 28 yrs, Superstar
BUF Jason Peters, 24 yrs, Superstar
NO Jammal Brown, 25 yrs, Star
CAR Jordan Gross, 26 yrs, Star
TEN Michael Roos, 24 yrs, Star
IND Tarik Glenn, 30 yrs, Star
SF Larry Allen, 35 yrs, Superstar
LAR Richie Incognito, 23 yrs, Star
KC Will Shields, 35 yrs, Superstar
KC Brian Waters, 29 yrs, Superstar
LAC Kris Dielman, 25 yrs, Star
PIT Alan Faneca, 30 yrs, Superstar
DET Damien Woody, 29 yrs, Star
CHI Ruben Brown, 34 yrs, Star
MIN Steve Hutchinson, 29 yrs, Superstar
NYG Chris Snee, 24 yrs, Star
PHI Shawn Andrews, 24 yrs, Star
DAL Marco Rivera, 34 yrs, Star
NE Logan Mankins, 24 yrs, Superstar
TB Davin Joseph, 23 yrs, Star
NO Jahri Evans, 23 yrs, Superstar
CAR Evan Mathis, 25 yrs, Star
SF Jeremy Newberry, 30 yrs, Star
DEN Chris Myers, 25 yrs, Star
DEN Tom Nalen, 35 yrs, Star
CLE LeCharles Bentley, 27 yrs, Star
PIT Jeff Hartings, 34 yrs, Star
CHI Olin Kreutz, 29 yrs, Superstar
MIN Matt Birk, 30 yrs, Star 
NYG Shaun O’hara, 29 yrs, Star
DAL Andre Gurode, 28 yrs, Star
NYJ Nick Mangold, 22 yrs, Superstar
NE Dan Koppen, 27 yrs, Star
TEN Kevin Mawae, 35 yrs, Superstar
IND Jeff Saturday, 31 yrs, Superstar
SF Bryant Young, 34 yrs, Star
ARI Bertrand Berry, 31 yrs, Star
LAR Leonard Little, 32 yrs, Star
SEA Julian Peterson, 28 yrs, Superstar
KC Jared Allen, 24 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Unstoppable Force)
KC Tamba Hali, 23 yrs, Superstar
DEN Elvis Dumervil, 22 yrs, Superstar
OAK Derrick Burgess, 28 yrs, Star
LAC Shaun Phillips, 25 yrs, Star
BAL Terrell Suggs, 24 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Unstoppable Force)
BAL Adalius Thomas, 29 yrs, Star
CLE Willie McGinest, 35 yrs, Star
PIT James Harrison, 28 yrs, Superstar
PIT Joey Porter, 29 yrs, Superstar
GB Aaron Kampman, 27 yrs, Star
GB Kabeer Gbaja-Biamilia, 29 yrs, Star
NYG Michael Strahan, 35 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Fearmonger)
NYG Justin Tuck, 23 yrs, Star
NYG Osi Umenyiora, 25 yrs, Superstar
PHI Jeveon Kearse, 30 yrs, Star
PHI Trent Cole, 24 yrs, Star
DAL DeMarcus Ware, 24 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Unstoppable Force)
NYJ Shaun Ellis, 29 yrs, Star
MIA Jason Taylor, 32 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Unstoppable Force)
MIA Kevin Carter, 33 yrs, Star
BUF Aaron Schobel, 29 yrs, Star
TB Simeon Rice, 32 yrs, Superstar
NO Will Smith, 25 yrs, Star
CAR Julius Peppers, 26 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Unstoppable Force)
ATL John Abraham, 28 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Unstoppable Force)
ATL Patrick Kerney, 30 yrs, Superstar ? ↓
TEN Kyle Vanden Bosch, 28 yrs, Star
HOU Jason Babin, 26 yrs, Star
HOU Mario Williams, 21 yrs, Superstar
IND Dwight Freeney, 26 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Unstoppable Force)
IND Robert Mathis, 25 yrs, Superstar ? ↑
Defensive Tackles
ARI Darnell Dockett, 25 yrs, Star
LAR La’Roi Glover, 32 yrs, Superstar
OAK Warren Sapp, 34 yrs, Superstar
LAC Jamal Williams, 30 yrs, Superstar
CIN Justin Smith, 27 yrs, Superstar
CIN Sam Adams, 33 yrs, Star
BAL Haloti Ngata, 22 yrs, Superstar
CLE Ted Washington, 38 yrs, Star
PIT Casey Hampton, 29 yrs, Star
DET Shaun Rogers, 26 yrs, Star
CHI Tommie Harris, 23 yrs, Star
MIN Pat Williams, 34 yrs, Star
MIN Kevin Williams, 26 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Run Stuffer)
NE Richard Seymour, 27 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Run Stuffer)
NE Vince Wilfork, 25 yrs, Superstar
BUF Kyle Williams, 23 yrs, Superstar
CAR Kris Jenkins, 27 yrs, Superstar
ATL Roderick Coleman, 30 yrs, Star
TEN Albert Haynesworth, 25 yrs, Star
TEN Randy Starks, 23 yrs, Star
JAX John Henderson, 27 yrs, Star
JAX Marcus Stroud, 28 yrs, Star
ARI Karlos Dansby, 25 yrs, Star
LAR Dexter Coakley, 34 yrs, Star ? ↓
SEA Lofa Tatupu, 24 yrs, Superstar ? ↓
KC Derrick Johnson, 24 yrs, Superstar
DEN Al Wilson, 29 yrs, Superstar ? ↓
BAL Bart Scott, 26 yrs, Star
BAL Ray Lewis, 31 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Reinforcement)
CLE D’Qwell Jackson, 23 yrs, Star
PIT James Farrior, 31 yrs Star
CHI Brian Urlacher, 28 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Run Stuffer)
CHI Lance Briggs, 26 yrs, Superstar
MIN Chad Greenway, 23 yrs, Star
NYG Lavar Arrington, 28 yrs, Star
PHI Jeremiah Trotter, 29 yrs, Superstar ? ↓
NYJ Jonathan Vilma, 24 yrs, Star
MIA Zack Thomas, 33 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Run Stuffer)
NE Mike Vrabel, 31 yrs, Star
NE Tedy Bruschi, 33 yrs, Star
BUF Takeo Spikes, 30 yrs, Star
BUF London Fletcher, 31 yrs, Superstar
TB Derrick Brooks, 33 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Run Stuffer)
CAR Thomas Davis, 23 yrs, Superstar
ATL Keith Brooking, 31 yrs, Star
HOU DeMeco Ryans, 22 yrs, Star
ARI Antrell Rolle, 24 yrs, Star
KC Patrick Surtain, 30 yrs, Star
DEN Champ Bailey, 28 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Shutdown)
OAK Nnamdi Asomugha, 25 yrs, Superstar
LAC Antonio Cromartie, 22 yrs, Superstar
CIN Deltha O’Neal, 29 yrs, Star
CIN Johnathan Joseph, 22 yrs, Star
BAL Chris McAlister, 29 yrs, Superstar
BAL Samari Rolle, 30 yrs, Star
PIT Ike Taylor, 26 yrs, Star
DET Dre’ Bly, 29 yrs, Star
CHI Charles Tillman, 25 yrs, Star
MIN Antoine Winfield, 29 yrs, Star
GB Charles Woodson, 30 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Zone Hawk)
GB Al Harris, 32 yrs, Star
NYG Sam Madison, 32 yrs, Superstar
PHI Lito Shepard, 25 yrs, Star
DAL Terrence Newman, 28 yrs, Star
NE Asante Samuel, 25 yrs, Superstar
BUF Nate Clements, 27 yrs, Star
TB Ronde Barber, 31 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Shutdown)
ATL DeAngelo Hall, 23 yrs, Star
TEN Adam Jones, 23 yrs, Star
JAX Rashean Mathis, 26 yrs, Star
SF Mike Adams, 25 yrs, Star 
ARI Adrian Wilson, 27 yrs, Superstar
DEN John Lynch, 35 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Reinforcement) ? ↓
BAL Ed Reed, 28 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Zone Hawk)
PIT Troy Polamalu, 25 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Reinforcement)
MIN Darren Sharper, 31 yrs, Superstar
GB Nick Collins, 23 yrs, Star
PHI Brian Dawkins, 33 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Reinforcement)
WAS Sean Taylor, 23 yrs, Superstar X-Factor (Reinforcement)
DAL Roy Williams, 26 yrs, Superstar
NE Rodney Harrison, 34 yrs, Star ? ↑
BUF Donte Whitner, 21 yrs, Star
NO Roman Harper, 24 yrs, Star
ATL Lawyer Milloy, 32 yrs, Star
IND Bob Sanders, 25 yrs, Superstar
ARI Neil Rackers, 30 yrs, Star
OAK Sebastian Janikowski, 28 yrs, Star
LAC Nate Kaeding, 24 yrs, Star
BAL Matt Stover, 38 yrs, Star
CLE Phil Dawson, 31 yrs, Star
CHI Robbie Gould, 24 yrs, Star
PHI David Akers, 32 yrs, Superstar
DAL Mike Vanderjakt, 36 yrs, Star
NE Stephen Gostkowski, 22 yrs, Star
TB Matt Bryant, 31 yrs, Star
SF Andy Lee, 24 yrs, Superstar
KC Dustin Colquitt, 24 yrs, Star
OAK Shane Lechler, 30 yrs, Superstar
DAL Mat McBriar, 27 yrs, Star
BUF Brian Mooreman, 30 yrs, Superstar
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Download TRUcast 119 - Alex Peace & Brian Boncher for free now!
Artist: Show: TRUcast 119 – Alex Peace & Brian Boncher Quality: 320 Kbps 48000 Khz Genre: House, Tech House, Techno Source: RSS
Listen or download more TRUcast episodes HERE
TRUcast 119 – Alex Peace & Brian Boncher Tracklist
The “official” podcast of Tru Musica featuring Tru Musica Artists and Tru Friends from around the Galaxy. From House to Techno and everything in between, Tru Musica has already begun to carve out it’s niche in the House Community focused on the music that revolves around the “jack”
BB Set 1
Jaxx Inc. VS Alex Peace & Brian Boncher – Dreamin 6-10-21 MASTER 1
Etur Usheo, Tilman – Got The Rhythm (Tilman Remix)
Yann Polewka – Reves – (Rubb Sound System Remix) 4-8-21 MASTER 24BIT
Frank Degrees – O Samba E 2021 (Frank Degrees Club Mix)
Dave Leatherman, Bruce Nolan – Get You Down
Laris Alexander & Laurent Schark – Cuban Anthem (Club Mix)
Loud&Clasiizz, Ross Couch – Bring The Voice (Ross Couch Remix)
Ruben Mandolini – Pussyn (Dirty Extended)
BB Set 2
Demuir – From Paris To Strasbourg
Rene Amesz, The Deepshakerz, Sllash & Doppe – Tribal Mantra (Sllash & Doppe Remix)
Fabian Haneke, Divine (NL) – All My Lovin (Vocal Mix: Traxsource Exclusive Mix)
Vedritunes – Love Tool Direct (Evo Stizhem) (Tom Bug Remix)
Malive – Timeless
Sonny Fodera f. Shezar – Somebody New (Alex Preston Club Mix)
Ren Phillips & YINGYANG (UK) – X-Rated
Joeski – Hey Fellas (Original Club Mix)
The podcast TRUcast is embedded on this page from an open RSS feed. All files, descriptions, artwork and other metadata from the RSS-feed is the property of the podcast owner and not affiliated with or endorsed by EDMliveset.com.
Follow us on: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit & VK
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skyf0ckz · 2 months
I love the difference between Ruben x Chris and Ruben x frank. Chris would patch Ruben up carefully, kiss his wounds and swear to protect him even though they both know Chris couldn't. But frank would lick the blood off his face and say dumb shit like "damn, doll! Even covered in blood you're a babe! AWOOGA!"
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edmlivesets4u-blog · 3 years
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Listen or download TRUcast 119 - Alex Peace & Brian Boncher for free now!
Artist: Show: TRUcast 119 – Alex Peace & Brian Boncher Quality: 320 Kbps 48000 Khz Genre: House, Tech House, Techno Source: RSS
Listen or download more TRUcast episodes HERE
TRUcast 119 – Alex Peace & Brian Boncher Tracklist
The “official” podcast of Tru Musica featuring Tru Musica Artists and Tru Friends from around the Galaxy. From House to Techno and everything in between, Tru Musica has already begun to carve out it’s niche in the House Community focused on the music that revolves around the “jack”
BB Set 1
Jaxx Inc. VS Alex Peace & Brian Boncher – Dreamin 6-10-21 MASTER 1
Etur Usheo, Tilman – Got The Rhythm (Tilman Remix)
Yann Polewka – Reves – (Rubb Sound System Remix) 4-8-21 MASTER 24BIT
Frank Degrees – O Samba E 2021 (Frank Degrees Club Mix)
Dave Leatherman, Bruce Nolan – Get You Down
Laris Alexander & Laurent Schark – Cuban Anthem (Club Mix)
Loud&Clasiizz, Ross Couch – Bring The Voice (Ross Couch Remix)
Ruben Mandolini – Pussyn (Dirty Extended)
BB Set 2
Demuir – From Paris To Strasbourg
Rene Amesz, The Deepshakerz, Sllash & Doppe – Tribal Mantra (Sllash & Doppe Remix)
Fabian Haneke, Divine (NL) – All My Lovin (Vocal Mix: Traxsource Exclusive Mix)
Vedritunes – Love Tool Direct (Evo Stizhem) (Tom Bug Remix)
Malive – Timeless
Sonny Fodera f. Shezar – Somebody New (Alex Preston Club Mix)
Ren Phillips & YINGYANG (UK) – X-Rated
Joeski – Hey Fellas (Original Club Mix)
The podcast TRUcast is embedded on this page from an open RSS feed. All files, descriptions, artwork and other metadata from the RSS-feed is the property of the podcast owner and not affiliated with or endorsed by EDMliveset.com.
Follow us on: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit & VK
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passportapproved · 3 years
LISTEN TO THIS WEEK'S SHOW! DANNY BALDURSSON  – “Tears” (Unsigned, Faroe Islands) TEENAGE JOANS  – “Ice Cream” (27 Music, Australia)
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THE VICES – “In And Out” (Mattan Records, Holland) ALLDAY – “After All This Time” (Teamtrick, Australia)
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FRIEDBERG  – “Yeah” (Marathon Artists, UK)
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TRIBE FRIDAY  – “Drugs X Boys X Drugs” (Unsigned, Sweden) 
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EIZA MURPHY  – “Bat And Ball” (Unsigned, Ireland) 
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DED RABBIT  – “All Fired Up” (Unsigned, Scotland) 
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THE PALE WHITE  – “That Dress” (Unsigned, UK)
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BOY DESTROY  – “Favourite” (Budfox, Sweden)
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LUNA BAY  – “Blue” (Unsigned, UK)
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THE AWKWARD  – “Dance The Night Away” (Unsigned, Holland)
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TEN TONNES  – “Everything You Got” (Unsigned, UK)
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WAITING FOR SMITH  – “Hopelessness of Love” (Four One Seven Records, UK)
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LOTTERY WINNERS Featuring FRANK TURNER  – “Start Again” (Modern Sky, UK)
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SAM JOHNSON – "Trip On Gold" (Universal Music, UK) PARIS YOUTH FOUNDATION  – “The Back Seat” (Unsigned, UK)
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MY LIFE AS ALI THOMAS  – “My Red Golden Sun” (Warner Music, Thailand) THE VELVET HANDS  – “Star” (Unsigned, UK)
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SACROPOLIS  – “Pepita” (Unsigned, Germany)  CRYSTAL TIDES  – “Last Time” (Unsigned, UK)
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TIM SCHOU  – “Mad Love” Feat Sowfy (Iceberg Records, Denmark) THE TERRYS  – “Our Paradise” (Unsigned, Australia)
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BALTHAZAR  – “On A Roll” (Munich Records, Belgium) 
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YOSHI FLOWER  – “Boys Don’t Cry” (UMG, N. America)
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SUNHILL  – “Spot In The Shade” (BlackValley Records, Sweden) 
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SLIDE  – “Floating” (Slip N Slide Mix) (Unsigned, Sweden)
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COACH PARTY  – “Everybody Hates Me” (Chess Club, UK)
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THE RUBENS  – “Masterpiece” (Ivy League Records/Ditto/Humming, Australia)
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THE HARA  – “Black Soul Ceremony”  (Sign Of The Times, UK) 
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7 DAYS IN ALASKA  – “Hurts Like Bullets” (Gain/Fift Island/Sony Music, Norway)
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EAU ROUGE – “I Know That You Know” (Riptide Records, Germany)
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0 notes
alimentoseguro · 4 years
Fundo do Clima
Audiência foi convocada pelo ministro Luís Roberto Barroso, relator da ação que discute o funcionamento do Fundo Nacional sobre a Mudança do Clima e a situação das políticas públicas ambientais.
Ontem (clique aqui para ver resumo em vídeo -- https://youtu.be/j32V4Ns0ung) e hoje (22 de setembro de 2020, https://youtu.be/fRz9oIAYLpg), o Supremo Tribunal Federal realiza, sob a coordenação do Ministro Luís Roberto Barroso, relator da Arguição de Descumprimento de Preceito Fundamental (ADPF) 708, audiência pública destinada a debater o funcionamento do Fundo Nacional sobre Mudança do Clima, a alocação de seus recursos e a situação das políticas públicas em matéria ambiental no Brasil. A audiência pública contará com exposições de autoridades, organizações da sociedade civil, institutos de pesquisa, acadêmicos e empresários.
SAIBA MAIS. Expositores: Dia 21.09.2020 – Manhã, das 9h às 13h. Seção 1: Autoridades e órgãos públicos: (i) Exmo. Sr. Davi Alcolumbre (Presidente do Senado); (ii) Exmo. Sr. Rodrigo Maia (Presidente da Câmara dos Deputados); (iii) Ministro Augusto Heleno Ribeiro Pereira (Ministro Chefe do Gabinete de Segurança Institucional da Presidência da República); (iv) Ministro Marcos Cesar Pontes (Ministro da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovações); (v) Ministro André Luiz de Almeida Mendonça (Ministro da Justiça e Segurança Pública); (vi) Ministro Bento Costa Lima Leite de Albuquerque Junior (Ministro de Estado de Minas e Energia); (vii) Ministro Ricardo de Aquino Sales (Ministro de Estado do Meio Ambiente); (viii) Ministra Tereza Cristina Correa da Costa (Ministra de Estado da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento); (ix) Presidente do Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social – BNDES (Expositores: Dr. Nabil Moura Kadri, Chefe do Departamento de Meio Ambiente e Gestão do Fundo Amazônia, e Dr. Raphael Duarte Stein, Gerente do Departamento de Meio Ambiente e Gestão do Fundo Amazônia, o tempo será divido entre os expositores); (x) Dr. Eduardo Fortunato Bim (Presidente do IBAMA); (xi) Dr. Marcos de Castro Simnovic (Diretor de Criação e Manejo de Unidades de Conservação do ICMBio); (xii) Fundação Nacional do Índio – FUNAI (Expositores: Dr. Juan Felipe Negret Scalia, Coordenador-Geral de Promoção ao Etnodesenvolvimento/FUNAI; Dr. Azelene Inácio, indígena Kaingang, Coordenadora Regional do Interior Sul/FUNAI; Dr. Jocélio Leite Paulino, indígena Xucuru, Chefe de Coordenação Técnica Local em Delmiro Gouveia/FUNAI; Dr. Arnaldo Zunizakae, indígena Parecis, Agricultor, que dividirão o tempo); (xiii) Secretário José Mauro de Lima O' de Almeida (Secretário de Estado de Meio Ambiente e Sustentabilidade do Estado do Pará); (xiv) Secretária Tatiana Schor (Secretária de Ciência Tecnologia do Estado do Amazonas); e (xv) Embaixador Rubens Antonio Barbosa (Presidente do Conselho Superior de Comércio Exterior da Federação das Indústrias de São Paulo); (xvi) Dr. Alessandro Molon (Partido Socialista Brasileiro – PSB). Os expositores desta seção terão até 15 minutos para manifestação. // Dia 21.09.2020 – Tarde, das 14h30 às 18h15. Seção 2: Organizações sociais e Institutos de Pesquisa: (i) Programa das Nações Unidas para o Meio Ambiente – PNUMA (Expositora: Inger Andersen, Diretora Executiva); (ii) Greenpeace Brasil (Expositora: Dra. Fabiana Ferreira Alves, Coordenadora de Clima e Justiça, especialista em mudanças climáticas); (iii) Articulação dos Povos Indígenas do Brasil – APIB (Expositora: Dra. Sonia Guajajara, Coordenadora Executiva da APIB e indígena do Povo Guajajara); (iv) Transparência Internacional Brasil (Expositor: Dr. Renato Morgado, USP); (v) Human Rights Watch – Brasil (Expositora: Dra. Maria Laura Canineu, Diretora do Escritório do Brasil); (vi) World Wide Fund for Nature – Brasil (Expositor: Dr. Maurício Voivodic, Diretor Executivo da World Wide Fund for Nature – Brasil); (vii) The Nature Conservacy – TNC (Expositora: Karen Oliveira, Gerente de Relações Institucionais da TNC Brasil); (viii) Conectas Direitos Humanos; (ix) Instituto Democracia e Sustentabilidade; (x) Conselho Federal da OAB (Expositora: Dra. Marina Motta Benevides Gadelha, Conselheira Federal e Presidente da Comissão Nacional de Direito Ambiental do CFOAB); (xi) Iniciativa “Terceira Via Amazônica” / Projeto Amazônia 4.0 (Expositor: Dr. Carlos Afonso Nobre, Pesquisador do Instituto de Estudos Avançados da USP e do Instituto de Estudos Climáticos da UFES, Professor do INPE e da UNESP-São José dos Campos); (xii) Instituto de Pesquisa Ambiental da Amazônia – IPAM (Expositor: Dr. Paulo Moutinho, cientista sênior e cofundador do IPAM); (xiii) Instituto do Homem e Meio Ambiente da Amazônia – IMAZON (Expositora: Dra. Brenda Brito do Carmo, Advogada, Mestre e Doutora em Ciência do Direito pela Universidade Stanford, EUA); (xiv) Instituto Socioambiental – ISA (Expositor: Dr. Mauricio Guetta, Consultor Jurídico do ISA); e (xv) Instituto de Conservação e Desenvolvimento Sustentável da Amazônia – IDESAM (Expositor: Dr. Mariano Cenamo Diretor de Novos Negócios do IDESAM); e (xvi) APA XINGU (Dr. Marcelo Norkey). Os expositores desta seção terão até 15 minutos para manifestação. // Dia 22.09.2020 – Manhã, das 9h às 12h30. Seção 1: Academia: (i) Dr. Armínio Fraga (Sócio-fundador da Gávea Investimentos, Presidente do Conselho de Administração da BM&F Bovespa de 1999 a 2002, ex-Presidente do Banco Central do Brasil); (ii) Dr. Ricardo Abramovay (Professor do Departamento de Economia da FEA/USP); (iii) Dr. Beto Veríssimo (Pesquisador Sênior do IMAZON); (iv) Dr. Ingo Wolfgang Sarlet (Professor Titular da PUC-RS) e Dr. Tiago Fensterseifer (Doutor pela PUC-RS e Defensor Público), que dividirão o tempo de exposição; (v) Ricardo Magnus Osorio Galvão (ex-diretor do INPE); (vi) Izabella Mônica Vieira Teixeira (ex-Ministra do Meio Ambiente, 2010-2016); (vii) Flavia Witkowski Frangetto (Gerente de Projetos do Programa das Nações Unidas para o Meio Ambiente – PNUMA); (viii) Pedro de Camargo Neto  (Produtor rural, Master of Science pelo Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Doutor em Engenharia de Produção pela Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo); (ix) Sergio Margulis (ex-Secretário de Desenvolvimento Sustentável da Presidência da República, 2013-2015); (x) David Richard Boyd (Relator Especial das Nações Unidas sobre Direitos Humanos/2018 e Professor na Universidade da British Columbia); (xi) Thelma Krug (Vice-Presidente eleita do Painel Intergovernamental sobre Mudança do Clima – IPCC); (xii) Tasso Azevedo (Coordenador do Sistema de Estimativas de Emissões de Gases de Efeito Estufa brasileiro, ex-Diretor Geral do Serviço Florestal Brasileiro, ex-Diretor do Programa Nacional de Florestas, ex-Diretor Geral do Imaflora); (xiii) Braulio Ferreira de Souza Dias (Secretário Executivo da Convenção Sobre Diversidade Biológica – CDB da Organização das Nações Unidas – ONU, 2012-2017; Professor da UNB); e (xiv) Joana Setzer (Prof. da London School of Economics, onde lidera linha de Pesquisa sobre litigância climática). Os expositores desta seção terão até 15 minutos para manifestação. // Dia 22.09.2020 – Tarde, das 14h30 às 18h. Seção 2: Atividades Empresariais: (i) Natura Brasil (Expositora: Dra. Luciana Villa Nova Silva, gerente de Sustentabilidade da Natura Brasil); (ii) Companhia Vale do Rio Doce (Expositor: Dr. Hugo Barreto, Diretor de Sustentabilidade e Investimento Social); (iii) Suzano Papel e Celulose (Expositor: Dr. Pablo F. G. Machado, Diretor Executivo de Relações e Gestão Legal da Suzano Papel e Celulose); (iv) Centro de Empreendedorismo da Amazônia (Dr. Centro Rafael Medeiros); (v) Banco Itaú, Bradesco e Santander (Expositor: Dr. Candido Botelho Bracher, Presidente do Itaú Unibanco Holdings S.A); (vi) Empresa Brasileira de Agropecuária - Embrapa (Dr. Celso Luiz Moretti; (vii) Conselho Empresarial Brasileiro para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável – CEBDS (Expositora: Dra. Marina Grossi, Presidente); (viii) Associação Brasileira do Agronegócio – ABAG (Expositor: Dr. Alexandre Mendonça de Barros, engenheiro agrônomo e doutor em Economia Aplicada pela Escola Superior de Agricultura); (ix) Confederação da Agricultura e Pecuária do Brasil – CNA (Expositor: Dr. Rodrigo Justus de Brito); (x) Frente Parlamentar da Agropecuária – FPA (Expositores: Deputado Federal Arnaldo Jardim, Partido Cidadania; Deputado Federal Zé Vitor, Partido da Mobilização Nacional; Deputado Federal Sérgio Souza, Partido MDB, que dividirão o tempo de exposição); (xi) Associação dos Mineradores do Tapajós – AMOT (Expositor: Dr. José Altino Machado, empresário do ramo da mineração na Amazônia Legal); (xii) Organização das Cooperativas Brasileiras – OCB (Expositor: Dr. Roberto Rodrigues, Coordenador do Centro de Agronegócio da FGV/EESP e Embaixador Especial da FAO para as Cooperativas); (xiii) Associação Brasileira dos Produtores de Soja – APROSOJA BRASIL (Expositor: Dr. Ricardo Manoel Arioli Silva, engenheiro Agrônomo e produtor rural); e (xiv) Fórum Nacional das Atividades de Base Florestal – FNBF (Expositor: Dr. Frank Rogiere de Souza Almeida, Presidente do FNBF e médico veterinário); (xv) Dr. Rodrigo Agostinho, Coordenador da Frente Parlamentar Ambientalista e Presidente da Comissão de Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Sustentável – CMADS da Câmara dos Deputados; (xvi) Associação Brasileira de Companhias de Energia Elétrica – ABCE. Os expositores desta seção terão até 15 minutos para manifestação.
as, set.20. Com TV Justiça -- http://portal.stf.jus.br
0 notes
acarlso7 · 4 years
Virtual Sketchbook #3
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“The Gathering of the Manna” Peter Paul Rubens, c. 1625. Oil on Canvas. 25 1/2 x 21 in. (64.77 x 53.34 cm) Bequest of John Ringling, 1936. SN211
The Baroque period started in the 1600s to about 1750 and the artists of this time enhanced and improved Renaissance techniques of art making to show energy and feeling as well as dramatic contrasts of light. According to Frank (2018), Peter Paul Ruben was a “diplomat and humanist who was an influential Baroque artist in Northern Europe in the 1600’s”. Ruben he carefully studied the work of Michelangelo and the Venetians when travelling to Italy during this time. When he travelled home, his artwork became so well known that nobility and royalty wanted his work and has art assistants working for him to help produce his masterpieces. “Rubens was noted for the exuberant quality of his nudes, and his paintings take on a similar sensuality with his free brushwork” (Frank, 2018). “The Gathering of the Manna” was created during this Baroque period in the year 1625 with the original painting media including oil paint on wood.
Ruben’s Baroque style makes you believe that you are right there in the painting with Moses due to the sharpness and contrast of the paint that makes you feel that you could step right into the painting as well as the columns inside the painting look like something you could hold onto with its dramatic use of light, scale and composition. The people in the foreground of this painting appear to be gathering the manna, which is a food from Heaven. There is a sense of community as well when observing this oil painting. The people are coming to gather for a common goal which is to bring food that was sent to them from Heaven to survive. Although this is a religious painting, if you are not a Christian, you could appreciate this painting and understand the theme of this characters. The painting also showcases balance within the canvas with the appearance of the pillars on both sides of the piece. This gives the painting a sense of wholesomeness that there are no empty areas to the art. The painting also utilizes the technique of directional force due to the presumed direction that the people are moving forward or coming back toward the observer. This painting has been revised over the years, yet it is clear that the hues and saturation of the paints are as sharp as they were making the viewer draw their eyes to the detail work of the pillars in the painting as well as the presumed softness of the clothes that the people are wearing.
This painting is currently found in John Ringling’s Museum of Art. Ringling wanted the paintings to have an elegant room to be displayed in as well. He wanted the galleries to match what was going on inside the paintings, so the columns, the walls, and framing have similar characteristics to the painting. I can see why this artwork was chosen by Ringling to complete his collection of Baroque style in his Museum of Art. Given the timeframe that this piece was created, it completely exemplfies the style form of this era as well as the theories that were protrayed in the painting. Religion was a big part of this time period as well and is reflected in this painting with Ruben’s connections to the Roman Catholic churches. The fact that this painting is showcased in Sarasota, Florida makes me excited to go to the museum and actually see this masterpiece in person. I can only imagine what the real life piece would do to the viewer in person as opposed to the breath catching image of it online.
Frank, Patrick. (2018). Chapter 5: Expressive Theories. Prebles’ Artforms, 12th Ed. Pearson with REVEL.
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0 notes
fassanda · 4 years
Stella’s Eindejaarslijstje
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Naam: Stella Lombaers aka Stells P. aka Stackysnacky
Leeftijd: 22
Beroep: Booker, Freelance music manager aka MOMager & lowkey highkey inloop psycholoog voor iedereen. Oja en service + music bij DEUS Ex Machina.
Beste gerecht in 2019 (waar, wat, wie?): Alles homemade bij m’n fam <3
Meest memorabel moment van euforie onder invloed in 2019?: ...
Meest aangename verrassing in 2019?: Veel groei bij BP en een hele nieuwe Famirie erbij krijgen was wel een hele mooie uitkomst.
Ik heb voor het eerst ....... In 2019?: Met plezier oesters gegeten. Geloof het zelf ook nog niet helemaal. En De School gecheckt!
Beste reis(spot) in 2019?: Meegaand in de Japan hype zag dat er wel het meest aantrekkelijk uit ja. Bangkok is altijd goed ook trouwens. Also, anywhere met zon en warmte is een pré.
Beste collabo(s) in 2019?: Pop Smoke X Skepta, James Blake & Travis Scott, Loopey & Fosa YG, Frodeau & Goudi, Dencho & Teach.
Eerst opgeslagen track op Spotify in 2019?: Work – Maxo Kream
Eerst opgeslagen track op Spotify in 2019?: Zugusun – Bokoesam & Yung Felix
Meest hinderlijke social mediapersonality in 2019?: Donald Trump, Jeffree Starr
Top social mediapersonality in 2019?: Godsend.
Domste Vice artikel uit 2019?: “Hoe moet je omgaan met loslopende artiesten op het festivalterrein?” Really? They’re just peeoplllee maannnnnn
Beste podcasts uit 2019?: GIVE & TAKE!!!! Ted Talks Daily, 99% Invisible, KINK Homebase, Stuff You Should Know
Beste meme uit 2019?: Ghamte op vakantie met Dagmar: Love & Marriage – Frank Sinatra
Gemiste kans in 2019?: Geen enkele kans is ècht gemist, want 1. Je weet niet wat je mist en 2. Je bent er niet voor gegaan, omdat iets anders op je pad blijkbaar beter voor je was.
Grootse deceptie in 2019?: Brexit & Donald Trump impeachment.
Het meest hoopvolle in 2019?: Eigenlijk heel 2019 was een jaar vol hoop, nieuwe mensen, nieuwe kansen en groei.
Persoonlijke overwinning in 2019?: Volwassen worden, is al lastig genoeg, maar ook vertrouwen opbouwen in jezelf en anderen op allerlei verschillende vlakken en het eerste jaar zonder één van mijn grootste rolmodellen. Real shit yaknowmean
Maaaarrrrr ook meer schijt en lol hebben!! S/O naar BP for opening my eyes
Gezelligste feestjes in 2019?: Vans Afterparty @  Sexyland, Live at the BBQ @ Club IIII in Gent, Famirie @ PAL, Hamburg, Hiphop Saved My Life & La Cassette @ Ekko.
Gezelligste festival in 2019?: Woo Hah!, door mien metgezellen, en ADE aka gekkenhuis.
Beste concert in 2019?: Erica de Casier… Vibes vibes en nog eens vibes.
Beste films uit 2019?: The Irishman, Ruben Brandt – Collector, en alles van Bobbie Müller & Mila van der Linden.
Beste series uit 2019?: Russian Doll, Rapture, Hiphop Evolution, Black Mirror
Beste documentaire uit 2019?: Kijken in de Ziel, Devil’s Pie
Beste boek uit 2019?: Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow!!
Muzikale hoogtepunten uit 2019?: The Life of Pi’erre (Pi’erre Bourne), Over It(Summer Walker), Essentials (Erika de Casier), Project YG (Fosa & Loopey), Nachtvlinder (Bokoesam), Meet The Woo (Pop smoke) en Rema, Wizkid, Burna boy, Tekno.. mogen niet echt missen eigenlijk.
Muzikale dieptepunten uit 2019?: No tea, no shade…
Beste mixtape uit 2019 (artiest, dj, radioshow)?: Ace & Tate mix door Sandor Dayala, NTS show Bossy LDN 13/11/19, Re:lax w/ Re:ni, Laksa, DJ Plead & Cop Envy 17/11/19, Last but not least: Live at the BBQ X Ring my Line @ Red Light Radio <3
Nepste bitch in 2019?: Wie weet die weet. En Fabiola. En m’n ex #shade
Beste bitch in 2019?: S/O to myself cuz I always got my own back, maar buiten dat sws Rihanna en Doja cat. 100%
Doelstellingen voor 2020?: School afronden, meer tour- & artist management, Festivalseizoen beleven & overleven, nieuwsgierig blijven en kennis vergaren.
Uitkijken voor ....... in 2020?: BUREAU PUNT!! Maar ook Lava La Rue, Meer van Erica de Casier
0 notes
kevindurkiin · 5 years
Ultra Music Festival 2019: Listen To All The Sets From The Weekend
Whether you experienced Ultra Miami 2019 live in person or from home via UMF TV, the music festival was as lit as ever. Or, maybe you have some serious catching up to do — and that’s fine, too.
Headliners including Martin Garrix, Dog Blood, Marshmello, deadmau5, Rezz, The Chainsmokers and so many more kicked off festival season right. 3LAU, Illenium, Malaa, NGHTMRE & Slander, Zeds Dead, GRiZ — we could go on and on about this year’s talent.
Instead of picking our favorite performances from the weekend, we thought it would be best to share virtually all of them we could find. That way, you can playback your favorite moments and curate your own Ultra lineup, wherever you are.
Most of these are complete sets, but not all of them. Like we said, this is everything we could find from Ultra Miami 2019. Let us know if we missed anything and we’ll add it in.
P.S. Check our Twitter feed for video highlights via @YourEDM.
AC Slater
Adam Beyer
Adam Beyer & Maceo Plex
Armin van Buuren [ASOT]
Armin van Buuren [Main Stage]
Art Department
Big Gigantic & NGHTMRE
Bonnie X Clyde
Born Dirty
Bro Safari
Brooks & Julian Jordan
Callie Reiff
Carl Cox
Carl Cox & Marco Carola
Cash Cash
Cedric Gervais
Charlotte De Witte
Colonel Sanders
Cosmic Gate
David Guetta
Danny Tenaglia
Dog Blood
Fedde Le Grand
Frank Walker
G Jones
Hot Since 82
James Zabiela
Jamie Jones & Joseph Capriati
Jeffrey Sutorius
Jonas Blue
Junior Sanchez
Loco Dice
Lost Kings
Louis the Child
Luigi Madonna
Maceo Plex
Marco Bailey
Markus Schulz
Martin Garrix
NGHTMRE & Slander
Nic Fanciulli
Nicky Romero
Nora En Pure
Oliver Heldens
Party Favor
Ruben de Ronde
Salvatore Ganacci
Sam Feldt
Spencer Brown
Sunnery James & Ryan Marciano
Tale of Us
The Chainsmokers
The Martinez Brothers
Tom Morello
Van Duo
Vini Vici & Infected Mushroom
Zeds Dead
  Photo via aLIVE Coverage
This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: Ultra Music Festival 2019: Listen To All The Sets From The Weekend
Ultra Music Festival 2019: Listen To All The Sets From The Weekend published first on https://soundwizreview.tumblr.com/
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