#RotSH overhaul
shieldherostuffs · 1 year
Naofumi, seeing two guys try to fight a huge monster during a wave: Fucking idiots. Ren, realizing it’s Motoyasu and Itsuki: Shit, those are our fucking idiots!
Naofumi, seeing someone get utterly bodied by a filolial: Ha, loser. Naofumi, realizing it’s Motoyasu: Shit, that’s our loser!
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cryptid-called-ash · 2 years
gremlins wake up, new shield dad lore just dropped!
After the ‘incident’* naofumi goes almost totally nonverbal, using a form of sign language with raph as a translator.
Here’s the really fun part, instead of using sign language with the other heroes, he figures out he can essentially give them dialogue windows bc of the cardinal weapons. The other speak to him, and are give his response via the text window.
An example dialogue exchange from just before a wave.
The heroes have expressed a desire to take out the boss, rather than evacuate a nearby village. Raphtalia objects to this, and a member of Itsuki’s party states that it’s the duty of the ‘real’ heroes to slay the monster. Naofumi opens a dialogue window and the exchange is as follows:
< Is that it? You’re just going to walk away? You’re joking, right? You aren’t seriously going to leave those people to die, are you?>
(1) -> What? What the hell are you talking about?
(2) -> Of course I’m not going to just walk away! 
(3) -> That’s rich, coming from you.
(1a) < Charging off alone to fight some big monster is going to save lives. sure it may be good in the moment but in the long run, there will only be more death. Not to mention it risks your own life needlessly.>
(2a) < Well that’s a relief to hear you have some common sense, here I was thinking I was the only one. I got a plan, you with us?>
(3a) < Fine, go. Chase your glory, but don’t expect any help from me. Go on. I’m not going to stop you.> 
*see ‘in the span of six hours’ in the shield hero collection on my ao3 page
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cryptid-called-ash · 1 year
I see you're asking for interactions 👁️👄👁️ idk if your overhaul au is in the shield dad umbrella but i want to know what happens in the otherworld arc!!! what changes?? since there isnt much thats different about the spirit tortoise arc
- naofumi Risha and ren all end up together.
- ren takes the level reduction a lot better than naofumi, but only marginally
- Naofumi’s first panic was not knowing where his daughters were. His second was not knowing if he could still communicate with Kieka. Ren joins in this panic.
- they can, provided they calm the fuck down for a second.
- it continues as normal, apart from Nao and Ren successfully fighting the kappa, right up until they met kizuna.
- kizuna was the friend ren saved back in book one. She thought he’d died. It’s really heartwarming. +1 child, dad skill increased.
- when they realize kizuna is also a hero, with help from kieka, naofumi convinces kizuna to communicate with her weapon.
- introduction to Artemis, the cardinal huntress and twin spirit to Orkian. Kizuna doesn’t have cardinal mastery like Ren and naofumi just yet, but she well on her way.
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Thats all I have so far 😅 sorry this isn’t longer
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cryptid-called-ash · 2 years
The milf, the myth, the legend
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Arian Amaki, Ren’s mum from the sword and shield au
Spear is based off Aeglos, Gil-Galad’s spear in Tolkien’s legendarium.
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cryptid-called-ash · 2 years
Ren gets a filolial in the overhaul :OOOO i wanna talk about that
i think the filolial would be more quiet and shy than filo. i also think they're relationship with Ren would be sibling-like, and not father daughter like Nao and Filo. the rest is up to you since its your au :D
i like thinking about them :) Ren would get buried in feathers
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Ladies and gentlemen, gays and theys, after months of getting sidetracked, I present to you; the boy
We, that’s is to say our little shield family over on discord, decided to name him Momo
His colour palette is white, peach and soft pink. He is a sweetheart and really adores Filo as a big sister. Filo will take every opportunity to boast about her new little brother, a fact which Momo, being rather shy, isn’t too keen on.
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cryptid-called-ash · 2 years
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Thrysnian, poet spirit residing in the cardinal bow
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cryptid-called-ash · 2 years
Found an old notebook, transcribed the merchant arc overhaul piece. Apologies for formatting, I’m on mobile.
The green eyed man with the carriage
“S’cuse me lad, I couldn’t ’elp noten’ yer dressed like an adventurer.” A man jogged over to me. He was smiling brightly.
He was taller than me, though that’s not saying much, and quite handsome. His hair was rather long, tied in a messy French braid, a rosey strawberry blonde in colour. He was pale, freckles smattering his cheeks gave him a vaguely fae-like appearance.
His eyes were the most striking thing about him. A bright emerald green, the most vibrant green I’d ever seen. The only person I could think of to compare such striking eyes to was Naofumi. They had such similar eyes.
All in all, this stranger cut quite the image. You got the sense he was either a father or an older brother.
“Yeah, I’m an adventurer,” I answered, looking this man up and down. “What makes you ask?” He laughed, a charming sound, and spoke.
“Thought perhaps I’d pester ye o’ bout the latest gossip, maybe offer ye some wares.” He tilted his head and frowned slightly. “Ye just strike me as a wee bit too young t’ be out ‘ere on yer own.”
The man cast a glance back at a nearby carriage. A small blonde girl in a white and pink dress and angel-like wings played with a white haired fox girl who looked around my age. The man smiled as he watched them for a moment, before he turned back to face me.
“Name’s Skaan, traveling merchant, with the ‘elp o’ my lassies, o’ course.” He held out his hand. I took it.
“Ren. Just Ren.” There was something almost electric about his touch, a feeling of something just out of reach danced in the back of my mind. Like a word on the tip of your tongue that you can’t quite remember, something important that shouldn’t be forgotten that can’t quite be remembered.
He stared at me intently for a split second, as if searching my expression for something, but just as quickly smiled again.
“We’re ‘bout t’ ‘ead ov’r t’ the next town, if yer looking’ fer a ride. The lasses ‘n I’d be more than pleased t’ take ye.”
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cryptid-called-ash · 2 years
Building on the new addition.
Ren gets used to seeing the dialogue windows when he is brought into the family. It’s after the first wave he fights beside the shield family that, when Naofumi sees the young swordsman after the battle he, in a voice gravelly and raspy from disuse, says “You did good, kid.” Ren cries.
Skaan is fully capable of speech, it’s an act, a reprieve. Nao feels comfortable enough to speak as skaan. It’s a mask, and that’s protection.
Naofumi will talk to his kids, and to Erhard. However this is only when is sure they are alone.
( disclaimer! This is 100% based on my own experiences with periods of being low verbal ability to totally nonverbal. This is in no way an encompassing of how all people experience being low verbal/nonverbal. )
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cryptid-called-ash · 2 years
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I think Skaan can play the lute, as a treat
Aka, Nao learns to play the lute so his daughters have music to dance to.
(Tagging again! Yay!)
@shieldherostuffs @bluelovestoship @rosesinbloom7love @ideas-of-immortality @eli-elien @small-spark-of-light
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cryptid-called-ash · 2 years
AAAAAA i love the au and i wanna hear so much about it
we did the Merchant arc and the Heroes, lets learn about the Tortoise and Otherworld arcs! if you can do both, of course
maybe Interpersonal relationships too👀👀? i feel like im playing jeopardy XD
Ah the Spirit tortoise arc, relatively little actually changes surprisingly enough. Aside from the standard overhaul shenanigans that is.
Well for starters, with Ren a permanent addition to the shield family, he’s obviously not going to be with idiot #1 and idiot #2 bow edition.
Ren is actually pretty keen on doing the training, wanting to do his best when fighting side by side with his new family. He greatly respects Eclair and is genuinely excited about learning.
Come to find out, under the cool guy persona, Ren is a total historical arms nerd. From battle strategy to ancient arms and armour, he’s really knowledgeable about pretty much all of it. (Nao: hyperfixation? Ren: hyperfixation.)
Ren is the one to take on Keel as a slave.
Keel is 100% a trans guy and you can’t change my mind. Increasing son count to 2.
Insert cute family bonding during training sessions here
TBD filolial acquired during time between books 5 and 6 is introduced here. I’m working on them rn. (I know I saw the ask, just give me some time)
Meeting goes down pretty much the same, albeit with Naofumi giving power up advice that pretty much boiling down to “emotions and vibes, also all cardinal weapons are sentient beings with distinct personalities and.. what? Why are you staring at me like that?” and Ren backing him up. Needless to say, neither are believed. Ren also tries to help make the argument for the world not being a game. It helps a little with Itsuki, but not enough to fully convince him. Motoyasu (derogatory) is solidly unconvinced and it’s gonna be some time before he’ll come around to even listening to his fellow heroes.
Upon discovering all power up methods work, Ren tries again to convince Itsuki that this world is not a game, hoping to use the power up methods as proof of his claim. Results may vary but again Itsuki isn’t totally convinced. Though he promises Ren he’ll be more careful.
Don’t hold your breath, this promise lasts right up until the spirit tortoise appears.
Same as standard plays out except with Ren and the spirits. Also blood cursed naofumi and Ren.
I feel the concept of the blood curse is apparent to this niche community but for those who aren’t as familiar with our, shall we say, improvements; blood cursed is the term for the physical and magickal changes a hero receives after a near death experience from using the cursed series unique to their weapons. For Naofumi, this is an affinity for flame based spells and skills, significantly pointed ears, a tail, and almost neon green eyes with vertical slit pupils. For Ren, it manifests in the characteristic slit pupils and pointed ears, but also in an affinity for wind magic and a set of ornamental bat-like wings which he can use for speed and agility while jumping, but not flight. Said wings are easily hidden under his coat.
Much remains the same from this point on, aside from the aforementioned changes. At least until the otherworld arc 😈 post coming soon.
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cryptid-called-ash · 2 years
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Naofumi, but he looks progressively less human the more he more bonds with Kieka.
It started with a slight point to his ears, and he thought nothing of it at first.
But then the changes became more pronounced.
His canines sharpened, his eyes became cat like, his hair always seemed to have leaves or flowers tangled in regardless of how often he brushed it through.
It came to a head when Raphtalia absently mentioned how his eyes would glow in darkness.
He’d ignored it long enough, Kieka had some damn explaining to do.
Just how much would his role change him, and how long until he didn’t want to change back?
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cryptid-called-ash · 2 years
Rereading the fight in the spirit tortoise, but make it Shield dad. (So basically spoilers, but not really, but also kinda)
Ren fighting beside Naofumi (adopted during the merchant arc overhaul), blood cursed Naofumi, both Kieka and Orkian are active, meaning both heroes are much more powerful. All the good shit.
I wrote a thing, despite having no notebook and using sticky notes. If you want a further explanation on additional skills, attributes, or something, let me know. I love talking about the incoherent thoughts bumbling around my brain. (Rip formatting, I’m on mobile)
“Champion,” Kieka’s voice rang out in my head. I kept my focus on the fight, but hummed in response. “Might I suggest using Iron Bonds on the crystals and bringing Thrysnian and Brionac into the fray? Weak as their champions are, Orkian and I are only as powerful as your endurance allows. And mortals have their limits.”
I gritted my teeth, blocking a familiar’s attack. They had a point. This fight wasn’t ending anytime soon and we were starting to tire. I still had shield of wrath to fall back on, but it definitely wasn’t something I wanted to use if I could help it.
“Alright.” I said aloud. I could feel my ears pin back as I focused. Tentatively I raised my right hand to rest at the top of my shield, forming the gesture Kieka had taught me.
Open palm, index and middle fingers together, thumb, ring finger and pinky spread as wide as possible. A symbol of divine blessing.
I focused on the crystals holding Itsuki and Motoyasu, readying the command, when Ren stopped me.
“You need to be able to cast healing. Besides, I’m the offence guy.” I nodded and cast Astral Barrier instead, a more powerful version of Shooting Star Shield. As the translucent galaxy-like force field surrounded us, Ren began casting his own skill. Kyo laughed, calling us cowards for hiding behind the shell, and I bit back the urge to tell him he was doing the same. But my focus remained on maintaining the barrier, I couldn’t afford to get distracted.
Raising his sword and rest his forehead against the blade, Ren closed his eyes and spoke softly.
“As Champion of the Warrior spirit residing in the cardinal sword, I command the very thread of creation. Sunder this fabric and weave it anew.” His voice built in volume as he continued to chant, the sapphire in the sword’s hilt began pulsing with light. “Blades of ice to shatter the prison and restore our truest balance.” Ren’s eyes snapped open, glowing as bright as the jewel on the sword. He leveled the blade at the crystals.
“Cardinal Sword Orkain, Legendary Action; Ice Rain!”
@shieldherostuffs @eli-elien @ideas-of-immortality @bluelovestoship
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cryptid-called-ash · 2 years
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sword hero gets framed for murder, colourized; circa wave 2.
It’ll make sense later. Maybe. If I get around to it.
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