pichiicake · 4 months
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gangles-toybox · 9 days
UrghHh thinking abt how in the pilot Jax is like "ladies first wait nvm" or something but I adore that his first instinct was to let Gangle go first before he remembers "oh yea I bully her" lol
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keyslox · 7 months
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I think they’re pretty neat… 🐇🎭
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awilddomino · 4 months
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Ribbuny from Palworld!💖
I know she’s literally just Sylveon but her design is so cute regardless!
Look at her happily walking over the mf she murdered🥰
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Well, Another Palworld Fanart.
Ribbuny is Saying with Bullhorn, "Attention, Attention. FreeLawChat is saying Harassment and Bullying on the Internet Online can result the Law to be Broken!"
My Plan is to go Disney100 Exhibit!
Ribbuny by Pocket Pair.
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andrevascreencaps · 4 months
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vikita-doodles · 3 months
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Cute comic I did taking place on the little au I was crafting in my head.
Most of the doodles are probably gonna be just Implied or straight up Ribbuny from this point on. It is @notnights fault btw
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0104-vikita · 3 months
I feel like I need to state this clearly before it coughs someone out of guard..
I do like TADC ships, yes, and one of them is Ribbuny..yes, but not in the way y'all would imagine.
As much as I love redemption arcs, I really feel like Jax Will get worse before he gets better, therefore any relationship with him in cannon would be..very unlikely to be healthy.
I still like that classic opposites attract, so if I ever post any art about the ship, know is happening in the little Au I'm crafting, where he's just actually nice. I personally did it this way just because I cannot actually bring myself to ship them in cannon.
I know it is a little silly to state this but I know there are a lot of people that dislike the pairing and I really don't want people just sending hate messages or comments. Let people enjoy things in peace please.
I think that's all I had to say, y'all have a great day ❤️❤️
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denny-artsss · 2 months
Can we pls have more hc of your interpretation of ribbuny outside the circus? 👉👈
Of course I love the human au!
-literally, the only one supporting their relationship honestly is Kinger
-Gangle's parents can't stand Jax
-Jax's mom can't stand Gangle (but she can't stand her own son either)
-Thanksgivings at Gangles parents is always awkward. Each year.
-Jax enjoys being babied but doesn't admit it
-They go on dates every weekend
-They hang out with everyone else in their free time, holding sleepovers and stuff.
-Gangle does not like Jax's mom and humors her.
-Jax and Gangle will get into fights often, as well as "physical" fights. And by "physical" I mean they wrestle on the floor like two siblings fighting over a toy.
-Jax tells everyone he's the top (no one believes him.)
-Gangle keeps bringing cats home, they currently have 4. (Jax gave like 6 other cats to zooble and Ragatha)
-Jax always brings Gangle flowers, flowers he ripped off his neighbors yard.
-Gangle smokes if she gets too stressed, but not in front of Jax. (Theres a reason for this)
-Jax is always Hype, he has ADHD.
-Jax is often cooking, so if he feels lazy he'll buy take out with Gangles credit card and throw it in the pot, pretending he cooked it. (Gangle literally gets a notification on her phone when he orders take out with her card.)
-Gangle works as a art/acting teacher at a collage. Her side job is drawing commissions.
-Jax does really badly drawn drawings of her that she sticks to the fridge.
-Cuddling is their coping mechanism
-they both have a driver license but Gangle doesn't let Jax drive cause...he's Jax.
-Jax still quotes random vines and memes from ages ago.
-Ragatha will always show up unannounced and walk in like "are you guys home?" To wich Jax will reply with "no."
-Gangle keeps making dad jokes.
-Gangle really enjoys dressing up in nice clothing, she's a lot into fashion.
-Gangle owns a pair of comedy and tragedy mask earrings that Jax bought for her birthday because of the fact she loves teaching acting and art, but he said while giving them to her "here they reminded me of your Bipolar ass."
-this whole au just feels like a giant sitcom.
(Yall I can make scenarios if you want me to, just ask in my inbox)
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indibutterfly · 3 months
Ship One-Shots
I am working on finishing up my first comic for my au……but to avoid burnout could yall gimme some prompts to write one-shots of? I will do platonic interactions, Showtime(Caine x Pomni), Bunnydoll(Ragatha x Jax), FunnyBunny(Jax x Pomni), RoyalRibbons(Kinger x Gangle), Caine x Zooble, Kinger x Queenie, and Ribbuny(Jax x Gangle). Those are really the only ones I honestly know how to write for, cause they are all similar to other ships in other series. If you have a prompt or idea, send me an ask. Please don’t hate any ships around here as this is just purely for fun and entertainment.
Also let’s keep this PG in terms of adult content. I don’t feel comfortable writing anything spicier than a kiss.
Tomorrow I will start posting the one-shot ideas that yall sent me. Feel free to send more than one, I really just wanna have fun with this.
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murasakigezigezi · 5 months
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擬人化注意! パルワールドのパル擬人化!
ボルトラ Sparkit
ヒメウサ Ribbuny
シメナワ Hangyu
オバケナワ Hangyu Cryst
#PalworldArt #fanart #ファンアート #パルワールド #Palworld #幻兽帕鲁 #パル擬人化 #パル擬
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gangles-toybox · 23 days
This person is so real for having this song in a Jax x Gangle playlist
From this playlist:
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Yesterday, I was posting a Journal Entry called "Separating from Hazel3/CuteVixen". I draw Palworld Fanart Again!
Lifmunk, Caprity, Cremis, and Ribbuny are saying "Goodbye, @HazeltheVixen (aka Hazel3/CuteVixen). You are now having a Departure after an Argument for Many Years. I am Leaving to Walk Far from Distance, I can Separate while clicking Unfollow Button. This Time it's a Heartbroken Day, You Won't be See her Again!"
I am now leaving Hazel3/CuteVixen Alone for the Separation as well I can walk Far Away!
Lifmunk, Ribbuny, and Caprity by Pocket Pair.
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gangles-toybox · 22 days
Ribbun goofy scenairo:
Jax: Ugh Gangle you're so annoying and cute when you're happy...
Gangle, blushing: I'm annoying and what-
Jax, realizing he fucked up, red-faced: ANYways as I was saying before I was RUDELY interrupted-
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gangles-toybox · 26 days
Idk if this would be toxic or fluffy(or both?) ribbuny but after they have big BIG fights they would just cry in separate rooms(Gangle more often, Jax would have a lump in his throat trying not to cry 95% of the time) until one of them(usually Gangle) would come to the other's room and they would just comfort eachother and apolgize
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gangles-toybox · 16 days
Went to an amusement park for the first time on Saturday so I made this lil Ribbuny scenairo I was gonna wait to draw it but I've had a fever for 4 days now so...ye lol
Gangle: Oo Jax let's go on that one!
*pointing at a Rollercoaster with like a million drops and upside downs and stuff*
Jax: Oh c'mon ribbons, you wouldn't want this handsome face to be ruined because of an accident, would ya?
Gangle, dragging him in line already: Aw c'mon!
*when they get on the ride*
Gangle: WHOOO!!! ISNT THIS FU-...?
*Jax just shaking like a leaf, still smiling tho*
*Gangle slowly hugs him for the rest of the ride without much hesitation*
Gangle: Aww Jax..you're red!
Jax, blushing: I am not!
*pulls out comically large pencil and erases it*
Gangle: jax how did you-
Jax: don't question it
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