totalplumbingpro · 5 months
How to Maintain Pipes After Repiping
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The heart of any home's functionality lies in its plumbing system. A recent repiping gives you a clean slate, setting the stage for efficient water flow and fewer headaches.
But it's not just about installation - the real game-changer is post-repipe care. Proper maintenance ensures an extended lifespan, minimal leaks, and cost-effective repairs.
Embracing this new beginning with the proper practices is crucial for a smooth-running household.
Maintaining Different Types of Pipes
PEX: PEX pipes are flexible and durable. Regularly check for kinks or punctures and protect them from freezing temperatures to maintain integrity.
Copper: Known for their longevity and corrosion resistance, copper pipes still require care. Look out for loose connections and potential galvanic corrosion. Annual checks for leaks and joint integrity are advisable.
CPVC: Affordable and resistant to chemicals, CPVC pipes should avoid extreme temperatures and UV exposure. Regular inspections for cracks or discoloration, particularly near hot water lines, are essential.
General Maintenance Practices
Minimize Clogs: Avoid disposal of grease, hair, and debris down the drain. Use drain screens and avoid chemical cleaners that can harm your pipes.
Water Pressure Regulation: Maintain optimal water pressure to prevent stress on pipes. Installing a pressure regulator can be helpful, and keep an eye out for signs of high or low water pressure.
Monitor for Leaks: Be vigilant for signs of leaks, such as damp walls or unusual water meter readings. Regular checks under sinks and near appliances are essential. For hidden leaks, professional plumbing services can be beneficial.
Seasonal Maintenance
Winterizing: Protect your pipes from freezing in cold climates by draining outdoor lines and insulating exposed pipes.
Summer Maintenance: Summer is a good time to flush your water heater and check for leaks in hose connections and sprinkler systems. Also, inspect pipes for sun damage or expansion issues.
Professional Maintenance
Regular inspections by licensed plumbers are essential for the early detection of problems and overall maintenance. Consider scheduling annual or bi-annual checkups and consider investing in water softeners or filtration systems to extend the life of your pipes.
Consistent and proactive maintenance is the secret to a reliable plumbing system, especially after repiping. Regular care and monitoring are essential for the longevity of your pipes, ensuring a hassle-free and efficient home plumbing system.
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