#Reed Richards is concerd he may have another kid
rakubalka · 4 months
Danny and the Doom shinanagans
I know we all have seen the dcxdp troupe of Clockwork putting Danny in a universe that would work as a rage room BUT hear me out rather than DC he puts him in marvel and tells him to go full gremlin mode
So he does . Either as Fenton or Phantom or maybe as both he becomes a menace . Probably trou pranks and robing planetariums and whatever there is something that has aliens or stars or space - you get my point
Now what I think would be hilarious is if people think he has to have connection whit Dr Doom . Doesn't matter what connection . Examples of theories people have of those two :
*he can be his clone
*he can be a him from a parallel universe that somehow got here
*his son(that he may or may not know about)
*a test tube baby of him and reed rechards
The probabilities are near endless
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