#Rebecca Costa Brown
phoenixenero · 1 year
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Phoenix’s Parahumans Fanart Set from 2021
Might as well post everything for posterity’s sake.
Edit: bit late but i forgot something
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victoriadallonfan · 3 months
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Cell 22.4
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Sundown 17.y
You can't tell me that Contessa and Alexandria were not an item. They practically copy each other's lines!!!
Contandria lives!!!!!
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elcuervoborracho · 2 years
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a Cauldron comic for @victoriadallonfan
You know I've always wondered, superheroes and villains can do all that grandiose conspiracy stuff, but if they really wanted to help people there'd be easier ways than half the stuff you see in superhero stories. Those don't make for stories now, do they?
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cpericardium · 2 years
Thinking about how Cell only happened because Taylor is so bad at listening.
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Alexandria explicitly said "I can't be drowned" and even provided a visual aid by getting hosed down. But Taylor was just like "whussat? who there? speak directly into my ear trumpet" and immediately tried it anyway.
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mjlol52 · 1 year
if i was alexandria i wouldve simply ate the bugs 🤷
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wbcannibalgf · 3 months
PRT Officials Publish Apology, State That Calling Leviathan 'mid' and 'kind of a letdown after the last one' Was Premature And 'insensitive to the human survival community'.
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Interesting how Alexandria is one of the only fights Taylor takes where she just uses ruthless bug violence. Like most fights have her getting in the opponents head, or coordinating others to take out the enemy, or using a creative trick to turn the tides. But Alexandria? There's no trick. No help. No flourish. Just Taylor choking her childhood hero to death with bugs. I think the simplicity really makes it so much more memorable and epic, the realization that she can just... fucking DO that to people as she delivers a chilling line and shows how much she was holding back by not just killing everyone, idk I love it. It's Taylor alone with only her bugs and her rage, and I think it's the perfect sendoff for the more bug violence focused persona of Skitter.
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joysuscreation · 6 months
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“Meh, I could take her.”
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artbyblastweave · 2 years
Thinkin’ About Alexandria
An important thing to keep in mind about Alexandria, I think, is that she (and the rest of Cauldron’s inner circle) have been sticking like glue to an organizational schema she developed when she was fifteen, using power-assisted cognition but the life-skills, worldview and experience of a fifteen year old; I think this goes a long way towards explaining why her mindset was finding the most efficient way to martially oppose villains instead of, say, finding a way to financially disincentivize villainy through social safety nets. (alternatively, she wanted society to be a thunderdome of sorts to get everyone trained up for gold morning, but that’s got just as many holes that could be explained by being fifteen.)
Her power answered her fear that she’d die without getting to grow and change by arresting all her biological processes and permanently locking her into her late-teens-early-twenties; she has to pretend in order to seem as old as she actually is. Her cognition is completely offloaded to her power; her brain is vulnerable, but it isn’t clear if she’s actually doing any thinking with that thing. Unmovable, unbreakable, clad in fortress imagery, sticking like glue to a specific plan, and a specific value (they’ll be alive, that’s all that matters) derived from her own root fear of death, her preference for mutation over death by cancer, which she projects onto everyone else in the world and uses to justify everything she does to them. Incredible calculative power, incredible resources, incredible martial power, and a fighting style that, to my recollection, consists of hitting the other guy until they stop moving.
So, you know, conclusion number one that I’m drawing from all of this is that Alexandria is Taylor with all the world’s resources at her back and no one to ever tell her no. Conclusion two is that Alexandria is subtly in the same kind of power-induced arrested development as Contessa; she’s got the brains and the brawn to think up and execute bad plans perfectly, she faces no criticism or scrutiny, she (usually) faces no consequences. She’s not “stand-on-a-beach-for-three-days-in-a-stupor” levels of brainscorched by her power but there’s a real degree to which I read the training wheels as never having come off with her. I get a vibe of R/Iamverysmart permeating Cauldron’s set-up and self-assuredness, and this is part of why.
Conclusion three (the big obvious one) is that she’s a metaphor for institutional inertia. When she dies and the Protectorate uses her as a scapegoat for everything that’s wrong with them it’s very obviously self-serving but it’s also not, like. Incorrect. She’s a synecdoche for everything wrong with the system. Rigid, inflexible, callous, arguably necessary but nearly impossible to remove or change or challenge.
And then she gets replaced by a guy whose whole schtick is that he can mix and match the best properties of wildly different component elements on the fly to create the best possible response to any problem.
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The Greatest Heroes On Earth:
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Hope they dont commit any heinous crime against humanity for the greater good or smthng!!
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thepariahcontinuum · 2 years
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Alexandria from Worm/Parahumans.
Tarn from Transformers.
Tyrian Callows from RWBY.
.....Sweet fuck it would be poisonous, you've got what is probably the best version of the "Evil Superman" archetype, a self righteous fanatic commandant turned Gestapo/inquisition with an addictive personality and a case of hero worship and an unhinged lunatic who is basically Jared Leto's fursona given the ability to say "Fuck your defences" and a need to worship someone.
Basically it would be a competition between Tyrian and Tarn to see who could prove themselves to be the most loyal and efficient follower of Cauldrons' plan by eliminating everything in the way in the most heinously over the top way possible.
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therealtsk · 2 years
Character bingo for Alexandria/RCB
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the definition of a girlboss. alexandria did nothing wrong, ever, and we didn't appreciate her enough if you disagree please DNI <3 okay memes aside, Alexandria is such a fascinating character- her interlude is one of the few in worm that really stuck out to me, watching her change from idealistic to cynic felt like I was watching Taylor's own arc in fast-motion but on a much broader scale from the other side of the hero-villian spectrum, and it was such a cool way of setting up a paralell between characters. And the self-loathing eminent in her character is just amazing, it humanizes her in a way that sometimes even our main character fails to do- I desperately wish we got a version of worm where she didn't die like an idiot because i wanted to see more of her
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victoriadallonfan · 6 months
Bout to take a nap, hit with the sudden realization that, since Byron is immune to choking due to his power, he is technically superior to Alexandria
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elcuervoborracho · 2 years
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Genderbent Triumvirate because why not? Something inspired by a request on Patreon. After I came up with this I realized Eidolon could've had a genie theme (you know, three powers, three wishes) and then I kinda wanted to draw the rest of 'em. Legend's name change was kind of hard ngl
Not gonna lie, for Alexandria I was either going to draw Watchmen's Ozymandias, or Batman, but I felt like trying something of my own.
Maybe I'll draw genderbent Hero next, who knows.
You can tell me what you want me to draw on my: PATREON
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cpericardium · 7 months
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heyitschartic · 1 year
If I was Rebecca Costa-Brown, I'd be in the gym every single day lifting with the other members of the PRT. Shouting light weight as I do a 650 squat and pretending I'm all exhausted after. Every time some guy is bragging about how much he lifts, doubling it and busting out a set on the spot. Scaring the shit out of every single guy in there that their boss is a fucking beast. I get found out as Alexandria but everyone is just too scared to say anything.
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