#Ragnar Reeve
godzillasfav · 6 months
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I’m back from the dead
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(Warning:abuse mention,war survivors)
-Mandalorian survivors often are shuddered from loud noises due to assosiation with bombs of Night of the Thousand tears
-Once Axe and Koska stole AT-AT from Imperials. They agree to never mention it.
-Axe adopted Ragnar,but Ragnar as a teenager is a nightmare. He often got arrested and Axe is shocked. Bo got only one explanation:"Vizslas"
-Bo-Katan loves holodramas. Everyone are confused by this fact,but she needs something to relax after battles
-Bo-Katan also has great tea colection
-Din is kaf-addicted. It was forbidden for him to drink kaf in old covert due to his ward being afraid for Din's health,but Din find way to drink it unnoticed anyway(His ward regretted introducing it to Din in the firts place
-Ragnar always runs to Axe and hugs him after he returns home after missions. He will never say it outloud,but he is afraid that Axe one day won't return from mission like his dad
-Jedi and Mandalorians after The Empire era? Besties! Ahsoka needs our help fighting Thrawn? Got it. Mandalorians need help with rebuilding and protection of Mandalore? Sure,let me just phone Ezra. There is a new Jedi called Rey that has just beat Emperor's ass? We need to meet her!
-Sabine left Imperial accademy with style. She destroyed The Dutchess plans,blew up The Dutchess prototype and got a pretty decent fireworks,which causwd a lot of mess,since that was first "attack" on academy. After that newcomers heard rumours from older students about Sabine and her "show". Most of stories were exaggerations,but they got main idea.
-Bo-Katan is perfectionist.It came from Pre Vizsla,who punished her for every mistake.
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kalevalakryze · 10 months
I think I’m so funny
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Posting my Day 2 work to AO3 early bc I am old and I’m gonna wanna go to bed when I get home from work, instead of staying up to cross post and link
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movietimegirl · 1 year
One of the reasons Bo has not left the Children of the Watch is that she feels a sense of belonging. The second Bo lost the Dark Saber to Din, every Mandalorian that was on her side left her. I'm going to assume Koska Reeves and Axe Woves left her well. When the Armorer welcomes her into the Watch, the Mandos greeted her. Now, I am curious if her opinions have changed or not.
Looking forward to seeing Bo's Journey in S3, she's growing on me a bit.
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wisefoxluminary · 1 year
Introducing the Mandalorian 99
Ragnarr is showing Grogu around the covert, getting him settled in to the watch.
Ragnarr: Well Axe, Kosha and Peli, they're pretty much worthless but they make good coffee.
Grogu: Copy that.
Ragnarr: Not the good ones.
Ragnarr takes Grogu into the forge where The Armourer resides.
Ragnarr: The Armourer, tough, smart, hard to read and really scary.
The Armourer is at the forge, making beskar pauldrons for the foundlings. She is having trouble making their helmets as she swings her hammer down on the muddled armour, trying so desperately to fix them.
The Armourer confronts Axe Wolves in the caves of Mandalore.
The Armourer: Tell me who has me for Secret Santa!
Axe: Oh, that takes all the fun out of it!
Axe: It's Kosha. She got you a scarf. I'll make her return it.
The Armourer: Yes, you will...
Ragnarr: Paz Viszla. He's a grinder, not the most brilliant Mandalorian but he works harder than anyone else. He's not physically gifted.
Paz Viszla is making his way through the forge when he drops a muffin.
Paz: Oh man, my muffin!
He goes to grab it but he bumps his concealed head on a rock.
Paz: Ow!! My head, my muffin, oh my head and I stepped on my muffin, on my head, on my muffin.
Ragnarr: Bo Katan Kryze. She's got seven sisters so she's always trying to prove she's tough.
Bo Katan Kryze is pouring hot sauce onto her sandwich. Kosha Reeves takes notice.
Kosha: Careful, that stuff's pretty hot.
Bo: Oh is it?
She pours it onto her sandwich and takes a bite. The sauce burns down her gloved fingers. She begins to taste the spice in her mouth, it's revolting to eat. She begins to puke it out.
Ragnarr: She and Din have this big bet going on over who captures more bounties this year. Ever since the bet, their numbers have gone way up.
Grogu: Wait up, tell me about Djarin?
Din Djarin is sitting amongst the covert, fiddling with his blasters. He was mockingly trying to fire them.
Ragnarr: Din Djarin is the best Mandalorian. He likes putting away bad guys and he loves solving puzzles. The only puzzle he hasn't solved is how to grow up.
Grogu: That was very well put.
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darlin-djarin · 1 year
so din becomes a cop at the end 😐 he starts working for the new republic. he… truly would NOT do that but. the writers did that. they made him a fucking cop.
honestly if people genuinely enjoyed the season, i’m happy for them. i’m not going to shame someone for enjoying something, but i wish there was a safe place to properly express my frustration at it without people coming out to defend the horrible writing and characterization. like god forbid that i ACTUALLY have opinions… damn.
making din a landowning cop was just so wrong. like i’m glad he got to settle down with grogu and thank god there’s no dinbo- but the finale felt so. sad. like it just wasn’t as amazing as it could’ve been. sure there were cool moments, but how the writers progressed the plot was anticlimactic and it was just so disappointing. i had so many high hopes for this season and the writers went fuck all and decided to make this season just as marketable as possible. istg we’re gonna start seeing ig-12 and grogu toys with stupid “yes” and “no” buttons. that’s DISGUSTING. and then they brought back ig-11 in the finale. like was his sacrifice NOTHING to you? was his death not enough for you guys to respect him? just because he’s a droid does not mean you can just fuck around with his corpse and bring him back. it’s always “respect the dead” until it’s a droid. blah blah “droids aren’t real people” it’s still borderline if not outright racism.
moff dying was sad. he kinda just stood there as fire exploded around him. i think there could’ve been better ways for him to go. the way he died in the finale left a LOT of opportunities for him to come back (like anakin after mustafar). him crushing the darksaber was also anticlimactic. it happened in half a second. as much as i’m glad the saber is gone, i think we could’ve explored SO much more with it’s lore and it’s force sensitivity or we could’ve seen it used better in action before it had to go.
also what the fuck was that “i’m going to deal with them myself” and then he WAITS and doesn’t appear until AFTER din destroys all his clones and fucks everything up. WHAT WAS HE DOING?? was he just standing there behind the door practicing his big villain monologue? that was stupid.
good for the armorer and bo-katan for their forge ceremony, that was really nice :) also koska fighting was super badass i actually loved the choreography. axe woves my MAN you were cool.
what i didn’t understand was what the hell happened to the sickly people that the armorer brought back up to the fleet. did they just. forget? what happened to them?
there was a scene with plant life growing on mandalore after the purge and it was fucking awful. it was supposed to be all “hopeful” and “meaningful” and they said “they just needed room to grow :)” like BITCH was satine NOTHING TO YOU? you don’t even have to like satine to know that it was utter bullshit and that satine would’ve JUMPED at the opportunity to help grow gardens of indigenous plant life. not just that- but the whole season REFUSED to bring up satine’s name at all. like NOTHING. truly NOTHING. just to erase bo-katan’s horrible past and to make her seemingly all innocent and the one who was being manipulated the whole time. i LOVED bo-katan in the clone wars because she was a horrible person. it made her INTERESTING. but this season just erased that to make her “honorable” and deserving to rule. good for her i guess 😐.
was paz’s death NOTHING to you as well? not even a fucking mention- not even a “your father would’ve been proud” to ragnar. did they never retrieve the body since the base blew up? and also din beating those red dudes with grogu in comparison to paz fighting by himself was so frustrating. paz deserved better.
the whole fandom is being so fucking annoying over “din grogu ahhhhh!!!!” like just CALM down and LISTEN. there are MANY naming conventions in the world. in my culture, incorporating your fathers name into your name is COMMON and completely normal. din’s first name is probably still din, not djarin. it’s not that deep, it’s probably just how their culture refers to clan/apprentices etc. for the love of god it’s not that deep. think outside of your own way of life for a moment. it’s fucking star wars.
i have so many opinions about this season and it’s hard to just put it all out at once. i truly TRULY don’t want to be a hater, but i just can’t help but express my frustration at the writing. i’m glad that SOME people enjoyed it, but i definitely didn’t.
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dankfarrikdrabbles · 1 year
The season might be over...
...but the stories never end! Season 3 of The Mandalorian closed with its last chapter a few days ago, what did you all think? What adventures will Din and Din Grogu take part in? Will they return to Mandalore soon? Visit old friends first? Stay in their new home on Nevarro for a while? To make the wait until Season 4 (or potentially Ahsoka in August?) easier, share your ideas with all of us and write a drabble!
Quick Rules: 5 lines written in 5 minutes in a story format. Or, if you’re an artist, a sketch done in 25 minutes or less. Assign yourself a topic by a random roll then share your results!  https://g.co/kgs/WzFPxe Set min to 0 and max to 99. Make a new post and tag @dankfarrikdrabbles to be reblogged! For full rules click here.
Week 56
1. Mattress
2. New weapon
3. Pond
4. Pog soup
5. Space IKEA
6. Comlink
7. Marketplace
8. Night sky
9. Game
0. Free Choice
1. Studious
2. Festive
3. Relaxed
4. Cozy
5. Rested
6. Laziness
7. Curious
8. Bored
9. Pride
0. Free Choice
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jono723 · 4 months
Children of Mandalore
I have not died on this fic. I swear, it just took a while to finish to find the direction I generally wanna go. Don't worry it's still your choice but I get to play game master XD
Bo's admiration
Winner: Bo brings both of them to stop the fight
Bo-Katan puts on her helmet. “Let’s go end the children's quarrel,” Bo says as she heads to the entrance, both Koska and the Armorer following behind her, chuckling at Bo’s words. They break off into a sprint.
“Hopefully, these children haven’t destroyed anything.” The armorer quips back while running, “Maybe their jaws and fragile pride.” Koska jest, making the three women laugh.
When they arrive at the campfire, they see two Mandalorians fighting, both clad in blue armor. Bo observed the crowd's reaction, some watching silently, some wanting to join in with people trying to stop them, while the rest were cheering the two fighters.
“Sto-” Bo was cut off as the two fighters jetpacked into a wall of one of the buildings. “Alright, that's it. Stop all of you!” Bo shouts, drowning out one of the Mandalorians, complaining that their house just got destroyed. 
Everyone stops and snaps to attention except the two clashing Mandalorians. Bo motions Koska to restrain one of them with her grapple while Bo restrains the other. 
Both shot the fighting Mandalorians, restraining them before they could trade blows again. The two Mandalorians can be seen sporting bruises and cuts on their faces due to their fighting without their helmets. “Now, do both of you want to explain to me what started this? That you had to start acting like children interrupting everyone's dinner and destroying someone's house?” Bo asked in a cold voice as she removed her helmet. 
The two Mandalorians look around, looking at what their fight had done. A few plates of food were spilled on the floor while a few chairs and tables were broken, and behind that lay a pile of rubble and a massive hole in the wall.
Axe, being a brave fool, decided to break the silence. “I had to defend Ragnar from his words that insult his father's sacrifice for our people that sent the child running,” looking up at Bo-Katan with determination in his eyes. 
Bo then looks at the other Mandalorian, another niteowl. “What did you say to the boy?” Bo asks as she stares at the man. “ I was joking about how he was a Vizsla, yet he couldn’t even get off the ground properly without screaming like a princess and how he’s a disappointment,” the other niteowl said, looking down at the ground.
“YOU SAID THAT TO A CHILD!!” Bo shouts, narrowing her eyes at the man. “Where did he go?” The Armorer asks, cutting in. The people around pointed in the direction the child ran to, and she sprinted off. 
“Are you a child? Do you not know respect? You should know better than to say that about a child who has just started training, especially when he’s in the same vicinity and when his father sacrificed his life for our cause,” Bo spits with venom. 
“You two are to return home and tend to your wounds, and you are to report to my office in the morning to receive your punishments for this mess, and you are to apologize to Ragnar tomorrow, and I hope you prepare for what I have in store for you,” Bo ordered as she and Koska released the two, who hurriedly gathered their helmets and returned to their respective homes.
“I’ll send you a list of heavy labor projects that we need to do by midnight,” Koska says as she walks towards Bo. “Thank you. Can I leave the cleanup to you? I want to check on Ragnar.” Bo asks, pointing to the area. “Of course, this is easy. The boy would need you more.” Koska replies with a nod. Bo runs in the direction the Armorer goes with her helmet in hand.
Bo finds the armorer and Ragnar near the ravine of the Empire remnant base. The two didn't notice her walking closer. She can see Ragnar shaking while hugging the Armorer. 
"Why can't I just do the stupid drill properly?" Ragnar sobs under his helmet. “In due time, you will learn it like we all did at your age. The fruits of your effort will show that you will be a better fighter than me and your father.” The Armorer explains, rubbing Ragnar’s back. "Why did he have to go!?" Ragnar screams in anguish.
This is an interactive fic, so as always, choose wisely. This will affect the story.
It's time to vote!!
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turkwriter · 1 year
Ragnar Vizsla loses his father. Axe Woves acquires an apprentice.
Neither of them wanted this.
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wackyart · 1 year
"Drifting through Sundari's Heart", An Armoves & Dinbo Fic First Chapter available !
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( Me on my way to make an AU for my fav ships with my comfort movies) First chapter available here on AO3, comments still restricted and not possible for those without an AO3 account so sorry about that (nitearmors found a way earlier this week to be nasty on my dinbo so I'm not taking any more chances) ! Anyway, happy drifting/reading and see you on the other side !👀 I'm still busy as hell but I'll try to catch up peeps !
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theydjarin · 1 year
things i've loved this season
Din being turned into a rotisserie
"live mythosaur reaction"
pog soup
Grogu going zoom in the mines of mandalore
Grogu doing sick flips and shit
Din Djarin toss Grogu like football
Bo-katan in her #girldepression era
Grogu trying to say "this is the way"
Peli motto!
Peli asking if Din wants to date Boba (that's what I heard anyway don't @ Me)
Grogu being knighted. So dumb but he was having a BLAST
Grogu IMMEDIATELY abandoning Din when Lizzo offered him a snack. same.
Ragnar Viszla being a little pissboy. his hug with Paz was cute too
Din "my son can beat up your son" Djarin
Bo-katan and Din as noir detectives
Bo-katan giving Grogu a pep talk
And similarly Bo-katan having full conversations with Grogu shdfshd girl he can't talk
Bo-katan and the Armorer having better chemistry than bo and din
Din trying to talk about the things happening in his life but nobody being interested 😭
Those cool glowing ice cream snacks
Koska Reeves moment, return of my queen
his little blanket, red like Din's robes 🥺
Kelleran Beq
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kalevalakryze · 10 months
Under Fire
For Bo-Katan Week Day Two: Prompt Wedding/Marriage Pairing: Bo-Katan Kryze/The Armorer Characters: Bo-Katan Kryze, The Armorer, Din Djarin, Axe Woves, Koska Reeves, Ragnar Vizsla , Din Grogu Warnings: canon typical violence, author trying to be funny, and probably failing. Summary: Blaster fire rained heavy on the ground around the small squad of Mandalorians, dirt, sand, and other debris tossed into the air with each shot around their stomping boots. A gloved hand shot out to grab Bo-Katan by the leather strap of her holster, tugging her under cover just in time for a burning red bolt of plasma to whizz through the air where she’d been only moments before. Bo dug her boots into the ground to change momentum, settling her elbows into the durasteel that The Armorer had pulled her behind. Yellow bolts fired from her Westar’s found homes in stormtrooper plastoid. The next one to pull her from an inevitable headshot had been Koska, who’d caught the E-11’s glint as the shot charged. “Hey!” Bo called to her golden helmeted companion as she reached for the blaster of a fallen stormtrooper. The sturm dowels were removed from their power packs, before she was launching them into the offensive firing line. Explosions reflected in The Armorer’s visor as she turned her attention to the Mandalore. “You remember what we talked about, a few weeks ago?” A blaster whizzed past, she felt it graze the side of her helmet and sear the paint. Shaking her head, Bo fired back. “I’m ready, I want to say the vows, with you, if you’ll have me!” 
AO3 Link: here
“There’s an Imperial base that’s in operation in the remains of Concordia,” Axe informed the leaders as he and his apprentice, Ragnar Vizsla, entered the war room. Koska followed behind the pair, helmet tucked under her arm, her brows pulled in a contemplative expression.
“Scans have proved the existence of the Beskar alloy they’d been using to make the super commando armor, and heat signatures prove that the old factories are back in working order,” Koska added in as she set her helmet on the war room console.
The Mand’alor frowned as she pulled the star map up. They’d only recently managed to get the proper equipment in the atmosphere to keep an eye on the healing Mandalore sector, the storms slowing down after they’d bartered trade with the New Republic to fix the environment. They were even on track to restarting the old Mando-Motors buildings, and started to get details in the books to renew ship manufacturing, so having Imperials on Concordia when they could be using the planets resources for materials instead of bartering, just wouldn’t work for her.
“Ragnar, what do you think we should do?” She questioned the young apprentice, lips quirking as he tensed from the spotlight. He was meant to be learning strategy by now anyways, and his inexperience could prove useful in dealing with the troopers.
“Well, Lady Kryze, we could take a small squad for a scouting operation, and decide from there how to continue depending on what we see? Our scanners could still be faulty with the storms,” His hand traced the chin of his helmet in thought, though Bo-Katan was nodding her head.
“That’s a good plan, Ragnar. Does anyone oppose?” Bo-Katan looked around the room, nodding her head at the shakes of everyones head. “Perfect, Din, Grogu, could you two run interference and surveillance from the Gauntlet while we hit the ground?” She turned to the Clan of Two, where Din was pointing out different locations on the map.
“It will be done, Lady Kryze,” He affirmed, his hand resting on Grogu’s head, where a miniature helmet covered the brunt of his head, though there was no visor, and his ears were also uncovered, the beskar would protect from anything fall, something she was glad to see the Jetti apprentice wearing.
“Alright, if you’re in this room, congratulations, you’ve all been drafted for recon, load up,” She patted her hand on the table, a smile pulling at her lips at Axe’s laugh as the man threw his arm around his apprentice and led him to the newly reconstructed hangars. Bo-Katan and The Armorer were the last to file out of the war room, mostly so the Mand’alor could press a soft kiss to the hard gold metal of the woman’s helm.
Letting Din and Grogu pilot, Bo-Katan, The Armorer, Axe, and Ragnar loaded into the drop transport, while Koska stuck in the cockpit to run the scans. The ship rocked and rumbled as they breached the storms in the atmosphere, when they broke the edge, The Armorer’s hand reached to settle on Bo’s waist, under the impression of helping her stay steady, since the Mand’alor refused to strap into one of the seats.
“We’re breaching atmo, there’s activity on the surface,” Din called over comms, the ship rattling as he pulled it harshly to avoid hostile scanners. “I’ll drop you as close as I can, and then we’ll sit until you call,” The floor of the gauntlet started to shift, until Bo was leading the drop, the others unstrapping and freefalling after her.
They couldn’t activate their thrusters until they were closer to the ground, which meant it would be close, especially since Ragnar didn’t have nearly the same amount of skill as the others. The comms were silent as the air rushed around her, her head turning just enough to catch the gold and blue of her squad. In the last few feet they had to spare, five sets of thrusters engaged in tandem. When her feet touched the dirt, her rangefinder dropped to scan their immediate surroundings, watching for some indication that they’ve been seen.
“It has been some time since I have been here,” The Armorer spoke with a hint of nostalgia, though Bo and her Niteowls all nodded their head in agreement. They’d all been a part of Death Watch, had hidden themselves from New Mandalorian rule under Pre Vizsla’s order, and had terrorized their people under his command, until they’d had no choice but to flee.
“It has been some time,” Bo agreed her head as she started towards the closest facility, where she last knew the most secure facility to have been. “The manufacturing centers were all forced to shut down, or to transition into making ship pieces for Mando-motors, though while Concordia was under the rule of Pre Vizsla, Death Watch managed to restart the production of Beskar alloys, and make produce enough armor to renew each set that had been given up by families who’d bent to the New Mandalorian’s pacifistic ways,” The redhead explained quietly as they walked, keeping her head on a swivel as they moved.
Koska nodded her head with her gauntlet held in front of her face. “Though, the mass production was nothing compared to what the old armorer’s were doing, before the new laws.” The Armorer listened to them speak as she marched on beside Ragnar and Axe. She hadn’t seen life inside Death Watch, as her clan had derived from those who managed to break away, she’d only been subjected to the consequences of their actions, and then the consequences of The Niteowls actions in turn.
“We’ve got movement ahead,” Ragnar called, pointing towards an observation balcony built into the side of the facility. The trooper was turned around, so the team had enough time to move in and press themselves close to the exterior walls. “We can’t drop him, yet, I don’t want them knowing we’re here until it’s too late,” She signed using dadita to keep their cover.  
Nods of affirmation came from the four others in the squad. They waited in anticipation for several minutes, until the sounds of a door sliding open and the retreating of footsteps met their ears. Bo-Katan shot a line from her gauntlet that wrapped around the railing, pulling herself up quietly the balcony. No cameras met her eye when she landed, so she gestured to the others to follow.
The moment they got the doors open, Koska and Axe pushed forward to breach the interior, leaving Bo to cover the rear as they picked their way through old halls. The two Niteowls in lead had more experience than Bo-Katan in any of the production facilities, since her spot as Pre’s lieutenant had kept her away from the ‘grunt work’ of the job.
The resistance in the base was minimal, so Axe brought Ragnar to the front of the squad so he could work on his silent takedowns. The team managed to get all the way to the control rooms and place the charges before they’d ran into their first major issue. The guard rotations had been completed, and a janitor had stumbled upon a plastoid armored corpse in a closet.
Klaxons blared as an Imperial called orders over the ringing. Soon enough, the halls were filled with the sounds of shouting and blaster fire as the squad of Mandalorians made their way back to the exit. “Din, we’re going to need a fast pickup!” Bo called into the comms, only getting static in response. “We’re jammed, push outside and we’ll try again,”
A thermal detonator was chucked into the fray, though Bo couldn’t tell who’d thrown it. Before she could react, a bezoar hammer was smashing into the side of the explosive, sending it barreling into the squad of troopers keeping them from the exit.
Leaping past the prone bodies of stormtroopers, Bo-Katan was the first into the dim sunlight, her shield ejecting and raising in perfect timing to deflect a blaster bolt that would have destroyed her visor.
Clearing a path, The Mand’alor managed to secure room for the entire squad to take cover behind as more troopers rallied both in front and behind them. “Axe! Ragnar! Koska! Keep our shebs clear!” Bo commanded as she started firing into the troopers in front. The Armorer pressed ahead to the riot line with her hammer and tongs, leaving Bo-Katan to pick off anyone who tried to snag her while she was occupied in melee combat.
The thrusters of a jetpack sounded as another rifle joined their cause. “Where’s Grogu?” She called as Din landed beside her, his whistling birds striking home in three trooper’s chests.
“Piloting!” The mandalorian returned, his rifle mounted on the Imperial barricade wall by the entrance, yellow plasma ejecting from his rifle to take down the growing numbers.
It was truly only mildly concerning that Grogu was piloting, but she trusted Din enough to not leave any of them in bad hands.
“Heavy turret!” Bo called, her gauntlet’s cable shooting out to wind around The Armorer’s waist and drag her back before the blaster fire could open on her position. “Cover me!”
Without waiting for a reply, Bo-Katan’s thrusters engaged to send her into the air. In one fluid motion, the Mand’alor was dropping from the sky, allowing gravity to control her speed and the troopers body to cushion her fall. The trooper on the turret caved under the weight of her boots, with the feeling of bones cracking as she pushed herself off of him a relief in her mind that he would not be getting up.
Her shield engaged, while she pressed into melee combat to free up enough room around the turret. When she made the room, Bo-Katan smacked an ion grenade against the barrel, before springing back off in the direction of relative safety.
Blaster fire rained heavy on the ground around the small squad of Mandalorians, dirt, sand, and other debris tossed into the air with each shot around their stomping boots. A gloved hand shot out to grab Bo-Katan by the leather strap of her holster, tugging her under cover just in time for a burning red bolt of plasma to whizz through the air where she’d been only moments before. Bo dug her boots into the ground to change momentum, settling her elbows into the durasteel that The Armorer had pulled her behind.
Yellow bolts fired from her Westar’s found homes in stormtrooper plastoid. The next one to pull her from an inevitable headshot had been Koska, who’d caught the E-11’s glint as the shot charged.
“Hey!” Bo called to her golden helmeted companion as she reached for the blaster of a fallen stormtrooper. The sturm dowels were removed from their power packs, before she was launching them into the offensive firing line. Explosions reflected in The Armorer’s visor as she turned her attention to the Mandalore. “You remember what we talked about, a few weeks ago?”
A blaster whizzed past which she felt graze the side of her helmet and sear the paint. Shaking her head, Bo fired back into the enemy line. “I’m ready, I want to say the vows, with you, if you’ll have me!”
Din’s head snapped to the two warriors, though he remained silent as he covered where The Armorer’s defense faltered. “Would everyone bear witness?” She questioned to the closing squad.
“This is the way,” Echoed from the two children of the watch, while Koska and Axe took three seconds to slide credits into waiting gloves, before they called their approvals over the blaster fire.
“Keep us covered!” Bo-Katan tugged The Armorer so their heads were covered by the barricades. It was far from rare for Mandalorians to say the vows on the battlefield, all they truly needed to do was recite the vows with a witness present, and then trade a piece of armor (or, on the off chance one of them did not make it, the armor would be given before the last rites and the songs were sung before the pyre.
Bo took The Armorer’s hands in her own, lasers like fireworks overhead as the two took cover between their friends. ”Mhi solus tome, mhi solus dar'tome, mhi me'dinui an, mhi ba'juri verde” They spoke together, The Armorer shifting so her helmet rested against Bo-Katan’s in a keldabe kiss. Truly, it was what the redhead had always imagined the situation would be like for her, though she had never really considered there would ever be somebody on the other end.
“Ibic haar Yust.” Sounded from those who bore witness, and the Mand’alor gave herself a moment to breathe, before she and The Armorer were rising as one.
The pair moved past their defenses in tandem, Bo-Katan nearly pressed against The Armorer’s back, firing over her shoulder as her newly appointed Riduur bashed her tools into troopers, cracking plastoid, flesh, and bone as they went.
The gauntlet soared overhead, turrets raining blaster fire down to help clear the path, as the rest of the squad filed in close order, covering their leaders backs as they found their opening.
Grogu was an exceptional pilot, they learned. When they piled onto the gauntlet, the apprentice was at the controls, using the Force to man the turrets and his hands wrapped around the throttle, standing on the console to be able to reach. Din slid into the seat to get them in the air, as Axe and Koska jumped onto the turret controls, allowing the Jetti turned Mando to fall into his fathers arms, clearly spent from using his abilities.
Bo-Katan pulled her helmet off the moment the ramp was raised and they were shooting back into atmo. “Ragnar, blow it,” Came the order, which the teenager was more than happy to comply with. The explosions from the factories control rooms shook even their ship as they started to breach from the moon’s gravitational pull.
“We can send squads to ensure there are no survivors, and set up our own base of operations in whatever remains, to search out any other factories they may have gotten running,” The Armorer decided, looking to Bo for approval.
“I’ll put out a call to volunteers as soon as we land, Axe, Ragnar, would you two take lead on the operation?”
“Of course, Lady Kryze,” Axe nodded his head as he turned from the console. There were no TIE fighters swarming their position yet, promising that if the hit wasn’t a total wipe, it was still substantial enough to put them on their ass.
“So,” Koska started as she pulled her own helmet away, leaning back in her seat as she looked between Bo and The Armorer. “Bo, you owe me fifty creds for not waiting until next month,”
Axe laughed openly from his seat where he was cleaning his blaster, and Bo snorted. “Seriously? You two made bets?”
“Speaking of,” Din turned in the pilots seat once the autopilot engaged, causing Koska to groan and pass over more credits.
“Really, Din?” Bo shook her head in mock disappointment, though her expression changed to shock as Din handed the credits to Grogu. “My favorite green nephew, seriously?”
“Patu,” Grogu babbled with a crooked smile, his ears laying flat as he stuffed the credits in his pouch.
Shaking her head, Bo-Katan dropped herself into an open seat beside The Armorer, letting herself lean into the warmth of the woman behind her, instead of against the backrest. “I see how it is,”
“Do we still get to come to the wedding?” Koska asked, causing Bo to roll her eyes as the younger niteowl plastered a shit-eating grin onto her face
“You were literally just there,”
“You two still need to exchange armor,” Axe pointed out, kicking his feet up on the console, “Then it’ll be official, then she really will be walking the way of the Mand’alor,”
“Why are you two like this?” Bo questioned, though she knew she would receive no response. Instead, she turned towards The Armorer. “Have you thought about what piece you’d like to exchange?” Typically, a gauntlet or a pauldron would be traded off, though Bo-Katan’s full armor varied greatly from The Armorer’s helmet and chest plate.
The golden helmeted warrior paused in thought, before reaching to her own armor. “I give you my heart, Lady Kryze,” She spoke softly as she pulled the kar’ta from her armor. Even with the Riduurok taken, the woman still waited for Bo-Katan’s permission before removing the Mand’alor’s own Iron Heart.
Bo-Katan’s hand closed around The Armorer’s once both their hearts rested in her palms. “I readily give my own,” She confirmed, squeezing the hands in her own. The Armorer slid the red heart into the open space in her chest, as Bo-Katan did the same with her own against The Armorer’s chest. They weren’t perfect fits, but Bo-Katan had the perk of being with the tribes best blacksmith to perfect the fit.
Translations Jetti - Jedi dadita - Mandalorian morse code shebs - ass/rear Mhi solus tome, mhi solus dar'tome, mhi me'dinui an, mhi ba'juri verde - We are one when together, we are one when parted, we will share all, we will raise warriors. Ibic haar yust - this is the way Riduur - spouse kar'ta - iron heart Riduurok - vows
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movietimegirl · 1 year
Just got finished rewatching Mando S3 with the fam. Definitely better when rewatching the 2nd time. There was even stuff I missed on my first watch.
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wisefoxluminary · 1 year
After watching Fast X, I am now desperately craving a Fast and Furious AU with Dinbo (Din as Torretto and Bo as Letty/Brian.) I just want to see the Mandalorian characters as family you know. Give me this power couple defying gravity and driving cars. Please can someone write this. It'll make my entire year.
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elisemscott1122 · 9 months
List of Different Types of Mandalorian Helmets&Armor and Facts:
* All Mandalorian Armor was made of Beskar, steel that cannot be harmed by blaster bolts or cut by lightsabers
* Some Mandalorians wore capes with their armor (Boba Fett and Pre Viszla)
* Some helmets had rangefinders attached (Boba Fett and Sabine Wren).
* Some Mandalorians had jetpacks, including Din Djarin and Boba Fett
* Weapons can also include Vanbraces (Such as Fenn Rau gives to Sabine Wren in Rebels)
* A specific weapon to note is Whistling Birds, given to Mando by the Armorer
* Another weapon to note is the Beskar Spear from the Mandalorian.
* The Darksaber goes without stating as THE weapon of Mandalorian culture.
* Mandalorian Hunter
* Classic Mandalorian Helmet Style (T-Visor)
- Boba Fett
- Din Djarin (the Mandalorian)
- Jango Fett
* Death Watch Mandalorian (Clone Wars Era)
* Mandalorian Stalker
* Mandalorian Crusaders
* Neo Crusaders
- organic, jagged form armor
* Mandalorian Executioner
* Mandalorian Elite
* Power tech Mandalorian
* Protectors of Concord Dawn
- Fenn Rau
* Children of the Watch (Death Watch)
- Din Djarin (the Mandalorian)
- The Armorer
- Paz Vizsla
- Ragnar
- Din Grogu
* Imperial Supercommandos
- not made of Beskar due to the weapon known as the “Duchess” created by Sabine Wren, which targets the Beskar armor
- White armor
* Nite Owl Style helmet:
- Bo-Katan Kryze
- Koska Reeves
- Axe Woves
- Sabine Wren (hand me down)
* Nite Owls:
- Bo-Katan Kryze
- Koska Reeves
- Axe Woves
- Ursa Wren
* Pilot Mandalorian
* Assassin Mandalorian
* Modern Mandalorian
* Heavy Infantry Mandalorian:
- Paz Vizsla
* Mandalorian Shock Trooper
* New Mandalorian Guard
- Clone Wars era, under Satine Kryze
* Mandalorian Royal Guard
- Clone Wars Era, serve Satine Kryze
* Custom helmet designs:
- Pre Viszla
- The Armorer
- Fenn Rau
- Moff Gideon
* Imperial allegiances:
- Saxon Clan including Gar and Tiber Saxon
- Moff Gideon wore Mandalorian armor but wasn’t Mandalorian
Attributes of Mandalorian Armor used in other types of armor include:
- Clone Armor
- Imperial Stormtrooper Armor
- First Order Trooper Armor
- The Emperors Royal Guard Armor
- ARC Trooper Armor
- Praetorian Guard Armor
Mandalorians that wore Kama’s:
- Goran Beviin
- Fi Skirata
- Isabet Reau
Clone Troopers also wore Kama’s sometimes, including Captain Rex.
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Let the Right One In (Tomas Alfredson, 2008)
Cast: Kåre Hedebrant, Lina Leandersson, Per Ragnar, Henrik Dahl, Karin Bergquist, Peter Carlberg, Ika Nord, Mikael Rahm, Karl-Robert Lindgren. Screenplay: John Ajvide Lindqvist, based on his novel. Cinematography: Hoyte Van Hoytema. Production design: Eva Norén. Film editing: Tomas Alfredson, Dino Jonsäter. Music: Johan Söderqvist. 
For those blog-readers getting ready to outfit little Jake or Jenny with plastic fangs and felt cape, let me remind you that the vampire legend, with its penetration and exchange of fluids, is always and invariably about sex, or the fear of it. Even when the vampire is 12 years old. Or maybe especially when the vampire is a 12-year-old girl who moves in next door to a 12-year-old boy on the cusp of adolescence. Of course, as a vampire, Eli (Lina Leandersson) is going to be 12 years old forever, and she tells Oskar (Kåre Hedebrant) that she's not a girl, raising a note of ambiguity: Does she mean that she's not a girl but a vampire, or that she's transgender or even neuter? (There's a flash of nudity which suggests that she has undergone some sort of genital trauma.) No matter, for the film is really about the relationship that develops between a boy who is being tormented by bullies and a vampire/girl with the power to put an end to his tormentors. Let the Right One In is such a richly textured film that it transcends its horror-film elements, its bloodlettings and its suspense-engendering narrative. A good deal of the screenplay is devoted to giving the secondary characters lives (and deaths) of their own, including Oskar's estranged parents and the man who lives with, and serves, Eli. Even incidental details, such as Eli's odd possessions, and the ending, Oskar on a train, Eli apparently in a box beside him, are tantalizing. No surprise that the film was remade in the United States as Let Me In (Matt Reeves, 2010) and became the basis for a TV series in 2022.
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